1-08s ICS2O - Viruses and Spam Worksheet SOLUTIONS

ICS2O Grade 10 Introduction to Computer Studies
Worksheet - SOLUTIONS
Viruses and Spam
Answer the following questions:
1. When did computer viruses start to show up on personal computers?
In the mid-­‐1980s two brothers in Pakistan discovered that people were pirating their software. They responded by writing the first computer virus, a program that would put a copy of itself and a copyright message on any floppy disk copies their customers made.
2. Write a definition for the term “computer virus”.
A computer program that can spread across computers and networks by making copies of itself, usually without the user’s knowledge. 3. Name the three categories of computer infection.
Trojans, Worms and Viruses.
4. Name 5 things that a computer virus could do to your computer.
Slow down email, steal confidential data, overtake your computer, corrupt data, disable hardware etc.
5. List three ways you get a computer virus on your computer.
Programs, the Internet, Email 6. How do viruses use email to infect your computer?
Infected attachments
7. Write a definition for the term “spyware”.
Spyware is software that enables advertisers to gather information about a computer user’s habits. 8. What is an Internet “cookie”?
When you visit a website, it can place a small data packet called a “cookie” on the computer. This enables the site to remember your details and keep track of your visits. 9. Where do computer viruses come from? Who writes them?
Virus writers sometimes want to spread a political message, or to disrupt companies of which they disapprove (many viruses and worms have criticised or targeted Microsoft, for example). They can also break into other users’ computers, or gather email addresses, and then sell that information to spammers. However, virus writers are more often motivated by the notoriety that their exploits can gain them. Virus writers tend to be male, under 25 and single. Their self-­‐esteem is bound up with the approval of their peer group, or at least of a small electronic community. Virus-­‐writing, like graffiti art, is a kind of performance that wins the writer status. Viruses also give their writers powers in cyberspace that they could never hope to have in the real world. No doubt that’s why virus writers choose names inspired by heavy metal music or fantasy literature, which thrive on similar illusions of prowess and potency.
List five steps you can take to protect your computer from getting a
computer virus.
Install A/V software and update regularly, install all O/S “patches”, use a firewall, keep backups of your data, use common sense with email.
What is computer “SPAM”?
SPAM = JUNK MAIL. Spam is unsolicited commercial email, the electronic equivalent of the junk mail that comes through your letterbox. 12.
How can you protect yourself from spam?
Anti-SPAM software, maintain your privacy on the web, don’t give out
your email address.
What is computer “PHISHING”?
Phishing is the use of bogus emails and websites to trick you into supplying confidential or personal information.
How can you protect yourself against a phishing hoax?
Be WARY and use common sense.
Research a “famous computer virus” on the Internet. Summarize
information about the virus: name, date, type, effect etc.
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Research the cost of “Anti-virus software” on the net. How much
does it cost? Who makes it? What brand is rated #1?
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