A Modest Proposal

A Modest Proposal
For Preventing The Children of Poor People in Ireland
From Being A burden to Their Parents or Country, and
For Making Them Beneficial to The Public
By Jonathan Swift (1729)
1. Click on the following link to access the document: http://art-bin.com/art/omodest.html
2. As you read through the document, answer the questions on the next page.
3. This essay is Satire, meaning it is not meant to be taken seriously. He is using humor
to point out a serious problem in Ireland.
4. Write your answers on a separate piece of paper. You do NOT need to print this out
unless you feel it will help you.
5. Plagiarism is serious offence. Any student caught plagiarizing will receive an
automatic zero on the assignment and will be referred to administration for further
disciplinary action. If you are unclear as to the definition of plagiarism please refer to you
student handbook.
6. Some of the following questions are borrowed from the Holt Literature and Language
Arts textbook series.
1. Why does the speaker of A Modest Proposal think the food he proposes is “very
proper for landlords”?
2. Why does the speaker reject the idea of selling and eating twelve- to fourteen-year
3. About midway through the pamphlet, the speaker lists the advantages of his
proposal. What are the six principal advantages?
4. Describe the on objection that the speaker anticipates to his proposal?
5. How would you state the purpose of this essay? Whom or what is Swift trying to
6. Describe the speaker’s real meaning when he asserts that England will not mind if
Ireland kills and eats its babies.
7. Near the end of the pamphlet, the speaker lists “other expedients” that might help
lessen the present distress in Ireland. Some of these options are very constructive.
Why, then, does the speaker brush aside these ideas for reform in favor of this
horrible proposal?
8. This pamphlet is a satirical approach to dealing with the problem of
overpopulation and starvation of the lower class in Ireland. Swift’s offered this
pamphlet as an economical solution to a serious problem. Pretend you are the king
of England. Write a minimum 10-line response to Jonathan Swift addressing his
9. In The United States, there are many people living in poverty that cannot afford to
feed the children they have. Share your ideas on how this problem can be faced in
our country and why you think your idea is reasonable.