Show - Pt.Sundarlal Sharma

Assignment Work Session- 2016-17
M.A. FINAL @nglish Literature)
Time- 03:00 Hours
Max M -30
Please see the
M.M. - 12
following instructions :-
The question of sessional work are divided in five parts :(1-8), total 08 questions. All questions are compulsory.
Each question carries % mark. The limit of answer is 1- 2 words or one sentence.
A- Very short answer type questions
C- Short answer type questions (15-18), total 04 questions, out of which any 03 are to be
solved. Each question carries 02 marks. The limit ofanswer is 150 words or one page.
E- Long answer type questions (23-24), total 02 questions, out of which any 01 is to be solved.
Each question canies 08 marks. The limit of answer is 600-750 words or 04 to 05 pages.
Short answer type questions (9- 14), total 06 questions, out of which any four are to be
solved. Each question carries 01 mark. The limit of answer is 75 words 9r halfpage'
Semi long answer type questions (19-22), total04 questions, out of which any 02 are to be
solved. Each question carries 04 marks. The limit of answer in 300 words or 02 pages.
Section -
Fielding was educated
where he established a lifelong
friendship with Wiliiam Pitt the Elder.
What is Mrs. Bennet's primary goal in life?
Whom does Lydia marry?
What does Tom sell to
What is Pip's real name?
Who pays off Pip's debts?
At the opening of the novel, what is Michael Henchard's occupation?
Who is the first boy to disappear in the novel "Lord of the Flies"?
in order to give money to Black George?
Section - B
How is Mr Bennett portrayed at the beginning of the Novel?
Q.10. Where is Pip to bring the food
and the file the next moming?
1. Why is Henchard initially attracted to Farfrae?
caused Henchard to sell his wife to the sailor was, according to thd narrator,
associated with Henchard's "introspective inflexibility." What does this phrase suggest
Q.12. What
about Henchard?
Q.13. What role does the conch play in the novel "Lord of the Flies"?
Q.14. What attitudes towards marriage do Fielding in the novel?
Section - C
What does
Q.15. In which ways is Elizabeth different from the rest of the Bennet family?
the contrast reveal about her character?
Q.16. What
is the plot construction of Henry Fielding's Tom Jones?
apprenticeship? was
Q.17. Do you think Miss Havisham was really rewarding Pip with the
it actually more revenge on men by chaining him to the forge when he preferred to be
with Estella?
Q.18. Why is RalPh elected chief?
Section - D
of numerous contemporary books
Q.19. The works of Jane Austen have been the inspiration
in the
and films, both adaptations and new original works. what universal themes
novel resonate todaY?
What lessons does Pip leam
Q.20. What role does social class play in Great Expectations?
from his experience as a wealthy gentleman? How is the theme of solial class
to the novel?
Discuss the role ofthe peasants of Casterbridge, such as Christopher Coney'
Solomon Longways, Nance Mockidge, and Mother Cuxsom'
and Long Hair" in the novel Lord
Q.22. What is the significance of the title "Painted Faces
of the Flies?
Section - E
Q.23. What significance does
the novel's title, Great Expectations, have for the story? In
what ways does Pip have "great expectations"?
e.24. Hardy
described himself as a
detenninist-in other words,
he believed that the course
of human life was shaped by tbrces, internal or extemal, beyond human control. Does
this philosophy hold true in The Mayor of Castcrbridge? What forc,es are responsible
for shaping Henchard's life? Discuss'
2016'17, the candidates' after preparation ofthe
Important instructions :- 1- For sessional Assignment work Programme
and the
to bring with them the books provided by the university
decided by the University. The candidut", *ill b" allowed
other reference
in the room. Other material is not permissible'
will be of multiple choice based objectiv€ type questions' Pa$em of
2016-17. The question papers ofall fo,*iution "ourr",
moclel question papers is available on the Uniriersity
d. qecrra rrrf {5rc} ftrufrurrs mfirrrq, frf,rugr
AW - 246
T-fiq o.rd (Assignment WorD q-r-2016-17
M.A. FINAL (English Literature)
Subject - Literary Theory
Max. M :- 30
Paper - II"d
Time - 03:00 Hours
Please see the following instruciton :The Question ofsessional work are divided in live parts :-
Very short answer t,?e questions (l-8), total08 questions.
All questions
are compulspry. Each quesition
carries 1/2 mark. The limit of answer is l-2 words or one sentences.
Part B - Shor answertype questions (9-14), total 06 questions, out ofwhich any 04 are to be solved. Each question
carries 0l mark. The limit of anwere is 75 words or halfpage.
Part C- Short answer tlpe questions (15-18), total 04 questions, out ofwhich any 03 are to be solved. Each question.
Each question canies 02 mark. The limit ofanwer is 150 words or one page.
Part D- Semi long answer type questions (19-22), total04 questions, out ofwhich any 02 are to be solved. Each
question canies 04 mark. The limit of answer is 300 words or 02 pages.
PartE- Long
anwer t)?e questions (23-24),total02 questions, out ofwhich any 0l are !o be solved. Each question
carries 08 mark. The limit ofanwer is 600-750 words or 04 to 05 pages.
Section -A
Que.1 What is six elements of tragedy. accodring toAristotle?
Que.2 Whatis'Sublimity'accordingtoLonginus?
Que.3 Writethe name of two works Sir Philp Sidney has authored?
Que.4 What is the three unities Dr. Johnson has dicussed in his'preface to shakespeare'?
Que.S In which year Lyrical Ballads was first published and who wrote it?
Que.6 Whowrote'TheAncientMariner'?
Que.7 Write the name of the pastoral elegy written by MathewArnold to honour his friendArthur
Hugh Clough.
Who wrote Four Quartets?
Section - B
What areAristotle's arguments on 'Universals and particulars'?
Que.10 What are the major contibutions ofAristotle in literary theory and critiism?
Que.11 What is Sublime? What are the five elements of sublimity as identified by Longinus?
Que.12 HowWordsworth's definition of poetry differ:from thatof T.S. Eliot's?
Que.13 What
is Wordsworth's concept of a poet? How does he differentiate the language of
poetry from that of prose?
Comment ofArnold's language in his,Essay in Criticism,?
Section - G
How deos Philip Sydney define poetry? What according to him are three main divisions of
DiscussAristotle's conceptoftragedy.
Que.'17 Why did Wordsworth insist
on the proper choice of the subject of poetry?
What are the major concerns of T.S. Eliot's The Sacred Wood?
Section - D
What are the major concerns of Aristotle's poetics?
Comments on Philip Sydney's contribution in English Criticism.
Compare Wordsworth and Coleridge in terms of their views on 'lmagination' and 'facny'.
Write aboutArnold's views on criticism.
Section - E
What are the achievements of Aristotle as a critic?
Write an essay on the importance of the'Preface to Lyrical Balladas'.
lmportant Instructions : - 1- For EssentialAssignment Programme 2016-17, the candidates,after preparation
of the concerned papers, will appear at their study center and personally submit the copies of assignment work
on the dates decided by the University. The candidates will be allowed to bring with them the books provided by
the University and the other reference books in the room. Other material is not permissible.
2- The pattern of the theory question paper in the TEE 2016-17 will be just like that of the Sessional Assignment
work 2016-17. The questions paper of all foundation courses will be multiple choice baQed objective type
questions. Pattern of model question papers is available on the University Website.
ri. g<t:cra rrrf (grn) terufturrq uffiirrrq, fmrsgr
€-*q old (Assignment WorD q-r_2016_17
AW - 247
M.A. FINAL @nglish Literature)
Subject - Going.through
Max. M :- 30
Time - 03:00 Hours
paper - III"d
Please see the following instruciton :The Question ofsessional work are divided in five parts :-
Very short answer type questions (1-8), total08 questions.All questions are compulsory. Each quesition
canies l/2 mark. The limit of answer is I -2 words or one sentences.
Part B - Shor answer type questions (9-14), total06 questions, out ofwhich any 04 are to be solved. Each question
canies 0l mark. The limit ofanwere is 75 words orhalf page.
Part C- Short answer Ope questions (15-18), total04 questions, out ofwhich any 03 are to b.e solved. Each question.
Each question carries 02 mark. The limit ofanwer is 150 words orone page.
Part D- Semi long answef t)?e questions (19-22), total 04 questions, out ofwhich any 02 are to be solved. Each
question canies 04 mark. The limit of answer is 300 words or 02 pages.
Part E- Long anwer type questions (23-24),total02 q'testions, out ofwhich any 0l are to be solved. Each question
carries 08 mark. The limit ofanwer is 600-750 words or 04 to 05 pages
Section -A
Que.1 Shakespeare had written how many plays?
Que.2 Who is an airy Spirtin Shakespeare's Tempest?
Que.3 Write the name o Shakespeare's Birthplace?
Que.4 Write the name of William Shakespeare's father?
Que.S On which date Queen Elizabeth died?
Que.6 Plays written by Shakespeare's can broadly be divided into major types?
Que.7 Writethe name of Any Tragedy by Shakepeare's?
Que.8 Who called Shakepear's "Our myriad-minded Shakespeare's"?
Section - B
Write a note on religious allegory in themes of AsYou Like it?
Write the introduction of the play The Tempest?
Write a note on Pity and Fear?
Write a short note on Falstaff?
Write a short note on Romanitc commedies by Shakespeare?
Que.14 Write a shortcritical
note onAct-l Scene- | of Macbeth?
Section - C
Que.15 Write a note on As You Like it as a postoral comedy?
Que.16 Write a note on Shakespeare's University.
Que.17 Describe the character sketch of prince Henry?
Que.18 Writea note on Introduction tothe play Macbeth?
Section - D
Write the plot overivew of the play 'As you Like it,?
Discuss Ferdinand's character. What is the nature of his love for Miranoa.
Comment on the character of the Earl of Northumberland.
What is dramatic irony? lllustrate
from Macbeth.
Section - E
Write a note on Development of Shakespeare's Dramatica Art.
Write a note on Shakespeare's as a dramatist..
lmportant Instructions : - 1- For EssentialAssignment Programme 2016-'17, the candidates,after preparation
of the concerned papers, will appear at their study center and personally submit the copies of assignment work
on the dates decided by the University. The candidates will be allowed to bring with them the books provided by
the University and the other reference books in the room. Other material is not permissible.
2- The pattern of the theory question paper in the TEE 201&17 will be just like that of the Sessional Assignment
work 2016-17. The questions paper of all foundation courses will be multiple choice based objective type
questions. Pattern of model question papers is available on the University Website.
gererra rrf,f ({ril) ferufrsrru urffirwrq, f*flrfigr
s-fiq o.rd (Assignment WorD rr,r-2016-i7
M.A. FINAL @nglish Literature)
Subject - English Language -Astudy
AW - 248
Paper -
Max. M :- 30
Time - 03:00 Hours
Please see the following instruciton :-
The Question ofsessional work are divided in five parts :-
Very short answer type questions (l-8), total0S questions.All questions are compulsory. Each quesition
canies l/2 mark. The limit of answer is I -2 words or one sentences.
Part B - Shor answer type questions (9-14), total06 questions, out ofwhich any 04 areto be solved. Each question
canies 0l mark. The limit of anwere is 75 words or halfpage.
Part C- Short answer type questions (15- 18), total04 questions, out ofwhich any 03 are to be solved. Each question.
Each question carries 02 mark. The limit ofanwer is 150 words or one page.
Part D- Semi long answer type questions (19-22), total04 questions, out ofwhich any 02 are to be solved. Each
question carries 04 mark. The limit ofanswer is 300 words or 02 pages.
Long anwer type questions (23-24),total02 questions, out ofwhich any 01 are to be.solved. Each question
canies 08 mark. The limit ofanwer is 600-750 words or 04 to 05 pages.
Section -A
What is creole ? (on line)
Speaker of pidgin use of great deal of gestures & mine me their communication. (true/
Que.3 Phonetics is the study of the physical properties of speech production. (trueffalse)
Que.4 The study of how words combine to form grammatical sentences is known as
........... (Syntax/sematics)
Socio lingustics is th study of the effect of any and all aspects of
Aristotle's model in sociolingustics is applicable only to .............................. speaking.
Que.7 Words are seldow exactly synonymous. (true/false)
Que.8 Which word has'sense'but lacks refenence ?
.............. .. (society/
Section - B
Write a very short note on Ligura Franca.
Que.10 Writefewlineson lsoglosses.
Que.11 Define applied liguistics.
Que.12 Draw Dance's model of communication.
Mention four applicable of sociolinguistics.
What is grammer in its broadest centre?
Section - G
what are some of the main factory reading to ranguage variation?
Discuss Morphology in brief.
BriefTraditional Sociological Interview.
Shortly explain Demotation and connotation.
Section - D
Que.'19 Discuss properties of language.
Que.20 What are the principle approach to morphology? Discuss.
Describe serveral different one may see within a population.
Name of division of paradigmatic relationship and describe the catqgory of
synonymy at
Section - E
Write an essay on Micro & Macro functions of a language.
Throw light on various applications of linguistics.
lmportant Instructions : ' 1- For EssentialAssignment Programme 2016-17, the candidates,after
of the concerned papers, will appear at their study center and personally
submit the copies of assignment work
on the dates decided by the University. The candidates will be allowed to bring
with therl the books provided by
the university and the other reference books in the room. other material is not permissibre.
2' The pattern of the theory question paper in the TEE 2016-17 will be just like that
of the sessionat Assignment
work 2016-17. The questions paper of all foundation courses will be multipte
choice based objective type
questions. Pattern of moder question papers is availabre on the university