BLUE TEAM AGENDA Jan. 7 – Jan. 11, 2008

Jan. 7 – Jan. 11, 2008
Math (O’Connell)
Mon, Jan. 7
5.1 Ratios and Rates
Read pg. 260-261
Homework: Pg. 262-263 (6-14 all, 19-29 odd)
Period 7: Pg. 262-263 (7-13 odd, 19-29 odd)
Tues, Jan. 8
5.2 Proportions
Read pg. 264-265
Homework: Pg. 266-267 (13-37 odd, 47-57odd)
Period 7: Pg. 266-267 (13-37 e.o.o., 47-57 odd)
Weds, Jan. 9
5.3 Solving Proportions
Read pg. 268-269
Homework: Pg. 270-271 (17-35 odd, 43-49 odd)
Period 7: Pg. 270-271 (21-33 odd, 43-49 odd)
Thurs, Jan. 10
5.7 Scale Drawings and Models
Read pg. 288-289
Homework: Pg. 290-291 (4-11 all, 16-23 all)
Period 7: Pg. Worksheet Practice C
Fri, Jan. 11
Quiz #1
No Homework
Upcoming Tests
Jan. 15
Basic Skills Test
Jan. 16
Chapter 5 Test
Social Studies (Callahan)
Period 3 Review of where we are in history, Unit 4 Vocab, notes on “Travel Agency for
Westward Expansion” ****DUE January 30th
Period 6-8: Same
Periods 3: Read 557-561, answer question 1 in packet, do GO on page 556, talk about
Periods 6-8: Same
Period 3: Poster on Travel Agency (creating a billboard advertisement)
Period 6-8: same
Period 3: Read 562-567, answer 2-4 in packet, do GO on page 6 of packet, project
Periods 6-8: same
Period 3: Project day
Periods 6-8: same
***Period 3 will be finishing up “Across Five Aprils” during the next 2 weeks.
Reading Enrichment (All Blue Team Teachers)
1. Introduce Metacognitive Logs
2. ROARS activity
1. ROARS activity
1. SSR and Log
1. ROARS activity
1. ROARS activity
Language Arts (Holm)
Science (Norzagaray)
The Animal Kingdom- Vertebrates/Invertebrates
Text read pages 230-233
Complete lab book pages 1-2
HW: Bring colored pencils to class
Review lab book pages 1-2
Complete lab book pages 3-4
Text read pages 235-239
Complete lab book pages 5-6
Text read pages 241-243
Complete lab book pages 8-10
Review lab book pages 1-10
Worksheet Simple Invertebrates
Jan. 14 – Jan. 18, 2008
Math (O’Connell)
I am happy to announce we have an addition to our classroom this semester!
Mrs. Amelia Quinn, a student teacher from the University of Arizona, has joined us for
the rest of the semester and in time will be taking over the lessons. Mrs. O’Connell will
also be in the classroom and will be working one-on-one with some of the students, as
will Mrs. Quinn. If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail either one of us at
[email protected]. ☺
Mon, Jan. 14
Finish Quiz #1
Chapter 5 Review
Homework: Pg. 299 (1-9, 19, 20 all)
Period 7: Pg. 299 (1-9 all)
Tues, Jan. 15
Basic Skills Test
Homework: Study for Ch. 5 Test
Period 7: Study for Ch. 5 Test
Weds, Jan. 16
Chapter 5 Test
Homework: Pg. 303 (1-31 odd)
Period 7: Pg. 303 (1-31 odd)
Thurs, Jan. 17
Finish Ch. 5 Test
Begin 6.1 Changing Fractions, Decimals and Percents
No Homework
Fri, Jan. 18
Finish 6.1 Changing Fractions, Decimals and Percents
No Homework
Upcoming Tests
Jan. 15
Basic Skills Test
Jan. 16
Chapter 5 Test
Social Studies (Callahan)
Period 3: Work on project t and begin reading ch. 11 of novel
Period 6-8: Discuss questions 1-4 in packet, go over web and chart on board, read 568571, do Old West myth’s chart
Periods 3: Career Lesson presented by counseling
Periods 6-8: Same
Period 3: Finish novel, explain end of novel project due 1/23, go over 562-567, read 568571, do graphic organizer
Period 6-8: “The Old West” video
Period 3: “The Old West” video
Periods 6-8: Same, begin reading 574-579
Period 3: Finish video, begin reading 574-579
Periods 6-8: Finish reading 574-579, begin timeline
***Period 3 will be finishing up “Across Five Aprils” during the next 2 weeks.
***Their unit project (Travel Agencies of the West) is due 1/30.
Reading Enrichment (All Blue Team Teachers)
The students will be starting their Poetry Unit next week. During this unit, the students
will complete a rotation in which they will spend two weeks with each of the Blue Team
teachers. Each of the teachers will focus their poetry lessons on a different poet/author.
During this time, they will continue to SSR and Log but only once a week. In addition,
they will be completing a metacognitive log (bright yellow) in which they must read 4
times a week for 20 minutes each time. They are required to get a parent signature each
time they read. Please let us know if you are not seeing this log. ☺
3. Collect Metacognitive Logs
4. Take Pre-Test on Poetry Terms
1. Review Poetry Terms
2. Complete Figurative Language worksheet
2. Go over Figurative Language worksheet from yesterday
3. Start Sounds of Language worksheet
1. Finish Sounds of Language worksheet and go over answers
2. Complete Recognizing the Theme of a Poem worksheet
1. Handout Figurative Language packet
2. Complete Test on Poetry Terms
3. Complete Poetry Term Sorting worksheet
Language Arts (Holm)
Monday January 14, 2008
Persuasive Technique- Rhetoric- Students will study
Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. Although they will be introduced to these concepts in class,
they will be responsible for studying their corresponding handout and being ready to
apply the aforementioned concepts to their own persuasive writing.
Tuesday January 15, 2007
Theme- Finding the Deeper Meaning- Students will
read The Masque of the Red Death written by Edgar Allan Poe. They will be constantly
discussing the meaning of the short story, ever trying to go deeper than simply the plot.
Wednesday January 16, 2008 Theme- Finding the Deeper Meaning- Students will
read The Masque of the Red Death written by Edgar Allan Poe. They will be constantly
discussing the meaning of the short story, ever trying to go deeper than simply the plot.
Thursday January 17, 2008
Theme- Finding the Deeper Meaning- Students will
read The Masque of the Red Death written by Edgar Allan Poe. They will be constantly
discussing the meaning of the short story, ever trying to go deeper than simply the plot.
Friday January 18, 2008
Theme- Finding the Deeper Meaning- Students will
read The Masque of the Red Death written by Edgar Allan Poe. They will be constantly
discussing the meaning of the short story, ever trying to go deeper than simply the plot.
Science (Norzagaray)
Name and describe the characteristics of all worms.
Read and discuss lab book page 8
(Sub) Students will write 40 facts about Australia’s Improbable Animals (video)
Text read pages 241-243 complete lab book pages 9-10
Text read pages 244-245 and 247 and complete lab book pages 11-12
Hot dog Lab: To practice the dissection technique.
Day: Tuesday
Date: January 15, 2008
Math: pg. 247 # 9-20 all, # 26-30 all
Basic math: pg. 225 # 13-22 all
English: none
Science: lab
Social Studies: Write bills
Mrs. Little’s math: Finish ELSA tests / complete any missing work / define given vocab words
Jan. 7 – Jan. 11, 2008
Math (O’Connell)
Mon, Jan. 7
5.1 Ratios and Rates
Read pg. 260-261
Homework: Pg. 262-263 (6-14 all, 19-29 odd)
Period 7: Pg. 262-263 (7-13 odd, 19-29 odd)
Tues, Jan. 8
5.2 Proportions
Read pg. 264-265
Homework: Pg. 266-267 (13-37 odd, 47-57odd)
Period 7: Pg. 266-267 (13-37 e.o.o., 47-57 odd)
Weds, Jan. 9
5.3 Solving Proportions
Read pg. 268-269
Homework: Pg. 270-271 (17-35 odd, 43-49 odd)
Period 7: Pg. 270-271 (21-33 odd, 43-49 odd)
Thurs, Jan. 10
5.7 Scale Drawings and Models
Read pg. 288-289
Homework: Pg. 290-291 (4-11 all, 16-23 all)
Period 7: Pg. Worksheet Practice C
Fri, Jan. 11
Quiz #1
No Homework
Upcoming Tests
Jan. 15
Basic Skills Test
Jan. 16
Chapter 5 Test
Social Studies (Callahan)
Period 3 Review of where we are in history, Unit 4 Vocab, notes on “Travel Agency for
Westward Expansion” ****DUE January 30th
Period 6-8: Same
Periods 3: Read 557-561, answer question 1 in packet, do GO on page 556, talk about
Periods 6-8: Same
Period 3: Poster on Travel Agency (creating a billboard advertisement)
Period 6-8: same
Period 3: Read 562-567, answer 2-4 in packet, do GO on page 6 of packet, project
Periods 6-8: same
Period 3: Project day
Periods 6-8: same
***Period 3 will be finishing up “Across Five Aprils” during the next 2 weeks.
Reading Enrichment (All Blue Team Teachers)
5. Introduce Metacognitive Logs
6. ROARS activity
1. ROARS activity
4. SSR and Log
1. ROARS activity
1. ROARS activity
Language Arts (Holm)
Science (Norzagaray)
The Animal Kingdom- Vertebrates/Invertebrates
Text read pages 230-233
Complete lab book pages 1-2
HW: Bring colored pencils to class
Review lab book pages 1-2
Complete lab book pages 3-4
Text read pages 235-239
Complete lab book pages 5-6
Text read pages 241-243
Complete lab book pages 8-10
Review lab book pages 1-10
Worksheet Simple Invertebrates
Jan. 14 – Jan. 18, 2008
Math (O’Connell)
I am happy to announce we have an addition to our classroom this semester!
Mrs. Amelia Quinn, a student teacher from the University of Arizona, has joined us for
the rest of the semester and in time will be taking over the lessons. Mrs. O’Connell will
also be in the classroom and will be working one-on-one with some of the students, as
will Mrs. Quinn. If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail either one of us at
[email protected]. ☺
Mon, Jan. 14
Finish Quiz #1
Chapter 5 Review
Homework: Pg. 299 (1-9, 19, 20 all)
Period 7: Pg. 299 (1-9 all)
Tues, Jan. 15
Basic Skills Test
Homework: Study for Ch. 5 Test
Period 7: Study for Ch. 5 Test
Weds, Jan. 16
Chapter 5 Test
Homework: Pg. 303 (1-31 odd)
Period 7: Pg. 303 (1-31 odd)
Thurs, Jan. 17
Finish Ch. 5 Test
Begin 6.1 Changing Fractions, Decimals and Percents
No Homework
Fri, Jan. 18
Finish 6.1 Changing Fractions, Decimals and Percents
No Homework
Upcoming Tests
Jan. 15
Basic Skills Test
Jan. 16
Chapter 5 Test
Social Studies (Callahan)
Period 3: Work on project t and begin reading ch. 11 of novel
Period 6-8: Discuss questions 1-4 in packet, go over web and chart on board, read 568571, do Old West myth’s chart
Periods 3: Career Lesson presented by counseling
Periods 6-8: Same
Period 3: Finish novel, explain end of novel project due 1/23, go over 562-567, read 568571, do graphic organizer
Period 6-8: “The Old West” video
Period 3: “The Old West” video
Periods 6-8: Same, begin reading 574-579
Period 3: Finish video, begin reading 574-579
Periods 6-8: Finish reading 574-579, begin timeline
***Period 3 will be finishing up “Across Five Aprils” during the next 2 weeks.
***Their unit project (Travel Agencies of the West) is due 1/30.
Reading Enrichment (All Blue Team Teachers)
The students will be starting their Poetry Unit next week. During this unit, the students
will complete a rotation in which they will spend two weeks with each of the Blue Team
teachers. Each of the teachers will focus their poetry lessons on a different poet/author.
During this time, they will continue to SSR and Log but only once a week. In addition,
they will be completing a metacognitive log (bright yellow) in which they must read 4
times a week for 20 minutes each time. They are required to get a parent signature each
time they read. Please let us know if you are not seeing this log. ☺
7. Collect Metacognitive Logs
8. Take Pre-Test on Poetry Terms
3. Review Poetry Terms
4. Complete Figurative Language worksheet
5. Go over Figurative Language worksheet from yesterday
6. Start Sounds of Language worksheet
3. Finish Sounds of Language worksheet and go over answers
4. Complete Recognizing the Theme of a Poem worksheet
4. Handout Figurative Language packet
5. Complete Test on Poetry Terms
6. Complete Poetry Term Sorting worksheet
Language Arts (Holm)
Monday January 14, 2008
Persuasive Technique- Rhetoric- Students will study
Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. Although they will be introduced to these concepts in class,
they will be responsible for studying their corresponding handout and being ready to
apply the aforementioned concepts to their own persuasive writing.
Tuesday January 15, 2007
Theme- Finding the Deeper Meaning- Students will
read The Masque of the Red Death written by Edgar Allan Poe. They will be constantly
discussing the meaning of the short story, ever trying to go deeper than simply the plot.
Wednesday January 16, 2008 Theme- Finding the Deeper Meaning- Students will
read The Masque of the Red Death written by Edgar Allan Poe. They will be constantly
discussing the meaning of the short story, ever trying to go deeper than simply the plot.
Thursday January 17, 2008
Theme- Finding the Deeper Meaning- Students will
read The Masque of the Red Death written by Edgar Allan Poe. They will be constantly
discussing the meaning of the short story, ever trying to go deeper than simply the plot.
Friday January 18, 2008
Theme- Finding the Deeper Meaning- Students will
read The Masque of the Red Death written by Edgar Allan Poe. They will be constantly
discussing the meaning of the short story, ever trying to go deeper than simply the plot.
Science (Norzagaray)
Name and describe the characteristics of all worms.
Read and discuss lab book page 8
(Sub) Students will write 40 facts about Australia’s Improbable Animals (video)
Text read pages 241-243 complete lab book pages 9-10
Text read pages 244-245 and 247 and complete lab book pages 11-12
Hot dog Lab: To practice the dissection technique.
Day: Tuesday
Date: January 15, 2008
Math: pg. 247 # 9-20 all, # 26-30 all
Basic math: pg. 225 # 13-22 all
English: none
Science: lab
Social Studies: Write bills
Mrs. Little’s math: Finish ELSA tests / complete any missing work / define given vocab words
Jan. 21 – Jan. 25, 2008
Math (O’Connell)
I am happy to announce we have an addition to our classroom this semester!
Mrs. Amelia Quinn, a student teacher from the University of Arizona, has joined us for
the rest of the semester and in time will be taking over the lessons. Mrs. O’Connell will
also be in the classroom and will be working one-on-one with some of the students, as
will Mrs. Quinn. If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail either one of us at
[email protected]. ☺
Mon, Jan. 21
No School
Tues, Jan. 22
6.3 Percent of a Number
Read pg. 312-313
Homework: Pg. 314-315 (27-41 odd, 51-58 all)
Weds, Jan. 23
6.4 Percent Equations
Read pg. 316-317
Homework: Pg. 318-319 (11-23 odd, 39-44 all)
Thurs, Jan. 24
6.5 Percent of Change
Read pg. 324-325
Homework: Pg. 326-327 (17-22 all, 27-34 all)
Fri, Jan. 25
Upcoming Tests
Jan. 29
Chapter 6 Test
Social Studies (Callahan)
Period 3: No School
Period 6-8: No School
Periods 3: Go over debate from Friday; read 568-571, work on graphic organizer, and
project(s). Novel project due Wednesday.
Periods 6-8: Finish reading 574-579, finish tall tale, study for section quiz pages 557579.
Period 3: Read 574-579, quiz, hand in novel project
Period 6-8: Review/study as a class for quiz, quiz, turn in tall tale, begin reading 585589
Period 3: Read 585-589, answer #5, invention activity
Periods 6-8: Read 585-589, answer #5, invention activity
Period 3: Invention activity
Periods 6-8: Invention activity
***Their unit project (Travel Agencies of the West) is due 1/31.
Reading Enrichment (All Blue Team Teachers)
The students will begin their Poetry Unit this week. During this unit, the students will
complete a rotation in which they will spend a total of ten class days with each of the
Blue Team teachers. Each of the teachers will focus their poetry lessons on a different
poet/author. During this time, they will continue to SSR and Log but only once a week. In
addition, they will be completing a metacognitive log (bright yellow) in which they must
read 4 times a week for 20 minutes each time. They are required to get a parent signature
each time they read. Please let us know if you are not seeing this log. ☺
Language Arts (Holm)
Monday January 21, 2008
MLK Day- No school
Tuesday January 22, 2008
Expository Essay (Theme)- Thesis Statement CreationAddress the question, what is the greater meaning of Poe’s, The Masque of the Red
Death? Expository essay will be due on Friday, January 25. An initial thesis statement
will be due on Wednesday, January 23.
Wednesday January 23, 2008 Students will draft an expository essay addressing the
issue of theme as it applies to Poe’s, The Masque of the Red Death.
Thursday January 24, 2008
Students will draft an expository essay addressing the
issue of theme as it applies to Poe’s, The Masque of the Red Death.
Friday January 25, 2008
Students will draft an expository essay addressing the
issue of theme as it applies to Poe’s, The Masque of the Red Death. Final Draft Due.
Science (Norzagaray)
1/22 Review external/internal structures of the earthworm
Complete lab book page 11-12
1/23 Review external/internal structures of the earthworm
Progress Report
1/24 Earthworm Dissection
1/25 Worm Review
Complete lab book pages14-15
Lab books due at the end of class
Feb. 18-Feb. 22, 2008
Math (O’Connell/Quinn)
Mon, Feb. 18
7.8 Angles in Polygons
Read pg. 382-383
Homework: Pg. 384-385 (7-18 all, 26-32 all)
Tues, Feb. 19
Geometry Game/Activity
No Homework
Assembly (all of period 6 and part of period 7)
Weds, Feb. 20
7.9 Congruent Figures
Read pg. 388-389
Homework: Pg. 390-391 (8-14 all, 25-32 all)
Thurs, Feb. 21
Rodeo Break
Fri, Feb. 22
Rodeo Break
Chapter 7 Test and Vocabulary Test will be next week Weds, Feb. 27 and Thurs, Feb. 28.
At this time, you will be turning in the vocabulary flipbooks. If you were absent for any
part of the notes, it is your responsibility to make sure you have caught up in the notes by
either getting the notes from a friend or coming in during lunch to copy the notes. You
will not receive credit for any blank pages in your flipbook.
Social Studies (Callahan)
Period 3: City Planning
Period 6-8: same
Periods 3: City Planning and video
Periods 6-8: same
Period 3: City Planning and video
Period 6-8: same
Period 3: No School Rodeo Break
Periods 6-8: same
Period 3: No School Rodeo Break
Periods 6-8: same
Reading Enrichment (All Blue Team Teachers)
The students will continue their Poetry Unit this week. During this unit, the students will
complete a rotation in which they will spend a total of ten class days with each of the
Blue Team teachers. Each of the teachers will focus their poetry lessons around a
different poet/author. During this time, they will continue to SSR and Log but only once
week. In addition, they will be completing a metacognitive reading log (bright yellow) in
which they must read 4 times a week for 20 minutes each time. They are required to get a
parent signature each time they read. Please let us know if you are not seeing this log.
Language Arts (Holm)
Monday February 18, 2007 Discussion of Persuasive Speech DeliveryStudents will identify the many various strategies used in the “I Have a Dream Speech.”
The students will then have time to edit and revise their persuasive essay.
Tuesday February 19, 2007 Persuasive Technique- Students will put the
finishing touches on their persuasive essays. Students will also be given the weakest
point in their essay to revise.
Wednesday February 20, 2007 Persuasive Essay is due- Students will turn in
their completed essays. The students will also take a quiz on persuasive writing
Thursday February 21, 2007 Rodeo Break- No School
Friday February 22, 2007 Rodeo Break- No School
Science (Norzagaray)
Feb. 25-Feb. 29, 2008
Math (O’Connell/Quinn)
Mon, Feb. 25
7.9 Transformations
Read pg. 392-393
Homework: Pg. 394-395 (6-10 all, 14-19 all)
Tues, Feb. 26
Chapter 7 Practice Test
Homework: Pg. 409 (1-28 all) Due tomorrow for a grade!
Use the practice test to study for tomorrow’s test
Weds, Feb. 27
Chapter 7 Test
Homework: Study Vocab…..Flipbook due tomorrow
Thurs, Feb. 28
Finish Chapter 7 Test
Chapter 7 Vocabulary Test
Homework: Pg. 413 (1-21 odd)
Fri, Feb. 29
12.2 Patterns in a Sequence
Read pg. 608-609
Homework: Pg. 610-611 (16-27 all)
Social Studies (Callahan)
Period 3: Finish City Planning, incorporate immigration into plans (make connections), write 1
page summary on how your neighborhood/home is safe for anybody/everybody
Period 6-8: same
Periods 3: Build state with City Planning, make laws, building codes, etc
Periods 6-8: Finish 1 page summary, review where we are in history
Period 3: Read 609-613, answer 11-12
Period 6-8: same
Period 3: Read 614-617, answer 13-16
Periods 6-8: same
Period 3: Read 620-623, answer 17-21
Periods 6-8: same
Reading Enrichment (All Blue Team Teachers)
The students will continue their Poetry Unit this week. During this unit, the students will complete
a rotation in which they will spend a total of ten class days with each of the Blue Team teachers.
Each of the teachers will focus their poetry lessons around a different poet/author. During this
time, they will continue to SSR and Log but only once a week. In addition, they will be completing
a metacognitive reading log (bright yellow) in which they must read 4 times a week for 20 minutes
each time. They are required to get a parent signature each time they read. Please let us know if
you are not seeing this log. J
Language Arts (Holm)
Monday February 25, 2008
Tortolita Rhetoric- Discussion on the power of words as they are
used in writing. This applies to the upcoming business letter the students will be writing.
Tuesday February 26, 2008
business letter.
Students will be creating an outline on the proper formatting of a
Wednesday February 27, 2008 Students will use the business letter model they created on the
previous day to draft an initial copy of their intended business letter.
Thursday February 28, 2008
Friday February 29, 2008
Students will draft a business letter to a company of their
Students will draft a business letter to a company of their
Science (Norzagaray)
2/25 Review Space Probes
Work on NASA Hubble Space Telescope Model
Picture Day during science
Complete Hubble Telescope
Grade Reports
Complete any missing assignment
Telescopes: text page 118-124
Complete questions 1a-3c
Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors:
Text pages104-107 complete questions 1a-3c
March 3 – 7, 2008
Math (O’Connell/Quinn)
Mon, Mar. 3
8.3 Perimeter and Circumference
Read pg. 424-425
Homework: Pg. 426-427 (11-20 all, 33-41 all)
Tues, Mar. 4
8.4 Area of Parallelograms
Read pg. 430-431
Homework: Pg. 432-433 (8-18 all, 30-38 all)
Weds, Mar. 5
8.5 Area of Triangles and Trapezoids
Read pg. 434-435
Homework: Pg. 436-437 (7-17 all, 28-36 all)
Thurs, Mar. 6
8.6 Area of Circles
Read pg. 438-439
Homework: Pg. 440-441 (6-12, 18-21 all, 30-38 all)
Fri, Mar. 7
Chapter 8 Practice Test
No Homework
Social Studies (Callahan)
Period 3: Read 614-617, answer 13-16, read 620-623, answer 17-21, review for test
Period 6-8: Finish up packet and review for test
Periods 3: Unit 4 Test, Unit 5 vocab
Periods 6-8: same
Period 3: Read 639-641, answer 1-6
Period 6-8: same
Period 3: Read 641-643, answer 7-12
Periods 6-8: same
Friday:Period 3: Read “The Jungle”, ACTIVE sheet
Periods 6-8: same
Reading Enrichment (All Blue Team Teachers)
The students will continue their Poetry Unit this week. During this unit, the students will
complete a rotation in which they will spend a total of ten class days with each of the
Blue Team teachers. Each of the teachers will focus their poetry lessons around a
different poet/author. During this time, they will continue to SSR and Log but only once
a week. In addition, they will be completing a metacognitive reading log (bright yellow)
in which they must read 4 times a week for 20 minutes each time. They are required to
get a parent signature each time they read. Please let us know if you are not seeing this
log. J
Language Arts (Holm)
Monday March 3, 2008 Business Letter- Students will finish drafting their business letter.
The students will edit and revise their letters for ideas and
content, voice, and conventions. Block style format will be used. Final letters will be due
on Friday, March 7.
Tuesday March 4, 2008 Business Letter- Students will research contact information on
their chosen business. Once they have a business address, the students may begin
publishing their letters. (Computer Lab)
Wednesday March 5, 2008 Business Letter- Students will publish their business letter.
(Computer Lab)
Thursday March 6, 2008 Business Letter- Students will publish their business letter.
(Computer Lab)
Friday March 7, 2008 Students will work on properly filling out an envelope to use for
their business letter. Letters will be sent out on Monday, March 10.
Science (Norzagaray)
3/3 Collect any Hubble Telescope
Text read pages 118-124 answer questions 1a-3c
3/4 Collect homework page124 1a-3c
Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors
Text read pages 104-107 questions 1a-3c
3/5-3/7 Solar system, galaxy, and the universe
Text pages 136-140 questions 1a-3c
Text pages 141-147 questions 1a-3c
Text pages 148-153 questions 1a-3c
Blue Team Homework
March 24-28, 2008
AIMS Testing will be April 7-10. Please make sure to be well rested and eat a healthy
breakfast each day. Also, try not to be absent or tardy during this week. Anyone who is
absent during a test day will still need to make up the test(s) they missed. The students
will be bringing home a practice AIMS test this week, please check to see if they are using
it as a study guide! J
Math (O’Connell/Quinn)
Mon, Mar. 24
Practice AIMS Test
Homework: Use this test to prepare for the AIMS Test in two weeks.
Tues, Mar. 25
Three Dimensional Solids and Nets
Homework: Study for the BST tomorrow
Weds, Mar. 26
Basic Skills Test
Homework: Pg. 511 (1-37 every other odd)
Thurs, Mar. 27
10.1 and 10.2 Probability
Read pg. 512-513 and 516-517
Homework: Pg. 514-515 (1-10 all) and Pg. 518-519 (3-8 all)
Fri, Mar. 28
Quiz #1
No Homework
Social Studies (Callahan)
Period 3: Go over questions 1-12, read 646-649, answer 13-22, finish 23-31
Period 6-8: same
Periods 3: Review for test on Wednesday
Periods 6-8: same
Period 3: Unit 5 Test, Unit 6 vocab, turn in unit 5 packet
Period 6-8: same
Period 3: Finish vocab, introduction to unit, notes on project **intro to novel for quarter
Periods 6-8: same except for novel
Friday:Period 3: Finish notes, read 659-660, answer 1-3
Periods 6-8:same
***Unit 5 Test on Wednesday
Reading Enrichment (All Blue Team Teachers)
The students will continue their Poetry Unit this week. During this unit, the students will
complete a rotation in which they will spend a total of ten class days with each of the Blue
Team teachers. Each of the teachers will focus their poetry lessons around a different
poet/author. During this time, they will continue to SSR and Log but only once a week. In
addition, they will be completing a metacognitive reading log (bright yellow) in which they
must read 4 times a week for 20 minutes each time. They are required to get a parent
signature each time they read. Please let us know if you are not seeing this log. J
Language Arts (Holm)
Monday March 24, 2008 I- Journey Research Project- Library- Students will brainstorm
different “journeys.” These journeys can encompass Historical, Travel, Production, or
Future journeys. Students will decide on a journey and begin to fill out their Journey
Proposal. The students will also look at Point of view, as they will need to select a non
traditional point of view from which to tell the tale of the journey.
Tuesday March 25, 2008 I- Journey Research Project- Library- Students will begin making
need-to-know cards. These cards will aid them in their research. The students will also
work on their I-Journey Proposal. I am requesting that all students bring in 3*5 note cards
as soon as possible.
Wednesday March 26, 2008 I- Journey Research Project- Library- Students will finish their
proposal. All students will receive written instruction on how to map their I - Journey.
Thursday March 27, 2008 I- Journey Research Project- Library- Students will spend time in
class working on their I-Journey maps. They will be allowed research time as well as
project time.
Friday March 28, 2008 I- Journey Research Project- Library- Students will spend time in
class working on their I-Journey maps. They will be allowed research time as well as
project time.
March 31 – April 4, 2008
AIMS Testing will be April 7-10. Please make sure to be well rested and eat a healthy
breakfast each day. Also, try not to be absent or tardy during this week. Anyone who is
absent during a test day will still need to make up the test(s) they missed. The students
will be bringing home a practice AIMS test, please check to see if they are using it as a
study guide! ☺
Math (O’Connell/Quinn)
Mon, Mar. 31
10.3 Sample Space
Read pg. 520-521
Homework: Pg. 522-523 (4-9 all, 16-19 all) Due for a grade tomorrow April 1.
Tues, Apr. 1
Basic Skills Test Review
Homework: Complete BST A
Weds, Apr. 2
10.6 Combinations
Read pg. 536-537
Homework: pg. 538-539 (5-14 all, 19-26 all)
Thurs, Apr 3
Test Taking Lesson with the Counselors
No Homework
Fri, Apr. 4
Quiz #2
No Homework
Social Studies (Callahan)
Period 3: Review 1-3, read 660-661, answer 4-8, read ch. 1 of novel (Roll of thunder Hear
My Cry), log
Period 6-8: finish project notes, read 659-660, answer 1-3, discussion
Periods 3: Read 662-666, answer 9-14, project time
Periods 6-8: Read 660-661, answer 4-8
Period 3: Review 1-14, read 666-667, answer 15-19, chart, finish ch. 1 of novel,
Period 6-8: project activity
Period 3: Read 668-670, answer 20-25
Periods 6-8: read 662-666, answer 9-14
Period 3: Ch. 2 of novel, log, project
Periods 6-8: Finish 9-14, read 666-667, answer 15-19, charts
***Students have a new project on WWI that is due April 25th.
Reading Enrichment (All Blue Team Teachers)
This week, the students will return to their original RE teachers to review for next
week’s AIMS testing.
Classwork – “A Famous Lineup “
Homework – “Borrowed Trouble”
Classwork – “Mongoose on the Loose”
Homework – “Flip Flop”
Classwork – “UFO”
Homework – “Fact Finder”
Classwork – “Can we Rescue the Reefs”
Homework – “A Poison Tree”
Classwork – Persuasive Techniques Review Sheet
Science (Norzagaray)
New topic Amphibian
Copy study guide notes from overhead for test next week
Complete lab book pages 20-21 Frog: organs and functions
Text read pages 286-287
Complete lab book pages 17-18
Review lab book pages 20-21 organs and functions
Start cut and paste frog activity page 19,22a and22b
Complete cut and paste frog activity
Review study guide
Pop quiz
April 7 - 11, 2008
AIMS Testing will be April 7-10. Please make sure to be well rested and eat a healthy breakfast
each day. Also, try not to be absent or tardy during this week. Anyone who is absent during a test
day will still need to make up the test(s) they missed.
Math (O’Connell/Quinn)
This week’s homework assignments will be completed in class. We do not want the students to
be overloaded this week. J
Mon, April 7
Period 6, 7, 8 only
10.6 Combinations
Read pg. 536-537
Homework: Pg. 538-539 (5-14 all)
Tues, Apr. 8
Period 1 only
10.6 Combinations
Read pg. 536-537
Homework: Pg. 538-539 (5-14 all)
Period 7 Pg. 538-539 (5-13 odds)
Weds, Apr. 9
Periods 6, 7, 8 only
10.7 Permutations
Read pg. 540-541
Homework: Pg. 542-543
Thurs, Apr 10
Periods 1 only
10.7 Permutations
Read pg. 540-541
Homework: Pg. 542-543
Fri, Apr. 11
Review Sample Space
No Homework
Math (Little)
Obj: Finish presentations
Hw: none
Obj: Circumference of circles activity
Hw: none
Obj: Area of circles
Hw: none
Social Studies (Callahan)
Period 3: No Class
Period 6-8: Read 668-670, answer 20-25, charts
Periods 3: Read 672-673, answer 26-30, discuss chapter 2 of novel, begin ch. 3
Periods 6-8: No class
Period 3: No Class
Period 6-8: Read 672-673, answer 26-30, project time
Period 3: Read 679-681, answer 31-36, novel, project
Periods 6-8: No class
Friday:Period 3: Read 682-683, answer 37-42
Periods 6-8: Read 679-681, answer 31-36
***Students have a new project on WWI that is due April 25th.
Reading Enrichment (All Blue Team Teachers)
The students will be completing their last rotation for the Poetry Unit. Each R.E. teacher will
present lessons on a different poet.
Language Arts (Holm)
Students will finish planning their I-Journey Research Project
Science (Norzagaray)
April 14-18, 2008
Math (O’Connell/Quinn)
Mon, April 14
Period 6, 7, 8 only
Basic Skills Review
Homework: None
Tues, Apr. 15
CP Test
Homework: None
Weds, Apr. 16
CP Test
Homework: None
Thurs, Apr 17
10.5 Dependent and Independent Events
Read pg. 530-531
Homework: Pg. 532-533 (6-10 all, 19-23 odd)
Fri, Apr. 18
Start Basic Skills Test
Homework: None
Math (Little)
Obj: CP Algebra exam
Hw: logic matrix
Obj: Students will write equivalent decimals, fractions, and percents
Hw: Practice B, Lesson 6-1
Obj: Students will learn to find the percent of a number
Hw: worksheet
Obj: Students will solve equations containing percents
Hw: worksheet
Obj: 8th grade registration
Hw: none
Social Studies (Callahan)
Period 3: No Class
Period 6-8: Read 679-683, answer 31-42
Periods 3: Read 682-688 answer 37-47, begin Ch. 4 of novel
Periods 6-8: Read 686-688, answer 43-47
Period 3: Read 689-690, answer 48-51
Period 6-8: Read 689-690, answer 48-51
Period 3: The Lost Batallion Movie
Periods 6-8: The Lost Batallion Movie
Friday:Period 3: The Lost Batallion Movie
Periods 6-8: The Lost Batallion Movie
***Students have a new project on WWI that is due April 25th.
Reading Enrichment (All Blue Team Teachers)
The students will be completing their last rotation for the Poetry Unit. Each R.E. teacher will
present lessons on a different poet. All students will return to their original R.E. teacher starting
Monday, April 21.
Language Arts (Holm)
Creation of I-Journey Maps
Students will create their I–Journey maps in order to present the research they have acquired
over the last week. Students should provide any extra special material that they may need to
create their concept maps.
Science (Norzagaray)
4/15 Review for Amphibian
Homework: Study lab book pages 18,20,21 and study guide
Amphibian test on Thursday 17th
4/16 Grade Report
Complete amphibian worksheet
4/17 Amphibian Test
Bring a book to read after the test
4/18 Grade Amphibian