Vital Signs Study Guide

Study Guide Ch. 14 Vital Signs
14.1 Measuring and recording Vital Signs
 Define key terms
o Vital signs
o Homeostasis
o Temperature
o Pulse
 Rate
 Rhythm
 Volume
o Respirations
o Blood pressure
o Apical pulse
 Know how to use the formulas to convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius
 Vital signs should be measured while a patient is relaxed and resting.
14.2 Measuring and Recording Temperature
 Normal temperature range: 970 to 1000F (36.10 to 37.80 C)
 Where are the following temperatures measured?
o Oral
o Rectal
o Axillary
o Aural
 Know key terms
o Hypothermia
o Hyperthermia
o Fever
o Pyrexia
o Febrile
o Afebrile
Know how to read a thermometer, both glass and electronic types.
Know how to record temperature measurements.
Rectal temperature: considered the most accurate
Oral temperature: a patient may not eat, drink or smoke for at least 15 minutes
before an oral temperature measurement.
What factors increase body temperature?
What factors decrease body temperature?
14.3 Measuring and Recording Pulse
 Where is the pulse usually taken?
 Where are the following pulse points located?
o Temporal
o Carotid
o Brachial
o Radial
o Femoral
o Popliteal
o Dorsalis pedis (pedal pulse)
 Know the normal range for pulse in adults: 60 to 90 beats per minute
 Know key terms
o Bradycardia
o Tachycardia
o Arrhythmia
What factors increase pulse rate?
What factors decrease pulse rate?
14.4 Measuring and recording Respirations
Normal respiratory rate for adults 14 to 18 breaths per minute (12 to 20 breaths
per minutes is also considered normal.)
Know key terms
o Dyspnea
o Apnea
o Tachypnea
o Bradypnea
o Orthopnea
o Cheyne-Stokes respirations
o Rales
o Wheezing
o Cyanosis
Patients should not be aware that you are counting respirations. Count respirations
while your hand is still in place before or after measuring pulse.
14.5 Graphing TPR
 Follow agency policy
 The vital sign record is a legal document. It must be accurate, neat, and legible
 Errors should be crossed out with one line, initialed, and marked “error”. (Red
ink is not necessary)
14.6 Measuring and Recording Apical Pulse
 The apical pulse is taken at the apex of the heart, located on the midclavicular line
in the 5th intercostal space.
 Equipment needed: stethoscope, an instrument used to listen to body sounds
(know how to spell the word “stethoscope”)
 Reasons to take an apical pulse
o Infants and children have a very rapid heartbeat, hard to measure radial
o Individuals with weak pulse
o Individuals with irregular heartbeat
o Check for pulse deficit
o Listen for abnormal heart sounds
14.7 Measuring and Recording Blood Pressure
Equipment needed (know how to spell these words!)
o Sphygmomanometer
o Stethoscope
Key terms
o Systolic
o Diastolic
o Pulse pressure
o Hypertension
o Hypotension
o Palpated systolic pressure
Normal range of systolic pressure: 100-140 mmHg
Normal range of diastolic pressure: 60-90 mmHg
Recorded as systolic/diastolic, for example 120/80 mmHg
Blood pressure is usually measured at the brachial artery at the antecubital space
B/P measurement is affected by patient position, size of cuff
Factors that can increase blood pressure
Factors that can decrease blood pressure