Get Smart - ScottishPower

If you have any questions or concerns about your installation before it
takes place, please get in touch. You can find the phone number on the
front of the letter you received with this leaflet.
We may give you a call to
find out how things went
In compliance with SMICoP, we may give you a call after your installation
to hear how it went and how you’re finding your smart meters. We’d also
like to check that you have all the information you need.
We’re here to help
Once your installation is complete, if you have any questions about
smart meters that you’d like to discuss, please get in touch with us.
Call free on: 0800 027 0072
or via Minicom: 0800 027 8899
Lines open Monday to Friday 8am to 10pm
and Saturday 8.30am to 6pm
If you are dialling from outside the UK:
+44 800 027 0072
(international dialling rates apply)
*Smart meter statistics were sourced from
Smart Energy GB Feb 2016 –
ScottishPower, Customer Care
Cathcart Business Park,
Spean Street, Glasgow G44 4BE
[email protected]
SCP6803 FEB 17
Queries on your installation
Frequently asked questions
Get Smart
Why does the Government want suppliers to roll out smart meters?
Smart meters encourage you to be more energy efficient and improve the
accuracy of bills. They show how much you’re spending on energy, so most
people become more aware of managing and reducing any unnecessary use.
Do I need to have a smart meter?
There is currently no legal obligation, however we support the Government’s
aim to install smart meters in all customers’ homes by 2020.
Will you be replacing both my gas and electricity meters?
Yes. If you’re a dual fuel customer with us, we’ll replace both meters where
possible. If you are a single fuel customer, we’ll replace the meter for the
energy we supply.
Will this cost me any money?
You won’t have to pay anything for the installation. We’re installing smart
meters as part of a metering upgrade for all our customers. Under current
arrangements you pay for existing meters through energy bills, it will be the
same for smart meters.
Do I need to have an internet connection for the smart meters to work?
No. Smart meters do not need to use broadband
or internet to communicate with us.
What happens if I decide to switch supplier?
Your smart meters will not prevent you from
changing supplier. However, if you do decide
to leave us, your new supplier may not operate
your smart meters in the same way, which means
you could lose some smart meter services, so it
is best to check before you switch.
of smart customers
think their energy
bill is now
I already have an energy monitor – is a smart meter the same?
No, smart meters replace your existing gas and electricity meters and can send
your meter readings remotely back to ScottishPower. Your new In-Home display
will also connect remotely to the meter.
Are there industry standards for installing smart meters?
We work to the mandatory Smart Metering Installation Code of Practice (SMICoP),
which sets the minimum standards for Code members to follow in relation to the
installation of smart meters. The main objectives of this code are to ensure you
receive a high standard of service, that you know how to use your smart meter
and have been given an understanding of how you could improve your energy
efficiency through your smart meter. Find out more at
Everything you need to
know about smart meters
What is Smart Energy GB?
Smart Energy GB is the Independent body responsible for the national
communications around smart meters. It’s their task to help everyone in
Great Britain understand smart meters,
and we at ScottishPower are happy
to be partners in this scheme.
What if I have special circumstances that need additional support?
If you think you need additional help during your installation, please get
in touch ahead of your appointment to discuss any additional support
requirements. We’ll make sure our installer is equipped in advance to
offer any additional support needed.
Additional support with our Priority Services
We want to give as much support as we can to those customers who
need it. You may be eligible for our Priority Services Register for a
number of reasons ranging from a chronic illness or disability to a
change in your personal circumstances. If we become aware that
you (or someone in your household) would benefit from any of our
Priority Services, we will offer to add you to our Register – alternatively,
please let us know if you think you’re eligible. For further information,
please visit or call us free on 0800 027 0072.
It’s handy
to keep this
Please put in
a safe place
Welcome to a
smarter energy future
As well as supplying you with your energy, we want to make it easy for you
too. Smart meters give you more control through real-time information on
your In-Home display. Your smart meters will also send us your meter readings
automatically†, meaning:
• no more manually submitting your readings
• no more meter readers at your door
• no more estimated bills.
That’s smart. That’s ScottishPower.
There may be times where we are unable to communicate
with your meter and we would need to rely on an estimate.
No more
estimates or
meter readers
coming to
your door
More control to save you money
Once your smart meters are installed, you’ll hopefully notice a difference
in how you think about your electricity use. By using your handy In-Home
display, it allows you to:
see accurate real-time information on the energy you’re using
Preparing for
your installation
have a much better view of how much activities are costing, in
pounds and pence
To make your smart meter installation as
easy as possible, we’ve provided you with
a handy checklist to help you get ready.
ave a much clearer idea of where you’re spending money,
so you can see where to reduce any unnecessary energy use.
Before the installation:
With these great benefits of smart meters, you’ll be able to take greater
control of your energy, and what you pay for it.
Your smart meter data
We can automatically retrieve readings straight from your smart meters.
This means that you no longer need to manually enter your meter
readings. How often we retrieve your readings is up to you, you can choose
from monthly, daily or half hourly. As well as using your readings to supply
you with an accurate bill, we will also use them to deliver your personalised
consumption graphs and energy efficiency advice through the app and
your online account. The more frequently we retrieve your readings the
more personalised and detailed the information will be, this is why we
recommend you choose half hourly readings. You can set or change
your meter read frequency at any time by visiting
updatedetails or calling us free on 0800 027 0072. We’re open Monday
to Friday 8am to 10pm and Saturday 8.30am to 6pm.
If we don’t hear from you, then 7 days after your meter install, we will
begin retrieving your readings on a daily basis.
We will not use this information for marketing purposes and we will never share this with a third
party for their marketing purposes.
For independent advice about your rights and choices relating to your personal information,
contact The Information Commissioner’s Office at or via the ICO Helpline on
0303 123 1113.
What our installer will do
of smart customers
feel more in control
of their energy
If you think you need additional help or support with your
installation, please get in touch ahead of your appointment.
Please clear the area around your existing meters or let us know
if there’s any reason we may have trouble accessing and fitting
your new meters.
On the day of installation:
Some simple steps to follow on the day to prepare for your installation.
Our installer or approved installation partner will install your smart meters.
The installer will identify themselves with an ID badge.
They will make a quick assessment of the location to make sure your home
is suitable for the installation.
They will then provide you with a brief description of the installation and
how long it’s likely to take.
The installer will provide you with a smart welcome pack. This will outline
the benefits and uses of your In-Home display.
Once your smart meters have been fitted, our installer will give you your
In-Home display and show you how to use it.
Finally, they will run through an installation checklist with you and give you
the opportunity to ask any final questions.
Make sure your heating is switched off.
Switch off and unplug all electrical equipment.
Before you turn off and unplug computers, save all your
important data.
Turn off any gas appliances and don’t use them during
Keep your freezer door closed, so your food doesn’t defrost.
Be assured our installer will treat your home with respect and will leave it
the way they found it.
Don’t worry, the whole installation process should only take about 1 to 2 hours,
but our smart meter installer will be able to tell you if it’ll take any longer.
To make sure you feel fully prepared, you can watch our installation video
at which takes you through the whole
process step-by-step.