sTKftq Trqqrrdrfr 6rsqTuq (i(rli{) Embassy of lndia Kathmandu (Nepal) Vinay Kumar Deputy Chief of Mission Tel: 00977-l-4411408 Fax: 00977-l-4428245 Email : [email protected] rdda irsA No. KAT/EDU I 233 I 03 I 20 17 b3 D4^, t'l*.Ykso$*, :?C,\ \v(,U'it2s'2017 '!'Fv ?EU WK The Embassy of India is pleased to invite nominations from Nepalese citizens at ^S T-l;^ India $^* for +l^ the fully-sponsored training courses under ITEC/Colombo Plan of Government,+ of 18. These courses are ar.ailable for Nepalese citizens ernployed at go\-ernlrlent/public/private sector in Nepal benreen the a-se group of 25-45 )/ears. As in ious \ ears. courses are available in dir-erse fields like engineerin-e. journalism, banking. N frer er. relnote sensing, education. h1drolog1'. lau' enforcernent. business planning and Lro\\ promotion. accounts and finance, En-elish speaking. IT etc. )'ear 2017- ,flP 2. Brochure giving details of courses, Terms and Conditions under the programme and online procedure for applying fbr these courses can be seen at the website of the Embassy of India rvrvw.indianernbass), under the heading Education/Scholarships. We request you to nominate eli,sible candidates for the programme tiom your esteemed organization. 3. It be noted that those u,ho have already availed of any scholarship funded by the Goi'ei-i.riirent of India are nct eli-eib1e to appl1. Fligible candidates ma1 submit their rna1,' applications online and thereafter submit hard copies of their application forms duly appror ed by the Head of the Organization along with copies of their education certificates and citizenship proof to the Education Wing, Embassy of India, Kathmandu for due processing. N^*l Yours sincerely, {; (Vina umar) Mr. Shanta Bahadur Shrestha Secretary, Ministry of Education, Govt. of Nepal, Singha Durbar KathmTndu. q<t 336, +,Tum qFf', +rdqrrq iqrfl Address; 336, Kopurdhoro Morg, Kothmondu, Nepol gvm/Phone : +977 -1 -4410900/441 4990 wr*/Fox : +977 -1 -4428279 AP
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