Unit #5 Periodic Table Quiz Review

Name _____________________________________________________ Period _______
Unit #5 Periodic Table Quiz Review
Major Categories of Elements
1. Groups on the periodic table are ( VERTICAL COLUMNS / HORIZONTAL ROWS ).
2. Elements in a GROUP have SIMILAR chemical and physical __________________________. This is because they
have the same number of ____________________ ___________________.
3. PERIODS on the periodic table are ( VERTICAL COLUMNS / HORIZONTAL ROWS ). Elements in a period have the
same number of ________________ _________________. Elements in a period have ______ property similarity.
4. Metals are on the ____________ side of the periodic table (except _____). Nonmetals are on the ______________
side of the periodic table. Metalloids are found along the _______________________line (except ________).
5. Write the symbols for all of the metalloids: ____________________________________________________
Classifying Elements
6. Which groups contain the representative elements? _______________________________
7. Octet Rule - Atoms want ________________________ in their Outer Energy Level
8. Cation - Form when a ________________________ an Electron. Have a Positive Charge
9. Anion - Form when a ___________________________________ an electron. Have a Negative Charge
10. Group 1 is called __________________________, oxidation state is ____, which is a ( CATION / ANION ).
11. Group 2 is called __________________________, oxidation state is ____, which is a ( CATION / ANION ).
12. Aluminum is a metal in Group 13 whose oxidation state is _____, which makes it a ( CATION / ANION ).
13. Group 17 is called _________________________, oxidation state is ____, which is a ( CATION / ANION ).
14. Group 18 is called _________________________, oxidation state is ____. These elements have a _____________
outer shell, so they are very ( REACTIVE / NONREACTIVE ). And elements in group 18 do not have electronegativity.
15. Groups 3 – 12 are called _____________________________________________________.
16. Name and give properties of the inner transition metal groups ___________________________________________
17. How do you determine the number of valence e– for a representative group? _________________________
18. Complete the following chart
Name Of Group
Valence Electrons
Gain or Lose Electrons
Oxidation #
Periodic Trends
19. Atomic radius is a measure of the _______________ of an atom.
20. What causes elements at the bottom of the periodic table to have a larger atomic radius than those at the top?
21. Ionization energy is the
22. Electronegativity is the ability of an atom to
23. Reactivity is how likely an atom is to
a. For metals: ( LOW / HIGH )__________________________________________ determines reactivity.
b. For nonmetals: ( LOW / HIGH ) _______________________________________ determines reactivity.
24. Draw and label arrows in the periodic tables that represent the 4 trends discussed in class. You must write the name
of the trend in the box below the periodic table.
Element Identification
a. The smallest noble gas atom.
Element in period 5 that forms a –1 ion.
b. 3 valence electrons in Period 4.
Most EN element in period 4.
c. The element in period 2 with 7 valence e-.
Element with the lowest IE in Group 1.
d. Halogen in Period 5.
m. Most reactive element in Group 16.
e. The most reactive alkali metal.
n. Element with the largest radius in Period 3.
o. Element with the highest IE in Period 2.
Alkaline earth metal in Period 6.
g. Metalloid in Period 2.
p. Least EN halogen.
h. Nonmetal in Group 14.
q. Least reactive alkaline earth metal.
Element in period 3 that forms a +2 ion.
Lowest IE of the noble gases.
Trend Application
1. Which of the following is most electronegative? Li, B, N, or Ne
2. Which of the following is least electronegative?
N, P, As, or Sb
3. Which of the following is most reactive?
Rb, Y, Nb, or Ag
4. Which of the following is least reactive?
O, S, Se, or Po
5. Which of the following has the largest atomic radius? Li, B, Ne, or F
6. Which of the following has the smallest atomic radius? Cs, K, Li, or H
7. Which of the following has the greatest ionization energy? C, Si, Ge or Pb
8. Which of the following has the smallest ionization energy? Na, Mg, Al, or Si