Rainforest Explorers - Gunthorpe Primary School

Rainforest Explorers
Year 2 Curriculum Newsletter: Spring Term 2 2017
This newsletter is designed to give parents/carers a taste of the coming topic for Year 2.
We have detailed below the main themes that we hope to cover, although there will be
changes to respond to the children’s ideas and interests. Some subjects will have a great
share of time depending on the topic but we ensure that there is a balance of learning
throughout the year.
We might have an opportunity to see some animals that live in the rainforest.
We will be starting this term
with writing fact files on
animals in the rainforest. We
will use our knowledge of
information texts to help us.
After that, we will look again at
story writing using description.
To end our topic we will look at
poetry to describe different
We will begin with learning
how to subtract numbers using
written methods. After this, we
will apply our knowledge of
addition and subtraction with
money. To end we will look at
data handling and creating
charts and graphs.
We will be exploring habitats
and the difference between
living and non-living things.
We are going to have lots of
fun using collage, watercolours
and pastels to create our own
rainforest landscape.
The children will look at using
maps to name and locate
different continents and
oceans. We will then look at
comparing the United Kingdom
with the Amazon Rainforest.
As part of our learning in
music, we are going to be
looking at a range of tuned and
untuned instruments and
learning how we play them.
We will be zoologists and look
at finding minibeasts and
photographing them. We will
then collect data about them
and present it in a graph.
In PE, we are going to be
learning lots of new team
games. This will help to
develop our throwing and
catching skills along with
To develop our thinking and
social skills we will discuss
different topics that are
happening in the news.
Any information books on the
amazon rainforest.
Any books on animals that can
be found in the rainforest and
looking at a map and trying to
read it.