Pigeon River Mennonite Church

Upcoming Events
Business Meeting Reports Due
Updated directory info due
1/14 6:00p Men’s Wild Game Dinner
1/15 11:00a Annual Business Meeting & Potluck
Winter Bible School
Pigeon River Family
When you’re part of the family, You’re never alone.
Celebrating with those who are happy and crying
with those who are sad. – Romans 12:15
Prayer for the local church
 God’s leading in coming year
Health Concerns/Situations
 Debi Ackerman and family in the loss of her
father, Stuart Turfus
 Grybauskas family in upcoming move
 Mitch Yoder recovery from broken collar bone
 Larry Dilleree
 Unspoken concerns
 Fortress of Hope and Mitch & Lauren Yoder
 Bay Shore Camp
Offering last week: Pigeon River Ministries $ 3105
Harvest Offering to date $63195
Offering today: Pigeon River Ministries
& Harvest Offering (by designation)
Offering next week: Pigeon River Ministries
& Harvest Offering
Greeters today:
Durwin & Pat Jacobs
Greeters next week: Clayt Kauffman & Scott K.
Nursery today:
Christmas Day--No Nursery
Nursery next week: Beth Maurer & Wesley H.
Fellowship greeters
Doug & Rhonda Buehler
Fellowship greeters
next week:
Paul & Arin Shupe
Pastoral Care this week: Marie Maust
Pastoral Care next week: Pastor Dave
 Those suffering from Mexico City explosion
 Residents of Berlin following terror strike
 Poor and hungry this Christmas season
Prayer Chain: Email Emily Maust, secretary@pigeon
riverchurch.com, or call/text her at 989-550-9625
***Bulletin items due THURSDAY noon***
Pigeon er Church Contact Information:
www.pigeonriverchurch.com ~ Phone 453-2081
Pastor: Dave Maurer [email protected]
Arin Shupe, Youth [email protected]
Marie Maust, Church Nurse [email protected]
Emily Maust, Secretary [email protected]
Elders: Eugene Gascho, Chad Craig,
Brian Keim, Burt Keefer
Address: 7120 Geiger Rd, Pigeon MI 48755
Mailing address: PO Box 648, Pigeon MI 48755
December 25, 2016
Pigeon River
Mennonite Church
Loving God by worshiping…introducing …
Welcome to Pigeon River!
We are glad you are here, and we hope
you enjoy this opportunity to
worship God with us.
This Week
Sat. 8:00p New Year’s Eve Party, Youth Room
Sun. 9:30a Pastor Dave speaking on Matt. 2:1-12
“Going from Here”
Welcome and Opening Prayer
Opening Hymn
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:1-7
Drama: “Celebrate Hope”
Hymn of Response
Scripture Reading : Luke 2:8-12
Drama: “Celebrate Joy”
Hymn of Response
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:13-21
Drama: “Celebrate Peace”
Hymn of Response
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:22-40
Drama: “Celebrate Love”
Hymn of Response
Sharing & Prayer
Closing Hymn
Please Note: No Nursery service provided today
so that all families are able to worship together.
Fellowship at River Café
Visitors are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall
for coffee, tea, and a time of fellowship.
No Sunday School Classes today
Announcements . . .
Pastor Dave and family will be visiting family
in Ohio this week, December 26-31. Please
contact Marie Maust for any pastoral-care crisis.
We’re sad to hear that the Adam Grybauskas
family is moving the middle of January. We
wish them blessings and success in their new
endeavors. This means our part-time housekeeping position is open for applications. Many
thanks to Nancy for her excellent work and
cheerful help in so many ways. We will consider
an interim housekeeper until we find someone if
needed. Please let one of the elders or Pastor
Dave know of interest.
Make plans now to attend our Winter Bible
School from February 26 to March 1. Our
leader will be Bob Gillespie, an apologetics
speaker who has taught science, history, and
Bible for 25 years. Study will be based on
“Answers in Genesis.” More information may
be found at https://answersingenesis.org/
Time to update our printed Church Directory
for 2017. To calculate the number needed, we
need you to sign up at the Welcome Center for
a copy. Also, now is a good time to update
your info and photo. Directory forms are in your
mailbox, with extras on the secretary desk.
Please return completed forms to Emily
(mailbox or secretary desk) by January 10.
Photos may be submitted as prints, or digitally
to secretary@pigeonriver church.com.
Reminder: Did you get your annual report to
Emily yet? Deadline is next Sunday, January
1, to be included in the Business Meeting book!
A new opportunity: Are you adding exercise
or weight loss to your New Years resolutions?
Consider joining the Menno Knights: Clothed in
the Armor of God. Strengthening the Body of
Christ. You will report your achievements to Marie
each week as a way of being accountable. The
total minutes we exercise and total pounds we
lose as a group will be reported. You can join a
class, walk with a friend or continue to do your
own workout at home. Contact Marie Maust for
more details.
The Men's Wild Game Dinner outreach event
is Saturday, January 14, at 6pm. Sign up at
the Welcome Center for yourself and a friend!
Bay Shore Camp Winter Blast 2017 is coming
soon--register now! Be challenged by dynamic
guest speakers and special musical guests.
Two GREAT events: Sr. High Blast January 6-7
for Grades 8-12; Elementary/Jr. High Blast
January 20-21 for Grades 4-7. Cost is $69,
with discounts for first-timers or if bringing a
friend. Info & registration at http://www.bayshore
camp. org/winterblast/.