Brochure motorcycle ABS (PDF 1.18 MB)

Robert Bosch GmbH
Chassis Systems Control
Postfach 13 55
74003 Heilbronn
Printed in Germany
Road traffic crashes take the lives of
nearly 1.3 million people every year,
and injure millions more. The goal of
the Decade of Action for Road Safety
is to stabilize and reduce the number
of lives lost by 2020, ensuring that the
vision of a world in which mobility is
safe for all who use the world’s roads
becomes a reality.
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the performance of the designs may vary depending on the vehicle
manufacturer’s specifications and requirements for the product and
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Chassis Systems Control
Effective braking for a good ride
with motorcycle ABS from Bosch
Chassis Systems Control | Motorcycle ABS from Bosch | 3
2 | Chassis Systems Control | Motorcycle ABS from Bosch
26 %
40 %
not ABS
60 %
2 %
31 %
collision speed
Bosch ABS benefit study based on GIDAS (German In-Depth Accident Study, 2001-2009)
powered two-wheelers involved in accidents with injuries
You brake better with experience –
especially with ours.
What Bosch already knew,
is now confirmed.
With the antilock braking system (ABS) from Bosch, the motor-
Around one in six deaths that
fic Safety Facts, the fatality
a quarter of all accidents
cyclist can keep calm, even in a dangerous situation, making the
occurs on the road in Europe
rate for motorcyclists per
could be avoided if ABS was
fear of locking wheels and falling a thing of the past.
and Brazil involves a motorcy-
­registered vehicle in 2011 was
fitted as standard. A further
clist — in India and China, that
six times the fatality rate for
third of these accidents
Starting in 2016, ABS will be introduced as standard equipment
figure is even higher. What’s
­passenger car occupants. ­
would at the very least have
for an increasing number of motorcycles in the EU. According to
more, according to the
the EU legislation, all motorcycles with an engine displacement
­European Transport Safety
ABS from Bosch can improve
greater than 125 cc will be required to have ABS.
Council (ETSC), the risk of a
safety significantly, as proven
motorcyclist having a fatal
in numerous scientific stud-
­accident is 20 times greater
ies. An investigation conduct-
than for a car driver traveling
ed by Bosch based on the
the same route. According to
large ­German accident data-
the 2011 USDOT/NHTSA Traf-
base, G
­ IDAS, concluded that
less ­serious consequences if
ABS was used.
Chassis Systems Control | Motorcycle ABS from Bosch | 5
4 | Chassis Systems Control | Motorcycle ABS from Bosch
Components of the Bosch motorcycle ABS
Safe braking with
motorcycle ABS (left).
Without ABS the
­motorcycle loses
­stability (right).
1 ABS hydraulic unit with
attached control unit
Sensor signal
Brake circuit front wheel
Brake circuit rear wheel
2 Wheel-speed sensor
instead of locking.
Typical braking distance of a motorcycle
Customer benefits:
Average rider, starting speed 100 kph
▶ Reduction in the number of
serious and fatal accidents
This significantly reduces the risk of a
the wheels using wheel-speed sen-
brake-induced fall, and usually short-
sors. If a wheel threatens to lock dur-
ens the braking distance. Depending
ing hard braking or on slippery roads,
on the model, the rider is informed
the antilock braking system regulates
that ABS is engaged through a gentle
the braking pressure in a targeted
pulsing on the hand and foot brake
manner, thereby ensuring optimum
­levers, as well as a tacking noise.
braking. In this way, the stability and
maneuverability of the motorcycle is
maintained, even where there are
and ­enhanced riding comfort
as driving on sand, gravel or water).
unit constantly monitors the speed of
lock braking system, the ABS control
▶ Increased vehicle stability
▶ Best possible deceleration,
without the wheels locking
▶ Shortened braking distance
58,5 m
­adverse operating conditions (such
On a motorcycle fitted with an anti-
-9 m
49,5 m
Source: Austrian Road Safety Board, 2002
Chassis Systems Control | Motorcycle ABS from Bosch | 7
6 | Chassis Systems Control | Motorcycle ABS from Bosch
Traction control
Off-road control
Motorcycle ABS can do so much more
Frequently asked questions about
motorcycle ABS
ABS from Bosch not only makes brak-
countryside. In order to achieve
keep the rear wheel on the ground
ing safer, but also enhances perfor-
­optimum braking performance when
and avoid rollovers. This technology
mance. Value-added functions
riding off-road, the ABS control range
allows riders to remain more relaxed,
­increase the level of safety, comfort
starts a little later than it would on
whatever awaits them on their trip —
and dynamics.
tarmac. This delay allows the rear
be it wet leaves or bumps.
No. It is not possible to retrofit ABS.
▶ Can I have ABS retrofitted in my
wheel to dig into the ground and
That’s why it is important that you
Traction control: A helping hand for
­improve braking performance on off-
Hill hold control: Making going up-
make the right decision when pur-
the operator — even when accelerat-
road terrain. The front wheel control
hill a breeze
chasing your motorcycle by select-
allows a higher level of deceleration
Starting-up from standstill on a steep
ing a model equipped with ABS.
Bosch ABS does more than just
without impacting stability.
incline is no easy task, even for
brake the motorcycle effectively.
▶ Do I need to change my driving
­passenger vehicles. For a heavy-duty
Combined with the traction control
Rear-wheel lift-up mitigation:
motorcycle, the task is even more
system, it a
­ lso ensures that the rear
Makes the fun of the ride reach
challenging. Hill hold control pre-
wheel does not spin during vigorous
new heights, not the rear wheel
vents motorcycles from rolling back-
acceleration and prevents the front
When the brakes are strongly applied
wards unintentionally while riding up-
your style of riding. ABS helps you
wheel from leaving the ground.
on two wheels, it is actually only one
hill. Once the rider has released the
in critical situations, though you
wheel that decelerates. This is be-
brake lever and pedal, the function
should always remain alert and
Off-road control: Keep the fun of
cause, on motorcycles, especially on
automatically holds the brakes for a
drive carefully.
­riding – even off the beaten track
a sporty one, the wheel load shifts in
second longer. This allows the rider
Until now, the fun of riding with ABS
the direction of the front wheel, of-
to tackle any incline, without uninten-
ended when venturing off the beaten
ten causing the rear to lift up. The
tionally rolling backwards, regardless
starting the engine?
track; conventional antilock braking
rear wheel lift-up mitigation adjusts
of whether they are a beginner or an
No. ABS is automatically on and
systems were not able to cope with
the pressure in the braking circuit of
­experienced operator.
the tougher conditions in the open
the front wheel with precision to
While braking, rear wheel lift-up mitigation keeps the rear
wheel on the ground and helps avoid rollovers.
­style when my motorcycle is
­equipped with ABS?
No. It is not necessary to change
▶ Do I need to activate ABS when
Without rear wheel lift-up mitigation, the rear wheel can ­
lift up while braking.
­enabled as soon as the engine is