•wi?-•••••:; w j ^ r v - •.;«««; - Sft?-;-;v. •'W&prr E--r ;»^v- v .. - - <> • .• *mmmimm.i»jmti<m< - i - " '-'• , ' ?-!.'•*-»• J * - * * 1 *l- ^ "— mmmimmm ** *'< ROCHESTER CATHOLIC * JOURNAL l » » » » < t « l » » « *-<•>'.«*! -1* » «> I" ' 7 ' . " " ' " . '...' '~ *~~"Writer's Delense ^*wm»jfa*& Anglican Bishops Of Birth Control To Delay Action Scored By Priest On Fixed Easter i What Freedom Fqr Popes Has Meant In History f o l e d o , Ohio, March 1 . — l a m Episcopal Clergy F a v o r Sunday I n open letter replying to a n article by Apirl ft Unanimoiw Decision i o r Large pads aqd stiff springs are a thing of the paat. a columnist i n o n e of tb'e secular Change I s Reached. This is the third of a series of six articles, The FRAME" METHOD with aasmaH, properly propapers o f this city, wbleb sought t o mewed through the N. C. W. C. NEWS SERVICE, portioned, fad nves best results. Consult Our Ex|build up a defease for proponents of London, March 1.—If t h e proposal dealing with the historic aspect of the solution of the "Roman p e r t s . / K o obligation* < legislation for the dissemination of t o fix t h e date of Easter should meet birth control legislation, the Kov. w i t h general ecclesiastical approval, Question." These articles are by Dr. James J. Walsh, M. H, {Karl J. Alter has challenged t h e ac- the Anglican Bishops favor the adopPh.D., the eminent Catholic historian, author of "The Thircuracy o f statements made by t h e t i o a of the first Sunday after t h e tenth Greatest of Centuries," "The Popes and Science" and writer and declared most clearly the second Saturday in April* other notable works. • • * » «*•»» w i attitude o f t h e Catholic Church to- The matter w a s discussed a t a *m ward such legislation. meeting of both Houses of the__Cftn-_ Stationery _»r*»ctiptions By James J. Walsh, M.D., Ph.D. The columntsa^ Heywood Broun, vocation of Canterbury here* and the MCagaxioee HedMaeff gave it a s his opinion that the s u b B i s h o p of T r a t a moved t h e resoluMedical Director, Fordham University School of Sociology. licensed Pharmacist Tobacco Papers Ject of such legislation w a s n o t the tion which w a s adopted unanimousProfessor of Physiological Psychology, Cathedral College, affair of t h e Church. Hte then took \y. New York City. Bishop Sees No Objection mmz * .^;MtM .AKtV *»« • -*&JlO MONItOE AVE occasion t o declare for a compulsory civil marriage ceremony, more lenient Speaking before t h e vote was tak $& :9Mi^ri4owr»)» K»aa Monroe sa»5 The next great period of freedom. war of conquest. Even Mr. Henry Lea inm »<n i lii i m i ii nil i » HIB <» • !•» — • — — « — « g . divorce laws for childless couples, eh, the Bishop of Gloucester urged «OW««i<»lllH».U the needV of unified action before the for the Popes came not through sorae confesses that the doctrine of the and concluded with this "To put ill i n simple and rather Angttcarr Church should commit it- extraneous influence, a s on t h e pre-Albigenses, if carried out, would have trlte terms, Uhe Catholic Church fcsisBelf to a definite date. It would have.ceding t w o occasions w h e n Constan- led to the disappearance of the huno need t o asirrar legislation to m a k e a very unfortunate effect, h e said, i f tine and Charlemagne provided the man rac"<j. Inspirer of Great Hospitals. M S Monroe Ave. the observance of Lent universal. I Catholics and Anglicans should keepi opportunities for the Popes to exert •—Two Store* ! 17tM-17M> K*st Ate. their influence, but from the person- For the modern time, however. do n o t s e e w h y the Catholic Church the feast on different dates, Monroe t a i l a*: Monro* 47S4 cannot take t h e same attitude toward The Blshojj of Truro said i t was re- ality of a supremely great man whoInnocent's greatest work was the • •«••» •PI.S8 M t M M I M W I »•«••• birth control." raarkable that so many years had'occupled the Papal chair just as the foundation of a model hospital at Rome and the recommendation to the Church Attitude Given. passed without a more active demand thirteenth century was opening. In reply Father Alter informed for the fixing of Easter. H e did n o t This was Pope Innocent III, elected Bishps of the Christian world to Mr. Broun that the Opposition to see any grave ecclesiastical objection Pope lns.1198 and whose pontificate build something like it la their continued until 1216. His predeces- dioceses. The old hospital of the Holy birth control methods on t h e part of to the change, s the Church i s not based o n oeele- The Bishop of Birmingham, w h o o r , Pope Celestlne III, previous to Ghost in the Borgo at Rome was tbasiastical policy or Church legislation seconded, thought t h e - change to a hia dfeath January 8, 1198 urged up- prduct of Pope Innocent's interest in liked Easter might b e made without on the College of Cardinals the elec- the ailing poor. When he had deter• M H a M M M H as many people erroneously think, The Church," he said, "merely in- any social or commercial dlsadvan- tion of Giovanni de Colonna as his mined to erect it, he first made Interprets t h e l a w of nature and holds tages, a n l It would Involve n o successor. But Lotario de Conti, who quiries as to what was the model took the name of Innocent III, washospital of Christendom, and was that any perversion o f a function of religious loss. erected befre the close of the day ontold that it was In Montpelller, under nature is a perversion of the divine Await Action Of Holy See, will by which t h e laws of nature have N o alteration will be made by t h ewhich Celestlne died. This might the direction of a priest devoted to been established." Anglican Church, it m a y be safety a s - seem to indicate that there had been the work who had secured thorough organization. He summoned Mr. Broun having advanced t h e s u m e d , until t h e Holy S e e has ex-a strong faction in opposition to the hospital him to Rome and had him build a argument that the furtherance of pressed itself i n favor of a change. Pope at R'me, all ready to elect, a great hospital on a site near the Vai » « « i « « m i I»»«»» ••'••! »• » * • • » • • • • » « t birth control would prove a ouie for The matter already h a s been debated * successr, and t h a t probably mere tican. „ BafJBodMrter Products - It OmamUm Superior Quality poverty, Father Altar made this re- In the British Parliament, assent be human ambition and political motives ply: Ing given to the Easter Act of 1928 prompted the election. As a matter When bishops came on their visits $HH HAHONAi, B10MBE-MADE EGG-NOODLES "It is Interesting to note that you It was made clear when the Bill was of fact, Lotario accepted the Papacy to the Pope, as thfey must at stated * Ar» t h e N e t on t h e taawktt. Make a trial a n d be convinced. wave the red flag of poverty In the Introduced that there would be no at-with reluctance, and though at the periods, the hospital of Santo Spirlto A « k w a r grocer o r b a t c h e r for t h e NATIONAL w h e n buying n o o d l w face of those who are opposed to tempt to make a change in the date time he was only 37 years of age. It was commended for their consideraM a d s b y t k * KATIONAX/ BGG-NOODLH COMPANY irtlflclal birth control, but have you of Easter unless and until there "Is te r ynn**W,nt nnt*iai>}ii; bjHtnry fhnf. ttmyimri as & result model hospitals .-.. *W *»«Pb Ave, ITocseMj*, H. T. Pkont Stat* I S M 18 reelmg that It was a duty arose all over the Christian world. • w w w » t i » « « » M i n i i w i iiIKismjJBtiamaaatamimum»—«——• — i ••• • any adequate data to show that general agreemeat- among tlie ua-fo^y-h incumbent upon him prompted him Virchow, the great German patholopoverty is Induced by excessively tlons. 'HAY W« SHERMAN gist, who was thoroughly familiar large families or rather because of In moving the Anglican Bishops' to consent to his installation. Knew Human Weaknesses. with the history of medicine and of CHIH0PRACTOR thvj failure to practice contraception? resolution the Bishop of Truro made —OJ?FID» HOTJIW— Abolition of Poverty it clear that the ultimate decision We have from Innocent III a book, hospitals, has told the story of the 2 to 4 wd 6 to 8 P.BL You yourself have pointed out rested upon the shoulders of many De contemptu niundi,' bearing the German hospitals of that time. He ono of the answers to this argument others. Their action, he said, was butsecondary title De miseria conditionls said: i Satnrdar a w l 8«uad*y b y Appotatmopt •SB Mala St. W»tTwr; %«iw>*w* PIT^nPSone Genwee 70t~ when you call attention to the fact a small contribution towards some- humanl—that Is, "On the Contempt "The beginning of the history of that the state should bend Its ef- thing which required a great deal of of the World" or "The Misfortunes of forts toward abolishing poverty by cooperation on the part of very Human Life." This book is a classic all these German hospitals i s connect'm in the spiritual life, written while In- ed with the name of that Pope who economlo and social adjustments, diverse people. Your Old Ctr Made to Look Like New nocent was in monastic retirement made the boldest and farthest-reach- 'Wopiiprfal « • - / P r o < * « Mm. Paiatinf AvtoowWlM Quick and Cheap rather than by aiding dissemination during the pontificate of his predeces- ing attempt to gather the» m m of of birth control information. You B i s h o p H a r t l e y 1Tbj»a fro«t F o « r to T • « D-gw. Prioe »36.0O to S 7 5 . 0 0 sor. Because of this book, the name human interests into the organisation, observe that t h i s statement is someof Innocent III was adduced, at times, of the Catholic Church. The hospitals what sophistical In your opinion. May almost until our own day, as the au- of the Holy Ghost were one of the I a s k In w h a t t h e sophistry consists? JLvmtm P I M M Monro* S I M thor of "The Imitation of Christ," many means by which Innocent III A I M you, a liberal, going t o b e WM> which was also attributed to Jean sought to bind the whole of human1 come a tory and advocate that tlie ^ • — state should adopt a policy of a d - Columbus, O., F e b . 2 6 . — A t a Gerson, the chancellor of the Univer- ity to the Holy See, and sorely It was luatibg human beings to e c o n o m i c 8 0 l o t o n Pontifical high Moss In St. sity of Paris, though we now know one of the most effective. Was it not londltions instead of the r e v e r s e , J o s e p h ' 8 Cathedral, yesterday, t h e that It was written by Thomas a calculated to create the most profound impression? See how the aamely, adjusting economlo and P a p a l B r l e f Proclaiming the Rt. Rev. Kempls. James J mighty Pope, who humbled emperors It was the man who thus knew so looial conditions t o t h e needs o f b U 3 , a n A-s s lHartley, Bishop o f Colum8t Immatt beings? In which direction aQt to the Papal Throne clearly all tbte weaknesses of human and "deposed Kings, who was the unrelenting adversary of the Albimipiaim a n d t h e emptiness—ofdoes progress lie for the great bulk „...„ .*,i -a „". ^ , b y t h e M o s t R e F - J o l l n T.{nature , .. Iranian _ __ genses, turned his eyes sympatheti)f mankind?" .. JMaNlehoias, Archbishop of Cincinnati.'ambition, who made one of the great cally upon the poor and tho sick, . I Bishop Hartley had planned to ob-Jest Popes who ever lived. He inter- sought the helpless and the ntiglected f n_-,__ C M A L I • . • S P r T e t l r e twenty-fifth anniversary offered successfully In the political upon the streets, and saved the 1 e a / e u m a l i n g A S f i a i t l his consecration privately, but, yield-laffairs of most of the countries of illegitimate children from dwUli 'iff" "mvj T . Fn ~ ^ l s J » 0 P 3 ° f the Province, he agreed to rulers from Imposing on their sub the water." By Rev. J. Van der Hoyden, I N e W 1 r e a t y Or Jr e a c e t"ls public recognition of the bestow-'jects and. above all, violating the No wonder that the life of In' New York, March 4;—Alfliotigh i t al of the Papal honor. (rights of those had no one else to. ap ocent III has been ono of the great jg trfb that nine out ox ton p>«sfiiOas Santo Domingo, Feb 25.—The fn>"e Ever Intensely interested In seen wel- was peal just to except the Pope. cause moot' points of history. N o wonder who W l y for asslstaiice to the social (Louvaln Correspondent, N. C. W. C. President of the Dominican Republic, work, Bishop Hartley has but there no'wayTheir in which .NEWS SERVIOE). agencies of New Vork gvst help wlthla Louvaln, Belgium, Feb. 25.—To Gen.Horaek) Vasquea.has announced bh Diocese grow In every line of en-, justice could be done them except by that It has been misunderstood by o n e ^efek; aever&eieaa countliMg hoc-1 the signing of a tieaty between this doavor, spiritually as well as mater-jthe exercise of the great spiritual those who looked only at certain ^toan'trageaiei) could be avertedttnake the Catholic Church and what country and Haiti, settling a long dts- '"Uy- Born In Columbus, he has the'power which the Pope possessed as a features of it. All that is needed, tlurougn m6r» •widespread use ol ex- It has done and Is doing for their puted boundary question that some distinction of having beeir -baptized, consequence or his position as the however, is sufficient knowledge of " kfttagiiiWrmation Wrvlces,sayaare- lommon country hotter known the years ago had been submitted to the ordained and consecrated within the head of Christendom at a time when the life of this man to make anyone understand that here, Indeed, ; port Jujitliitted by the Welfare Coua- Catholics of Holland have produced a Holy See for arbitration. Receipt of confines of his diocese. all Europe was Catholic, ,was one who exercised suprenuL c n of'New York City o f which the dim giving material proofs o f their the news was celebrated here by tho In 1911. under the patronage of. A Protector Of Tho Peoples. spiritualpower—for~l?oc&™"'ih t h e ' C*thbl|e*Ch*r|tle» of theArohdioceBe accomplishments during the last singing of a Te Deum. , Bishop Hartley, _tbe_Catholic~ Press* When King Alphonso IX of fifty years. world. it.NeW"ifolkis*member. ThS xoport •-•*lvk>43ia course of the present year'sThe disputed boundary IfBe hasAssociation was organized. Address-) (Spain) gave scandal to his ^Jia^^f^^M^JSffh&m t& l u r a for aloctoral campaign, the film i s to be caused much annoyance to both ^ s the Catholic editors. Bishop Hart-.tbat might have led to the worst 1^A Hurter. a distinguished German — ' ^ k i e a ^ t t "an iniresUgation o f t h e made u s e o f a s a lfrsans o f propa- countries and even occasioned threats ^ gave them generous moral and of example, by attempting to m/ £ Freedom of Pope Again Exemplified eipWience of 1,766 persons in aearcfa ganda for the Catholic political party. of war because of inevitable incur- material support and encouraged a very near relative, Berengari* 'LB lawyer, took up the life of Innocent sloas by citizens of each country In- them to organize. For many years he Pope separated them. He guards he HI with the idea that nothing In the of aJttJii^n^e, the report points to tbe to the doubtful sone. |has been Honorary President of the sanctity of marriage in some b&*f a world would make so clear that the ne*d„df a much better understanding RelicOfStlsidor • Some years after the dispute had Association. Idozen other countries by similar In- Roman Catholic Church was a merely m th'i iejftji'i pubtta and prlvatas wat been submitted to the Vatican, the' Of his many works in the Diocese tervention in the marital affairs of human institution seeking power for fare reipurces not only on the part of Sent To Argentina two countries were occupied by t h e 0 ' Columbus perhaps the closest to royalty, but it was as an arbiter In itself, than the career of this great the public i t large but on the part of United States and new complications'be Bishop's heart Is the Shrine of Political affairs relating to the various medieval Pope. By the time however teathejri^ clergymen, policemen, doc(By N. C. W. O. Ntews fienrlco) arose. The settlement is the outcome the Little Flower.Three new hospl- countries that his power showed it-that he had finished the lives of mt o n , court officials, Employers, law8 5 a yers and Newspapermen, all of whom Madrid, Feb. 25.—At the request of an exchange of official and friend.-^ ' nd St.Joseph's Cemetery also eself. Innocent had .received the hlgh-'nocent III and his contemporaries In of the Spanish Ambassador t o BueIy visits and is based on the princi- are among the projects completed & education of the time. His eaflylfour volumes, Hurter had become a ^iatelfriqgful "occasion t o direct persons seeking assistance, and o n the nos Aires, in the Argentina, the pies of mutual understanding and under the guidance of Bishop Hart-'education was secured at Rome, he Catholic, and had come to recognhre ley. Other important events under his studied theology at Paris and Juris-Jthe supernatural elements i n a life the part of social workers themselves. dor. The relic has been removed good will. , TM.siudy undertook to And an from an urn in which the remains administration include ttte erection Prudence at Bologna. These were the of this kind, 'answfr-toHhe; question: "Cam. ja per- of the Saint are preserved in the of the new St. Charles Seminary-Col- three great centers of special scholar- _ son in New York City, who needs the Cathedral of Madrid, and placed in lege and building of. dozens of ship. He was hailed as one of the P r e e d o m ot t f a e Popes t o act h a t n o n e of t h e m o s t sort of Jbelp social and health agencies King of Spain has asked the Chap schools and high schools. most learned theologians and o n e of f ?s unporare prepared to give, get easily andfter of Madrid for a relic of St. Isithe greatest jurists o f his time. H e * incentives t o the development of . «ulcklyAl relliMe Information ai" taj* reliquary to be .sent to the Span w a s preeminently fitted, then to * t r u 0 > p i r I t *? Christianity comprised (By N. C. W. C. News Service) Islu Ambassador In Buenos Aires. «|i*rt t o applyt" Answering this j u d g e of difficult causes and t o a c t a s ' P » ^ c u l a r l y to the t w o commandPSK*-' London, itarch 1.—At the annual question, the report says: ""While The Church of St. Isidor i n Bue- meeting here of the Catholic Em* arbitrator in involved national and m e n t s « loirtJ °f O ^ *"»«" of our nejghj|bm the majority of Individuals needing nos Aires was founded in Colonial (international situations, ^ .& a t f c a Pmes,;art and archjiec-«=»*«, ^ , . *-• . gratlon Society Lord Denbigh an8 e t o e f o r w a y Jbelp # who -geti l o t sbcwl tur* have. beM- lappoalfdi to successl « ^transfer ^ . ^ f is « considered ^.«Hf*d% ^ t H « « ngranted > « » * nthat the Government has Chttago. March 4.—A one-day eon-L„J*; • ft*h e l?r t !81 1 ^°^1 ° ^ particularly "be^tn aigency,/ do so fairly early e w concessions t o persons fully to express men's love of God, feience on the subject, "The Adoles-' s™%. t^ " *** ting Sverri, - j p j b ^ $ l ' ' i n f i l l three, four oar llyfe •Suing. Presentation of t h e relic emigrating to Canada and other B r i £ c 6 n t ' " w l u he held a t the . Palmer £ n 2 _ a f t e r AT £ L n r " d * g t h arbitrated and hospitals and the organization of / a^j^lc^JNif.dre finding one -which will be made by Senor Ramino o a s e here et1reen t h e charity and especially of service for ; d o m i n i o n s ' u n d e r the s o c i e W HAssociation ' - Saturday, b y Study the Chicago'?. 68 1111 t n r*»» o n e claimants to the theslck poor have exemplified--th*— Maeatu, Spanish Ambassador to the ish Jr^ iija«-taaTe to solve their prob^ for Child' andl^"* * - He did the same auspices. i 3>i....;\ •ecornt "commandment. Pope Int W n Ietns. Applicants often are confused Argentine. The ceremony of select- A message read by lord Denbigh Parent Education. { * **«>g*rd* two tfiimsSSto tfio uoeent's career exemplifies that verr ing, the relic took-juac&4n-4b«» pres- from the" Overseas'Settlement Depart 03 1 er own of s e * . * <*«»- H e proved"* weBv ^'" ence of the Bishop of Madrid and ment stated that men sent by the Professor Frank N. Freeman of the'* 8UC< BSful University of Chicago w i l l p r e s l d e a t ^ mediator-betareen K i n g Next week: Dr. Walsh discusses a the Intendant of; the Palace, Count |fc-^*-wi*-«^W' * tra"ining| th ° m « r n f n g session, a t which t h c l f m . e 5 o f H u a g a r y and his rebellious pertod~the Avignon "Captivity"— Be Aubar, and a number of prom- society t , t h e goverafiieritsame help 8 P e a k e ™ and their subjects will be: r Andrew centers receive thesea same helD , sceptre " H e Jtohanittus adjudged-the lack of freedom of the popes inent ir.e}igidus. to- King of ln which Dr. Arthur E. Morgan, President of towards will the cost of the passage, 4 prtoutfit, and railway fares as is given Antioch College. "Indoctrination; Bulgaria, and had him crowned by "^JS? . ^? almost disastrous lowering; of Christian civilization. r to any persons directly recruited by The School Life," and the Kev. Paul the Tapal Legate. Jesuit Indian High There were many other important (Copyright, 1929, N. C, W* C.) i the government and sent through ffanly Furfey of the Catholic Uni 4 those centers. , versify of America, ?The Social As- matters settled by Pope Innocent III School's Enrollment tAi ^ PMl»3leI»Ma f Msrc* 4.—Cfttkollc c The Ethical during his eighteen years of pontifiAt the same meeting Father C. C.pect of Adolescence: "'it ^ %s«h^li otrpnM4eilphia in -*hich J Doubled In Tear] cate. Nearly all of these saved hife." i Mtettttdaie, S. J.v stated that the :«»**• «^comAr*Iit~depirt'to*Bit| government Is also to pay 75 per cent At the luncheon|Ses»ion William J. bloodshed and kept people from bePatn»j India, Peh. 10.—.fhc Oath- of the expense of training girls for Bo8an.«uperintendent of schools of ing oppressed. He encouraged a CruWork in the dominions at the estab~f Chicago, will preside, and Dr. Ernest sade against the llTebra in Spain, mUjM$$ktktf* *a#H. tttt announced, by Mgh American Jesuit*, has llshment uf t h e D o m i u i c a n <^£&ti$4rg Aasociatlon to4>«-n»ld Kureconducted »Mo Snmn Schoot at Setiah, R. Groves of the University of North and saw their powier ordken at the doubled its enrollment during the in London. Carolina will speak on "The Social Battle of Navas,. He Undertook the last year, It is the bnly Catholic BUSINESS MENS RETREAT Ordeal of the Adolescent; The Social fourth Crusade foiMihe-reeevery of Notre Dame, mdi., Ifatch i 4 —The high school tor Indians in p«tni San Francisco, March 1.—Tlilrty^ the -Holy - fcand, and when tbe Ven- sixth anflual *«t3nivers«l"ISfytit* Dame k~* A^SMa^JBEfrfrfa ^«ltcfl«l»lpn. _ «5 diocese of 2Bt©OO,000 five business and professional men o£ Professor John J. B. Morgan of etians diverted the Crusade from its Night?' wlH be held April &t accord©opttlirtloii Oi£ Ifei itolls it counts the San Francisco bay region attend- Northwestern tJniversfty^wiH preside original purpose, he solemnly pro- ing to James fi, Armstrong, alumal Christians | studyittg for the srlest- ed the „retreat of the Jesuit Fathers at the afternoon session/when Ble- tested and finally excommunicated secretary of the tfniveraity^oi: Kotre D»me. More than sbcty alumni clul m nood and for the work o t catechUts, Just Held at BI Reiiro Saa Ihif©. m » a a 0 r Rowland WembrVd'ge'.cocIoloitts the Venetians. ^ s * 3 W ^ &&2g * f *U «a«tes( Mohammedans, Her. jSacheu* Maher, s . j . . formed**" «P<*k « i "The Petsfect Girl and He recognUed how serious were will Join In the celebration, , iN^ghM and Tharu tribesmen from the Hlm_ _ . and ^ ^ N ^ ^ r ^ i t a t e o f ^ J i B l , ^ Pttmdtem of the TJniveralty of Santa « * ' Boy Friend: The Normal a*™ the beliefs of the Albigenses, proceeded summarily against them,(State*, as well a s in Mexico, Pai * * W J W " * » W * u d * w t is given Clara, and the R e i v » e » m , M a h o n e y ^ though he protested against the »!»*#- *UaM«" Manilla and •ndS South w t l America Vlll h a , JfttgUf his high jfchool ^ r i e r . Cotlete, gave'.th* gave the retre*ti r e t r ^j* *tt<* n « Fr*^**|. M B ^ » ^ ^: ftlfc^'Qflpnris^ ; 4 t ^ ^ < ^ ^ ^ * ! ^ ea^ which turaed the^0iu»«4» m t o a P ^ ^ p ^ ^ * * . !flguattwi * « « # » CoBw, <£•*,-, •"" S S E-'S AJKXiKU K. JrlJiJLlLK t u 230 ANDREWS STREET John J. Chilaon, Druggist ~^-CoTife<5fionary, Ice Cream & Soda DuMond-VanCuran Company, Inc. Plumbing and Heating; Contractors Rochester American Lumber Co. GET OUR PRICES Wm FORTtAJNP AVE. Phone, Stone 265 WILLIAM J. MEYER COMPANY Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors 103 Griffith S t Stone 133 . 0ALEY & N A S H * Inc. Made Assistant To Papal Throne Fresh Home Meats ANDREWS MARKET 75 FRONT ST. New York Charitiea - Holland Catholics I k e Film T o Tell i Urget Wider Study Of Achievements and San Pmningo Sign IE 0fReKejFSoi»cea ffi^ Concessions Granted Catholic Emigrants Child Study Group To Meet In Chicago EI 1 .V... Cauio c Teachers "* Join In Commercial — School Conference u ^'&t^stas, sisa, 8 'Universal Night* At Notre Dameli * " • - ' - 8 • ^ i&M - - ' . I
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