
Muhammad A. 1. A1 Qudhai'een
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As members of the Final Examination Committee, we certify that we have
read the dissertation prepared by
MuhdlTimad A. A1 Qudhsi een
The Syntax of Saudi Arabic-English Intrasentential Codeswitching
and recommend that
it be accepted as fulfilling the dissertation
requirement for the Degree of
Rudolph d lroiike w
Doctor of Philosophy
Kenneth b. booaman
Hamdl A. Ljatisheh
Final approval and acceptance of this dissertation is contingent upon
the candidate's submission of the final copy of the dissertation to the
Graduate College.
I hereby certify that I have read this dissertation prepared under my
direction and recommend that it be accepted as fulfilling the dissertation
Dissertation Direc/or _
Rudolph C. Troike
This dissertation has been submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for
an advanced degree at The University of Arizona and is deposited in the University
Library to be made available to borrowers under rules of the Library.
Brief quotations from this dissertation are allowable without special
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I dedicate this work to my parents, Sarah & Abdallah, who raised me to be in
the state I am at; to my brother, Ibrahim; to my wife, Modhi, who encouraged me
throughout my studies in the US; and to my children, Mossab, Sarah, Linah, Jana,
and Haneen.
1.1. Background
1.2. Codeswitching vs. Borrowing
1.3. Intersentential vs. Intrasentential Codeswitching
1.4. Purpose of the Study
1.5. The Significance of the Study
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Constraints on Codeswitching
2.2.1. Poplack's (1980, 1981) Approach
2.2.2. Woolford's (1993) Approach
2.2.3. DiSciullo, Muysken, and Singh's (1986) Approach
2.2.4. Belazi, Rubin, and Toribio's (1994) Approach
2.2.5. Muysken's (2000) Approach
3.1. Methodology
3.2. Subjects
3.3. Recorded Conversation
3.4. Data Analysis
3.5. Data Transcription
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Nouns and Noun Phrases
4.3. Verbs and Verb Phrases
4.4. Adjectives and Adjective Phrases
4.5. Adverbs and Adverb Phrases
4.6. Prepositions and Preposition Phrases
4.7. Pronouns
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Constraints Tested
5.2.1. The Free Morpheme Constraint (Poplack, 1980)
5.2.2. The Equivalence Constraint (Poplack, 1980)
5.2.3. The Government Constraint (DiSciullo, et al., 1986)
5.3. Codeswitching and MinimaHsm
5.3.1. The Functional Head Constraint (Belazi, et al. 1994) Switching between D and NP Switching between C and IP Switches between Q and its complement
5.4. Rescuing the Functional Head Constraint
Speaker #1
Researcher (MaQ) with Speaker #1
Speaker # 2
Researcher with Speaker #2
Speaker #3
Researcher with Speaker #3
Speaker #4
Researcher with Speaker #4
Speaker #5
Researcher with Speaker #5
Speaker #6
Researcher with Speaker #6
Speaker #7
Researcher with Speaker #7
Speaker #8
Researcher with Speaker #8
Speaker #9
Researcher with Speaker #9
Speaker #10
Researcher with Speaker #10
Speaker #11
Researcher with Speaker #11
TABLE 1: Saudi Arabic [+ Coronal] Phonemes
TABLE 2: Saudi Arabic Personal Pronouns
The syntax of intrasentential codeswitching has been the main focus of
research on codeswitching in the last two decades, and several constraints on its
occurrence have been proposed. Belazi et al.'s (1994) Functional Head Constraint is
one of the most recent among these constraints. It states that codeswitching is not
allowed between functional heads and their complements.
This study tests the predictions of this constraint, as well as Poplack's (1980)
Equivalence Constraint, using Saudi Arabic-English codeswitching data from ten
graduate students studying at U.S. universities. A total of ten hours of naturalistic
telephone conversational data was tape-recorded, and
transcribed for analysis.
Selected portions of the conversations containing fairly frequent codeswitching are
included in an appendix, which may be a source for further research.
Codeswitches were classified according to the category of syntactic unit in
which they occurred, and their frequency was tabulated. Illustrative examples of each
category are given, and the applicability of major proposed constraints to the
examples is discussed, with particular attention to the Functional Head Constraint.
Analysis shows that Saudi Arabic-English codeswitching poses an apparent
challenge to the Functional Head Constraint, as the database contains frequent
counterexamples, consisting primarily of a switch between the bound Arabic definite
article el- and an English Noun or modifier + Noun. Analyzed in terms of
Chomsky's (1995) Minimalist Program, this switch is seen as occurring between the
head of the DP and its complement, with the /I/ of the Arabic head assimilating to the
first [+ Coronal] consonant of the English word, following regular phonological
rules. It is proposed that the definite article has weak features, and does not have to
check its language feature, so that it does not block codes witching. The Functional
Head Constraint can thus be maintained if it is restricted to apply to heads with
strong features, such as demonstratives, which block codeswitching. However, the
phenomenon is a clear violation of the Free Morpheme Constraint (Poplack 1980).
Chapter I
Codeswitching (CS) is generally understood as the alternate use of two or
more languages within a single discourse, sentence, or constituent (Poplack, 1980). It
is a mode of communication that is frequently observed when two or more bilingual
speakers engage in discourse, and it serves an important social function. So
whenever there is more than one language spoken in a community, some speakers
within the community may be expected to switch from one language to another. As a
linguistic pattern that is significant for linguistic research in general and due to the
important and major role it plays in bilingualism in particular, CS has been an area of
research and investigation for at least the last three decades. It is recognized in the
sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic, and theoretically oriented studies of CS that such a
phenomenon involves some kind of interaction between the grammars of the
languages involved in switching.
CS is a form of linguistic exchange that takes place in everyday
conversations of most, if not all, bilingual and multilingual speakers. It also
frequently occurs among student bilinguals whose native linguistic background is the
same, especially in a foreign environment. A bilingual refers to a person who can
speak two languages, and a multilingual refers to an individual who is in command
of more than two languages\ It is very common among bilinguals and multilinguals
as well that two or more languages are used in their oral exchanges when they meet.
The frequency of switching, however, depends on several factors such as the
language proficiency of the interlocutors, and the social environment they are in.
Since English is the medium of instruction in the US, it is a must for international
students studying at US schools to learn to speak and write; therefore, many
bilinguals in the US are students who come from different places around the world
with different language backgrounds. Over the course of their studies at American
universities, and like other Arabic speaking students in general, Saudi students often
code-switch between Saudi Arabic (SA) and English. Codeswitching between Saudi
Arabic and English is very common and can easily be noted whenever two or more
Saudi students in the US engage in conversation. Saudi Arabic-English CS is also
noticed among Saudi bilinguals living in Saudi Arabia who are former students with
US or British experience and have a good command of English.
As there are different linguistic varieties of Spoken Arabic used throughout
the Arab world, the term "Saudi Arabic" (SA) is used here to refer to the variety of
the language spoken in Saudi Arabia^. Within Saudi Arabia itself, however, several
regional dialects are to be found. These include the Najdi dialect in the central region
of Saudi Arabia, the Hijazi dialect in the western part of the country, and the
' In the bulk of the literature on bilingualism, the term "bilingual" is used as a general term to refer to
people who speak two languages or more. Another term used is "multilingual" which specifies that
the person speaks more than two languages.
^ Throughout the Arab World, local spoken varieties exist side by side with Standard Arabic, and
Saudi Arabic is the one spoken in Saudi Arabia.
Southern dialect. In addition, the spoken language of both the northwestern and
northeastern regions is somewhat influenced by the dialects of the neighboring
countries. If we look even closer, we will find more linguistic differences among the
dialects of major cities in each of the major provinces, especially in the central and
western regions. Differences in these dialects of Saudi Arabic are mainly in the areas
of phonology and semantics. Thus one might say that with the existence of more than
one regional variety of spoken Arabic in Saudi Arabia, the term "Saudi Arabic"
might not be a good choice. However, since the participants in this study come from
different cities across Saudi Arabia, and because differences in their local dialects are
in the areas of phonology and semantics, which do not necessarily hinder
communication, we will use "Saudi Arabic" (SA) as a cover term for all the dialects
represented by the participants in this study.
1.1. Background
Although the phenomenon of CS has been a major linguistic topic of
investigation since the early 1970s, the linguistic literature suggests that it is difficult
to accurately and satisfactorily define this bilingual behavior, as researchers have
disagreed over the proposed definitions. Thus despite being a popular topic of
investigation, there is still considerable disagreement as to what CS constitutes and
what it implies for linguistic theory (Bokamba, 1988). In part, this difficulty is due to
factors related to the nature of CS as a linguistic behavior where two or more
systems interact with each other, and also due to the variety of cultural, political, and
social factors that have to be considered when dealing with CS (Belazi, 1991). In
their proposed definitions of code-switching, researchers have discussed the
linguistic competence of bilinguals and the points at which switching may occur.
One of the first attempts to define CS is found in Weinreich's (1953)
description of bihngualism as "the practice of alternately using two languages." (p.l)
He later goes on to argue that intra-sentential CS indicates some lack of bilingual
proficiency when he stated that "an ideal bilingual switches from one language to the
other according to appropriate changes in the speech situation (interlocutor, topic,
etc.), but not in an unchanged speech situation, and certainly not within a single
sentence" (p.73). For Haugen (1956), CS involved a bilingual's use of "completely
unassimilated" words in his speech.
In reaction to Weinreich's argument that intrasentential CS is a sign of
bilingual deficiency, a growing number of research studies on CS from different
languages from the early 1970s and until recently (Timm 1975, Gumperz &
Hernandez-Chavez 1972, Pfaff 1979, Kachru 1978, Lipski 1978, Poplack 1978/1980,
Bentahila & Davies 1983, Woolford 1983, Joshi 1984, DiSciullo et al. 1986, Clyne
1987, Bokamba 1988, Myers-Scotton and Azuma 1990, Nortier 1990, Myers-Scotton
1992/1993, Park, Troike, & Park 1993, Rubin & Toribio 1994, Belazi et al. 1994,
Turibio & Rubin 1996, Myers-Scotton et al. 1996, MacSwan 1997/2000, Jake,
Myers-Scotton & Groos 2002 ) have shown that fluent bilinguals do, in fact,
frequently produce utterances with intra-sentential CS, and that CS is rule-governed.
For instance, Poplack (1980) and Nortier (1990) show that proficient bihnguals do
code-switch easily and frequently, and they produce more intrasentential switches
than those bilinguals with low-level proficiency in the second language.
Furthermore, Joshi (1984), in a paper on the processing of sentences with
intrasentential codeswitching by speakers of certain bilingual communities, argues
that "production and comprehension of utterances with intrasentential codeswitching
is part of the linguistic competence of the speakers and hearers of these
communities" (p. 90). In fact, Myers-Scotton (1993) argues that this type of
switching is actually the "unmarked code" for some bilinguals in certain
circumstances. Thus, the preponderance of research has demonstrated conclusively
that switching within sentences does not reflect deficiency in either of the languages
involved in CS utterances.
It was not until two decades after Weinreich (1953) and Haugen (1956) that
codeswitching began to receive more attention in linguistic research. In a study that
motivated more research on this bilingual phenomenon, Timm (1975) defines CS as
"a bilingual mode of communication characterized by frequent shifts from one
language to another (typically with phonological interference) throughout the flow of
speech" (p. 473). Gumperz (1976) described CS as "the juxtaposition of passages of
speech belonging to two different grammatical systems or subsystems. Within the
same exchange there are no hesitation pauses, changes in the rhythm, pitch level or
intonation contour when shifting occurs". Valdes-FaUis (1976) defines CS as "the
altemation of two languages" (p. 53), and Scotton and Ury (1977) describe it as "the
use of two or more linguistic varieties in the same conversation or interaction"
arguing that "the switch may be for only one word or for several minutes of speech"
(p. 5). In Poplack (1978), CS was defined according to degree of adaptation to the
other language phonologically, morphologically, and syntactically as "the complete
lack of adaptation of patterns from one language to the patterns of the other" (p.170).
In a later study, Poplack (1980) further describes CS as "the alternation of two
languages within a single discourse, sentence, or constituent" (p. 83). Valdes (1981)
also characterizes CS as the alternating use of two languages at the word, phrase
clause, or sentence level". Similarly, Jacobson (1982) states that "code-switching
does not necessarily occur at the clause level alone. As a matter of fact, phrases,
words, and other constituents can be altered as well". Grosjean (1982) argues for the
importance of CS as an aspect of bilingualism and defines it as "the alternate use of
two or more languages in the same utterance or conversation" (p. 145). In a
psycholinguistic study of intrasentential CS, Joshi (1984) defines this bilingual
phenomenon as "utterances in which they (speakers) switch from one language to
another possibly several times, in the course of an utterance" (p. 190).
More recent studies of codeswitching appeared in the late 1980s and during
the 1990s. For example, Belazi (1991) claims that a good definition of CS has to
consider factors like bilingual competence, systematicity, and uniqueness of CS as a
language contact phenomenon and proposes that CS "is the systematic and rapid
altemation between two codes or subcodes i.e. between two different languages or
two related languages, in the same unit of discourse. It can only be used by balanced
bilinguals who are competent in both languages and varieties. As such, it must be
distinguished from language contact phenomena observed in monolingual discourse"
(p. 6). In her study of the "grammatical structure in code-switching", Myers-Scotton
(1993) defines CS as "the selection by bilinguals or multilinguals of forms from an
embedded variety (or varieties) in utterances of a matrix variety during the same
conversation" (p. 3).
1.2. Codeswitching vs. Borrowing
Making a distinction between codeswitching and borrowing is a controversial
issue in sociolinguistics as researchers debate such an issue. Yet in studying
bilingualism, it is important to distinguish between these two patterns of bilingual
behavior because doing so is essential in isolating CS material for analysis. Such a
distinction also becomes necessary before making conclusions regarding the data
under analysis. In making their distinctions between these two types of bilingual
linguistic behavior, researchers focus on the behavior of the bilingual as he or she
switches, and the kinds of changes that occur in the languages used including where
switching occurs and the status and purpose of switched items.
Pfaff (1979) considers "single lexical items and morphological adaptations as
well as longer sentences of English in mere borrowing" (p. 269).
Although no explicit definition for codeswitching is given here, Pfaff argues that
"speakers who codeswitch are competent in the syntactic rules of both languages"
(pp. 291-292). Poplack (1980) uses instances of her Puerto Rican Spanish-English
data to claim that borrowing involves utterances that are phonologically,
morphologically, and syntactically integrated into the "base" language, whereas CS
involves utterances that are not syntactically or morphologically integrated into the
"base" language. Similarly, Sridhar and Sridhar (1980) maintain that borrowed items
are integrated into the phonology and morphology of the host language. They further
argue that, besides being used to fill lexical gaps in the host language, borrowings
are generally restricted to single words and to a limited number of words commonly
heard and therefore accepted by the community speaking the host language. It is also
argued here that "borrowing can occur in monolingual speech, while code mixing is
necessarily a product of bilingual competence" (p. 409). Furthermore, Grosjean
(1982) uses linguistic adaptation in his distinction between CS and borrowing and
argues that "a code-switch can be of any length (a word, a phrase, a sentence) and is
a complete shift to the other language, whereas a borrowing is a word or short
expression that is adapted phonologically and morphologically to the language being
spoken" (p. 308). Sankoff and Mainville (1986) state that borrowing involves
satisfying the morphological and syntactic rules of the recipient language, while CS
involves items that belong morphologically, syntactically, and lexically to one
language and are connected with another item from the other language used in the
utterance. For example, an Arabic speaker who may not be competent in English
might still use the English words courses and semester in an Arabic sentence like:
?anhyet 0ala0al kursaa fi hada s- simistar
finished-I three [courses] in this the-[semester]
'I have finished three courses in this semester'
where the Enghsh words courses and semester are borrowed and adapted
phonologically and morphologically into Arabic and therefore the whole sentence is
uttered as if there was no instance of switching from English to Arabic. Scotton
(1988) and Saville-Troike (1989) also show that CS can occur at the level of single
1.3. Intersentential vs. Intrasentential Codeswitching
Two types of CS have been distinguished in the speech of bilinguals: inter­
sentential CS and intrasentential CS. Intersentential CS refers to instances of
switching between sentences and/or main clauses from one language to the other
where the bilingual speaker produces a whole sentence or more in one language
before switching to the other. Intrasentential CS, on the other hand, involves
instances of switching within sentences and/or main clauses; it occurs within the
same sentence. It is important to mention that in the literature, some authors use the
term "code-mixing" for intrasentential CS and reserve "code-switching" for
intersentential CS. However, since the term 'code-mixing' suggests randomness and
reinforces the popular impression that codeswitchers are confused, in this study the
label "codeswitching" will be used as a cover term for both types. It is the second
type, intrasentential codeswitching, that is investigated in the present study.
Due to its more complex nature, as it employs the use of different linguistic
systems, the bulk of the studies on the syntax of CS have focused on intrasentential
CS since it is here that we learn more about the intricate nature of language in
general and that of bilingualism in particular. It is for reasons like these for further
understanding of the study of CS that the present work focuses on intrasentential CS
between Saudi Arabic and English. Examples (2-3) from Spanish English
codeswitching, both drawn from Jacobson (1990), and (4-5) from this study's Saudi
Arabic-English data illustrate each type of codeswitching. In (2) and (4) switching is
intersentential as it occurs between sentences, whereas in (3) and (5) switching is
intrasentential as it takes place at points within the sentence.
Y lo logran. They continue helping their own family. Tienen su senora y
'[And they succeeded]. They continue helping their own family. [They have
their wife and family.]'
Lm organization empezo en nineteen seventy-six. Research que habia hecho
Eric Marquez under the orders of the King of Spain.
'[The organization started in] nineteen seventy-six. Research [that Erie
Maques had done] under the orders of the King of Spain.'
I talked to my family back home. Beddi awaddi 1 awlaad ?nja?allah fi June
[I talked to my family back home.] I-want take the children Godwilling in
'I talked to my family back home. I want to take the children Godwilling in
fa 'azamna fel- community room Hagg el.. es- sakan elli 'enduhum
so invited-us in the [community room] of the housing complex that they
'so he invited us into the community room of their housing complex.'
1.4. Purpose of the Study
The present study is intended to closely examine one type of language
contact, namely CS as it is used by bilingual Saudi students studying at several
universities in the United States. The primary purpose of the present study is to
demonstrate how Saudi Arabic-English CS fits into the established point of view of
the systematicity and rule-governed nature of CS and to relate the apparent
systematicity to current linguistic theory. The study also briefly appeals to some
sociolinguistic factors involved especially when discussing some examples of
switched utterances. So although this work deals with Saudi Arabic/English CS
primarily from a syntactic perspective, it will also considers some of the
sociolinguistic factors involved in the collected instances of CS.
Codeswitching is a topic that attracts syntacticians and sociolinguists as well.
This study discusses perspectives on the linguistic/syntactic aspects of CS, and the
present data will be investigated accordingly. As for the linguistic aspects, the most
recent studies on CS will be discussed and analyzed in detail. A study of this kind is
worthwhile not only because of the structural differences between SA and English,
but also because the study examines the data in light of the syntactic proposals of
Chomsky's principles and parameters framework including the Government and
Binding theory and the Minimalist Program. Besides its contribution in studying the
syntax of Arabic and English, it further contributes to our general understanding of
the multiple processes involved in CS.
The linguistic analysis will cover the syntactic level of the switched
utterances, which includes the distribution of switches over different parts of speech,
the analysis of intersentential vs. intrasentential CS, and the testing of proposed
linguistic constraints. A major concern will be testing the applicability of the
Functional Head Constraint as proposed by Belazi et al. (1994) to the present data.
Thus, with all these issues discussed and with a new explanation proposed for Saudi
Arabic-English CS, the study offers an additional contribution to the study of CS in
general and to Arabic-English CS in particular.
1.5. The Significance of the Study
With the exception of one study (A1 Mansour, 1998), the use of CS between
Saudi-Arabic and English has not received attention in the literature, and to the best
of my knowledge, there has been no major systematic research conducted on the use
of CS between Saudi Arabic and English using the most recent syntactic proposals as
a framework for analysis. Therefore, the present study is designed to show how
Saudi students in a foreign language environment apply CS in their language
production during their daily interactions, and it also is an attempt to discover
possible linguistic constraints that are involved in this process of Saudi ArabicEngUsh codeswitching.
It is observed that the majority of educated bilingual Saudi students in the US
frequently code-switch between their native Saudi Arabic and English both
consciously and unconsciously. Conscious CS involves switches in which the
speaker intentionally switches between the two languages in words and phrases,
whereas unconscious CS involves casual switching during daily interactions with
other bilinguals. It is the latter kind of CS that takes place without the bilingual
speaker's conscious awareness, and it is this type of CS that is the primary focus of
the present study.
Conscious and unconscious CS can be distinguished on the basis of the
setting and topics discussed in the bilinguals' interaction. In formal settings, the
speaker usually code-switches between his native language and his second language
to show the other conversation partner, the listener, that he is well educated and that
he belongs to a higher social class. In informal settings, on the other hand, a speaker
does not pay attention to his speech, which makes his conversation more natural and
spontaneous because it is unconscious. It is my hope that the results of this study will
contribute to the enrichment of the literature on CS and fill in the gap that I have
identified above.
Considering the importance of language and social relations between a
researcher and participants in collecting language data, especially in a study on CS
like this, it is relevant to identify my own relation to the project. All ten subjects
participating in the study were chosen on the basis of being close friends of mine, as
this level of personal relationship was considered essential for making our
conversations informal, something which is significant in collecting naturally
occurring data. In addition, besides being a native speaker of Saudi Arabic, I have
also studied English for many years and have lived in the US for the past ten years.
So I speak both languages well and I also frequently code-switch between Saudi
Arabic and English. Knowledge of the participants' language is strongly
recommended in field research and data gathering especially for "a thorough
anthropological study" as Gudschinsky (1967, p. 2) points out. Since I know the
language of the participants as a native Saudi Arabic speaker, this eliminated the
need for interpreters. Thus, a high level of command of the languages under study is
essential since there are often analytical and intuitive decisions to be made in this
type of research.
Chapter II
Morpho-Syntactic Approaches to Codeswitching
2.1. Introduction
Codeswitching has been noted among bilinguals for a considerable period of
time, but only recently has it been recognized as a medium and strategy of
communication that is worth looking at (Belazi, 1991). From the early 1970s up to
the mid-1970s, research on CS was mainly sociolinguistic in nature. That is, research
looked at CS from a sociolinguistic perspective focusing on social (and
psychological/semantic) factors that lead to its occurrence in a bilingual community.
However, during the 1970s, the attention of research started to shift toward the
grammatical aspects of CS, and syntactic studies of this bilingual behavior started to
The early 1970s research on CS claimed that it was mainly a non-fluent
bilingual performance. In addition, many monolingual and bilingual speakers viewed
CS as a deficient form of linguistic behavior that harms their native languages.
Linguists during this decade revolutionized our understanding of CS when, by
observing CS data, they discovered that it was not a random linguistic activity and
started to look for patterns in CS and for linguistic constraints that could be
responsible for such patterns.
Early research on CS as a bilingual phenomenon suggested that it is not rulegoverned, but rather a random bilingual behavior. In a study of Spanish-English CS,
Labov (1972) dismissed the idea of a rule-governed nature of CS and claimed that it
is merely "an irregular mixing of two linguistic systems". In one of the earliest
studies on the syntax of CS, after looking at several cases of Spanish-English CS,
Lance (1975) failed to find any structural constraints on CS and claimed that "there
are perhaps no syntactic restrictions on where the switching can occur in the
sentence", concluding that CS is non-systematic. However, reaction to Lance's
position was tremendous as more studies on the structure of CS appeared, with
evidence that it was not syntactically random, but rather governed or regulated by
rules of the languages used in the bilingual speech. These CS studies, which mainly
dealt with Spanish-English data, include, among others, Gumperz and HernandezChavez (1972), Timm (1975), Gumperz (1976), Pfaff (1976, 1979), Lipsky (1977,
1978), and Shaffer (1978), all of which show that there are some restrictions on
where CS can occur. More recent studies include Kachru 1978/1980, Lipski 1978,
Poplack 1978/1980, Bentahila & Davies 1983, Woolford 1983, Joshi 1984, DiSciullo
et al. 1986, Clyne 1987, Bokamba 1988, Myers-Scotton and Azuma 1990, Nortier
1990, Myers-Scotton 1992/1993, Park, Troike, & Park 1993, Rubin & Toribio 1994,
Belazi et al. 1994, Toribio & Rubin 1996, Myers-Scotton et al. 1996, MacSwan
1997/2000, and Jake, Myers-Scotton & Groos 2002.
For example, in a study that motivated more research on this issue, Timm
(1975) studied Spanish-English CS and reported four syntactic positions where
switching is unacceptable, pointing out that it does not occur between pronominal
subjects and their corresponding finite verbs, between verbs and their pronominal
objects, between finite verbs and their infinitive complements, and between negation
elements and the verb negated. These four cases are illustrated in the following
examples taken from Timm's (1975) study of Spanish-English CS (p. 478):
S>E (Pron. Subj. Verb) *yo went, *E1 wants, *Ellos gave
E>S (Pron. Subj. Verb) *I fui, *He quiere, *They daban
S>E (Verb Pron. Obj.) * Mira him, *Him mira
E>S (verb Pron. Obj.) *She sees lo, * Lo she sees
E>S (Neg. Verb) *I do not/don't quiero
S>E (Neg. Verb) *yo no want
In her conclusions, Timm states that although "the rapid alternation between
English and Spanish in the natural conversations of bilingual Mexican-Americans
can only be accounted for by appeal to factors beyond the realm of linguistic
conditioning....a small number of Hnguistic (syntactic) restrictions on codeswitching are operative within sentences". Support for Timm's findings came from
Gumperz' (1975) study on Spanish-English CS in which switching between head
NPs and relative clauses and between subjects and predicates was possible, but not
between VPs and their complements. In a later study, Gumperz (1982) argues for the
systematicity of CS stating "it is the meaningful juxtaposition of utterances formed
according to the rules of two distinctly different grammatical systems"
2.2. Constraints on Codeswitching
Timm's (1975) study on Spanish-English CS not only paved the way for
more research on the syntax of CS, but it was the first study in which the question of
syntactic equivalence was raised and its relevance to CS was discussed. Arguing for
the importance of this type of equivalence and its relevance to CS, Lipski (1977)
stated that "the necessary conditions for bilingual code-switching involve a certain
form of homology between the superficial syntactic form of the utterances in the two
languages' (P. 254). Using examples from his Spanish-English data, Lipski claims
that an utterance that falls before a switch may be syntactically divergent, but
utterances that fall after the switch must be syntactically identical as in the following
example (p. 258):
A Sotero le gusta mucho cocinar barbecue every Sunday
which is a combination of
A Sotero le gusta mucho cocinar barbeque cada domingo
Sotero likes to cook barbeque every Sunday.
In another study on Spanish-English CS, further restrictions on switching
were suggested by Pfaff (1979). One of these is that switching to English verbs
occurs only when they are preceded by an inflected Spanish verb as illustrated in the
following examples (p. 274):
Estaba training para pelear
'he/she was training to fight'
Donde estas teaching!
'Where are you teaching'!
Another restriction that Pfaff (1979) found in her data is that the linear
structure of both languages should be identical in order for the switch to occur and to
be acceptable. Therefore, switching within NP is generally frequent due to rare
structural conflicts between English and Spanish as in (10) below:
El flight que sale de Chicago
'the flight that leaves from Chicago'
However, in the case of switching between adjectives and nouns within the
NP, Pfaff argues that "adjective/noun mixes must match the surface word order of
the language of the adjective and of the head noun" (p. 282). So an utterance such as:
*I went to the house chiquita
'I went to the little house'
is unacceptable because it constitutes a violation to the constituent structure of
English. The Spanish adjective chiquita that modifies the English noun house is used
in a way that violates the NP structure of English in which, unlike Spanish,
adjectives precede the nouns that they modify. One further restriction or constraint
that Pfaff finds pertains to switching with a prepositional phrase (PP). She points out
that although "prepositional phrases in English and Spanish are structurally parallel,
... not all structurally possible switches are equally probable" (p. 286). Examples
Fuimos del airport
'we went from the airport'
Con el bat
'with the bat'
Thus, these early studies looked at some basic facts of CS from a surface
syntactic perspective and sought to argue for constraints on its occurrence. The
constraints proposed in these early studies were specific as they were limited to a
specific structure or constituent and pair of languages. Although these studies did not
provide approaches for explaining the syntactic aspects of CS, they actually paved
the way for more research, so other studies were undertaken and more constraints
were proposed. Below, I will outline some influential approaches that have attempted
to explain CS behavior. In particular, I will focus on Poplack (1980, 1981); Joshi
(1985), DiSciullo, Muysken and Singh (1986); and Belazi, Rubin, and Toribio
(1994). Although these authors proposed their constraints based on data from
different language pairs, they do argue for the universality of these proposed
constraints, and hold that their proposals can be used to explain CS data from other
languages. In other words, they claim that, unlike previous studies where constraints
were language specific, their proposals are general and can explain any CS data.
2.2.1 Poplack's (1980,1981) Approach
Motivated by insights and conclusions from Timm (1975), Lipski (1977), and
Pfaff (1979) briefly discussed earlier, Poplack (1980,1981) and Sankoff and Poplack
(1981) proposed two major constraints to restrict codeswitching: the Free Morpheme
Constraint (FMC) and the Equivalence Constraint (EC) both of which were
considered the first attempt to formulate general principles that constrain CS, and
both are defined by Poplack (1980) in (14) and (15):
The Free Morpheme Constraint
Codes may be switched after any constituent in discourse provided that
constituent is not a bound morpheme.
The Equivalence Constraint
Code-switches will tend to occur at points in discourse where juxtaposition of
LI and L2 elements does not violate a syntactic rule of either language, i.e. at
points around which the surface structure of the two languages map onto each
The straightforwardness of these two constraints and their apparent validity for the
Spanish-English CS data led the authors to argue that both constraints are universal
and can be used as a ground for explaining switching data from other language pairs.
Poplack (1980) points out, for example, that the Free Morpheme Constraint is
confirmed by data from other independent studies that include Pfaff (1975, 1976),
McClure, n.d., and Wentz (1977).
According to the Free Morpheme Constraint (FMC), defined in (14),
switching between a stem and an affix is disallowed unless the affix is
phonologically integrated into the language of the stem. For example, a switch such
is unacceptable because the Spanish present participle morpheme -iendo which
corresponds to the English morpheme -ing is attached to the English verb eat and
that is a violation of the FMC. It is only when the bound morpheme is
phonologically integrated into the language of the stem that such an example or
switch will be acceptable.
Meanwhile, according to the Equivalence Constraint (EC), defined in (15),
switching takes place at points where "the juxtaposition of language A and language
B elements does not violate a syntactic rule of either language" (Poplack, 1980).
Sankoff and Poplack (1981) gave further explanation of the EC pointing out that "the
order of the sentence constituents immediately adjacent to and on both sides of the
switch point must be grammatical with respect to both languages involved
simultaneously". Stated differently, this simple constraint prevents switching "within
a constituent generated by a rule from one language which is not shared by the
other". So in the EC as proposed here, the word order before and after the switch
must be possible in both languages used in the utterance. The following example was
invented by Gingras (1974) to be tested for acceptability on the bilingual population
of that study, and is also used by Poplack (1980) to account for its non-occurrence in
her data and to illustrate the equivalence constraint:
El man que came ayer wants John comprar a car nuevo
"The man who came yesterday wants John to buy a new car"
As predicted, and unlike the first portion of example (17) above which is
generated by rules shared by English and Spanish, the second portion of the same
example violates the equivalence constraint "because it applies an English infinitive
complementizer rule, which is not shared by Spanish, to the verb phrase
complement. Because the code-switch did take place in this invented example, an
English rule was lexicalized in Spanish, yielding a construction which could not have
been generated by a Spanish rule, and which is therefore ungrammatical by Spanish
standards" (Poplack, p. 587).
Another site of "non-equivalence" in (17) is the difference between English
and Spanish in regard to the placement of adjectives in the sentence. Typically,
adjectives precede the head noun in English, whereas in Spanish they follow the
head noun with the exception of a "closed set of Spanish adjectives that may precede
the noun" according to Poplack (1980, P. 588). So the different word order with
regard to the placement of adjectives in English and Spanish restricts switching in
the last portion of the example (17), the phrase a new car. The non-occurrence of
switches like (17), the second portion of which violates the equivalence constraint,
and the rarity of switches involving adjectives and nouns in the way explained above
lead Poplack (1980) to argue that "simultaneous operation of the free morpheme and
the equivalence constraints permits only code-switched utterances, and indicates a
large degree of competence in both languages" (Poplack, 588)
The EC is considered by many researchers to be a good example of
constraints that mainly apply to Spanish-English CS, especially in the word order of
adjectives and nouns. In Spanish, adjectives follow nouns, whereas in English they
precede nouns. Therefore, placing adjectives before nouns will result in a violation
of the syntactic rules of Spanish and the EC.
The validity of both constraints has been challenged in studies undertaken
from other language pairs. Counterexamples to the Free Morpheme Constraint are
reported in several studies (Bentahila and Davies 1983, Woolford 1983, Joshi 1984,
El Noory 1985, DiSciullo et al. 1986, Clyne 1987, Bokamba 1988, Myers-Scotton
and Azuma 1990, Nortier 1990, Myers-Scotton 1992/1993, Park, Troike, & Park
1993, Rubin & Toribio 1994, Belazi et al. 1994, Toribio & Rubin 1996, MyersScotton et al. 1996, MacSwan 1997/2000, Jake, Myers-Scotton & Groos 2002, and
others). For example, in a study on Arabic-French codeswitching, Bentahila and
Davies (1983) reported the following counterexamples to the FMC:
Tabqa tat-gratter
'you keep scratching'
'it stopped working'
Examples (18) and (19) show the Arabic bound morphemes tat and j attached to the
French stems gratter and functionner.
In another study, El-Noory (1985) reports two kinds of violation to the
predictions of the FMC in his data on Egyptian Arabic-English CS. The first is that
the Egyptian Arabic bound definite article morpheme il is often prefixed to English
nouns, noun phrases and even to sentences as the following examples show;
bi-kida n\-hi\(Xi-\-competUion
in-this we-begin the [competition]
"this way we begin the competition"
il -pituitary gland bi -y-samm-uu-ha
the [pituitary gland] they-call it
"the pituitary gland they call it"
i\-anti-urinary hormone prevented
the -[anti-urinary tiormone prevented]
"the anti-urinary ..."
The second violation to the free morpheme constraint reported by el-Noory
(1985) is that the present progressive and future Egyptian Arabic bound "enclitics"
ba, bi, and ha, followed by the person, number, and gender specifying morphemes y,
t, ni, were prefixed to the English verb stem as in the following examples:
?ana ha-cope ma'a 1-lahja 1-qahiriyya
I-will-[cope] with the dialect the Cairene
"I cope with the Cairene dialect"
di bi-t-resist- ayy adversary conditions
this-will-[resist]- any adversary conditions
"this resists any adversary conditions"
Clearly, these examples from Bentahila and Davies' (1983) data on ArabicFrench CS, and El-Noory's (1985) data on Egyptian Arabic-English codeswitching
violate the predictions of the free morpheme constraint as the English stems are not
phonologically integrated into Arabic bound morphemes. Other counterexamples to
this constraint will be presented and discussed in section 4.3.1 of chapter 4 using
data obtained for the present study.
Similarly, several studies (Srihdar and Srihdar 1980, Narty 1982, Bentahila
and Davies 1983, El-Noory 1985, Berk-Seligson 1986, Bokamba 1988, and
Kamwangamalu 1989) report counterexamples to the predictions of the EC from
several different languages, which also cast doubt on its claimed universality. For
example, in their Arabic-French CS data, Bentahila and Davies (1983) discussed
switching between a subject and its main verb in a French declarative main clause.
In French, the subject must precede the verb because it is a SVO language, whereas
in Arabic both SVO and VSO are allowed as possible word orders as in;
*Bqat -1 apartment
remain the-[apartment]
'the apartment remained'
*Za le control
'it is time to do checking'
Both examples follow an Arabic surface structure that is not equivalent to French
rules, thus violating the predictions of the Equivalence Constraint.
El-Noory (1985) reported 61 switches that violate the equivalence constraint.
These mainly include the omission or incorrect use of definite and indefinite articles
in (27), the absence of the copula in (28), and incorrect word order (29).
a. hiyya wakhd-a leave of absence
she-(is)-taking [0 leave of absence]
"she is taking a leave of absence"
b. Kamaal kan ga? bi - attitude mu'ayyan
Kamaal had come with [0 attitude] certain
"Kamaal had come with a certain attitude"
c. il - individual differences di ...
the [individual differences] this/these
"these individual differences"
a. kull di 0 side-effects
all this/these [0 side-effects]
"all of these are side effects"
b. Mustaghiir 0 mish flexible
mustaghiir [0 not flexible]
"Mustaghiir is not flexible"
a. fii-h 'andu-hum nagaaH conditional
there-they-have success [conditional
"they have conditional success"
b. hina 'n-naas 0 practical
here the-people [0 practical]
"here people are practical"
In the first two examples of (27), the English indefinite article a and/or an does not
exist in the switching from Arabic to English which violates English syntax and
therefore violates the requirements of the equivalence constraint. The use of the
Egyptian definite article il and the demonstrative di to qualify the English noun
phrase individual difference in (27c) also violates English rules and leads to a
violation of the equivalence constraint. The absence of an English copula in Egyptian
present tense examples in (28), and the placement of the English adjective
conditional postnominally in (29) also contradict the rules of English and as a result
constitute violations of the equivalence constraint. More counterexamples will be
presented in section 4.3.2 using data obtained for the present study.
2.2.2. Woolford's (1993) Approach
Using assumptions of Government and Binding framework of Chomsky
(1981), namely those of phrase structure and lexical subcategorization, Woolford
develops a generative model of bilingual codeswitching that allows switching when
both languages involved share the phrase structure rules that generate constituent
structure. This model, then, rejects any change in the grammars of the two languages
involved and the existence of a separate grammar for codeswitching. Instead, "the
two grammars operate during codeswitching just as they do during monolingual
speech, except that each grammar generates only part of the sentence" (p. 522). The
bilingual uses phrase structure rules freely from either language as he switches back
and forth between grammars. The grammars of both languages are believed to be
cooperating in generating codeswitched utterances.
Unlike phrase structure rules generating constituent structures which
cooperate for possible codeswitching utterances, "the lexicon and word formation
components of the two grammars remain entirely separate from each other. Each
lexicon feeds only the phrase structure created by rules from the same grammar" (p.
522). To elaborate, English terminal nodes will be filled with English lexical items.
and Spanish terminal nodes with Spanish lexical items. However, identifying "the
source grammar of constituent structure created by rules common to both grammars"
(p. 522) is impossible. Therefore, "both lexicons have equal access to terminal nodes
created by common rules" (p. 524). Thus when the phrase structure rules used to
generate constituent structures are common to both languages of the switched
utterance, both lexicons have access to these nodes and all the terminal nodes can be
filled by lexical items from either language. If a phrase structure unique to one
language is used, however, then only the lexicon of that language has access to the
terminal nodes created by its grammar.
To support her model, Woolford uses the following Spanish-English
codeswitching examples reported in several studies including (Gingras 1974,
McClure 1977, Pfaff 1979, and Poplack 1980).
I put the forks en las mesas (McClure 1977)
"I put the forks on the tables."
Todos los Mexicanos were riled up. (Pfaff 1979)
'All the Mexicans were riled up.'
No van a bring it up in the meeting. (Pfaff 1979)
'They are not going to bring it up in the meeting.'
El hombre who saw the accident es cubano. (Gingras 1974)
'The man who saw the accident is Cuban.'
The hombre viejo is mad (Gingras 1974)
'The old man is mad"
El old man esta enojado. (Gingras 1974)
'The old man is mad'
The white casa (Rivas 1981)
'The white house'
el siguiente play (Pfaff 1979)
'the following play'
the big casa (Quintero)
'the big house'
*the casa big (Quintero)
'the big house'
this little abastos (Quintero)
'this little grocery store'
*this abastos little (Quintero)
'this little grocery store'
*I went to the house chiquita. (Pfaff 1979)
'I went to the little house'
^El man viejo esta enojado. (Gingras 1974)
'The old man is mad'
*El hombre old esta enojado. (Gingras 1974)
'The old man is mad'
Example (30) is generated by phrase structure rules that are common to both
English and Spanish. Therefore, the lexicons of both languages have equal access to
the terminal nodes and can be filled by lexical items from either language. In this
example, English lexical items are selected by the speaker to fill most of the nodes,
and Spanish lexical items to fill the terminal nodes dominated by the final PP.
Examples (31), (32), and (33) are more codeswitching instances generated by rules
common to both English and Spanish.
To further illustrate her model, Woolford cites more codeswitching examples
from other studies discussing switching within various parts of speech. For example,
one of the phrase structure rules common to English and Spanish is the one that
expands a noun phrase into a determiner followed by N'. Therefore, either lexicon
will have access to the terminal node that this common rule generates, the Det, (see
(34) and (35)). Another rule common to both languages is the one that expands N'
into an adjective followed by a noun, despite some lexical restrictions in Spanish as
to which adjectives can appear prenominally. Here too, either Spanish or English can
be used to fill these terminal nodes (see (36), (37), (38), and (40)).
However, a phrase structure rule that expands N' into a noun followed by an
adjective is exclusively Spanish. As such, the nodes it creates can only be filled from
the Spanish lexicon as shown in the disallowed examples (39) and (41) through (44).
More codeswitching examples with different structures are used by Woolford to
show how her model works.
2.2.3. DiSciullo, Muysken and Singh's (1986) Approach
In reaction to Poplack's (1980) proposed constraints on CS, namely the FMC
and the EC, DiSciullo, Muysken, and Singh (1986) find these constraints inadequate
as they do not predict switching in languages with different phrase structure rules.
Using Chomsky's Government and Binding (GB) approach to syntax as the
theoretical basis for their discussion of switching with the VP and other switches,
they propose that CS is constrained by the "government relation that holds between
the constituents of the sentence" (DiScuillo, et al. 1986). As the focus of their study
is not on switching sites, but on relations between elements, they argue that "when a
government relation holds between elements, there can be no mixing; when that
relation is absent, mixing is possible". Thus, the Government Constraint (GC),
named after the "government relation" between constituents, states that switching is
not allowed when there is a government relation between two elements. For the
purpose of accounting for their approach, DiSciullo et al. define Government and the
Government Constraint as follows:
"X governs Y if the first node dominating X also dominates Y, where Y is a
major category N, V, A, P, and no maximal boundary intervenes between X
and Y".
Government Constraint:
a. If Lq carrier has index q, then Y™^* q.
b. In a maximal projection Ymax, the Lq carrier is the lexical element which
asymmetrically c-commands the other lexical elements or terminal phrase
nodes dominated by Ymax-
It is suggested that elements in a government relation must be in the same
language, designated by the language index. So if X carries language index q and
governs Y, then Y must also carry language index q. In addition, if X carries
language index q and governs a Y that is composed of more than one element, then
the highest element of Y must have the same language index as X, the governor.
i f X governs Y, ...Xq...Yq ...
It is proposed that the language index is assigned to the highest lexical element in a
maximal projection. For example, in the Prepositional Phrase (PP) to school, the
preposition to and its complement school would both bear the same index q and
would have to be in the same language. In the phrase to the school, however, the
determiner the is the highest lexical element in the governed determiner phrase the
school, and will therefore be the language index carrier. To and the must be drawn
from the same lexicon according to the Government Constraint.
Following this the Government Constraint, switching is also disallowed
where government chains are involved. For example, in the phrase went to school,
the verb went governs the prepositional phrase to school and the preposition to
governs the noun phrase school. All three elements must therefore be drawn from the
same lexicon.
The data DiScuillo et al. used to support their claim comes from a language
pair with different word orders: Hindi with SOV word order and English with SVO
word order. In addition, they support their proposal by citing examples from FrenchItalian-English CS. Below are some of the examples used to illustrate the predictions
of the Government Constraint:
Ha portato il cadeau
he [brought the] cake
"he brought the cake"
lo posse fare I cheques
I can
[do the] cheques
"I can do the cheques"
*I told him ki ram bahut bimar hai
I [told him that] Ram was very sick
"I told him that Ram was very sick"
The Italian-French instances of codeswitching in (48) and (49) are predicted by the
GC, as the governing elements portato "brought" and/are "do" and their governed
elements il and I are from the same language. In contrast, the English-Hindi switch
in (50) is ungrammatical because the governor told and the highest lexical element of
the governed complement ki are not in the same language. More counterexamples
will be presented in section 5.2.3 using data obtained for the present study.
2.2.4. Belazi, Rubin, and Toribio's (1994) Approach
As more constraints to account for codeswitching were proposed, Abney's
(1987) views of a special relation that exists between functional heads and their
complements, and Chomsky's (1991, 1993) ideas embodied in his recent work, the
Minimalist Program, motivated Belazi, Rubin, and Toribio (1994) to introduce a new
perspective into research on the syntax of intrasentential codeswitching for fluent
According to Abney (1987), functional elements are heads that are required
to select the features of their complements. Meanwhile, in monolingual speech,
Chomsky (1993) assumes a feature-checking process between functional heads and
their complements in the course of a derivation. In an earlier paper, Chomsky (1991)
specifically argues that functional heads check morphological features of the
elements in their checking domain. Such ideas have motivated Belazi et al. to
introduce one of the more recent proposals on codeswitching, the Functional Head
Constraint (FHC), a proposal which the authors argue that only explains switching
by fluent bilinguals and is not applicable to lower level bilinguals, as both groups
demonstrate different codeswitching behavior. The FHC is defined below;
The Functional Head Constraint:
The language feature of the complement f-selected by a functional head, like
all other relevant features, must match the corresponding feature of that
functional head.
To account for codeswitching, then, Belazi et al. (1994) extended Abney's
(1987) work, in which he argues for the existence of a Universal Grammar (UG)
special relation between functional heads and their complements, a relation that is
referred to as "f-selection", to assume that such a relation does exist between
functional heads and their complements in the course of codeswitching. In addition,
following Chomsky (1991, 1993), they also assume that "f-selection" is one member
of a set of feature-checking processes, and that one of the relevant features being
checked is language. Thus, Abney's work and Chomsky's Minimalist Program were
combined by Belazi et al. (1994) in their proposal for the Functional Head
Constraint. (FHC). As defined above, this constraint disallows a switch between a
functional head and its complement, since the language feature of the complement 'fselected' by a functional head must match the corresponding features of the
functional head. A functional head can be a Determiner (D), a Complementizer (C),
a Quantifier (Q), a Negation (Neg), and an INFL (I).
To account for switching between other lexical elements like nouns and
adjectives, Belazi et al. (1994) propose the Word-Grammar Integrity Corollary
which states that "a word of language X, with grammar Gx, must obey Grammar
To illustrate how this constraint works, Belazi et al. (1994) cite examples of
Tunisian Arabic-French intrasentential codeswitching, some of which are taken from
Bentahila & Davies, and are used below for illustration. Tree structures (mine) are
given for the first group of examples. As indicated by the mark /*/, the (b) examples
do not comply with the conditions of the FHC and are therefore disallowed i.e. are
D and NP complement:
a. hu a devil
he 0 [a devil]
"he is a devil"
b. *He is ?L demonio.
he is[ a devil]
"he is a devil."
In (52), we have two examples that illustrate the requirements of the Functional
Head Constraint. In the first example, the switched utterance is grammatical since
the complement NP is able to check the same language feature against that of the
head of the DP. In the second example, the process of feature checking does not
continue, as the complement NP demonio fails to check the language feature in its
corresponding head of the DP, which is in a different language from the complement.
C and IP complement:
a. The professor said que el estudiante habia recibido una A.
the professor said [that the student had
received an A]
"The professor said that the student had received an A."
El professor dijo that the student had received an A.
the professor said [that the student had received an A]
"The professor said that the student had received an A."
b. *The professor said that el estudiante habia recibido una A.
professor said that [the student had received an A]
"The professor said that the student had received an A."
*E1 professor dijo que the student had received an A.
the professor said that [the student had received an A]
"The professor said that the student had received an A."
In each of the (a) examples of (53) the Comp and its complement IP share the same
language whereas those in (53b) the Comp and its complement IP do not. As they
stand then, the (a) examples follow the FHC requirements whereas the (b) examples
do not and therefore are disallowed.
Q and NP complement
a. ktib
dix livers
write-he [ten books]
'He wrote ten books"
b. *ktib
'ashra livers
wrote-he ten [books]
"He wrote ten books"
In (54a), the quantifier dix and its complement NP livers share the same language
features whereas in (54b) they do not. The (b) example, which does not follow the
FHC, is marked ungrammatical.
INFL and VP complement
a. Je serai parti fi-1- 'ashra.
I [will-be gone] at-the-ten
"I will be gone at ten o'clock"
N-ku:n sae:fir-t a dix heures
[I-will-be went-I] at ten hours
"I will be gone by ten o'clock"
b. *Je serai sae:fir-t fi-Vashra
I will be [went-I at-the-ten]
"I will have gone by ten o'clock."
*N-ku:n parti a dix heures
I-will-be [gone at ten hours]
"I will have gone by ten o'clock"
Again, here the (55a) examples show the INFL sharing the same language feature as
its complements, whereas they do not in the (55b) examples. As those examples
discussed earlier, the FHC requirements are satisfied in the (55a), but not in (55b).
Like other constraints on CS discussed above, the validity of the FHC also
faced some challenge. Noun switches reported by studies that include Timm (1975),
Poplack (1981), El-Noory (1985), and Park, Troike, and Park (1993) constitute the
main challenge to the FHC. In Timm's (1975) study, NPs of the type D + N were
found to be "highly switchable". In Poplack's (1981) study, the most frequently
switched category was the noun. In El-Noory's Egyptian Arabic-English CS data, it
was also found that the English nouns were frequently switched with the Arabic
definite article. Similarly, in Park et al.'s (1993) study, nouns and noun phrases
combined comprised nearly three quarters (74.6%) of the total 516 switches found in
their data on Korean-English CS.
In a study of bilingual processing, Dussias and Courtney (1994) tested the
FHC in instances of Spanish-English CS. They used a matching task in which
subjects, who were proficient speakers of both languages, were asked to decide
whether two Spanish-English sentences presented to them on a computer screen were
identical or not in a matter of milliseconds, in order to see which was matched faster.
It was found that the FHC did not hold for the subjects they used in the study.
However, the results might have been confounded by the possibility that subjects
were more proficient in reading in English than in their native language, Spanish
(Dussias and Courtney, 1994).
Additional counterexamples to the FHC will be presented in section 4.3.3
when I discuss Saudi Arabic-English CS data from the present study.
2.2.5 Muysken's (2000) Approach
In one of the latest contributions to the growing field of CS, Muysken (2000)
addresses the question of "how can a bilingual speaker combine elements from two
languages when processing mixed sentences?" (p. 1). Drawing on a number of
studies and extensive amounts of data on CS across different languages, Muysken
seeks to provide a general model of CS rather than propose a specific model. He
argues that a single 'model' does not exist "apart from the general models provided
by grammatical theory and language processing" (p. 3). According to Muysken, CS
is divided into three types: insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization,
whose practice or occurrence depends on the grammars of the languages spoken by
the bilingual and on sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic factors.
As Muysken explains, both insertion and alternation focus on structural
constraints on switching. Insertion views constraints in terms of the structural
properties of one language, the matrix language; alternation views constraints in
terms of structural equivalence between the languages involved (i.e., switching is
possible only where it does not violate the structural integrity of either of the
participating languages (Poplack 1980)). Insertion is said to be akin to spontaneous
lexical borrowing and, depending on languages, it may consist of single bare nouns,
bare noun phrases (p. 95) or adverbial phrases (pp. 3, 5). Alternation entails a true
switch from one language to the other, and involves both grammar and lexicon.
Congruent lexicalization, Muysken's third category, refers to 'a situation where the
participating two languages share a grammatical structure which can be filled
lexically with elements from either language (p. 6). It is said to resemble style
shifting and variation within a language. After presenting a typology of constraints
on codeswitching, focusing on Poplack's (1980) Equivalence and Free Morpheme
constraints, Myers-Scotton's (1993) Matrix Language Frame Model, and DiSciullo,
Muysken, and Singh's (1986) government constraint, Muysken attempts to bring all
these constraints under one roof in what he calls the 'Unification and the escape
hatch model', which explains how CS occurs in the three patterns discussed.
Chapter III
Description of the Study
3.1. Methodology
One common problem in the field of linguistics is making judgments about
the acceptability of sentences. This is probably due to the complex nature of
language itself as an entity on the one hand, and to the methods used in collecting
and investigating the linguistic issues in question on the other. Because codeswitching is often stigmatized by speakers with puristic attitudes toward their
language, it is even harder to investigate by using or depending on acceptability
judgments as the only source of data. Due to the social factors involved motivating
or inhibiting code-switching, such an approach may lead to getting information that
is not useful for syntactic analysis such as speakers' bias against one of the two
languages under investigation or against the act of code-switching in general. As a
result, the main object of investigation, which is studying how the languages are used
in CS, is lost or at least negatively affected.
Thus, the attitudes of bilinguals toward CS make data obtained solely by
acceptability judgment techniques highly questionable. Pfaff (1979) points out that
although methods of data collection employing acceptability judgments help the
researcher control the linguistic aspects investigated, there is still "no guarantee that
all crucial factors will be held constant or that the sentences would or could have
occurred naturally" (P. 249). Similarly, Labov (1972) emphasizes the importance of
naturally occurring data and addresses the problem of acceptability judgment tasks,
concluding that:
"It is now evident that the search for homogeneity in intuitive judgments is a
failure. Once this result is accepted the strongest motivation for confining linguistic
analysis to such judgments disappears. If we are to make good use of speakers'
statements about language, we must interpret them in the light of unconscious,
unreflecting productions. Without such controls one is left with dubious data indeed
... with no clear relation to the communicative process we recognize as language
itself (p. 199).
With these observations in mind, it is clear that examining a linguistic pattern
like CS would best be done by studying naturally occurring data. This is not to say
that acceptability judgment tasks cannot be used, but what is meant is that they
should be used along with data collected in a natural environment. CS can best be
studied as it occurs in everyday interaction. Thus, the present study uses and
investigates naturally occurring data of Saudi Arabic-English code-switching.
3.2. Participants:
A total of ten Saudi bilingual graduate students participated in the study. All
of them are enrolled in various graduate programs in several US universities. All the
subjects, all of whom come from middle-class Saudi families, are married males
whose ages ranged from 25 to 35 years old, and have studied in the US for at least
three years (for religious and cultural reasons, no female participants were involved).
As for their experience with English, they have all been exposed to it from the
beginning of their intermediate school level through their undergraduate studies. This
type of exposure to English, which consisted of about two to three hourly sessions a
week, cannot be considered intensive. It is only through their studies in US
universities that they have been and are still exposed to English more intensively as
they are now living in an English-dominant environment.
3.3. Recorded Conversation
Several options exist for collecting data in natural settings. One method is
through face-to-face interviews with subjects; another is having subjects' natural
conversations audio-taped or video-taped in informal settings. Both ways have been
used in CS studies (Clyne 1987,), and both can yield interesting insights about the
nature of code-switching and how it is used in communication. However, neither
approach may provide a sufficient quantity of data for analysis, since CS tends to be
a low frequency phenomenon, and its production may be inhibited in these
circumstances. Therefore, I adopted another method that has been rarely used in
studies on CS, so far as I am aware, namely telephone conversations. Thus through
telephone conversations with individuals who are close friends, I was able to collect
a total of ten hours of taped CS data that I would consider natural, as they occurred
in an informal setting. Participants in the study were told in advance (at the
beginning of the telephone calls) that conversations would be taped and that the data
would be used for research on language, but they were not told the specific focus of
the research in order not to make them more sensitive to the particular phenomenon
under study.
Topics covered in the conversations with each participant varied from general to
more specific topics. General conversations covered various areas such as studies in
the US, family life, computers and technology, and local Saudi communities.
Specific topics that were covered with the participants included research projects that
each individual is working on at his own school, computer software, and school
issues in Saudi Arabia. Taping took place at my home in Tucson, Arizona, during the
academic year of 2000-2001 Each conversation with each participant was recorded
in a one hour session, using a small, portable, good quality Sony cassette-recorder.
Getting naturally occurring data was a major concern for the present study. It
was assumed that by using the telephone, anxiety and inhibition would be reduced,
and the subjects would be under no pressure to code-switch between Saudi-Arabic
and English as no eye contact was involved. Additionally, the participants are all
friends of mine, and the topics covered in my conversations with them were of
mutual interest. These factors altogether indicate that efforts were made to collect
code-switching data that would be considered as informal and as natural as possible.
The expectation was fulfilled, and in fact, the data that were collected were informal
and natural, as participants were at ease in their telephone conversations with me.
After the conversations were over, the participants were informed about the purpose
of the study and their consent was later obtained in writing to use the data for this
purpose. So participants were thus aware in advance that they were being recorded
and their written permissions to use the data were secured.
3.4. Data Analysis
The data collected for the present study has been analyzed to determine the
frequency and types of switches, and the linguistic constraints that govern CS
between Saudi Arabic and English. Analysis is primarily focused on testing the
major constraints proposed in the literature on CS. In particular, this present study
focuses on testing the Functional Head Constraint as proposed by Belazi et al. (1994)
and the data is accordingly analyzed within Chomsky's Minimalist Program of
syntactic description. In Belazi et al.'s (1994) study, which was based on the notion
of feature checking embedded in Chomsky's MP, it was argued that no
codeswitching is allowed between functional heads and their complements. This
present study tests this constraint to see if it holds for the Saudi Arabic-English
codeswitching data.
3.5. Data Transcription
The transcription of the data, which was done by this researcher alone, was
limited to those relevant, clear, comprehensible segments of conversations that
contained instances of CS. Instances of borrowing, however, were carefully
identified and excluded from the analysis since the study is devoted only to instances
of CS and not borrowing. Noise and sounds that were not relevant to the research
were also ignored, and personally-identifying references were edited out or indicated
only by initials. After the transcription was completed, I consulted with some other
Saudi Arabic speakers as a check on the reliability and accuracy of the transcriptions.
In addition, transcriptions were also reviewed closely with three of the interviewees
living in Tucson. The full transcribed database is given in the Appendix.
Chapter IV
Saudi Arabic-English Codeswitching: Basic Findings
4.1 Introduction
As discussed in chapter 2, data for this study were collected through conversations
that the researcher had with ten Saudi students pursuing their graduate level studies
at some selected US universities. At the agreement of the participants, these
conversations were tape-recorded for the purpose of this study. This chapter, which
is descriptive in nature, lists the major findings of the study. It includes the
distribution of switches over different major parts of speech including the categories
Noun and Noun Phrase, Verb and Verb Phrase, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition, and
Pronoun. Before discussing some of the basic findings of this study, it is important to
mention that, following Poplack (1980), items are considered instances of
codeswitching as long as no phonological integration into the base language is
involved. In other words, based on the degree of this kind of integration, several
items produced by the participants in the current study are excluded. With that in
mind, items like Ikursaatl "courses", /kumbyutaraati "computers", ItalafuunI
"telephone", Idulaarl "dollar", lysharrejl "he charges', and /yshayyekl "he checks",
are considered as integrated borrowings, and not as instances of codeswitching, and
therefore are excluded from the analysis. Proper nouns such as names of persons,
places, companies, etc. were similarly exclude
In the natural data collected for this study, participants produced a total of
3187 codeswitches in ten hours of telephone conversations. Below, I discuss
examples of these instances of switching between Saudi Arabic and English as
distributed over the major parts of speech mentioned above.
4.2. Nouns and Noun Phrases
The most salient finding is that the noun was the most often switched
constituent in the data, with 1382 switches (comprising 43% of the total number
switches). These results support other studies that include Poplack (1980), Bentahila
and Davies (1983), El-Noory (1985), Berk-Seligson (1986), and Myers-Scotton
(1993). Switches in (1), (2), (3), and (4) below show the English nouns conversation,
definition, observation, and study used in Arabic contexts without the Arabic definite
article. In (3), (4), (5), the English nouns class, structure, codeswitching, and
conference are used with SA el. However, this article has other forms depending on
the first sound of the noun that follows as shown by examples (6), (7), (8), (9), and
(10) in which SA definite article el changes to et, en, er, ed, and eth assimilating the
first sound of transcription, number, research, draft, and thesis. The phenomenon of
phonologically assimilating the SA definite article el with following nouns
(regressive phonological assimilation) will further be discussed in the next chapter.
Below are some examples of noun switches:
wallah khalleythaa conversation ma' IJ-Jabaab
in-fact made-I-it [conversation] with the kids [conversations]
"I have had conversations with the kids"
fa maa 'indaha definition waaQen
so no has-she [definition] clear
"so she does not have a clear definition"
ysawwi observation fi\-class
makes-he [observation] in-the [class]
"he observes in the class"
w fiih study kaanat 'ala el.. el structure mostly .. el codeswitching
and there [study] was on the [structure mostly].. the [codeswitching]
"and there was a study on the structure mostly .. the codeswitching"
w-el conference yekuun 'ala bedaayat-el-fasel
and the [conference] is at beginning the semester
"and the conference is at the beginning of the semester"
tet'ebk shwayyah fi-t transcription
make-tired-you a little bit during the [transcription]
"it makes you a little bit tired during the transcription"
tibi Hatta en number Hagguh, TCR200
want-you also the [number] its, TCR200
"you also want its number, TCR200"
bass inni fakkart fiih w- sawweyt ba'6 er- research
but I
thought in-it and did some the [research]
"but I thought about it and did some of the research"
ana mqaddim ed draft il?aan
the [draft] now
"I turned the draft now"
tiktib dissertation-ek w- 'aadi bass maaddat ed- dissertation eQ-thesis Jilha
you-write [dissertation]-your and o. k. but class the [dissertation] the
[thesis] drop-it
"you write your dissertation, ok, but don't take the dissertation the thesis
In (11) to (17), we see some examples of English noun phrase switches that
occur in the data. A total of 630 English noun phrase switches occurred (19.7%),
most of which are composed of a preceding SA definite article (with all its forms)
and an English adjective, the two basic noun modifiers.
fa h i m big difference
so here [big difference]
"so here is a big difference"
hada hada taqriban ha6a typical situation ya'ni
almost this [typical situation] I mean
"this is almost a typical situation, I mean.."
fa kaan ?wwal bada? yitkallam 'an el el historical outline
so was-he first started-he speaks about the the [historical outline]
"so first he started to speak about the historical outline"
Talabtuh 'an Tariig el interlibrary loan ?akhattuh Jahar w- rajja'tah
ordered-it through the [interlibrary loan] took-I-it a month and retumed-it
"I ordered it through the interlibrary loan, I took it for a month and returned
ana darast fiiha courseyn kaan yudarras taHt el- computer science
studied in-it course-two were taught under the [computer science]
"I took two courses in it, taught under the computer science"
w- ba'6 el ed- definitions of the languages ..
and some the the [deflnitions of the language] ..
"and some of the definitions of the language
zay ma tguul el el el et transformational grammar
such asthe the the the [transformational grammar]
"such as the transformational grammar"
Thus, English noun and noun phrase switches combined are the most
frequently switched items in the data, making 63% of the total number of switched
items, a finding that supports several studies mentioned above. All the different
structures illustrated above will further be discussed in the next chapter in relation to
the prediction of the functional head constraint.
4.3. Verbs and Verb Phrases
The verb is also one of the items switched, but the data does not yield many
occurrences, with only 29 out of the total number of switches (.10%). As examples
(18) and (19) show, switching to English verbs occurs in the form of quotation. In
(18), one subject uses the English verbs go ahead, and submit, as if he is quoting
exact words or phrases from his professor talking to him about his thesis. The subject
of these verbs is the pronoun -t 'she' attached to the verb gaal. Similarly, in (19) the
switch to the English verb go comes in a form of quotation. The verb go is also used
with its Arabic equivalent apparently for emphasis. In this example, the pronoun
subject of go (you) is phonologically null. Using English verbs with their Arabic
equivalents for emphasis is further illustrated by switching to English disappeared in
(20) whose pronoun subject {huwa 'he') is also null. This kind of switching is
common among Saudi bilinguals in general, especially in the verb category.
Switching to English verbs identify and expire in (21) and (22) illustrates the
influence of the topic discussed, where those English items are more frequently used
in such situations. The utterance in (21) is about a technologically advanced machine
that helps a person learn and identify people, with the English verb identify more
readily accessible for the speaker, and in (22) the verb expire is also more frequently
used when talking about visas.
ithaa gaalat ya'ni go ahead w submit aw give the other readers el copy
if said-she, I mean, [go ahead] and [submit] or [give the other readers] the
"I mean if she said go ahead and submit or give the other readers the copy"
maa ?aHib amuh lam el- main library thummen yaLLah go ghayyer
no I-like go
the [main library] then ok
[go] change place-your
"I do not like to go to the main library and then (they tell me) ok go change
your place"
?ikhtefa disappeared
disappeared [disappeared]
"disappeared, disappeared"
ya'ni ti-t'allam w b-nafs illaH6ah identify iJ-JaXS nafsah
you-leam and in-same moment [identify] the person himself
"so you learn and, at the same time, identify the person himself
duubuh meja ?ams bass feeztu-h expired
just-he went yesterday but visa-his [expired]
"he just went yesterday, but his visa expired"
The data also contain some very interesting verb switches. In (23) to (27), the
verbs improve, design, showers, and submits are attached to the Arabic bound
morpheme for present tense ye. Only a few instances of this kind of switching took
place in the data. Based on personal observation, it is my impression that this type of
switching is rare among adult Saudi bilinguals. But I notice it a lot among children,
e.g. in the speech of my son and daughter. What is particularly noteworthy is that in
(20), (22), (25), and (26), the switched English verb is marked for tense or person, in
contrast to the usual situation.
Tab'an haa6a y- Xalli ya'ni y-improve el performance
of course this make, I mean, [improve] the performance
"of course this makes, I mean, improves the performance"
raghm enn hu mafruud huwa y-design el ?ajyaa'? haadi...
although that-he should
he [design] the things these ...
"although he should design these things"
bass yeSHa S-SubH w- y-showers w- yelbas el uniform w- yeTla' ..
as he-wakes-up and [showers] and puts-on the [uniform] and leaves ...
"as he wakes up and takes a shower and puts on his uniform and leaves ..."
el- mushkilah hu yeHtaaj innah y-submits le?annah hu on tenure track
the problem he needs that-he [submits] because-he [on tenure track]
"the problem is that he needs to submit because he is on tenure track"
ne-distribute el load evenly beyn Gnain cells haa6i
we-[distribute] the [load evenly] between two [cell] these
"we distribute the load evenly between these two cells"
Just as we have seen in switching in the category verb above, similar reasons
are also behind the verb phrase switches below. In (28), the subject might have
wanted to sound more emphatic in his suggestion and instead of just using the Arabic
verb taaXed "you take", he uses along with it the English equivalent which is the
verb phrase stick with one to further emphasize his suggestion to the listener. More
verb doubling for the same purpose are used in switch (29) where the verb for 'look'
in Arabic is followed by an English verb phrase carrying the same meaning, and in
(30) in which the Arabic verb phrase for 'go to sleep' in Arabic amuh le el 'anaam 'I
go to sleep' is preceded by its equivalent in English. In (31) and (32), subjects, who
are all students, used the more frequently used English verb phrase expressions
makes distance... and submit it.
taaXeS .. .stick with one li?ennu kell waahed haggah myetain dulaar
you take .. [stick vj^ith one] because each one worth two hundred dollars
"you take .. stick with one because each one is worth two hundred dollars"
bass Juuf Juuf look what we have to go through
but look [look what we have to go through]
"but look what we have to go through"
Gummen go to bed ?aruuH 1... el ?anaam
[go to bed] I-go to the I-sleep
"then I go to bed, I go to sleep"
w ba'dain tHiss innu makes distance between the researcher and the ...
and also fell-you that it [makes distance between the researchers and ....]
"and also you feel that it makes distance between the researcher and ..."
la ?eSbir lehad-ma ?atXarraj ba'deyn submit it
no wait until
I-graduate then
[submit it]
'no wait until I graduate, then submit it"
4.4. Adjectives and Adjective Phrases
Instances of switched adjective and adjective phrases in SA contexts
constitute the second most frequently switched items after the noun and noun phrase
switches. Out of the total number of switches, 181 (5.6%) occurred in the data.
Similar to nouns and verbs, switching to English adjectives is also influenced by the
topic being discussed. The English adjectives dominant, traditional, vague, and
informal are all used in Arabic sentences by the participants to describe certain types
of situations relevant to their field of study. Again it is always in discussing matters
that are of direct relevance to their studies that the subjects will use terms that are
most frequently used in those situations. Structurally, and unlike English in which
adjectives are prenominal, adjectives in Arabic are postnominal. In other words, they
are positioned after nouns they qualify, and agree with them in number and gender
(no case in Saudi Arabic). For this reason, adjectives in Arabic are treated
traditionally as nouns, but here we will use the term as it is used in English.
In (33), (34), and (35), English adjectives comprehensive, dominant, and
traditional are used with the definite article el (and allomorphic variants). Unlike
(35) in which the noun kutub 'books' is modified by the two adjectives that follow
including traditional, in (36) and (37), the nouns heads themselves are null, as they
have been previously referenced in the context. In (37) - (42), no SA definite article
occurs since the switch to English is in the predicate, not the NP. In (36), the
placement of vague can be analyzed as conforming to English syntax, since it is used
following something, despite the intervening SA pausal filler ya'ni. Examples (38) to
(42) include switches in the adjective phrase category.
bega el comprehensive lissa ma khattuh
left the [comprehensive] yet
no I-take-it
"still the comprehensive I have not taken it yet"
ed dominant 'ind el- kbaar 'arabi
the [dominant] for the adults Arabic
"the dominant (language) for the adults is Arabic"
ma nhHtaaj el- kutub el qadiimah et traditional haa6i
no we-need the books the old the [traditional] these
"we do not need the old traditional books"
tabni kull na6ariyyaat-ha 'ala something ya'ni ... vague maahu waadeh
she-builds theories-her on something I mean .. [vague], it not clear
"she builds her theories on something (I mean) vague, it is not clear"
la? ma fiih interviews kellah informal
no no there interviews all-it [informal]
"no, there were no interviews, all of it was informal"
la ?ana el study haggeti ya'ni purely syntactic
no I the [study] mine I mean [purely syntactic]
"no, the study of mine is (I mean) purely syntactic"
waLLaahi it is time consuming w too demanding
actually it is time consuming and [too demanding]
"actually it is time consuming and too demanding"
li?ennuh too complicated ya'ni too complicated
because it is [too complicated] I mean [too complicated]
"because it is too complicated, I mean too complicated"
walla yiguul yiguul ya'ni maa kaanaw 6aak el ya'ni really helpful
or he-says he-says I mean not were-they that I mean [really helpful]
"or he says they were not that (I mean) really helpful"
?iyh I'm registered f el- UofA bass physically present f el- UK
yes I'm registered in the UofA but [physically present] in the UK
"yes I'm registered in the UofA but physically present in the UK"
4.5. Adverbs and Adverb Phrases
In informal spoken Arabic, the use of adverbs is not as frequent as in the
formal standard or written variety of the language, or as in English. This may
actually serve to explain the low frequency of English adverbs found in the data.
Only 78 English adverb switches are used, some of which are even repeated several
times, making 2.4% of the total number of switches, and not a single English adverb
phrase switch was found. Examples (43) to (52) illustrate switching to English in the
adverb category. In two of the examples (48) and (49), the adverb is adjacent to an
English place-name, suggesting that this could have triggered the switch to English
for the adverb.
ana definitely innak telgaah
I [definitely] that-you find it
"definitely I think you will find it"
usually aruuH ij"- Jighel es saa'ah tis'ah
[usually] I-go the work
the hour nine
"I usually go to work at nine"
Hatta mumken tilgaah mostly ya'ni on-line
even maybe you-find-him [mostly] I mean on-line
"you could even find him mostly (I mean) on line"
fa kaanat ya'ni ejtemaa'aatna almost yawmeyyah
so was I mean meetings-our [almost] daily
"so our meetings were almost daily"
fa already jaani el-gubuul fil fil fil- maajesteyr
so [already] came-to-me the admission in the masters
"so I already got the admission for the masters degree"
yemken arje' min New York directly 'ala Tucson
maybe go -back-I New York [directly] to
"maybe I will go back from New York directly to Tucson"
w- actually California hina yHaawluun en ygalldu israa'eel
and [actually] California here try-they to imitate-they Israel
"And actually here in California they try to imitate Israel"
haa6a Hi aguul-lak hinna 'indana abadan muntajrah everywhere
this that I-tell-you here at-where-we-are scattered-they [everywhere]
"this that I'm telling you about are scattered everywhere"
fa obviously ya Xuy li?ennu ed- director 'indu daily involvement
so [obviously] o brother-my because the director has daily involvement...
"so obviously my brother, because the director has daily involvement...
ya Xuy mej bass Tucson everywhere.. everywhere nobody wants to admit
brother, not just Tucson., [everywhere] .. [everywhere] nobody wants to
"brother, not just Tucson, everywhere .. everywhere nobody wants to admit"
4.6. Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
In contrast with English, prepositions in Arabic are very simple. They are
fewer in number and they are not involved in idiomatic expressions as much as they
are in English. Further, although Chomsky has treated prepositions as a lexical
category, in many respects they have much in common with functional categories
(and were so regarded by structural linguists and many others). This might be one
reason to explain the low frequency of switching to English prepositions in Saudi
Arabic sentences in the data. Only 4 instances of English preposition switches
occurred with Arabic complements, making it the least frequently switched category
in the entire database (.1%). However, as an entire phrase, there are 55 instances of
complete English preposition phrase switches (1.7%). As with some other categories
above, switching here mostly occurred when the subjects talked about their field of
study, especially in the prepositional phrase category, as illustrated by the examples
below. In (53) and (54), the English prepositions before and after are followed by
Arabic complements, whereas in the rest of the examples, the whole English (PP) is
ha8a Tab'an before marHalat el ?illi hiya n- nihaa'eyyah
of course [before] stage the that it-it
"this is of course before the end stage"
aruuh le el el gym work-out er rec. center Mon. and Wed. after el maghrib
I-go to the the gym work-out the rec. center Mon. and Wed. [after] the
"I go to the gym for work-out at the rec. center Mon. and Wed. after the .."
Hin nebi Jay to the point
we want something [to the point]
"we want something to the point"
aqra ya'ni in ya'ni on my own
I-read, I mean, in I mean [on my on]
"I mean I read on my own"
faa baHaawil atkallam keda b in five minutes
so I-try
like this in [in five minutes]
"so I try to speak like this in five minutes"
faa 'indek el el es- sensor haa6aa y-HaT infixed position
so see-you the the the sensor this it-is-put [in fixed position]
"so the sensor is put in a fixed position"
yeh haaSa hu in press ya'ni.. gaa'ed asawwi lah el final editing w kaSa
yes this
it [in press] I mean now I-doing for-it the final editing and so ..
"yes it is in press, I mean I am doing the final editing on it and so ..
laaken el- musjkilah hu yeHtaaj innah y-submits li?'nnah hu on tenure track
but the problem he needs that-he submits because-he [on tenure track]
"but the problem is that he needs to submit because he is on tenure track"
4.7. Pronouns
Only eight instances of English pronoun switches were found in the data (.2%
of the total number of switches), four of which are involve the reflexive pronoun
itself produced by one participant alone. This paucity of switches is not surprising,
considering the largely functional nature of pronouns. In (61), below, the English
pronoun he is used along with its Arabic counterpart hu. This is a very complex and
interesting switch as the speaker starts with the English pronoun he and immediately
switches to the corresponding Arabic pronoun hu and then again uses the Arabic
pronoun hu after the negation marker ma. Apparently, that is what the speaker had to
do to prevent confusion; switching to the Arabic pronoun hu 'he' right after he
might have been motivated by the speaker's realization that the pronunciation of
English he could be misinterpreted as the Arabic pronoun hi, 'she'. It also serves as
an antecedent for hu after the negation marker ma. In (62) and (63), the emphatic
reflexive pronoun itself is switched to after its antecedent nabaat 'plant'. In (64), the
speaker switches to the English pronoun you and uses it twice in an emphatic
manner, apparently to emphasize the importance of the issue he is talking about. This
is the only example where an English pronoun is doubled.
he hu haqeeqah ma hu deprived min naaHyat innuh mein el muhaajiriin
[he] he actually no he deprived in-terms-of that-he from the refugees
"he is not deprived in terms that he is from the refugees"
b-Jakel 'aam er- remote sensing maa-hu yadres en- nabaat itself
in general
the remote sensing no-he studies the plant [itself]
"in general, the remote sensing does not study the plant itself
ya'ni hu el- ?af6al innek tadres en- nabaat itself
I mean it the best that-you study the plant [itself]
"I mean the best is to study the plant itself
fa you you HariiS w t-Haawel ennak you're feeling, ya'ni you're struggling
so [you you] careful and you-try that you're feeling, I mean, you're
struggling understand-you-me?
"so you become careful and try that you're feeling, I mean, you're struggling,
you understand me?
Chapter V
Discussion of the Results
5.1. Introduction
This chapter is organized as follows. In the first section, which is
comparative in nature, each of the proposed constraints on CS reviewed in sections
2.2.1, 2.2.2, and 2.2.3 of Chapter 2 will be tested using Saudi Arabic-English CS
data. Predictions of these proposals will be tested, and their claimed universal nature
will also be examined. The second section is an explanatory one where the main
focus will be on testing the Functional Head Constraint (Belazi et al. 1994) discussed
in section 2.2.4, to show whether or not it predicts and explains instances of
switching in the current Saudi Arabic-English data. Here, three functional heads and
their complements (D and NP, C and IP, Q and NP) will be discussed, each in a
separate section providing examples from the data where these particular functional
heads are involved. The third section of this chapter suggests more insights to
explain the data tested in relation to the Functional Head Constraint.
5.2. Constraints tested
In Chapter 2, some of the major proposals to account for codeswitching were
discussed in detail. Counterexamples from other research studies to these proposals
were also discussed. This section will test these constraints against the Saudi ArabicEnglish codeswitching data.
5.2.1. The Free Morpheme Constraint (Poplack, 1980)
The FMC (Poplack 1980) as discussed earlier prohibits switching between
bound morphemes and other lexical items that follow unless these lexical items are
phonologically integrated into the language providing the bound morpheme. So, this
major constraint on CS restricts the interaction between the two morphological
systems involved in code-switching. It has been proposed by Poplack (1980) to
account for the absence of switches like the following often-cited example to
illustrate this constraint:
*Yoestoy eatiendo
I am eat[ing]
"I am eating"
The FMC disallows a switch between the Spanish bound morpheme iendo "ing" and
the English verb eat in (1) because the Spanish bound morpheme is not
phonologically integrated into English. This constraint has been challenged in
numerous studies, including Bentahila and Davies (1983), El-Noory (1985), Clyne
(1987), Bokamba (1988), Myers-Scotton (1989), and Kamwangamalu (1989).
Counterexamples to the FMC were presented in section 2.2.1. Similarly, a large
number of switches involving the Saudi Arabic bound definite article el- or il- and
English stems including nouns and adjectives provide a further challenge to the FMC
as illustrated by examples (3)-(9).
Before discussing these examples, I will briefly discuss the definite article in
Arabic and its assimilation to the following consonant. In Standard Arabic,
definiteness is expressed by al-, which is used with nouns and adjectives that modify
them. In spoken Saudi Arabic, this definite article is pronounced as /el/ and/or /il/ in
some other varieties of Spoken Arabic. The absence of a definite article indicates
indefiniteness (it is an analytic issue whether this is to be regarded as the presence of
a zero indefinite article, i.e. whether a Determiner node is assumed to be present). An
example in Standard Arabic is al- kitaab 'the book' (el- kitaab in Saudi Arabic) and
0 kitaab 'a book'.
The definite article in Arabic undergoes some phonological/allomorphic
changes affected by the neighboring sounds before and after it. First, the vowel in elis, dropped if the preceding word ends with a vowel as in hina l-kitaab "here is the
book'. The /I/ also assimilates to certain following consonants (14 of the total twenty
28), specifically /t, 0, d, d, r, z, s, J", S, D, T, 6,1, n/. These are all dental, alveolar,
or alveopalatal consonants. A distinctive feature analysis shows that these sounds
share the universal phonological feature coronal (see Table 1).
Table 1. Saudi Arabic [ + Coronal] Phonemes:
0 d 6
r z s
+ + + + +
S DT 6
+ + + +
+ + +
Thus, from the phonological distinctive features that the sounds in Table 1
share, we can conclude that the III sound of the Arabic definite article assimilates to a
following sound according to the rule in (2):
[+ cor]
[+ cor]
[ a F] / -—
[+ cor]
[+ lat]
[+ cor]
[+ lat]
[_ cor]
Rule (2a) states the /I/ sound of the definite article el matches the phonological
features ([a F] ) of any following [+ coronal] sound in sonority, voicing, nasality,
stridency, and dorsality, including remaining [1] when followed by an [1], Rule (2b)
specifies the non-assimilation of the /I/ sound when followed by non-coronal sounds
(an 'elsewhere' rule). In (3), examples from Saudi Arabic are given to illustrate the
process of assimilating /I/ to following coronal sounds. In (4), examples illustrate the
non-assimilation of /I/ to following non-coronal sounds.
el -t- takallum
el -1- 0a'lab
el + deraasah
el + 6iib
el -f- risaalah
el -1- zahar
el + sahar
el+ Jahar
el + Sowt
el -1- Taaleb
el + Saw
el + lail
el + nuur
el -1- ?umm
el + baab
el -1-jemal
el -1- Helow
el + Xajem
el + 'ain
el + gharb
el -1- fawaakeh
el -1- gaLam
el -1- kersi
el -1- medresah
el -1- hilaal
el -1- ward
el + yowm
"the speaking"
"the fox"
"the study"
"the wolf
"the letter"
"the roses"
"the staying up'
"the month"
"the sound"
"the student"
"the fire"
"the night time'
"the light"
"the mother"
"the door"
"the camel"
"the sweet"
"the nose"
"the eye"
"the West"
"the fruits"
"the pen"
"the chair"
"the school"
"the crescent"
"the flowers"
"the day"
We may now consider some examples where the Saudi Arabic definite article el- is
used before English nouns and noun phrases.
le?ennu fiih Haaja ya'ni el- culture
because there is something, I mean, the [culture]
"because there is something, I mean the culture"
hu l?aan el- major advisor, el- major advisor Hagg el- bamaamaj
he now the [major advisor], the [major advisor] for the program
"he is now the major advisor, the major advisor of the program"
el- average 0ala9 miyah miteyn w Xamsiin lil- kutub
the [average] three hundred two hundred and fifty for the books
"the average is three hundred, two hundred fifty for the books"
el- proposal Hagg ed- dissertation., nqaddem el- first draft nhaayat el?usbuu' inshaallah
the [proposals] for the [dissertation] present-we the [first draft] end the
"the proposal for the dissertation, I present the first draft at the end of the
eyh hu hu el- et- tutor Hagg el- emperor
yes he he the the [tutor] for the [emperor]
"yes he is the tutor of the emperor"
meta tsawwi d- defense inshallah?
when you-doing the [defense] God willing?
"when are you doing the defense Gid willing?
tara halHeen 'indena Hinna 1- ?usbuu' haada es- spring break
actually now have-we us the week this the [spring break]
"actually now, this week, we have the spring break"
This small sample from the data shows that in Saudi Arabic-English
codeswitching, the bound morpheme el is cliticized to the English nouns and noun
phrases, and follows the same rule for assimilation (and non-assimilation) as with
native SA words. Clearly, these examples invalidate the prediction of the free
morpheme constraint (FMC) that the Arabic bound morpheme el- should not
assimilate to a following English word unless the English word is phonologically
integrated into the Saudi Arabic lexicon. However, there is no indication that the
English words have been phonologically integrated into Arabic in any of these cases.
In addition to the many instances of switching between the Arabic el- and a
following English noun or adjective, a few examples involving switching between
the bound Arabic present tense prefix morpheme y- for the third singular or plural
masculine or feminine personal, or n- for first person plural pronoun and some
English verbs also occurred in the data as shown in the following examples (12-15):
w yruuH yga.. waagif 'ala y-taabe' ba'6 el- 'ummaal rarm en hu mafruud
huwa y-design el- ashyaa' haadi
and he-go watch over he-follow some the workers although that he should he
[design] the things these
"and he goes to watch over and follow some of the workers although he
should design these things"
n-distribute el- load evenly beyn Bneyn cells haa6i
we [distribute] the [load evenly] between two [cells] these
"we distribute the load evenly between these two cells"
laaken el- mujkilah hu yiHtaaj innah y-submits le?ennah hu on tenure track
but the problem he needs [submit] because he [on tenure track]
"but the problem is that he needs to submit because he is on tenure track"
bass yeSHa S- SubH w y-showers w yilbas el- uniform w yeTla'...
as soon as he-wake-up the morning and he-[showers] and he-puts on the
uniform and he-leave ...
"as soon as he wakes up in the morning and takes a shower and puts on the
uniform and leaves,
Thus, these examples from the Saudi Arabic-English CS data represent instances of
switching that challenge the predictions of the free morpheme constraint and clearly
cast doubt on its claimed universality. However, to an extent, the FMC is partially
validated by the limited number of positions where switching between the Arabic
bound morphemes and the English stems took place as illustrated in the above
examples. But the high frequency of switches between the cliticized definite article
and stems in the Saudi Arabic-English data and in other codeswitching studies lead
us to conclude that the scope of the Free Morpheme Constraint is limited and can
only be regarded as a language-specific constraint rather than a universal one as
originally proposed.
5.2.2. The Equivalence Constraint (Poplack, 1980)
The second major constraint on codeswitching is the equivalence constraint
(EC), which was first proposed to account for data on Spanish-English CS (Poplack,
1980). The constraint predicts "codes will tend to be switched at points where
juxtaposition of language A and language B elements does not violate a syntactic
rule of either language" (Poplack, p. 586).
In addition to the counterexamples to the EC presented in section 2.2.1, and
similarly to the free morpheme constraint where examples invalidating it mainly
came from limited positions, including the cliticization of the Arabic bound article
el- to English nouns and adjectives and the prefixation of the Arabic present tense
marker y- and n- to English verbs, the universality of the Equivalence Constraint
(EC) is also invalidated by switches in a limited number of positions where the
phrase structure rules of English are violated. These were mainly limited to the
placement of adjectives in the constituent, and that of third personal pronouns and
demonstrative pronouns. Before we explain some examples from the data, the
following is a brief discussion of adjectives and pronouns in Arabic.
From a traditional Arabic grammatical perspective, adjectives in Arabic are
treated as nouns. Structurally, and unlike English where adjectives precede the nouns
they modify, adjectives in Arabic follow their head nouns and agree with them in
gender, number, and case. They also agree with the noun in definiteness or
indefiniteness (i.e., they are marked with el- or 0-).
Personal pronouns in Arabic can be divided into two groups, independent and
dependent (affixed or encliticized). The first group are nominative only, serving as
Subjects, and the second consist of nominative and accusative which are attached to
perfect verbs, and possessive pronouns which are attached to nouns. Demonstrative
pronouns contain a stem ha, to which other elements are added for each person and
gender (see Table 2 for details).
Table 2: Saudi Arabic Personal Pronouns
ana T
ent 'you'
enti 'you'
-t T
-ni 'me'
-i 'my'
-t 'you'
-ek 'your'
-ek 'your'
-ti 'you'
-ek 'you'
-ek 'your'
-ah 'him'
-ah 'his'
hu/?uhu 'he'
hi/?hi 'she'
-at 'she'
-ha 'her'
-ha 'her'
?ehna 'we'
-na 'we'
-na 'us'
-na 'us'
?entu 'you'
-tu 'you'
-kum 'you' -kum 'your'
-aw 'they'
-hum 'them' -hum 'their'
hum 'they'
As discussed in Chapter 4 (4.7), independent pronoun switches were found to
be exceedingly rare. The current data does not contain a single instance of switching
that involves dependent (affixed/encliticized) personal pronouns, which fits the
prediction of the Equivalence Constraint, since in English, only object pronouns are
normally encliticized (though nominatives may be in interrogatives, as in Whatcha
doing?, 'What are you doing?'). Despite the absence of this kind of switch in the
present data, I can report from personal observation that it occurs quite often in
children's bilingual speech, as evidenced by that of my children who frequently
attach Arabic personal pronouns to English words in their speech (also violating the
Free Morpheme Constraint). It was only demonstrative pronouns that tend be
switched by the adult Saudi Arabic-English bilinguals. And now let us consider some
examples from the data that challenge the predictions of the Equivalence Constraint:
w haaSa muhandes mechanical
and this engineer [mechanical]
"and this is a mechanical engineer"
fiih naas ya'ni 'indehum abilities 'ajibah rariibah
there people I mean have-they [abilities] amazing weird
"there are people who have amazing weird abilities"
ma niHtaaj el- kutub el- qadiimah et- traditional haadi
no we-need the books the old the [traditional] these
"we do not need the old traditional books"
fi faransa el- conference haada
in France the [conference] this
"This conference is in France"
Examples (16-19) are just some instances of switching in the data that are
considered counterexamples to the Equivalence Constraint. In all of these examples,
the points at which switching takes place clearly violate the syntactic rules of
English, resulting in a violation of the EC, which requires the switch to be in
agreement with the syntactic rules of both languages involved in the switch. For
example, instances of switching adjectives (A) within noun phrases (NP) were the
most frequent among examples that violate this constraint. If we look at the syntax of
Saudi Arabic and that of English, we clearly notice a difference in regard to the
placement of adjectives within noun phrases. Saudi Arabic does not share the same
phrase structure rule for noun phrases as English. In example (16), the switch to the
adjective mechanical follows the SA syntactic rule that adjectives follow nouns,
while at the same time it clearly violates the English syntactic rule that adjectives
precede nouns. Similarly, example (17) also follows Saudi Arabic syntax in that the
adjective 'ajibah "amazing" is post nominal and violates English phrase structure
rules; it is the English noun abilities that is switched here and not the adjective.
We also notice that when English adjectives occur in an Arabic context, they
are never inflected for gender and number, but Arabic adjectives follow their nouns
and agree with them in gender and number. For example, in (18), the Arabic noun
kutub "books" is modified by two adjectives that follow, an Arabic adjective
qadiimah "old" and an English adjective traditional which is not inflected for gender
or number as is the Arabic adjective qadiimah "old" which carries the feminine
gender suffix ah.
Looking at example (19), we also have another instance of switching that is
in line with the rule in Saudi Arabic where the demonstrative haadaa "this" follows
the English noun conference. In formal written Arabic, demonstrative pronouns can
occur prenominally or postnominally. When they follow nouns, they are used for
emphasis. But in spoken Arabic, including Saudi Arabic, they always follow the
noun. Example (19) is clearly against English rules, and as a result of this mismatch
between Saudi Arabic and English, the EC is violated. Thus, switches like these
seem to invalidate and challenge the predictions of the Equivalence Constraint. At
least, they are a strong argument against its claimed universality.
5.2.3. The Government Constraint (DiSciullo et al., 1986)
The Government Constraint, proposed by DiSciullo et al. (1986) predicts that
there will be no switching between elements where there is a "government relation".
For a switch to be grammatical, the elements involved in a government relation (the
governor and the governed) must be drawn from the same language.
As in the case with previous proposals for codeswitching that are discussed
above, and in addition to the counterexamples presented in section 2.2.2, the
Government Constraint also fails to account for certain instances of switching in the
Saudi Arabic-English data as it does not predict the switching in the following
haa6a Tab'an before marHalat el- elli hiya n- nihaa?iyyah
of course [before stage the that it-it
"this is of course before the end stage"
?aruuH li-1 el- gym work-out er- rec. center Mon. and Wed. after el mavrib
I-go to the the gym work-out the rec. center Mon. and Wed. [after the
"I go to the gym for work-out at the rec. center Mon. and Wed. after the .."
In (20-21), the governing elements of the prepositional phrases before and after are
in English whereas the highest lexical elements of their complement NPs are in
Arabic. However, the majority of the switches involving the prepositional phrase do
follow the predictions of the Government Constraint as demonstrated by the
following examples.
Hin nibi Jay to the point
we want something [to the point]
"we want something to the point"
?aqra? ya'ni in ya'ni on my own
I-read, I mean, in I mean [on my on]
"I mean I read on my own"
muHtaramah b.. among the mathematicians
respected in [among the mathematicians]
"respected among the mathematicians"
fa baHaawil ?atkallam kida b in five minutes
like this in [in five minutes]
"so I try to speak like this in five minutes"
fa 'endek el el es- sensor haada y-HaT in fixed position
so see-you the the the sensor this it-is-put [in fixed position]
"so the sensor is put in a fixed position"
el el el waaHid fi in his heart byeTla' bi biduun taraddud
in [in his heart] talks without
"the one who talks from inside without hesitation"
yeh haada hu in press ya'ni.. ?a'id ?asawwii lah el final editing w kada
yes this
it [in press] I mean now I-doing for-it the final editing and so ..
"yes it is in press, I mean I am doing the final editing on it and so ..."
laaken el- mujkilah hu yiHtaaj innah y-submits li?annah hu on tenure track
but the problem he needs that-he submits because-he [on tenure track]
"but the problem is that he needs to submit because he is on tenure track"
In (22-29), the head of the prepositional phrase and its complement are consistently
drawn from the same language, English. Switched prepositional phrases (PPs) in the
data thus conforms to the Government Constraint.
5.3. Codeswitching and Minimalism
According to Chomsky (1993), items are selected from the lexicon already
fully inflected and marked with a set of abstract features including agreement and
case. Such features must be checked in order for a derivation to be well-formed, and
in order for such checking to occur, the element bearing the features must be in the
appropriate syntactic relation with an element which is a checker for that element.
Chomsky, whose proposal was mainly developed to account for monolingual
competence, refers to this process as feature checking. Feature checking plays a
major role in two types of movement; verb movement to INFL and the movement of
Wh-elements to the Spec of CP.
5.3.1. The Functional Head Constraint (Belazi et al., 1994)
As we have seen in section 2.2.4, Belazi et al. (1994) used Abney's (1987)
work on the English noun phrase and Chomsky's (1993) Minimalist Program to
introduce their proposal on codeswitching. They extended Abney's (1987) work, in
which he argues for the existence of a special relation between functional heads and
their complements called "f-selection", to assume that such a relation does exist
between functional heads and their complements in the course of codeswitching. In
addition, and following Chomsky's (1993) claim that well-formed structures depend
on feature checking, they assume that "f-selection" is one member of a set of featurechecking processes, and that one of the relevant features being checked is language.
Their proposal, which they called the Functional Head Constraint (FHC),
states that no language switch is allowed between a functional head and its
complement. Put in different words, for codeswitching to be allowed, the language of
the complement 'f-selected' by a functional head must match the corresponding
features of the functional head. Recall that a functional head can be a Determiner, a
Complementizer, a Quantifier, a Negation, or an INFL. To illustrate how this
constraint works, they use codeswitching data between Tunisian Arabic and English.
Example (30), which has the structure in (31), is repeated here for convenience:
*He is a demonio.
he is a [devil]
"he is a devil"
In (28), the functional head, the indefinite article a, is in English, whereas its
complement, the noun demonio, is in Spanish. The effect of checking the language
feature of the complement NP against the language feature of its head a results in a
mismatch between the two elements. This language mismatch blocks feature
checking from taking place causing a crash in the derivation, and therefore renders
the switch ungrammatical according to the FHC requirements.
Similarly, based on this analysis, the Saudi Arabic example (30) is an
ungrammatical switch because the Arabic functional head, the quantifier fwayyat
'some' and its corresponding complement NP courses, are not in the same language,
in this case English. Example (30) has the structure in (31). In (31), the specifier
position of IP is phonologically empty, and is marked with e. (Theory-internal details
of the derivation, such as raising the verb to check subject agreement, are ignored
here for simplicity.)
*?anheyt Jwayyat courses
finished-I few [courses]
"I finished few courses"
The data of the present study also include numerous examples that pose some
challenge to the predictions of the Functional Head Constraint. As has been found in
several other codeswitching studies like Timm (1975), Pfaff (1979), Poplack (1980),
Sankoff and Poplack (1981), McClure (1981), Bentahila and Davies (1983), El
Noory (1985), Barhoum (1993) Mahootian (1993) Park et al. (1993), and Jake et al.
(2002), the most frequent site of switching in the present data was between the D and
NP, forming 30% of the total instances of switching between Saudi Arabic and
English, of which 72% of the total number of switches were at the noun only.
Although switching between other functional heads and their complements is not as
common in the data as that between D and NP, and despite the fact that there were
only a few examples and even none between some of the other functional heads and
their complements, still the large number of switches between D and its complement
NP in the current data could be sufficient to pose some challenge to the Functional
Head Constraint. Below I discuss counterexamples to the FHC found in the data,
focusing on three switching sites of the Functional Head Constraint, D and NP, C
and IP, and Q and NP. Switching between D and NP
According to Belazi et al.'s FHC, switching between D and NP is prohibited,
and therefore we should not get switches like those in section 4.2 involving nouns
and noun phrases. However, the high frequency of switching between the D and its
complement NP in the current data of Saudi Arabic and English clearly contradicts
this prediction of the Functional Head Constraint. The Saudi Arabic definite article el
(with its allomorphs determined by the first sound of a following item) was the
functional head most frequently used with English complements.
As shown in the examples discussed in section 4.2, switching between the SA
determiners and English single nouns and noun phrases occurred in several different
structures that have the following structural configurations:
(a) e/+N
(b) P+j7+N
(c) 0 +N
(d) el+A+N
These cases are discussed below as we test them against the predictions of the
Functional Head Constraint. Each case will be discussed independently and a tree
structure that captures the whole picture of similar switches in each group where el
and its complement are involved will be given.
Switching between el + N
Below are some examples that illustrate case (a) with a tree structure (39) for
(35) that represents the el+N switching in the data.
nqaddim el-proposal taqriiban .. .el eQ-third chapter
present-we the [proposal] approximately ...the [third chapter]
"we present the proposal... approximately the third chapter"
fa el ya'ni el- committee kwaysah 'umuman inJaaLLah
so the I mean the [committee] good anyway God willing
"so the committee is good anyway God willing"
fa qara?t en- notes haaSi marreteyn qabl el- ?imtiHaan
so read-I the [notes] these twice before the test
"so I read these notes twice before the test"
ya'ni el- course 'aarif HataaX6u es- semester haada
so the [course] you-know will-you-take-it the [semester] haathaa
"so the course you know you will take this semester"
In (35) with tree structure (39), the DP structure contains the Saudi Arabic el
and the English complement proposal. If Belazi et al.'s claim that the language
features on the Determiner must be checked against those of the Noun complement is
correct, then the derivation should crash, rendering the sentence ungrammatical.
This, however, has not blocked the switching between the Saudi Arabic
determiner el and its complements, the English single nouns proposal, committee,
notes, and course. Examples (35-38) are just a sample of a huge number of switches
between the Arabic determiner el and English single nouns that occurred in the data.
contradicting the predictions of the Functional Head Constraint because the language
mismatch in these examples does not block switching.
Switching between P + el + N
Similar to what we have done for case (a) of section, below are some
examples of switching for case (b) followed by a tree structure (in 47) that covers
other examples in this case. Switching here is similar to the previous case except that
the definite article el- {il in some dialects) is encliticized to Saudi Arabic prepositions
hke li 'fov\ fi 'in', min 'from', 'an 'about', and taHt 'under'.
waqt li-1- email
designating time for the [email]
"designating time for the email"
le?annu el- master kaanat fil- linguistics.
Because the [master] was in-the [linguistics]
"because the M.A. was in linguistics"
a darast fil-marHalat ed- dektuuraah wala ?ay kuursaat fis- syntax
no studied in the stage the doctorate not any courses in-the [syntax]
"I did not study (take) any syntax course in the doctorate stage"
a'ni kaan fiih majmuu'ah kibiirah mil- undergraduates
I mean was there group large from-the [undergraduates]
"I mean there was a large group of the undergraduates"
all I know whatever Jahaadah HayaXudha rm\-islamic center
all I know whatever certificate will-he-take-it from the [Islamic center]
"all I know is that whatever certificate he will take from the Islamic center.."
fa kaan awwal bada yetkallam 'al- historical outline
so was-he first started-he speaks about-the [historical outline]
"so first he started to speak about the historical outline"
darast fiiha kourseyn kaan yudarras taHtil- computer science
studied in-it course-two were taught under-the [computer science]
"I took two course in it, taught under computer science"
Switching from Saudi Arabic to English at this point is common among
Saudi bilinguals who, in this current data, produced 299 switches of a combination of
a preposition followed by the definite article el-. In these switches, the complement
again cannot check the feature 'language' against that of its head, thus violating the
Switching between 0 + N
Below are further examples that illustrate the third type of switching within
the DP between Saudi Arabic and English. Switching in this case occurred in single
English nouns without an overt determiner. However, switching here may be
analyzed as occurring between a phonologically null indefinite article and the
English bare noun. As indicated earlier, indefiniteness in Arabic is expressed by the
absence of the definite article.
la maa fiih linguistics maa fiih
no not in-it [linguistics] no in-it
"no it does not have linguistics"
waLLah Xalleythaa conversation ma' ej-jabaab
in fact wanted-it
[conversation] with the guys
"in fact I wanted it conversation with the guys"
w fiih study kaanat 'ala el.. el structure mostly
and there is [study] on the the structure mostly
"and there is a study on the structure mostly"
In instances of switching like these where the head D and its complement N
are not in the same language, feature checking (including language) does not impede
switching from taking place. In fact, such switches were actually the most frequent
among all types of switches involving functional elements.
Switching between iP)lel + Adj. + N
Continuing our discussion of the types of switching within DP between Saudi
Arabic and English, the following examples represent 19.7% of the data.
fahina big difference
so here [big difference]
"so here is a big difference"
zay ma tguul el el el et- transformational grammar
such as the the the the [transformational grammar]
"such as the transformational grammar"
110 Switching between C and IP
Below are examples of switching between the complementizer (C) and its
complement (IP), which also demonstrate the vulnerability of the FHC in Saudi
Arabic-English CS. The Arabic complementizer 7innu "that" and its complements in
all the four examples below (55-58) are not in the same language as required by the
FHC, and again feature checking does not block switching. However, there is only a
small number of examples in which the Saudi Arabic linnu is used with English
complements. In fact, this functional head was used 126 times (3.4% of the data), the
majority of which did not involve switching to English. In other research studies, the
frequency of switching between Comp and its IP complement was very small
compared to the case of switching between D and NP. Example (55) has the tree
structure (59).
bedana n-fahhimhum innu nobody is untouchable
we-want tell-them
that [nobody is untouchable]
"we want to tell them that nobody is untouchable"
ba'd Jahreyn Hasseyt innu that was enough for me
after tow-months felt-I that [that was enough for me]
"after two months I felt that that was enough for me"
?awlaadna I can tell innu they communicate with people
the-boys I can tell that [they communicate with people]
"the boys, I can tell that they communicate with people"
nibi net?akkad innu our design match el specifications
we-want make sure that [our design match the speciflcations]
"we want to make sure that our design matches the specifications"
untouchable Switches between Q and its complement
All but four instances of a quantifier functional head Q and its complement
were both in Arabic. Quantifiers in Arabic occur in two patterns: Q NP and NP Q. In
both patterns, the quantifier carries properties displayed by the noun that include
number and gender. In addition, the quantifier in the second pattern carries a clitic of
agreement with its NP to the left.
In examples (60-62) the head Q and its complement are drawn from Arabic
and English respectively, which violates the FHC. Example (63) is the only one
found in the data in which the Q and its NP complement are both in English.
ti 'Ti Jwayyat edge
it-gives little [edge]
"it give a little edge"
fiihaa Jwayyat science
in-it some
"There is some science in it"
Haykallifak Xamsiin cents
will-cost-you fifty
"it will cost you fifty cents"
w- jalas taqriiban four years
and spent-he almost [four years]
"and he spent almost four years"
5.4. Rescuing the Functional Head Constraint
Our review of the data collected in this study reveals that most combinations
of functional heads and complements provide strong support for Belazi et al.'s
Functional Head Constraint, indirectly thereby supporting Chomsky's proposal for a
feature-checking process in the derivation of syntactic structures. However, the
massive exception to the FHC constituted by combinations of the definite article el
and its indefinite counterpart 0) with an NP complement appear to call the FHC into
serious question. Since the apparent violation of the FHC is confined largely to this
one structure (other exceptions are statistically minor), we propose here a suggestion
that would refine the Functional Head Constraint, and may have larger applications.
Assuming a strong relation between functional heads and their complements
as suggested by Abney (1987), switching between a functional head and its
complement implies some weakness in the involved functional head. We propose
that functional heads can be divided into two types, a strong type and a weak type.
Looking at the examples of switching from the data discussed in sections 2.2.1, 2.2.3
and 4.2 above, it appears that the determiner-like elements in Saudi Arabic can be
divided into two types, a strong and a weak. Strong determiners are demonstratives
that include haada 'this (M)', and haadi 'this, these (F)', whereas weak determiners
include the two Saudi Arabic articles, the definite el 'the' and the indefinite zero
article 0
Strong functional heads, on the one hand, would check features in their
complements including the language feature, which would prevent CS, thus
following the FHC. In other words, strong determiners ~ the demonstratives haada
and haadi — would prevent CS and follow the Functional Head Constraint. Weak
functional heads, on the other hand, would not have to check language features in
their complements and thus would not follow the FHC. They would only
superficially appear to be counterexamples, since by not checking the language
feature, they would not prevent codeswitching with their complements.
This analysis can be generalized to other languages by assuming that in
languages which do not permit codeswitching after articles (or other comparable
elements), these determiners are strong, whereas in languages such as Arabic, the
determiners are weak, or have weak features, and thus are not an obstacle to
codeswitching, since their language feature would not be checked. We can thus
refine the Functional Head constraint to specify that it applies only when the features
on the determiner are strong, and not when they are weak, following from
Chomsky's view that weak features in general do not need to be checked.
Speaker # 1:
1. wallahi el ed-rdaft lakin-ha ya'ni el final draft
2. el final draft sallamt al advisor
abel kam youm
3. akairan galat ba'd el ethafaat kellaha w etta'dilaat gaalat 'atni 'aad el final
ya'ni elli khal nshuuf kaif saarat kellha 'ala ba;th
4. tara halheen 'endena henna el usbuu' haatha es spring break
5. eyh codeswitching
6. le'anni haawal enni i jez' men ed deraasah khelaal el phone conversations
lakin yaakhi hassai enn-ha sa'bah shwayyah
7. wallah khallatha conversation ma' eshabaab
8. w haatha mumtaaz jeddan lelll... w shesmah el conversation over the phone
9. men Radio Shack
10. el markah hagguh Radio Shack
11. esmau Telephone Cassette Recorder with Voice Activation
12. tebe hatta en number hagguh, TCR200
13. tet'bak shwayya fi el transcription
14. hatta fi tareegat et transcription ba'ad esta'mel.... Yemkin tereegah
thaanyah et transcriber haatha
15. akhattu men Staples
16. esmu transcriber, madri cassett transcriber haajah zay ketha haggu meytain
17. ya'ni et transcription ma ya'khuth tagriban wala ... tagriban sa'tain
18. ana fih me(n)d- data 'endi atfaal
19. le'nnu ana fih 'endi adult and children ... nou' me-1 comparison bainhum
20. w fih study kaanat 'ala el.. el structure mostly .. el codeswitching
21. hatta mumken telgaah mostly ya'ni on-line
22. w ya'ni mostly telgaah on-line
23. laa eshabaab hena yaakhi.. naas fi et-technology wel madri eish w internet
w mashakelha
24. kel el 'aalam hena fe-1 mantegah 'ala el 'ala el w shesmak 'al cabel
25. et telephone haatha ma'ad yeslah 'enduhum
26. athkur awwal ma jeet ana hena yaakhi kaanat el internet aw et technology
besifah 'aammah wel.. malha thaak el muyuul
27. ba'dha yaakhi min thalaath sanawaat engalabat el jaame'ah asaatethatha fel
gesem w kelluhum kulluhum gaamou ydarrsuun technology w distance
learning w madri eish w el CALL fa saar el gesem zay ma tguul ya emma
ennek ya'ni fit or quit
28. fa ya'ni hatta el ell.. .ed drasah haggeti tagriban ka'annha ma doesn't fit fil
29. awwal ma bedaina fil gesem kaan esmah ahh ..linguistics an., and rhetoric
ba'dain ghayyarauha gabel sanatain aw el'aam tagriban bada' et taghyeer
saar .... Composition and TESOL or TESOL and Composition
30. saarat ya'ni composition kalam fathi
31. TESOL ya'ni ma'naatu ennu talla'aw kel haajah fiha linguistics
32. fa le'nu maa fih ya'ni dekaatrah fil el... kellhum haggin writing w teaching
w reading methodologies naas ya'ni agweyaa' fi haatha 1-field
33. la maafih linguistics maa fih .. heyyah ed dektuurah haathi elli makhith
ma'ha w mehi ya'ni thaak el fi es sociolinguistics heyya bass ennha ya'ni
lahaa ehtimaam fil 1..1.1. syntax
34. aslan awwal marrah .. ya'ni ekhtart waahid w ketha w kent akteblah fi-1proposal fa kan yekteb li ... laish t-dakhil ketha gelt lah ana drastic tara
haathi shaklaha syntax
35. walla w ba'du shaklu gaam haatha w 'aakhir shay ma -tefagna w bagl el
proposal w
reht 'al gesem w gaalaw khalas nghayyrak 'ala dekturah
thanyah w ghayyart
36. w an zay ma tgul fi 1-master kaan ya'ni 'endi ehtimaam fi 1-syntax w el
phonology w el morphology .. le'annu el mastrer kaanat fil linguistics
37. wallahi ma adri ana 'aalhin a'tait el awraag le dekturah w raahat fil ejaazah
halhin es spring break
38. w haalhin jails zay ma tgul... mujarrad 'endi el ed d-raft w gaa'ed
atsaffah-ha ketha 'ala asaenna lamma teji hi etha fih 'endaha mulahathaat
ana akuun ghayyartha
39. ma abi a'adelha daakhel el computer wala shay
40. es sbuu' haatha kellah tab'an 'endena es spring break maa fih ahad
41. etha gaalat ya'ni go ahead w submit aw give the other readers el copy ..
khalas.. nabda' ....wella neshuuf'aad aish nsawwi ya'ni zay ma tgul
laakin henna hah ya'ni fil marahel el akhirah
42. le'na henna 'endana ya'ni ya'ni just fine
43. laakin hena kellena tullaab w hagiga lellena henaa tagriban fi marhalat ed
dektuurah w maa ba' el ya'ni emma fi marhala el zay ma ygul .... El
comprehensive wall mkhalles walla ya'ni walla fi marhalat el proposal
walla fi marhalat ed dektuurah
44. yakhi yemkin la yemkin yaakhi emma ya'ni course introduction 'ala baal
ma yejibuun yet'agadun ma' naas 'aakhrin
45. ya'ni it is a good idea etha kaan ydarris course fi kull li kul marhalah aw
mathalan 'ala gad es saa'aat ell ydarreshaa ... mubtade'een w...
intermediate w advance fa ya'ni ygassem wagteh 'ala el kul sanatain w
ye'tihum fasel..
46. fa wallahi it is god ya'ni
47. law gelt luhum ya'ni el.. .zay ma tgul el el el et transformational grammar
wallah haajah walla ya'ni haajah fiha mujarrad aslan kutub ya'ni gawa'ed
'arabeyyah jedidah mamnu'ah
48. yaakhi lamma nekuun henna Iwahdena wallahi ya'ni nehtaj ellughah el
'arabeyyah munagghah ma nehtaj el kutub el gadimah et traditional haathi
49. henn nebi shay to the point
50. w hatta yemken ennu ysa'ed man yedrusun es syntax 'endana fel gesem
51. ana hagigatan ana men ennas elli raghm ma enni thak el ma darast fil
marhalat ed dekturaah wala ay coursat fe-s-syntax, laakin I am am ready to
ye'ni teach
52. wallahi w hatta fe -nathareyyat el jedidah ell ya'ni the most advanced
53. kallam el advisor, tedri wesh gaalat li gaalat wallah ans don't ask me about
anything about her
54. tabni kul nathareyyat-ha 'ala something ya'ni... vague maahu waatheh
55. ya'ni hatta ma 'endaha definition lei
ra'isi lei model hagg-ha elli hu
aish ya'ni el matrix language
56. fa ma 'endaha definition waatheh
57. w 'ala el congruency ba'ad
58. ya'ni wasal ela marhalah sert ya'ni 'endi enjoyment enni agra wesh flaan
yered w esh flaan yetkallam
59. laakin fe d-data 'endi ma legait haajah ya'ni thaahereyyan tunaageth
60. el model haggaha yaakhi ma yekher el mauyah
61. men naahyat ennu ya'ni zay matgul counter examples of her model
62. ethaaher ennaha student 'enda-ha wella shay .. w gaamat yaakhi taktib ... la
ma hi studnt shaklaha dekturah le'annu kaatbah zamaan laha ya'ni paper
63. mumkin ya'ni yelgtuunak fil fil esh esmah ed defence
64. la wallah hagigatan ya'ni I recommend ennak teshteri haatha
65. w ba'dain khethah men el el el et-tape recorder haatha w huttuh fi ttranscriber, you know what I am talking about?
66. et transcriber ya teweel el'umur musajjel 'aadi
67. tebih yrajje' enshallah sentence
68. laakin ana I transcribed three full tapes as an example
69. etha gaal lak nabgha ya'ni mathalan el el w .. wshesmah el matrix language
frame model
70. fi haalat tehes ennak tethtar ennak tetkallam w fih haalah ennu mathlan etha
kent tabi tebhath 'an haajah zay gel el el interference
71. ana ed drasah 'endi qualitative
72. w fiha descrition kethir
73. la mu 'an el government and binding theory, el biding theory yaakhi tedri
men tekallam 'anha? Waahid esmuh Disciullo ....
74. hi tetkall 'an el el el linguistic ya'ni constraints
75. w aftah el library haggati
76. fa kent ya'ni ajamme' magaalat kethirah w algaaha ya'ni most of them
ye'ni were duplicate
77. yemken elli 'endi meyyah w khamsah w 'shrin title
78. bas haathi ana mjamme'ha ya'ni min ma bain magaalah w dissrtation w
79. w shaklah kaanat dissertation
80. esm et title yaakhi....
81. el kitab haatha muhu published somewhere mu ya'ni fi Amrica
82. ey aywaa The Syntax of Codeswitching: Analysing Moroccan Araboc
Dutch Conversation, it is a book
83. it was a dissertation
but le'ennuh ya'ni min al ed dissertation el
muhtaramaat fa ... saarat book
84. ya'ni I am planning to read every thing
85. fa kaan awwal bada' yetkallam 'an el el historical outline w ba'dain yetka..
kaan yetkallam lak 'an bisefah 'aammah el approaches 'an el
86. daayman elli yetkallamuun 'an el codeswithcing daa'eman el .... ya'ni
they collect the data from ya'ni daa'eman hu yekuun za mayguul eish ...
yekuun ... ye'ni in-group el'alaagah baainah w bain el... es subjects
haggeenuh tekuul very informal
87. fa henna 'endna hatta katmat subject ka'ennhum maa maa yhebbunha
88. ysammunhum informants wallah el participants ..
89. le'nnu ygul es subject haathi kalemat... quantitative w bai'dain thess ennu
makes distance between the researcher and the informant or the participant
or subject
90. w hatta awgaat ma testa'mel ya'ni eth-third person fil ketaabah ya'ni ...
yegul laish tghatti nafsak w ketha yeguul haathi el kharabeet haggt el
quantitative ... ebte'ed 'anha
91. fa ya'ni 1-kul field w kul majaal luh
92. haatha khattu fil master haatha el kitaab
93. alii yetkallemaun 'al es-syntactic constraints
94. w by the way fih haajah fil esh esmah bel el bel -library mumken
testakhdemha wallah ana estafadt menha jeddan
95. fih haaja esmuh e-subscribe elli hu yjeeb lak el books w articles haggat Eric
96. w tsawwelah print, henna dakhel el jam'ah tsawwi print bass you have to
97. laakin kamm tedfa'? three cents a page
98. mujarrad ennuh ruh sawwi lah binding w that is it
99. fih by he way fih mu'allif.. shesmu haatha Allahum salli 'al annabi
Muhammad ....
al mehem lah kitaab kitaabain fil codesitching, codeswicthing
min haggin es-syntax ysammunha ....
wesh esem nathareyyat es syntaxt hagget el el
wallah fi kitaab esmuh el-Fasi ethaaher mu'allefu waahid esmu el-
Fasi ... yet kallam 'an es syntax el'arabi es structure el'arabi
elkitaab ya teweel el'umer el el w shesmah codeswitching
worldwide hatha el edited book ...
yetekallam 'an el magaal esmu codeswitching an equal partnership..
el publisher ya teweel el'umur ...
t'arrif Heller, Monika Heller wallahi laha edited book ba'ad haathi
laha 1988 ethaaher
haathi laha edited book wallahi weddak ennak ya'ni esmah
codeswitching and anthropological and sociolinguistic perspective if you
are interested in that., edited book 1988
talabtuh 'an tarig el interlibrary loan akhattuh shahar w rajja'tah
fih 'endana haajah ghayr el inrter-library loan ysammunha Palsy
w ent bel bait... yaakhi 'endana khedmah helwah w en bel bait
tsawwi el enter li.. tetleb ay kitaab 'an tarig el interlibrary loan aw 'an tarig
Palsy .. on-line bel information w tekteb el email haggak w meta ma wasel
yerslullak email w teruh mujarrad testelmah mel maktabah ....
hatta el library card haggana hena yesteghel fil yeshteghel
'enduhum fi Pitsburg w ye'tunak kutub lemuddat shahar w ethaaher up to
ten books
ya'ni el hamdulillah ya'ni it is not bad
le'ennu hum 'enduhum khettah ennhum yebdaun bel maktabat el
garibah wel maktabat elli ya'ni fih connection gawai ya'ni bainhum
la' ma fih interviews kell informal
men anwaa' el el el ..wshesmah er research haathi haajah
ysammunu .. participant observer
athku enn ed duktuurah gaalat esh haatha el quote shaklaha ya'ni
ma hi mathbutah
w reht talabtah thani marrah men el interlibrary loan
w ta'akkdt enni ya'ni I write every thing right
fa fe'lan ana kent fiha shwayyat khta' ken mekhte' fil el quoitation
w fe'lan 'addaltah .. ethaaher observer as .. participant observer or
oberserver participant something like this
w ana kent ya'ni mixed between them fa 'addaltaha wel ktaab 'endi
w tkallam 'am es syntax
ella ennak yaakhi 11 tabhath 'an shay say mayguul ahh ..111..
grammaticality ..grammaticality judgment madriesh
le'annu ana naas .. gaulauh w that is it
w fih ba'athhum yegul lak hatta fi bedaayat et tasjeel.. hal tegul
luhum aw ma tgul luhum ana gaa'ed adawwer 'ala el codes witching walla
tegul ana wallah 'endi ya'ni I am looking for ...
w laaken ma ahad yegder ennu codeswitching wallah ana 'endi
drasah 'al el el mathalan el linguistics w weddi abashuf some ya'ni signs
of ya'ni your conversation .. somewhat I don't know w haathi yaakhi fiha
khelaf ketheer
edkhel fil ethics
wallahi fih 'endana dekturah etguul laazem etegul lah hatta twarrih
ent kaif gaa'ed tsawwi transcription
ma'natu athayye' ed data haggeti 'alashaan enni gult lah ma agul
lah w khalaas
w kul el ya'ni others ya'ni agree ennu muhu enni attel'ah 'ala kulli
w khaasah ay waahid lah 'alaagah ya'ni daras aw 'endah inrerest fil
el quantitative
yegul lak ykharrib 'alayk ed data
tarigat el w shesmah ya'ni el conversation over the phone
elli yebi'unak el el er recorder haatha hagg elli ... haatha.. yegul lak
you have ya'ni.. you have to agree ennak tegul lah ennak ennak ma tsajjel
something ya'ni hatta law waahed ana tetesel 'alayya w arfa' essamma'ah
w wesht
agul tara ana gaa'ed asajjel ya'ni if you want to continue or
ya'ni hang up
yegul lak ya'ni laazim ya'ni you have to .. according to the law you
have to ya'ni to tell the other part ennak ennak you are recording
ana maani meste'ed enni bukrah asawwi data w ba'dain yetla' 'en el
munaagashah welli yegul sajjalt-ni... walla
sahraatnaa fil shesmuh fil weekend
hatta hum they ya'ni they are interested fil haathi ...
laaken .. ya'ni ana sawwait mugaaranah ennu el conversation
athnaa' el et teasjeel w el et tape mawjuud w 'adam wejuudeh maa sawwa
any difference ...
ayyam el Christmas
fa kaanat ya'ni ejtemaa'aatnaa almost yawmeyyah
fil el ed data collection
ysawwi observation fil el class
bass 'an el eshesmah haathi 'al collocation
walla yeguul yeguul ya'ni maa kanaw thaak el ya'ni reaaly helpful
asawwi lak observation
ysawwi mathalam ... draasah .. fiha quantitative aw el el.. esh
ysammunha haathi two two groups wahdah ydarreshum methods
wethaanyah ydarreshum method ukhra w madri eish ya'ni 'endak lamma
tkuun 'endak power 'endak yaakhi lak majaalaat awsa'
laaken kawnak taalen w el limit mahduud wallahi maahu sahel
fa laaken wallahi sa'bah shway 'end el ele w shesmah el ed data
analysis ya'ni thess ennak ya'ni thawwesh fiha shwayy ...
bass ell fiha codeswicthing
mujarrad ennak ya'ni tebda' tanthur laha ketha thess ennu fih
patterns mu'ayyanah ...
w khaassah etha kaanat ya'ni fil el sociolinguistics
laysh tsawwi mathalan codeswitching 'end mathalan emma 'a n-
noun wallah bel articles wallahmadri eish walla between something ya'ni
... aw whether between the governed and the governor ...
le'annu lamma tajed ennu el matrix language elli huwwa el aw
ysammunha ed dominant language bain el kbaar we -ssghaar tekhtelef
ed dominant ma' essghaar English ya'ni maa fiha jedaal
ed dominant 'en el kbaar 'arabi
fa hena big difference
yebda' lak mathalan kalemah 'arabi w .. yhett lah mathalan el es
suffix hagg el engliziz
laysh le'ennu aslan le'annu es structure 'endhum English
fa tHess enn fih haajah ysammunha insertion
ya'ni they insert the Arabic word as borrowed word
la a'teberha codeswitching
le'ennu yaa teweel el'umur el borrowing
ennaas ettafaqu 'ala shay waahed ennu el borrowing an takuu
..yukuun el monolingual speaker of that language ya'ni they .. it is used by
the monolingual speaker ya'ni zay ma nguul computer is it borrowing
walla? I think it is borrowing ... le'ennu aish henna bel 'arabi nguul
computer w computarat.. ethan ya'ni saarat el el... fil adjustment ellughah
el engliziyyah wa hamalat ma yahmeluh el lughah el'arabiyyah
thnain el monolingual el 'arabi yeguul codeswitching
laaken el nonolingual el englizi ma yeguul mathalan ye-beating ma
yeguul mathalan yethreb-ing le'ennu yethreb ma ye'refuunha
fih kalaam katheer 'an el ya'ni ydawwekh ydawwekh muqaranah
bel borrowing w el codeswitching
menha ennu yekuun fih gab
w raghm ennu haathi kullaha violated 'endi le'ennu muhu thururi
ennu yekun fih gab .. computer 'endena Haaseb w haatha mu'tabar
rasmeyyan yuqaal elHaaseb wel Haasuub fa it is not gab ya'ni filling a gab
.. it is not filling a gab
it is just it is ya'ni just used by monolingual speakers
laaken ana ye'jebni ennu fih shay'ain ennu el monolingual speaker
of that language ennu yesta'melhaa w enneha tahmel el derivation hagget el
laaken eththal ennha codeswitching le'ennu el englizi ma ye'ref
fa ana men hatha el manthuur sawwaitha fa e'tabartha ya'ni
codeswitching .. what do you think?
ya'ni hal ethan hal teguul kell kalemah kul kalemah hh.. zay
mayguul.. kharejah 'an 1 ma'luuf tsammiha codeswitching walla
ana athker kent agra maqaalah yegul mathalan law dakhalt 'ala
mat'am w gelt emma 'atuuni mathalan ..aklah mu'ayyanah you switch to
that language ... akalna aklah eitaaleyyah wallah el mhem men hal
metaa'em el kebeerah be rriyaath
ma ye'tabar switching
w haathi dereaasah ba'ad fi wahda elli hu esmaha fatmah
Muhammad dissertation haggatha msawyah drasah 'ala waladha fa yehet el
why el a'arabi w ykammelah bel engelaizi
la w te'teberha e'teberatha codeswitching
laaken saa'adauni atfaali fe ennu ysawwun transcripts ya'ni ken
asawwi transcriptions fa ajeebhum w aguul esme'uu wesh gaa'duun
fa walla mm kent ma afham le'nnu really awwal lajjah w ba'dain
native speakers English native speakers
fa wallah saa'adouni w ya'ni entahaina 'ala ennu maa kaan fih
codeswitching fi eshereet kullah maa kaan ella yemken hawaali settah aw
sab'ah kalemaat 'arabeyyah
maa fih switching 'arabi nehaa'eyyan
le'ennu shuuf khassah ethaa kaanaw shuuf fih haajaat yaakhi hena
yemken yedkhel subject etha kaanu farathna yetkallemun mawaathee'
game walla shaafouh wallah movies shoufah wallah walla le'bah fel
madrsah w kellhum khaassah fel madrasah ya'ni yruuhuun 1 same school
yaakhi wallh yejuunak abadan w khaassah etha tkallemawn 'an el
mawthuu' ed draasah aw shay ya'ni maa lah 'alaaqag fe 1-culture haggenaa
laaken fih haajaat yaakhi tHess ennu yelja'uun lei codeswitching
mathalan mathalan yeguul I am gonna salli ..ya'ani.. they will.. ya'ni
haathi tHess ennu
le'ennu fi haja ya'ni el culture
w tHess ennu el language ya'ni fiha .. language function ya'ni tHess
ennu el el kell language it has ya'ni it has ya'ni own function
lamma tkallam 'an el culture w tkallam 'an el akel w tkallam 'an el
madr weshu yetkallemaun bel bait
w lamma yruhuun yetkallemaun 'an haajaat thaanyah ..
yetkallemaun englizi
yaakhi there is lots of things ya'ni ya'ni interesting fil.. atfaal
welkbaar wesghaar
in anyhow hlailah ya'ni
wallah ana ansah ennak teshteri el el et transcriber
la et transcriber Panasonic laaken haatha men Radio Shack esmuh
hatta maktub 'alaih men foug Radio Shack
hatha et transcriber ..el.. hagg et telephone haatha ethaaher enah
haggu tes'ah w tes'een 99 dular aw meyyat 100 dulaar w haathaak hagguh
meitain w than'ash dular 112 aw meitain w tse'ta'ash madri...
hageegatan ma tash'ur farg ya'ni bequwwat es sout bessoutak ent
le'annak kawnak mutakallem w sout ethaani elli enta tesma'ah the same
level exactly bass en el volume ahettah 'al akheer menshaan en ma
yshesmah le'ennu fih jemb el volume ...
laaken Hett el volume 'al akheer 'ala 1 ya'ni el low marrah wahdah
esmuh telephone cassette recorder
TCR200 hatha el code number hagguh ya'ni law reht 'ala Radio
Shack. Com w ketha 'an tareeg el internet yemken telhaah
le'nnu ana atsawwar ennu ba'th el e stores haathi ya'ni telgaaha
chain laaken fi mantqah muhaddedah ...
mathalan fi el mantegah el ya'ni el sharq America w ketha telga
'enduhum stores muntashirah laakennn-ha tfakkerha ennha fi jamee'
amrica w tajed ennu takhruj takhruj el med west wall el west abadan ma ye
ma sma'aw fiha
flh stores mathalan fi California w el mantegah elgharbeyyah ma
tajed laha ma sema'na fiha mathalan fi el mantegah elli ehna fiha aw
mathalan es saahel esharqi
laaken 'endena everywhere you find it
w.. wethaani hatha at transcriber
haatha ell aguul lak henna 'endana abdan muntashrah everywhere
taqreeban zay office max
'ana definitely ennak telgaah le'nnu haatha muhu markah ya'ni
brand name hagg el haathi haatha Panasonic
hu naw'ain etha kent testa'mel eshereet es segheer fih ysammunah
micro cassette transcriber walla ... normal transcriber
w etha kunt tshajjel fshereet 'aadi ya'ni data ya'ni you collect data
'an tereeg shereet 'aadi takheth stick with one le'ennu kel waahed hagguh
meitain dulaar
w etaraf ethaani teshbekah fil el microphone hagg el el msajjel elli
btenqel lah... ya'ni khusuusan etha tebi tanqul men sagheer el kabeer aw
men kabeer ela sagheer.. kul elli tehtaaj selk waahed
al el email ????©....
aw el email el awwal etha kan e-mail-y el qadeem elli 'endak
'endak Mac walla PC?
ana 'endi Mac tara
teguul ghayyart 'an el Mac?
maa asawwi 'alayh ayy document
ya'ni mujarra aruuh asawweh 'al internet w bass
laaken enna tara ... netawaqqa' ennu shesmuh el el el... operating
system eljedeed hatha el OS trex OS sevel el jedeed haatha .. mumken ennu
ya'ni qareeb ennu ysawwu lah .. hatha .. ykhallunah yegra 'arabi
le'annu sawwulah update 1.. I'aghlab ellughaat.. maa baqi ella el..
ellughaat essaameyyah elli hu el'arabeyyah wel Hebrew
fa kawn el Hebrew mawjuudah ma'na fa atwaqqa' yabun yeshedun
wallah en tala' 'arabi ana .. ya'ni I like it PC el Mac wkhaassah ma'
el operating systen eljedeed OS ten
haatha raheeb raheeb ma y'aref el crashing abadan
ey OSX ysammunah OSX or OS ten
laaken lei'aan ya'ni maahu it is not supported by other ya'ni
software fa tHess ennu yabda' men jedeed le'ennu yekhtelef kulleyyan 'an
el operating system el OS ..
halHeen el qadeem el 0S9 ysammunah classic
fa w haatha ya'ni jedeed .. laaken insh'allah ennu bass enn-hum
ysawwuun lah el upgrade lei 'arabi w ma'ad fih mushkelah
fa in anyhow ethaa tebgha ya'ni haatha ... ma'lumaat ketha ...
bukrah shakl eshabaab 'end 'abderrahmaan by the way ya'ni
hu raah data collection es s'uudeyyah
by the way law kallamt 'ala abderrahmaan....
w khassah ethaa kaan 'endak et transcriber haathaw shesmug
recorder haatha
fa ianyhow ....
keep in tuch methel ma ngul le shabaab hnayya
Researcher (MaQ) with Speaker #1:
1. gelt fursah el'aan nkallemek w nsowlef ma'ak w neshrekek fi study 'endi
2. fa ana weddi ashrekek fi linguistic study 'endi gabel la nemshi men hana
inshallah which ya'ni requires Saudi subjects methel ma yegulun
3. w es study haathi tab'an will be taped
4. fa heyya phone conversation khalassh? Will be taped khalaas?
5. la abadan 'aadi hyi kellaha tara informal ya'ni sewaalif informal methel ma
6. el final sallamtha wella lessa
7. ya'nmi el final draft sallamth kwayyes haatha tayyeb
8. es studuy haggetek tab'an b el code-swithcing wella la?
9. ya'ni face to face conversations
10. w hassalt ya'ni enough data ya'ni?
11. enta akhattuh men ay store?
12. ana bass gelt fil shesmah fi ennehaayah laazan neshrekek enta weyyaa
khaalid fil study haathi
13. wesh lown online wesh ysawwwi?
14. ya'ni maakhthin el internet.. es service f-el internet bel.. bel ...
15. ed department haggkum taghayyar esmah?
16. 'ala ketha enta metwahheg ajal maa 'endak asaatethah b-el linguistics
17. ennaa ya'ni weather wise ma 'alayh
18. weather wise is ok ya'ni
19. ohh.. that is why ya'ni
20. oh oh good ya'ni ydarres belhaalah yekun one one whole department by
21. yemken haathi haathi mujarrad yemken the only advantage ya'ni
22. ya'ni hatta el advisor 'endi shebh ya'ni yegul el models haggaatha mahi
ya'ni mahi convencing
23. bekhsus el el last elli hum el 4model wella el 3model?
24. ya'ni enta mujarrad tetkallam 'an el matrix ...
25. et transcriber wesh ysawwi?
26. tayyeb enta tareeqtek b-el trascription tekteb the whole tape?
27. ana bennasbah li ma yehemmni the whole tape
28. ana gasdi enta mujarrad tsawwi transcription 1-el kalemaaat elli fiha s el
jumal elli fiha switching ya'ni
29. la ana el study haggeti ya'ni purely syntactic
30. heyya morpho-syntactic study basically anyway that is my study that is the
title ya'ni
31. it is a morpho-syntactic study laakenni attarraq ya'ni bas mush ktheer ya'ni
1 tab'an ana ma ya'ni mujarrad hetta ya'ni 'an el ba'th ba'th el
sociolinguistic factors laaken mainly syntactic morpho-syntactic ya'ni
32. tayyeb kaif el analysis 'endak enta msawwih
33. yetkallam 'an el government and binding theory?
34. kutub el linguistics el code-switching ketheerah ya'ni
35. ma' en el field still mahub ya'ni kaath el ya'ni qawi marrah, qasdi ma
nugesh katheeran
36. eyh bass ennah mahu madri shlown ahes ennuh still ya'ni
37. hal marrait 'ala ay ketaab aw dissertation tetkallam 'an el... syntactic
theories in codeswitching?
38. haatha la 'alaaqah aslant b-el theory haggeti ana
39. haatha book wella dissertation?
40. bass hu mujarrad 'arth le es syntactic ....
41. eyh jayyed jayyed hu yu'tabar el the best source for the GB theory ya'ni
42. a'refuhtara mdakkhluh and men them el el literature review 'endi
43. esh el publisher>
44. 'endekum el interlibrary loab yakheth waqt wella"
45. ehnaa 'endana nafs eshay el interlibrary loan 1 'endana hatta es service
haggathum ya'ni ezcellent ya'ni
46. bennesbah 11 ent hal do you include your own enat ma oh enta sawwait
afce to face interviews tab'an
47. do you include yourself wella la?
48. ana su'aali hal ent do you include you're your own data ya'ni?
49. ya'ni ana mathlan bennesbah li taped conversations
50. fa ya'ni still yekun fih now' men el codeswitching ya'ni
51. yeh fiha debate haathi belfe'el laaken el ya'ni el ghaaleb nnu ya'ni en naas
temeel le ra'y ennu yajeb ya'ni ennek ya'ni tkhabber el participants ya'ni
ennak enta ya'ni ennak at least you're taping them ya'ni
52. enta sawwait luhum ya'ni taping w entu jaalseen ya'ni
53. oh ed data haggetuh men essu'udeyyah ya'ni
54. eyh a'eref Ezz sah sawwa hnaak ed data haggetuh
55. hal enta fi el analysis haggek enta enta draastek ya'ni muqaaranah bain el
atfaal w el kebaar?
56. ya'ni enta ma te'teber el ashyaa' haathi codeswitching?
57. te'teberha codeswitching wella borrowing?
58. 'aadatan ma yegulun yethreb-ing
59. yegul lek mathalan y-beat mathan hah
60. wella y-hit me
61. esh tsammi haathi switching wella wella tsammiha borrowing?
62. lesh tsammiha codeswitching?
63. gasdi ennu el borrowing 'aadatan yekun men shakhs ya'ni es switching
'aadatan yekun men shakhs 'aaref in both languages ya'ni khalas?
64. 'enduh ya'ni ma'refah b el engliziz w el 'arabi wa lethaalek mathalan
yegdar ysawwi switching ye'ref where to switch
65. laaken el borrowing tejeeb mujarrad shakhs monolingual laakenhu ma
ye'ref mujarrad ya'ni ma ye'ref el structure fa yejeeb lek kalmetain hatta to
fill the gab kama quit enta enta
66. bass haatha ma yu'tabar switching
67. el 'aan ana naawi adakhel wledi w benti le'ennehum belfe'l they el
codeswicthing 'endehum marrah marrah ma tetsawwar daa'eman ysawwun
68. lamma yejlesu ma' ba'ath lughathum ed dominant yabdu li tekun el
69. ana 'endi 'yaali bel'aks ysawwu, ya'ni ma ysawwun switching within
within ya'ni words within sentences hatta?
70. ana 'endi 'endi 'endi data men 'awwal men ba'th el 'ekhwah hena w ba'th
71. la mabgha a'eed le'enni already aslant 'endi ba'th el ashyaa' wsawwait
lahaa transcription kethaa bass enni...
72. hathaa men Panasonic?
73. tayyeb wel ana lamma akallem akun ana maasek es sammaa'ah 'aadi ma
ka'anni akallem men speaker wa la shay
74. w still ya'ni raah ysajjel bass enta ma tesma'uh ya'ni
75. la bakhthuh men el local ya'ni store
76. ana tab'an qad ya'ni en ma hsel en ma kaanet el quality hagget ettasjeel
haathi zainah ettasalna 'alaikum menhaa nsowlef ma'ak akthar w naakheth
wagt akthar menk
77. 'atni el e-mail haggat ya B
78. elli ana abgha arsel lek bel attachment hagget el aythan hagget el consent el
consent form
79. la la 'ala el PC
80. 'adi mujarrad tsawwi lahaa download 'ala el word word word form khalaas
81. mashallah 'alaik el advisor 'endek hurmah ajal?
82. ana 'aad el marrah el jaayyah nsowlef ma'ak 'an eshabaab w 'an el qesem
hnaak 'endana w tekun akthar ya'ni methel ma yeguluun more devirse
83. ana 'endi both Mac w PC
84. laaken ana maazelt mazaalat 'endi mushkelat el tasaffuh el el 'arabi 'ala
85. abgha shay individual
86. yeh ana abghaahum individual
87. inshallah we will
Speaker #2 (S):
1. 'ala ayye listah hathettuni
2. wallah it is always my pleasure
3. bass 'aaref 'endi eh., ya'ni... lately wallahu a'lem laish ya'ni
4. ekhtelaaf 'araa' w btesma' kalaam ma beddak tesma'uh w .. mahu w I don't
feel ennu ana obliged ennu to put up with this
5. ya'ni magdar ajaamel anymore
6. ya'ni hatta el fund rasing elli saar youm el jum'ah hathaa elli raah
7. my answe was sraight no bedun mujaamalah
8. laish? I don't have to explaine
9. I don't think humma tghayyaru
10. always wrong always ... el advice heyya heyya nusehu fiha meyyat marrah
w..maafih ....
11. el masjid no I think ... muskeltuh awsa' yabdu li men hkaayat el madrasah
12. fa to be mesh fahemhaa fa mesh haddakhal fiha ya'ni 'ereft kaif ... because
ya'ni ana I've beeb away
13. bass bennesbah lelmadrasah Allah a'lam men khelaal awlaadi fa ana 'aaref
wesh ennawaaqes w wesh what we need
14. wa laaken benlef ga'deen fi halaqah ... way far from the target 'ereft kaif..
15. el mushkelah ennu el madrasah ma tjeeb dakhlaha .. ma tjeeb masrufaha
qat.. marrah, evry month is a defecit... fa the problem is the cash flow of
the monthly expense
16. every month el.. what they have to pay is more than what they collect min
17. tab I don't see you're making sense ennak teruh telemmali meytain wella
thalathmeyyat alf dular teshteri ardh w tsawwi li mabna .. tab ma heyya
18. el 'ajz will always be there
19. our problem is not., mabna w hawsh .w.. la
20. our problem ennu maa fih .. el parents maa byedfa'u
21. w saadqeen kaathbeen ma I'm not the judge but humma they are the judges
22. fa .. betlaagi lak six families men total es school elli beyedfa'u el et tuition
we baagi no ma byedfa'
23. welli byadfa' et tuition beduhum ennu kamaan more more esh esmuh more
24. gulli talatmeyat dular 'ala el walad ha'teek, gulli five hundred fi-shahar 'ala
el walad ha'teek, bass don't come back and ask me again barraani
25. ya'ni gulu haada el masru x y z .. ok w haada 'adad ettalabah
26. kul taaleb 'alaih X dollars
27. fa it is I don't aunderstand laih
28. ana to me this is a community school, that meants it belongs to all of us
29. ka'ennu ana wenta gulna ohh te'ref mudarres XYZ men ennaas beddu
ydarres Mossab w Braahim, faahem? Beddna neddihum durus 'arabi,
erraajel haykallefna khamseen dular el hessah, it only makes sense ennu
ana adfa' khamsah w 'eshreen dulaar w enta tedfa' khamsa w 'eshren,
shayef kaif.. fa jaa walad taalet ma' Braahim w Mossab.. esh yeseer?
Tetgassam 'ala talaatah, that is a community activity
30. fa bema ennha the school belongs to the community el et total expense has
to be divided over the number of students w haathe heyya, ma bedha it is
not ya'ni rocket science, walaaken la hayat leman tunaadi.. fa afdhal ennu
el waahed ma yeddakhal, talabuni fi el meetings rafadht, laish ma laish gult
luh hatendamu ahsan Iku ma aji
Lei madrasah .. .parents mesh 'aaref eishgultelu afdhal lak ma aji you
don't really want me
32. zay ma tnagashnaa fi hkaayat el.... A'uth bellah men eshaytaan errajeem,..
et el el ... el curriculum nafsaha ..
33. fi bedaayat essanah haadi, jaab enn... gaal because of the 1eleventh w
mesh da ll"^ eleventh w mesh 'aaref eih w dhayya'na wagt w jat ejaazah ..
ma 'endna wagt ndarreshum Quran
34. gultellu maa nebgha computer ...
35. geltullu compute esih, gaal n'eallemhum kaif ysawwu web site
36. gultellu enta te'raf tsawwi web site?
37. gultlu fukkni yabuya bala computer bala battekha law bedi computer ajeebu
38.1 know where to take him law bedi el kalaam haada
39. gultlu maximum quran w maximum 'arabi well ma saarat madrasah
40. gult lu qasaman bellah el madaares gultellu el madaares elli fi essu'udeyyah
elli heyya ... madaares hukumeyyah .. ok .. bte'ti aktar w lamman beddana
nwaddi el walad 'ala more benwaddih madaares tahfith el quran, that is
41. gultellu bass 'ala fekrah maa besammuha el madrasah el islameyyah w feha
ten time more Islamic studies than elli enta bte'tih w isemha lessa mush
madrasah islaameyyah.. fa enta beddak tsammiha al huda islamic school
'ala ay asaas?
42. gultellu la el computer taba'ak wa la el hesaab wa la el jughrafya
hayedakhlu el walad eljannah
43. I'd rather ashufuh kul youm y kharr et tamaatem le'ummu tutbukh ahsan
44. kallamni el mudarres, muhtaram jeddan Abu Rayya hatha, Mahmud ismuh?
Ahh very nice man, I explained to him my point of view, fa gaal he cannt
disagree ....
45. gaal li tab ta'aal etkallam elkalaam haada fi el meeting enta mish lehaalak
46. la enta mush lehaalak ya'ni it can't be only your opinion .... Ya'ni fih naas
against you camaan
47. yah it is not only you that nmashi el tebghaah
48. fih naas ma yebghu Quran w 'arabi period
49. eywa ma bebalaash haada mawjud elsewhere
50. gaal fih naas beguulu ehna we're no giving enough computer we're not
goving enough this, we enta tgul ehna we're not giving Quran esh bedna
51. el muhem gaal ta'aal el meeting w eshrah, gult luh maa hatalle'hum
kulluhum ya'ni 'yaal I can't le'annu I'll be calling for the truth and they'll
be calling for the false and this is not gonna work, fa I don't wanna look
like the bad guy, gult luh if you can't do it and I take my children out, I
can't fight you and I am not gonna fight the rest of the parent elli beddahum
computer w horseback riding... not me
52. ana ana this is what I want, can you provide you have a customer, you can't
provide I'll I know what to do with my children, mesh mesh has'alak w la
beddi ya'ni you advice what I do with them
53. fa alhamdulillah zabbatouha w things are good, but hekaayat el mafaaheem
mukhtalfah yaakhi fa kul waahed byunthur fiha be'adasah mukhtalefah w
elli yarah qareeban w naraahu ba'eedan w you know it is basic
54. daheen daily Quran an Arabic
55. kul youm saa'ah Quran w 'arabic w deen
56. yeah still not a big deal, but to me ahsan men balaash ya'ni I got
something, kaan mafruth saa'ah fil usbu' wella nonsense
57. huwwa el imaam dectator .. ahh gasdi director
58. ya khuy mesh bass Tuscon everywhere .. everywhere no body wants to
admit their fault no body wants to say you know what guys I can't do this,
tab a question: ... esheikh battal yukhtub ella marrah marrateain sar
yukhtub fi kullei shahrain talaatah
59. kaanu ygulu eshaikh Bassam yakhud alfain dulaar
60. ma'naatu yabuya yanta imaam ya director
61. errajul director may be yeah he is doing his job
62. fa lamma kunna nnaadi zamaan be'ennu ed director ghair el imaam .. they
don't wanna understand
63. fa obviously yakhuy le'ennu ed dirctor 'endu daily involvement ma' el
community fahemni ...
64. w fi wad'na el ayyaam haadi ehna mesh fi 'aser .. el golden age elli kullu
mutahaabeb w muta'aatef wa mutalaa'em no we clash w hay el haqeeqah
65. fa etha kaan fih clashaat kul youm ma bein ha d-director w ma bein 'udhu
men hal.. el jamm'eyyah ellehna fiha raah w jaa .. mesh han.. ma
hastahmelak tugaf 'ala elmember tugaf w tukhtub I can't le'ennu I already
have problems with ... fa ma'naatuh laazem yetfarraq yaakhi el imaam
yekun rajul Allah faateh 'alaih be d-deen w mua'eeh w 'enduh hekmah w
labaaqat kalaam w law taffalt f-wajhuh .. yedhhak ... this is what we want
66. because that is his job, yestahmelni.. his job is to keep me attracted le deenellaaah mesh le elmasjid 'ereft kaif.. his job is when I get off he brings me
back mush waahed ysharredni
67. bass ana I cannot.. man .. if I have ana elyoum etha 'endi mushkelah ma'
ya'ni mta"ebaani shway sahr'eyyah I will never go to the man fahemni?
Ya'ni haruuh 'ala internet w Idiud akhyas web site el fatwa w la ajee lak
68. aruuh adawwer 'al web siet elli ma yzuuruh ella khamsah fi eshashahar el
fatwa b meyyat dulaar
It is not a bad idea by the way
69. fa etha fuqedat etheqah fi leyunat el imaam elli mas'uul 'an el masaa'el
eshar'eyyah fi a small community like ours .. it is a p.. it is a problem yakhi
70. ya'ni hatta fi shughlak ya bu mos.. may be you guys don't feel this ok
le'ennu la rubbama el your activity in this town no matter how active you
think you're is it is still limited 'ereft kaif? le'ennak ma btes'a le'akel
'aishak here., we do 'ereft kaif..
71. fa ehna bneshteghel bnet'amal ma' el bnuk bnet'amal ma' mu'assasaat
bnet'ammal.. ma'a customers net'aamal ma' bunuk bedhum ysallfu el
customers taba'ethum
72. such a guy I can't tell you ennu law jebtu 'ala maktabak ... teshrtah lu
wadh'ak w beddak ... mennu naseeha lewajh ellaah tkhallsak amaam Allah
ya'ni tell me what to do ya sheikh do I continue well I don't continue ..
yemken ye'redh 'alaik yshaarkak
73. fa it is .. we will not have a man like Bassam 'baid again., yes we will not
74.1 don't I don't recall la
75.1 don't recall him actually telling me ennu metkharrej
76. but I don't recall ennu .. it is an excellent question ya'ni dares fi el madinah
wella metkhrrej men el madinah .. it is a huge difference
77. wallahi yakhi ana let me tell you my opinion straight fi kul el Islamic
Center mush ta'assuf wa la e'tebaat baguulul, bass elli ehna darasnah welli
ehna ta'allamnaah yukhalaf kul youm fa I don't see a reason enta 'aaref esh
darasna w tefjam bezzabt esh bnefham men ya'ni men men ejtema'eyyaat
el Islamic Center men tareegat el.. hatt tareegat el fund rasing ana yabdu li
hathi mesh mesh waardah ya'ni
78. haada 'aaref zay eish zay ayyam el bosnah wel hersek ... fifi abdu sawwat
haflah khayreyyah raagesah .. fifi abdu erraggassah sawwat haflah
khyreyyah raagesah lesaaleh atfaal el bosnah fa ... there is a huge conflict
79. by nature by ciltuer haada elli trabbainaa 'alaih w haada elli ne'reraf ennu
haadul el jens el 'aakhat eza ma kaanat dharurah quswa I mean quswa
lel'ehtekaak fihum .. haatha kallam faathi.. ennama el mudarresaat w el
el just this is all wrong
80. fa baan ennu .. nothing
81. wallah ma rethi bha is gonna be a blood bath
82. le'annu I don't know man he wants it
83. hu ya'teqed ennu he is el kul filkul
84. wa laaken he is gonna reject it
85. ana mesh shaayef ayy taqaddum wa laaken mesh shaayef ta'akhur at the
same time., ya'ni w ana ennu ma ba ruh bass beiju ba'dh eshabaab
beyzuruni once in a while .. ya'ni najeeb w basher one time they stop by
86. gaal yaakhi wainak mehtaajeenak .. gult luh I am expensive yakhi. I did it
lillah last time just to prove a pioint ennu elli kaanu gaa'deen 'alaiha w
maskin 'alaiha bedana nfahhemhum ennu no body is untuchable. You will
go down when we decide and we will push for it and you cant stop us.
Walaaken taalama tam et taghyeer I expect elli elli jau they understand that
every body has to do their job because onece you fall back elli hasal fi elli
gablak hayehsal fik. Fa galli hayakhduha etaanyeen, gult luh yakhduha
mesh 'aib yakhduha wa laaken if they are up to the criticism ba'd ma
yakhthuha they can have it bass ma .. 'ereft kaif? ya'ni el kalaam mesh
ennu who leads well who does not lead ma there is no leadership. Ma fih
ma shay esmu leadership ma fih aha lu satwah 'ala ettaani her. Fa men
halmuntalag yaakhi it is not it is not reyaadah w seyaadah no it shouldn't be
there le'ennu le'nnu ma lak hokum 'alay 'ereft kaif agdar atla' wentu fi
nuss el khutbah ....
87. fa kulnaa laazem nkum muttafiqeen 'ala ennu ehna bedna ntabbeq awaamer
rab el'ebaad within this masjid
88. fa hkaayat luk satwah w enta w he can w he cant no no it shouldn't be like
this w mesh khaayef who leads well who doesn't lead
89. fa hu yabdu li yakhi ennu msha'sheb fiha it a nice income
90. werrajel ma byefha saa'aat beyjee-ni beguu... begul tabarru'aat ya buuy it
is slow things are slow
91. gult lu enta maa tefham I'ennu 'endak one problem you are making a
steady income. Fa evry month you are getting X dollars. You know what
you get. Ma fih 'endak slow mesh slow w booming. You will never have a
bad month. We do
92. fa I have to .. ten thousand dollars sawaa'n be't sayyara well ma be't
sayyaarah laazem asrefha. Fa ma teji tutiub menni. Gult luh you should
check the history yaldii. Elli ma'aah bye'teek gabel mates'al. lamman ma
ye'teek e'raf enny fih haajah, don't come and beg ya'ni.
93. bass lamman halagta lu big time battal. He called me .. he called me like
two days before el fundraising.
94. gultellu enta maa sa'al eza an I have time to talk tyo you wella la'.
95. fa bagullak lately ya bu mossab 'endi mushkelah .. mush 'aaref ajaamel
yakhi. I need a shrink mesh gaader ajaamel ahad yakhi, ya'ni el el el
waahed fi in his heart byetla' be bedun taraddud
96.1 have to tell you etha mi.. man maani taaygak khalas fuk 'anni
97. kam how much they raised?
98. yakhuy any school does need some help I do understand. Bass meyyah w
tes'een kulli sanah ya'ni. That is too much man. It is too much, esh
99. fa ana when you look at it yakhi 'yaali ok shatabna ya'ni mhammad is is
eleven is already in seventh grade maa fi essanah et taanyah school luh ok ..
saw fi mhel wall ma fih mhel
la maa beyruh el public school insha'llah beyg'ud fil bait home
school well ndabbruh well neb'atuh 'end el'ahel ma I can't man I don't
have the guts.
yaafe' yabuy he is el walad yaafe' ya'ni esh beddi agul lak, ya'ni
naafer w good looking w it is a problem, it is a problem.
I can't ya'ni bashilau ma'aay baruh fil lail ashrab gahwah
somewhere beseem el banaat ye'ni beseeru ytellu fih I am I am .. yakhuy
we've been around maani 'abeet. I am not el father el el el a'maa abb..
ya'ni bashum reehat el ghalat men kilo, do you know what I am saying? Fa
I don't elli shufnaah yshufuh definitely be'awnellah
ana abghaah hmaar fil madrasah because el madrasha welli
khalagak maa tdakhel jannah ya bu mossab. Wallah sel'at Allah ghalyah
ma., la shahaadah tdakhelhum wala good job tdakhelhum is .. I don't
mind law yeruhu y'abbu banseen fi mahattat banzeen but clean I mean
clean bemafhumna 'ereft kaig.. el halaal halaal wel haraam haraam ...
I talked to my family back home .. beddi awaddi el awlaad
ensha'allah fi June., mhammad w brahim raayheen fi June be'awn ellah
yug'udu 'end ummi three months keda w ba'dain ana f-August
aakhud ummhum wel-bent w
couple of week w nrajje'hum kullna insh'allah
I can't stay long ya bu mossab
I can't yakhi
shughli I can't
ya'niifthe.. I am the only one who does everything man
wallah it is very difficult henaak ya abu mossab
wallah I don't know to what extent ya bu mo..ya'ni fi I don't know
ya'ni el ayyaam haadi eUi basma'uh ennu el et tagseet huwwa elli daayer..
'ereft kaif
fa lamman taakhud sayyaaraat b tamaanyah b'ashar dulaar ya'ni
arbe'een alf ryaal 'abel ma twasselha tedfa'lak kamaan khjamsah sataah
'aalaaf ryaal 'alaihaa shahen w jamrakah w takhlees w t-talle'ha .. fa you're
already b ar.. khamsa warbe'een alf sattah w arbe'een alf be'eish beddak
tebee'ha? 'ereft kaif... beddak thuttaha b-fifty five thousand mathalan
'ashaan ynaahel galbak wella bsetteen alf w uksum li w ma tukhsum lak w
jeen\b lak waahed ye'refak w hah .. bring a whole family to get a discount
on a car .. fa once you do this how many cars you need to provide for your
family kaam seyyaarah beddak tebee' 'ereft kaif w haada mesh hatbee'ha
enta wenta gaa'ed fi baitak ... ya'ni you need testa'jer ardh w maktab w ..
fahemni kaif.. fa it can't
eyaa arja' couple of weeks w come back
wallah ya khuy efhamni today elli basrefuh 'alaihum fil madrasah
haadi is arba' meyah w khamseen fi-shahar el 'etnain fa lamma tudhrubha
f ashrah shhuur ya bu mossab fi-ssanah .. is kam arba' aalaaf w
khamsmeyyah .. balaash gul 'ashrah shhuur gul tes'ah shhuur arba' aalaaf
dulaar .. 'aaref what kind of equiment I can buy bel arba' aalaaf dulaar kull
sanah lehum fil bait.. you access to information .. ya'ni state of the art
computer fahemni?.. ay ketaab yebghuh yentaleb luhum yejeehum, ay fee
to pass a test.. w mesh hatkallefni arba' aalaaf dulaar .. ok . and at the same
time guddam ummhum ya'ni.. ya'ni they're in the morning ma' ummhum.
They have their own room. Yukhush el walad yentag ysawwi el.. whatever
project he has to do fil fil kitab ... w tetrasal haadi lei esh esmuh .. for the
approval. And when it comes to deen ...
w ba'dain bennesbah 1 haadi el esh esmuh el quran we d-deen abu
rayya el mudarres ya'ni I am sure I am almost positive ennu enuu ye'teeni
youm wella youmain fil usbu' awaddi lu el awlaad fil masjid ya'ni I'll
give him whatever he wants faahem?
fa esh beddu ytakhud beddu yakhud meyya yakhudh meytain maa fi
mushkel it is but you once you have to do it
'eyaali? I don't know allahi yaabu mossab. I have no idea yakhi. All
I know whatever shahaadah hayaakhduha mel Islamic center law resaltha le
s-safaarah haysaadquli 'alaihaa
w their file already exists
that is good very good indeed
el huda rasalat luhum el.. ed darajaat w kashf ed darajaat w
saadaqu a'laiha w khatamuha w yaaser used it fi Jeddah ya'ni lei madaares
haadi ukhtna elli betwddi 'endaha sarah w mossab tedeehaa
rub'meyyat dulaar fi s-semester?
I don't blame them le'nnu eshaghlah m'ankebah .. it is too hairy
what I don't understand menhum ennu ok politically they're right
lazem men el ubta'ath w mesh mubta'ath w you have to follow the book,
but whatever you gonna give is nuqtah fi bahar fa fa give it wenta saaket..
ya'ni it is ok
I don't understand sometimes el beroqracy taba't el dafter wel
galam haadel elli you can w you can't it hurts more than it benefits
oh they don't count ennhum mubta'atheen?
ezaa ma jaabu madrasah I will I have one option I have to study
very carefully which is Phoenix. Law gaalu ennu fih .. fi maraahel
e'daadeyyah fi madrasat Phoenix, amri w tawakkuli 'ala elli khalagni
aakhud bait next to .. el madrasah w .. ahuthum humma w ummhum hnaak
w ana ajjawz wahda taanyah w ag'ud hena
le'ennu anyway twice a week baruuh Pheonix lei auction ok. fa
bagul law khallast esshughul w sallait el maghrib hena, in an hour later ana
fil bait hnaak w w el khamees tab'an ma 'endhum madrasha youm el
jum'ah w el khamees fil.. ba'd el madrasah .. yeju Tucson w nug'id tul el
weekend here ya'ni fi baitna. Bass shuf shuf look what we have to go
through, you know but
I believe wallhu a'lam they have bigger school w more students w
bigger budget w I think their er raste the same meytain ya talaat meyyah fi
shahar lei walad .. it is man we ..
walaaken look yakhi eshahaadah lellah 'ala dha'fha .. it is still good
man. 'ala da'fha it is still good ya'ni awlaadna I can tell ennu they
communicate with people whether they are .. daarseen fiha wella darseen
barra and they manage to .. how should I put it ya'ni.. ya'ni ymashshu
haalhum .. mesh ennu elwalad elli mush faahemn haajah le'nnu he went to
al-huda school no, you know what I am saying?
el walad lamman he leaves in the morning to school subhaan allah
el'atheem elqaabeleyyah lei.. betetghayyer
bass yesha essubh w y-showers w yelbas el uniform w yetla' .. he is
emotionally already he is going to learn
matkhesh ella b uniform
esh elli ramaana 'ala el blaad hadi walaaken elfas fi rras fa you have
to live with it
w haadi shuf hadi excellent point. Elli haasel ma'aana fil madrasah,
el awlaad battalu yeteegu ya'ni awlaadi w alwlaad abu fakhri ..tshufhum el
awlaad right? Fakhri w hammudah w bilaal.. dayman ykuunu ma' awlaadi.
They ya'ni they're like a gang in the school. Thay can't stand a woman
teacher anymore. Fakhri is than'ash sanah almost thirteen, mhammad
waladi is eleven fi August yeseer twelve, tegullak I can't.. I can't take a . a
a., woman teaching me anymore. Fa yhub abu Rayya w hun Flasher haada
el ettaani. But a teacher woman, khalaas, yegullak ma ... ya'ni elkalaam
kalaam harem el... you know what I am saying?
tetla' lei wakeel yemghatak etnain talaatah .. be-bambo stick bent
bass kaanu 'ulama yabu mossab you know what I am saying
Allah la yuktubha tseer enshallah.. le'ennu enta bettkallam 'ala
damar ejtemaa'e ya'ni.. already ben'aani ehnaa mza'za'ah
w kull ennaas ell ennaas elli Allah 'ataahum deen gaalulak ma
yukhus es satalite baiti wallah ma yukhush baiti.. wallah ma yukhush baiti,
arba' sneen khamsah sneen raah jaab es satellite w shaggalauh w it became
amer 'aadi
ya'ni ana I remember 'ala jeelna ma saffam a abuy ella lammn
aakher ukht men akhwaati etzawwejat, lamman etzawwijaw khwaati sema
ehna el awlaad ysaffema . mafi elli bent tsaafer we tetla' ejaazah w ma
ejaazah .. mush waared el kalaam haada. Later on you get to see fi es
society ennu saaru esh el 'aan shufahum beruhu yabuya el.. maser
nadheefah el balad aamnah mesh 'aaref eih .. el you masraheyyah bukrah
casino na'du masrah w yabuya gedna hena kalna nruh fatatna el mahrajaan
w .. shwayya shawayya .. it bcame acceptable, saar every body yruh wel
kul gugullu gabel la tsaafer w taakhud henaak ruh fi.. fi show kwayyes
ruhu fi masraheyyah mumtaazah ruhu wetfarraju 'alaiha. Fa like what you
said lamman el khata' beshee' .. beyseer maqbul.
w hayseeru ma yubgu khamees w jum'ah off, he wants to g to
school every day
most of them yes, but yabdu li ennu kaan kaan haada .. masjun
about five six years w tele' ba'd had'ash September talla'uh w awwal ma
talla'uh shuft ma'aah muqabalah fil jazeerah fi banaamej .. esharee'ah wel
la ghayyart et telephone
fa jabuh fesharee'ah wel hayaah and they man talked like a prince
man. Wallahi not a single indication akhadtha ennu she'e .. 'ereft kaif.
bel'aks madah madah keteer fi fi el'ameer abdallah w'ennu erraajel
metfahhem w qaabalnaa w kaan already meshleen saraah el hawaali wel
odah, ka.. already akhlaw saraah el odah wel hawaali ma kaanu mgartaseen
w kharrajouhum kharrajouhum mata right after the 11 right? La la before
talla'uhum ...
fa beguul ruhna w qabalnaah w w'adan bhaajah wahda ennu he will
not do anything ella yestasheema w it is time gaal it is time for el awleyaa'
el'umu ennhum yesma'u lei le'ahl ed deen w .. that is all he said man on
the on eshare'ah wel hayaah, yeh. That is why lamman seme'tuh
beytkallam w beguul... manta sma't gabe la ysawwu el muzaaharah youm
el khamees.. gaal el 'ameer nayef mana'.. talabu .. talabat el lejnah haadi
ennu ysawwu muzaahara wel 'ameer naayef gaal la es su'udeyyah .. sme't
haada wella la? Gaal ehna kul af'aalna saadqah w
no this is before, yes is sarrahu el 'ameer nayef before trying to
justify laish ma n'een ennu tseer muzaaharah. Fa lamman sa'alu eshaikh
gaalu lu tab el 'ameer nayef mane' el muzaaharah enta kaif betnaadi ennaas
yetla'uha? Gaal yajama'ah ma fi daa'e nehrej el awleyaa' el umur more
than this, mesh laazem naakhudh . eznuhum 'einn ehna maa bedna nsawwi
esharee'ah we hayaah kaan fi September
fa gaal ehna.. we're not ma bedna nswwi shay
ya'ni el hukkaam so many times they were adviced w laa hayat
leman tunaadi
fa tele', you ma tele' ettasal be s-cell phone I shuft shuft haadi live
ana ba'd salaat el jumu'ah 'ala tul it was like three o'clock in the morning
ehna we' re just talking
it is very peaceful ya'ni, w fiha harem w awlaad w every body
atlagu saraah everybody ella huwwa w esh esm ettaaani mhannad
secreter el.. l.haada
yeh very mashhuur
huwwa haada ra'ees el lajnah ra'ees el lajnah es e'uudeyyah le .. le
.. munaasarat felesteen something like this he. He is the head of that
but I couldn't mai.mai.. you could be very much right the guy could
be sha'e wallah a'lam. But nothing he said wil give you that indication
rubber bullet dharabuh
It just unbelievable
khalaas b'awnellah .. anytime ya bu mossab we'll go out coffee,
dinner, lunch zay ma theb
Researcher (MaQ) with Speaker #2 (S):
1. tab'an hu el mawthu' ... ya'ni study w ana abgha enta inshallah tekun fihaa
2. w hi mujarrad study 'an el English and Arabic ya'ni linguistic study
3. w el ... el ed data ennu mujarrad ya'ni open discussion ma' el w shesmu el
4. wenta te'teeni tab'an el.. shesmuh el approval enni astakdemha
5. tab'an el el ... el advisor elli ma'aay ... hu aslant ya'ni zay ma tgul tab'an
yekun lah .. access
6. fa ehna mujarrad nsowlef w-ana ahallel ed data ell 'endi
7. 'ugb el vaan?
8. el parents hafsuhum
9. serious ya'ni
10. already ya'ni el el elli ana 'endi el assumption ennu kul waahed yedfa'
11. ya'ni fi naas y'ayydun el point haggetak haathi
12. bal hatta kathaalek fi el executive committee
13. byestefeed menh el Islamic Center of Tucson
14. hal fe'lan errajul 'enbdu el professional ..ya'ni.. knowledge
15. thumma el khutwah ethaanyah jamm'u majmu'ah me el community
16. men a'medat el community
17. shawruhum kalluhum zay el consultants lukum
18. njeeb committee daakhel el committee
19. khalla el masjid ma'ruf fo el community akthar
20. tetwaqqa' mennuh something different
21. elli sawwa el fund rasing tara mu hu huwwa
22. they raised tes'een
23. w ba'dain sawwa match le kul dulaar yendefe' 'aakhel el lahathaat el fund
raising ...
24. ysawwi laha double
25. fa ya'ni wassalaw tes'een alf tab'an pledges aktharha
26. el'aam ennaas maallah men hal fund rasing
27. elli yedrusun englezi haau? Fahamu kalemat el fund raising
28. sah ennhum ya'ni successful ya'ni fi el school
29. w their file already exixts
30. haathi 'aad tkhallehum .. they do don't blink an eye ya'ni
31. haathi ysammuha ya teweel el'umur .. zay ma tguk zay el private aw
ysammuh tutoring ya'ni
32. humma el mushkelah ennu humma el muhaqeyyah yaqulun ennu maa
negdar ne'teekum support elli etha entu kentu mubta'atheen fahamt?
33. wetta'leem bethaat ya'ni yehtaaj yekun face to face w ma' ettullaab
34. fa tab'an haathi so extreme ya'ni.. lakenha lakenhu el gasd menha e'taa' el
mu'allem shakhseyyah power over the student
35. tab'an ent sema't gessat el.. el et taghyeeraat elli saayrah fil es school
system fis s'uudeyyah
36. laaken haatha not a big deal ya'ni
37. re'aasat ta'leem el banaat takhes el girls men elbedaayah lennehaayah
38. aslant aslant el medaares el khaassah el ahleyyah nasfsha thi.. tudeerha
edarat wazaarat el ma'aaref anyway fahamt eshloun
39. kellaha peaceful ya'ni
40. nsawwiha barra 'ala coffee
Speaker #3 (F):
1. legait anal el esh esmuh . out of area fa belt akeed m-nesse'udeyyah
2. syntactic analysis
3. 'endi deadline le ..
4. el proposal hagg ed desertation.. nqaddem el first draft nhaayat el usbu'
5. eyh el proposal
6. la ya'ni proposal taqreeban ....
7. el proposal taqreeban .. el e third chapter ya'ni
8. wel conference yekun 'ala bdaayet el fasel.. 'ala bdaayat eshshher al jaay
9. khamsta'ash May
10. asawwi el conference hagg el proposal laaheth elmoqtarah muhu ed
11. fa etha inshallh .. ana mqaddm ed draft el 'aan w aakheth el feedbacj
ba'dain .. inshallah a'addel et ta'deelat elli yetlubunha w ketha ba'dain
yeseer el munaaqashah w conference
12. bass enni fakkart fih w sawwait ba'th er research ya'ni bagi ashaya'
ketheerah asawwiha
13. hee draft el asawwiha
14. fa betseer agsar men el final draft ell bagaddemha inshallah
15. w el conferenc 'aad el committee kellha tejteme' 'aad inshallah fi
16. laaken yeguulun ya'ni ... promising 'ala ma yeguulun
17. eyh tab'an laazem .. waahen men el ..afro-american studies and literature
... hatha ya'ni mudarres fil 'adab el amriki el hadeeth w khaassatan ethnic
literature ya'ni multicultural literature., and art, w eth... w el ed dekturah
ethaanyah men el comparative literature .. palestenian American tab'an hee
le'nn laha 'alaagah be d dessertation ya'ni el 'aran el'amreekeyyeeen w
18. cultural.. the rhetoric of cultural identity in arab American autobiography,
fa huwwa ya'ni literi-rhetorical analysis ueseeer inshallal
19. w thlaatha men el program ya'ni el area haggatna ...
20. w thrain kharej el gesem .. Iterature ydarrsun multiluctural literature w
comparative literature
21. fa el ya'ni el committee kwaysah umuman inshallh
22. bass agaul ma luh 'alagah hatta bel bahth .. applied linguistics
23. la ma darast 'enduhaslan hatta course ya'ni fathlan 'an yeser fil committee
24. fa ma hu el gesem 'afwan ... 1 applied linguistics program ya'ni saar ra'ees
25. ya'ni ra'ees el elli huwwa ysammunah esh major advisor lei applied
linguistics program
26. eyh hu hu el et tutor hagg el emperor
27. mudarres el khaas lei emperor, eyh wallah el emprator hagg el yabaan
28. kaan ydarrsuh English as a second language
29. mu'ahhal men naahyat ma'reft el el phonological systems wel we ssyntactic systems le llughaat
30. tab'an el'aan young t'aref young ethaani infamous ethaani
el infamous
ethaani richard young..
31. hu el 'aan el major advisor, el major advisor hagg el bamaamaj
32. khath el el prelim marretain ethaaher w ma nejeh
33. yeshki menaa .. el el faculty khassah haatha young w shelletuh
34. ana khatht maaddah 'end young ayyaam el master fa khatht.. thalaath
mawaadd athker khaththa 'endhum fil english linguistics, menha maaddah
.. hlaiwah ya'ni second language acquistion introduction ..
35. fa hu la madri kaif haas en yousif ya'ni ahyaanan ma luh .. ya'ni
mushaarakaat-uh ma laha ahyaanan besides the point wella irrelevant well
shwayy fa yemsek lek 'alaih w ysharsheh fih
36. elli huwwa es subject matter
37. ka'ani athker ennu fi el mid west somewhere ya'ni bass ma athker
38. eyh raah applied linguistics wethaaher en haatha el qaraar ma kan
39. laaken el applied linguistics fiha hathoula ethnain ya'ni kanu say'en men
nahyah.. ya'ni say'een sarah ta'aamulhum w ketha fihum waqaahah fihum
waqaahah waathhah ya'ni suhaan allah el faculty
40. eyh la el linguistics el linguistics hlaileen
41. eyh ana fil la .. fil gesem el English fih thalaath furu' fih applied linguistics,
fih 'ala el'qal a'aref waahed.. maghribi el'aan dessertator zayyee w
yeshteghel 'ala el muqtarah aythan, fi el program haggna el hu rhetoric and
composition theory ma fih ella ana ma fih ell ana ajnabi muhub 'arabi, w
fih far' el'adab be'aqsaamuh hasab maa a'ref enn maa fih wala waahed
'arabi.. hasab ma a'ref
42. el applied linguistics wujud el ajaaneb fih murtefe' jeddan ya'ni arbe'een
ela kJiamseen fil meyyah ya'ni arbe'een fi el meyyah taqreeban applied
43. fi el literature ennesbah tha'eelah jeddan w aithan fi el r-rhetoric
composition 'endena aythan ma fih ella ana., le ajaaneb qaleeleen jeddan
44. fa hum yegulun.. hatta kaan mel'ashyaa' youm qaddamt gaalaw le'nnuh
henna nehtaaj ya'ni high command of English w madr eish w
argumentation w shaghlaat zay ketha ..
45. el prelim hagg ed dektorah.. kaan ghayr ma'qui ya'ni hawaali me'atain
ketaab,,three areas w ba'dain fih el el el ye'temed 'al conceptual analysis
bequwwah ya'ni mahu qatheyyat.. ma'lumaat faqat w katha .. fa quwwat et
tahleel fi waqt qaseer jeddan w mahdud ya'ni ghaaleban yamken..
46. laken fih 'aad 'endena tarkeez aktha 'ala el mafaahim w 'annathareyyaat w
theoretical analysis w el conceptual analysis
47. fih nas khallasaw thman w tes'een fil meyyah men er readings w kellena
48. f laaheth ent ya'ni haatha e'tenruh smart way of dealing with things
49. ya'ni kam kitaab w aythan fil kitab kam taqra' safhah it doesn't matter
bennesbah li ana
50. el average thalath meyyah meytain w khamseen 1 el kutub
51. le'nnek kel ma dakhalt fi t-tfaaseel you lose the big picture
52. w ent tehtaaj fil emtehaan el mafaahim erra'eeseyyah el major arguments
major themes .. major concepts 'la aakhereh... theories., theoretical trends
haathi yehtaaj mennak ahyaanan khamseen safhah ahyanan sab'een ya'ni.
fa w ba'dain notes notes ketheerah ketebt hawl khamsmeyat safhah notes
53. fa qara't en notes haathi marretain qable el emtehaan
54. fa le'ennak tehtaaj ent huthur huthur ya'ni lei mafaahim wel afkaar haathi..
very handy I'enn el waqt qaseer jeddan
55. fa w es sit down exam ... ya'ni fih stress raheeb
56. kaanat ya'ni fiha su'ubah laaken I enjoy it ya'ni hatha kaan afthal part
bennesbah li afthal jez' mel'emtehaan ma' ennu kaan challenging
kitha.laken meezetauh wshi ennuh ana aheb el ashayaa' ell tefham w ajed
nafsi ya'ni fiha akthar
57. fa kaanat tab'an fahm el concept haathi w ..w er rabt bainaha w.. el.. w
tatweer nou' men el elli hu arguments jedeedah ana ajeebha mathal mahad
tekallam 'anha haathi el qatheyyah kaanat
58. eyh tab'an w ba'dain ba'dah besbu'ain el oral.. exam saa'ah w ness
59. laaken laazem tejtaz er written 'ashaan you qualify for the oral
60. w enni arje' laha fi en notes
61. sharayt DELL .. sharait DELL gabel sanah .. notebook 8000 enspiron..
62. enspiron 8000 kaan gabel sanah 8000 el'aan 8000 kam 2 wella..
63. w aakheth menha notes
64. 'endi ghraifah carrel es sghayrah haathi fil maktabah w aakteb en notes
'ala tul mubasharah. Aqra' mathalan juzu' mu'ayyan aw akhalles .. amerr
'al ketaab w asawwi highliting ketha lei 'ashayaa' elli abgha aakhetn en
notes menha... w asajje;ha. Aw ahyaanan w ana aqra' mathalan section
akhalles section mu'ayyan rejat w ketabt.. en notes. Fa kent ahtaaj
computer yekun ma'aay 'ala tul ya'ni maa aruh ma'mal wala artebet fi el
bait, fa kaan ma fi ma fi ya'ni hal enni ashteri notebook. Fa elhemde-leellah
sharaitah w ma'a ela el'aan ..
65. meshaakel.. ya'ni ana 'endi el wesh esmuh .. yemken el connection ma'
hagg el internet ahyaanan m yeshbek 'ala tul aw ahyaanan a'teged fih
mushkelah fi fi el instellation hagg el bamaamaj elli hu Wisclnfo tethkeruh
66. ma fih 'utul ya'ni mug'ed, ya'ni methel ma tegul crash wella .. waggaf el
jehaaz w arsaltuh la ...
67. fi el carrels ma fih fi tahat fih ghuraf lei muthaakarah fiha
68. bass wallah kaanat trayyeh saraahah law fih fi el carrel' enn el esh
esmah thi.. el jacks mawjudah w jahza..
69. ya'ni emma ashayyek fi el ma'mal well arje' elbait ashayyek email..
70. ley saarat haulak tegul
71. fa sourat hawlak tegul yallah khanshyyek 'alemail kal nersel email khal
nsawwi search
72. ya'ni tahdeed waqt tara lei email w ketha tarah jayyed w el internet
73. ya'ni mathalan essaa'ah 'ashrah had'ash gabel la tanaam tna'ash tshayyek
el .. .el emails tersel emails elli tebghaaha w teruh
74. mathalan ya'ni tab'an etha kent tehtaaj ennak tshayyek men bukrah ethuhur
aw el aser tentether email tharuri haatha amer aakhar
75. le'en yaakhi.. kel ma terja' tshayyek tsawwi search aw tsawwi lek haajah,
ahyaanan yersel lek waahed haajah yessheghlek fiha tafhah w ahyaanan
used ahyaanan madri eish
76. ya'ni hu ana 'aadatan ashayyek el email...
77. el connection asra' asra' belketheer. W aftah khams win haathi windows
ketha arba'ah khamsah
78. w asawwi search ..
79. la elli 'endi la phbne connection
80. 'umuman ya'ni kwayyes bennesbah le ana w khaassah enni gelt lak akthar
es search ma asawih hena
81. le'enni el memorial library hathi fiha akthar el kutub elli ahtajha ana
taqriban tes'een fil meyyah
82. w... ba'thha yemken fil historical el bagyaat el maktebah el gedeemah elli
janbna wella el college library ahyaanan
83. wel immediate ya'ni
84. w aruh 'ala tul aste'eerhen w anzel that eddur el awwal asawwi lehen check
out w ahethum fil carrel aw ajeebhenme'e lei bait
85. ya'ni 'adad kebeer saraahah ya'ni it takes time wallah ennak tsawwi lha
hatta farz w ketha
86. ya'ni fi el lit review hagget.. el dissertation .. lazem thadded ya'ni.. wesh el
ashyaa' elli mumken tetkallam 'anha w wesshi elli ma tetkallam 'anha ..
wesh elli tu'tabar distraction w tu'tabat in., esh ya'ni methel ma tugul..
informing ya'ni resources
87. w haatha haqeeqah 'edi aham men gatheyyat el er richness w haathi fil
88. esserah ethaateyyah el jenre elli arakkez 'alaiha ana hatta fi d dissertation
89. fa ahyaanan khaassah khaassah fil coursat....
90. baidain fi d dissertation mathalan ...
91. nrakkez henna 'ala e theories w katha shaghlaat... el critical theory wel
rhetorical theory wel literary theory bshakel 'aam
92. li 'elaaqah mubasherah bessirah ethaateyyah autobiography w li 'elaaqah
mubasherah be n-novel
93. ghair el course elli akhattu kaamel 'an el autobiography American
autobiography ghatta arba' qurun w ketha
94. fi ed dissertation ekhtart el American autobiography ethnic American
biography hagget menhum el 'arab el amrikeyyin..ktebuha bellughah el
englizeyyah w te'taber jenre ya'ni tu'tabar tsannaf men el ethnic American
biography aw immigrant American autobiography
95. fa akthar ehtikaaki hatta men naahyat el haathi.. fi es seerah w aythan el
multicaultural novel.. American novel
96. eyh fi esserah ethaateyyah estaghrabt saraahah legait hawaali hawaali ya'ni
'e hawaali 'eshreen autobiographies
97. ya'ni tsawwi 'annuh more dissertation tsawwi mennuh thalaath
98. laaken tab'an tekhtaar haseb el mawthu' ya'ni it is theory-driven .. study
99. fa ma akhtaar ay mawthu' aw ay 'afwan ay autobiography
mathalan mafhuum el cultural identity 'end el ashkhaas el kuttab
haathula w 'alaaqathum bel 'aakhareen sawaa'an el el., el ethnic
community ethnic people wella el American community and people ya'ni
hu zay ma tgul tahleen aw cultural analysis of literature fa haathi meztuh
tab'an yu'tabar themn el cultural studies elli tla'at fi ethalaathjneyyaat
ethalathin sanah elli raahat elli hum zay ma tgul cultural currency literary
aahh haath es su'al crucial haatha
ed deraasha tghatti el el.. el autobiographies ktebuha muhaajereen
'arab ok., aw first w second generation 'arab ..
laaken yathal ya'ni yu'tabar Christian ..
w men mu'ayydiy el naqd el'elmaani secular criticism
tayyeb elli mawludeen hena bayna bayn laahum elli nesaara
ettathhat hawayyethum mathalan eddiniyyah w methel ma tegul el
ejtemaa'eyyah w qatheyyat el er race w el ethnicity w el gender 'endehum
... w el family values w et tradition real er real 'awaa'el el muhaajereen aw
en... hatta w en kaan nasaara 'endehum values mehi mawjuudah 'end elli
tla'aw mu'akharan el mawludin hena khaassah .. fa first second generation
w bel'thaafa 1 sa'eed Edward sa'eed saar bayn ethnain ya'ni el el el first
generation laaken mawlud barra 'araft? Fa hu gharib shwayyah
laaken 'umuman hum men yesannaf ana sannaftuh al ennuh men el
es second generation men el 'afwan el themn .. second phase of
kaanu ysawwun business fi maser
he hu haqeeqah ma hu deprived men naahyat ennuh men el
muhaajereen ethaaher ennu yetamanna ennu kaan menhum
yeseer stronger voice
lamma ja hena talla' talla' el autobiography 'aam tes'ah w tes'een
hu tab'an kaan yehlem enni.. aw yetewaqqa'ennu beyseer el el chair
le'anni ana 'amelt ya'ni akahat ma'uh coursain fi ennaqd
fa lamma tekallamna ketha 'an ed dissertation yabdu enn hu aqrab
waahed ya'ni 1 majaali I'ennu muhtamm fih ennqd ethaqaafi zay ma tegul..
ana ma abghah saraahah yeseer el chair
hu aslan ya'ni tawajjehi.. le'nnu hu ya'ni pro-zionist taqreeban
hathaak awwal shay nasraani w objective w maa hub ma 'enduh ay
political interest wa la shay
fa men ka ya'ni 'ugub ma fakkart fiha w esteshrt w katha w
estakhart ra'ayt men el hekmah enni ma 'ahet el yehudi el chair le'nnuh he
will ya'ni... wesh beyseer methel ma tegul... ya'ni beyenbeset bdarajah
ma takhayyalha
aw tarkeez 'ala el jewish American identity tab'an hu tewaqqa' el
'amer haatha fa faaja'tuh ana w hattaituh fi ellajnah faqat ka 'uthu .. .laisa
muqarrer fa reht Ithaak gabel w youm khat mennah el muwaagaqah el chair
reht lhaatha gelt luh abghaak ya'ni tseer tentham 1.. ka 'uthu gelt luh ka
'uthu ketha ya'ni committee member fa gaal... ok it is good ya'ni sa'alni
who is the chair w madri esh ya'ni te'ef gelt thaak ...gaal ok le'ennuh
'aaref enn thaak afthal mennuh mahman kaan ..
wala saar me' I ay conflict ma' aah
fa yabdu fi bainhum subhaan-Allah waatheh ya'ni el conflict
ya'ni men el qaraaraat elli baakethha muhemmah enni ahett 1984 et
turning point fi el khalfeyyah ettaarikhiyyah li ed deraasah
etha gelt 1984 was turning point in mathalan ...
fa tegul arab American mathalan immigration to the US kaan haatha
et turning point fi el 'elaaqah haathi makes sense w hatta fi el literature
mawjudah ya'ni ma jebt shay men 'endi
ra'es el graduate school yahuudi
elli fi el committee
w aythan waahed thaani bass thaak liberal ya'ni
w hagg el graduate aythan fil ennaqd
laken hu lamma tetha'uh fil muqaddemah 'ala ennuh hadath taarithi
muhem aththar 'ala el hejraat w aththar 'ala el conception of identity
w ana el hamdellah ya'ni atwaqqa' ed el es second phase fi ed
deraasah aghlabha filistiniyyeen tab'an
fa ent lamma taktub hena ka'nnek taktub fi Israel tara .. you gotta be
careful ya'ni
hatta enni estab'adt ba'th el es seyar elli ya'ni kaan kaan el content
haggaha political waatheh .. hawaali yemken khams khams kutub
estab'adtha men el el qaa'emah elli kent bakhtaarha .. qaa'emat el primary
sources elli astakhdemha fi et tahleel elli hi ed data estab'adtha
bass en'aan fi fi ed dissertation la zelt taaleb ma 'endak hatta el
qaraar ya'ni qaraar your own decision you don't have it
el advisor haatha agul maid el advisor el chair hagg el committee
yatanabba' yegul ent betseer shakhs muhem
yegul el el ana atkallam 'am el identity hagget el'arab el amrikaan fi
laaken ya'ni ahess ennu fih insh'allah fih potential el mawthu'
hatha, wa en kaan gelt lak men naahyah islamiyyah ya'ni qad la yakun
laaken men haahyah .. political zay ma tfathalt wa thaqafiyyah .. watheh
laaken ka mawthu' ya'ni hatta ed dekaatrah yegulun very
iuntersting w ketha.. fa 'aakher shay el yehudi youm asowlef ana weyyah
gaal wallah fascinating el mawthu' ..
lejnatna ya'ni kaan men elashyaa' elli sawwatha enne bedat el
ettesaal w sallaina el 'eed ma' ba'ath at least once ya'ni w ntebaadal el
speakers w ketha
ma lha 'elaaqah bel masjid ya'ni ella allahumma ennha fil location
ya'ni men naahyah jughraafiyyah
w raah 'ala ennu khalas reja' 'ala ma gaal for good
fa takhayyal muwaththaf 'aadi ma me'uh hatta el college degree
thalaath w basement backyard ya'ni twwassat el hamdellah
fi ed dissertation 'aad el waahed yhaawennuh yetewassa'
A. saaken fi el jehah el 'ukhra men el belt line
laken fi el byuut et town houses ... sa'bah
hu etemology
daayman experimentation yakhi ahyaanan teblash fiha tsawwi
tajrubah ma tenjah terje' tsawwiha w terje' tghayyer el method tghayy
shaghlaat.. fa meskin huwa men fatrah wallahi ya'ni fi ed dissertation ..
ethaaher men youm ent 'endenah whu hawl el beda fiha yemken eyh aw
hwal el bedaayah la ya'ni taqriban kan tawweh baadei a hawl bedaayat ed
le'nu hu ma hu mubta'ath fa yethtar ennu ahyaanan yet'akhar
yeshteghel projects assistant aw research assistant fa bettaali yeseer 'enduh
side ya'ni issues side projects w ketha .... F-teshgheluh ya'ni yeji el el ed
dectuur elli muathfuh yegul yallah saww li hal 'amaliyyah yeruh yeg'ed
'alaiha kam shahah .. few weeks few months .. yallah w teruh al ayyaam
'endna fil el linguistics ..
Researcher (MaQ) with Speaker #3 (F):
1. ethaaher anna kallemek e.. ethbai'an bekhsus el project ana abghaak
teshterek fih ent weyya fayez wethbai'aan
2. ana endi project weddi ennak teshterek fih
3. hu raah yekuun 'abr et telephone
4. rah trekun conversation ma'aak... taped conversation, confedentail..
5. I don't want you to pay any attention at all ya'ni
6. proposal faqat..
7. ya'ni kam chapter
8. kallast 'ala ketha el.. cmprehensive exams
9. welli men khaarej el qesem yekunun related?
10. ana elli weyya ethbai'aan akhathna ma'ah phonology
11. hathaak el phonology el mashhuur
12. akthar el coursat
13. bass still el mu'agaa'ed ya'ni is usually around ya'ni well la
14. kaa 'enduh scholarship men ethaaher jaame'at el yarmuuk aw shay fa hu is
ya'ni he was supposed to go back
15. wel'aan ma terdi wher he is ya'ni?
16. gharibah ennu tarak el linguistics program hatta ya'ni
17. w ent el'arabi el waheed halheen b ed department
18. allah ya'eenak wallah yakhi ana youmni kent adres bel gesem 'endi maddat
el literature thi ya'ni el English litetarture in general ya'ni kaan marrah
kaan marrah mu'aggad maanib ahebbah marrah ya'ni weddek .. le'nnah
fe'lan yebgha lah methel ma gelt tafkeer w critique w qraa'ah zyaadah
19. w kullh kaan yani sit down exam ya'ni
20. tab'an saarat 'endek khalaas 'endek ya'ni background jeydah ya'ni
21. w el computer 'endek eshlown el computaraat 'endekum?
22. masar lek weyyaah ya'ni problems
23. eyh halhen halheen .. tab'an Pentium 4 ver one G tab'an ana 'endi aslant
ana 'endi ..desktop .. one G w 250 haatha RAM w ma' thaalek tala' ghairah
24. 'al internet connection 'endek fi.. fil fil carrel es study carrel wella ma fih
25. laih ma yebghun yehuttun lukum internet ya'ni 'a s study carrels
26. nafs el main libraby el kebeerah esh esemha?
27. fi ay daur es stdy carrel hagtek
28. la wallah ana 'endi bel bellaab .. haata el computer haggi rayhembah lei lab
bel bel stuadu carrel haggeti
29. el internet teshghel
30. khal ashayyek es sitaat el flaaneyyah
31. wallah fe'lan 'amaleyyat tahdeed waqt lei email w Itashyeek el internet
32. tayyeb bel bait ma 'endedk el fast connection ... service
33. ehna 'endana fitha sharekaat el.. hagget el internet el es saree'
34. w fih 'mdek aythan nafs shareket el cable hhagt et telfezuun
35. aythan 'endana el Cox cable
36. ye'tun fast internet
37. el jam'ah 'enduhum el Ethernet
38. w article ytalle' article
39. laazem el waahed yehet lah limit mu'ayyan ya'ni
40. entu 'aad haggin el literature
41. tajed elli metkhassesin b el literature 'undhum el vocabulary mashallah
very rich ya'ni.. w yestakhdemun lek el adverbs 'ala mustawa ya'ni... w el
42. wallah mashallh es study haggetak ya'ni seems to be very interesting
43. 'asa bass men themn autobiographits haathuli fih ba'athhum muslimin
44. w ba'dain asbahat ya'ni political al'aan ya'ni
45. w bedakhlunek fi as'elah w fi .. .ya'ni issues yemken enta ma ykun laha ay
46. mawthu'ak fi'lan tara shakluh yemeel ela ennuh political akthar mennuh
47. ent mawthu'ek ya'ni qareeb men el political science ya'ni
48. nkhalleek el political advisor hnaak
49. law arad ent tetkallam 'an your own ya'ni your own points your own ideas
mathalan el ashyaa' elli enta tekhsah ennha t'athther 'alaik el'aan tetgdar
tetkallam 'an el Islamic w el muslim ya'ni perspective w el ashyaa' haathi
'aad ... masha'allah wallah mawthu' mumtaaz
50. hass enn fih now' men el clash bainkum w bainhum theek el ayyaam
51. w enta tayyeb as an imam kam ye'tunak men el flus
52. kam bedroom 'emdak
53. yakhi majtema'tu tayyeb fi complex waahed?
54. w la'allkum tezurunna bi Tucson ya bu abdel majeed .. wallah tara you will
like it ya'ni
55. wahed w tes'een thnain w tes'een high ya'ni eighties ya'ni upper eighties
kama yaqulun
56. yqarrerun qaraaraat nonsense
57. el qesem yebgha lah faculty yebghaalah shaghlah yebghlah curriculum
yebgha lah students yebghalah wei... wella la?
58. fa jaame'at el emaam 'endehum ya'ni high expectations shayef w matedri
59. hum lau ennhum fi'lam 'aad ya'ni naaween fi'lan jedd khalaas fi mas'alat
expansion yejubu wallah taaqam w faculty lei qesem el faransi w faculty
mathalan 1 gesem lughah men ellughaat el efriqiyyah haah? W gulu fi'lan
sammuh kulliyyat ellughaat wettarjamah .. .tseer teswa tseer laha meaning
60. ydarres es syntax w ydarres .. phonology aw phonetics ...
61. akthar elli 'endna metkharrjeen metkharrjeen ... TESOL .. huh akthar
'endena tekharreju men el English departments wella men ....
62. fih ayyam fun kaanat helwah ya'ni
63. muhun kell ennaas lamma teruh teshrab weyyahum coffee tehes ennek
tenbeset ktheer wella tehess ennek tethaa ...
64. ana 'ala kullen khal 'aakheth el el el mailing address haggek ya bu abdel
majeed lahthah, 'asaas ana barsel lek form khalaas tewagg'uh w terselah li
.. eyh 'asaas ... ent tab'an .. khalaas nebgha 'aakheth ethen mennak el'aan
.. el'aan enta ma 'endak mane' enni bastakhdem ed data haathi
65. tayyeb ma fih street number wala shay?
66. yebgha laha experimentation w ketha
Speaker #4 (M):
1. huu come on 'ala goulathum get your mind out of the gutter
2. ok after the pleasantries when do we start (said after a series of greetings
back and forth).
3. eyh haathi kaanat fi'lan.. kaanat a redicuous idea ya'ni I don't know what
they were smoking when they thought about that ya'ni
4. eyh mathbut 'endana redundancy enna fi mas'alat ellughah el engelizeyyah
5. daras ma'na el majestair hena linguistics bardhuh
6. b-yerha' 'ashaan y-kammel el Ph.D 'aad
7. tethker ya bu moss'ab thaak elli jeet bteshteri menh esseyyarah geltah lah
are you French? Laugh...
8. wallah working on the dissertation 'asa Allah ysahhel
9. la ana phonetician
10. laaken ya'ni yathal fiha .. some understudied areas
11. tab'an laazem sound recording wel 'umur haathi
12. yebghaa lahaa statistics w yebghaa lha balaawi fa laazen adres statistics ...
13. fih maadah matruhah fi essaif shakli I will sit in it ya'ni...
14. ana aqra ya'ni in ya'ni on my own
15. wesh anwaa' et tests elli tsawwunha
16. mashfu' bi khetaab men el advisor?
17. w el advisor kaateb khetaab qawi ya'ni?
18. ba'd tawfiq ellah subhaanah, en khetaab el advisor ennah very very essental
to extend your scholarship
19. ana ma ma tlubaw menni tamdid aw shay bass gaalaw nebgha menk
progress report elli yetebunah da'eman
20. w el body hagg el hagg el et text ya'ni hagg er resaalah khallast fih shay
ktheer inshallah?
21. meta tsawwi ed defense inshallah?
22. el conversation haathi I'aish?
23. helo ana hasabtha le ed dissertation
24. bass agul lek entebeh men naheyat ed defense ethaaher ennek laazem you
have to defend in a semester you which are refistered
25. six wella three?
26. you cannot add three add six dissrtator ent
27. eyh ma you cannot go beyond three
28. ed dissertator? Ma yetwaqqa' yesmuhunlah b'akthar men three
29. qawaaneen el ed dissertation
30. mamnu' le ed dissertator ennhah ysajjel maadah thaanyah ma' el ma' el
..bass haathi yemken atwaqqa' ennah jaame'atna faqat
31. eyh yerfuthun ennek tsajjel maadah ma' ed dissertation
32. etha tebgha maadah methtarr ennek tsajjelha elgh ed dissertation
33. tekteb dissertation-ek w 'aadi bass maadat ed dissertation eth-thesis shelhaa
34. la w kent shaari menhum extended warranty ba'ad gabel ma yfallsun
35. tshakkaw ennaas 'alaihum w 'ala el better business bureue m mash hgugnaa
raahat allah ykhalef
36. ana bel'aks I love computers so much ans I enjoyed them ya'ni bass
37. darrast sett fsuul w kellehum 'ula thanawi ya'ni is the worst senario that
would happen happen to any body
38. talla'ouni lei be'thah 'ala assas enni 'abadres applied linguistics
39. f-lamma jeet elhamdlellah enni ma darast applied linguistics
40. yakhi it is the most, ya'ni 'aasif en kaanek tedres en applied linguistics, it is
the most boring field in the world ya'ni
41. yakhi it is really really ya'ni akhkh.. ana darast mawaad fihaa hena yakhi it
is really sickening
42. ahh.. its theories are boring it is ya'ni ma fi..there is nothing interesting
about it ya'ni it is .. it is not fully theoretical and it is not fully practical it is
just floating in between, ya'ni amm and it is not quite English it si not quite
psychology it is not quite linguistics you know it is just a gray area .. ya'ni
'ala el'qal el linguistics majaal qaa'em bethaatah w... mestaqell tamaaman
waatheh 'an kell el majaalaat el'ukhraa .. fa eth theoretical linguistics
tab'an, fa ya'ni elhemdelellaah ..
43. ba'dain adrakt enn es syntax majaal kell men 'eedu 'elu zay ma yegulun
ya'ni majaal ma lah thawaabet ya'ni hatta AA ya'ni ged gaalaha li belharf
el waahed gaal yakhi wallahi dish kalaam ma fih ma fih thawaabet abadan,
it is not a science it is your ability to convince that is it, fa bainama el
phonology w el phonetics ya'ni it is backed up by theoretical work and by
laboratory work ya'ni at least one .. a portion of it is,,, fa ettjahna lei
phonology w el phonetics. Kaan el mafruth enn er resaalah haggeti tekun
fiha phonology w phonetics .. bass baidain ekteshaft enn es scope yeji huge
f-qarrart enni ahserha fi el phonetics
'endek publications elheen
45. 'ashaan ketha ana kaan fih bahth co authored ma' el professor haggi w it is
ya'ni being submitted now lennasher w ketha bass kent weddi agul lei
professor haggi la esber lehad ma atkharraj ba'dain submit it as ya'ni zay
ma tebgha laaken el mushkelah hu yehtaj ennah y-submits le'nnah hu on
tenure track and he has to publish as much as he can, fa yebgha he wants to
secure his job fa ma gedart agul lah shay khususan ennah hu el advisor w
46. yaa haatha hu in press ya'ni.. gaa'ed ysawwi lah el final editing w katha
47. eys sawwait lah ana editing gabel w editing qareeb ya'ni ketha w haalheen
ysawwi lah el final editing w b-ye'teeni ana bardhuh 'ashaan a'teeh ra'yee
fi el final editing ba'dain it will be submitted insha'allah
48. hu tab'an .. ya'ni the pronunciation of Arabic .. aahh vowel... of English
vowels by Arabic speakers laaken laha theoretical conclusion ya'ni, en ...
first langua.. .second la., first language interference is distributed rather
than .... Ya'ni it is distributed in phonology and phonetics rather than a
mere phonetic effect ya'ni
49. haathi hi ma an agul elwaahed en el mafruth etha khallas el 'ensaan
be'thetah en hum ye'tunah sanah sanatain zeyaadah fougaha.. agsed etha
khallas ed dissertation haggetah w yegulun lah ya'ni do nothing but ya'ni
do do anything but publish ya'ni
50. entum 'endukum fi subscription?
51. jaame'at el malek s'uud tul b'arth mizaaneyyat el bahth el 'elmi fiha meyah
w khamseen alf ryaal.. belive it or not
52. wallahi law qqel li qesm el linguistics..
53. wallahi ok ya'ni la ba's
54. la bass ya'ni khebraati akthar shay fel fel el machines themselves w el
components wel katha ya'ni muhub fi el programaing mathalan
55. aakhet ma darast programing kaan fi jaame'at el malik s'uud ya'ni youm
ken taaleb fi qesm el fi kullait el haaseb
56. fi el library .. eyh la la .. khal 'ank el library ana atkallam 'an el bedepartment
57. la muhun TA .. lecturer
58. wallahi it is time comsuming w too demanding
59. fa ana weddi b-watheefat phonetician ya'ni ana weddi adawwer watheefat
60. emma 'endana aw fi qesem thaani le'en fig aqsaam thanyah ydarrsun
tullabhum phonetics .. fa law ahassel wallah ma I will not say no etha
kaanat phonetician le'enha to me easier, less demanding and more
61. yakhi it is it is a very beautiful field
62. yakhi kaan be'emkaani w kaan fih theory ya'ni weddi atrah-ha bass it just
demands too much to to prove .. it is a wide scope
63. la phonology..ya'ni hatta eth-theory elli ana ahaawel kent abakten ed
dissertation fiha ennah to involve the laboratory research more into
deciding phonological representation, fa bass zay ma gelt lek enha en
fakkart fiha legait el it is probably more than I could chew more of a bite
than I acould chew., fa I ya'ni just decided to forget about it ya'ni aqtaserha
'ala phonetics fi el waqt el haali ..with a little phonology in it w and leave it
for ya'ni further research
64. acoustics tab'an eyh acoustics w perceptual phonetics ba'ad, eyh acoustic
and perceptual phonetics
65. la wallah bass kent.. ken akallem el professor houlha ya'ni el mas'alah
66. physics department muhub fi el engineering
67. raw'ah yakhi wallahi I'd I'd I probably wil do that
68. fifteen? La haraam 'alaik tarak mkallem houl haalwagt
69. elli tshuf ya habibi law tebgha foug et ten tennain .. law foug et ten tenneen
70. ma daam bagi ten minutes khalna ntegahwa mer
71. la 'endana enna mout yakhouy there is desert barren desert wallahi yakhi
72. eyh wallah barren barren desert
73. the hottest places on earth .. ma' enn akthar ethaaher haraarah fil fil 'aalam
ethaaher ennha kaanat fi mekaan fi libya aw haajah ... I don't know
74.1 don't keep track of these things ya'ni, laaken waahed ka'anna gaal li
elbaareh 'afwan gasdi gabel youmain gaal li en en 'aharr mekaam fil
'aalam thakal fil libya
75. la fe'lan thai youmain ya'ni like realy recendy?
76. thaani haaja I like it the way it is ya'ni saraahah
77. abadan yahuk happ happy to be of help ... happy to be of assistance
Researcher (MaQ) with Speaker #4 (M):
1. sema nsawwi tounge twisters huuh
2. khalaas we start already anyway it is just like conversation
3. there is nothing ya'ni special about it ya'ni
4. wallah yakhi I am trying to, I have to baini w bainik aslann
5. eyh 'endana qesm ellughaat w etttarjamah has become college of languages
and translation and there is only one department...
6. 'ala el'aqal etha akhathna in in the sense aw ya'ni ennah rah tekun fih
majaal da'wah w ma da'wah w e'laam w ketha ba'dain hawwalouna 'ala
kulleyyat ellughah el'arabeyyah
7. ya'ni maaddah 'aadeyyah ya'ni it is just a requirement...
8. elli a'ref en fih 'endekum two colleges ya'ni yab du li kulleyyat el 'aadaab
w kulleyyat ellughaat w ettarjamah
9. twathaf bel esh esmuh bel bel.. Saudi embassy fi Washington for I don't
know how many years ya'ni yemken three or four years w in the meantime
kaan yeshteghel 'ala el esh esmah el majestair fi el American university fi
Washington ...
10. khallas ba'dain raah le sse'udeyyah fa jaab lah waastah w jaa yedres
linguistics fi Florida
11. w khallas haalheen ed dekturaah b-ellinguistics men Florida allright and he
is back to King Saud University, department of languages aw college of
languages ...
12. we've met ya'ni ba' maa tha fi mat'am mu mat'am zay el madri hagg
falafel aw madri hagg ice cream somewhere ya'ni fi shaare' ettakhassesi
13. gelt lah hi how you doing hi how you doing ba'dain gelt lah ketha do you
speak French?
14. how far are you ya'ni insha'allah
15. la just started ya'ni wella ....
16. khallast el prelims weshaghlaat this kellaha
17. ethaaher enta manta syntactician enta
18. phonetician masha'allah
19. standard yemken hei aqrab shay elli duresat akthar
20. tsawwi taped ya'ni ed data 'endek wella ...
21. eyh fi el linguistics wallah fe'lan laabud elli ma 'endah statistics baini w
bainek yethee'
22. agul lek kaan theruru men them el mutatallabaat you ken f-colorado ennek
laazem takheth ... esh esmuh statistics
23. bass 'ala el 'aqal it ya'ni it helps you hatta fil.. .any future studies ya'ni mu
bass fil... fi nahthek
24. el bahtha hagguh atutobiographies mesh 'araf eish
25. kanaw up to last semester ya'ni kaan fih majmu'ah la ba's baha
26. hu el'aan ana be'theti tentehey fi.. entahat hatha ed december el maathi
27. talabt tamdeed es semester haatha
28. fa hopefully b-ye'tunni hopefully en hennah na'mal elain august
29. wenta ya'ni you need it?
30. ehna ye'tun eight years tara 'ala fekrah
31. fa in the meantime kent raasalt
32. fa inshallah by the end of the summer inshallah akun inshallah done ya'ni
33. ed defense .. it might be ya'ni sometime in May inshallah
34. el conversation haathi?
35. haathi I'umur thaanyah haathi future studies
36. kaan be'emkaani atleb lain December bass el advisor gaal bahet lek lain
37. eyh I know I know w ana ha s-summer mumken asawwi registration ya'ni
in the summer ya'ni laabud enni I will add at least ya'ni six units hah?
38. la ehna 'endana 'aadi kellah units w bass ma yehemmhum dissertation
wella ghair dissertation it doesn't matter ya'ni ahamm shay ennak ent
you're ya'ni full time ya'ni kama yaquluun
39. fe'lan fi marhalat ed dissertation you don't have be ... madri still you have
to be full time ya'ni anyway
40. wesh akhbaar el computer ma'aak?
41. 'endak computer ent wella..
42. briefly ya msaa'ed 'atni ketha history 'an ... your studies ketha men awwal
ma bedait fil jaam'ah kam khathait kam ketha briefly ...
43. why is it ya'ni sickening what is it boring?
44. wallahi yakhi amma men nahyat fe'lan ennu es syntax .. ya'ni ana nafs
eshay berragh men enni ana agul lek takhassusi be es syntax ella ennuh
methel ma enta gelt ya'ni ma hu ana ya'ni ana., fi el majestair kan
takhassusi b el phonetics anyway w kent estamta't fih akthar w kent
tmannait enni waasalt fih shaayef
45. eyh eth-thesis haggeti kaanat bel.. bel Arabic English phonetics ...
46. wallah unfortunately not
47. sheft wesh loun ma' haatha kellah ma fih ay publications yakhi mannab
nehtam bah sarahatan ma' ennah ya'ni be'emkaana wallah nenss bas ehna
kasuleen ya'ni ma .. el buhuth elli nektebha ma njahhezha esh behaith
ennha tekun we esh esmuh qa belah lennasher.. ya'ni zay ma tegul ya'ni if
we just add ya'ni little bit of some touches kama yaqulun betkun
publishable ya'ni
48. le'enna ehna tullab shayfin anfesna already negul wallah ehna 'endana job
yentethema hnaak fa ....
49. wallah yakhi sara.. ana athker youm-ni kent asawwi el bahth haggi berragh
ennu kaan very basic ya'ni shayef ma kan fih ya'ni zay ma tegul thaak el el
.. eya'ni strong theoretical ya'ni support w shaghlaat ketheerah kaan fih
tab'an sawwait review 1-ba'th eth-theories laakennah ahess enni estamta't
fih akthar men es syntax
50. tab'an sawwait es sound recording lettullab hnaak kam kam waahed fi
esse'udeyyah w ba'dain sawwait luhum ..qaarantuh bel shesmuh
phonetic systen in English and Arabic ya'ni zay el comparative study ya'ni
basic ma hu thaak el..
51. ma' en 'endana fe'lan hen bel b Arizona fih ya'ni phoneticians kwayseen
52. fi wahda 'endana kwaysah fi el phonology metkhasesah fi el phonology
53. bedait ketha bel bes-syntax w waasalt fih ..
54. agul lah ya'ni ya'ni if Chomsky ya'ni dies when he dies ya'ni what do you
think agaul lah ketha what do you think is gonnah happen to es syntax ya'ni
55. rawwah-ha yegul le Chomsky hatta yegraaha w ysawwi laha review, fa law
thbetat el'aan ma ba'ad entahat ya'ni ma ba'ad nesharha anyway yegul law
thbetat nathareytah w ketha ennah mumken yekun hu second Chomsky
56. fa agul lak belfe'l el 'amaleyyat el res., el publications ya'ni fe'lan ehna
'endana 'endana 'adam 'ehtemaam fih
57. el mushkelah lamm yeruh el waahed hnaak ma 'aad yelga lah la la sources
hnaak wala shay... third world
58. hal fe'lan el jaam'ah subscribing ya'ni to journals
59. wallahi ana bennesbah li ma' enni ana ya'ni.. never been to our library
except maybe once huh., athker marrah ged reht ka'anni shft fih 'endehum
ba'th el journals haatha zamaan haatha yemken five or six years ago ya'ni
60. hayyen tab'an ma fih tashjee' 'al bahth 'endana hnaak every body ya'ni
wants., they want every body to be dumm eat drink drive a car and get
61. hal takhthun.. ma hu matlub menkum mawaad computer fi el fi ed
62. w kaif el internet 'endekum zaina? 'endek high speed internet bel bait?
63. 'endi ana study carrel big study carrel
64. 'aadatan ehna ye'tunha lelli ydarrsun 'enduhum composition shayef?
65. sah wallah I love phonetics wallah
66. laish tayyeb enta ma reht lei phonology tayyeb?
67. be ed dissertation why didn't you go for phonology tayyeb?
68. the nice thing about phonetics fe'lan mathei ma gelt ennah practical w thess
ennuh ya'ni qareeb men el me-r-reality sah? than phonology
69. wallah yakhi it is good., good ya'ni field saraaha
70. ana agul lek youm darast fi el majestair el phonetics kent aheb agra bel
phonetics w ta'aal kutub 'endi kutub phonetics w etha sheft kitab bel
phonetics khatah w ya'ni w 'endana bel maktebah daayem aruh letha ay
ketaab phonetics jedeed ashufah aakhthah hah..
71. hatha tab'an another field of phonetics which is acoustic phonetics
72. w tab'an enta you have to have some .. shesmuh physics courses .. ma khat
sound c .. sound?
73. laakennek tedres tedres maaddah bel zay ma tgul zay el physics
74. ethaaher bel physics department
75. la la la la fi el physics department
76. tab'am ettarkeez akthar el hadaf menh to learn sounds ya'ni
77. le'nnnah te'teek more ya'ni theoretical background
78. bagee lena hawaali fifteen minutes
79. bagge lena baini w bainik .. ten minutes actually ten minutes and then we
will be unsh'allah done
80. la la 'endana el jaw beautiful.. marrah
81. harr er ryaath ya'ni one of a kind ya'ni
82. tshaghel el mukayyef tshaghel shay wallah no way
83. Colorado men el.. men en nice places ya'ni
84. w ba'dain akthar el graduates yeruhun Colorado le'nnah fiha furas esh
awaalan ennas gabel teji hnaak khalaas etha saraw mutzawjeen yes'alun 'an
three things mu bass es school tab'an es school ye'slu 'an el family ya'ni
bathah ya'ni men naahyat el families w men naahyat el jaw el'aa'eli w men
naahyat el madinah men maahyat el masjid ahggha fa humma mejtam'een
f-kellen y'allem ethaani ya'ni
85. fa ana youm ken hnaak kan fih engineering fih... aktharhum men ez
zeraa'ah zeraa'ah w engineering men jaame'at el malek s'uud
86. gesm el English department mahub sayye' ana metkharrjen menh laaken
ma fih muhub linguistics
87. 'endehun ba..muhub esmah linguistics department and they they only they
only give masters eyh hu esmah English department laaken they have
linguistics ... ya'ni program in it ya'ni
88. ma 'endekum long distance learning
89. 'endek hena be b-Colorado .. no youhave to take .. up to thirty something
thirty five thirty six hours yah .. tha yakheth ma yaqel 'an at least two years
and a half years ba'th el marraat.. ye'temed 'ala hasab yemkem two years
is ok ya'ni. Ba'dain muhub bass linguistics ya'ni. Hu ak.. aslan oriented
toward applied linguistics more el bamaamaj ya'ni, fa mahub ya'ni ma
tegder tsammih linguistics sah ... .ana khat menh ..maddetain syntax w
maddat phonology w maaddat phonetics w maaddat semantics w maddat
pragmatics w maa.. w haathi kellaha muhub kellahaa matlubah bass ana
kent 'aakheth ya'ni w khat fih ya tuweel el'umur maaddah be et teaching
ma enn mawaad subhaan Allah el applied linguistics ma kaanat kethirah,
kaan hlaiw ya'ni... not very ya'ni tough narrah
90. very .. like a week and a half something like this two about two weeks
91. almost almost ya'ni three weeks laaken ana enshallah tomorrow hah I will
92. it looks like he is doing fibe ya'ni le'ennu shaklah mabsut w ba'dain
'enduhum naadi mertaahen fih ba'd yabdu li
93. w lesh why ya'ni?
94. it depends tara 'ala hasab el community elli mawjud
95. laaken raayek tara neqtetek is very good ya'ni valid ya'ni regardless ya'ni
men ennu fih good community well ma hu good community, hatta law fih
elli hawalaik you li.. ya'ni you think it is like a a good community
tajed ennu ahyaanan fih ma tshuffum wala shay yesmu'un enn fih naadi
bejun beyaakhthunah for their own interest ya'ni
96. ygadmun 'uthweyyah ye'tun flus just to be ya'ni methel ma yegulun
involved ya'ni fa...
97. abgha aakheth mennek 'enwaanek el baridi halheen 'ashaan arsel lek
waragah sghayrah to sign ya'ni enta mwaafeg enn ehna nestakhdem el the
this this recorded .. ya'ni data fa give men your ...
98. la hatta just to they so they love you ya'ni....
99. tayyeb inshallah I will send you this .. piece of paper ya'ni you sign ba'dain
send it back inshallah
w 'aad ana ba-degg 'alaik inshallah bukrah to give you esh esmah A
Al.. number khalaas?
Speaker #5 (F2):
1. hatha fax b-telephone
2. tethghat speaker ba' dain...
3. ma'gulah yekun bass one way ya'ni bass elli etha daggait 'ala ahad
asma'ah w ma yesma'ni
4. el youm ma hu typical ya'ni
5. et typical day 'aadatan akun
6. w sheghel 'ala el computer
7. la b el gym haggat eljam'ah
8. ba'dain .. ya'ni ma bain et telefezyun agathi 'alaih men el youm taqriban ..
majmu' es saa'aat hawaali sa'ah saa'tain 'ala el average ..wesh ghairah bass
w sheghel that is it
9. fa ya'ni ma ma fih haajah exciting lel'asaf
10. bass ya'ni it is going 'ala gulathum
11. ya'ni haajah sahih laha laha advant.. laha fawaa'ed w laha masaawe'
12. w how did it go ya'ni men naahyat jeeyetek hena
13. ana ma adri laih bass 'endi 'endi el el le impression hatha ennuh .. ahl el
houtah kelhum saakneen berryaath ya'nin kharej el houtah ...
14. elli hasal ennuh .. ed deadline khalaas el el ell nehaayat el fasl ethaani
15. hattouni fel fel fe es seventy
16. elli 'enduhum el el level seventy haathi aakher lavel
17. elli ykhallesha hasab el awraag arrasmeyyah haggethum tegul ennuh
yuftarath ennug yenhi et TOEFL yejeeb khamsmeyah fi et TOEFO
ykkhalles as seventy
18. es seventy tekhlas bshahrain
19. fa gelt luhum la khalluni 'aakheth sisty w ma abgha seventy awal shay
bakhallsah w ba'dain wain aruh w etha ma khallast et TOEFL
20. fa reht sisty w ba'dain seventy w et TOEFL ma khallastah
21. entaha el fasl el 'awwal w ana ma jebt et TOEFL el matlub
22. w bedayet el fasl ethani hassalt et TOEFL
23. tab'an el fasl ethaani eshtaghalt shwayyah sheghel fi el math ma' el ma' el
24. ba'd thaalek.. sanatain w khallast el Master w bedait ahather lei
lemtehaanaat el comprehensive haggat ed dekturaah
25. w fi essaif ethaani khallast el emtehaan el comprehensive
26. el area kebirah marrah
27. tab'an fil fi er reyaatheyyaat el bahtah fi el pure math
28. el gesem fih pure math w fih applied math
29. elli pure math fih 'aad majmu'ah thakhmah jeddan men el men men... men
el aqsaam ell taanderej taht el pure w bartha fi el applied
30. fa ana ashteghel fi el pure fi area tsamma algebric geometry, el handasah el
31. hatha 'lem yu'tabar akthar 'ulum er reyaatheyyat tashaabuk ma' ma' el ma'
el areas ethaanyah elli fil elli fil... elii fi er reyatheyyaat
32. fa shaghaal fih ya'ni a'jabni le'annuh le'anuh taqeiban el background
haggeti kaanat fi el fi el jaber qaweyyah w el area haathi tu'tabar jeddan
ya'ni muhtaranah b.. among the mathematicians ya'ni
33. w le'enn thi fiha fiha competetion waajed
34. shughlhum fi el ara haathi
35. hatha .. ya'ni rubbama waahed yegullah khal aruh applied
36. w bennesbah lasih pure ma hu applied, el background haggeti kaanat fi el
pure akthar fi el jaber
37. el kulleyyah mawaadha mahi mahi mahi b advanced b el math
38. el el.. mawaad el kulleyyah mahi mahi advanced marrah fil....
39. w bel'aks ka.. ka mudarres mudarres er reyaatheyyat kel ma kaan pure kel
ma ykun adthal
40. fi katheer men en naas hatta men haggeen el applied m ye'tabrun anfushum
41. fa ka ka tadrees acaadimi ka mudarres acaadimi afthal enni ashteghel pure
42. bennesbah le yemken mathalan esharekaat ma tfathelni 'ala el applied
43. w fih shaghlah thaanyah barthuh ya'ni te'ti shwayyet edge bennesbah 1
kherrijin el pure ennuh be'emkaan el waahed ennah yeshteghel applied
44. ya'ni bennesbah lelli yetkharraj applied shebh sa'b sa'b jeddan ennuh
ennuh ysawwi mathalan abhaath fi fil f-el pure math
45. laaken majmu'ah thakhmah jeddan hatta f-el applied elli ydarresun el
applied asaasan kaanu pure math
46. fa gaamu ysawwun shwayyat tatbiqaat'ala el b eshaghlaat elli sawwuhen
ya'ni eshtaghlaw theory w katha w ba'dain gaalaw khalna nhaawel ntabbeq
neshuf mathalan shaghlah enna ne'mal bamaamej yhel el mushkelah haathi
aw shay w gamaw khash khasshaw f-el applied
47. w haatha el qesem hena barthauh taqriban aghlab yemken 60-70 f-el meyah
men elli ydarrsun f-el applied ya'ni elli yetkhaarraj applied naader jeddan
ma yruh ydarres fi qesem math applied
48. elli ydarrsun yeku yekun ghaleban naas kanu pure math w gaamu
yeshteghlun applied w gamu ydarrsun men eshaghlaat elli yeshtaghlun
'alaiha ydarsun el applied math
49. el marje'eyyah men teruh lah taqriban ya'ni teruh Ithaula elli f-el abstract
50. shaklah yetla' qawi b es-seyntax
51. ya'ni akhallih yekun interest 'ala es-side
52. w akthar eshabaab awwal ma ta'allam wesh lawn yekhesh 'al internet
53. 'endi internet connection balaash wala aftah internet
54. ya lellah bass eshesmuh a'mal telnet 'ashaan ashyyek 'ala el e-mail haggi
55. wain half way ajal lahthah khallek 'ala el khat shway ballah
56. yakhi ma adanih el computer
57. mashallah w-ent 'endek laptop ya'ni ba'ad mafruth el laptop yekhallik
tekun 'endek raghbah akthar
58. ketheer men ennas intertainment w haatha yshaghel yeruh yegra jaraayad w
madri eish w katha
59. la babashrek google el home page haggti
60. google hagigah ye'hebni bass enni aswwi bah search ketheer wala..
61. bah haajaat jamilahjeddan 'an el b-el math
62. eyh gaal li gaal li la ma ter erslah li be bel esh es bel b-el e-mail het
attachment w esrelli ed dvi file w medri wesh lawn
63. gelt halheen ana ed dvi file haggi ma agraah men el computer ma addani
64. telgaa waahed takhassesah computer handesah wella wella computer
science wella shay w telga waahed ma lah ay 'alaaqah takhassesah ma lah
ay 'alaaqah b-elcomputer w telga haatha yefham akthar men elli men thaak
bshaghlaat ketheerah
65. 'endana el'aan el'aan saar saar khalaas saar everywhere saar zay zay hena
66. el'aan almost shway wella yseer fihum bataalah ba'ad
67. kathaalek ya'ni men naahyet el el qaa'emin 'al et ta'lim wel haajaat haathi
yebghaa-lhum yebghaa-lhum daayman .. yekunun wesh ysammunah up to
68. y'aref.. yemken ath'aaf ath'aaf elli ana a'refah 'an el computaraat
69. b-el computer?
70. wallah I attempted w ba'dain cancalt
71. mas'alat el computer bathaat hah
72. fa el'aan aruh ana at'allam shaghlah mu'ayyanah b-el computer hah ...
73. ya'ni yebghaali tkun 'alaaqti awwal shay tkun 'alaaqti b-el computer atyab
74. ya'ni ana agdar akhesh 'ala el internet
75. agdar wesh ashteri men el internet
76. agdar ashayyek el e-mail
77. wella shaghlat el coursat haathi el coursat wallah mumtaazah haathi raahat
'alaina ya shaikh wella fih coursat kaanaw ye'tun coursat fil fi Pima zain..
w b-saraahah rahibah jeddan w men ya'ni men ez-zero ela marhalah
mutaqaddemah y'allmunek b-el course el waahed
78. w kellha w ent jaales 'ala el computer y'almak w ketha w ketha w ketha
79. eyh 'an teriq el jaam'ah ok ahsebek tegul khattah ma' el computer
80. eyh la la ma ma fih ma fih ma fiha debate if something is true is true
81. ba'dain ma fih 'endana ma fih 'endana aa theories tetla' ghalat ba'dain
82. 'endana etha tshuf theoruim ma'natuh it is over khalaas mab mab mabha
neqaash eshaghlah enhat haathi theoruim
83. la la b-el handesah mumken tahsel ba'th el eshaghlaat el gharibah ya'ni
mathlan aa mathalan design mu'ayyan aw shay yekun yegul lek haatha
afthal design ennu yethammal el madri esh ka theory aw shay ba'dha b b bkam sanah yetla' waahed thaani yegul la 'endi ana design afthal w
ye'melun hesbah w w-yelgun ed design ethaani afthal
84. el math? El matha an law yhettun wshesmah hattaitah ... khallait ba' ba'd
ethanawi ahet marhalah thaanyah ba'd ethanawi math zain?
85. w ba'dain elli 'aad elli yebgha yetkhassas linguistics welli yebgha
yetkhassas ay shay yebgha ok
86. el math huwwa kama qaal haat ba'th el mashaahir hu yu'tabar reyaathat
ethehen aw reyaathat el'aqel
87. fa zay ma ennas y.. yeruh 1 el gym w madri weshlaun w haatha menshaan to
be fit ya'ni physically fit, fa to do more math you will be weshlown
mentally fit
88. bass kwayyes ysawwi practice le eshakhs
89. fih naas ya'ni 'endehum abilities 'ajibah gharibah
90. hu hu ell 'amal el 'aalah el hasba for one thing
91. 'ashaan a'tik examples very quickly
92. sometime le'ennuh le'ennuh challenging zaih.. fa it gets on your nerves
93. ma hassait ennuh ka'annaha it took them a while to ya'ni to get comfortable
w katha 'ashaan yejun w haatha
94. fa it took them a while ya'ni to to...
95. hatha hatha taqriban hatha typical situation ya'ni
96. laakne aghlan eshabaab ana mlaaheth ennuh belbedaayha ma it., yakh.. it
take them it takes them a long time
97. ya'ni marrat fatrah 'ala ennaadi tkhaber ent completely dead bass el'aan
mashallah wallahi shay tayyeb lelghaayah
98. ma bah next hour
Researcher (MaQ) with Speaker #5 (F2):
ethghat speaker ba'dain tesma' souti 'ala tul
1. ent ethghat speaker w nazzel es samma'ah
2. ent walla' 'alaik el lambah tayyeb lamma thaghat speaker
3. eyh fax teleohone ana nafs eshay 'endi fax te;ephone
4. eyh tethgat speaker ywalle' 'endek el lambah w khalaas w tnazzel el el
5. lal fih lambah haggt es speaker
6. wesh nou' es speaker wesh nou' et telephone haggek
7. w 'ala kullen it methel ma gelt lek it is just taped conversation for about an
hour confidential khalaas
8. like from the time ya'ni you wake up tell you sleep a'teneyyah mathlan
9. any typical day ya'nii
10. hatha during the da ya'ni fagat?
11. sabab el conversation haath . deraasah lughaweyyah w bass ya'ni anyway.,
ya'ni rah tenfa' inshjallah w will be very nice ya'ni. W you will know
about it ya'ni. Fa take your time to talk ya'ni khallek open ya'ni elli tebi
'arabi englizi kul shay hah..
12. 'atni ketha fekrah w law brief 'an draastek bel jaam'ah
13. he like it is ya'ni wella?
14. taba' ay department taba' ay college hu
15. wallah I don't know ya'ni bezzabt pricesely kam
16. tayyeb beljaam'ah ya bu mbaarak henaak kaif tebaa'ek ent fi draastek kent
awwal ma jeet wesh .. haddethnin 'an takhassesek w eshsghlaathaathi
briefly ya'ni
17. why did you choose mathalan Arizona w shaghlaat zay ketha
18. which year?
19. be es CESL?
20. men tullaab es CESL enta
21. tayyeb F taish fathalt el haathi el theoretical haathi wella pure pure pure
matha 'ala el applied math applied ya'ni mathmatics?
22. tab'an lamma terja' beddarres ya'ni theoretical math ya'ni
23. betkun ya'ni law ennek dares applied yekun afthal lak
24. enta lamma tedres applied math ana madri yemken ana methlek ana
takhussesi mainly ya'ni khalaas ma lah 'alaaqah b el applied linguistics
25. ehna nafs eshay 'endana applied linguistics and theoretical linguistics aw b
ma'na asah general linguistics
26. fa ana mathlan adres b el general linguistics akthar .. takhassusi ya'ni
manib ana adres ... applied linguistics enni adarres w at'allam turuq et
tadris w shaghlaat zay ketha
27. lamma terje', haatha su'aali le'ennak law ennak b teruh jame'at el malik
s'uud kaan agul ok pure linguist., pure math is good for you ya'ni
28. ehna 'endana b-el linguistics methel ma gelt lek ya'ni general theoretical
linguistics w fih applied linguistics
29. fa hatta el applied linguistics fi sociolinguistics psycholinguistics ... w
shesmuh ... ya'ni zay ma tegul kel haathi fi ashyaa' kethe.. semantics fih ..
30. tab'an bennesbah le-el general linguistics aythan yeshtemal 'ala 'eddat
fields syntax which is my fiel f-el ph.d el 'aan elli hu ennahu w fih 'endek
el phonology w-el phonetics elli hu el aswaat semantics 'elm el ma'aani
mathalan ....
31. J kan f-el education
32. eyh la J kan b-el education
33. J yemil 1-el applied linguistics akthar
34. ana el bamaamaj elli ana fih interdisciplinary yu'tabar huwwa app. huwwa
huwwa generally yu'tabar applied linguistics program laaken ettakhassus
elli fih ana ma lah 'alaaqah b-el applied linguistics more of general ya'ni
35. ana takhassusi b-el language analysis shaayef
36. J awwal ma jaa' 'endana ga'ad semester w ba'dain hawwal 1-el education
37. raah qesem fi kulleyat el education education college of education
38. hu elli raah lah ... qesem esmah language reading and culture ellughah w-el
qeraa'ah w-el culture ok
39. qesem jayyed bass hum luhum tarkiz aktha 'ala er-reading
40. ya'ni takhassus J kaan f-er reading f-el qeraa'ah
41. fa haggeen el education w-er reading w haathuli ma hum ma luhum
'alaaqah qaweyyah b-el b-el linguistics marrah shaayef w ehna nafs eshay
'alaaqatna b-el linguistics aythan ma hi bi quwwat elli mathalan elli b-el
linguistics department nafshum ya'ni barthah elli yedresun 'aad kellesh
marrah marrah marrah 'ad ya'ni completely pure linguistics ya'ni shaayef
42. ehna 'ala kullen qesemna taba' el baraamej elli yqaddemha el linguistics
program ehna ya'ni nantami 1-el linguistics program w 1-el English
department w 1-el german French Spanish 1-el LRC I'edday aqsaam w
lethaalak ehna bamamajna esmah interdisciplinary program khalaas
43. ya'ni ana mathalan more of ya'ni le'enni takhassusi b-el language analysis
fa yemil 1-el linguistics department akthar men ay qesem aakar w-el
English aythan el linguistics w-el English
44. fi naas mathalan takhassushum mathalan f-el applied linguistics taba'
qesemna ehna yemilun lei gesm el yemilun 1-gesm el el englizi w gesm el
el LRC w gesm el shesmuh el ya'ni el esh agul lek ...
45. ya'ni ana b-el master kaan sheghli tmannait enni waasal fih ya'ni elbahth
haggi akthar shay b-el phonetics elli hu b-el sawteyyat
46.1'enni ana aradt enni at'allam ashyaa' thanyah b-el linguistics zyaadah fa
gult khal adreus syntax f-el f-el PHD
47. wella ana ma zelt ana amil akthar ela el phonetics ya'ni le-essawteyyaat
48. ya'ni ana bebbesbah li I could've s I could've ya'ni continued ya'ni shughli
b-el phonetics lakenni aradt enni tara akhat ya'ni mawaad .. bass ana aradt
enni zay ma tgul awaasel 'ala el-syntax taghyeeran ya'ni 'asas tekun 'endek
meyul tekun 'endek ma'refah b-ketha w ketha
49. kaan hu khath el master men men Fort Collins
50. wesh akhbaar el el-computer ma'ak
51. 'aad el el internet ma yebi laha shay
52. wala ehna half way hatta
53. tegul khabbema 'an el computer
54. khabberaa 'an el computer
55. laih wesh wesh el mushkelah fih ennak enta ya'ni ma 'endek ya'ni ay zay
ma tgul interest ennek ....
56. tsawwi research
57. tsawwi search ya'ni 'ala ashyaa' fi es-search engines w eshaghlaat haathi
kellaha zain be'aks
58. bel'aks yakhi enta tegdar enta bebbesbah lek tegdar es-search engine haatha
google mathalan wella yahoo
59. google? Hu el home page haggek
60. ya'ni tsawwi search ketheer
61. agul lek ya'ni fa fih fih fawaa'ed ketheerah 1-el computer
62. agul el computer men el ashyaa' elli fe'lan yehtaaj el 'ensaan yaakhith fiha
ya'ni good good back ground before he goes back ya'ni
63. geddamhum el manual ... mu shart yekun geddamhum el manual
64. kel ma tezdaad ya'ni ma'kumaatek 'an el computer kel ma enta tegul
wallah tebgha to learn more ya'ni
65. wel computer tara fih ya'ni el'aan yu'tabar practical akthar menh ya'ni
66. wallah fe'lan bethaat yakhi el computer ya'ni saar hu tharurah la budda
menha fi ss'uudeyyah
67. tayyeb ent ma ged khat coursaat ya'ni training
68. wallah yakhi tsaddeg ana ged akhat mathmatica program hah software
69. w ana ela I'aan ma fetahtah youm kent sharait el computer haggi le'enni
kent ahyaanan 'endana bel b-el linguistics ...
70. ella bamaamaj esmah mathmatica software 1-el Macentosh ana khattah
71. la sharih sharih separate hu ma lah 'alaaqah bel b-el computer haggi
72. enna ahyaanan 'endana b-el linguistics ba'th el marrat zay ma tgul kwayyes
en el waahed ya'ni yet'allam b-el math ashayaa' ya'ni fa gelt abat'allam bnafsi azawwed ma'lumaati f-el math 'an tariq el computer
73. elli ya'ni 'enduh khebrah kwaysah b-el math ya'ni yekun yejed se shwayyat
sehulah fel fel fel f-el linguistics
74. ma hana b'aad mathematicians zaykum ya'ni
75. eyh 'end 'endana mathematical linguistics aslan 'endana takhassus kaamel
esmah mathematical linguistics w computational linguistics
76. fih nas yetkhassesaun b-el mathematical linguistics ... programming
languages 'endana sgaayef
77. fa yestakhdemun el math symbols w shaghlaat ketheerah haathi formulas
ba'th ahyaanan
78. bass entu 'endukum 'aad ashyaa' telgaaha ya'ni set ya'ni already white or
black wella la
79. eyh ya'ni 'endana ma fih shay esmah maybe .. ehna 'endana shay esmah
80. eyh la la ehna 'andana eyh la enna 'endana e-theories tetla' ghalat yeji
waahed yedhath e-theory teruh fiha
81. la la naajeh fi el math ana tara
82. wallah yakhi mashallah 'endek ent el matha ya'ni mumte' shaklah
83. shaklek mestamte' fih ent el math
84. wallah yakhi madri ana 'endi ehsaas enn el math yamken belhaalah laazem
yekun tedres ma'ah shay
85. why you say it took them a while? Wesh gasdek it took them a while ya'ni?
86. wallah yakhi ana 'ajebni et turn out ya'ni jayyed alhemdlellah
87. fa we need to do something ya'ni
88.1 tooke your time I guess right?
89. tab'an the next hour inshallah will be soon
Speaker #6 (B):
1. fi ay stage? Fi el early stage ana lessa
2. esh fi ay stage fi early stage lessa ana
3. yemken aakuth el comprehensive ya nehaayat el fasel haatha ya bdaayat el
fasl el jaay
4. khat el qualifying ana ma khat el comprehensive
5. ell emtahantuh el qualifying
6. bega el comprehensive lessa ma khattuh
7. wehna mushkelatnaa laazem publication publication laazem
8. yebghaa lak agal haajah thalaathah conferences w waahed journal 'al a'gal
9. ana bedait laaakenni ghayyart advisorba'd sanah ba'd sanah w arba'ah
shhuur yemken ghayyart el advisor
10. semestaraat ma'duudah w entahait
11. ya'ni el course 'aaref hataakhthu es semester haatha w entahait mennuh
12. w 'aad ethaa kaan jeet mas'alat el publication teji thht rahmat el er reviewer
13. w ent tersel el'aan paper tebe tenshurhaa ethaa er reviewer sayye' mumken
yeg'ed lak fiha
14. ehna gareeb kaan 'endi paper jaa lha rejection
15. 'endin paper arsalnaahaa 1 conference w jaahaa rejection bsaba ennu
waahed men er reviewers fi luh kam paper ma thakamaahaa hennaa fi er
16. gaal I will reject this paper because it doesn't include this major refemces
w haat wahed thnain thalaatha
17. kaan fih arba'ah reviewers
18. ethalaathah ethaaneen kaanu kwaysen ya'ni 'atau reviews kwayyes
19. w ba'dain kaan el conference elgubuul hagguh nesbat el acceptance rate fih
kaan khamesta'ashar fi el meyyah
20. fa 'ala asaas haatha jaahaa rejection gaalau sorry we can accept it as a
21. fi haajah esmaha poster esh poster tejri truuh 1 conference t'alleg el paper
haggak fi louhah w tugaf men jambaha welli 'enduh su'aal yeji yes'alak
22. fa gulna ma ehnaa fina poster ruhnaa 'addalnaahaa w arsalnaahaa
conference thaani
23. tayyeb wesh saar 1 el paper haathni?
24. hasab el conference hasab er reviewer
25. tab'an te'temed ethaa kaan el conference sa'b, ba'th el conferensaat el
gubuul fihaa setta'ashar khamsta'ashar fi el meyyah 'eshreen ba'thhaa fihaa
khamseen fi el meyyah
26. fa ethaa kaan er rate 'aali ya'ni mumken
27. w ethaa kan er reviewer ma'quul ya'ni
28. ahyaanan er reviewer ya'ni yekuun haaged
29. ahyaanan yekuun fih bainuh mashaakel w bainu advisor-ak mathalan
30. wallahi huwwa el advisor ma athen ytall'ek itaalya
31. ya'ni huwwa haytalle'naa NY fi 'endana conference fi shahar khamsah
32. fih 'endana paper thaanyah fi shahar eyh fi nhaayat abreel
33. M 'enduh paper magbuulah b faransaa
34. juz' men bahthuh asralouha fi conference fi itaalat fi faransaa
35. ba'd ma yuruuh yuhthur el conference ba'dain yunshuruunhaa ba'd nhaayt
el conference
36. fi faransaa el conference haatha
37. 'ala hsaab el grant
38. huwwa elli b-ye'mellahaa presentation fi el ghaaleb.... 1-el paper
39. ma hatkallef shay kullah 'al grant
40. ma hatkallef shay ya'ni kul et ticket ma athunhaa tkallef arba'meyat dulaar
41. hu hu shghl El., haajah esmaha distributed computring
42. B byeshtahghal haajah esmaha optical network
43. gultullh ethaa enta bteshtaghal ma'aah b-testamer eshtaghel fi mawthou' fi
ed distributed computing mathalan
44. 'amat co-advisng awwal
45. akthar men semester sanah w shwayyah thalaath semestaraat
46. laaken gaal mumken tebdaaha te'mal co-advisor
47. takhuthni ana co-advisor w ba'dain shwayya shawayya tehlug luh
48. w fe'lan w hattaitah ennuh co-advisor asaas thnaib advisor
49. w ba'dain youm bedait el co-advising tannasht EL., thaak
50. yersel e-mailaat
51. youm 'ad asalt luh e-mail gelt luh khalas
52. you kunt fi Syracuse kunt ana khallast el master gaddamt 'ala el PHD w
jaani rafth le'ennu kaan 'endi el GRE waati shwayyah
53. w ba'dain saar fih 'shaan nkhalles fih haajah esmahaa master project
54. ana m'akher el master project maa baakhthuh 'alasaas amadded el wagt w
ajles w adawwer qubuul
55. gaam jaanaa waahed lubnaani waahed mas'uun 'an el graduate advisor gaal
la laazem tkhlles el master project
56. gaal la enta el'aan khallast mawaad khallast er requirement laazem
57. tab'an gaddamt wagthaa 'ala qubuul f-el computer science
58. tab'an barthuh elcomputer science ... kanu qesem waahed
59. ya'ni gaddem study plan w tetkharrajt
60. tab'an ma kaan fih advisor fi el waqt el mawthou' shaghaal hnaak
61. fa etkallamt ma'aah 'ala enni ana raasalt el jaame'ah w hashtaghal ma'aak
gaal ok, bass w raah huwwa w ana jaani el qubuuul ba'dain jeet
62. fih computer science
63. ydarres maaddat computer networks
64. tab'an el jaam'aat haathi laazem tjeeb luhum grants
65. law ma tjeeb grants ba'd kam sanah yugul lak ma'essalaamah
66. gult luh ruuh yakhi el emaaraat ma yubghu mennak research yubguun
mennak teaching w kul sanah byu'tuuk tathkerah 1 turkyaa byu'tuunak
madaares 1 awlaadak w 'ez w dawlah islaameyyah w makkah gareebah men
67. enta laa tunthur 'ala el jehaaz unthur 'ala ed desck nafsuh
68. 'ala el'aqal ed desk hatlaageeeh bkhamsta'ashar dulaar
69. bainama law rakkabt CD/RW b'asharah cents ykallefk
70. tayyeb rakkeb CD/RW haathaa
71. ya'ni es CD ethaa sajjalt 'alaih fain testakhdemuh f-el jaam'ah?
72. ajal khuth CD haraam 'alaik
73. teg'ud tekhsar lak zip drive w ykallefak ed desk arba'ta'ashar duiaar
bainama el CD ya'ni law gheli gheli haykallefak khamseen cents el waahed
74. ma adri se'ruh madri laaken elli a'refuh enn el desck hagguh ghaali
75. ez zip drive shagtetuh baseetah bass ana ra'yee haraam tekhsar fluus
76. fa ya'ni enta mujarrad tkhazzen ashyaa' khazzenha 'ala es CD
77. tab laish ma taakhthuh 'ala 'ala desck barthuh wella kebeer el file
78. word tab'an?
79. enta shuuf kam es size hagguh ethaa kaan agal men 1.44 mb ykaffih floppy
80. engilhaa 'al account haggal f-el jaam'ah
81. estakhdel elli huwwa el secure shell w ungulha
82. le'ennah yakhi maa tethman subhaanallah le ayye sababen maa tharab el
hard desck saa'athaa yekuun 'endak nuskhah ehteyaat
83. bukrah law ruhnaa tensakh lak eyyah 'al account haggak es secure shell
84. bajeeb ma'aay ana CD w nhaawel nunsukhuh 'ala CD
85. kul shwayy yetla' b-video
86. wallah el computaraat waagfah
87. oh hattenuh 'al en network
88. nafs eshayy 'endana waahed fi el lab nafs el kalaam
89. ehnaa 'endana mouse talla' ruuhna 'alaih
90. wallah kaan 'endana mouse fih mushkelah
91. fih 'endana help desck fi el department
92. jabou mouse w maa seleh
93. kaan el mafruuth gaal laa ya M khuth mouse haggak khalaas hanjeeb
waahed thaani
94. advisor w 'aad mafruuth yedfa' ykarrem el walad
95. tab'an akeed bethuttni fi el fi ed dissertation ashkur felaan el felaani wella
96. mumken ya'ni fi nehaayat ed dissertation
97. la dedicated to my wife haatha ma'ruufah
98. laazem ennaas ysawwuun daayman to my wife w my father
99. to my next wife
Researcher (MaQ) with Speaker #6 (B):
eshuf en el mas'alah ya'ni waste of time
1. ddayman treat your brother nice w be nice
2. ya'ni he is he is la mu hub baseet shooting for something ya'ni sheft?
3. aslan khatertah el youm totally 'an el mawthou'
4. ent halheen fi ay stage?
5. el mu'tamar el jaay aw el conference el jaay
6. el advisor hagg ed department 'endana awwal ma jeet kaan ykallemni
daayman yegulli faker fi mawthou' faker fi mawthou' w 'ebd menh ya'ni
yegul li
wesh el paper thi?
8. ya'ni kawnha overseas hal te'ti ya'ni...
9. wallahi saraahah... ennu baini w bainak ya'ni not fair
10. ged gelt lek .. .kent an weyyaah marrah jaalseen fi el fundrasing hagg el
masjed kaan ykallemni 'annek
11. tayyeb B ana tawaqqa't ennah yeshteghel distributed computing
12. are you sure?
13. khalaas I don't wanna come to you
14. khebrah wella first time ya'ni
15. mush freshman ya'ni?
16. kaan 'endanaa waahed yeshteghel GA fi nafs el gesm ...
17. waahed yedkhel fi el jack nafsah fi el phone jack
18. mizat haathaa ell ana maakhtha ennah be'emkaanek tsajjel hatta 'alaa ..
hatta men el cordless etha mani ghaltaan
19. hatta mumken ysawwihaa men el cordless ya'ni
20. fi ed device haathi built in
21. elli ana 'endi ana haatha external
22. msajjal khalaas ana already 'endi msajjal
23. fa sharait haatha el external w t'addi el gharath ya'ni
24. ent teguul li lain jeen tsawwi save 'ala es CDs
25. halheen ana gaa'ed kell ellisheghli 'al hard drive
26. w ana akhsha yseer hard drive yeruuh kell bahthi kellah
27. ya'ni es CD ethaa sajjalt 'alaih fain testakhdemuh f-el jaam'ah
28. aswawwi lah save 'ala I'aqal 'endi
29. ez zip drive bkam hu bah internal
30. hayyen ed desck ma yehemmek ed desck
31. abgha ez drive el internal kam se'ruh tetwaqqa'
32. ya'ni saarat mushkelat el heating hagg el thaa
33. w ken aaakheth ma'ay heater
34. fa el kureyyah haathi aw madri es et Chinese 'endaha computer
35. teguul ya'ni tebgha tehet fih zip drive
36. fa ana gelt ana aythan abgha ahet zip drive
37. gelt lahaa bashuf li ana sedeeg kaanah jaay yeshuuf el computer hagges
38. eyh gaa'ed bahthi kellah 'al hard drive
39. eyh word
40. floppy drive ykaffih floppy desck?
41. kell el steps ya'ni
42. 'endan enta cable wella la?
43. yegul lek taba' el exculsive men el MSNBC .. CNBC actually
44. ma ysawwun lek stamp 'ala el jawaaz
45. akhbaar el computaraat
46. akhbaar el business
47. jabaw el computer nzalau bah
48. ana ken fi el ghurfah elli fiha el computer el batee'
49. fi el office haggi
50. wuhum gaa'deen fi el ghurfah elq..elli fiha el computer el awwal
51. khalaas shilow el computer haatha
52. gelt luhum la ma yeseer gelt ehnaa we are not gonna it ya'ni in that room?
This is slow w mesh 'aaref eih w it is ya'ni unfair ya'ni maa yeseer
53. fi ennehaayah sma'at kalaami gaalat khalaas ok ajal go head and put it there
w jaabouh
54. jaat w shaafat es samma'aaat no no nooo it is unfair
55. le'ennu laazem 'shaan tsawwi lah ay installation aw ay hsay laazem yekuun
'endek ethaaher password aw shay
56. bass qesemnaa baini w bainek el linguistics yahu 'endana computaraat ya A
57. ana 'endi access 'ala el.. thaa kellahaa Dell Dell
58. kbaar w akbar w asra' w shaashaat 'ala seventeen seventeen aw madri
nineteen inch
59. wallah 'endanaa computaraat yakhi raheebah
60. kell el lab ya'ni jaddedouh tahdeethkell shwayy kell marrah yejeebuun
computaraat jedeedah
61. kellahaa yemken hawaali khamsata'a 'eshreen aw khamsta'ashar computer
w Mac aythan w kellhaa Dell saree'ah
62. ya'ni hu mumken law el waahed la asawwi'endi project asawwih wella
63. ma' ennhum yshajj'uun el waahed ysawwi projects w ketha
64. wallah baini w bainek el advisor thaa haggkum tha bakheel saheeh ya'ni
65. neshteghel 'ala soutak w ennak ent mwaafeg ehna nestakhdem ed data
haggetak w enta ma 'endak tab'an maane' 1 haatha eshayy
66. yani no objections
67. mumken aguul el ed dissertation ba'ad dedicated 1A
68. to my love
69. to my mother
70. yallah jzaak allah khair ya B
71. yallah tesbah 'ala khair
72. ma' essalaamah
Speaker#? (A):
1. ana ellailah yemken 'endi a couple of things
2. tab'an ehnaa mumken nsawwi range mu'ayyan
3. I see ahah
4. la ana youm el 'ahad yemken akuun sahraan shwayy le'enn 'endi
presentation you el 'ethnain
5. ndardesh neshrab Inaa coffee taal 'emrek welhamdelellaah
6. w nudardesh fi el finals w ma adraak ma 1-finals
7. kaanat el usbuu'ain haathi el finals w mesh 'aaref eish w katha
8. methel ma gelt lek el el asaabeee' el maathyaat kaanat kellahaa finals
9. khadamaat el computer el internet w el labaat w eshaghlaat haathi kullahaa
10. elli 'enduh clasaat
11. elli 'endah assignments
12. fa so far el anshetah la yazaal ya'ni 'adadhaa geleel tab'an
13. el community kebeerah 'endekum?
14. eyh la ehnaa bennesbah 1 Lawrence wallah yemken agdar aguul lak ya'ni
ya'ni nusshum grad w nusshum undergrad
15. ya'ni kaan fih majmuu'ah kebeerah men el undergraduates
16. w ba'dain el faculty elli fih ya'ni kuwayseen belhail 'elmeyyan jaydeen
17. yemken yekuun mawjuud 'endana 'ala mathalan tahat qesem el English aw
tahat el education aw tahat ay shay thaani
18. bass tahat qesemnaa ennaa el linguistics la
19. kaan 'endana applied taht athen el English fi Madison
20. fa 'ala ma atthakkar enn el applied daakhel tahat qesm el English
21. ana 'aasartah a'taqed a cpouple of ... la wallah fasel kaamel ethaaher
22. te'ref el plan el qadeemah tab'an
23. 'elaa thaaleth mutawasset sure akeed ya'ni le'anni a'ref fih
24. eyh tab'an free el mulhaqeyyah tedfe' et tuition luhum
25. la la la ayyaam el usbuu' eyh full time
26. w fih ba'athhum la ykhallihaa full time f-el madrasah essu'uudeyyah
27. 'endanaa el governor hu elli yemken yus'al 'anhaa
28. ya'ni ebtedaa'an men el fasl eljaay hawwal ela el education
29. 'ebtedaa'an men el Fall eljaay haykuun education khalaas
30. eyh hawwa already
31. w ba'dain talabah kwayseen ya'ni lateefeen jeddan w acaadimeyyan aythan
kwayseen belhail which is good tab'an
32. eyh la wallah kwaysah belhail ww el jaam'ah zay maa gelt lek latigah w el
khadamaat elli mwafrathaa barthuh 1 ettullaab internet 'ala labaat
elcomputer 'ala eshaghlaat haathi... ya'ni kwaysah belhail belhail
33. hu tab'an laa shakk ennu leh history mu'ayyan
34. yektebuun donuts te'ref kaif takteb kalmat doughter?
35. "donuts" maktuubah hnaak beshashakel haathaa
36. mahallaat ed donuts
37. le'annhaa interesting eshshaghlah
38. ya'ni so far maa fih .. maa fih tarteeb mu'ayyan
39. eyh huwwa huwwa el Christmas hatta 'endenaa enna ma henaa b Lawrence
maa yghalleg shahar
40. ya'ni el Christmas elli 'addaa el maathi kaan sett w 'eshreen youm
41. fi ba'th el ayyaam yeguluun enn-haa tousal tousal ninety something
42. tab'an ninety something fi erryaath tu'tabar baraad
43. wallahi ya AB I don't know
44. yutabrun ajal enu fi north north tex. North Kansas
45. wallahi I don't I don't know
46.1 see ah ellugha el 'arabi tu'tabar ajnabeyyah
47. anaa a'ref waahed men eshabaab fi kunnaa fi Michigan akhath position 'ala
TA w 'atouh maaddah ydarre-shaa
48. bass bennesbah lah yemken el wath' yekhtelef kaan kaan hu fi muntasaf el
meshwaar already
49. 'ala maa yethkerli yeguul akhathat menni wagt w juhd kebeer bass yeguul
estafadt menhaa ya'ni fi 'amaleyyat esh ya'ni experience mu'ayynah w
50. fih TAs
51. fih waahend 'endanaa shaab urduni a'taged ennah 'ala watheefat TA w
ydarres f el qesem
52. ya'ni maaleen mekaanhum bshakel jeddan mumtaaz eyh which is good
53. etha kaan ennak 'endak already ya'ni khettat ya'ni temashi aw shay
54. w ba'dain twaasluun ela el jehah elli entu mhaddedeenhaa whatever ya'ni
mahmaa kaanat
55. laaken elli athkuruh enn eshabaab yeguukuun en es saif fi Lawrence ya'ni
metarah waajed which is good tab'an
56. wallahi 'endi desktop w 'endi labtop
57. el labtop gateway
58. w ed desktop el kuri haatha e-machines
59. bebbesbah 1 el e-machine haatha 'endimen sanawaat
60. w el tabtop ma., 'umruh yemken el'aan sbuu'ain aw 'ashra yyaam
61. hatta khebrati fi el labtop qaleelah jeddan jeddan jeddan
62. ya'ni haathaa awwal labtop at'amal ma'ah ka tabtop ya'ni ashteghel 'alaih
ka labtop li
63. ent maa ta'aamal ma' el labto?
64. wallahi yakhi ana maa ta'aamalt ma' el haatha el Macintosh abab abad
65. hatta b el jaam'ah lamma baruuh 1 el lab
66. tab'an zay maa taa'ref el lab yekuun fih majmu'ah men haathaa w
majmuu'ah men haathaa
67. tab'an el ghaalebeyyah kellah wshesmah el PC
68. mhatta ahyaanan telga sera mathalan thnain thalaathah arba'ah khamsah
waagfeen yentathruun comnputer yefthi telgaa fih thnain Macintosh
faathyah maa 'alaiha ahad
69. tab'an maa fih shak ennuh 'alaa maa yethhar li enn el Macintosh ma ma
estataa'aw s-sumuud
70. ahyaanan el business el mawjuud f el madinah aw el mantegah yekuun lah
dowr f eshaghlah thi
71. ma tebghaa tettesel 'alaa mesh 'aref el 800 number
72. wella whatever
73. eyh tab'an beduun maa tethtarr elaa tahmeel software mu'ayyan
74. wellaa shay
75. haathaa elli 'endi b el bait maa fih windows 'arabi
76. mujarrad teruuh 'ala encoding
77. laa ahammel software wa laa shay
78. laa wallahi maahu 'endi ya BM le'enn le'enni anaa nazzaltah men el
79. ya'ni ana nazzalt men mawaaqe' ketheerah mawjuudah already free ya'ni
'ala el internet
80. laaken maa hu mawjuud 'endi ka CD laa
81. anaa asawwihaa 'an tareeg nafs el wshesmah nafs el word tab'an maa
ye'teek nafs el shesmah nafs suhuulat es software el mekhasses
82. nafs el word eyh asawwihaa 'aadi b el word maa fih maa fih eshkaaleyyah
83. ba'dain lamma tsawwiha marrah marretain b el word tesbah el'amaleyyah
khalaas ya'ni tesbah el 'amaleyyah easy lak ya'ni khalaas tekuun 'aaref kell
el khatawaat ell tsawwihaa tsawwihaa b-shakel seree'
84. eyh anaa gelt lek huwwa maa huwwa maa raah huwwa nehaa'e tab'an maa
hu zay el haathazay es software nafsah
85. ya'ni maa ehtajt enni eish enni abhath es software
86. laa seyyamma enni enn enni maa eshtaghalt 'alaa wshesmah 'alaih ka ka
main area ya'ni ka major bhaith enni ya'ni akuun ashteghel 'alaih ktheer
87. fih mawaaqe' ketheerah twaffer ya'ni ennek tsawwi el el baraamej
ketheerah download free
88. la la w haawel ba'ad en legait lak project thaani wella thaaaleth ethaa kaan
ennateejah ennaa ben enna bendardesh haathaa haathaa ne'ma el project
taal 'umrek .. khair w barakah
89. abad nebi taal 'emrek kell maa khathou luhum shahar 'atouk project
90. ya'ni taakheth-haa 'ala el fatretain ka'annak maakheth-ha fi fasel 'aadi fall
wella spring
Researcher (MaQ) with Speaker #7 (A):
1. ana weddi aswwih ana weyyaak as soon as possible
2. w la hi ya'ni formal wa la shay
3. mujarrad faqat hadeeth taped w haakathaa
4. arsal li hu wallah e-mail ya'ni yegul li
yeh atwaqqa' hatta more than one month
6. ya'ni hi zay ma tguul zay el valley Tucson
7. fi west vaaly bain jebaal kethaa tthakker bejebaal el jebaal makka el
mukarramah w el madinah el munawwarah
8. hey 'ala kullen Tucson ma thennhaa ya'ni teji kuber Denver w maa fih shak
ennhaa way bigger than Fort Collins
wallah men naahyat el community 'adad ess'uudeyyeen yuqal ennuh
ketheer bass maani ya'ni maanib neshuuf halkathrah elli yeguuluun
10. naadi Fort Collins yu'trabar nashaatah max yu'tabar A yu'tabar fe'at A
11. tara lamm yekuun ettullaab graduate students yekuun el.. tehess en el
wath' yekhtelef akthar men maa lamma yekuun ya'ni kulluhum
12. which is unusual tara
13. le'ennu 'aadatan ennu tajed el undergraduate students telgaahum they have
their own ya'ni...
14. kaannaa maa rehnaa wallah yakhi marrainaa men haathik ed dyaar
tmashainaa why not
15. huwwa applied linguistics program
16. 'ela el'aan ma zaal el position ya'ni methe ma yeguluun shaagher
17. kaan lacking freedom ya'ni
18. fih ya'ni restrictions 'alaihum ya'ni
19. w eddraasah free wella
20. 'ala kethaa ma yeruhuun 'yaalek 1 el public school
21. entu mush b el weekend faqat?
22. kaan faqat b-el weekend
23. le'ennu maahuu methel mahuu zay maa teguul methel 'endekum entu full
time school
24. ehnaa taab'een Colorado anyway
25. laaken b el linguistics maa ma'ak ahad
26. b el linguistics maa bellaa enta bass
27. 'endukum b el linguistics
28. w el asaatethah el faculty 'endekum kaif tawajjuhaathum
29. esh el interests 'endehum?
30. el phonetics 'endekum kwayyes?
31. ka ka ya'ni communi.. students ya'ni community
32. haathaa good question
33. mantu mantu 'al mantu coastal ya'ni
34. ehnaa recommended laaken maahu
35. ehnaa 'endanaa foreign language requirement laaken le'en elli elli
ya'arfuun 'arabi khalaas yu'tabar kaafyah
36. fi el islaam hatta Islamic studies
37. le'ann maa fis aslant faculty 'arab nafshum
38. anaa ya tuweel el'umur maa darrast laakenni eshtaghalt 'endehum TA fi
qesem hatta ed deraasaat esharq el awsat haathaa
39. le'ennhaa betseer time consuming
40. la wallah men naahyat el experience yestefeed el waahed experience laa
shakk shaayef?
41. laaken fi nasf el waqt.. madri yemken ahyaanan it is not owrth that
experience ethaa kaan el mas'alah betseer mathya'at waqt w kethaa
42. yeh mathalan law ana mathalan bakuun takhassusi mnathlan b el phonetics
w 'ureth 'alay position mathalan fi el phonetics wella f el ya'ni eshay
haathaa fa yekuun kwayyes
43. ubu usaamah ent 'andek computer?
44. weshu desk top wella la.
45. wesh el labtop haggek?
46. maashi el labtop ma'ak kwayyes
47. welaayatkum yemkenn-haa PC oriented wellaa Mac oriented
48. el Macintosh yemken aqal maeshaakel ketheer
49. allaahumma ennah bass mujarrad tawaffer el es software bennesbah 1
50. w 'ashaan kethaa tajed el akthar ennaas met'allmah ya'ni faahmah fi f el C
akthar men el Mac
51. eyh agul lek ehi kathrat el enteshaar ya'ni hu elH .. ja'al el PC aw el IBM
52. ba'dain ehnaa bennesbah lenaa ya"arab ya'ni 'endanaa mushkelat el
mushkelah ukhraa f el Macentosh al wa hi 'amaleyyat tasaffuh el el internet
b el..
53. lethaalek anaa maa 'araft aslant maa 'araft el el atsaffah es safhaat el
'arabeyyah ella 'an tareeq el el IBM
54. ma' enni anaa 'endi windows elli 'endi windows 98 windows 'arabi
qadeem laakennah ya'ni still muhuub laazem enn yekun 'endek el windows
98 aslan.
55. el browser nafsha ykaffi
56. w lamma tawwraw lamma tawwraw el internet explorer hattou fih el 'arabi
hall meshaakel jetheerah bennesbah 1 ennaas
57. b el munaasabah ent 'andek ya BN es softwatre hagg el international
phonetic alphabet?
58. hu mawjuud 'ala el internet?
59. tayyeb hal 'endek software hagg el drawing the trees?
60. hagg el to draw the trees 'endek es software hathaa haggah?
61. yeh mushkelt en el word ennah yaakheth yaakheth slot kebeerah fi el
62. yaakheth space kebeer f el safhah
63. ya'ni yaakheth lek square kebeer b-el marrah
64. entu nethaamkum ethaaher mu nethaam es semester?
65. yesh el AMS w maa el AMS
66. w es SAT
Speaker #8 (A2):
1. shaghalnaa el fire place
2. huwwa saaken fi makaan fi community room
3. fa 'azamnaa fi el community room hagg el es sakan elli 'enduhum hnaak
4. wallaahi yaakhi good business mashallah 'alaih
5. kaanat almost walaaken lesababen maa ya'ni ehtemaal tekuun waastaat aw
shay maa gedart ahsul 'alaihaa
6. fa darast awwal shahrain kaanu hattouni f-el advanced level
7. fa rakkazouli 'ala er writing 'aaref el el structure writing w el advanced
8. ba'd shahrain hassait ennu that was enough for me ya'ni maa a'taqed enni
ahtaaj akthar
9. wlaaken kaan fi ged ged et term already bedi le'ennu kaan te'ref ellughah
shahrain shahrain mu term term
10. fa already jaani elgubuul f-el f-el f-el maajestair w bdaait el maajestair w
darast sanah kaamlah
11. t'aad sabab tab'an enteqaali Ihenaa ennu ennu ed department esmaha heya
esmahaa department of computer science and engineering walaaken ....
Eshahaadah tetla' kelmat computer science which is not maa nahaa ya'ni
themen takhassesi elli ebtu'etht men ajlah
12. ana takhassesi electrical and computer engiuneering
13. fa jeet 'alaa risk enni anaa law maa waafagat eljaame'ah laazem arje'
marrah thaanyah elaa elaa elaa eshsmah elaa tempe
14. ana fi gesm elli ysammuh VLS el VLSI design fi tahat juz' ysammuh el f el
formal verification
15. tab'an haathi el hadaf el fekrah el'asaaseyyah haathi ennu ennu marhalat el
enteqaaleyyah men el ed design ela el fabrication elli heyya el final product
16. nebi net'akkad ennu our design match el specifications
17. fa el hadaf men el er research 'endi ennuh nujed ba'th el methods aw el
agrethems elli heyyaa taakheth ed design w t-shayyek 'alaa ed design
according to a specification w tekteshef hal fih bugs fi es system aw maa
fih bugs fi es system
18. hathaa tab'an before marhalat el elli heyyaa en nehaa'eyyah elli heyyaa ed
desig.. el fabrication le ...
19. el jam'ah henaa men ya'ni men men men ahsan el jaame'aat aw wahdah
men el jaame'aat elli heyyaa metkhassesah fi el majaal haathaa
20. 'endanaa tab'an fi ma'mal khaas el ma'mal haathaa fi UNIX system
'endanaa hawaali setta'ashar machine tagriban
21. 'endana thalaatha dakaatrah fih waahed taqaa'ad gabel fatrah elli hu
mus'uuleen 'an el 'an el el lab w 'an ettalabah
22. fw fih kathaa waahed y'aynuuhum ka ya'ni k 'aaref shughul mu'aqqt ya'ni
mathalan fatrat es saif fatrat es semester
23. yguumuu 'amaleyyat et testing w 'amaleyyat el ed documentation 1 el
program.. so
24. majaal el VELISI yesammuhaa el formal verifications haathi maa 'endanaa
fi fi
25. kulluh 'alaa el computer na'am
26. ya'ni ehnaa we 'endanaa package el package haatrhi aslahaa summemat
betta'aawun ma' jaame'at... fi California university of Berkeley fi
California ma' jaam'at CU Boulder
27. w ba'dain ba'd fatrah maa adri lesh saarat CU Boulder faqat hi el mas'ulah
'an el program haathaa
28. el program haathaa commercial it is industrial it is free ya'no for industrial
use for .. for educational use
29. and w ba'dai barduh ustekhdem faqat fi ba'th el industrial fiels yestakhdam
bnafs haathi el bamaamaj haathi
30. tab'an humu ya'ni ybayyend lak agammeyyat el qesem el takhassus
haathaa ka 'enduhum good example elli hasal fi Intle Pentium I
31. atthakkar fi 'aam taqriban ninety five aw ninety six .... Kaan 'enduhum
mushkelah f el floating point fi el processor el Pentium Processor
32. faa kaanat ya'ni ahdath baab el mushkelah haathi ennuh maa sawwa
'amaleyyat el verification aw et testing elli sawwah bel'ahjraa maa kaan
maa kaan enough enni yektashef kull el bugs elli es system maa yekteshef
el bugs elli fi es system elli fi el fi ed desighn
33. fa ba'sahaa hasan kalaam ed dekyuur ennu el IBM sarafat hawaal nusss
meluun dulaar taqriban le to establish el en new department w athen djaabat
a'taged two PHD professors ya'ni ya'ni ka mas'uuleen fi hathi ed
34. fa haatha yedellek 'ala ahammeyyat ya'ni el et takhasses haatha aw el el
field haatha
35. tab'an men ahdaafi el ukhraa enni anaa esh asawwi barthu aakheth other
courses ya'ref mahamaa kaan fi kulle sanah sanatain yejeek course hedeed
36. w haathi mas'akah atharat shwayya 'ala el 'ala el eth thesis laaken anaa
ashuuf ennhaa bardah muhemmah jeddan ya'ni
37. ehnaa 'endanaa thalaath maraahel el marha el 'uulaa elli heyyaa t'addi elli
ysammuhaa el el el preliminary exam ba'dain tebda' fi eth thesis ba'dain
'endanaa el comprehensive exam elli huwwaa 'aadatan yekuun sanah gabl
gabl el defense elli hu yekuun mainly 'alaa eish ennataa'ej elli hasalt
'alaihaa men el ba'th et tajaarub elli sawwait-haa w ba'dain tab'an ed
38. ana inshallah ethaa rabbi araad my plan ennu by the end of this inshallah
enni akhalles el comprehensive
39. fa inshallah ethaa khallast el comprehensive inshallah kamaan sanah w
'antahi be'thnellah subhanahu wa ta'aalaa
40. eyh ed dektuur yeguul sanah sanahsanah w nuss maximum ya'ni el
41. ba'd el comps tekuun enta khalaas ya'ni mentahi
42. fa heyyaa ba'd-haa tkuun kullahaa mostly ennah ennak tektub ektub 'an el
bahth w haathaa w tsawwi tajaaub nehaa'eyyah
43. fa inshallah be'ethellah anaa atwaqqa' inshallah fil fi maximum inshallah
nehaayat essanah di akuun anaa mkhalles el el comprehensive inshallah
44. maximum nehaayt essanah
45. laa laa laa this Fall inshallah
46. akhalles el comprehensive inshallh
47. wallah anaa anaa anaa saraahah anaa very interested enni aa ya'ni attale'
ba'th el linguistics
48. ehnaa nettarraq shay ba'eed shay jeddan ya'ni muh.. netttarraq elaa ba'th el
linguistic lamma nkhush fi el compiler f-el f-el nukhush f el programming
language w el compilation el compilers nettarraq elaa es syntax w es
semantics w ba'th el ed definitions of the languages ..
49. tab'an maa ehnaa maa net'ammaq fi eshay haathaa w laaken nehtaajah
'ashaan te'ref lamma tsawwi compiler ennak ennak enta you design a new
50. yeh compiler mathalan the C-compiler, Fortran compiler
51. fa haathi nettarraq elaa ba'th el languages 'aaref esh es syntax hagg el
language what what the definitions of the languages
52. fihaa shawayyat science ya'ni
53. ya'ni taakhthu tedrusu ba'th es science science of the sound w el
frequencies w el ...
54. aguul maa nestaghni 'an el math ehnaa
55. fi f el computer science 'an el artificial intelligent w men themnah yedresu
fi shay ysammuh sound recognition
56. wallah hetta 'enduhum fi el engineering f el electrical engineering bartha
yedrusu sound recognition
57. faa yehemmhum ellio heyyaa el aswaat w tabee'at el aswaat elli b-tekhruj
58. te'ref 'ashaan lamma yetla' bamaamej .. akeed sema't 'an el baraamej elli
elli badal maa tuktub 'al word it will automatically taakhet sout w t-
hawweluh elaa text.. ysammuha sound to text a'taged conversion aw shay
zay kethaa
59. laa is not as a., ya'ni anaa atwaqqa' f en ninety elaa ninety five percentage
.. it the best I think they could they could have ya'ni..
60. w a'taqed aythan tab'an te'tamed katheer 'alaa anaa aththakkar anaa akhat
course fi as su'uudeyyah mu henaa
61. tab'an ye'temad katheer 'alaa el mood hagg eshshakhs elli yetkallam w en
ha; huwa mareeth wellaa ghair mareeth
62. ethaa kaan ma'aah mathlam ma'aah zukaam tab'an ha-yetghayyar nabrat
soutuh ma'naah ennuh es sound hagguh tghayyar el'aan
63. w fih ashyyaa' ketheerah ya'ni fih limit 1 el ashyaa' haathi w laaken in
general anaa atwqqa' men tes'een elaa khams w tes'een fi el meyyah
64. fi shay ysammuh el artifical intelligence aw elli esmah shay y-sammuh en
neorol network
65. fa 'andak marhalah ysammuha marhalat el et training aw marhalat el
66. fa el machine usually learns men .. ya'ni khelaal ta'aamulhaa ma'
eshshakhs te'allam esh el eshshakhs elli guddamhaa
67. el mhamm ennu marhalt el learning haathi el machine tet'allam sout
eshshakhs aw tet'allam esh esh er reaction hagg eshshakhs mathalam ethaa
kaan sout aw ethaa kaan ta'aamuluh mubaasharah ma' el computer
68. w 'alaa asaas-haa tebni 'endhaa dat.. data base 'an eshshskhs haatha kullhaa
69. fih ba;th el machine tkuun on line ya'ni tet'allam w b-nafs ellahthah
identify eshshakhs nafsah
70. fa fi el juz' elli ysammuh en neurol network .. fi.. ymurr 'alaa marhalatain
marhalah ysammuhaa marhalat et training ennak entaa you train el machine
71. fa el machine haathi w heyaa w hi tet'allam tebni zay characterizations 1
eshshakhs nafsuh fa hi tet'allam w tebni 'endahaa heyya haathi tab'an
kullahaa mathenmatical equations w te'temed katheer 'alaa el probability
72. fa khelaal el fatrah haathi tebda tebni zay maa teguul mathematical
equations le eshshakhs elli elli.. elli t'allemat mennuh el machine haathi
73. w ba'd kethaa mustaqbalan lamm yejihaa input men ay shakhs t-dakhkhel
el input haathi 'ala el 'ala el equation w 'alaa asaas-haa el output ethaa kaan
mathalan zero aw one aw whatever te'ref enn haatha eshshakhs huwa
nafsug aw ennu mukhtalef
74. faa it is very interest. Eyh wallah it is very interesting field
75. ana darast fihaa coursain kaan yudarras taht el computer science faa jameel
76. tab'an kull el fekrah haathi 'aakhthinah men men el demaagh el'ensaan
77. le'en el 'ensaan el much el 'ensaan yetkawwan men neur. Esh eshesmuh ..
khalaayaa 'asabeyyah w elkhalaayaa el'asabeyyah haathi murtabetah ma'
ba'thahaa ba'dain lamma yeseer ay input 1 el 'ensaan kulli khaleyyah te'ti
signal enne. bema yatanaasab ma' el ma'luumaat ell mkhazzanah fihaa. W
es signal haathi tejam. teruuh le makaan waahed w 'alaa assas es signal
haathi elli jaaytuh yebdi ye'ref ennuh haatha eshay mathalan hal huwa
apple wellaa car wella wellaa mathalan 'ensaan wajh 'ensaan fhemt gasdi?
78. fa el fekrah haathi khathauhaa men men subhaanallah tarkeebat much el
79. eyh neurology ahsant
80. haathi ysammuhaa neural neural...
81. eyh na'am elli heyya es cells nafsahaa
82. faa tab'an fihaa tatbeeqaat akthar tatbeeqaat fihaa elli kaan 'endanaa el
ysammuhaa el el weather prediction subhaanallah
83. fa wajadu ennhaa ennhaa te'ti nataa'yej heddan jameelah
84. el face recognition w es sound recognition el ashyaa' di kullahaa kaanat
ya'ni 'atat nataayej marrah mumtaazah
85. bass aththakkar ya'ni el mawthuu' thaa aththakkar ennuh fih waahed ennuh
ya'ni te'ref ba'th el welaadah tkuun 'aseer met'assrah shwayyah fa
yengeta' el oxygene
86. mu'thamhum elli a'refuh mu'thamhum yekuun ta'assu fi el welaadah
yekuun naqs el oxygen elaa el waasel le ed demaagh
87. walaaken yeguul yeguul ba'ad fatrah lamma yekbar etttefel te'ref yeseer
normal le'ennu tebda el khalaayaa subhaanallah ba'th .. at-thakkar waahed
tabeeb yeguul ya'ni mathalan let's say enn 'endak enta meyat khaleyyah fi
el fi mukhkhak meyat khaleyya tab'an mas'uulah 'an kull el jesem a'kel w
shurb w sam' w basar, men el meyat khaleyyah mathalan faqat arba'
khalaayaa arba' khalaayaa haathi lahaa wathaayef faa yeguul subhaanallah
ba'd fatrah el khalaayaa el baaqyah es setah w tes'een khaleyyah haathi tet
te .. tet'aqlam ma'a nafsahaa w thell w thaawel tsawwi el functions elli
kaanat tsawwihaa el arba' khalaayaa haathi
88. fa yeguul lak ba'd fatrah subhaanallah el mukh yet'awwad eshay fa yebda'
el el arba' w tes'een tsawwi nafs el functiuons elli kaanat tsawwihaa el
meyat khaleyyah haaathi
89. faa yguul ba'ad fatrat kam sanah yeguul ettefel yerja' mashallah normal
maa fih ay mushkelah ya'ni
90. shuuf er reaction ya'ni er response time
91. ya'ni enta el'aan tshuuf el computaraat w kul youm yetla'uu lak b computer
jaded w haathaa bass shuuf er response time hagg el 'ensaan lamaa lamma
ya'ni fi fi within a fraction of second mumken enta freez your body
completely ya'ni enta mathalan enta muqbel 'alaa shay mu'ayyan ya'ni
92. w kunt almost ya'ni almost kent abghaa bghaa ya'ni asdumhaa aw shay
93. ya'ni tshuuf er response elli jaak fi fi with fraction of second
94. anaa elli sme'tuh kent atkallam ma' el akh haath s'uudi huwwa w 1-hadd
ej'aan el buhuuth maa tet'adda ya'ni law jema'naa kul el buhuuth w
ennataa'j maa tet'adda two three papers of results ya'ni
95. fa hasab 'elmi ennuhum ya'ni maa weslu elaa el marhalah elli elli tegdar
teguul mathalan ya'ni humma they understand every thing ..
96. shuuf mathalan el'aan b-fatrat el methel ed dektuurat w yettale' 'alaa
papers ya'ni w shuuf el papers kul paper fihaa new idea ...
97. w tetla' fi el youm yemken me'aat el papers tetla' 'alaa mustawaa el'aalam
kulluh kul paper fihaa fekrah tayyeb lemetaa ya'ni
98. maa 'umrek gel wallah el physics khalaas entahaa el physics w nebghaa
ngaffel el physics laa maa zaal abhaath w majaalaat...
99. akeed inshallah alaagi luhum site be'thellaah
yaakhi legait site ghareebah jeddan site la'eem la'nat-u-llaah 'alaih
law tshuuf er reference hagguh yaa bu M. shay ythahhek
anaa atthakkar fatrah kunt atkallam fihaa 'an el internet w
estekhdaamaatuh fi majaalaat ed da'wah ya'ni zay et talk in Friday ya'ni
fa huwwa thed thed el internet
fa yeguul anaa maa ya'ni maa ayyed maa a'ayyed el esh esmuh el
anaa atthakkar ya'ni el ya'ni sawwit presentation fa kaanat ya'ni fi
majaal da'awi tayyeb bhukum wujuud tab'an ba'th es sites elli fihaa
qur'aan w el ahaadeeth w fihaa tab'an faat fiha ba'th el el question and
answer .. le'nnuh fih sitaat jeddan jameelah
faa tab'an men themn el hulul elli ya'ni elli mumken esh ysawwi
el'ensaan fa tab'an enn ehnaa anaa gult ahad el huluul ennanaa nsawwi
Islamic internet ya'ni tkuun controlled by le'ennahte'ref el internet el'aan
ye'temed katheer 'alaa 'alaa elli ysammuh el IP address w el I el IP address
haathaa tab'an lekulli site name laazem yekuun 'endak address zay et
telephone number. W el address haathi lehaa meaning ya'ni mu maa wuthe'
be'ashwaa'eyyan kulli jez' men el IP address lih ma'naa mu'ayyan fa el
jez' el awwal mathalan ye'teek a country w el jez' ethaani ye'teek mathalan
ethaa kaan 'endak madinah daakhel a country zay shakl et telephone
fa jat.. le fakrat ennuh ennaa nsawwi Islamic internet ennak enta
yekuun 'endak the first mathalan three numbers w tkuun haathi kullahaa es
site haathi teji men makkan waahed ye'teehaa 1 shakhs waahed tab'an w
ennehaa lehaa shruut ennak enta mathlan law teshtarek ma'aanaa ne'teek er
ragem haathaa w tab'an fih shuruut ennak laazem araaje' 1 kul fatrah araajel
el site ethaa fihaa mukhalfaat islaameyyah w tkhalli el tkhalli el browser
elli 'endak enuu it only brow., tsawwi browsing 1 el le es site elli fiha el IP
address yabda' mathalan bi zay 99 mathalan .. wallah kaanat it was
interesting ya'ni w kaan fih ba'th el'eqteraahaat ba'th el ekhwaan ya'ni it
was interesting ya'ni, walaaken zay maa tfaththalt ya'ni heyya heyya
waaqe' w laabud ehnaa deal with it ya'ni
atthakkar fi ya'ni ta'keedan le kalaamak ya'ni fi gabel fatrah jaanaa
jat site men ahad el ekhwaan ennuh fih site mkhasses-haa el kalb ennuh
ysub er rasuul salla llaah 'alah wasallam
fih site mkhassasah li sab er rasuul salla allh 'alaih wa sallam
fa waahed men el ekhwaan raselhaa w kaateb ya'ni astehlefkem
bellaah ennukum maa turuuhu le es site haathi w laaken el hadaf ennaa
nersel heyyaa site kaan haathi tahat el yahoo fa gaal ehnaa nebi men ya'ni
kul waahed men el ekhwaan yersel e'teraath 1 el le es si.. 1 el yahoo w yguul
luhum enhum haathi site q maqsuud fihaa sabb er rasuul sallah allah 'alai
wa sallam w haathaa ya'ni yatanaafaa ma'a hadaf el yahoo w el ashyaa'
haathi kullahaa
laa truuhu es site tugruu el cintent haggat-haa
faa alheen bain naarain naaren yhathther ba'th el ekhwaan ennuh
ennu es site haathi tkuun ta'baanah w naaren yakhaaf ennuh zay maa
tfaththalt ennu ba'th ennaas ethaa tentesher akthar es site haathi yeseer
ennaas yegruhaa akthar men bedal maa yegraahaa waahed yegruh 'asharah
yeguul wahdah munasserah tguul anaa anaa maa anaa mu hadafi
enni anaa ahawwel el muslemeen elaa nasaaraa walaaken hadafi enni anaa I
plant a seed of doubt I'd gonna ahutt seed of doubt ahuttah el'aan fi quluub
el muslemeen la'allah ba'd kam sanah aw ba;d kam jeel el seed haathi
tekbar tekbar w yebda el muslem yes'al 'an deenuh
planninf beththabt baththabt ya'ni
wallaahi laa tuujad akhbaar jadeedah ellaa ellaa akhbaar es snow
eyh bass fi May ya'ni end of May?
anaa yeguul li waahed men el ekhwaan ennu ennu marrah fi sabe'
sanawaat ya'ni gedeem ennu yaa June yaa July yeguul nezel snow
ya'ni July teghyat 'alaih qemmat el qemmat es summer
ya'ni ethaa nezal matar el ayyaam haathi atwaqqa' yenzel snow
the first week of July
fih tab' an expired
w fih waahed barthuh nezel nezel ams el jum'ah fiztuh expired fa
gult abghaa ashuuf akhbaa..
duubuh meshaa ams bass vistuh expired
athker zamaan anaa kaan 'endi anaa khatt li bait henaa eshtarait bait
fi fi Boulder ....
fa talabuu menni enni esh yekuun wath'i legal wella illegal fa
addait-hum el visa kaanat expired fa atthakkar ya'ni ethtarrait enni aruuh el
jaam'ah w 'aakhuth khetaab men el men el el international office ennu
wath'ii saleem jeddan ya'ni fa lammaa jad ahdaath September anaa kunt
'aaref ya'ni fa kallam ba'th el ekh waan walaaken ehteyaatan waahed men
el ekhwaan rasal email 1 el mas'uulah 'an el intemation office w heyya
raddat 'alaih, tab'an el email kaan copy tarak cc lenaa ehnaa kullenaa w
heyya raddat 'alaih w jaanaa barthuh el er reply enn wath'ukum entu maa
fih ay shay ya'ni wa barthuh keep in touch ya'ni khalleekum daayman ...
laa el ghareeb elu fatrah jaa men foreign student something ennu
'aaref enta ethaa tab'an el fisa expired maa fiik tetla' khaarej amricaa even
le 1 Canada well new mexic w el mexeek
fa msawween bam. program new program sammouh extended visa
ketha sammuh taqriban fa kaatbeen ennuh es student if his visa expired
mumken yeruuh le Canada w el maxeek walaaken if eth law reje' gabel
shahar mumken yerja' yudkhul amricaa maa fih ay problem., except the
following the countries kethaa haateenhaa
tab'an ehnaa ma' el ahdaath haathi betwaqqa' Saudi Arabia ya'ni
one of the top ya'ni
faa estaghrabt gaa'd adawwer 'alaa Saudi Arabia
ba'ad fatrah kethaa ... athen shahar jaani e-mail barthuhhumma kul
shahar ysawwu ya'ni zay maa tguul e-mail 1-el 1 yersulu kul ettalabah
ajaaneb ya'ni wesh el wath' elli saayer w el visa w el shyaa' thi, w barthuh
jaanaa nafs el e-mail w nafs el kalaam w barthuh mu they don't include
Saudi Arabia
ya' ni ka su' uudeyyeen maa lenaa 'alaaqah ehnaa esh dakhkhalnaa
ya'ni kaw kawn shakhs jaa men henaa w henaa mu ma'naah enn kul el kul
esh- sha'b ya'ni fi nafs el problem
yeguulu el hukuumah thaghatat 'ala el ba'th el el media enn-hum
ya'ni y-khaffefuu el el hujuum 'alaa es su'uudeyyah
anaa ashuuf es CNN walaa ashuuf el FOX
wallahi es CNN saa'aat amerr 'alaihaa fatrah ma' enni mgaate' el
akhbaar li fatrah anaa bass el FOX maa adeer 'alaihaa
Researcher (MaQ) with Speaker #8 (A2):
1. na'am sanabda' et taping ka maa yaquuluun
2. eyh f-el club house ya'ni
3. khalaas businessman hu
4. aguul khalaas businessman hu ya'ni ma'ad hu
5. ya'ni hal stages ya'ni haathi
6. ysammuhaa el formal..
7. el formal verification?
8. hu shugul kellah 'alaa el computer ya'ni
9. w ba'd maa tkhalles el comprehensive 'aadatan yebgaa wagt wella?
10. ba'd el comps
11. el comprehensive
12. entaa already 'endak el el experiments w kell haajah jaahzah
13. ya'ni ahess ennu es science hah..
14. anaa ma gult enn hi aqal ahammeyyah bass still fi ahyaanan ash'ur ennu es
science barthah ya'ni fi nou' men el tehess fih ethaarah akthar ya'ni
15. ma' ennuh still ya'ni b el linguistics nafs eshay maa 'aguul ennah ya'ni...
16. compiler?
17. bal hatta ehnaa 'endanaa b el linguistics ya'ni ahyaanan elli b-yetkhassas bel mathalan b-el acoustic phonetics mathalan laabud yekuun 'enduh
mathalan ... laabud ennuh yedres at least one course in in in sounds in
physics mathalan khalaas yufaththal tab'an it is not ya'ni mandatory laaken
ennah yufaththal ennuh ya'ni ye'ti el ed daares fekrah ya'ni khalfeyyah
jayydah ya'ni 'an el aswaat haatta kaif yet'aamal ma' el aswaat
ellughawayyah ya'ni
18. le'ennuh barthah ya'ni haata dakhkhalu el ya'ni dakhkhalu el aswaat
ellugha thi fih machuines lahaa ya'ni maa tsawwar 'ajeebah
19. anaa lamma klent b Madison anaa takhassusi youm ken fi el maajestair
kaan bi b-el phonetics ya'ni
20. yeh laaken es su'aal how accurate?
21. fa aguul lek fih fih machii machines ya'ni faqat just ya'ni made for for
ya'ni to analyse sounds human sounds tab'an atkallam 'an el human sounds
.. 'ajeebah ma tsawwar ya'ni
22. w Ithaalek yfathluun ettaaleb ennah yekuun daares b-el b-el esh esmuh
ysammuhaa b-el esh b-el physics frequency sounds aw mesh 'aarf eyh hah?
23. hattaa aythan el linguistics aythan daakhel b-el b-el math kathaalek
24. ya'ni fi b el linguistics fih 'endanaa fih 'andanaa naas yetkhassasoun b el
fih 'endek programming languages hatta w fih fih fih .. mathematical
linguistics e computational linguistics ashyaa' ya'ni tajedhum ydakhluun
lek el math fi kul haajah .. men themenhaa b el lughah
25. eyh eyh w entu nafs eshay enu akeed maa testaghnu 'an el math
26. el math tajeduh nafs eshay daakhel fi kul haajah
27. wallah hu ba'dain ye'temed yemken 'alaa aythan wuthuuh el el
pronunciation hagg eshshakhs
28. shaklah yabdu li enn el el machine nafs-haa te'temed 'alaa hasab
ta'awwedhaa 1 'alaa samaa' sout eshshakhs elli yetkallam ya'ni wella laa?
29. men en neurology
30. neurology elli hu el.. elli hu the w elli hu zay matguul el much w el 'elm el
a'saab el much w shaghlaat hah., khalaayaa el much gasdi
31. eyh na'am es cells
32. na'am .. wallahi yaakhi saraahah haathi 'uluum wedd el waahed yedres
fihaa ya'ni fih 'endanaa nafs eshsy fih naas yedresuun b el fih men themn
el branches of linguistics ya'ni field esmu neurolinguistics
33. neurolinguistics haathaa ya'ni yejeebullek eshshakhs mathalan ya'ni w
ykhallunuh yerd. ya'ni yedrusuun el mukh 'enduh mathaln naas musaabeen
mathalan fi hawaadeth sayyaraat hah? wella 'endehum meshaakel
lughaweyyah fa yedrusuu el el el mukh nafsah a'saab el.. w el khalaayaa el
mukh w dawrhaa fi tab'an ellughah fahamt?
34. faa ya'ni anaa hataa haathaa yejermi enni as'alak le'ennu 'endi bnayyah
men banaati ya'ni Allah y'aafihaa w 'yaalek saar lahaa esh esmuh el
hemdellah inshallah na'mal ennhaa tethassan .. aaa zay maa tguul wesh
aguul lak she is late ya'ni in speaking
35. faa elli hasal ennuh lamma kaanat sgheerah ya'ni saar laahaa shesmuh ..
ertefaa' fi darajt el haraarah 'endahaa na'am, faa ya'ni anaa maa adri
waahed me el dekaatrah yeguul ennah el virus haathaa elli jaahaa yemken
y'athther 'alaa ennuh qad yakuun lah qad yeguul y'akhkher el kalaam w
qad yekuun lah ta'theer 'alaa el khkalaayaa el mukh fahamt le'ennuh el
virus haathaa kaan sabbab lahaa ertefaa' shedeed f el haraarah, fa anaa
madri ha fi atfaal 'endek men 'aaylatkum wella te'ref ahad ta'akhkharau?
36. maa marr 'alaik ya'ni cases ya'ni?
37. wella enta sert fi haalah enta ya'ni almost betseer fi haadeth hah...
38. gabel ay shay already fih el message so fast raahat 1 el mukh hah w el mukh
sawwaa lahaa processing w rja'at 1 el 1 el 1 el shesmuh 1 el yad wellaa 1 er
rejel wella kul haajah tsawwihaa ya'ni kul khutwah el'ensaan ysawwihaa
yeguul kul shay mas'uul 'anh el mukh
39. akeed fih el metkhasseseen f el neurology wel ashyaa' haathi darasuuhaa
ya'ni bass anaa madri how ya'ni how advanced ya'ni aw how wesh aguul
lek how specific ya'ni these scintests go
40. shuf el advances elli saarat f el f el et technology w f el fi kull haajah
shaayef fi etteb w f el 'uluum el 'ukhraa ya'ni el physics w maa el physics
w el engineering kull shay w el fathaa' wa maa elaa thaalek
41. laa laa maa yumken enn ahad ennahentahaa khalaas ya'ni fi kul shay hatta
b el language nafs eshay
42. bass essu'aal hatta kalmat law enta gelt ya'ni ten percent khalaas, hal hatten percent haathi hah., ya'ni en teguul maa hu maa a'taqed ennhaa ten
percent men 'elm ellaah subhaanah
43. ya'ni haathi ten percent ya'.. madri "wa maa uuteetum men al'elme ellaa
qaleelaa" qaleelan men el 'elm hal wesh el maqsuud b el 'elm haathaa
44. tab'an laa shak ennuh 'elmu llaah ya'ni ya'ni beyond ya'ni every body's
ya'ni imagination na'am
45. ya'ni ma'naah ennu ennuh Allah ya'ni it is mashee'at-u-llaah subhaanah
wa ta'aalaa
46. bass aythan es su'aal el 'aakhar hal "maa uuteetum men-al'elme ellaa
qaleelan ma'naah ennah ya'ni it is gonna be all qaleelan for ever ya'ni?
47. w huu tab'an le'ennuh tured men Makkah faa laakennuh still still he is in
the committee ya'ni anyway
48. site? eyh yekuun kwayyes law legait luhum site 'arabi
49. athker ged qara't bahth aythan kaan 'an el kaan jayyed marrah interesting
kaan 'an el rethaa'at el mar'ah
50. ennu el mar'ah ya'ni should ya'ni should be able to breast feed for two
51. w yejeebun lah tab'an el processing hagg el haleeb haathaa daakhel jesm
52. fa yebi lak tshuuf lak copies men haa 1 mejallah hah
53. eyh men es sitaat elli elwaahed ya'ni...
54. eyh hu es sitaat elli men haa shay ketheerah ....
55. w el internet hattaa zay maa tguul zay elli 'atat-hum fursah kebeerah 1 el
56. asbahat el el web haathaa esh ya'ni zay maa teguul fursah 1 el jamee'
57. bass el'aan law sa'alt nafsek haatha el'aal asbah waaqe' reality ya'ni ok fa
you have to deal with it ya'ni either you fit or quit kamaa yaquuluun
58. fa lethaalek bel'aks anaa ashuuf ennu el berraghm ennu fih fih katheer men
el fasaad w el w katheer men el es semuum allati tunshar thed el islam b el
internet, on the other hand you still kaan ya'ni make use of it for islamm
ya'ni and for muslims
59. laabud men el estefaadah men el men el internet khaasaatan ennuh el'aan
asbahat lahaa ya'ni qeemah 'end katheer men ennaas w bal el computer
mawjuud almost ya'ni in ya'ni in not in every home laaken ennah entashar
enteshaar 'ajeeb ya'ni fa maa fih kaif tedkhel 'ala el kaif t'arref b el islam
ella 'an tareeq el internet bass gel aham shay fe'len ennuh ennuh el
muslemeen yhathmun men es sitaat elli ya'ni baas weddek ennhaa maa el
mushkelah .. el mushkelah anaa anaa men ennaas elli lamma tjeeni er el
messages haathi elli teguul lek thathther khalaas warning ya'ni khalaas
thathther el men el es sitaat el el elli thed el islaam w thed el muslemeen
hah, maa wed el waahed ennah yensherhaa le'enn ahyaanan kel maa
tensherhaa kel maa tentesher hah, fa ahsan ennek ya'ni zay ma tuguul we
just ya'ni ignore them haah w yemken yekuun haathaa afthal selaah
60. hu bel'aks ahyaanan yemken tajed el el intention w el goal hah men haa s
sitaat haathi et ta'theer 'ala el muslemeen anfus-hum
61. tab'an hi el mas'alah plan wella laa?
62. aguul el mas'alah mas'alat planning ya'ni
63. ya'ni they knao they cannot achieve their goal ya'ni just by just that quick
fa it has to be planned and very well planned
64. anaa athker youmni kent b Fort Collins ennu jaa fi el usbuu's el awwal
nehaayat el usbuu' el awwal May six May fourth shay say kethaa jaanaa
snow w kaan ya'ni fe'len ya'ni very surprising
65. laaken laaken ennah yeji ba'd nehaayat May ya'ni haathaa shay jedeed ajal
laa testab'ed enn yejeekum ba'd b June
66. w el b el East anaa kent atkallam ma'e Waleed el jaber t'aref Waleed tab'an
eyh na'am w yeguul li ennuh ennuh 'enduhum bard
67. maashallah end of July wellaa early?
68. first week of July., lemuddat shahar?
69. djat el ahdaath en nine eleven ya'ni
70. muhuun hum mu bekhteyaarhum ya'ni laa el hnaak asbahaw zay maa tguul
maa a'touhum maa fayyezou luhum ya'ni
71. maa 'atouhum visas
72. fa entaa be careful fi en nuqtah haathi
73. w ba'dain haawel ennek tsawwihaa ya'ni early le'ennuh asbahaw yeguul
ye'tuun laazem twenty one days at least three weeks gabel laa t-hassel 'alaa
el el visa
74. laa laa aslan ennhaa tseer expired henaa that is fine
75. eyh laa anaa hatta sa'alt el el international office 'endanaa henaa reht
luhum gelt luhum my visa is ezpiring fi July anaa bennesbah li laaken el I20 maa rah tsawwi expir.. maa yekuun fihaa .. will not expire khalaas until
end of December
76. faa gaalat li ya'ni maa fih mushkelah as long as your 1-20 is valid you're ok
laaken you're your fisa that is fine that is only for entry
77. laa laa maa athunnuh they will include Saudi Arabia le'ennuh es
s'uudeyyah maa adri eshlown elaa el'aan maa d .. ya'ni maa saar fih
shayyen ya'ni es s'uudeyyeen taraa musaalemeen w tayybeen
78. anaa wallah ataabe' el fox channel kaanah qallat el ayyaam haathi
79. Fox ahess ennhaa mair akthar ya'ni enheyaazeyyah thed es s'uudeyyah
men el es CNN
80. yeh ashuuf es.. FOX saayerten marrah qaweyyah ba'th el marraat ma'
ennah ahyaanan yejeebuun lek ba'th el esh shows ya'ni ahyaanan yekuun
fih ba'th el muthaddetheen
81. "you justi lis., lis., lisyen to me Saudi Arabia dii Saudi Arabia is hhhh
82. eyh englizi masri Egyptian English .. Egyptian English
Speaker #9 (S):
1. aywah speaker
2. eyh speaker
3. laa muhub speaker bass adawwer le es sout elli asma'
4. ent haalheen teguul experience wella wesh sawwit youm dakhalt el jaam'ah
5. faa waafegaw 'alayy enni ahawwel 'alaa jaame'at el malik s'uud ... t'aref
khussuusan I know I know the ra'ees gesm el kulleyyat etteqaneyyah
6. fa maa sawwaa ya'ni jaab problem wellaa execuse wellaa 'ataani shay
wellaa lasih 'alaa tuul waafag
7. ba'dain reht le el jaam'ah eshtghat fihaa sanah as mu'eed
8. ba'dain gaddamt 'alaa el be'thah fa hasalt 'alaa scholarship
9. w jaan el qabuul men University of Arizona
10. ba'daiin ba'd sanah taqriban men dawaami ya'n after one year men
dawaami b-el jaame'at el malik s'uud reht 1... henaa le el United States
11. faa awwal maa jeet le el United States the first time I reht le el haathaa le el
CESL study English
12.1 spent I think sanah wahdah aw one sanah wahdah w two months ya'ni bel b es CESL, ba'dain khat et TOEFL I got the TOEFL, ba'dain akhat 545
w ma dakhalt el jaam'ah ellaa b-recommendation le'anni maa esteta't enni
'aakheth 550 fe.... er requirement score .. faa 545 ba'dain 'atouni
recommendation es CESL 'atouni recommendation 'alashaan adkhel el
jaam'ah w ba'dain dakhalt el jaam'ah a'shaan abda' el prograam haggi
hagg el master degree w aalheen I am working on it ..ya'ni haathi sammary
13. youm arrasel kaan 'endi shesmah waahed men my sdeq.. men sdegaay kaan esmah AB faa jzaah Allah khair he helped me
ya'ni sedg ya'ni kaan 'enduh el English hagguh haggeteh ya'ni is good and
le'ennuh kaan he used to be in the United States kaan kaan kaan mawjuud
b-el b-amricaa w jalas taqriban four years ahh he got his master from the
United States, ba'dain hu saa'adni 'ala el muraasalah faa AH kaan kaan
yraasel me'e ya'ni in the same time kennaa nraasel el University of
14. laaken athker estamarr estemarr taqriban .. seven months lain jaani el
15. ya'ni maa wejadt fihaa problem., laish le'enni aslan raasalt ya'ni be b-el
jaam'ah lammaa tkuun mu'eed you have to work for at least one year
16. faa raasalt ba'd eshteghaali sheghli bedaayat sheghli b-thalaathah shhuur
faa kaan 'endi wagt kaan 'enfi six months aw seven months lamain legait
'aad lamain jaani el qabual
17. EO saa'adnai b.. t'aref wri... write el el el el papers w el w el w el
application w haal.. haal 'umuur haathi w athunnuh ath.. kallam el advisor
haggi taqriban two times or three times w ba'dain lammaa AH kaanat ya'ni
el qabuul shebh taam ya'ni allaahumma AH ashyaa' baseetah sawwaahaa
henaa ... shahadeti shahaadat et transcript haggi b-el b-el jaam'ah youm
kent fi jaam'at jaam'at el malik s'uud arsaltuh youm anaa fi s'uudeyyah
arsaltuh gabel AH yeruuh 1 amricaa ba'dain jaa el qabuul'an kaan
mashruut enni laazem aakhth et TOEFL et TOEFL test'am haathi ya'ni
shlown tereeqt el qabuul fi el jaam'ah
18. et transcript reht 1-le le le le le 1-el jaam'ah 1 nafs el el administration fi
jaame't el malik s'uud ta;abt menhum transcript 1-el 1-el classes elli akhathaa kellehaa fi el jaam'ah ba'dain 'atouni print lah ba'dain kaamlah ya'ni
19. faa 'abbait el application anaa neseet wallah el application esh kaan el form
hagguh wesh kaan hagg el qabuul.. hagg el jaam'ah laaken 'abbaitah w
arfaqt ma'uh arsalt el el el haathaa el transcript ma'ah w maa kaan fih ay
meshaakel ..ya'ni tamm tab'an seddeqat el el el le'enni maa arsalt el asel
seddeg el el el el print hagg el el el transcript men qebal el jaam'ah
khattemaw 'alaih w asralt 1 jaam'a.. 1-el henaa University of Arizona
20. el admission el el admission men qeb.. elli haggin ess'uudeyyah wellaa el
admission haggin el jaam'ah?
21. UofA Jaani el admission w anaa fi ess'uudeyyah jaan admission b-el b-el
b-el b-el qabuul youm ken fi ess'uudeyyah
22. tab'an jaani fi el bareed el admission ewah ... el congratulation w madri
23. laaken kaan el admission el admission elli jaane kaan mashruut be be
shesmuh pass the et TOEFL laaz...gaayleen laazem you have to you have
to pass the TOEFL test 'n.. you have to have five handred fifty agal score
24. faa qubelt ba'dain awwal shay tab'an essanah el 'uulaa khat methel maa
gelt lek ya'ni nafs el scholarsip elli 'atouneyyaahaa ess'uudeyyah zay
(they) kaatbeen one year for English language
25. faa qathait el one year haathi fi es CESL haathaa
26. ah lam lammaa jaani el admission el qabuul athker jaani el admission fa
kaan el le kent abghaa t'aref abaqthi awwal sanah studying English fa es
CESL kaan baadi ya'ni baadeten ed draasah fih baadi es semester es
semester baadi kaan jaani el admission athker fi October aw I think October
ya'ni yaa October yaa elli ba' yaa esh shahr elli ba'd october madri esh
27. fa ethtarrait enni ajles ahi fi es sibring, faa el jaam'ah'alaa tuul ya'ni ja;ast
taqriban haawalt 'akhli trefi mne el jaam'ah el malek s'uud laaken jalast
taqriban ba'd el admission shahrain ba'dain jeet le'enni 'babda' ya'ni b es
sibring ya'ni semester jedeed fa maa jeet fi ness es semester
28. yeh ya'ni men bdaayat es sibring 1999
29. yanaayer ya'ni yanaayer seventeen of yanaayer athennuh seventeen kaan
bedaayet es sibring
30.1 spent one year and two months, actually AM 'akhat et TOEFL 'khat et
TOEFL five hundret forty five ... after one year zain? bass 'ennuh four
handred forty five t'aref ya'ni I didn't get five hundred fifty gaalaw laazem
recommendation, in order to get the recommendation you have to stay in
the CESL and lemen ykhalles ya'ni tseer b-level I think I was in level
seventy fa la laazem ajles b es CESL 'ashaa 'aakheth recommendation
ajles fi es CESL 'anhi el ;evel elli anaa fih with high score then they will
give me recommendation ba'dain anaa sawwait thaa ba'dain they gave me
recommendation, wella kaan el el el el mefterath ya'ni enni enni mkhalles
fi sanah, w ba'dain kaan barthuh el et tasjeel fi el jaam'ah kaan baadi ya'ni
maa fih tasjeel fa I couldn't register for the el classes because le'ennuh
baadi.. fa jalast thalaath shhuur w ma' thaalek w enni 'aakhthen et TOEFL
31. eyh w ba'dain I got the recommendation ba'dain dakhalt el jaam'ah dakhalt
el jaam'a fi el fall
32. eyh my firs., my first semester was el fall
33. el qesem haathaa anaa a'tebar ... agricultural engineering el qesem esmuh
ed department haggnaa agricultural and biosystem engineering, faa huu
taqriban two parts biosystem I have no idea bass anaa agricultural
engineering bass aa wesh I am doing is ya BM using remote sensing and
remote sensing is another subject or tegdar teguul 'alaih epartment le'ennuh
muhuub yu'tabar agricultu.. agriculture shay ya'ni fi draast ez zeraa'ah
ya'ni el agriculture
34. fa er remote sensing haathaa draaseti utilizing remote sensing in agriculture
field estekhdaam the remote sensing b-el agriculture, laaken beththabt elli
ya'ni specific wesh anaa I'm asawwi detection of water stress for the
tomatoes in the green house utilizing remote sesing haathaa elli beththabt
elli anaa ashteghel 'alaih, er remote sensing ya'ni ysawwi monitor 1-el
plants sawaa'an el water stress wella en neutrogene stress wella ya'ni ay
shay b-el vegetation bass anaa enni I'm I'm interested in el detecting water
stress by the remote sensing
35. detecting ... ya'ni
36. eyh to detect ewaa wesh esmah ... maa 'aref b-el 'arabi ya'ni detect
DETECT detect
37. yaah aiwaa 'ekteshaaf
38. stress yeh, el el en nabaat yeseer 'enduh water stress ya'ni shay'ain watter
stress yemken ya'ni ma'naah kathrat el water ya'ni fih water letheer b en
nabaat fa 'enduh stress wet wet stress, aw maa 'enduh maa' fa yseer dry
stress kell thou-li el dry stress w el wet stress yetlaq 'alaihen water stress
index, fa anaa b-el water stress 'alashaan faaydetuh 'alashaanaa nhaawel
ennenaa .. nsawwi management 1-el 1-el 1-el schedule el schedule hagg el er
regation le en nabaat nsawwi luh management ya'ni n'aref metaa en nabaat
yehtaaj mouyah metaa yehtaaj metaa we have to errigate aw metaa maa
nsawwi irrigate kethaa ya'ni
39. kellehen broad subjects
40. el irrigation ya'ni 'alashaan yedres ahad shay'an el errig.. kethaa ya'ni
yu'tabar broad subjects ya'ni
41. hah ya'ni broad ya'ni subject ya'ni waase' .. majaal
42. barthuh elli anaa asawwi fi el green house el green house crops ya'ni en
nabaataat elli fi el green house
43. ya'ni maahuu maanab msawwi et tajrubah ya'ni outside ya'ni b-el fi el field
aw kethaa
44.1 was supposed to to do it outside in... the., use., fi el cotton crop cotton
cropya'ni b-el b-el qetten fi Maricoba bass el green house ya'ni mumken
afthal men naahyat.. ya'ni ka ka commercial ya'ni afthal w barthuh 1 el 1 el
el studied fi el green house tegdar tguul ya'ni tawwuhum baadeen ya'ni w
mettajheen lah ysawwun study b er remote sensing f-el green house
45. aythan el outside ya'ni el el el field el outside haathouli barthuh ysawwuun
fihaa el., studies of green ..remote., using remote sensing, bass ennah ..
ya'ni zay maa teguul badeen fihaa gabel ya'ni el green house el green
house ya'ni ahdath ka studies w kethaa
46. w tab'an el advisor agdar aguul ennuh ya'ni interested in el green house
study fa ethaa kaan el advisor ya'ni me'jebuh el wath' fa yeseer me'uh
yekuun yekunn esh sheghel azyan ya'ni fi el musaa'adah w el en noubaat
ghair ennek tedkhel 'alaa subject el advisor mathalan .. not interested
yemken maa yehtam
47. ah er remote sensing ya'ni saraahah anaa madri esh ysammaa b el 'arabi
remore sensing bass ennek 'ashaan te'ref uhu ya'ni et ta'reef ed definition
hagguh yaa teweel el 'emer is studying any object with touching it ya'ni
maa fiih contact maa fiih ya'ni indirect ya'ni maa fiih haathaa yeh indirect
ya'ni maa fiih physically touch wellaa contact welaa... hathaa ysammaa er
remote sensing, laaken b el 'arabi beththabt maa adri laaken huu mafhuum
ennuh ya'ni ysawwi draasah men ghair ay 'ettesaal bain el el el edev el el el
instrument haathi
48. tab'an er remote sensing laammaa ntekallam 'an er remote sensing ya'ni
netkallam 'an sensors, sensors haathi hi elli tadres en nabaat ya'ni tab'an
weshlown tereegat ya'ni deraastuh 1 el le en nabaat 'an tareeg er reflectance
el khaarjah men en nabaat, en nabaat lammaa yejeeh eth thou' el light
ysawwi reflectance, er reflectance haathi yelteqet-haa es sensors haathaa ..
ya'ni kam sensors ya'ni yemken yestakhdam two aw., laaken b-el 'aadah
one sensor ya'ni yemken yelteqet el 'ashe"ah faa es sensor fiih bands el
bands haathii tetkawwan men el el el 'ashe"ah el el el el er red w el blue w
el green w ... ya'ni ashyaa' ketheerah b el ashe"ah w ba'dain haathi
yaakheth-haa es sensors w 'alaa shakel digital number ba'dain tdakhkhal
program t-hawwelhaa 'alaa image w kethaa deraastuh ya'ni, men el image
haathi tsawwi analysis b en nabaat w tedres halt en nabaat
49. es sensor 'ebaarah 'an ... 'ebaarah 'an .. device devise ya'ni jehaaz maa
huu kebeer
50. instrument instrument ya'ni jehaaz devise t'arf ed devices haathi elli esh
tsamman el ajhezah haathi devices aw., aiwaa.. ya'ni maa huub kebeer zain,
bass ennuh ya'ni maa 'en., anaa maa li dakhal fi eshlown .. how to design
the er remote sensing aw es sensor haathaa le'nnuh too complicated ya'ni
too complicated, laaken ashhad, 'alia laa 'elaah ellaa Allah, 'ebaarah 'an
jehaaz fiih bands ya'ni 'ashaan yel.. yelteqet el el el 'ashe"ah w y-sawwi
capture 1 el ashe"ah elli jaayyetuh
51. tab'an huu 'alashaan tsawwi er.. haathaa es sensor haathaa laazem yeseer in
fixed postion t-hetthum b fixed position ya'ni thalatheen saanti khamseen
saanti 'an en nabaat above the.... el el en nabaat el rops ya'ni kethaa y-hat
w luh angle ya'ni zaawyah sawaa'an tkhaleeh yshuuf 'amuudi 'ala en
nabaat wellaa b zaawyah mathlan forty five 'ala kellah kell haathouli ya'ni
meheeb ya'ni lehen deraasah kethaa tkhalli yseer 'ashaan yelteqet el
'ashe"ah 'an en nabaat, aythan fiih neqtah thaanyah elli hi tsammaa el field
of view, el filed of view el el el el... el el mesaahah elli elli elli yegdar
ysawwi 1-haa capture haathaa es sensor elli mm., men er reflectance elli
jaay men el emn haathouli men el menn.. el crops men en nabaat fa
tsammaa haathi filed of view, faa 'endek el el es sensor haathaa y-hatt in
fixed position 'an en nabaat ya'ni above or bellow 'alaa hasan elli ent btedres w el field of view kell sensors haah luh thaa luh field of view fiih
sensor ya'ni 'enduh field of view mathlan khamsta'ash ssanti fiih sensor
waahed meter field of view .... Ya'ni 'alaa hasan el field of view haathi
'alaa shaan .. taa'kheth el 'ashe"ah elli khaarjah men en nabaat
52. w fiih ba'ath-hum el el elli khaarej men elli y-sammuh es surface hagg el
'arth ya'ni elli fihaa en nabaat w kethaa
fi el green house in six positions
54. yeh laazem ykuun fih controle 'an tereeg el computer b-haith ennek ya'ni
tghayyer el el tghayyer el el el ez zaawyah mathalan haggat el.. haggat el
es sensor, ya'ni tseer b ay shay yeshuuf 'amuudi yeshuufhaa ba'dain yeseer
yaakheth mathlan haathaa .. mayl ya'ni yeshuuf zaawyah yeshuuf kethaa
ya'ni forty five ninety aw ...
55. ent tadres thaa ye'tebar huu monit.. .monitoring 1 el 1 el plants how le plant
growth yes'tebar monitoring, bass ya'ni tedres el el el ya'ni haalat en
nabaat ya'ni athnaa' el
56. b-shakel 'aam er remote sensing maa-hu yadres en nabaat itself, yadres el
envirnment almuheetah b en nabaat w madaa ta'theer el environment hah
'alaa en nabaat, hathi ed draasah ya'ni hu el 'afthal ennek tadres en nabaat
etself I'ennek 'ashaal methel maa tguul nataayej ya'ni daqeegah ennek
tedres en nabaat itself laaken er remote sensing yadres ya'ni madaa ta'theer
el environment 'alaa en nabaat w kaig ennenaa n-haawel ennenaa ya'ni
ye'tebar er remote sensing elli hu hu es sensore belli fih ye'tebbar the ....
57. el mekaan maa fih service
58. aguul lek ya'ni el monitoring by sensors ye'tabar enn yam yeguuluun enn..
provide useful way to control the environment in the greenhouse ya'ni
tsawwi control tahakkum b el b el b el bel el environment elli fi el green
house tamaam, faa bass ennhaa bemaa ennhaa yeguul lek ennah maa tedres
en nabaat itself zain tsawwi ya'ni ye'tabruunah te'ti lack precision prision
elli hu deqqah aw shay I'ennah le'ennah le'ennah maa tedres en nabaat
nafsuh ya'ni ma' ennuh fiih sensors tkhallaa 'alaa en nabaat ya'ni fih
mulaamesah 1 en nabaat nsawwi touch w contact ma' en nabaat, bass ennah
haathi t'aref tedres tseer ya'ni.. law nhett-haa one leaf wregat nabaat
wahdeh b-tedres bass one single one ya'ni, bass ent ya er remote sensing
ennuh ysawwi lek average le en nabaat kelluh kel el el el canobe hag el en
nabaat wa wa el vegetation
59. eyh haathi meezetuh wellaa maa yeguul lek ye'ti lack information ya'ni
men men le'ennuh t'aref yedres el environment w mada et ta'theer,
yhaawluun y-tawwruunuh kethaa laaken lein elheen ... el es subject elaa
alheen ...
60. eyh fi el bedaayah w elaa elheen ya'ni kellen ysawwi studies ...
61. b el home phone tayyeb maa fih telephone el meshklah
62. fih telephone 'end M bass ennuh kharbaan athennah
63. ahh fiih aslant es sensors haa es sensors haathi.. fihaa shay store storage
ya'ni ba'dain tkhalli ya'ni ya'ni es sensors ba'dain teji awwal shay teji
tshayyek qad ye., mumken yehsal mathlan .. laaken maa enteb malzuum
ennek t-taabe' es sensor shlown yelteqet laakken 'an tereeq t tjeeb el labtop
w tsawwi transfer 1 el 1 el 1 el 1 el files men el men el storage haathaa elli el
el el el... et takhzeen elli fi el fi es sensors ya'ni fiih fih .. haggat takhzeen
w maa takhzeen, fa tsawwi transfer 1 el 1 el information w el files elli
mawjuudah b el labtop, ba'dain tsawwi 'aad el analysis w el studies, ma'
enni anaa maa el studies w tahweel el ma'luumaat w el information elaa
image w haathi haathi barthuh lah naa ..lahae el mukhtasseen fihaa, laaken
manteb malzuum ennek tkuun .. ya'ni mawjuud ellaa b-haalaat ennek truuh
ya'ni just in case enn el aaa el moy.. ya'ni maa fih ya'ni problem or fih
shay yehtaaj ... fector, maintenace or something ..
64. laaken mumken ya'ni ethaa kaan fih taghyeer 1 el 1 le position hagg el es
sensor welaa shay faa ya'ni 'alaa hasab.. laaken ennuh muh laazem ennek
tekuun mawjuud arba' w 'eshreen saa'ah
65. mumken lek youm .. .le'nnek ba'th el ahyaan nebghaa el information 'an
ya'ni kell youm nebghaa el information fa haathaa athtarr enni aruuh
yawmeyyan 'alashaan 'aakheth el el el files elli khezzenat b le .. bangelhaa
asawwi lahaa transfer 'an taree... 1 el computer, aw ethaa ken abghaa el
ma'luumat ba'd youmain athtarr enni aruuh kel youmain 'ashaan 'aakheth
el le el haathi el el el information elli elli elli fi es sensors elli f-thum es
66. ya'ni ela el 'aan I haven't start started the et tajrubah lain elheen maa
sawwait-haa laaken ya'ni inshallah .. by b el Fall inshallah
67. yeh I'm gonna do the el el project inshaallah b el Fall inshallah
68. inshallah b-tucson 'alaa Roger w Campbell ....close close to my apartment
69. gereeb 1 el el apartment ya'ni mahi be'eedah
70. mu hu ez zeraa'ah .... Tajaarub haggeen es soil haggeen .. .maa dri bass
athker ..ya'ni maktuub agriculture center fa..
71. maa adri aslan essaraahah .. ya'ni I've been there one time maa adri le'enni
reht marrah ba'ad kent fi class fi el soils engineering not in b el agriculture,
faa rehnaa fa yemken ennaa sawwainaa kaan 'endanaa lab field trip ya'ni
te'tabar field trip faa sawwainaa athennenaa .. tajrubah hnaak aw maa adri
bass marrah maa adri wallah bass maktuub athker as center agric...haggin
ez zeraa'ah athen aw yemken akthar et tejaareb elli fih zeraa'eyyah al shay
72. bshakel 'aam ya'ni.. when I need something ya'ni muhub ya'ni they will
not hesitate ...ya'ni maa maa yeguuluun shay ya'ni helpful ya'ni, bass maa
'umri ehtajthum saraahah, qaleelah ehtyaajjati luhum .. el qatheyyah le'enni
wujuudi fi el qesem bass ma' el advisor ..
73. eyh bass ma' el advisor ya'ni lamma aruuh lam el el Schanz tab'an hennaa
ed department haggenaa el building esmuh Schanz.. eyh esmuh Schanz
lamma aruuh ya'ni ghaaleban aruuh aqaabel ..ya'ni anaa maa aruuh ellaa
'ashaan meeting el le el advisor.. ethaa bainnaa w bainahu meeting wellaa
appointment welaa something, laaken when I need something when I need
ya'ni something ..ya'ni enni aruuh mathlan 1 el el el office wellaa es
secretaaryah ... maa ygassruun
74. aslan mahuu fi ed department
75. fih haatteen .. pictures b el b el ed department w ashhad en laa 'alia ell
Allah maa fih suuretuh
76. ysawwi researches w ha 1 kharbetah thi
77. laaken anyway mu mu mu muhuub be ed department haggnaa
78. maa hu fi ed department
79. hal-ayyaam haathi al ayyam haathi t'aref I have to read a lot of papers fa
tereeget el barnaamaj el yawmi is ...taqriban I wake up 'endek hda'ash
hda'ash esssebh kel youm I wake up ..nemt ams taqriban early one o'clock
AM .. a'tabruh early faa sahait themaan... laaken 'aadetan ashaa hda'ash,
ba'dain t'aref nsalli eththeher ba'dain atghaddaa with my lovely friend MH
80. laa athunnuh he is sleeping now
81. anyway AM ba'dain I go to the Coffee Xchange .. I spend most of my time
in the Coffee Xchange bass I leave it lamni 'ashaan aruuh asalli
82. t'aref I'enn el alheen el main library ya'ni el ayy.. madri wallah I don't
know they close at seven during their summer
83. eyh ba'dain maa aheb arruh lam el main library thummun yallah go
ghayyer mekaanek aheb ag'ed mekaan ya'ni twenty four hours khusuusan b
el Coffee Xchange twenty four hours they open twenty four hours faa
taqriban most of the time b el coffee Xchange .. ya'ni maa fih.. khusuusan
es summer maa fih something special ya'ni taqriban tegdar tguul elli
asawwih ya'ni kel youm same 'alaa goulat-hum same old 111., maa hnaa
jadeed .. aruuh aguum aruuh atghaddaa aruuh 1 el 1 el Coffee Xchange
aruuh asalli... 'aakheth dinner ya'ni maa fih interesting ...
84. bass thummen go to bed
85. thummen go to be aruuh le el 'anaam
86. el program haathaa es summer ya'ni, amma t'aref youm ayyam el ed
draasah ayyam es sibring w kethaa ya'ni ??? b el b el classes w b el
university aghlab el wagt
87. maa fih ella special thing elli baaden aruuh le el el gym woukout er rec
center Monday and Wednesday after el maghrib prayer ma' ubu mos.. ma'
ebu se'eed w MH
88. yeh el coach hagghum
89. AH wallah I haven't seen him for three days . laa wal.. three days .. for a
90. hah eyh most of the time... hatta 'anaam 'enduh 'anaam 'eduh aruuh be
aruuh ahyaanan aruuh 1 el hatta malaabsi most of them in here
91. t'aref enn MH yemken yetla' my new roommate
92. anaa el lease haggi yentehi.. by August hah
93.1 don't know may be AG byeseer ma'naaa bass hathaa ethaa weja.. ethaa
esteta'naa ennenaa najed house ya'ni sa'b ya'ni at tadweer el house ethaa
kaanat bse'er munaaseb ya'ni maa hi ghaalyah
94. alheen el houses aghlabhen kellehen men one thousand three handred
thirteen hundred w foug
95. ethaa ken anaa w M elli just just anaa w M fa yaa teweel el 'umer be., be
nesken nafs el apartment haggetuh elli hu elheen saaken fihaa
96. no no two bedroom
97. yeh tw bedroom
98. bass S roommate M
99. b-yedres es summer hnaak
fa 'ashaan-eh b-yedres es summer hnaak w thennuh khalaas lainta-
haa el lease haghum yentehi barthuh by August I thinhk fa S barthuh yebi
yesken' new roommate wallah enni madri, bass ennuh be be-yetrek M
wallah madri I have no idea
hu ya'ni fih ehtemaalain yemken yedres fi el yebi ygaddem 'ala el
PHD w 'alaa Pheonix aw ennuh haygaddem henaa madri 'aad ..
yeh khallas bass el'aan he working b el defense ya'ni writing eth
thesis w ysawwi 'ashaan ysawwi ed defense hagguh
'ekhtefaa disappeared
ma' enni khabba.. gelt luh anaa khabbarteh enn gelt luh wesh
esmuh, ashhad an laa elaah ella Allah, ent kallamtuh w legait el message ..
hattait luh message wellaa laa gaal ellaa hatt li w sma'ah .. gelt luh AM
ysallem 'alaik w ay than gelt luh taraa yemken barthuh ykallemk 'alashaan
ysawwi me'ek hewaar 'an tareeq el haatef
la hettaa hettaa anaa kam ettesalt 'alaih hattait message maa maa
radd sah ..
wallaah maa sawwat luh prepare abad
maa eshtsg.. maa sawwiat ..the maa a'addaituh
abasawwi abasawwi short talk maa hu tuweel
kam esh short talk for five minutes
11 don't think so ...
five minutes wallah maa sawwaitah I haven't strated yet
'endek sha? ... you have something in mind ....
laa aguul lek fiih shayyen jaahez
eyh suggesting something for me
babda' b el mawthuu' abaguugl all men are male but not all male
are men ...
faa bahaawel atkallam kethaa b in five minutes
anaa halheen saraahah gaa'den b er b er references er reference
eyh muhub muhuub sahel ga'adt ahet luh jadwal w anaththmuh
kethaa 'alashaan adkhel 'alaa el internet w abhath 'anh
w inshallah lamanni khallast halheen ya'ni ba'd elghadaa inshallh
after the lunch ... ba asawwi inshallah inshaallah prepare 1 el 1 el esh short
'alaa fekrah ... elmaghrib tebe tebe inshallah fi el fi el mosque
wellaa laa?
'ashaan abahaawel enni akhallsuh 'alaa el maghrib w ashuuf tr tr
traaj'uh ya'ni ethaa kaan 'endek ya'ni suggestion ...
reht marrah 1 el maktebah bass., kent.. maa sawwait organized 1 el el
le esh shay el 'aan abasawwi ya'ni le'nn ba'th el'ahyaan laahatht fi akthar
men paper akthar men paper fi one journal mumtaaz..ya'ni mathlan w
Inafreth fi journal AM fih taqriban 'endi mathalan ten references hah 'alaa
el journal AM bass yekht.. tekhtelef el year ya'ni 99, 98 kethaa mumtaaz, fa
sawwit alheen more organized ya'ni gaa'den asawwi jadwal bhaith enni
akten el el journal 'esm el journal ba'dain el el ahet el year w ba'dain el
page, fa mathalan journal mathlan AM 'endek el year mathalan 1990
mumtaaz .. el year haathi bah taqriban five articles tammam faa ahet el
pages mathalan men kethaa kethaa, kethaa kethaa, kethaa kethaa ya'ni
fehemt 'ashan atal' el articles men haa 1-year haathi thummen aruuh
mathalan 1-nafs el journal haatha 1995 elli hu AM fih taqriban .. two
articles fa ahet el pages haggatehen mumtaaz haathaa awwal shay bykhallin-li b-haith enni awwal shay a'ref enni enni kam abi men journals
abhath 'anuh aythan a'ref mathalan legait journal khalaas maa legaituh b el
maktebah a'ref enni maaneen laagen thouli kellehen, ya'ni muhub
mawjuud fi el maktebah ghair mutaah .. fa adri kam 'endi men refemces
ghair mawjuudeh fi el maktebah w bashuuf wesh hu el 'aham mathalan
wallah waahden ghair mawjuud b el maktebah bass fi w joum-uh maa fih
ellaa article waahed lesh aswwi luh talab haathaa .. le'ennuih forty five
dollars 'ashaan tetleb, faa ethaa kaan 'endi journal fih taqriban 'asher
articles aw 'shreen articles haathaa wallah muhem atlebuh faa 'endi enn
haathi b-yseer more organized azyan men enni aruuh 1 el maktebah ....
maadri anaa ethaa sawwit lah order ya'ni anaa anaa anaa ath.. athker
ashhadu alia elaha ellaa Allah arbe't ayyaa gabel arba' ayyaam last week
wesh, weshshuu el youm el youm weshshuu Wednesday? Tuesday ...
Sunday .. Sunday ken b el b el b es science library zain.. faa sa'altah .. 'an
ketaab w kethaa w dkhalat 'alaa el sawwat luh research b el el computer ..
ba'dain gaalat li haatha maahuu f el f f el maktebeh nsawwi lek order
twenty fo.. forty five dollars .. maa fehemt ya'ni maa adri anna fehamtah
ghalat I didn't understand her ...laaken athker anaa forty five dollars
how long would it take 'ashaan teji?
taqriban.. five days?
couple of weeks?
thummen asawwi lah copy anaa w 'aad w rslah 'alaa tuul
as soon as ennah teji hah khe.. saww copy w ehletah
gasdek el forty five dollars elli gaalat haathi...
ya' ni t-hasebni enni.... I wanna but or something
es science
ok AB, you are more than welcome
haah ya'ni mathalan mathalan 'an tereeq et telephone ya'ni kaif
ya'ni 'an tereeq et telephone es sounds 'an taree.. ya'ni eshlown mathalan
ya'ni hataa f el hewaar ya'ni b nafs ellughah madaa ya'ni ennek tefham elli
aguuluh w kethaa ya'ni
aba ba..bakammek haatha er elli anaa sawwaituh es sebh thaa
ba'dain atghadda ba'dain I am gonna 'alaa gaulek abasawwi haath I prepare
1 el el el el esh short talk
goanna be between three minute ti five minute
'aad ent AM 'aad ent ba'd ... laamenni sawwait et talk gee., abeek
taakhth el mic gel ?? wagtuh gel ennuh mashghuul kaan guwwa guwwa
guwwag guwwa
gel enn 'enduh el el el... el el el el papers hagguh ennuh mashghuul
jeddaan jeddan jeddan laaken jzaah Allah khair sawwaa kethaa ....
Researcher with Speaker #9 (S):
1. fiih speaker fi nafs et telephone?
2. haddethni awwal sjay fi el bedaayah'an ah ..your ... your educational
experience fahamt? Men el jaam'ah fa maa ba'd ya'ni
3. eyh awwal shay wain darast wesh darast wesh tabee'at deraastek wesh
sawwait w ba'dain gabel teji wain ta'ayyant wesh ta'ayyant wa wa w
shaghlaat zay kethaa hah up to today ya'ni
4. na'am haathi sammarjayydah ya'ni
5. w hnaak men naahyat el et transcript w el awraag el papers elli hum
talabuuhaa mennek ya'ni maa kaan 'endek meshaakel men naahyat..
tajheex el paper hnaak fi ess'uudeyyah ya'ni kaif tam
6. w el admission tab'an jaak 'an tareeq el....
7. gaggin henaa U of A
8. bass hnaak lammaa jaak el el admission men el UofA ya'ni 'alaa tuul maa
tawwalt hnaak ya'ni 'alaa tuul qaddantah 1-el 1-el jaam'ah welaa kaif
9. w jeet ma' bedaayat el es spring semester ya'ni
10. jeet spring 1999
11. bedaayet es spring na'am
12. w ga'adt kam sa sanah wahdan b-el es CESL
13. detecting water...
14. detecting?
15. yeh detecting 'ekteshaaf ya'ni
16. detecting water stress?
17. aguul majaal jayyed anaa awwal marrah asma' ya'ni te'ref ffih majmuu'ah
a'arefhum takhassusaw fi ez zeraa'ah kethaa laaken maa sabaq enni
tahaddatht hadeeth zay maa tguul ennu ehnaa ya'ni we went into the
specifics bezzabt kamaa ent gaa'ed teguul li men naahyat el water stress w
dried stress wellaa mush 'aarf esh el ashyaa' haathi kellahaa ya'ni el w el
errigation fa el errigation barthah anaa ahess ennuh barthah yemken men el
ashyaa' ell nehtaaj-haa hnaak b es su'uudeyyah atwaqqa' errigation ...
18. wain el water stress hah?
19. laa kwayyes mawthuu' anaa atwaqqa' ... thuruurii mas'alat ennuh yekuun
el advisor 'enduh interest fi el mawthuu' elli enta teshteghel fiih haathaa
shay laa shak ennuh thuruurii ya'ni hataa b el fe'el kamaa quit ent ent ya'ni
yegdar ywaasel ma'aak w yfeedek fiih w hathaa beththaat b el graduate
school ya'ni is very very important
20. fa er remote sensing haathaa awwal marrah asma' buh saraahah remo..
remote sensing?
21. w el el es sensors haathi enta testakhdem sensors el'aan ya'ni
22. ya'ni es sensors 'ebaarah 'an ya'ni hal huu like a machine or something?
23. instrument eyh
24. ya'ni ed deviced haathai ent tatha'haa b el green house khalaas somewhere
25. ed device haathi aw ed aw el el instruments haathi tatha'haa b el green
house somewhere
26. sipositions aiwah
27. aah w tayyeb hal fih control like a controlling machine?
28. eyh tayyeb w ent gaa'ed ya'ni enta tshuuf traageb ya'ni how how plans
ya'ni grow? wellaa...
29. ahh wallah yaakhi mawthuu'ek saraahah reallyreally very interesting, bass
taraa 'alaa fekrah eththaaher ennuh saayer fih fi et telephone 'endek
mushkelah fa law enni negdar nkammel el mukaalamah b el b el.. telepone
el bait yekuun ahsan le'ennuh baagi taqriban twenty five minutes aw
twenty minutes shay zay kethaa
30. law negdar nkammel el mukaalamah be el b el home phone yekuun ahsan
31. maa fih telephone b el bait 'end M
32. tayyeb su'aal 'akheer ya M bekhsuus el bekhsuus beththabt el et topic
haggek haathaa elli hu lah 'alaaqah b el weshesmuh b el es sensors w esh
shaghlaat haathi, ethaa ent tsawwi es sensors aw el tsawwi el process haathi
hah, hal tekuun mawjuud fi nafs el mekaan hathaak el wagt wellaa tt j you
just put the you just leave the the machine aw the controlling system w ma'
ed devices haathi kullahaa w ba'dain you go back to them later ya'ni wellaa
33. tabda' el experiment haathi kelhaa
34. haathaa el U of A field, w taraah akthar shay le ez zeraa'ah eththaaher
haathaaka kelluh kulleyyat ez zeraa'ah le'nnuh fih abqaar ashhuf ba'ad w
khyuul hah, haatha kulleh lekum entu kulleyyatkum taba' kulleyyatkem ..
35. eyh atwaqqa' Ikulleyyat ez zeraa'ah w haggin elli metkhasseseen b et
turbah w elli b esh shams w elli b el... eththaaher b el human science
atwaqqa' aythan maujuud luhum 'alaaqah fih wellaa laa? Not human
science I mean animal science ..
36. tayyeb el el el qesem 'endukum kaif el faculty fih ya'ni barthah
msaaa'deenek ya'ni kul shay kulluhum wellaa.. el faculty 'endukum kaif
hum msaaa'deenek ya'ni fih walla mujarrad bass kul shughlek
mubaasharatn ma' .. wella bass ma' el advisor ya'ni
37. madri hu b es soil wella bshay thaani
38. pediatirics AY thekart.. pediatrics lah 'alaqah b el ped pediatrics
39. yeh w ba'dain aslant hu muhuub ydarres hu mujarrad eththaaher research
ya'ni he is just doing research
40. hu researcher maa athunnuh ...
41. la hu maa hu maa hu athunnuh maa athunnu ya'ni instructore hu .. maa
athunnu ydarres .. eththaaher ennuh mujarrad ya'ni just.. a research
specialist fi et topic hagguh elli hu b el pediatrics, laakennuh qad yakuun
ya'ni at some point ya'ni yought...
42. el coach hagghum
43. most of the time ya'ni
44. la la ent yebghaa lek ahsan ent weyyaa M atwaqqa' law tshuufuun lukum
two bedroom apartment fi nafs es sakan haggkum
45. bass haathi one one haathi one lahthah haathi one eshesmah one bedroom
46. oh ya'ni hu a;readu khallas el master tab'an
47. marrah disappeared ya'ni ..big time
48. 'alaa fekrah kallamtah tarakt lah message bass maa madri hu sme' el
message haggeti bass shaklah yabduu-li mashghuul 'ashaan kethaa maa
radd 'alay
49. la la 'aad tara hu A daayman yered 'alaa el messages bass enaa elli atrekhaa
lah bal hattaa law maa atrek lah message bass yeshuuf ragmi yedeg 'alay,
laaken yabduu li ennah ya'ni exiremely busy el youmain
50. lethaalek akeed ennah ya'ni yeshteghel 'alaa el ed defense haggah
51. 'alaa fekrah taraa 'endek esh short talk tonight
52. ya'ni maa bain ten to fifteem minutes maa yezeed 'an kethaa
53. tayyeb go head and start now ya'ni
54. mawthuu' mu'ayyan I suggest something for you ya'ni
55. tayyeb ok hathaa this is this is the the ya'ni title neguul tayyeb wesh
tekallam 'an?
56. suggestion .. tarjamah ya'ni
57. eyh laa khalaas I will pray there inshallah el maghrib
58. w wesh akhbaar tayyeb b el b el mnaseb... khallast el hagget el references
59. eyh laa fekrah tayybah ahsan lammaa tkuun b el ashyaa' hi 'amaleyyat el
bahth w er research haathi lamma yekuun el waaahed ya'ni very well
organized yekuun asra' ya'ni 1 el waqt late later ya'ni later on fahamt...
60. bass ennek teguul ennek tetlebah b forty five dollars? Weshuu tetleb el
journal nafs.. teshtereehaa ya'ni?
61. eyh laa laa hu enneqtah ennuh haatha ethaa ent tebghaa .. .hathaa yemken
ethaa .. ya'ni ethaa ent tebe teshtereeh ya'ni yemken tsawwuuhlak
ysawwuulak .. yetlebu.. tetlebah 'an tareeq el el bookstore b el jaam'ah,
laaken enta tegdar testakhdem el interlibrary loan hah b el jaam'ah yejeek
el ay shay muu mawjuud b el jaam'ah yejeek for free, yejeelek w
testakhdemah lemuddat.. ya'ni teguul mathalan ....Ik sbuu'ain thalaatha
asaabee' 'alaa hasan el jaam'ah elli tersel el ketaab fajamt?
62. it takes it depends., it depends on ya'ni how fast el jaam'ah elli talabuuh
mennahaa yerseluun el item wellaa laa .. ya'ni ya'ni how fast they they
send their items khalaas
63. laa laa five days is very short laa laa laa it takes at least at least couple of
64. eyh le'ennek enta ent khalaas tab'an this is ya'ni a research you plan ya'ni
in advance ahead of time fa ent mathalan law farathnaa ennek ent 'endek
ba'th el el articles fi journal mu'ayyan muu journal fi mathalan ketaab
mu'ayyan aw tebghaa thesis mu'ayyanah khalaas mi mawjuudah b el
university of Arixona libraby khalaas fa ent turuuh luhum w hum 'endehum
el interlibrary sou., interlaibrary loan systen haathaa hah .. ya'ni mumken
tsawwih hattaa b el bait ya'ni ya'ni el application hagga aw el el form
mawjuud 'al mawjuud on line ya'ni, t'abeeh el esm el et title mathalan we
el author w el of publishing w el year of publishing w esh shaghlaat
haathi kullahaa na'am w tsawwi lahaa submit ok, ba'd yemken esbuu'ain
taqriban aw aqall ahyaanan ye'temed 'alaa ethaa kaan jaaybeenah mathalan
me-1 ASU mumken yeji asra' men esbuu'ain ya'ni khlaas fi aqall men
esbuu'ain yemken yeji
65. faa w haathi tejeek for free haathi kullahaa ya'ni service tqaddemhaa el
jaam'ah 1 ettullaab for free
66. eyh tegdar tsawwi lah eyh.. ajzaa' menh ethaa tebghi tsawwi lahaa copy
tegdar tegdar t teqra'uh muddah mu'atyyanah laaken you have to return it
ya'ni on time le'ennuh el charges 'alaih ....
67. eyh le'ennuh el et charges 'alaih akthar men., lamman tkuun mujarrad
mshayyek el ketaab men men el jaam'ah men maktebt el jaam'ah nafs-haa
68. le'ennu haatha yeji interlibrary loan men .. .hah
69. eyh eyh haathi gaalat lek el main library wellaa es science library?
70. eyh ghareebah ennhaa teguul lek kethaa .. yemken gasdha ennek ent
le'nnuh amwjuud yemken es se'er el ketaab faa gasdhaa law reht ent 1 el
bookstore mumken yetlubuunah lek b forty five dollars khalaas .. laaken
elli anaa aqsedah ennuh el ketaab haathaa ent be'emkaanek law ent gelt
lahaa abghaa abghaa atlebah b el interli..el interlibrary loan yeji lak 'alaa
tuul ya'ni maa..w testakhdemah methel maa gelt te tegdar tsawwi lah jez'
emh copying aw shay .. ya'ni faa lethaalek haathi khedmah ya'ni kwayysah
entaa ka taaleb yeftarath ennak testefeed mennahaa ... w ya'ni laabud el
waahed ya'ni yajed menhaa el faa'edah
71. hu el et time elli ehnaa nebe nsajjluh saa'ah fa el'aan ehnaa zawwadnaa
taqriban five more minutes fa that is fine ya'ni it is ok mehib meshkelah ..
ehnaa zawwadnaa zyaadah ya'ni almost ya'ni eight minutes hattaa .. ya'ni
zyaadah 'alaa es saa'ah
72. faa jzaak Allah khair 'a saraahah 'alaa the time you gave me w 'alaa your
contribution khalaas 1 es study haathi w
73. anaa adres 'eddat ashyaa' es sounds adres el ellughah b shakel 'aamm ya'ni
74. ne'teek details..
75. shay zay kethaa laa laa ba'teek details akthar 'annuh later inshallah
la'ennuh b et telephone .. ahyaanan b et telephone mumken mumken enta
tajed ashyaa' maa tajedhaa lamman tqaabel esh hsakhs ya'ni face to face
fahamt.. faa ne'teek 'annuh details inshallh lamma agaablek el youm ba'
ba'd el maghrib'dain enta el'aan shaklek betruuh t tetghaddaa wellaa
shay wellaa 1 el Coffee Xchange ...
76. eyh laa esh short talk theruuri ennek tjahhzuh el lailah
77. that is ok that is fine hu..
78. 'ebsher neguulah why not
79. laa laa tara enta lamma tebdaa bet-hess ennnet-traahat raahat 'asher
degaageg w entaa maa tedri anyway
Speaker #10 (A3):
1. eyh bass aanaa el 'ayyaam el maathyah ya'ni kent bass mashghuul fi eth
thesis haathi w haathi ya'ni that is the reason ya'ni
2. no problem
3. wallah kaan mumtaaz ya'ni khallasnaa ed defense fe essa'ah tna'ashar
4. w ba'dain rehnaa .. ed dekkaat.. el committee 'azamuuni 'al ghadaa
5. yeh nice gesture . eyh bass
6. yeh anaa ye'jebni el haathaa el el mixed grill..
7. mixed grill mumtaaz haathaa
8. 'aaylah ya'ni ma maaskeen el el business
9. .bedainaa essaa'h 'ashrah a khallasnaa 'alaa .. twelve
10. kaanat kaanat saraahah kaanat ya'ni.. private eththaaher ya'ni
11. fi el PHD tseer public bass fi el masters ya'ni kaanat yemken private
12. it shouldn't have been it shouldn't be a problem whether it is private or
public ya'ni
it is no big deal ya'ni it shouldn't be a problem
14. laa maa aguul bass ya'ni laazem tekuun public
15. mu public?
16. laazem public PHD
17. public bu.. public bass lemud.. ya'ni Imuddah four hours mathalan aw three
18. eyh public for the first hour
19. ba'dain they grill you on your own
20. w el mantegah elli anaa gaa'ed fihaa ya'ni maa fihaa ya'ni.. very
professional ya'ni technical professional kell en naas elli fihaa ya'ni.. it is
not like San . San Fransisco
21. ya'ni ehnaa janb San Fransisco .. San Fransisco yemken b'eedah ... one
hour drive mathalan
22. bass el manteqah haathi ya'ni maa fihaa kellhaa computer firms w ashyaa'
haathi fa ya'ni limited shwayy
23. bass el jaw mumtaaz w el environment mumtaazah fi esh sheghel.. ya'ni
very impressive environment saraahah .. fa ya'ni ya'ni el companies haathi
el kebeerah haathi amazing how organized how ba'dain el el amount w el
extent maal er research raheeb ya'ni
24. south .. ya'ni heyya south .. east south east ya'ni south east.. south east of
San Fransisco
25. w fiih fih association ba'ad fi Stanford University .. fi Muslim Student
Association fi Stanford University ba'ad
26. Stanford ya'ni two block away men .. men makaani henaa
27. Santa Clara yemken ni.. eight nine miles away eyh
28. w athenn reht Fry's aa I don't remember bass ya'ni athen reht Fry's marrah
29. akhat weyyaay ba'th el three computers men el department actually w
laptops ya'ni three laptops le'en .. le'en b nruuh aanaa w el estaath maali
fih demo fi New York yestewi fi June 20^^, fa msaafer men henaa 'alaa b b
b el equipment haathi 'alaa New York fi June 20"^, w laazem arajje' el
equipment haathi thaani 1 el jaam'ah le'en haathi maalat el jaam'a ya'ni
30. fa ya'ni b barje' yemken fi June aw July arajje' el equipmen aw maybe
August ba'ad maa adri awwal August, bass, faa Allah a'lam ya'ni maa ..
maa maa I haven't decided
31. yemken arje' men New York directly 'alaa Tucson ba'dain men Tucson
arje' 'alaa San Jose thaani
32. ye'temed ba'ad yemken 'amed haathi el intenship thalaath shhuur ba'ad
zyaadah arje' es s'uudeyyah w ba'dain arje' henaa thaani Allahu a'lam
ya'ni, aw arje' yemken 'al UK 'alaa tuul asawwi el PHD aba' el PHD
33. UK yeh, bass ba-kuun re registered f el Uof A
34. eyh I'm registered f el Uof A bass physically present f el UK .. that is the
difference ya'ni.. ya'ni ba'aakheth el le el degree men el UofA probably
ellaa ethaa hawwait 1 UK laaken ethaa maa hawalt 1 UK .. aa baakheth ed
degree men UofA bass bakuun physically present f el UK
35. mm, ya' aanaa aanaa kha aanaa khallast ya'ni el course wo., most el core
requirements maalat el PHD .. le'enn el PHD degree sixty six credits w
aanaa mkhalles elheen thirty nine credits .. menthen le sizty six laazem
eighteen credits .. dissertation fa thirty nine plus eighteen sixty one ok ..
begaa ya ba baagi yeseer five .. five credits .. haathi five credits mumken el
waahed yaakheth-hem ya'ni one semester that is it
36. ba'dain el core requirements elli hi el core courses mkhalles-hen khaalsah
ya'ni fa maa fih ya'ni no no problem ya'ni, w ba'dain aanaa rattabt ma' el..
ma' hal department ya'ni I had a deal with the department, fa ya'ni ma
ya'ni akhat le'enni sawwait el disserta.. el thesis maalti I'am not taking the
qualifying PHD exam, fa haathi ya'ni it's .. it's an advantage
37. eyh ba'.. ba'd el high school beththabt saar enni aanaa .. nerja' 1 el high
school ok nerja' 1 el high school.. el high school ba'd maa khallast el high
school kaan anaa khaali dektuur tabeeb jarrah ya'ni jeraahat mukh w a'saab
w ken I wanted to become a doctor ya'ni phy .. physisian ya'ni, w dakhalt
el thanawi f el qaaherah w jebt, w haathi kaanat meshkelah ahell
mashaakel, k k kaan ethaana.. eth thanawi nethaam eth thanawi fi masr
haathaa ya'ni kaan fih mathmatics and biology w jebt very high grades in
the mathmatics w not very good grades in the biology, fa youm gaddamt f 1
el et teb maa 11 maa .... I was nor accepted f et teb w I was accepted f el
handasah, bass I didn't the maa kent abi engineering, fa ga'at sett shhuur
yemken ba'd el thanawi ahaawel f deciding adkhel.. ya' ethaa kent abi ad
adkhel ett.. maa gedart et teb tab'an, fa w el grades maalti kaanat ahsan f el
mathmatics fa ya'ni I had an ya'ni an advantage f el areas related 1 el
mathmatics, bass fa qarrart ba'd haa ba' ba'd sanah ba'd es sett shhuur
haathi enni adkhel el jamm'ah el emrikeyyah computer science maa kent I
never used the computer ... haatha el waqt ya'ni maa kaan 'endi computer
maakan 'endi ya'ni ay shay ay knowledge b el computers bass sme't enn
ya'ni it is the future w qarrart enni adkhel eljaam'ah el emrikeyyah w,
dakhalt el jam'ah el emrikeyyah f el qaaherah w bada't ed draasah 'aam alf
tse'.. arba' w tes'een eyh 'aam alf tesmeyah arba'ah w tes'een September
arba'a w tes'een beththabt, w w bada't...
38. w f f waahed khamsah w tes'een kaan ukhuy jaay kaan ukhuy yedres fi
jaam'at el petruul hadsah mechanical engineering wjaa el qaaherah ma' el
waaled f-ramathaan w w aannaa ken kent msaafer ath.. athathakkar f fi
haatha el wagt kent msaafer kaanat el ejaazah maalat el el ya'ni el break
between semesters w ken mesaafer athen fil fe fe fe fe f el ghardaqah aw el
sharm esh shaykh fi masr faa kaan f seenaa haathi w reja' w el waaled
twafaa Allah yerhamah
39. darast tab'an computer science f el jaam'ah el emrikeyyah one forty two
40. tab'an el ya'ni kaan esh shay el mumtaaz f el jaam'ah el emrikeyyah raghm
enn-haa ya'ni it is not the best environment be in
41. laaken el jaam'ah el emrikeyyah fihaa meezah ennak you get the best
quality education in Egypt ya'ni kaan haatha ahsan mustawaa 1 et ta'leem f
el qaa.. f f masr 'aammatan ya'ni haathi...
42. w kaan fih el style el el el ya'ni you read a lot of about a lot of things elli
ysammuh liberal education maa tet'allam bass computer science ya'ni
jaame'aat mathalan fi masr ... handasah and that is it
43. laaken they have a broader perspective of education .. ta'allam mathalan
you can take some course in for example psychology economics f el
ashyaa' haathi
44. fa ya'ni it was a very enrichinf experience ya'ni anaa mathalan aguul
45. taba'an el waahed awwel maa dakhalt kaan fih methel taakethtest methel
ELPET methel TOEFL actually esmah el ELPET w th th they put you in a
in an English category ethaa maa kent w kaan fih several categories kaan
fih elli huwaa el institution elli hu ma ma maal el English haatha ethaa maa
kaan mustawaak yesmah ennak ted. tedkhel directly ed draasah w ba' w
ethaa kan yesmah mustawaak fih three level of English taakhthah
concurrentlywhile taking courses le'enn fih English one eleven one twelve
and one thirteen, anaa aththakkar ... one thirteen kaan tet'allam kaif teketeb
papers one twelve kaan mainly writing one elven kaan t ya'ni they are
trying to improve you in writing listening and reading acta., paraphrasing w
el ashyaa' haathi kellhaa, fa aanaa akhat English one elven bada' men
English one elven w ken waakheth weyyah conc.. this is the lowest level
tegdar taakheth ma'aah a courses f el jaam'ah, dakhalt English one elevel fa
anaa aththakkar kennaa naakheth daily five hours of English intensive
English very intensive English w ba'dain el mushkelah kaanat enn law el
waahed akhath ma' waahed emriiki.. el ya'ni el amricaan they do not
expect so much from you laaken kaanat el mushkelah ethaa akhth. akhatht
ma' waahed masri kaan mushkelah eyh kaanat mushkelah kbeerah kaan
they expect a lot fa ya'ni kaanat mushkelah kannat tsabbeb meshaakel
46. bass, fa khallast el English w ba'dain dakhalt el English one twelve f elnext semester elli hu ninty five 95 ba'd maa el waaled twaffaa w ba'dain f
es summer akhatht el one thirteen khallast el English requirement kellhaa w
ba'dain bada't el j jaam'ah w ya'ni kammalt jaam'ah w tkharrajt 'aam
tes'ah w tes'een 99, ba'd maa tkharrajt 'aam tes'ah w tes'een 99 reht ga'adt
f el Dammaam w gaddamt fi nafs el wagt 'alaa ekhtebaarat GRE w el el
graduate record examination w gaddamt le jaame'aat fi amerca including
Uof A, UCSB, University of Florida, Unversityof Texas kell haathi ejaame'aat w jaani ahsan offer men UofA fa qarrat aaje 1 ek UofA bas haath
ya'ni el haathi my personal experience
47. men nawaahi 'adeedah ya'ni waahed menh. waa. one advantage was aaaa
financially for example ya'ni aanaa ba'd le'enn ba'd maa etwaffaa ya'ni it
was if.. ya'ni aanaa el.. kaan fih kaan fih el waaled maa ya'ni kaan
warrathnaa el business maalah laaken etha 1.. 1.. ya'ni maa warathnaa
mennaa lots of money fa we ran his business basically w el hamdellaah we
ran it and we did very well with his business elhamdellaah ya'ni, laaken he
didn't ya'ni we didn't inherent any money ya'ni it was very much at this
point it was big problem actually, laaken ba'd maa khallast... ba'd maa
mesaknaa esh sheghel maalah mashshainaah ya'ni we did very well very
well elhamdellaah w however enn el waahed ya'ni you have different
perspective ya'ni el awwel ba'd maa el waa. gabel maa el waaledh
yetwaffaa I had a diffetent totally different vision aw prespective of life
le'enni ya'ni I was a spender in what way ya'ni aakheth fluusi men ubuuy
w and that is it, that is .. that is the the that is what was happening fi
haathaa el wagt ya'ni gabel maa el waaled yetwaffaa, fa maakent ya'ni I
didn't feel the hardship of earning money .. I would say ya'ni el mushkelah
of earning money bass, ba'd maa el waaled etwaffaa ekhtalaf el wath'
le'enn fih meshkelah ya'ni fi meshkelah en el waaldah sh is fifty 50 yesr
old w maa tegdar teji ent tguul Iwah. Iwahdah fifty years old tguul 1-haa
mathalan en laa tesref. ya'ni ya'ni t t-het restrictions maa teheb ennak tehet
restrictions ... fi haathi el huqbah .. men hayaat-haa fa kaan el pressure
'alay w 'alaa ukhuuy el kebeer fa elli saar ya'ni enn ehnaa we ran his
business and we ran the houses ya'ni anaa kent reposible for running every
thing f el qaaherah w ukhuuy kaan f es s'uudeyyah w ykammel ed draaasah
maaltah w hatta ukhuuy battal ed draasah 1-muddet sentain lain khallast
aanaa w ba'dain aanaa reht mesakt shwayy w hu khallas ba'dain fi khelaal
el es sanah w nuss haathi elli ba'd ejjaam'ah aanaa mesakt kel shay w hu
khallas, w el hamdellah we did very well bass still el perspective ekhta
ekhtalag jathreyyan ya'ni ya'ni kaan ennathrah elheen be'ennak ya'ni
you're earning the money faahemni.. mukhtalefah mukhtalefah jeddan
ya'ni, fa you you harees w t-haawel ennak you're feeling ya'ni you're
struggling faahemni? bass fa haathi ya'ni haathi el haathi el el haathi kaanat
t taghayyur jathri fi hayaati anaa aguul w vision mukhtalefah ya'ni el
perpective maali tgha. tghayyar tamaaman ba'd haathi el ba'd maa el waa
maa el waaled etwaffaa
48. kaan tawreed ashyaa' le ARAMCO for example le sharekaat mukhtalefah
ya'ni yaakheth munaaqasaat mathlan catering for example w ywa. warred
49. el waaled kaan kaan metkharrej awwal maa tkharraj men tkharraj men el
jaam'ah el amrikeyyah et takhassuss maalah kaan .. economic aw political
science kaan economics w el waaldah kaanat metkharrjah political science,
ba'd maa khaals ubuuy raah eshtaghal fi ARAMCO Imuddet yemken men
waahed w sab'een 71 lain tes'ah w sab'een 79 mathalan eyh waahed w
sab'een 71 le tes'ah w sab'een, ba'd maa khallas men ARAMCO raah esh.
fatah .. a a a .. sayyaraaat wak. ya'ni agent le AH AH? Maal Honda
50. eyh ya'ni kaan ysawwi agent le es sayyaaraat Honda lain khamsah w
thamaaneen kaan 'endah mahal f ej-Jubail kaan 'endah f ed Dammam ok
51. draasti 'an el 'an el compu. awwalal.. ya'ni el major computer science fi
deraasat ya'ni el co.. el el el el 'uluum el computer be ma'naa asahh w el w
el speciality maaltii et takhassus maali kaan awwal maa jeet kent abi
networks computer networks el shabakaat el computer laaken ba'd maa jeet
takhassast akthar fi majaal esmah mobile computing
52. mobile computing w s s sometimes ysammuuuh upectuous computing aw
nomadic computing lesh nomadic computing le'enn en naas yeguuluun en
naas nomads methl el ya'ni mutanaqqeleen methl el yetnaqqeloun fi kel
mekaan w elheen y nhaawel ya'ni el el el hadaf maal et takhassuss haatha
enn el computer maa yeseer f el desk top any more ya'ni maa yeseer jehaaz
'endak jehaaz computer f el bait and that is it, laa el computer b-yeseer fe
kel makaan hawalaik f el environment hawalaik, mathalan betedkhel
mathalan b PDA aw computer hand help jehaaz mathalan biykuun ykuun
maaskah mathalan, w y-kuun f el jehaaz haathaa mathalan fih camera w el
camera haathi tawjjeh cameraa mathalan 'alaa ay product fi supermarket
mathalan dakhalt supermarket w twajjeh haathi el camera 'alaa ay product
w tsawwi scan I el bar code maa maa maa maal el product you resolve
mathalan using a wireless network shabakah ya'ni laaselkeyyah we resolve
re le resource fi el internet mathalan w y-talle' lak mathalan el
specifications el product el calories maal haathaa el product details about
this product, fa ya'ni bi-yseer el waahed mutanaqqel be ajhezah w ywajjeh
el ajhezah haathi 'alaa ay shay fi ay makaan w somehow w solve the
problem w njeeb lak elli ent tabeeh, fa ya'ni ehnaa nhaawel nhaawel el
hadaf el ultimate goal maak haathi el area en you do not feel that there is a
computer environment around you do not feel you do not need to interact
with anything just point abd click faa ya'ni haathi el analogy el el elli
methel haathaa ennek scaan el bar code methl a mouse click law dakhalt 'al
internet w sawwait mouse click 'alaa hypelink el internet truuh 'alaa page
mu'ayyanah, el haatha analogy .. w el esm el el technical elli ysammunu 1haatha phusical links ya'ni you direct el PDA aw el ya'ni el jehaaz elli ent
maaskah 'alaa el ay physical object w just scan it scaning may be take a
picture and this picture is detected using artificial intelligence it detects
what this product is and we resolve to a global resourse faa ya'ni it is it is a
it is the future haathaa ya'ni haathi fih boom elheen fi amercaa 'alaa el
mobile comuting f 'al 'aalam actauuly, ya'ni kella elheen el el main
research kulluh mett.. muttajeh 'al mobile w el wireless computing en
networks wireless .... ya'ni ent ent mathalan sheft mathalan men 'e men
'ashr sanawaat maa kaan fih GSM networks mobile phones laaken elheen
kel waahed ma'aah mobile phone faa ehnaa we're di.. we're heading
toward this future fa haatha ya'ni aanaa qarrart enni adkhel et takhasses
haathaa le'enn haathaa et takhassess elli ya'ni bi ba'ad 'ashr sanawaat aw
khams 'ash., ya'ni khamsta'ashar sanah aw sahy this is the future whether
we like it or not, bass fa haatha ya'ni et takhassus maali w elheeh aanaa
shaghghaal tab'an fi fi HP labs haathi ma' group aa men ya'ni men men
men ya'ni men very bright people very bright people w el project raheebah
ya'ni elli yeshtaghluun 'alaihaa ya'ni men men men el visionary produ..
project f el future, w w er rajjaal elli ya'ni elli sawwait ma'aah eth thesis
maalti banaa system .. wireless system methel elli aguul aanaa haatha fi
Lancester fi Engeltraa w eq.. ya'ni w w w w egtarah 'alay ya'ni enni am.,
arje' weyyaah w ashteghel weyyaah hnaak w akhalles el PHD weyyaah w
hu el advantage maalah enn ya'ni enn aanaa bashtaghal ma'aah tab'an
henaak w I'm dedecated to my work haatha el advantage plus ennu he will
pay me bass he wil pay me .. b el American rate which is I think cheaper
than an English ... ya'ni an English researcher basically which is much
cheaper than an English researcher ya'ni el el elli dfa'aw.. o.. fa hu he has
an advantage ba'ad
53. yedfa' li b ed dollar eyh
54. w henaa ba'ad f el f el HP ya'ni ya'ni yemken aanaa astamer ya'ni amed el
fatrah shwayy ma' HP labs over here ba'd
55. eyh nafs el mawthuu' aanaa banait system sammaitah aww sammainaah
Sabino ... The Sabino System men Sabino Canyon fi Arizona ..
56. eyh wallah ehnaa gelnaa nabi ay esm muta'alleq b Arizona gelnaa yallah
nsammeh sab., the sabino system .. ektashaft ennu sabino haathi ma'naahaa
el hesaan fih ba'th hesaan lounuh yekuun baahet shway ahmar baahet
shwayy haathaa thaathaa esmah sabino b el b el espaani gelnaa yallah
sammih sabino system
57. sabino system haathaa enn be-ysawwi m.. shay esmah load balancing ..
load balancing between mobile nodes, mathalan ent mumken tedkhel ay
area mathalan w haathi el area tkuun mughattaah b etnai.. thnain networks
mathalan .. thnain networksaw thnain cells in a network
58. ehnaa nsawwi load balancing ya'ni el load nhaawel neqwarrab el load
beh.. ne-destribute el load evenly bain thnain cells haathi, fa mathalan ethaa
kaan 'endak three clients henaa mumken n-khalli dynamically
automatically nghayyar el associations maalat el clients fi haathi el area bhaith enn ehnaa n-khalli el load a' n network haathi w en network haathi
the same, tab'an haatha ykhalli ya'ni v-improve el performance 'end kel
waahed yestakhdem en network, bass w haathaa ya'ni this is the same this
is ya'ni the same area the same area wireless computing ya'ni in general...
59. w el committee they liked it, they liked to work a lot ya'ni kaanu mb.. ya'ni
kaanuu mabsuuteen jeddan ...
60. inshaalah inashaalah haathaa ya'ni this is a step into the future
61. it is it is ya'ni b tkuun s ka social life 'endi social life fi esh shargeyyah
62. it is the future, it is the future haathaa el haathaa yaa'ni haatha inshaallah
ya'ni ethaa ethaa ya'ni sawwinaa research f el yemken 'endnaa w we can
have aa an effect on thios world akheeran ya'ni inshaallah this is my hope
to have an effect on this world
63. jadwali el yawmi fe Tucson kaan kal'aati: ashaa es sabaah ok es saa'ah
mathalan thamaanyah eyh thamaanyah mathalan .. usually aruuh esh
shegghel es saa'ah tes'ah 'endi aanaa kent shaghghaal research assistant fi
ma' dektuur esmah KM UofA, ken sa .. kennaa nsawwi simulators
simulators nekteb simulators be Java fa kent aruuuh el maktab es saa'ah
tes'ah, 'aadatan men tes'ah le khamsah ag'ed f el maktab bass aruuh men
bain haay ya'ni ahyaanan 'endi classes ahyaanan laazem aruuh 1 el
maktabah ashyaa' methel haathi ya'ni, fa ya'ni m m 'aadatan bain tes'ah 1khamsah aruuh el amaaken ya'ni haathi el mukhtalefah, ba'ed haathi ba'd
ba'd khamsah yekuun khallast el waahed esh sheghel khallast classess
usually yekuun 'endi shagjghaal 'alaa project aw shay 'aadatan ya'ni kel
semester kaan at least y one two projects at anytime .. faa 'aadatan akuu f el
lab el computer laab maal el el el computer science department ag'ed fih
mathalan ma' el project group 'aadatan muub daayman bass four hours five
bourse w ba'dain arje' 'al bait.. yekuun 'endi mathalan assignment
ahyaanan adkhel 'al internet., research something, tabkh ahyaanan ghaseel
ahyaanan .. wallaaah ya'ni 'alaa hasab 'alaa hasan eth thuruuf ya'ni.. fa
'aadatan ya'ni kaan 'aadatan youmi bain aghlab el wagt f el maktab aghlab
el wagt f el maktab w ahyaanan f er research lab f es CS department.. fa
haatha ya'ni ghaalebeyyat el wagt, ahyaanan tab'an f el weekend kaan el
waahed y ba'd mathalan el el el ed dars f el f f f el masjed kaan el waahed
yeruuh mathalan .. bass aa 'aadatan 'ashaa waahed yet'ashshaa f makan f
mahall ma'aa shabaab wellaa shay, bass ya'ni that is it bass nothing
nothing nothing more really ya'ni le'enni anna ya'ni I was concentrating
mainly 'alaa el deraasah actually le'enni anaa I graduated with 4.0 w
elhamdellaah .. faa ya'ni anaa I wanted to graduate with a GPA 4.0.. bass w
haathi ya'ni el ya'ni kaan k kent mrakkez w ba'dain el assignments 'endnaa
ba'th el assignments they are amazing ya'ni hatha es semester el maathi
haathaa ke kent waakheth courses menthem el courses programing
languages haathaa .. five assignments kell assignment you're typing nearly
sisty pages typing w ba'thahaa ma ma mathematical w eshyaa' methe
haathi every assignment nearly sixty fifty pages, fa ya'ni it is time
consuming kent ag'ed asawwi typing at least a day an a half at least a day
an a half w kell youm 'a ten hours mathalan, fa ya'ni kaanat time
consuming jeddan w ba'dain hall el problems aslant yaakheth lah mathalan
esbuu' .. el waahed y-fakker w yeg'ed ya'ni fa ya'ni mo most of the time
you have something to do fa haathi kaant el meezah ba'ad, tab'an el
waahed yet'allam ketheer ya'ni faa
64. aanaa haa ya'ni aanaa haas ba'd maa jeet henaa ya'ni enn ya'ni I know I
learned a lot I learned a lot throughout my masters degree ya'ni fe'lan ya'ni
haa haa haases enni ya'ni I earned the masters degree that is it.. haathi
ya'ni haathi meezah ya'ni.. elhemdellaah
65. saar li sentain beth.. ya'ni s sa lailheen sanah w... eight months exactly
sanah w eight months
66. nafs el field ..laa laazem nafs el field le'nn aanaa 'endi ya'ni e'teraath 'aa
'aadatan ya'ni anaa kent ashuuf mathalan w haathi haathi mushkelah ahad
el mashaakel elli 'endnaa mathalan tlaagi mathalan enn ketheer men en
naas yedkhel mathalan engineering, y-khalles el engineering yeshteghel
sheghel maa lah 'elaaqah b el engineering, fa ya'ni the govemm.. mathalan
they paid for him w they did so and so and so w f el aakher ba'd maa
khallas w akhath esh shahaadah w saar metkhasses f el majaal haathaa
akhath-haa w w ramaa kell hathaa et ta'leem elli t'allemah, fa ethaa maa
ken tabi teruuh ya'ni teshtaghal f el engineering don't earn a degree in
engineering asa simple as that, fa haathat ya'ni we lack optimality aanaa
aguul optimality ya'ni mathalan henaa fi amercaa t-laagi amazing
specialization and this is something amazing f el country haathi ya'ni
specialization fi area w fi fi sub area f el area fi sub area f es sub area ba'ad
.. very specialize w t-laagi efficiency 'aalyah as a result enn efficiency
'endak efficiency 'aalyah, waahed metkhasses ennuh ysawwer warag
mathalan metkhasses kethaa fa el efficiency maaltah 'aal 'aalyah jeddan fi
tasweer el warag yegdar ykhalles alf waragah fi degeegah mathalan f saa'ah
mathalan .. fa efficiency 'aalyah 'endah la law aanaa reht w sawwart warag
yemken akhalles three hundred papers an that is it, fa ehnaa naftaqed el
efficiency w el efficiency to be efficient you ned to specialize and you don
not maa tegdar teeji mathalan tedres ya'ni aanaa aruuh adres computer
science w arje' mathalan aruuh ashteghal mathalan fii tah.. business
mathalan whatever.. anaa mumken aftah business I have no problem bass
laazem I contribute f el area elli aanaa tkhassat fihaa le'enni if I don not
contribute f el are elli aaanaa takhassast fihaa aya khalaas why did I learn
why did I come over here paid money an pay defa't 1 el jaam'ah fluus w w
w jeet henaa w henaa w henaa sawwait kell haathi f seantain w abi PHD
OHD for the title? Then no use for it I dint need it.. kent aruuh ashteghal w
aa anaa much better for me, laaken ethaa ken abi ya'ni enni aseer positive
member aanaa aguul positive member of the society then you need to make
use of the science that you're earning ba'dain haathi haathi ktheer men en
naas yethennuun ennhaa ne'mah faqat, qad takuun ne'mah w qad takuun
naqmah 'al ensaan le'ennak law maa ahsant el estefaadah b b es science elli
enta that you acquired haathaa mseebah tseer naqmah taakheth sayye'aat
yemken yemken ba'ad 'alaih le'ennak ... ya'ni ahdart amwaal el
muslemeen mathalan haathi awwal shay you became very inefficient w fa
fa ya'ni lazem el estefaa.. laazem el waahed yekuun harees w mumken tek..
t haathai muhuub tsahhel lak tareeq 1 el jannah aw tareeq 1 en naar aaa
fe'lan ya'ni.. fih hadeeth kaan yeguul 'alaa enn ethaa waa.. ya'ni bemaa
ma'naah ya'ni aanaa mu meththakker el hadeeth bass bass b bemaa
ma'naah ya'ni ethhaa el waahed ejtahad fi tareeq 'elm Allah sahhal..
ysahhel luh tareeq 1 el jannah 'an tareeq haathaa el 'elm, fa haathaa th th
this is ya'ni typical haatha haa haa haathaa this is the point enn el waahed
qad yakuu.. el 'elm haatha qad yakuun ne'mah w ysahhel ashyaa' ketherah
w qad yakuun naqmah ethaa ramaitah, fa ya'ni haathi ya'ni haathi this is
my point of view ya'ni regarding this issue
67. saheeh w ba'ad fiih effect 'al community hathi el efficiency ba'ad ya'ni
ethaa aanaa mathalan ya'ni mathalan maa maa agdar aruuh mathalan w
aguul mathalan ok anaa I'm an engineer mathalan
el mathmatician I
won't be efficient in such a job mathalan
68. ya'ni aggul aguul aanaa ethhaa aanaa eshtaghalt mathalan fi majaal mu
majaali el effect b tkuun muub 'alay bass muub 'alay muub 'alaa awlaadi
mathalan muub 'alaa el income maali mathalan 'al community kellah
le'enn el efficiency dropped automatically as a result of that le'en aa el
efficency of me as an invidu.. w ba'dain haathi fii fii shay thaani enn en
naas elli jaat amercaa henaa anaa I consider them mahthuutheen jeddan
mahthuutheem men naahyet esh men naahet enn enn jaa 1 el source maal es
secular knowledge f el we., f el 'aalam haathaa el 'elm ed denyawi
mathalan masdaruh men henaa elheen w et'allamt fa this is a big
69. law el waahed raja' mathalan w ga'a.. w qarrar ya'ni aanaa a'ref naas
mathalan subhaanallaah jaw Harvard ba'th-hum jaw Harvard henaa w reja'
raah ba' ba'd maa khallas w akhath shahaaddtah w every thing he is fine
every thing is perfect an., he is good reja' ga'ad 'al maktab drinking tea and
talking .. and reading papers .. museebah museebah le'ennak entaa ya'ni
entaa mu mukhtaa.. ya'.. ukhte.. mu' mu' .. muntaqaa men el mujtama' w
bu'etht elaa amrica w et'allamt fi amercaa w terja' ba'dain I should expect
my expectations should be high my expectations to ya'ni from you should
be high le'ennak ent distict distint individual fiih distinction bainak muu
methl ay waahed thaani w ba'dain jeet 1 masdar el 'elm haaleyyan f el
'aalam fa laazem bettaali ennak te te to give to pay back to the society
basically to the Muslims, haathi el problem 'endnaa enn ehnaa 'endenaa
mathalan el el el betaalah mathaln muqanna'ah, law reht amaaken muta.. f
sharekaat mathalan t-laagi el waahed khamsah gaa'deen 'alaa sheghlet
waahed bass and that is it haathaa yetkallem w haatha yeruuh yeshrab
shaay w haathaa yegraa ej-jereedah w every one is working every one is
earni.. earning a pay check at the end of the month w w efficiency very low
kell waahed efficiency very low, haathi w ba'dain h h amercaa the
interesting thing about the US ya'ni aanaa ken agraa taqreer 'an el graduate
record examination f el US w I read something amazing amazing really
ya'ni, el graduate record examination fiih three parts verba w qualitative w
analytical, el qualitative measures the mathematical skills of a person lagait
el f er report es saader men el ETS yguuluun enn el Americans el average
American scores bellow the average individual in this world f el qualitative
part.. el american citizin ..el quantitative el quantitative sorry el
quantitative .. scores bellow the average individual individual in this world
.. amazing 'ajeebah ya'ni 'ajeebah enn el amriki ye-scoring aqall men el
average individual in this world yet the USA aa haa has the the the
precedent on eve....others the edge technological edge on every other
country ghareebah laish? L sabab baseet jeddan enn they know how to
attract the people that they need tab'an., ya'ni el 'ulamaa' mathalan yeji
mathalan waahed .. shuuf mathalan el hnuud 'endanaa f ej-jaam'ah khalaas
ta'aalaa entaa you're smart mathalan .. you're smart w 'endak el el el el
background ta'aalaa aa aa I'll pay you I'll educate you for free w f el
aakkher tab'an el amriki ylaagi el hendi ylaagi watheefah henaa he is very
satisfied very happy and that is it.. el amrikaan yruuhuu ysawwuun shows
w maa adri aish w talk shows w TV shows www foreigner shaghghaaleen
f el f el balad lahum ..ya'ni they are running the country actually .. w this is
true ya'ni henaa f ed department 'endenaa mathalan 'endenaa what nearly
haa.. forty percent of the department ghair amrikaan .. fa ya'ni it's very
interesting ya'ni www haatha elli ehnaa neftaqdah f el f el Middle East 'a
ya'ni f ed duwal el eslaameyyah 'aammatan, ehnaa w we are not using our
resoiurces properly mathalan men themn el akhtaa' eth thaanyah elli aanaa
shaayefhaa et ta'leem el majjani haathaa.. et ta'leem el majjaani yekuun
mathalan 1 eth thanawi and that is it, laaken maa maa ykuun jaame'e, anaa f
ra'yee et ta'leem el majjaani ej-jaame'ee haathaa men el flaws elli damara..
elli tdammer el el el el education system w.. el el el el working force
tdammer el wprking fprce .. you have onl.. you should have one of two
options: waahed el kell yet'allam mathalan el e'daadi 1 eth thanawi for free
no problem, gellah ye'raf yegraa yetkallam w el ashyaa' haathi no problem,
laaken ethaa ken ba'allem ta'leem jaame'ey one of two things awwwl shay
yaa ent mumayyaz mumayyaz jeddan very smart and you deserve learning
really and you show it., scholarship no problem taakheth scholarship
tet'allam f el jaam'ah, yaa emmaa ennt you don't have the ability so I don't
to pay I don't want as a country I don't want to pay you because you're not
useful for me fa khalaas if you have money pay for yourself and you're
welcome to to learn, if you do not have the money then works and earn
some money and then continue your education if you want to, haathi
haathaa bi-ykhalli awwal shay tanawwu' f el wathaayef b tetnawwa' akthar
le'enn kell waahed m m maa elheen fih pressure 'ala en naas beyseer ennek
laaem ya tkuun very effeicent in what you do 'alashaan to earn el el free
education haathaa or you start learning something to work in if you cannot
learn and edcucate yourself., you're not fit to get higher education khalaas
then go an., n.. n.. and find another job w haathi be besawwi tanawwu; f el
mujtama' fa lele'asaf haathi men el m.. m.. ya'ni men me-1 asaaseyyaat el
el khara.. elli mkharbah 'alaa el 'al working force 'endnaa ba'ad
70. eyh haathi meshkelah le'ennak enta ya'ni ..ka reaction haathi shuuf ya'ni aa
ya'ni aanaa ya'ni in my opinion economic factors haathi muhemmah
jeddan, el economjc fgactors are the driving force 1 el most most of the
people in this world., ya'ni mathalan ethaa waahed muub laagi watheefah
ellaa watheefah mu'ayyanah tasweer mathalan w huhuwwa 'end., kh..
rusyaa mathalan el.. ba'd enheyaar el el shyuu'eyyah fi ruusyaa kaan fihaa
dakaatrah fi ruusyaa kaanu yeruuhuu yeshtaghluun ynathfuun hammaamaat
what is the reason? Economic factors that is it, yemken esh shakhs haatha
'enduh ego raheeb kaan ego raheeb ennu dektuur PHD ya'ni he is very
smart laaken ethtarr ennuh yeshtaghal f el watheefah haathi lesh le
economic factor he didn't forgot about his Ph.D what can I do khalaas f el
economic factor haathaa haathaa el ed driving force le every one, fa ethaa
maa fih pressure 'a sh shakhs khalaas ethaa aanaa waatheq enni baakhe..
abat'allam ta'leem jaame'ey w baakheth merattab w w ba bakhalles balaagi
watheefah bmunta.. watheefah w bag'ed 'al maktab w haathi etha khalaas
no productivity at all why should I bother
71. bass saheeh le'ennaa haathi haathi ya'ni ehnaa ehnaa we need to be
efficient we need to be le'enn haathi ma., ya'ni maslahah leenaa jamee'an
72. ya'ni amrica henaa mathalan ya'ni amricaa qaa'emah 'alaa .. el foregners ..
anaa anaa anaa kent atkallem ma' waahed jeet henaa cilicon valley kulluh
hnuud.. law el he., law hunuud qarraruu en en fi youm w lailah mathlan el
hunuud qarraru ene khalaas we're leaving the USA .. w rej'uu el hend
museebah this country khalaas everything will stop fi amercaa
73. eyh f el computer industry every thing will stop, there is no way en ya'ni el
el el el this will be bebg.. big problem over here faa ya'ni aanaa elli aaanaa
aguul lah ya'ni enn juz' kbeer men el el el ya'ni el el driving force fi
amercaa ghair amricaan .. 'ulamaa' mustaqtabeen ya'ni effective efficient
people from around the world, bass w haathi ehnaa ya'ni ehnaa 1 el asaf
ehnaa maa ya'ni maa nabi nestaqteb el mumayyaz ethaa kaan el waahed
mumayyaz bass muub me-1 balad khalaas we don't him ...
74. haatha haathi mushkelah mushkelah ya'ni haathaa laazem laazem.. ya'ni
el'aan elli aanaa shaayfah laazem .. ba'dain el benefits raaj'ah 'alainaa
jamee'an haathi hathi this is important thing..eth.. ethaa jebt waahed
mumayyaz men ayy makaan .. .men aymakaan www taraa ya'ni fih 'adeed
men el muslemeen fi amaaken ketheerah ya'ni 'enduhumn el el el qudraat
el mumtaazah laaken 1 el asaf maa ylaaguun el funding mathalan maa
ylaagi el el el el back up w 1 el asaf tlaageehum enn khalaas resourses w
thaa'et laaken ethaa jebnaa haathoul en naas we don't we don't need except
what we don't need except ha hundred thousand wallaah hundred thousand
less than .. fifty thousand .. fifity thousand muntaqeen and that is it fifty
thousand haathoul bi-ye'meluu ya'ni a radical change
75. laa muu sh.. muu sahel haathaa el kalaam haatha laaken laaken .. w ba'dain
le el asaf elli aanaa shhayfu ba'ad ya'ni enn fiih ba'th el khe.. ya'ni el
khesal fi el mujtama' saarat sayye'ah le el asaf.. w f jamee' ya'ni f m.. m..
mujtama'aat islaameyyah ktheerah saraahah ya'ni, ya'ni mathalan ken
aguul lak mathalan aanaa youm kenna netkallam ma' youm rehnaa neshrab
gahwah law tetthakkar fa kennaa kennaa k.. mushkelat mathalan haathi el el reht mathalan el qaaherah mathalan saarat normal ennak mathlan er
rashaawi mawthuu' er rashaawi normal ya'ni shay muhzen saheeh en esh
shay et tabee'ey ennak laazem tershey en naas shay ghareen ya'ni.. laa
shay ghareeb fe'lan ya'ni maa ma ma you cannot do any thing ellaa ethaa ..
w ba'dain el mushkelah en en elgha.. ya'ni el akhtaa' ethaa ej.. el mujtama'
kellah saar ysawwi khata' mu'ayyan t-laagi khalaas ennah 'aadi saar saheeh
mu khata' w this is the case le el asaf 'endnaa mushkelah ya'ni fa laazem
ya'ni maadri ya'ni...
76. wallaa aanaa ya'ni ra'yee esh shakhsy enn ya'ni ..fiih mumayyezaat
ketheerah eiii anaa shhayfah ya'ni enni I was impressed saraahah awwal
maajeet ya'ni shft enn enn fiih jenseyaat mukhtalefah muslemeen ya'ni ma
ya'ni maa fiih hettet el ethnicity faahemni? ya'ni kell waahed khalaas ehnaa
muslemeen that is it no problem elli men Pakistan aw men el.. ya'ni ku
kullu muslemeen w khalaas haathi ya'ni fa this is one good advantage
ya'ni, bass .. ya'ni el el.. el interesting thing ba'ad enn el ghareeb esh shay
el ghareeb ba'ad en el elli saar law tetthakkar .. el mashaakel elli saarat
haathi.. ya'ni aanaa men wejhat nathri haathi it was very .. immature
bema'naa asah b ghath en nathar men sah men khata' fa it is ver immature
le'enn ya'ni ke.. en naas el 'aalam elheen fiih mashaakel w ehnaa muub
gaadreen nettefeq 'alaa ashyaa' baseetah w khelaafaat w eneqesaamaat w w
hathaa yetkallam 'alaa haathaa w haatha yguul 'alaa haathaa w haathaa
ahsan w aanaa ahsan w hathaa khata' w hathaa mu khata' ya'ni ya'ni kaan
ma ma maayk w mine it was groe up .. ehnaa we are facing a lot of other
problems serious problems we have a lot of other challenges let's focus el
awwel 'alaa el ashyaa' haathi w .. haathi kaan 'endi el analogy analogy 'a
ya'ni mukhtalef shway b en er rasuul 'alaih es salaat w es salaam kaan
youm haareb youm haareb haareb ma' el yahuud youm maa gaal luhum
yehmuun januub el madinah khaan el 'ahd no problem, bass el prenciple
enn aanaa haarabt ma' waahed thed a worse enemy elli hum el mushrekeen
a worse enemy khalaas no problem fa ehnaa bainnaa w bain el ba'th el
muslemeen we are not one hand basically w ehnaa we're facing the whle
world ya'ni ba'ad w haathi.. fa ehnaa bainnaa w 'alaa ashyaa' ya'ni not a
problem not a problem now ya'ni ba'dain when we have the luxury to
discuss a lo.. these issues let's discuss them bass for the time being w taht
thell eth thuruuf er raahenah fi amercaa fi taht thell el ashyaa' elli saarat
khalaas let's be one hand at least and later one we'll we will discuss these
problems when we have time ..bass ha haathaa e'teraatrhi el waheed w
ba'dain haathi ya'ni anaa shhayefhaa yemken tekuun kheslah yemken ya'ni
aanaa 11 cannot explain it kheslah f el muslemeen mathalan haathi subhaan
Allah ya'ni elli hu 'adam el ettefaaq haathaa w haathaa yetkallam 'alaa
haa.. ya'ni aanaa sheft mathalan men themn el ashyaa' ya'ni shefta... ya'ni
sme't-haa men 'ulamaa' f ya'ni ..ya'ni 'ulamaa' f ed deed men ????
mukhtalefah .. el 'ulamaa' mathalan fi masr ehnaa ehnaa elli nefham w el
azhar huwwa el huwwa ahamm shay w haathaa w and that is it.. law ruht
'ulamaa' fi mantegah thaanyah ehnaa el 'ulamma' w ehnaa elli nefham w
ehnaa el law reht matha,, mathalan jus' men 'ulamaa' f es su'uudeyyah
mathaln yeguul ... ehnasa elli nefham w khalaas that is it.. 'ulamaa'
mathalan fi suryaa I doubt probably it is the same thing anaa maa adri 'an
hathi bass probably may be it is it is the same thing .. fa tlaagi enn e el
aakher ya'ni enn ehnaa ahsan w ehnaa ahsan w haathaa ahsan w haathaa
yefham w haatha maa yefham w haathaa 'aa 'aa 'aalem dakheel w haathaa
w haathaa 'aalem mutafaiqeh wa haathaa maa adri aish .. w f el aakher who
is losing? the whole muslims .. this is the outcome .. laken ethaa ettafagnaa
ya'ni khalaas yaa'ni ya'ni el el el ya'ni Allah mathalan b ynazzel 'ulamaa' f
f ma f f el qaaherah w maa b ynazzel f f demashq mathalan aw f el
maghrib f er rabaat.. akeed fiif kwayyes w fiih el sayye' ..fih mumtaaz w
fih sayye'
77. we need unity .. we need unity
78. saheeh saheeh bass ehnaa maa 'endnaa elli huwa ya'ni enn we're one hand
haathi el mushkelah
79. w aanaa sh.. ya'ni kent agraa el youm el maathi haathaa ba'ad kent..
something very interesting ya'ni.. taqreer 'an 'an el ghethaa' f el watan el
'arabi, fa kaann yeguul lak esh et taqreer en ethaa jaat qarrarat ed duwal el
'arabeyyah kellhaa maa tezra' maa testawred maa tjeeb ay nou' men el
ma'kuulaat yakfeehum zeraa'et es sudan efficiently .. wallahi el 'atheem
aanaa aguul lak ya'ni haathaa et taqreer efficiently ezra' es sudan
le'ennehaa khasbah jeddan ezra' es sudan efficiently kell ed duwal el
'arabeyyah b taakel w 1 maa-had yestawred w maa-had yejeeb ay shay maa
nabi.. amazing ya'ni amazing report.. law ruht mathalan shuft mathalan
report thaani garaitah 'an el mawthuu' haathaa 'an ya'ni muta'alleq b el
mawthuu' haathaa .. el maay f el 'aalam .. the most efficient place f el
'aalam haatha israa'eel estahlaak el maa' .. very efficient fi estehlaak el
maa' el mujtama' w actually California henaa yhaawluun en yqallduu
israa'eel f estehlaak el maa' .. shuuf ehnaa 'endnaa mathalan .. ya'ni yallah
law ruht mathalan fi ay makaan t-laageeh waagef b el khartuum w gaa'ed
'ammal yerush f kell makkan .. eyh w 'alaa ned.... fa ehnaa ya'ni we're not
efficient f el ashyaa' haathi w el ashyaa' haathi is makes a big difference
we need to be efficient we need to be effective taw'eyah 1 en naas ta'leem ..
fa el ashyaa' haathi muhemmah jeddan ya'ni.. w we are not using our
resources properly .. 'endnaa .. 'e 'e ya'ni kell dawlah 'endhaa resources
mukhtalefah w mumayyezaat mukhtalefah w muqawwemaat mukhtalefah
we're not using them w kell waahed ya b .. khalaas ehnaa ehnaa haathaa el
haathi el resources maalatnaa haathi khalaas no one will get anything from
80. et tarteeb yeeji wallah b yeeji men el pressure .. en naas b yesee..ya'ni b b b
tejber en naas en te'eed et tafkeer, lamma yeseer pressure 'alaa en naas w
'alaa el duwal khalaas w el pressure yeeji men el economic factors, ya'ni
anaa aguul mathalan el petruul eyh el petruul b-yekhlas ba'd yemken kam
khamseen sanah mathalan haathi b tekuun ne'mah yemken muub naqmah
haathi b tkuun ne'mah le yaqathat esh shu'uub . yebda' esh sha'b ok let's
be efficient let's be effective let's be productive .. khalaas fa hathi it is very
important el ashyaa' haathi fa el economic factor is the key laazem
economic pressure w ka result tlaagi en naas yallah neshtaghal w nsawwi w
... w ba'dain ya'ni subhaanallaah ya'ni el musle.. esh el ekhtelaaf ya'm.. el
muslemeen wagt er rasuul ya'ni maa.. nafs.. ya'ni el mawjuudeen
ahfaadhum mu saheeh? Khalaas ya'ni wa what is the problem w haathoulaa
ya'ni they managed to conquer from India le le French fa what is different
ya'ni nafs el ashkhaas nafs el geans el weraatheyyah menhum ya'ni nafs ..
there is no difference fa ya'ni kellhaa bass enn enn enn these people they
have another vision taba'an akeed ya'ni fih vision mukhtalefah taba'an fihh
driving force mukhtalefah
81. different understanding taba'an different understanding 1 el 1 el religion 1 el
life different understanding every thing in life fa haatha ehnaa what we ned
to do we need this different understanding w 1 le el asaf ehnaa we're
'sleep., haaleyyah we're asleep w laazem yaqathah w el yaqathah maa bteji ellaa men economic factors ya'ni haathaa this is my theory el economic
factors laazem economic pressure 'alashaan en naas t-laagi ya'ni en enta y
methel maa aguul anaa ya'ni haathaa ed ductuur el ruusi mathalan elli..
yeruuh yeshtaghal mathalan fi tantheef lesh economic factor muthtarr fa
this is the key this is what we need w inshaallah ya'ni I I'm hoping enn
khamseen sanah el jaayyah haathi there will be a big difference in the
productivity of Muslims around this world laazem b-yeseer fiih pressure
'alainaa w ya'ni laazem el our productivity t-zeed w laazem efficiency
tzee.. ya'ni elghareeb ent mathalan law lagaita mathalan ay muhandeseen
'endnaa muhandeseen w 'endnaa haathaa muhandes fi esh w tayyaaraat w
haathaa muhandes tayyaaraat w haathaa muhandes mechanical w
maanegdar nsawwi dina.. dynamo fi 'arabah fi sayyaarah mathalan .. eyh
maa negdar nsawwi ya'ni 'endak shuuf 'endak kamm mechanical engineer
thousands of mechanical engineers w elli t'allem fi MIT w elli t'allem ..
ya'ni eyh waahed zemeel ukhuuy met'allem fi MIT w reja' he can build up
he didn't build up a dynamo muub ya'ni nothing maa fii sf ya'ni khalaas y
w yruuh yga waagef 'alaa y-taabe' ba'th el 'ummaal raghm en hu mafruuth
huwa y-design el ashyaa' haathi ...
82. wallaahi ya'ni aanaa shaayef ya'ni en there are a lot of factors saraahah w
kell f factors factors muta'addedah w w ya'ni aanaa mathalan kent atkallem
ma'a waahed w kaan yeguul li en m enn mathalan en el gharb maa
yabeenaa netqaddam .. th.. anaa gelt fih factos 'adeedah mukhtalefah fa en
ya'ni law law sheft et taa.. taareekh mathalan tayyeb ma., this is true at any
point enn kaan fih khelaaf mathalan bain el mus.. el mum w el furs
mathalan kaan er ruum akeed maa yebuun kh.. maa yebuun enn el furs
yetqaddemoun 'anhum, nafs esh shay mathalan bain ay empires aw ya'ni
individuals let's say in this wo., ya'ni b t-laagi fih competition competition
hathi laaken this is not the only reason .. fih reasons muta'addedah esh
shu'uu.. hh.. el munaafasah .. people want to .. stay ahead of others haathi
shay thaani.. people are inefficient becuae of the economic factors elheen
enn khalaas I'm getting my salary so there is no problem what should I..
that is it ..aa .. a lot of other factors like how things rae being run this is
another factor of course ashyaa' 'adeedah ya'ni ashyaa' 'adeedah laaken el
asaas el asaas el main reason e endethaa' ya'ni endethaa' ed deen
mushkelet ed deen haathi mushkelah kbeerah ya'ni kbeerah jeddan jeddan
le'en law sahh ed deen ha-ysehh kulle shay
83. mushkelah w this is this is haathi khelaasat el mawthuu' ...
84. haathi ya'ni the simple explanation
85. 'atnii.. raqm et telephone maalak beththaabt
86. ma ma maal maalak el mobile aw el bait maa fi mushkelah degeegah bass
ajeeb haathi el el el haath.. el Palm aguul ...
87. men jedeed ... new
88. ok tfaththal
89. hathaa el mobile
90. aa khalaas f ??? @
91. ??? @ CS . Arizona . edu
92. eyh nafs el spelling
93. rrayeh 'alaa 'alaa 'alaa ya'ni 'ashrah August yamken something like that
Researcher (MaQ) with Speaker #10 (A3):
1. ma'theratan hageegah ethaa kaan ya'ni ehnaa ashghalnaak ma'naa or took
your time or anythinh ya'ni
2. w wesh akhbaar el eth thesis defense last night aw last... yesterday
3. aha el com cmittee nafs-hum
4. wallah maashallah how generous
5. hu yeh ahsan shakel w ahda' w dekore w ahdath ba'ad
6. 'aad men naahyat ashan maa adri ye'temed 'alaa el ya'ni what you wanted
to get ya'ni to eat what you like to eat ya'ni
7. ged marrah anaa kent akalt fih akhat mennah akel w jaay batla' ellaa saaheb
el mat'am kaan mgaabelni gaa'ed fi el muqaddemah t'aref el mekaan
haatha el porch haathaa el
8. yeguul li ennu hummaa elli yeshtaghluun kulluhum one family fahamt
ya'ni maa fih ahad mwaththaf 'endah
9. it should not have been private anyway
10. yeh anaa astaghreb hattaa b el master ya'ni it can be public yabduu li ennah
ya'ni it can be public at least for the beginning .. at the beginning ya'ni
11. yeh laa hu el PHD 'aadatan hi elii tseer ya'ni more public
12. ellaa public
13. haraam 'alaik four hours men elli b-ytethammal four hours no no no it just
public for thcce first half hour I think for the first hour a'taqed
14. w ba'dain every body leaves
15. 'alUof A?
16. UK ah sah
17. b el Fall
18. b el course work ya'ni
19. aheh tayyeb shakelnaa b-nerje' 1 enneqtah haathi awwalan khlnaa nebda
men .. ethaa tegdar te'teeni ya'ni te'teenaa .. a summary hah 1 el
educational experience haggetak me-1 bedaayah men ba'd el high school
ya'ni.. saree'an ya'ni men ba'd el high school wain w lahad maa jeet henaa
20. tayyeb ent ahsan offer men nn ay naahyah ya'ni?
21. aa maa a'ref wallah bezzabt men hu hagg el Honda
22. tayyeb enta b el UofA yaa F lamma jeed henaa ya'ni kaif tabee'at
deraasatak ya'ni w men awwal maa jeet ya'ni w takhassusak w ek ashyaa'
haathi kellahaa .. brefly ya'ni ethaa
23. deraastak b el UofA ya'ni
24. ya'ni b-yedfa' lak b ed dollars hnaak
25. kaif eth thesis haggetak 'an nafs el qareebah men .. haggetak eth thesis ..
ya'ni hi b nafs el mawthuu' haatha ba'ad
26. saraahah ... your topic is very interesting ya'ni very interesting
27. laa laa w uabdu ennu inshallaah raah yekuun very useful ya'ni methe maa
gelt b el future
28. tayyeb w inshaallah lammaa tkhalles w tentehi b el men el PHD inshaallah
raah terje' tab'an 1 el es su'uudeyyah wellaa laa
29. b el munaasabah enta ya'ni speaking about ya'ni aw speaking of social life
enta tem.. ta.. taqthi mu'tham waqtak b el b es se'uudeyyah wellaa laa
30. wallaah yaakhi Allah y-waffegnaa weyyaak mawthuu'ak methel maa gelt
ya'ni et topic haggak w et takhassuss haggak mumtaaz jeddan ...
31. eyh laa madaam enta takhassusak ya'ni men haa n naw'eyyah ya'ni.. ya'ni
technologic., technologically yu'tabar so advanced ya'ni yu'tabar w fi el
future mumken yakuun lah barthah dour kebeer faa netwaqaa' tekuun lek
32. bass inshaallah yekuun good effect ya'ni.. it has to be
33. w raah twaasel tab'an fi nafs el el field ya'ni nafs el...
34. wallah yaakhi saraahah b el fe'el el ensaan ethaa ya'ni ethaa el ensaan
mathalan b yet'allam w f en nehaayah maa yestefed men el 'elm elli elli
hassaluh fa ya'ni there is no need for it.. w
35. and reading papers
36. tegsed el quantitative
37. laa w mahuu free w bass ba'ad w yu'tuun fluus 'alaih ba'ad ...
38. yeh bass haathi saraahah ya'ni hu el'aan mu hu shakl muhu shklnaa
mettajheen 1 nafs el ettejaah ya'ni el... el.. anaa kent atkallam b el
munaasabah b khsuus neqtat el ba'd salaat el jem'ah haathi kaan fih
waahed men el el ukhwah el afghaani ya'ni ken., w .. kent at-haddath
ma'ah ba'd el es salaat, fa kaan yeguul ya'ni anaa abghaa aruuh 1 el es
s'uudeyyah abghaa aruuh a'esh hnaak 'alaa tuul tuul haayaati w mesh
'aarf.. find me a job w mesh 'aarf esh... help me ..gelt lah ya'ni I wish I
have ya'ni 11 wish my ha I have a company myself ya'ni wella like .. some
kind of business I would've ya'ni hired you aguul luh, faa huwwa ya'ni
laaken anaa ken 'aad dakhalt anaa yyaah fi mawthuu' el elli an ken
netkallam fih halheen ma'aak elli hu ya'ni b el fe'el ya'ni yuftarath ennuh
yukuun 'endanaa mathalan b el es s'uudeyyah w ed duwal el 'arabeyyah w
ed duwal el islaameyyah ya'ni yeftarath yekuun fih taghyeer fi 'amaleyyat
el immigration 'alaa el 'alaa el aqall ya'ni ennuh yahaith el muslemeen elli
talented ya'ni khalaas w 'enduhum el el quduraat el elli ya'ni taaj'alhum
ya'ni yifeeduun el balad ennu they be they get attracted
39. ya'ni ba'dain ya'ni tajed taraa 'endanaa f ed duwal el 'arabeyyah beththaat
f ed duwal el khaleejeyyah w beththaat 'endanaa mathalan b es
ssu'uudeyyah ennuh fih nou' men el el sensitivity ya'ni.. issh.. el
mawthuu' haathaa ya'ni el issue haathaa beththaat ya'ni yushuufuun ennuh
very sensitive ya'ni le'ennek lammaa ent teftah el baab khalaas bemaa en
es su'uudeyyah tu'tabar ed dawlah el eslaameyyah elli el every body
wanna., every Mulim ya'ni wanted to go to ya'ni to stay an an may be to to
just die in forever ya'ni to be thre, fa laammaa yuft.. gasdhum ennuh
lamma yuftuhu el majaal le kull waahed khalaas fa yukuun baab kebeer,
bass ent aythan teji w teguul laa muhub.. tef.. teftuhuu 1 kul en naas ya'ni
'ala el aqall testaqteb en naas elli mumken tefeed el balad akthar w akthar
khaassatan ennhaate'tabar....
40. el foreigners
41. faa b el fe'el wallaah yaakhi kalaamek saheeh ennu el balad 'endanaa
mathalan awwal men naahyat 'aad et ta'leem men naahyat et ta'leem haath
ya'ni en naas te ya'ni ya'ni lahaa maa fiih shakk ennu saheeh fe'lan ennek
lamma tesh.. tush'er et taaleb khaasatan lammaa yekuun marhalah wasal
marhalah ejtemaa'eyyah tesh'uruh ennuh khalaas yekuun independent
ya'ni, maa ykuun faqat dependent 'alaa ennuh yhassel fluus wyedres w
ba'ad w ba'dah ywaththaf.. 'laa kullen hi el 'aan el meshkelah el 'aan
ennuh enn.. enn.. enn.. ya'ni nataa'ej esh shay haatha el 'aan baadyah b el
high .. el high wesh aguul kek .. percentage in aw el high number of
unemployed now right now ya'ni.. fa laaheth ennu laaheth ennu el el el
bataalah aw el 'ataalah f es se'uudeyyah murtaf ah el'aan katheer men en
naas yetkharrejoun men el jaame'aat w esh ysawwuu .. yejlusuu, afaa ya'ni
nafs esh shay .. ya'ni
42. laa w khaassatan ennak ya'ni ethaa jebt naas w kaanuu ba'ad ya'ni men
nnahyah .. deeneyyah islaameyyah ya'ni shar'eyyan w islaameyyan naas
waa'een w faahmeen w hareseen 'alaa 'alaa maslahat el islam w maslahat
ed deen w haathaa saayer 'enduhum ya'ni luh luh ya'ni priority bebbesbah
luhum khalaas yesbeh el effectiveness haggat-hum akthar le'ennu be-yseer
yeshteghel wuhuu 'endu ya'ni 'endu yesh'er ennu devoted for his job 'endu
.. ekhlaas w neyytuh saleemah tekuun le'ennuh y yas'aa le'ennu tekuun el
maslahah 1 el islam w ek muslemeen b shakel 'aam ya'ni fa, fa lethaalek b
tkuun b tesh'er ennu 'enduh el.. bal hatta yeh b tash'ur ennu ythahhi akthar
khalas laaken
fahaathi saraahah ya'ni fe'len ahaathi ashyaa' ...
43. tayyeb finally ya'ni nebghaa t-haddethnaa 'an ra'yak b Tucson as a as a
community ya'ni as a muslim community
44. aslan fe'lan fe'.. ehnaa we need unity anyway
45. na'am w el taraa ya'ni el ekhtelaaf maa fih el ekhtelaaf f er ra'ey maa fih
mushkelah aslant.. ahamm shay el ettefaaq f el wehdat es saff w el emmaa
er ra'y kellen b yekhtelef fiih ya'ni
46. fih different understanding
47. aaywaa haatha elli tawni baguulah .. huwa ??? en el ensaan el muslem yarje
wa ya'uu.. yajeb 'alaih er rujuu' w el 'awdah elaa ya'ni the principles of
islam le'eennek tajed fihaa kull haajah subhaanalaah fi el quraan el kareem
w f es sunnah tajed kull haajah fihaa salaah 1 el community khalas 1 el
mujtama' el muslem laaken el mushkelat el muslemeen ennu-hum laa ya'ni
ya'ni yataqayyaduun b el qur'aan w es sunnah ka maa yajeb
48. talaphone el bait w ellaa el mobile
49. el mobile haathaa
50. t-shayyek el e-mail haggek yaa F
51. e'teeni el e-mail haggak
52. the one you check ya'ni most of the time ya'ni
53. at yahoo
54. nafs el spelling ya'ni
55. w inshaallah mwaffaq fi el projects elli enta teshteghel 'alaihaa
56. w jzaak Allah khair 'al mushaarakah fi haa 1 el project haathaa
57. 'aad anaa yemken lamman ashuufek lamma teji henaa wellaa wella aakheth
mennek el 'unwaan fimaa ba'd later ya'ni arsel lek cop., arsel lak copy men
el el consent form hagg el muwaafaqah 'alaa estekhdaam ed data haathi..
na'am twaqq'uh w terslah li
Speaker #11 (Th)
1. yetalle' aghraathah mettefeg ma' esh shabaab le'ennuh ytalle' aghraathuh
men storage ywaddeehaa 1 el bait el jedeed ...
2. yedres dektuurah education .. tarbeyah khaassah
3. special education eyh
4. oh fih kell anwaa' el education number one
5. eyh bass .. elli 'endnaa yemken-haa number one
6. tab'an 'alaa hasab et takhassus laaken b-shakel 'aam ya'ni el p.. ya'ni one
of the best ya'ni five
7. yedres biology
8. haathi yaallah t-hassel fat B ya'ni
9. eyhasallem leh draft bass ennah y'addel w yaakheth wagt tuweel maa ...
10. laa laa maa ba' sallamt bass ma maahi meheeb finalel final ethaa gaall lek
khalaas ..
11. eyh el final ethaa gaal khalaas ya'ni elli ba'edhaa t'addelhaa w khalaas
tsaw.. ya'ni w yeguul mathalan wazze'haa 1 el committee .. haathi haathi el
12. laaken anaa maa ba'ad maa ba'ad wesalt elaa haa s stage
13. eyh huu wesh huu syntax?
14. laaken ent takhassesek .. wesh huu b es syntax?
15. laaken el advisor haggek yadri en el ba'tha mentahyah w kethaa?
16. ya'ni mathalan .. men naahyat el.. el es city mathalan tersel lek support
hettaa law kent...
17. hettaa yesrsuluu-1-lek y.. weekly allowance ya'ni
18. tab'an maa y.. yemken maa yersuluun fluus laaken yersluun mathalan shay
sta.. zay el zay el coupons haggat el haleb w ma el haleeb
19. haathaa el formulaa huu ell yethbah
20. faa mumken jeddan yeguuluun wallah maa neg. maa henna maa naa maa
henaa b khalaas 'atek.. k k ya'ni ent khathait tamdeedain that is it
21. la bass taraa wallaah taraa it is very serious
22. laa wallah t'aref ... grand canyon elli 'alaa el mineral point
23. anaa wallah adfa' themaan meyah w 'ashrah bass ka'annah townhouse
24. 'alaa el belt line ... et ted drive w ma et ted drive mennaak ...
25. fiih loaf kebeer marrah
26. thuluuj 'alaa kaif kaifek themaanya inch w ..
27. kaa.. jaanaa gabel fatrah gabel youmain kethaa taqriban hawaali themaanya
inch elaa than'ashar inch .. snow w ent teguul baraad .. w picnic
28. hagg .. f phonology English phonology
29. iresh
30. eththaaher ennah iresh
31. wallah ed data te'temed 'alaa el'arabi w el w el 'ebri
32. laa wallah anaa adres thaaherah mu'ayyanah elli hi el causative .. fa"ala
33. eyh a'teehum mathalan ya'ni as'e.. ta'ref zay sheghl eheghlet es es
syntacticians haathi jumal w yqayymuunha mathalan
34. ent nafs esh shay weshhuu.. athker ennek t f el codeswitching w el
35. mashallaah tedresuun naahyat.. minimalist
36. wallah tayyeb yaakhi jayyed ya'ni ethaareja't can teach minimalist
37. huw et tadrees mahub mahub big deal, laaken el b el bahth ya'ni huw elli
fe'lan yfarreg bain en naas ...
38. el meshkelah ennhaa ya'ni ya'ni anaa atwaqqa' maa tengesnaa inshallah el
el grammar el qawaa'ed w ma el qawaa'ed
39. mnaaqsheen el e'raab w ma el e'raab wesh el ash., wesh el ashyaa' el elli
hu el z.. el case mark wesh el ashyaa' elli.. ya'ni
40. fa hu raah yedres dektuuraah f el f el linguistics f el adab aa f el lughah el
'arabeyyah takhassuss .. ya'ni syntactician zayynaa beththabt
41. ya'ni mujarrad tools tsaa'edk fi fi bahthek
42. ya BM akhathaanaa el hadeeth 'en el interview
43. ya'ni fih waiting list wellaa
44. el eagle hights maa tethkerhaa
45. aguul f el eagle hights
46. ya'ni kethaa ashbah maa yukuun free
47. w wazz'aw 1 khams w 'eshreen alf mayor fi fi henaa w 1 es sahafeyyeen w
taqriban hawl meyat alf men es sahafeyyeen w el e'lameyyeen w el ya'ni el
officials haathoulaa w 1 el maktabaat el 'aamah
48. hu el editor in chief
49. kamm ajal el community kebeerah
50. very nice wallah
51. oh marrah 'endah haa 1 prelim w 'alaa ed draasah
52. hu khallas el prelim tab'an
53. faa laaken yhaawel ysawwi proposal ygeddmah fi agrab wagt
54. 'alashaan ymayyzuun bainnaa w bain el faculty
55. maa fih ellaa bass el el first name
56. it is ok ya'ni
Researcher (MaQ) with Speaker #11 (Th)
1. 'alaa kukken .. .before we proceed yaa buu abuu yaa bu Z we want to he.,
we want some help from you..
2. anaa abghaa asawwi ma'ak interview .. laa tkhaaf
3. nebghaa nsawwi ma'ak interview that will be taped ya'ni..
4. maa hii as'elah mujarrad faqat ya'ni open aa.. open discussion ya'ni
conversation .. hii el et el es study abghaa asawwihaa henaa
5. maa hu ya'ni maa 1-haa 'alaaqah bel codeswitching ketheer ya'ni,
el'alaaqah akamm shau b el aswaat w mal'aswaat w kethaa .. sheft
6. hattaa anaa weddi akallem ba'ad F w kathaalek M nebghaaneshrekhum b es
study hettaa ntalle'hum b el...
7. aguul er rajjaal kaan 'endanaa b Wisconsin akkeed ennu bass bagi ba'th el
.. ba'th el finishing touches
8. maa ba' ad saarat formal
9. 1 aah special education
10. eyh ghareebah 'endekum fih special education ketheer ajal
11. hayyen hayyen Wisconsin tu'tabar one of the best fi kull haajah almost
12. kellehum biology
13. kelluhum biology?
14. library science
15. elli f el library science khallesaw kulluhum
16. el library science 'endanaa ya'ni methel maa yeguuluun piece of cake ya'ni
17. mumken nekuun unfair law gelnaa maskharah ba'ad
18. esm el school esemhaa school of library science 'endanaa ba' f Arizona
19. walla lawni hatta mghammeth bajeeb el A w anaa mrayyeh
20. lek lain eththaaher yemken hawaali khams w sab'een sab'een tejeeb el B
plus hahh ya'ni bass zawwed shway tes.. khams sab'een hawl khams.. hawl
etn themaaneen tejeeb A
21. b el computer ya'ni
22. maa afaadatni b el computer
23. maa huu recognized b men qebal men qebal jaame'atkum
24. bass anaa saraahah ashghelouni el 'yaal saraahah baini w bainak el bezraan
wallaah yaakhi wallah yaa bu Z saraahah el bezraan saaraw yaakheth..
ya'ni yaakhthuun waqt akthar men el laazem too much time wallah
25. sallamt tayyeb draft el awwalah
26. ahamm shay el final draft sallamt-haa wellaa lessaa
27. eyh anaa sallamt lah anaa maa anaa ya'ni zay maa tguul el final nafs esh
shay methlek ya'ni maa ba'ad sallamt luh final draft laaken sallamt el
chap., akthar men chapter ya'ni begaa 'endi el final chapter methel maa
yeguuluun ashteghel 'alaih elli huu el analysis bass maa anhat menh yaakhi
el meshkelah enn fe'lan anaa kell shwayy y-taaleb-ni b ashyaa' ya'ni
28. eyh emriki el advisor w tab'an 'endi committee thaaneen bass huu le'n..
akthgar esheghli tab'an te'ref b el bedaayah ma' el advisor
29. eyh takhassusuh hu b es syntax w takhassesah b el ba'ad ye'ref ashyaa'
ketheerah ya'ni b el
30. eyh anaa akthar shay b es syntax w el morphology .. morphosyntax ya'ni
31. wallah anaa atmannaa atmannaa inshaallah b es saif akuun khalast
inshaallah haathi el el plan methel maa yeguuluun enni akkun khallast..
32. el mushkelah ba'ad 'endanaa waahed men el el lejnah takhassusuh b el b el
Arabic linguistics 'endi f.. haathaa meshkeltah ennah tawwah thai youmain
raayhen 1 el yaman kell shwayy yeruuh ysawwi data w yjamme' data men
el yaman yeshteghel 'alaa lahjah esh ysammuhaa el lahjat ahal san'aa ...
33. le'ennuh huu 'arabi ahyaanan ya'ni anaa as'alah ba'th el as'elah le'ennah
huu 'endah ya'ni khebrah b el b el ling., el Arabic linguistics akthar menni
34. muta'aawen jeddan hayyen maa 'alaih meshkelah maa 'endah meshkelah
men naahyat et ta'aawen bass ennah ya'ni aguul lak busy men naahyat
rouhaatah daayem yeruuh ysawwi field ysammunah field studies w akthar
maa yeruuh 1 el yaman ...
35. w kaan t el es support haggah kwayyes men naahyat el letter haggetah elli
36. faa ya'ni anyway
37. khaassatan elli 'enduh ba'ad five kids methli ba'ad yeruuh fihaa
38. wellaa b ngaddem 'alaa el food stamps fithaa
39. neruuh 1 es city el low income
40. ngad.. ngaddem 'al low income shesmah ma' el low income people
41. anaa law aruuh luhum beguu.. automatically eththaaher be-ywaafguun
42. el formula el formula hagg H ..
43. eyh huu thakar gaal ya'ni gaal gaal ya'ni ennu yutawaqq' fi ya'ni by
mathalan August yehuun takharraj ya'ni hopefully ...
44. laaken hasab kalaam el advisor ya'ni inshaallah enhum b ywaafguun
45. 'aad hu hu maddad li anyway lain nehaayat May bass yegiil enni maa darait
46. hu 'ataani m tamdeed lain nehaayat May bass ennah 'aw., 'awwad yeguul
raah asawi lah block le'ennah maa law maa jaanaa shay le'enni anaa
akhta't yeguul
47. w w same same ya'ni area wellaa
48. ajal hu entegal F1 sheggah wellaa house
49. condiminum
50. kamm three bedroom wellaa two bedroom
51. zay ya'ni 11 te'tabar thre bedroom
52. te'tabar three bedroom, bass enn-haa .. w fih garage w fih mu garage
mawqefain gasdi mghattaat w backyard w shesmuh esh ba'ad akthar men
storage area w fih geddami visitor parking ahyaanan awaggef anaa fih
53. ehnaa manteqag ya'ni tu'tabar central ya'ni
54. lain baghait aftah .. aftah er el moon roof w el eyh shaayef...
55. oh yeh .. tawwnaa ams kaan 'endanaa picnic hagget el 'eed gabl ams
actually f b f el park
56. eyh laa ehnaa netla' picnic barra nel'ab krat qadam w el jem'ah w es sabt
haathaa kel jem'ah maa fih enqetaa' ya'ni el jaw helow ...
57. w wesh lown el ..el bahth haggek f.. ent f el shesmah f el morpho-syntax
wellaa wesh...
58. wesh tsawi el ed data w esh shsghlaat haathi men wain
59. w el larabi weshshuu yu'atabar ..ya'ni shesmah tsawwi testing 1 el...
60. bass rab'ek el 'arab es subjects hagginek wellaa el participants ..
metsaa'deen ma'ak ya'ni
61. te'teehum ysawwuun bass judgement w shaghlaat welaa ...
62. anaa ana deraasti yaa teweel el'umur b el morpho-syntactic ... study on
Arabic-English codeswitching .. study on Arabic-English
63. faa ya'ni methel mathal maa teguul deraasat el constraints khalaas f el f el
Arabic-English codeswitching ya'ni ethaa kaan fih mathalan ... ma' ennu
sabaq 'umel men qabel bass ennuh maa kaanat ya'ni marrah lahaa 'alaaqah
b el b el minimalist approach w 1 el GB w ta'allaq b el en nuqtah ...
64. eewaah men naayat el minimalist
65. saajjni el advisor haggi marrah yeheb el minimalist...
66. el advisor haggi... esmah RT RT jayyed jayyed w fih 'endanaa ba'ad el
qesem qesm el linguistics fi Arizona marrah mrakkzeen ya'.. 'alaa el
mawthuu' haathaa maa ashuuf ennah lah daa'ee thaak el ehtemaam
67. kell elli raayheen hnaak aktharhum takhassuss-hum b el b el applied a
aktharhum b yedresuun b et TESOL w b el education w el educational
linguistics w .. w .. w el shesmuh el CALL ta'leem el computer ta'leem el
atfaal.. ta'leem ....
68. w kathaalek ent bennesbah lek mathalan mawthu.. malaaj el es syntax f el
lughah el 'arabeyyah anaa lammaa anaa abadawwer shay makteb.. maktuub
b es syntax b el 'arabi yaakhi maa adri ya'ni madri yemken 'endi el es
search aw er research 'endi maa huub kwayyes
69. laaken ya'ni tehess ....
70. anaa anaa athker anna ... ged gelt lek men qabel sawwait.. qara't ketaab ..
Sibawih muhub k maa qara'tah kellah laakenni sawwit lah review ya'ni
akhat maaddah b henaa b el minor haggi elli hu b en el minor haggi anaa
near easter studies shaayef.. f khat maaddah w ta;ab menni enni agraa gaal
Hi alf safhah hah one thousand pages men el eighteen hundred mush 'aarf
esh BC ...
71. fa ektart ketaab Sibawaih w wallah saraahah madri shlown wallah yaakhi
fih ashyaa' mehib baseetah bass ennhaa nafs esh shay hard to understand
ya'ni shaayef
72. el interview haathi hi maashyah zain
73. tawwah jedeed fresh
74. wallahi enni madri anaa madri hu fih waiting list ..anaa wallah ..aakeed fih
.. madr weshlown aslan maa ba'ad bedaa 'shaan yeseer fih waiting list
75. w yeguul fihaa ennuh yutawaqqa' ennuh es sent el jaayah zay thai ayyaam
yekuun ya'ni over
76. eyh marrah laa naakhth esh shuttle ...naakheth el bike
77. faa awaggef w aakhth el w aakhth el w el buses ya'ni 'endanaa fithaa el
shuttles fih yemken hawaali fi maa laa yaqel 'an 'asharah aw akthar
78. entu 'endukum mawjuud maa athker ennah kaanat fi Madison fih shuttle
79. ya'ni autopiec ya'ni baasaat
80. eey haagt el eagle hights
81. bass haatheek maa tedkhel daakhel el daakel methel maa twasslek lain
mabnaa mathalan el mabnaa hagg el linguistics wellaa laa
82. telgaahum maa bain kell rubu' saa'ah telgaah te'gaah f stop w yemshi
yejeelak on time bezzabt ya'ni..
83. fih ya'ni route m..
84. laa fre haathi.. free 1 et tullaab
85. ma'ruuf ma'ah backpack haggetuh
86. aslant hnaak law tehet backpack hnaak law thett back pack kaan b
yeguuluun habal thaa ed dektuur...
87. free?
88. it is good wallah
89. wallah jaa 'adad kebeer men el mejallah ..for free merseleenah 1 el masjed
'endanaa entu .. ya'ni elli hu 'an islam the truth .. .aw mesh ..
90. tayyeb what is he doing for living ya'ni
91. laa 'endanaa haathaa hu yu'tabar imaam bass ennah hu imaam-director
ehnaa jaaybeenah m.. mwaththfeenah ehnaa 'endanaa ka imaam-director
92. bass enn el im.. bass in el imaam 'enda hu el immmam-director tha 1
ayyaam ba'th en naasa ketheer men en naas asbahaw me'tartheen 'alaih
shway ma'ad yebuunah ma' ennah hu el imaam-director w jaab lenaa fluus
w tabarru'aat...
93. anaa men themn el el board of trustees hagg el masjed ..
94. eyh at least
95. ehnaa marrah msawween lailat fihaa fund-rasing jema'naa fihaa meyat alf
96. bass anaa mawjuud already fi edaart el masjed men naahyat ka .. 'uthuw f
el majles 'umanaa' el masjed
97. bass F already ba'ad mashghuul b el b el draastah
98. khallas el prelims
99. anaa anaa mfakkerf el spring break w..
anaa mfakker b el break haathi el spring break enu bedat 'endekum
wellaa maa bedat?
anaa barsellek 'alaa el e-mail haggek ..just ya'ni one second khall
aakhth el e-mail haggek ya bu Z hah..
eyh gelt lek f en nehaayah bass abarsel lek shesmah attachment..
zay mateguul zay elli shesmuh ysammuunah subject co.. subject consent
form tsawwi lah download twagg'ah teqra'ah w twagg'ah Allah y'aafeek w
terselah li anaa bahet el e.. el bareed
laa laa laa maa fihaa laa asmaa' walaa shay abadan kellahaa
confidiential ya'ni ent mujarrad bass sugniture 'ad haggetek w terselah
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