TRY A MOUNT VESUVIUS fRAPPE IT'S THE LATEST We have all kinds of Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas and fancy drinks. Ice Cream sold and delivered by the quart , for Parties, Picnics, etc. ••"Meals served at all hours. 3^=M ©vvl Rhodes & Hallctt . Props Open Sundays. EDWARD J. FISHER. fReetaurant an& ffiafcer^, Blue Point Oysters in every style. Also sold by the quart or bushel at lowest prices. Fine Confectionerv and Ice Cream. Weddings and Parties supplied. Awarded Bakeshop Certificate by the State Factory Inspector MAIN :ST .. RIVERHEAD. N. Y M66t> Mt> No More AT T H E BRIDGE. E.S.WH8TMAN, FINE WAGON PHI WING 1 ; J l i *r SU C C E S S O U S TO ai^asaassgiaa^aigiK-iiaaemaa il DRUGGISTS AND 1 APOTHE CARIES... - Satisfaction Guaranteed. is - Cli r M ! ' f T !'!;;( ¦ : ¦ il: Li v> . !'h ¦ -V.d 1.F. BENJAMIN ' S SOUS . ;j L/f. F. BENJAMIN , Idnni w iiiz. i Are aald of ton to be burled six feet under ground. But many tlmei women call on their family physicians, suffering, at they Imagine, one from dyspepsia , another from heart disease, another from liver or kidney disease, another from nervous prostration, another with pain bore and there, and In this wav they present alike to themselves and their easy-going or overbusy doctor , separate diseases, for which he, assuming them to bo such , prescribes his pills and potions. In reality, they are all only tumptums caused by some uterine disease. TlioTTh-salcian ,"Ignorant of the cause of sufferrng'rWps upTSsjreatraent until large bills are imide. JTAijfsu/ferlng patient gets no betterVUwJrcaSBiiJjvthe wrong treatment, but probably worJeT^ prop'"- "'^iflne '"••<• r>r. Torre 's Fivoxltfl Prescription, ulrecteil tn the con*e \yp|i7rt Have fill iroiv removed Wie disease, thereby dispelling all those distressing syraptoms, and instituting comfort instead of prolonged misery. It has been well said , that "a disease known Is half cured. " . Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a scientific medicine, carefully devised by an experienced and skillful physician , and adopted to woman 's delicate system. It is made of native American medicinal roots and is perfectly harmless in Its effects i't .on; c.viio|iioii or the, tenuity sy stem. As a powerfu l Invigorating tonic "Favorite Prescription " imparts strength to the whole system and to tho organs distinctl y feminine In particular. For overworked , " worn-out." run-down ,» debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," houso-keepcrs, nursins mothers, ana feeble women generally, l)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the greatest earthl y boon, being unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nervine "Favorite Prescription '' is unequaled aud Is Invaluable in allaying and subduing nervous excitability^ irritability, nervous exhaustion , nervous prostration , neuralgia . hyst«ria, spasms. St. Vitus's dance, and other distressing, nervous svmptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the uterus. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxietv and despondency. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate tho stomach , liver and Unvels. One to three a dose. Easy to take as candy. 1 Always np-to-dute in 5 DOCTORS MISTAKES ] Paints. Oils , Glass, j 'j ; - ' V - r n i s h , Etc. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Recent Conveyances Recorded in Suffolk County Field , Samuel S., &w to Edgar B. Mulford 20 A., e and n s of highways adj. laud of Wm. L, Osborn , at Tan Creek, East Hampton , nom. Mulford , David I., &w to J. Harper Poor 1-2 A., on Baells Lane adj. land of J. Harpor Poor , East Hampton , nom. Sammis, Edgar to B. Antonio Gingliano lot e s Wall stieet , adj. land of R. H. Jones, Huntington , nom. Narston .H. Luella &ano. , to Hiram Sanford«Ketoham &w lot on h i g h w a y adj. laud of Thomas Skidmore, East Northport , nom . Magrath , Franklin &w to Spencer L. Hillier lot w s Fifth avenue, adj. land of Wn. W. Hnlse, Bay Shore, nom . Swett, Samuel &w to John McBrien Jr., lot w s Bairoad avenue, adj. land of Michael Shea, Huntington , nom . Steighler, Harry W., to J. Ralph Benjamin 100 A., c i Peconio River adj. land of James M. Baynor , Calverton , nom. Benjamin , Wilson J., &w to Louisa D. Steigler 1 A. e s Canoe Lake avenue, alto 1 A., adj. property of Alert & McQuire, at Calverton depot, uonj. Balz, Frederick to Piatt B. Penny I 1-2 A., s s Jericho Turnpike adj. land of F. flubbs, Commack, $100. Gould , Chas. A., to Joseph A. Higgins lot n s Main street , adj. land of Lawrence E. Edwards, Patchogue, 12,800. Smith , Herbert S. &w to Chas. A. Gould lot e s Maple avenue , udj. land of W. U. Weeks , Patchogue , nom. Samuiis, Chas T. &w to Mary O. B a l d w i n lot s s hig hway leading from Veruou Valley to Old Depot , N o r t h port , nom. Lowndes, Allison E., <£»- to Patriot ,1. Douoliue lot s s First street , adj. land of Wm. Teich , Fa*r Grounds . nom. Sickes , S. 31. , to P h i l i p W o h l f a r t h lot c s H a w t h o r n e avenue , lor M . Cc-iit ;;i l I-lip. n om. P h i l ; ; :.- . R u t h A . , to W i l l i a m II . M V m p r a e r y lor w s I-"ifr! ) vrr- ' e.". ne .° . Klii-l i 'i CilAS lr . B n i i ,-y, t i ij .- siy,;. , ii'. -n:. Ella V. Turrell 3 4-10 A., on Country road adj. land of A. O. Silllman, Smithtown, $4,000. Long, Irvin J., &w to Eenneth J. Roberta lot e s Clinton avenue, adj. land of George Ticehurst, Bay Shore, - $5, COO. Pugsley, John H. &w to Albert - J. Freeman 1 1-3 A., n s Main -street, adj. land of John Quarty, Southold , nom. Osterbosk y, Alma E., to Joseph H. C. Wiletts lot w s Nassau avenue, adj. land of Ellen Bundrick , Huntington . nom. Deller, Catherine to Louis Fignri lot s s Shoemaker Lane adj. laud of Elbert Waters, H u n t i n g t o n , nom. Topping, Clinton H. &or? to Albert E. Topp ing 1 1 8 A., H S Main Country road, adj. land of E. A. Topping, Bridgehampton , nom. Overton , Floyd A., &w to Lillie A. Brown lot e s Maple avenue , adj. land of Floyd A. Overton , Patchogue, nom. Green , Samuel P., to Marinns John Van Popering lot w s Cherry street , adj. land of said Van Popering, West Sayville, nom. Bishop, Charles to George Vail 1-2 A., adj. land of Jasper Vail , town of Southampton, near Riverhead, nom. Topping, Albert E., to Aleine J. Topping 14 A.,s a Main South Country road adj. land of James M. Ludlow, Brid gehampton, nom. Lowndes, Allison E., &w to Harry Ernst lot 1 e s Nassau avenue, Huntington , nom. Bennett. Ella B., to Hiram 'Sberrill 1 A., on Three-Mile Harbor road at Three-Mile Harbor . nom. Beware of Ointmen ts for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell ami completely derange the whole system when euter/n g it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from r e p u t a b l e physicians , as the diiiMige they will do is ten fold to t h e goml you can possibl y derive from tli.- ¦;.• . Hall' s Catarrh Cure , uianufaetv.i-.u b y l\ J. C'lieney i: Co., Toledo. < > . . . ¦ n t . i i i i s no luerenry, and is t a k • •:, : :: '. 'i-nal!y . a c t i n g upon t h e blood ; '. < . : nmn.!, . *ur:;; < - .' of the system. !•; 1-uy i n g H a l l ' s (' »: iiirrli Ciire be sui ' - . . . il gi-t t i n - !_-e:i n i n e . It is t a k c ; ; :¦; ¦.. ¦,]v a i : , i ], u ,.i .. i:i To 'edo. Otii " . " ". ¦'. . < ' :, . -u. -\ - t (,'o. T o s t i m o i i i i . - . --. !-: : - .- m- . ¦• .. : - - . Price , " . . ¦ :-- , ., : - .' v.-t : '. - • f HAPPINESS Th* Difference Between the Sexes In This Important State. One source of women 's happiness Is to be found , we think. In their love of detail. They enjoy erery detail of social life. Th ey love the minutiae of their work. They do not love It i:s a man loves his, for the sake of an end. They look close at what they arc doing, and they do not look forward. They take pleasure in their children as they are. A defect, i*»'» though it he a serious one, destroys their pleasure In them far less than it destroys that of a man. They arc not constantly oppressed by the though t of what that defect will mean In the future. If a woman Is by nature apprehensive her fears apply for the most part to little things. If n man Is apprehensive ho fears wh en the lit is upon him the debacle of heaven and earth. For women time goes a little slower. They take pleasure in each jewel of that mosaic which makes up happiness rud are not fretted because the pattern is not complete. Of this quality they have, no doubt, the Inevitable defectsmuch brilliance, little grasp and a tendency to frivolity. They are apt to fritter away their lives and minds on little things. They become engrossed with the details Of play as well as the details of work. Men no doubt hnve more opportunities of keen pleasure than women have, but these opportuniti es are short lived. The happiness of the moment they are less fitted to take. The difference between the sexes in this particular might, we believe, be thus summed up; A man Is happy whenever he has anything to make him happy, but a woman Is happy whenever she has nothing to make her unhappy.—London Spectator. SAMUEL SWETT, Long Island Agt. for WHITEHOUSE & PORTER / 573 FIFTH AVENUE, N. Y. CITY. If you want to sell your property send a description of it to Huntington. TEL. 61 Huntington - - 5840-38 New York j H^HH ^^^ MMWHH ^^^^^^^ HHH ^^Mb -^^^ EDWIN D. FISHEL , Real Estate, Lif e and Fire Insurance. > ?> A PEW BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE 30 acres of wocdland on the south side of the road leading from Riverhead to Good Ground. Small pond on premises . The balance is high , dry land covered with a good growth of wood. Title ,'perfect. Full warranty deed from owner. Price $15 per acre. 40 at res of woodland about one mile east of Riverhead Depot. This tract of land is covered with a good growth of wood , mostly oak . Property is bounded on one side by a brook of clear, running water. Price for the 40-acre tract , $1,000. SHELLS THAT SWIM. These Peculiar Fish Are Mostly Confined to Trop ical Seas. The idea of shells being found anywhere else except upon the se.ib.Mi.-li or In river beds Is a little startling. Yet the naturalist who pursues his work from n ship in midoccan can and does collect shells by the thousan.l at every dip of his net or bucket. S w i m m i n g shellfish are mostly confined to tropical seas. The most familiar is tho n a u t i l u s , which is , is. > <-,-ever , not a shellfish at all . but a near relation of the c u t t l e f i s h ; also ir i only seen on the surface at a e u -; aiii time of tho year. The real oeeau s!a. 11Il-li are m o - t i y very small. In ti.a Ind i a n ocean they may he seen Ly !nil : lio -as. One r.-v. -:, bears the ;.;,; ., 1 i' - : ; i:a:ae of C a v - h l u l a tri~;>ha>~a !;. ;< t ' -,. . o-l ' I :- . c.t': lar;iy ai corah ;..; t.) tho .- '•• ¦ Hu 7^ 5 acres of high ground , south side of Peconic Bay with about 500 feet of water frontage, goud , sightl y location. Price $100 per acre. I 1 | 7 acres of very high ground near Tiana Bay, adjoining the premises of Hon. Charles Mnrphey, with about 330 feet of road frontage. A desirable spot for a few summer cottages. Price for t h e tract §3,500. • 1 I § | SO acre farm [near -.Mattituck vvith very large dwelling house, barns and outbuildings. "Water frontage. Price sjlG ,00<i . K ft W acres of land , mostly under cultivation , with about 1,000 feet of clear , sandy beach , situated on t h e north side ot Peconic Fay, ut Jamesport. Price on application. *j [j i Large farms situated on th»« north side of Sound Avemn.witli w n t' T frontages on Long Island Sound. Prices ou a p pli c a t i o n . O T H ER P R O P E R T I E S . ¦' I I] |» % If you are in want of Fire Insurance send for rates- Your business solicited. E D W I N D. F I S H EL , H i v e r h e z o , N. Y, tj I i • ff i * 3ea-sop'.a latcox pi 'oducliO' '5. Us-fcrcs ^]icl ij ace y i ^ ' In Patent Calf , Gun M etal Calf , V! ¦: Kiel , and Tan Calf . . . -! .!' ^. i . U, ¦ ' ¦: ¦ : - ¦¦ . . .: <.' i,. ' - '• :'. :. : - v . : - .. ' . .- I ' ,. , r;-- '« ; '. , r: ¦" M;i f; r.m r,n ' liilli ;:ii!LU ! .i! ( 'j Uil!UhiO jii - ' i M ^ i ll l ll -.rH !!!-'!! ^^ P r i n t i -'d "\ i " :iui -a\ ej. *J *~ i" L.\' '^ t K m mlmt \gj^ :;' ::¦: . x p l a h i a ' , "aaal I Y.\1 I . ,:ri.-e rnon ..,/ lnuor to r.n a< yea tell me." ••Well , my frier.. '.." I Van answered , "w henever thee ihuh- a ai-'s^ of liquor in th y hand open t h a t lein- .I l» -f -».v the glass touches t h y li[ -~ . and Jheo will never drink to excess again. " J l i l l i l !L U i c ^ n U i LATEST STYLES. <^^_ K ij; / & si Vv I ¦" ^i!b!s Aiic.-iJ. . - : -], ! u;i y v ; y a-lie, ! tho : v-- .:. . . k ;: s .-. i i ; \ -w u,< v- < i.^ h . ! "Is y ,. tj :' t h e s..r.i- fm-oil woiait n «¦« '¦¦-, : i!' "! -. .f 1* . T. Ci.:ik'.;n. I l u n r - ! o:>.rly r:: ':- -: ¦ ¦ ¦' oxpen l-.e i< ." was tlie , :U tho <.!•' •:• ; l; .:' - -y . IIO U: 1 .: i- to see hi -.-.i lev a few Vn- :.- . D i .i - :.. W i l f r . - .i W e i ; ; ; - i ' reply. -, i r.iint.-tes ." ¦• > - . would I. lie hasn 't l ! ,in \\\ r: ;¦ -.. ' -, -t-i s .- i *"* v r . :n ] - • ¦ -, i;f '. i r l ! *.iii a w . i u e aee coino li'i -. ne - ¦ :."— M i l w a u k e e Sentinel. ' C- tv. i . r v >!•. . . t. ;,i-o lot ror. HaU.-tt j s t r i M u u d t\ u e t c r y ;ivemi e P . i v i r , . The iv:: ' : it Is those who best de' Corner AUiin St. and e.eru ;, num. serve pr:'. i. ' - ' ;ve generally the most P.n-kv-. ' ar:i. !-:.I\«- iiril W., as Ex., to exquisite re '. Mi of It.—Steele. Peconic A \ 'cnite. Q FOR IWSPFPSTA YOU Wi l^ ll If DIGESTS -WHAT EAT ^©? \J£J E . C 'ESWITT & COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILW. ^^[^O For Sale bv James H. Corwin. CASTOR !A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought i j -No Surplus Yv'e.lltb. "What are y .m u-.i '.i ::.- to do w ith your surplus wealth';" "My friend. " answered 3Ir. Dustiii Stax . "surplus wealth is a m y t h , a superstitlon. There is no such thing In the personal experience of any Individual."—Washington Star. It is only because each man Is so dlfferent from his fellows that we are able to ensure one another 's company. Bignatare cf OcO^/X 7^^^< —Florida Times, i Tlie Oelcbrateci 64NOH-E€lUAI: ' |¦¦ jr ti \ J | 1 | $3,00 SHOE Full Value For The Money I 6 § s * MWWiWffiigaBWWtWBgMMMiMB 'WTfft^ "^^ ¦ • I AixiL ijf j ^i^ s siiuii s i UK ^ . ADVE RTISE your wants in THE COUNTY REVO t
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