The primary goal of Stillwater Area Public School`s Literacy program

he Stillwater Area Public Schools
Elementary Guide provides an overview of
the curriculum and instruction provided to
Stillwater elementary school students.
This Curriculum Guide lists the subjects and topics
taught at each school at the 5th grade level which
support student achievement of Minnesota State
Academic Standards.
Students, parents, and district educators share the
responsibility of making sure that students meet or
exceed Minnesota Academic Standards.
Stillwater Area Public Schools takes a learnercentered approach and considers children as
active participants in the learning process;
students engage in the construction of their
own knowledge. The district believes...
• Students are the primary focus of all decisions.
• A safe, supportive and engaging learning
environment will foster excellence.
• Student learning is enhanced when there is a
united effort and positive communication
among home, school and community.
• A student’s well being is enhanced by positive
relationships and mutual respect among and
between students and staff.
• Student growth occurs when students are actively
engaged in rigorous and relevant learning.
• Excellence in learning is directly related to
excellence in teaching.
• Valuing the strength found in a diverse world
is essential to high quality learning.
• Creativity, innovation and initiative are
encouraged and celebrated.
• Each individual, including student, family and
staff has inherent dignity and the right to
equitable and respectful educational experiences.
The primary goal of Stillwater Area Public School’s
Literacy program is to develop independent, fluent,
and enthusiastic readers and writers. Students
will actively engage in reading, writing, speaking,
listening, thinking, and technology as they explore the
following essential components:
• Fluency
The “hands on” science program includes lessons
• Variable
• Landforms
• Environments
• Heredity
• Vocabulary
• Comprehension
• Writing
Fifth graders will focus on United States studies to
learn about:
• Grammar
• Historical skills
• Spelling/Word Study
• US history
• Handwriting
• Geography
• Speaking and listening
• Government and citizenship
• Economics
• Number and Operation:
o Divide multi-digit numbers
o Recognize and write equivalent fractions
o Add and subtract fractions, mixed numbers and decimals to solve problems
• Algebra:
o Use properties to generate equivalent expressions and evaluate expressions involving whole numbers
o Understand and interpret equations and inequalities involving variables and whole numbers
• Geometry and Measurement:
o Describe attributes to classify and draw 3D figures
o Determine the area of triangles and quadrilaterals
o Determine surface area and volume of rectangular prisms
• Data:
o Display and interpret data
o Determine mean, median and range
• Singing
• Reading, writing, and composing music
• Moving to music
• Evaluating and analyzing music
• Improvising music
• Playing Orff instruments (simple percussion 
and xylophone instruments)
• Performing music
• Exploring global music
• Students have the opportunity to sing in a choir
and/or play an instrument
• Movement concepts in relation to equipment,
self and others
• Rhythmic movement
• Specialized movement skills and strategies
• Net/wall, striking, fielding and target games
• Physical fitness components, planning and goal setting
• Technology is integrated throughout the
curriculum. All buildings provide wireless
Internet access and interactive whiteboards.
Teachers and students have access to computer
labs, laptops, student response systems and other
technologies. All buildings have a media center.
• Our schools provide a variety of specialized
services for students who qualify, including
assessment as well as interventions and supports
for academic, social and behavioral, and physical
obstacles to learning.
• Gifted and Talented
o Cluster grouping occurs
o GATE program available for those who qualify
more information is available online at /Gifted_Services
• Math With Me/Title I
o A mathematics support program available at
designated Title I schools and to students who
qualify for additional academic help
• Read With Me
o A support program providing intense reading
instruction to students who qualify
• Targeted Services
o A remedial program offering support to
eligible students outside of the normal school day and over the summer
o An academic program to guide English
Language Learners as they move through
levels of English proficiency in listening,
speaking, reading, and writing.
• Our teachers utilize the Responsive Classroom
approach to elementary teaching that
emphasizes social, emotional, and academic
growth in a strong and safe school community.
• Bus safety
• Fire drills
• Tornado drills
• Fifth grade assessments include district level
benchmark and daily classroom measures of
mathematics and literacy. In addition, NWEA
Measures of Academic Progress are given in the
fall and spring to measure growth in the areas
of mathematics and reading. The Minnesota
Comprehensive Assessment (MCA), given in April,
is a state exam that measures student proficiency
in the areas of science, mathematics and reading.
For more specific information
about curriculum and instruction in the
Stillwater Area Public Schools,
feel free to contact the Teaching and
Learning Department at 651-351-8388
As Minnesota’s first public school district and
the premier educational choice in the St. Croix
Valley, Stillwater Area Public Schools ensure
a rigorous and relevant education where all
learners are valued, positive relationships are
We learn not for school but for life
developed and students are prepared for
life-long learning in a global society.