Annual Report - San Juan College

Success Matters
from the President
Success Matters. At San Juan College we have adopted this as our new
tagline, as it not only emphasizes our top priority of student success and
completion, but it also embodies the College’s mission of inspiring our students
and supporting them as they achieve their individual goals.
Photo by Tony Bennett
This year’s Annual Report showcases how Success Matters on all levels –
from students gaining the skills they need to land a new career or further their
education, to professors helping students achieve their educational goals. You
also will find stories of community support, which is vital in ensuring we have
the facilities and resources needed to provide a high-quality education.
Dr. Toni Hopper Pendergrass
The strong community support was evident when in February of this year,
San Juan County voted, yes, to the General Obligation Bond. Approving the
$10 million bond will not only help enhance the School of Science, Math and
Engineering, it also has a large impact on those enrolled in the Fire Science,
Emergency Medical Technician and Commercial Driver’s License Programs. The
impact of these funds will increase the learning opportunities for our students
to build careers and contribute to building a strong local economy.
Thanks to the generosity and dedication of the community, we celebrated the grand opening of the new
School of Energy and Sherman Dugan Museum of Geology. The new building, which features state-of-the-art
training and equipment, will make a tremendous impact across the industry and in the lives of our students.
Through the generosity of the Dugan family, the museum showcases an array of unique fossils and minerals
from around the world.
San Juan College was privileged to have Governor Martinez join us as we celebrated the development of the
new Early College High School that is being established in partnership with our four school districts. This new
school will present a unique opportunity for a cohort of students to graduate with a high school diploma and
college degree or certificate at the same time.
In this year’s report, you also will have an opportunity to learn about new health care certificates that are now
being offered to help prepare students for entry-level jobs in health care. Be sure to read about how the San
Juan College Foundation continues to invest in our students, faculty, staff and community through an array of
programs and awards.
These are only a few of the many highlights that you will find in this year’s report. I am sure you will agree
with me – at San Juan College, Success Matters.
Toni Hopper Pendergrass
President, San Juan College
Success Matters
At San Juan College,
Success Matters.
Through student, community and staff focus groups, San Juan College
developed a new tagline in 2015 that truly embraces the concept of
San Juan College. More than an advertising slogan, Success Matters is what
we genuinely believe. It is about what we do, who we are and who we serve.
It is about how our faculty and staff engage with students each and every day
with a commitment to help change students' lives. It is about our community
and partners who support our efforts in providing a quality education.
Serving as a theme for this year’s Annual Report, you will find highlights of
Success Matters and how it has been implemented at San Juan College.
San Juan College Administration
Dr. Toni Hopper Pendergrass, San Juan College President
Dr. Barbara Ake, Vice President for Learning
David Eppich, Vice President for Student Services
Russell Litke, Vice President for Administrative Services
Dr. Nancy Shepherd, Presidential Advisor for Community Relations
Lisa Wilson, Associate Vice President for Learning
Gayle Dean, Executive Director, San Juan College Foundation
Stacey Allen, Interim Director, Human Resources
Laurie Gruel, Senior Director, Institutional Strategic Planning and Grants
Ron Jernigan, Senior Director, Institutional Research
Rhonda Schaefer, Senior Director, Marketing and Public Relations
San Juan College Board 2015
1 - Kenneth Hare, Chairman | Member since 2005. Retired educator. Represents district 4.
2 - John Thompson, Vice Chairman| Member since 2010. Engineer, Walsh Engineering and Production Corporation.
Represents district 5.
3 - R. Shane Chance, Secretary | Member since 2004. Certified Public Accountant. Represents district 6.
4 - Evelyn B. Benny | Member since 1997. Land Consultant. Represents district 2.
5 - Byron Manning | Member since 2015. Certified Public Accountant, Manning Accounting and Consulting Services, LLC.
Represents district 3.
6 - Dr. Joseph Pope | Member since 2007. Physician, Piñon Family Practice. Represents district 7
7 - Matthew Tso | Member since 2011. Legislative Analyst, Department of Diné Education. Represents district 1.
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Carrie Lingo’s success at San Juan College began as a
dual credit student in high school.
Following graduation from Farmington High School
in 2005, she took the credits she had earned from
San Juan College and attended the University of
New Mexico. However, the desire to be near family
and the community she grew up in brought her back
to San Juan College.
She took various classes part-time, but by the fall
of 2013, Carrie enrolled as a full-time student to
pursue a degree in Nursing. She successfully
juggled the rigorous course load of nursing while
being a wife and mother.
In April, she was awarded with a San Juan
College School of Health Sciences Nursing
Student Excellence Award. She received
her Associate of Applied Science degree
in Nursing in May. She now works on the
surgical floor at San Juan Regional Medical
“The skills and education I received at
San Juan College helped me get the job I love
and helped me to begin my lifelong career,”
says Carrie. “I believe I was meant to be a nurse,
and I wouldn’t be where I am today without the
nursing program at San Juan College. I love
San Juan College.”
Success Matters
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
San Juan College graduate Brad Miller has taken every
opportunity available and made the most of it.
Brad is a 2012 Farmington Home School graduate.
He knew San Juan College could offer him an
affordable option to fulfill the prerequisite
mathematics courses he needed in order to
prepare him to attend a four-year university.
Brad received his Associate of Science degree
in Mathematics in May. He completed 84
credit hours and graduated with a 4.0
GPA. Some of those classes included
Engineering, Physics I and II, as well as
Differential Equations.
In April, Brad was awarded with a San
Juan College School of Science, Math and
Engineering Mathematics and Physics
Student Excellence Award.
In the fall, Brad transferred to New
Mexico Institute of Mining and
Technology, where he will work toward
obtaining a bachelor’s degree in
Chemical Engineering.
“San Juan College and its instructors are
there to help you succeed,” says Brad.
“Without this academic foundation, I
wouldn’t be where I am today.”
Success Matters
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Gates Millennium Scholar Lestinia Sullivan has found success at
San Juan College.
Following graduation from Monument Valley High School in
Kayenta, Arizona, in 2011, Lestinia knew she wanted to pursue
her degree in pharmacy. San Juan College and the Gates
Millennium Scholarship (GMS) have been instrumental in
helping her achieve her goals.
The GMS is a scholarship that is funded by the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation. Each year 150
Native American students across the United
States are selected for the scholarship. The
program removes the financial barriers to
education for high-performing, low-income
In addition to school, she also balances
being the mother of a three-year-old
daughter and her job as a pharmacy tech at
Northern Navajo Medical Center in Shiprock.
Lestinia is working toward her degree at
San Juan College and plans to transfer to the
University of New Mexico. Her career goal is to
become a licensed pharmacist and return to the
Diné Reservation to help her people.
“San Juan College has prepared me for the
challenges to come when I transfer to UNM,” says
Lestinia. “When I became a young mother, people
doubted that I would continue my education. Thanks
to San Juan College and the GMS, I am close to
graduating with my two-year degree.”
Success Matters
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Supplemental Instruction
San Juan College recently introduced a Supplemental Instruction (SI) program with funds from the Title III
LAUNCH Grant. SI is a high-impact, best practice educational recommendation identified by a research
initiative through the Center for Community College Student Engagement at the University of Texas at Austin.
Dr. Veronica Evans, Dr. Don Hyder and Dr. Lance Myler, instructors in SI biology and chemistry courses, led the
science initiative, partnering with LAUNCH Grant Intervention Specialist, Ashlee Begaye, to facilitate in-class
and lab support and provide student review sessions outside of class time. Although the LAUNCH grant works
with all students, as a Native American Supporting Non-Tribal Institution (NASNTI) grant, LAUNCH only reports
student data for Native American students. Reported success rates for Native American students in SI science
course sections were 20-30% higher than the success rates of Native American students in the non-SI course
sections. Math instructors Chris Baade, Betty Abrahamson, and Michael Clark have been involved in the Math
115 SI initiative, Pass Plus, from its beginning in fall of 2014. Experienced math tutors support instructors in
the classroom and provide student review sessions
outside of class time. Course success rates for SI
Pictured clockwise from left: Student math tutors Jennica Peter and
Math 115 sections for Spring 2015, the most recent
John Rosen worked alongside math instructors Betty Abrahamson
semester, were 10% higher for SI sections than
and Chris Baade to help improve success rates by 10 percent in
those for sections without the SI option.
Supplemental Instruction sections of Math 115.
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
San Juan County residents
approved the $10 Million General
Obligation Bond, providing
San Juan College with funding
for facilities and resources that
are vital to provide a high-quality
student education.
Thanks to San Juan County voters approval of the GO Bond, a
portion of the funds will be used to modernize and renovate the
current classroom and laboratory space in the School of Science,
Math and Engineering.
With a nearly 80 percent approval rate, the
highest rate ever received on a local bond vote
at San Juan College, San Juan County residents
voted “yes” in February to a $10 million
general obligation bond to fund renovation and
modernization of buildings and facilities, ensuring
San Juan College students have access to modern
equipment and technology.
These include:
• $3 million for the modernization and renovation
of more than 43,000 square feet of classroom
and laboratory space for the School of Science,
Math and Engineering, enabling SJC to increase
enrollment in STEM programs. An additional
$4 million from a State GO Bond also will be
utilized to complete this renovation.
• $2 million to construct a new fire tower and
renovate the academic classroom space
at the Hutton Street location for use by the Fire
Science Program, local fire departments, the
San Juan College Emergency Medical Services
and Commercial Driver License (CDL) programs.
• $5 million for the renovation of the 30th Street
Campus to free-up more classroom space on
main campus, allowing San Juan College the
ability to offer greater learning opportunities
to students.
The immediate impact of these funds will not
only upgrade aging structures and equipment,
but increase the learning opportunities for San
Juan College students. The future impact will
make it possible for graduates to be recruited in
competitive, high-paying fields of study that will
build careers and contribute to building a strong
local economy.
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
2014-2015 Highlights
GO Bond Approved
New School of Energy
Celebrates Grand Opening
Thanks to the generosity and dedication of many across the community, San Juan College celebrated the grand
opening of the new School of Energy in September.
The new building features state of the art equipment, meeting rooms, hands-on labs, and the Sherman Dugan
Museum of Geology, which features more than 100 fossils and minerals from around the world. The School
of Energy offers degrees and/or certificates in Fundamentals of Petroleum, Industrial Maintenance Mechanic,
Industrial Process Operator, Natural Gas Compression, Occupational Safety (online), Production Operations,
Commercial Driver's License, Well Control, and Instrumentation and Controls Technology.
With the expansion, the School of Energy will have the capability of training nationally as well as locally.
Generous funding from industry and community partners was provided through the San Juan College
Foundation. Donors included BP America Production Co.; Merrion Oil and Gas Foundation; State of New
Mexico; San Juan College; Westmeath Foundation; the Thomas and Mary Dugan Foundation; ConocoPhillips
Company; APS Foundation; XTO Energy, Inc.; D.J. Simmons, Inc./Twin Stars Ltd.; PNM/San Juan Generating
Station; Encana Oil and Gas, Inc.; The Williams Foundation; and WPX Energy, Inc.
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Sherman Dugan Museum of Geology Opens
at San Juan College School of Energy
Thanks to the generosity of the Dugan Family, San Juan College’s
School of Energy has the privilege of showcasing a museum-quality
fossil and mineral collection.
Longtime supporter of San Juan College and former
member of the San Juan College Foundation Board,
Sherman Dugan, passed away in December, 2013. In his
memory, the Dugan family donated a large portion of
Sherman’s museum-quality fossil and mineral collection
to the San Juan College Foundation, now known as the
Sherman Dugan Museum of Geology.
(Above) Community members of all ages enjoyed the captivating
exhibits, including hands-on displays, at the Sherman Dugan
Museum of Geology during the grand opening of the new School
of Energy.
(At left) It is estimated that more than 500 people attended
the grand opening of the new School of Energy building on
September 15.
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Early College High School
Grant funding, in the amount of $349,000 from the
New Mexico Public Education Department, was
awarded to begin planning an early college high school.
The funds will be utilized to hire four staff (a principal,
administrative assistant, counselor and college liaison),
as well as provide professional development and
deploy a student recruitment process.
The Early College High School (ECHS) has been
the vision of the Four Corners Education Council
for Student Success (4CECSS), which consists of
representatives from Aztec Municipal School District,
Bloomfield School District, Farmington Municipal
Schools and San Juan College. In addition, Central
Consolidated School District also will participate in
the program. New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez
came to San Juan College in September, where in
a press conference she expressed her support of
the Early College High School and recognized the
partnership, which could serve as a model for rural
New Mexico Districts that want to develop an early
college high school.
After four years in the program, students will graduate
with a high school diploma and a college degree or
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
certificate at the same time. The ECHS will focus on
career pathways in three career clusters: Business
Services; Health and Biosciences; and Energy and
Environmental Technologies. There are many degree
options under the career clusters including Teacher
Prep and General Education under Business Services.
The ECHS will be offered at no cost to the student
or parents. Students will have the opportunity to
complete the first two years of college, leaving
100-percent of potential financial aid available for use
at a four-year university.
The new ECHS will be located on the Farmington
campus, and will enroll its first 40 students beginning
in the fall of 2016.
New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez recognized the partnership
among local high schools and San Juan College in developing an Early
College High School during a press conference. Pictured left to right:
Eric Spencer, Director of New Mexico PED College and Career Readiness
Bureau; Kirk Carpenter, Superintendent, Aztec Municipal Schools;
Governor Martinez; Dr. Toni Hopper Pendergrass, President, San Juan
College; Dr. Kimberly Mizell, Superintendent, Bloomfield School District;
and Dr. Gene Schmidt, Superintendent, Farmington Municipal Schools.
Grants Awarded
The Department of Education awarded a $220,000
grant, which will be renewed annually over the
next five years, to serve 120 students enrolled
in SSS STEM-H programs (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Math and Health). It will provide
support services, such as high level tutoring to
help ensure students’ success in the challenging
disciplines of study. The grant serves low-income,
first generation college students and those with
A $230,000 renewal grant will continue to
provide support services to 160 students annually
throughout the next five years in the current TRiO
SSS program at San Juan College called EDGE
(Education, Dedication and Goal Enhancement).
This grant is also designed to serve low-income,
first generation college students and those with
Center for Working
Families Grant
Through the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, San Juan
College was awarded $650,000 to establish a Center
for Working Families. Through collaboration with
San Juan College community partners and agencies,
this Center will bridge resources between the
community and College to help remove common
barriers that can get in the way of students
completing their education.
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
New Certificates Offered
in Health Sciences
In the fall of 2015, San Juan College School of
Health Sciences began offering four different
certificates that prepare students for entry-level
jobs in health care, thanks to the Sun Path grant
provided by the Department of Labor. As part of
a consortium of 11 institutions across the state,
SJC received $1.3 million to partner with local
employers and help underserved populations
gain jobs in health care. The certificates include:
Fundamental Skills in Health Careers, Nursing
Assistant Health Care, Patient Care Unit Assistant
and Phlebotomy Health Care. Completing the
Fundamentals in Health Care Certificate also
provides students with the option to add one
or more of the remaining three certificates to
increase their skill set.
Through four different certificates being offered in the School
of Health Sciences, students can gain hands-on skills in
preparation for entry level jobs in health care.
High School Students Earn a College
Degree Before High School Diploma
Eight High School students enrolled in Dual Credit classes at San Juan College graduated with associate degrees
two weeks prior to receiving their High School Diploma. Dual Credit allows a high school student from a public
high school, private high school, home school or public charter, or Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) school
to enroll in a San Juan College course. Students then receive high school core and academic credit as well as
college credit for the classes.
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Certificate Awarded for
Financial Excellence
San Juan College Business Office was awarded the Certificate of
Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for fiscal year ending
2014 by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United
States and Canada (GFOA) for demonstrating a constructive “spirit of
full disclosure” to communicate its financial story. This certificate is the
highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and
financial reporting. The GFOA is a nonprofit professional association
serving approximately 17,500 government finance professionals with
offices in Chicago, Illinois, and Washington, D.C.
San Juan College Business Office was awarded the highest form of recognition in the area
of governmental accounting and financial reporting. Holding the award are Russ Litke, San
Juan College Vice President of Support Services (left), and Steve Miller, Assistant Controller,
who accepted the award on behalf of the Business Office during a SJC board meeting.
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Foundation Highlights
Foundation Board Member Finds
Care and Comfort from SJC Graduate
Long-time Foundation supporters Dick and Laura
Ledbetter are seeing their contributions to SJC
come full circle.
Dick and Laura Ledbetter established an endowed
scholarship and Dick, a former Foundation
Board president and board member, organized
the first Foundation Scholarship Scramble golf
tournament, now in its 26th year.
Dick has courageously fought Parkinson’s disease
for 15 years. As the illness progressed, Dick
needed in-home care.
Alyssa “Aly” Fasthorse, a SJC graduate and
registered nurse, was assigned to Dick’s care by
her home health employer. After recognizing
a SJC Foundation logo on Dick’s shirt, she
mentioned to him that she had received a
scholarship from the SJC Foundation.
“With scholarships from the SJC Foundation, I was
able to get through nursing school,” Fasthorse
said. “Considering the daycare expenses I paid for
my two children, my education and career might
not have been possible without the Foundation. I
was proud to show Mr. Ledbetter my R.N. pin, all
thanks to the support I received from SJC.”
Dick Ledbetter, San Juan College Foundation Board
Member (left), and Aly Fasthorse, San Juan College
nursing graduate.
Thanks to funding provided by a private donor through the SJC Foundation, the popular One
Book/One Community project continues as a community wide project. It originated in 2010
as Assistant Professor of English Traci Halesvass’s two-year Distinguished Teaching Chair
project. The project was developed to build a sense of community while promoting literacy.
The Citizens Bank Broadening Horizons Lecture Series at San Juan College is funded by
Citizens Bank through the SJC Foundation. The series features experts in their field of study
from SJC faculty as well as the surrounding area.
The Chautauqua Series is sponsored by the San Juan College Foundation, the New Mexico
Humanities Council and the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs. The series tells
some of the most fascinating stories history has to offer. Characters brought to life on stage
include, Calamity Jane, Bess Truman, Mamie Eisenhower, James Ohio Pattie and Ernie Pyle –
to name a few.
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Foundation Board Officers
Len Scalzi, President
Danny Beyhan, Vice President
Kerwin Gober, Treasurer
Kenneth C. Leach, Secretary
Shane Chance, San Juan College
Board Representative
Dr. Toni Hopper Pendergrass,
San Juan College President
Gayle Dean, Executive Director
FACE Program
In 2011, the Merrion Family Foundation, through the San Juan College
Foundation, created the Financial Aid College Entrance (FACE) program
in Farmington Municipal Schools, donating $200,000 each school year
for up to five years. Farmington Municipal School District officials are
making funding for the FACE program, beyond the $1 million donation,
a top priority.
The FACE program, modeled after a Denver based scholarship program,
splits two post-secondary advisors between the districts' two main high
schools and its alternative high school. The goal of the program is to
have an advisor focus solely on encouraging students to continue their
education beyond high school, which includes helping them with the
college application and financial aid process.
The amount of scholarship money awarded to Farmington and Piedra
Vista High School students has increased from more than $1.6 million
in 2011 to over $15.5 million in 2015.
The percentage of students accepted to colleges increased from
65 percent before the program to 88 percent in 2012 and to 94
percent 2014.
Pictured fourth and fifth from the left: Natalie Stark, Piedra Vista High
School FACE Counselor, and Nancy Miszkiel, Farmington High School
FACE Counselor, team up to encourage students to continue their
education beyond high school.
Tucker Bayless
Norman D. Benally
Scott Bird
Marjorie Black
Bruce W. Boyer
John Buffington
Dr. Robert J. Burns
Gwen Clouthier
Curtis Gurley
Dr. James Henderson
Jeff Howle
Chad King
Richard Ledbetter
Rhonda Ledford
Kathy Jo Myers
Joshua D. Payne
Janel Ryan
Mark J. Stockham
Beverly Taylor
Revis Taylor
Arvin Trujillo
Jan Tucker
Foundation Staff
Gayle Dean, Executive Director
Lowell Parrish, Senior Accountant
Diane Bennett, Development Program
Starla Heth, Sr. Administrative Assistant
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Foundation Awards
Along with providing scholarships and funding for
students, the San Juan College Foundation provides
awards to faculty and staff in recognition of excellence.
Annabelle R. Friddle Award for Faculty Excellence
Doug Coyner, Assistant Professor, School of Business
Fran Sandoval Support Staff Award
Georgia Jimenez-Cotie, Dental Lab Technician, School of Health Sciences
Golden Sun Award
Corrine Antonson, Senior Accounting Tech, Business Office (Spring 2015)
Gerald Williams, Professor of Math, School of Science, Math and Engineering (Fall 2015)
Jane and Stuart Wilson Adjunct Faculty Award
Sue Christensen, Adjunct Math Instructor, School of Science, Math and Engineering
Jane and Stuart Wilson Professional Staff Award
Lynn Lane, Technologist, Office of Technology Services
Physical Plant Support Staff Award
Gordon Voss, Physical Plant
The Lou and Ruth Allison Faculty Excellence Award
Kris Kraly, Assistant Professor of Writing, School of Humanities
The President’s Mission Awards
Adjunct Faculty – Cynthia Rapp Sandhu, History Instructor, School of Humanities
Faculty – Pete Kinnas, Associate Professor of Writing, School of Humanities
Professional Staff – Gayle Dean, Executive Director, SJC Foundation
Support Staff – Alana Vanden Broeck, Events Scheduler, Office for Learning
Presidential Service Awards
Given by the president for exceptional service by a college department
Department of Student Services
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Allen Theatres, Inc.
Lou and Ruth Allison
Amos and Fran Anderson
APS / Four Corners Power Plant
Automotive Service Excellence
Bank of America
Robert and Bernice Bayless
David Beavers
Bob and Betty Berry
BHP Billiton New Mexico Coal
Nick and Alicia Blasingame
BP America, Inc.
Carl and Lola Brown
Scott and Eleanor Brown
Glenette Cain-Deen
Ken and Joy Campbell
David and Madeline Christensen
Mary Elizabeth Christian
Citizens Bank
Dr. Stephen and Violet Clark
Charles and Gwen Clouthier
Coca Cola Bottling Company
Tamara Cole
Coleman Family Foundation
Harvey and Kay Crowley
Cy Cooper Company
Wayne and Cassie Dallas
Roy G. Dalpra Trust
Luci Davis
John and Maxine Dean, Sr.
Desk and Derrick Club of Farmington
Alva Dickerhoff
James Dickerhoff
J. A. and JoAnn Drake
Tom and Mary Dugan
Dugan Production Corporation
Steve and Melinda Dunn
Cheryl Durham
Doug and Evangeline Echols
Ellucian Company L.P.
Farmington Noonday Civitan Club
Farmington Rotary Club
Farmington Savings Bank
Roger Feurt
Annabelle Friddle
Friends of Father Kenneth Robertson
Garfield Street Foundation of Santa Fe
Mickey Ginn
Jack and Twila Goodding
Dr. Timothy Gordon
Dr. Robert and Monica Grossheim
Curtis and Becky Gurley
Manuel and Thelma Hastings
Dr. James and Tycie Henderson
Family and Friends of Jeffrey Hetrick
Holiday Inn of Farmington
Family of Dr. Robert and Joan Hume
Independent Mobility Systems
Jim and Mary Lou Jacobs
The Patricia K. Jennings Foundation
Lucille M. Jordan
Family of Charles and June Keller
Pat Kendrick
Kiwanis Club of Farmington
Jim and Betty Kleinegger
Kenneth Larsen
Dick and Laura Ledbetter
Bert and Lucille Levine
Lincoln O’Brien Foundation
Sylvia Little
M.G. Smokey Lyon
Paul and Linda McClendon
Dr. John and Muriel McCulloch
Clara McGrath
J. Greg and Rita Merrion
Mesa Air Group
Gerald and Helen Moser
Mountain Air Drilling Service Company
N.A.C.E. International Sandia Mountain Section
New Mexico Land and Title Association
New Mexico Student Loans
Ann Noel
NW New Mexico National Assoc. of Life Underwriters
C. H. and Linda Nye
Orthopedic Associates
Don Paulek
Petroleum Accountants Society of San Juan Basin
James S. Phillips
David and Maxine Pierce
PNM / San Juan Generating Station
Gregg and Tamara Price
Process Equipment & Service Company
Renews Auto Parts & Equipment
Robert and Maxine Rhien
Ed and Mary Lou Rhodes
John and Jean Ritzenthaler
San Juan Automotive/ASE
San Juan Basin Chapter of New Mexico Society of CPAs
San Juan Center for Independence
San Juan County Abstract & Title Company
San Juan County Board of Realtors
San Juan Regional Medical Center
Jason and Stacy Sandel
J. B. and Priscilla Sandlin
Don Schreiber and Family
Dr. Joe Sharpe
Drs. Carl and Carol Spencer
Amanda Sutherlin
J. Wayne Tarpley
Clinton and Dixie Taylor
Miriam Taylor
Myron and Revis Taylor
Nick and Shirley Tinnin
Victor and Debby Titus – The Titus Law Firm
Totah Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America
Toyota Technical Education Network (T-TEN)
Tres Rios A.B.A.T.E. of New Mexico, Inc.
United States Department of Education – Title III
George and Patricia Wagner
D. Craig and Becky Walling
M. Herman Walters
Joe Watson
Marlo and Louise Webb
Wells Fargo Bank N.A. - Farmington
Jane and Dr. Stuart Wilson
Kenneth and Loah Woodrum
Mildred Wright
Ziems Ford Corners
Gifts were made in honor of the following individuals.
Gwen Clouthier
Gayle Dean
Thomas Dugan
Drs. Ralph & Annette Moorehead
Gifts made in loving memory of the following individuals
Marliette Beard
Ralph Bird
David Brewer
Earle Bursum
Keith Campbell
Charles Clouthier
Cassie Dallas
Sherman Dugan
Rex Dunn
Bill Evanoff
Annabelle Friddle
Melissa Ginn
Gary Golden
Eddie Gregory
Reedy Hall
Thelma Hastings
Joann Hatch
Harvey Henry
Jeffrey Hetrick
Marylee Hopper
Helen Hutchison
Jesse May
Betty McBee
Mary McBride
Claudine Riddle
John Ritzenthaler
Joyce Rose
Ralph Sharer
Dr. Joseph Sharpe
Jose Soto
Leslie Stewart
Cynthia Sweetland
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Myron Taylor
Eve Thomason
Garrett Voecks
Mary Jo Walters
M. Herman Walters
The Williams Foundation
XTO Energy, Inc.
FELLOWS CLUB $100,000 & up
(Cumulative Giving)
American Petroleum Institute
APS / Four Corners Power Plant
APS Foundation, Inc.
Aztec Well Servicing Company, Inc.
Basic Energy Services
Bayless Charitable Fund of the
Denver Foundation
BHP Billiton New Mexico Coal
Bolack Museum Foundation /
Tommy Bolack
Border States Electric
BP America, Inc.
Carl and Lola Brown
Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Co.
Chevron U.S.A.
Citizens Bank
Coca Cola Bottling Company
Coleman Family Foundation
ConocoPhillips Company
Cooper Energy Services
Robert and Mary Culpepper
DaimlerChrysler Donation Program
Roy G. Dalpra Trust
Daniels Fund
Alva C. Dickerhoff
James R. Dickerhoff
Dugan Production Corporation
Thomas Dugan
El Paso Field Services
Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.
First National Bank of Farmington
Annabelle Friddle
Gas Compressor Association
The Estate of Guinevere Head-Brady
Intel Corporation
Arthur A. Jaquez
Kenneth Larsen
Bert Levine
Lincoln O’Brien Foundation, Inc.
Merrion Family Foundation
Merrion Oil & Gas Foundation
Mesa Air Group
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust Inc.
C. H. and Linda Nye
PNM / San Juan Generating Station
Robert and Maxine Rhien
San Juan Regional Medical Center
San Juan United Way
J. B. and Priscilla Sandlin
J. Wayne Tarpley
Clinton and Dixie Taylor
Miriam Mumma Taylor
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
U.S. Dept. of Education - Title III
United Indian Traders Association
Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
Jane and Dr. Stuart Wilson
Loah D. Woodrum Trust
The Williams Companies, Inc.
REGENTS CLUB $25,000 to $99,999.99
(Cumulative Giving)
7-2-11 Food Stores, Inc.
Ager Excavating
All American Technical Team
Allen Theatres, Inc.
Ruth Allison
Anonymous - Durango
A-Plus Well Service, Inc.
Ariel Corporation
Babcock & Wilcox Construction Co.
David Bacon, CPA, PC
Bank of America
Bank of America Foundation, Inc.
Robert and Bernice Bayless
Thomas F. Bolack
Pamela Breithaupt
Walter and Carolyn Bump
Caterpillar, Inc.
Mary Elizabeth Christian
Charles and Gwen Clouthier
Dr. Jack and Nancy Coats
Consulate of Mexico
Cummins Rocky Mountain, LLC
Cy Cooper Company
DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund
Dawn Trucking Company
Desk and Derrick Club of Farmington
Dial Oil Company
J.A. and Jo Ann Drake
Dresser-Rand Company
The Thomas and Mary Dugan Foundation
Doug and Evangeline Echols
Electrical Energy Services, Inc.
Energen Resources Corporation
Farmington Freightliner
Farmington Rotary Club
The First Tee
The Frame Corner, Inc.
General Motors Corporation
Jack and Twila Goodding
Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.
Hastings Entertainment, Inc.
Cecil and Betty Henry
Hollister-Stier Laboratories, LLC
Ignition Systems & Controls
Independent Mobility Systems, Inc.
J. Wayne Tarpley Faculty Award Trust
Lucille Jordan
Richard and Laura Ledbetter
Sylvia Little
Lufkin Industries
Roselyn Martin Shaw
McCune Charitable Foundation
Merrion Oil & Gas Corporation
Microsoft AATP Program
Mobil Oil
Stella Montoya
N.A.C.E. International, Sandia Mountain Section
Steve and Susan Nelson
New Mexico Community Foundation
New Mexico Student Loans
Oil & Gas Equipment Corporation / Kimray, Inc.
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
David and Maxine Pierce
Martin and Beverly Pierce
Precision Tool & Distribution
Process Equipment & Service Company
Scotty and Aleata Raymond
Rig Equipment & Supply Company
Jean Ritzenthaler
San Juan Concrete Company
San Juan County Abstract & Title Company
San Juan County New Mexico
San Juan Regional Medical Center Auxiliary
Jerry and Clair Sandel
Schreiber Insurance Agency Inc.
Kevon Smith
Melissa Stinemetze
Myron and Revis Taylor
Technology Integration Group
United States Golf Association Foundation, Inc.
Waste Management of New Mexico, Inc.
Waukesha Engine, Dresser Inc.
Dean and Betty Wolcott
World Golf Foundation
Y & S Candies (Hershey Food Corporation)
PRESIDENTS CLUB $10,000 to $24,999.99
(Cumulative Giving)
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Albuquerque TVI Foundation, Inc.
James and Margo Allee
Alltel Communications
American Business Women’s Association
American Furniture Company
American Indian Education Foundation
Anonymous – Farmington
Arapahoe Drilling Co., Inc.
Armstrong-Coury Insurance
Automotive Service Excellence
Basin Disposal, Inc.
David Berry, CPA, PC
Blue Jet
Ron and Nora Boice
BPOE Lodge 1747
Eric and Janice Bruce
Bureau of Land Management
Dr. Robert and Janet Burns
Ken and Joy Campbell
Mrs. H. R. Carter
Chandler & Company, LLP
Cheney-Walters-Echols, Inc.
The Chrysler Foundation
City of Farmington
Dr. Stephen and Violet Clark
Clarion and Barbara Cochran
Tamara Cole
The College Board - Southwestern Regional Office
The Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham
James and Dianna Collins
Bonnie Connelly
Consolidation Coal Company
Eleanor Brown Cornelius
Harvey and Linda Kay Crowley
The Daily Times
D.J. Simmons, Inc.
Wayne and Cassie Dallas
David H. Paul, Inc.
Luci Davis
The Hon. John and Gayle Dean
Devon Energy Corporation
Ron and Sue Dial
Distribution Management Corporation
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
Steve and Melinda Dunn
Eagle Point
ECOM America, Ltd.
Energy Maintenance & Construction, Inc.
Enterprise Products Operating LLC
David Eppich
E-spaces N.V.S.A.
Gerald and Sharon Farm
Farmington Noonday Civitan Club
Farmington Savings Bank
Faver’s Homes, Inc.
Fesco Contracting Company, Inc.
First Presbyterian Church
Fleming & Goff, P.A.
Randy Follis
Four Corners Ambulatory Surgery Center, LLC
Four Corners Conference, Inc.
Four Corners Electric Company, Inc.
Four-Four, Inc.
Friends of Father Kenneth Robertson
Garcia & Company Jewelers
Garfield Street Foundation of Santa Fe
Gateway Companies, Inc.
Mickey Ginn
Kerwin Gober
The Greenville Foundation
Greer Stafford / SJCF, Inc.
Dr. Robert and Monica Grossheim
Curtis and Becky Gurley
Hagen-Dimmick Development Co., Ltd.
Pete and Judy Harmon
Dezmer and Jaye Harris
Kenneth Heil
Dr. James and Tycie Henderson
Dr. Pierre and Jung Ja Herding
Rodney Hubble
Ernie and Faye Hunsaker
Integrity Networking Systems, Inc.
Intel Foundation
Jim and Mary Lou Jacobs
Jaynes Corporation
The Patricia K. Jennings Foundation
William and Leone Jensen
John Moore & Associates, Inc.
Kelco, Inc.
Kinder Morgan Foundation
Cecilia King
Tommy Kitchens
Kiwanis Club of Farmington
LeROI Compressors
The Lumpkin Foundation
Macnat LLC.
Paul and Elsie Mains
Edgar and Donna Mann
Robert and Lynda McBride
Muriel McCulloch
Kerry and Phyllis Meier
Rita Merrion
Mountain Air Drilling Service Co. LLP
Gordon Mumma
Jeffrey and Kathy Jo Myers
New Mexico Land Title Association
New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority
Noel’s, Inc.
Kevin and Julie Ortenblad
Orthopedic Associates, P.A.
Karen Mumma Palmer
Don Paulek
The Pepsi Bottling Group Foundation, Inc.
Petroleum Accountants Society of San Juan Basin
James Phillips and Dr. Pat Armell
PNM / SJGS - Emergency Response Team
Ronald and Carolyn Proctor
Raytheon Missile Systems Company
Mary Lou Rhodes
Riley Industrial Services, Inc.
Robert L. Bayless, Producer LLC
Jack and Martha Roberts
Dr. Hugh and Elizabeth Rogers
Rust Tractor Company
Ruth Brown Foundation
San Juan Basin Chapter - NM Society of CPAs
San Juan Center for Independence
San Juan College Building Trades Students
San Juan Compression, LLC
San Juan County Board of Realtors, Inc.
San Juan Nurseries, Inc.
San Juan Reproduction Company
San Juan Rotary Club
Jason and Stacy Sandel
Dr. J.E. and Jacque Sheppeck
Dr. Dan Smith
Millie Speer
Drs. Carl and Carol Spencer
SunRay Gaming of New Mexico, LLC
Swift Transportation
Michael Tacha
Target Stores
Telluride Ski & Golf Company
Thriftway Marketing Corporation
Victor and Debby Titus - The Titus Law Firm
Tres Rios A.B.A.T.E. of New Mexico, Inc.
Triple S Trucking Company, Inc.
The Totah Chapter - Military Officers Association of America
D. C. and Lucylle Turner
Twin Stars Ltd.
United States Golf Association
Uselman Construction Company
Verizon Wireless
Visual Health Information Stretching Charts, Inc.
W. W. Grainger, Inc.
Wagner Equipment Company
Wallace Chevrolet Cadillac, LLC.
D. Craig and Becky Walling
M. Herman Walters
Steve and Teresa Wamel
Webb Automotive Group
Marlo and Louise Webb
Wells Fargo Foundation
Tom L. Wheeler
Jack and Martha Wilson
Woods Insurance Service, Inc.
WPX Energy, Inc.
Mildred Wright
Charlene Younger
Ziems Ford Corners
SUN CLUB $1,000 & up (Annual Giving)
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Allen Theatres, Inc.
Ruth Allison
American Petroleum Institute - Four Corners Chapter
A-Plus Well Service, Inc.
Aztec Well Servicing Company, Inc.
Carol Baisch Estate
Bayless Charitable Fund of the Denver Foundation
BHP Billiton New Mexico Coal
Juanell Blasingame
BP America, Inc.
Dr. David and Sally Bramhall
Bill and Dr. Michaele Brandon
Pamela Breithaupt
Dr. Robert and Janet Burns
Dr. Ronald and Hyla Calcote
Caterpillar Foundation
Chevron U.S.A.
The Chrysler Foundation
Citizens Bank
Gwen Clouthier
Coleman Family Foundation
James and Dianna Collins
ConocoPhillips Company
Consulate of Mexico
Cy and Manalynn Cooper
Douglas and Melody Coyner
Robert and Mary Culpepper
D.J. Simmons, Inc.
Roy G. Dalpra Trust
The Hon. John and Gayle Dean
Desk and Derrick Club of Farmington
Dugan Production Corporation
Tom Dugan
The Thomas and Mary Dugan Foundation
Educational Testing Service
Ellucian Company L.P.
Energy Maintenance & Construction, Inc.
David Eppich
Annabelle Friddle Estate
Gas Compressor Association
Kerwin Gober
Twila Goodding
James and Lynn Haynes
HUB International Insurance Services Inc.
Steve and Kathy Kellenaers
Richard and Laura Ledbetter
Kenneth Lillie
Sylvia Little
Don and Sandra Mapel
Kerry and Phyllis Meier
Merrion Family Foundation
Jeffrey and Kathy Jo Myers
National Philanthropic Trust
Steve and Susan Nelson
New England Foundation For The Arts
Drs. Doug and Toni Pendergrass
Petroleum Accountants Society of San Juan Basin
David and Maxine Pierce
Pinon Hills Mens Golf Association, Inc.
The Honorable Pete and Sue Rahn
Leonard Raymond
Mary Lou Rhodes
Rig Equipment & Supply Company
Riley Industrial Services, Inc.
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Jean Ritzenthaler
San Juan County Abstract & Title Company
San Juan Regional Medical Center
San Juan United Way
Jerry and Clair Sandel
Santa Fe Community Foundation
Diane Searle
SunRay Gaming of New Mexico, LLC
James Wayne Tarpley Faculty Award Trust
Revis Taylor
Paul and Leslie Thompson
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
Twin Stars Ltd.
United Field Services, Inc.
United Way of Central New Mexico
Joan Walsh
Steve and Teresa Wamel
Marlo and Louise Webb
The Williams Companies, Inc.
The Williams Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
Jane and Dr. Stuart Wilson
Dean and Betty Wolcott
Woods Insurance Service, Inc.
XTO Energy, Inc.
FOUNDERS CLUB $500 - $999.99 (Annual Giving)
David Beavers
Harry S. Allen Trust
Bloomfield Seniors
Eric and Janice Bruce
Dekker/Perich/Sabatini, Ltd.
Donald and Gwendolyn Elkins
Farmington Evening Lions Club
Farmington Noonday Civitan Club
Glacier Club
Glencoe Resources, LTD.
Kathleen Gross
Hastings Entertainment, Inc.
Jeff and Millie Howle
Jaynes Corporation
Chad and Janet King
Dr. Edward and Maria Kompare
Dr. Carol Lorenz
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC
New Mexico Professional Surveyors Assoc.,
- Four Corners Chapter
New Mexico Society of Professional Engineers
– San Juan Basin Chapter
Orthopedic Associates, P.A.
George and Sara Rhodes
The Totah Chapter of the Military Officers Association
of America
John and Dianna White
FRIENDS CLUB - To $499.99 (Annual Giving)
Anita Aarvold
Seth and Elizabeth Abrahamson
Dr. Karen Acree
Dr. Merrill Adams
Charles and Patricia Albert
Stacey Allen
Dan Alston
Rayburn Amos
Penny Andersen
Connie Auck
Christine Baade
Carter and Linda Barlow
Alice Barnard
Joyce Barrett
Aurelia Begay
Elaine Benally
Tony and Diane Bennett
Michele Berkey
Roland and Elaine Berkey
Betty Berry
Jon Betz
Danny and Rosalia Beyhan
Mark and Stacey Biel
Steve Biernacki
John and Wendy Bircher
Sherrie Biringer
Dr. Bruce and Marjorie Black
Lee and Janice Boothby
Oliver Borden
Burr and Jo Brackeen
Stacey and Watson Bradley
Carl and Barbara Brenner
Robert Brooks
Thomas Burns
Dr. John and Carol Burris
Abigail Calcote
Mark and Marsha Camrud
Carol Carreon
Judith Castleberry
Maria Chacon
Cheney-Walters-Echols, Inc.
Citizens Trust & Investment Corp.
Michael Clouthier
Nancy Coats
Robert Comer
Amy Cooper
Dr. Andrea Cooper
Cooper Fire Protection Services, Inc.
Richard and Denise Corcoran
Georgia Cortez
Francis and Mary Crane
Dr. Ken and Jill Crider
Therese Cross
Crown Cleaners & Laundry
JoAnn Cunningham
Scott and Nancy Curtis
Wayne and Cassie Dallas
Jerry and Ida Mae Damron
Kama Dean
Maxine Dean
Ed and Pat Dear
Liesl Dees
Nicole DeHerrera
Richard DeLaBarcena
Gordon DeSpain
Kari Deswood
John and Viola DeWees
Donovan Brothers Incorporated
Dr. Denise Dorner
Mary Doshi
Double Eagle II Airport, ATCT
Cynthia Dunnahoo
Linann Easley
Joan Eaton
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Naoma and Richard Ekwall
Shirley Elliott
Sonja Elliott
Don and Donna Ellis
Dr. Andrea Ericksen
Craig Evans
Gary and Melodie Eyster
Kurt Fagrelius
Farmington Fire Equipment and Safety
Richard and Patricia Felter
Charles and Joyce Freuden
Kathleen Fulton
Rodolfo and Christine Garcia
Clifton and Crystal Gates
Paul and Gladys Gaudette
Sherri Gaugh
Dick and Eileen Gerding
Ashton and Judith Geren
Jim and Susan Gibbs
Michael and Karen Glennon
Bernice Gonzalez
Brenda Goodnight
Gary and Marcia Graham
William and Margaret Gray
Susan Grimes
Roger and Gena Gross
Tom and Jane Gulley
Lucy Haber
William and Jean Hagler
Sherry Hair
Randall and Judy Hale
Deana Hall
Leon and LeAnna Hanhardt
Elgie Harris
The Honorable Harris Hartz
John and Mary Hatch
Michael Hattabaugh
Sam Heartsill
Jane Hemingway
Deborah Hernandez
Starla Heth
Gary and Shirley Hetrick
Mary Hibbetts
Debby Hibner
W. G. and Marty Hill
Dr. Donna Hobbs
Tanya Holman
Honstein Oil
Norman and Sue Howey
Charles and Margaret Hunter
Lloyd and Dana Husted
Dr. Don and Pam Hyder
Jim and Mary Lou Jacobs
Kathryn Jensen
Raymond John
Wilbert John
Jerome Johnson
Ken Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Jack Kant
Fred Karlin
Kelly Kelley
Kenn Kernagis
Farah Khavafipour
Karen King
Pete and Jeanette Kinnas
Janet Kittell
Jeanne Kofron
Arthur Kraemer
Mary Kraly
Kysar Insurance Agency
Michael and Diana Lacey
Denise Lakey
Jenny Lambert
Michael and Dolores Lane
Larry and Melanie Lewis
Vaughn Lewis
William Lewis
Laura Liebel
Debbie Limback
Catherine Lippe
Russell Litke
Lee-Anne Lord
Jeannie Malandro
William and Patricia Manchester
Debra Manwill
Dr. Julius Manz
Cori Mapp
Lisa Martin
Joseph Martinez
Maria Martinez
Carl and Patsy Matthews
Meredith Matthews
Robert Mattson
James McBee
John McCarly
Robin and Nancy McDaniel
Rebecca McDonald
Douglas and Cynthia McNealy
Dr. John and Dorothy McNeill
Stephen and Anita Melloy
Rita Merrion
T. Greg and Susan Merrion
Millennium Insurance Agency
James and Carol Miller
Dr. Jimmy and Sylvia Miller
Keith and LoVeda Miller
Thomas and Roberta Miller
Tim and Polly Miller
Gary and Ruth Milliken
Therese Millis
Rebecca Minton
Mollie Mook-Fiddler
Drs. Ralph and Annette Moorehead
Mary Mould
Mullins Energy, Inc.
Munchkin Kidz Mart
Allan Nass
Melissa Newman
Delores Niebel
Tony Otero
Donella Owen
William and Katherine Owen
Kyle Owens
Mike and Juanita Pacheco
Randy Pacheco
Richard and Jane Pagett
Dr. Judith Palier
Lowell Parrish
J. J. Parsons
Laura Pate
Nina Patterson
Ted and Thelma Paulson
Randall and Sherry Paxson
Susan Peters
Elizabeth Phelps
Dr. Joseph and Catherine Pope
Cdr. Paul and Dr. Johanna Quam
Cathy Radojits
Cynthia Rapp Sandhu
Dr. Hormuzd and Kaye Rassam
Jael Raymond
Red Mesa Trading Co., Inc.
Marie Redenbach
Lonnie Rednour
Theresa Reherman
John and Molly Renner
Greg Reynolds
Kyle and Virginia Rhodes
Ritter & Company, LLC
John and Lori Ritzenthaler
Patricia Roach
Lois Roberts
Barbara Rodrigue
John and Debbie Roe
Randy and Lisa Rogers
Vickie Rothlisberger
Leslie Saavedra
San Juan College Student American Dental Hygienists’
Antonio Sanchez
James and Vickie Sandbothe
Leonard and Pam Scalzi
Mindi-Kim Schrum
Schwab Charitable Fund
Cuff and Noreen Sellmeyer
Jacqueline Sena
George and Melissa Sharpe
Dr. Nancy Shepherd
Dr. Alicia Skipper
Julie Smith
Patrick and Dolores Smith
Robert and Marsha Smith
Garry and Marie Smothers
Anne Speer
Mildred Speer
Phillip and Jeannine Stavely
Raymond and Patricia Stell
Dale and Robin Stevenson
Patty Swanson
Co-Workers of Cynthia L. Sweetland
Lori Sweetland
Dennis Swenk
Kenneth and Patricia Tharp
Ann Thompson
John and Carrie Thompson
Maryann Thompson
Dina Tingley
John Tohtsoni
Patricia Tomaskovic
Tyson Tsosie
Karen Tuohey
Upper La Plata Water Users Association
Dr. Bruce and Elizabeth Volkerding
Donald and Sarah Walker
Jan Walsh
LuAnn Walton
David and Cassandra Weir
Jason Wentz
John and Dorothy Westerman
Miles and Valerie Wheeler
Victoria Whitaker
John and Leslie White
Randy and Jennifer White
Charles and Rebecca Wilkins
Beth Williams
Robert and Cindy Williams
Denise Williams
Flo Williams
Gail Williams
Vernon Willie
Darlene Wilson
Jeanne Wilson
Morris and Annice Wilson
John and Debby Witner
Bart Womack
Christine Wood
Ryan Woodard
Dr. David Wright
Lisa Wurtz
Karon Yocam
Ziems Ford Corners
Allen Theatres (2)
APS-Four Corners Power Plant (3)
Automotive Service Excellence
Bank of America (2)
Bob and Betty Berry
W. L. Blasingame Family
Scott and Eleanor Brown
Ken and Joy Campbell
Chevron USA
Citizens Bank
Dr. Stephen and Violet Clark
Consolidation Coal Company
Wayne and Cassie Dallas “Treacherously”
Maxine M. and John A. Dean, Sr.
Desk and Derrick Club of Farmington
Joyce and Harry Donald
Rex and Nancy Dunn
Farmington Noonday Civitan Club
Farmington Rotary Club
Farmington Savings Bank
Garfield Street Foundation of Santa Fe
Jack and Twila Goodding
Grade Court – Coleman Family Foundation
Dr. Robert and Monica Grossheim
Curtis and Becky Gurley
Manuel and Thelma Hastings
Holiday Inn of Farmington
Independent Mobility Systems
Eleanor Norman Kelly Nursing
Kiwanis Club of Farmington
Betty Kleinegger
Kenneth W. Larsen
Law Enforcement
Dick and Laura Ledbetter
J. Greg and Rita Merrion
Merrion Oil & Gas Corporation
Mountain Air Drilling Service Company, LLP
N.A.C.E. International Sandia Mountain Section
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
New Mexico Land Title Association “Chili Currier”
New Mexico Student Loans
Northwest District Dental Society of New Mexico
Northwest NM National Association of Life Underwriters
Orthopedic Associates PA
Petroleum Accountants Society of San Juan Basin (2)
PNM / San Juan Generating Station (2)
PTA 1998
Gregg Price
Renews Auto Parts and Equipment
Richardson Bannahan
Jean Ritzenthaler Nursing
Austin Roberts-Lois Roberts Givler
San Juan County Abstract & Title Company
San Juan County Board of Realtors
San Juan Regional Medical Center
San Juan College Automotive /ASE
Dr. Carol Spencer
Myron and Revis Taylor
Nick and Shirley Tinnin
Totah Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America
Toyota Technical Education Network (T-TEN)
Tres Rios A.B.A.T.E. of New Mexico, Inc.
Waste Management of New Mexico, Inc.
Marlo and Louise Webb
Jane and Stuart Wilson (2)
Ziems Ford Corners
Angie Amerman Memorial
Beverly Bakkum Memorial
Robert and Bernice Bayless Memorial
John J. Benally Memorial
Goldie and Quenton Brewer Memorial
John Carl Brown Memorial (2)
John M. Christensen Memorial
Charles E. Clouthier Memorial
Wilma R. Cochran Memorial
Herb Cox Memorial
Luci Davis Memorial
Alva Dickerhoff Memorial (2)
James Dickerhoff Memorial
James and Margaret Dickerhoff Memorial
Gladys Pauline Drake Memorial
Mary Dugan Memorial
Sherman Dugan Memorial
Jack and Della Mae Echols Memorial
Roger Feurt Memorial
Herb and Annabelle Friddle Memorial
Melissa Ginn Memorial
Gary Golden Memorial
Celeste Elaine Gordon Memorial
Steven Griffith Memorial
Stanley Harland Memorial
Mary Harper Memorial
Head-Brady Memorial
Jeffrey B. Henderson Memorial
Jeffrey L. Hetrick Memorial
Dr. Robert & Joan Hume Memorial
Thomas Jacobs Memorial
Alvina Martinez Jaquez Memorial
Art Jaquez Memorial
Patricia K. Jennings Memorial
Guy and Lucille Jordan Memorial
Bobby Kellenaers Memorial
June and Charles Keller Memorial
C.O. Kendrick Memorial
Bryce King Memorial
Lucille Levine Memorial
Curtis J. Little Memorial
Frank and Luke Martin Memorial
Kathy Cummins McDonald Memorial
Rubey McGarrh Memorial
Dr. Donald M. Megill Memorial
Mesa Air Group Pilot Memorial
Colgan Thomas Mumma Memorial
Joy Noel Memorial
C.H. and Linda Nye Memorial
Shirley K. Thompson Paulek Memorial
Red and Ted Pennington Memorial
Edwin A. Rhodes Memorial
Ray, Terri, and Gregory Rhodes Memorial
Dr. John Ritzenthaler Memorial
Father Kenneth Robertson Memorial
Nancy Sandel Memorial
J. B. and Priscilla L. Sandlin Memorial Educational Fund
Harold E. Schaefer, Jr. Memorial
Sadie Schreiber Memorial
Aileen R. Stage Memorial
Leslie Donovan Stewart Memorial
Cynthia Sweetland Memorial
J. Wayne Tarpley Memorial
Joseph William Tarpley / Fran Sandoval Memorial
Clinton and Dixie Taylor Memorial
H. Merrill Taylor Memorial
Miriam Mumma Taylor Memorial (2)
Charles and Viola Titus Memorial
Angelo Turano Memorial
Garrett Voecks Memorial
Douglas C. and Thelma Ruth Wade Memorial
Lorraine L. Wadman Memorial
Brian Christopher Wagner Memorial
Gary and Ben Walling Memorial
Walters Family Memorial
Joe and Joy Watson Memorial
K.O. Wilbanks Memorial
Raho Williams Memorial
Grace B. Wilson Memorial
Kenneth and Loah Woodrum Memorial
Cecilia Ballinger-King Chemistry Prize
Lucy Student Award
San Juan Basin Chapter of New Mexico Society of CPAs
San Juan College Transfer Student Award
Annabelle Friddle Faculty Excellence Award
Lou and Ruth Allison Faculty Excellence Award
Jane & Stuart Wilson Adjunct Faculty Excellence Award
Fran Sandoval Support Staff Excellence Award
Jane & Stuart Wilson Professional Staff Excellence Award
General Studies / Annabelle Friddle
Literacy and Math / Sam and Sherry Butler, Citizens Bank,
David and Maxine Pierce
Native American Studies / BHP Billiton New Mexico Coal
Nursing / Tom and Sherman Dugan
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Allied Health Programs
BHP Foundation
Myrle Bogle Memorial – Library Support
Mary Elizabeth Christian – Native American Nursing Students
Mentoring & Tutoring
Bert Levine – Library Support
Colgan Thomas Mumma Memorial – Music Programs
Lincoln O’Brien Foundation – General
Miriam Mumma Taylor Memorial – Library Support
United States Department of Education – Title III
7-2-11 Food Stores
Harry S. Allen Memorial
American Petroleum Institute – Four Corners Chapter
#BeUNLIMITED Presented by Naked Mobile
Bloomfield Senior Center
Building Trades
Chevron USA Energy Programs
Chevron USA General Programs
Chevron USA Petroleum Technology Lease Operator
James Childers Memorial
Coleman Family Foundation Grade Court
ConocoPhillips Company
Roy G. Dalpra Memorial
Daniels Opportunity Award
Desk and Derrick Club of Farmington
Farmington Evening Lions Club
Four Corners Conference for Professional Development
Debbie Gonzales Memorial
Good Citizen
Good Samaritan
IME / BECAS Consulate of Mexico
Intel Corporation
Jessie James Memorial
Key to the World of Music and Theatre
N.A.C.E. International Sandia Mountain Section
Newcomers Club of San Juan County
New Mexico Professional Surveyors Association,
Robert B. Stannard Jr. Memorial Drafting
New Mexico Society of Professional Engineers - SJ Basin Chap.,
Robert B. Stannard Jr. Memorial Engineering
New Mexico Veterinary Medical Association
PNM Navajo Nation Workforce Training
Debbie Prell Memorial Math & Science
San Juan County Commissioners
San Juan Educational Retirees Association
S. A. “Tinny” Sandoval Memorial
School of Energy CDL
School of Energy Gas Compression
“Show Me The Money”
SJC Foundation General
Ray Stevens Memorial
Wells Fargo and Aztec Well Servicing Golf Scramble
Williams Foundation
Dean and Betty Wolcott
WPX Energy
Annual Report Data 2014-15
Annual Student Count (unduplicated)*
Full-time Equivalent Credits (annualized) 5,333
Awarded Degrees and Certificates
*The annual unduplicated student count is less than the sum of all semesters
unduplicated student counts because some students attended more than one
Summer 2014
Student Count (unduplicated)
Full-time Equivalent Credits (annualized)
Credit Course/Sections
Fall 2014
Student Count (unduplicated)
Full-time Equivalent Credits (annualized)
Credit Course/Sections
Spring 2015
Student Count (unduplicated)
Full-time Equivalent Credits (annualized)
Credit Course/Sections
Center for Workforce Training
Student Count (unduplicated)
Full-time Equivalent Credits (annualized)
Credit Course/Sections
Non-credit Student Count (unduplicated)**
Non-credit Contact Training and
Center for Workforce Course/Sections ** 0
Non-credit Contact Hours**
Non-credit Organizations Served**
** All of the CWT courses offered during the 2013-14 Academic Year were credit
classes due to the fee adjustment.
Community Learning Center (including Kids Kollege)
Student Count (unduplicated)
Kids Kollege Student Count
Student Enrollment (duplicated)
Kids Kollege Enrollment
Kids Kollege Course/Sections
Contact Hours
Kids Kollege Contact Hours
Early Admit / Dual Credit – High School
Early Admit
Student Count (unduplicated)
Full-time Equivalent Credits (annualized) 16
Credit Course/Sections (enrolled in)
Dual Credit
Student Count (unduplicated)
Full-time Equivalent Credits (annualized) 277
Credit Course/Sections (enrolled in)
Student Count (unduplicated)
Full-time Equivalent Credits (annualized) 58
Credit Course/Sections
Online Learning
Student Count (unduplicated)
Full-time Equivalent Credits (annualized) 1,309
Credit Course/Sections
San Juan College East
Credit Enrollment (duplicated)
Full-time Equivalent Credits (annualized) 87
Credit Course/Sections
Kids Kollege Student Count
Non-credit Course/Sections
Kids Kollege Course/Sections
Non-credit Contact Hours
Adult Education Patron Usage
(GED®, ABE, ESL, Project Read) 55
Other Patron Usage
San Juan College West
Credit Enrollment (duplicated)
Full-time Equivalent Credits (annualized) 64
Credit Course/Sections
Non-credit Student Count (unduplicated) 26
Kids Kollege Student Count
Non-credit Course/Sections
Kids Kollege Student Count
Non-credit Contact Hours
Adult Education Patron Usage
(GED®, ABE, ESL, Project Read)
Library Gate Count
Other Patron Usage
Achievement Coaching
SJC Student Participants (unduplicated)
Student/Coach Sessions (duplicated)
(completed minimum of 12 hours of instruction) 654
Adult Education
Total Students
Beginning Literacy (Project Read)
Adult Basic Education
Adult Secondary Education
English as a Second Language
GED® Graduates
(Completed Adult Education program)***
***The 2014 GED® test was revised and is displaying a nation-wide trend of
decreased pass rates.
Center for Student Engagement
Students Tutored (unduplicated)
On-line Tutorials Available to Students 136
Smart Lab Users (unduplicated) ****
Smart Lab Contact Hours****
New Student Orientation/Registration 1,316
**** SJC OTS Lab Stats began tracking Smart Lab activities during the Summer
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Annual Report Data 2014-15
Child and Family Development Center
Practicum Students Supervised
Practicum Student Contact Hours
Direct Services to Children Fall 14
Direct Services to Children Spring 15
Service Learning Hours
Nursing Student Practicum Hours
College Student Observation Hours
45-hour Class Observation
“Conversations with Parents”
Parent Meetings
Family Activities
Parent and Educator Club Activities
OTSA Practicum Hours
Volunteer Hours
Number of Patients
Enterprise Center
Companies in Business Incubation
(on-site all year)
Graduate Companies This Year
Office Space (Leased)
Production Space (Leased) *****
Companies Participation
Since December ’99
Estimate of Direct Jobs Created
on Annual Basis
*****SJC uses 19% of Production Space for the Fire Science program, bringing
total space used to 78% for 2014-15.
Facility Usage by Community
Meeting Rooms
Theater, Music, Art, Performance
Fire Tower
Number of Days Used
User Groups Served
Number of Students
Health and Human Performance Center
Use of HHPC
Total Number of Visits
Group Exercise Participants
Outside User Groups Participants 1,628
Health Assessments
Home School PE Program
Climbing Facility
Total Number of Participants
Community Program/Birthday Party
Celebration Participants
Day Climbers
High Endeavors Challenge Course
Total Number of Participants
San Juan College Participants
Community Participants
Farmington Municipal
Schools Participants
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
Outdoor Equipment Rental Center
Total Rentals
Community Events
Leadership New Mexico Raft Rides
Outdoor Film Festival Patrons
Open Boating
Homeless Veterans Stand Down
Intramural Participants
Softball and Basketball
Tourney Participants
Use of Library
Online Databases Accessed
Students Attending Library
Skill Instruction
Reference Queries
Interlibrary Loan Transactions
Library Facilities
Books Housed
Full-text Electronic Journals
Full-text Electronic Books
Books in Spanish
Books in the Southwest Room
Books in the Carter Memorial Room
(Earth Science)
Law Library
Salmon Ruins Museum Library
Center for Teaching Excellence
SJC West Campus Library
English Newspapers Online
Spanish Newspapers Online
Online Databases
Gate Count (visitors to library)
Main Circulation (items borrowed) 21,327
Small Business Development Center
Workshop Attendance
Number of Clients Counseled
New Businesses
Jobs Created
Volunteer Center and Service Learning
SJC Students Participating
in Service Learning
SJC Instructors Assisting
Service Learning
Community Members Referred
to Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers Engaged in Community Projects316
Budget 2015-16
San Juan College Budget 2015-16
(for fiscal year ending 6/30/2016)
State Appropriations
Local Taxes
Tuition and Fees
Sales and Services
Investment Income
Contracts and Grants
Other Revenue
Total Revenue
$ 782,444
$ 136,464
$ 965,639
Academic Support
Student Support
Institutional Support
Physical Plant
Public Service
Student Aid
Independent Operations
Other *
$ 4,804,072
$ 5,011,982
$ 7,190,536
$ 6,008,575
$ 1,382,777
$ 300,000
$ 194,999
$ 1,409,906
Total Expenditures
Net Excess (Deficit)
$ 490,610
*Other indicates set asides for capital improvements, renewal or replacement of facilities and equipment, and support of other auxiliary or internal
service operations.
Source: Approved 2015-16 Operating Budget
Produced by Office of
Marketing and Public Relations
Editor: Rhonda Schaefer
Writers: Renee Lucero & Carrie Thompson
Photos: Courtesy of Tony Bennett with San Juan College
Photography Students and San Juan College Marketing Department
Designer: Fionna Harrington
4601 College Boulevard
Farmington, New Mexico 87402 | 505-326-3311
SAN JUAN COLLEGE I 2015 Annual Report
4601 College Boulevard
Farmington, NM 87402
Success Matters