master monograph

Degree 11 Nos. 3–4
Know thyself, and thou shalt
know the universe and the gods.
©2011, Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient & Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis.
Published by the Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction, AMORC, Inc.
Eleventh Degree No. 3
As the following excerpt from The Story of Atlantis states, many thinkers
in ancient times directly or indirectly referred to the continent of Atlantis,
whose existence formed an integral part of the history of many civilizations.
Aelian, in his Varia Historia (lib. iii. ch. xviii.), states that
Theopompus (400 BCE) recorded an interview between the King of
Phrygia and Silenus, in which the latter referred to the existence of
a great continent beyond the Atlantic, larger than Asia, Europe and
Libya together.
Proclus quotes an extract from an ancient writer who refers to the
islands in the sea beyond the Pillars of Hercules (Straits of Gibraltar),
and says that the inhabitants of one of these islands has a tradition
from their ancestors of an extremely large island called Atlantis,
which for a long time ruled over all the islands of the Atlantic Ocean.
Marcellus speaks of seven islands in the Atlantic, and states
that their inhabitants preserve the memory of a much greater island,
Atlantis, “which had for a long time exercised dominion over the
smaller ones.”
Diodorus Siculus relates that the Phoenicians discovered “a large
island in the Atlantic Ocean beyond the Pillars of Hercules several
days’ sail from the coast of Africa.”
The Gauls possessed traditions of Atlantis which were collected
by the Roman historian, Timagenes, who lived in the first century,
BCE. Three distinct peoples apparently dwelt in Gaul. First, the
indigenous population (probably the remains of a Lemurian race),
second, the invaders from the distant island of Atlantis, and third, the
Aryan Gauls (see Pre-Adamites, p. 380).
The Toltecs of Mexico traced themselves back to a starting-point
called Atlan or Aztlan; the Aztecs also claimed to come from Aztlan
(see Bancroft’s Native Races, vol. v. pp. 221 and 321).
(continued on page 9)
Rosicrucian Order
Illuminati Section
Degree 11
Number 3
Dear Fratres and Sorores,
Having devoted the last two monographs to what Plato reported on the
subject of Atlantis, especially in his Critias, we now propose to examine the
evidence which justifies the existence of this ancient continent, not only in the
light of past traditions, but also from the perspective of science.
THE EXISTENCE OF ATLANTIS: First of all, it is important to emphasize
that a certain number of writers and researchers deny the existence of Atlantis,
even going so far as to claim that Plato’s story has no foundation whatsoever
and constitutes a fable that he conjured up to entertain his disciples. Although
we are all free to form our own opinions regarding this matter, we should keep
in mind that Plato himself states that his knowledge on the subject was reported
to him by Solon (640–558 BCE), who, according to his own words, obtained
it from Egyptian priests. Indeed, some papyri refer to “the island of the West
from whence wisdom came,” which from all evidence alludes to the continent
of Atlantis. Furthermore, ancient authors such as Homer, Hesiod, Euripides,
Proclus, Diodorus, Pliny, and others also speak of this vanished continent
or confirm the cogency of Plato’s remarks. Moreover, what would this great
sage gain by conceiving such a story, particularly when it is not basically of a
philosophical character, as is true of all his other discourses? Certainly, everything
suggests that it involves an account concerning the origins of human civilization.
In keeping with Plato’s remarks, long ago Atlantis spread between Europe
and America, and not within the Mediterranean Sea as some claim. You will also
note that there is an obvious relationship between the two words Atlantic and
Atlantis. Furthermore, any number of discoveries corroborate this location, in that
oceanographic soundings have confirmed the existence of an immense chain of
underwater mountains extending from north to south (the Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
that in times past formed the “spine” of a now submerged continent. At present,
the last vestiges of this mountain range form the Azores, with one of the islands
corresponding to Mount Pico. As we explained to you in the Fourth Temple Degree
initiation, this mountain was in ancient times the highest in Atlantis. According to
some calculations, it rose to approximately 6,000 meters (19,690 feet), making it
one of the highest mountains in the world. It was for this reason that
the Atlanteans venerated this peak to a considerable degree.
Staying within the realm of oceanographic investigations,
other soundings have demonstrated that the soil presently
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Degree 11
Illuminati Section
Number 3
forming the bed of the Atlantic Ocean is covered with volcanic debris
divided into various layers. Extensive analysis of the debris proves that they
originate from eruptions that were produced in the open air and spaced out
in time over several millennia. This confirms that long ago there existed
a land which emerged from the middle of this ocean, and that this land
later sank beneath the waters in several stages as is mentioned by most
traditional accounts alluding to the disappearance of Atlantis. Along these
same lines, the geologic structure of the Canary Islands and of the Azores
indicates that they originate from the same continent. The flora and fauna
of these islands also have many points in common, which is of considerable
interest to scientists.
VESTIGES OF ATLANTIS: Stranger yet are discoveries recently made
in the Atlantic Ocean. Vestiges of several submerged cities have been found
near the Azores, Canary Islands, and Cape Verde Islands, as well as near
the Straits of Gibraltar. Also, ancient roads and megaliths have been located
off the coasts of Venezuela and the state of Georgia in the United States.
At Bimini, a small island in the Bahamas which forms one of the points
of the “Bermuda Triangle,” a medium-sized pyramid has been discovered.
Certainly, none of these finds allow us to state authoritatively at this time that
they are truly ruins originating in Atlantis. It is indeed possible that they are
remnants of more recent civilizations. Nevertheless, we may wonder why
such discoveries have not been the subject of official statements. Is it because
they would jeopardize the foundations of humanity’s “official” history?
In regards to the islands forming the Azores, the fact that we have not
found any vestiges confirming the existence of Atlantis is not at all surprising.
Indeed, seeing that these islands correspond to the highest mountains of the
ancient continent, it is easy to understand why no Atlanteans inhabited
them in that long-ago era. For example, if the Rocky Mountains were to
disappear under water leaving only part of Pike’s Peak showing, no town
would be found on that mountainous island. Could it then be inferred that
the surrounding area, corresponding to the United States, had never been
inhabited? Be that as it may, the history of Earth has never
revealed all of its secrets. Thus, we may conjecture that
investigations undertaken over several years will eventually lift
the veil covering the mystery of Atlantis.
Rosicrucian Order
Degree 11
Illuminati Section
Number 3
Apart from oceanographic elements confirming the existence of Atlantis,
the discovery of fossils proves that certain plant and animal species have
always been shared by the American and African continents. According
to some zoologists, this would imply that these continents were linked
by another continent, a condition necessary for the distribution of certain
common species. For example, fossilized remains of a primitive type of
horse have been found in both Nebraska and Kenya, which implies that
this animal may have once roamed freely on lands that are now beneath the
Atlantic Ocean. Also, many identical plants grow at present in the Americas
and Africa—including some which won’t grow outside of cultivation. We
may then assume that they were transported from one continent to another by
humans, either on foot or with the help of boats.
What we have just explained regarding the subject of plants and animals
also applies to humans. Thus, recent discoveries have shown that early
humans once living on Africa’s Atlantic coast had the same morphology
and probably originated from an identical homotype. More surprising is the
similarity of languages that have been recorded among various indigenous
people settled in Mexico, Cape Verde Islands, and on the African continent.
Within this context, Auguste Le Plongeon, who engaged in extensive
researches into this field, demonstrated that the Mayans of Yucatan claimed
that they were visited by people coming from the east who spoke a tongue
having similarities to Greek. Regarding this subject Le Plongeon wrote:
“One third of the Mayan’s language is pure Greek. Who then brought
Homer’s dialect to America? Or who brought the language of the Mayans
to Greece?”
Another important point needs to be made concerning Atlantis. As
demonstrated by various serious works carried out by ethnologists and
anthropologists recognized for their impartiality in this matter, the religious
practices of certain indigenous peoples in Central America, Africa, and Asia
have many points in common. For instance, we may note the veneration of
the Sun and the Moon, considered to be the Divine Couple from whence the
world and spirits emanated. Furthermore, the way that baptisms,
weddings, and funerals are conducted are practically identical
and convey the same preoccupations. As for the representations
of their divinities, these involve totems or statues whose form
Rosicrucian Order
Illuminati Section
Degree 11
Number 3
and appearance are quite similar. Therefore, it would appear that all of these
indigenous religions have a common origin.
Finally, to support the fact that Atlantis really existed in the eyes of
the Primordial Tradition, we can call upon archaeology. How can we not
draw a parallel between the pyramids of Mexico and those of Egypt? It is
obvious that they were erected according to the same architectural spirit and
with very similar if not identical religious purposes in mind. Furthermore,
the construction of the Mexican temples presents many points in common
with that of the Egyptian temples. This similarity is particularly evident
when comparing the ruins of Teotihuacán with those at Karnak. It should
also be noted that the system of false or corbelled arches, based on the
superimposition of rows of stones, with each one slightly overhanging the
preceding one, can be found in Central America as well as Greece and India.
Does this not indicate a direct link between these civilizations—or at least a
common origin as far as their architecture is concerned?
We shall continue this study in the next lesson by touching upon the
history of the vanished continent of Atlantis as reported in the most ancient
traditional narratives.
With best wishes for Peace Profound,
Sincerely and fraternally,
Practical Application
“Whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the
evening what the morning may accomplish.”—Unto Thee I Grant
This map represents the presumed location of Atlantis (known as
Poseidonis in its last stage) just prior to the final cataclysm that brought about
the continent’s sinking beneath the sea.
Summary of This Monograph
After carefully reading this monograph, read the following summary. It contains
the major principles on which you are to reflect and meditate in the coming days.
If any of the points are difficult to understand, refer to the explanations given in this
monograph. Moreover, we advise you to read this summary again immediately before
your next sanctum period.
Plato (428–348 BCE) was the first to refer to Atlantis in the works
entitled Critias and Timaeus. He stated that his knowledge on this subject
was reported to him by Solon (640–558 BCE), who, according to his own
words, obtained it from Egyptian priests.
In keeping with Plato’s remarks, long ago Atlantis spread between
Europe and America. Certain recent discoveries corroborate this location,
because oceanographic soundings have confirmed the existence of an
immense chain of underwater mountains extending from north to south
(the Mid-Atlantic Ridge) that in times past formed the “spine” of a now
submerged continent.
At present, the last vestiges of this mountain range form the Azores,
with one of the islands corresponding to Mount Pico. In ancient times
this mountain was the highest in Atlantis.
Vestiges of several submerged cities have been found near the Azores,
Canary Islands, and Cape Verde Islands, as well as near the Straits of
Gibraltar. Ancient roads and megaliths have been located off the coasts
of Venezuela and the state of Georgia.
The discovery of fossils proves that certain plant and animal species
have always been shared by the American and African continents.
According to some zoologists, this would imply that these continents
were linked by another continent.
As demonstrated by various serious works carried out by ethnologists and
anthropologists recognized for their impartiality in this matter, religious
practices of certain indigenous peoples in Central America, Africa, and
Asia have many points in common, possibly indicating that they have a
common origin—namely, Atlantis.
Archaeologically, there is an obvious parallel between the pyramids and
temples of Mexico and those of Egypt. This could indicate a single
source for such structures.
Concurrence (continued)
Among the Indians of North America there is a very general
legend that their ancestors came from a land “toward the sun-rising.”
The Iowa and Dakota Indians, according to Major J. Lind, believed
that “all the tribes of Indians were formerly one and dwelt together
on an island . . . towards the sunrise.” They crossed the sea from
thence “in huge skiffs in which the Dakotas of old floated for weeks,
finally gaining dry land.”
The Central American books state that a part of the American
continent extended far into the Atlantic Ocean, and that this region was
destroyed by a series of frightful cataclysms at long intervals apart.
—W. SCOTT-ELLIOT (1832–1907)
Eleventh Degree No. 4
As this monograph discusses the successive cataclysms that caused
the ultimate disappearance of Atlantis, we will now quote from Divine
Evolution, which likewise deals with this subject.
One million years ago, Atlantis was connected to the back
of a large mass of land that had already emerged from eastern
America. Not only did it occupy all of the area now represented by
the present-day Gulf of Mexico, but it extended well beyond that,
toward the northeast, as a vast promontory encompassing what
is now England. Hollowed out and bending toward the south, it
formed another promontory facing Africa. Only North Africa had
emerged. A branch of the sea separated it from Atlantis, so that
human races born and bred on this continent could reach England
directly, and later, Norway. Furthermore, they only had a narrow
channel to cross into North Africa and from there into southern Asia
which had previously been part of Lemuria.
After the first flood, eight hundred thousand years ago, Atlantis
was split in two from top to bottom and was cut off from America
by a strait. On the eastern side, it retained the form of an open shell,
whereas Ireland and England joined newly emerging Scandinavia
to form a large island. During a new cataclysm about two hundred
thousand years ago, Atlantis was separated into two islands, a large
one in the north called Routa and a smaller one in the south called
Daitya. At this time, present-day Europe was already formed.
During these three periods, communication between Atlantis, North
Africa, and Europe remained easy. It was abruptly interrupted eighty
thousand years ago through a new geological upheaval. After that,
all that remained of ancient and vast Atlantis was the island Plato
called Poseidonis, the last fragment of the large island of Routa,
located an equal distance between America and Europe. The island
of Poseidonis was in turn engulfed in the year 9564 BCE, according
to the reports that the Egyptian priests gave to Solon.
(continued on page 17)
Rosicrucian Order
Degree 11
Illuminati Section
Number 4
Dear Fratres and Sorores,
Today we shall continue our study of Atlantis and share with you what
traditional narratives teach on this subject. As you will note, the existence of
this ancient continent can be found in the history of many peoples and, in a
wider sense, it has become an integral part of humanity’s collective memory.
Contrary to the claims of some contemporary historians, what they
call “the Atlantis myth” is not recent and in no way constitutes something
concocted by modern-day mystics. As we discussed in the last monograph,
Plato refers to it as far back as the sixth century BCE, indicating that what
he knew on this subject came from the Egyptian priests by way of Solon.
The sages of ancient Rome also knew of the existence of this continent and
they informed us in their writings of what the Gauls had pieced together
in their legends. The Toltecs of Mexico claimed to have their origins in a
country they called Aztlan, while the Aztecs stated that they came from a
land called Atzlan, which was located in the middle of the “great ocean.” As
for the aboriginal people of North America, they were convinced that their
people had originally formed a single tribe which previously lived on “the
island of the rising sun.”
Even countries that are geographically more remote have incorporated
Atlantis into their traditions—and they have done so from earliest antiquity.
Such was true of Chaldea, Persia, Greece, and India. Even in our times,
many peoples of Central Europe, Asia, and the Middle East make similar
claims. Along the same lines, the sacred texts of most religions refer
directly or indirectly to this vanished continent. For example, in the case
of the Bible, the fundamental text of Judaism and Christianity, it seems
obvious that the Flood corresponds in fact to the sinking of Atlantis, likened
in certain narratives to the “Lost Paradise” or to the “Cradle of Humanity.”
The mere fact that so many civilizations, both Eastern and Western, allude
to an “ancient world” proves that we are not dealing with myth, but rather
with a reality that dates back to the origins of human civilization.
According to documents that are part of our Order’s archives, Atlantis
already existed one million years before the Common Era,
which explains why we have just stated that it dates back to
the origins of human civilization. In that long-ago age, Atlantis
consisted of a vast continent, since it included part of America
Rosicrucian Order
Degree 11
Illuminati Section
Number 4
and spread all the way to Ireland. According to the most ancient descriptions,
it was as large as Asia, Europe, and Libya combined. The flora and fauna
had all the characteristics of the beginning of the Quaternary Period. In
other words, the vegetation was particularly luxuriant, with immense forests
bordered by swamps. Animals of the antediluvian type were also quite
numerous. As for the climate, everything seems to indicate that it was very hot
and humid, which gave a hazy aspect to the atmosphere. Some climatologists
even think that it was impossible to see the sky in this long-ago era.
ATLANTEAN RACES: Since the history of Atlantis covers hundreds of
thousands of years, it set the stage for a number of dominant races. In its earliest
period, Atlantis was dominated by the Rmoahalls. The most ancient texts
inform us that they came from Lemuria—a Pacific Ocean continent—which
was itself engulfed around 1,500,000 BCE. These people were supposedly a
“race of giants” with darker skins. We describe them as being giants because
they were between 2.5 and 3 meters (8 to 10 feet) tall. They were physically
quite powerful and possessed a highly developed psychic perception which
allowed them to forecast storms, sense the presence of predators, and perceive
the state of mind of their fellow creatures, etc. They lived in tribes led by a chief
who was highly venerated. As can be seen, they had a deep understanding of
hierarchy and a very strict sense of obedience. Being warlike in nature, they
systematically attempted to conquer ever-greater expanses of land and to force
the peoples they found there to submit to their authority.
The predominance of the Rmoahalls lasted until the first cataclysm
shook a great part of Atlantis about 800,000 BCE. After that occurrence,
another dominant race made its appearance: the Tlavatlis. Of a rather
reddish color, they were much shorter than the Rmoahalls, but were
clearly superior to them in intelligence. If we can believe what was
said about them in traditional texts, they mastered the use of the wheel
and knew how to work in iron and copper, which attests to a level of
civilization advanced for that era. Furthermore, they practiced agriculture
and managed to domesticate numerous animals, among which were the
ancestors of camels, horses, and sheep. Although the Tlavatlis’
religious beliefs were rather undeveloped, there was already
a desire to understand the mysteries confronting them, such
as those of birth and death. We know that they devoted
Rosicrucian Order
Degree 11
Illuminati Section
Number 4
themselves to ancestor worship and engaged in magico-religious practices
for contacting nature spirits and obtaining their support and protection.
About 200,000 BCE, a second cataclysm shook Atlantis and caused the
disappearance of most of the Tlavatlis. It is then that the Toltecs appeared
and brought the Atlantean continent to the high point of its civilization. The
Toltecs formed a race having a yellowish-brown skin. This is why they are
considered to be the precursors of the “yellow race.” This race, relatively
undeveloped at the beginning, became more refined over time and gave
birth to beings who were physically well proportioned and particularly alert
on the intuitive level. At the peak of their evolution, most of them lived
in harmony with nature and possessed a natural sensitivity to the Divine
Presence. As we will see in the next monograph, the kings governing
the Toltecs at that time were profoundly mystical and attempted to serve
Divinity’s designs. In fact, it is during their reign that Atlantis attained “the
Golden Age” which Hesiod mentions in his works.
As we learn from traditional writings, Atlantis was struck by yet a
third cataclysm, in approximately 80,000 BCE. For obvious reasons, a
large number of Toltecs disappeared while there appeared a new yellow
race—that of the Turanians. With them began the decline of the Atlantean
civilization. Contrary to the Toltec kings who had always endeavored to
place temporal power at the service of spiritual power, the Turanian kings
used their authority to enrich themselves at the people’s expense and to
institute laws favoring corruption. On the religious level, they lost all sense
of the sacred which had made the Atlantean civilization great and instead
reintroduced primitive practices based on the use of magic and theurgy. This
political and religious perversion brought about a complete degeneration of
morals, which is confirmed in Plato’s works.
The Turanian kings did not limit themselves to governing Atlantis badly.
Enamored by conquest, they united to invade neighboring lands, notably
Attica, the cradle of ancient Greece. During this early time, this part of the
world was also populated by a highly advanced civilization. A terrible war,
lasting several years and causing many deaths, resulted. Finally,
the Atlanteans lost the war and had to renounce their ambitions
to dominate the world. This defeat brought about conflicts
among the various Atlantean kingdoms, each of which wanted
Rosicrucian Order
Illuminati Section
Degree 11
Number 4
to exercise supremacy over the others. These internal struggles precipitated
the decline of Atlantis, until the final cataclysm, which happened about 9564
BCE. This is when Poseidonis, the last remaining island of this once-vast
continent, disappeared underwater forever.
Several centuries prior to the final submergence of Atlantis, and while
ruled by the Turanians, a new race came forth. These people, called
Aryans*, or Indo-Europeans, had light-colored skin and possessed slender
bodies which differed markedly from all other Atlanteans. A curious fact
is that they were not influenced by Turanian decadence, probably because
they lived apart, most often in mountainous regions near rivers or lakes.
These people led an existence based on the values previously established by
the Toltec kings. It has even been said that they had acquired or preserved
their wisdom according to an initiatic filiation uninterrupted through the
ages. At the time that Atlantis was in full decline, these people were plainly
on the ascendant, and they retained all the knowledge that had made this
continent great on both the material and spiritual levels. From a traditional
point of view, it is thought that their descendants provided later civilizations
with the foundations for their own history, culture, and religion.
With best wishes for Peace Profound,
Sincerely and fraternally.
*In the Rosicrucian teachings the word Aryan is used to denote the prehistoric culture
and root-language behind Sanskrit and most extant Indo-European languages today.
Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary states that the word Aryan comes from the Sanskrit
arya, an adjective meaning noble. The Oxford English Dictionary defines Aryan as “A
member of the Aryan family; one belonging to, or descended from, the ancient people
who spoke the parent Aryan language.” This family of languages includes Sanskrit, Zend,
Persian, Greek, Latin, Celtic, Teutonic, and Slavonic—in other words, the present-day
Indo-European languages. Rosicrucians also define Aryan as referring to the prehistoric
Atlantean sages—the “Light Bearing” or “Enlightened Ones.” As far as race is concerned,
the original sages who taught the Aryan language and culture were called
Atlanteans, and as a distinctive racial type, disappeared in prehistoric
times. However, it was their sacred Atlantean culture—the traditions,
institutions, and hieroglyphic alphabet known as Sensar—which was
cultivated as Sanskrit, the ancient Aryan language of the Hindus of India.
Practical Application
“Whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the
evening what the morning may accomplish.”—Unto Thee I Grant
As this monograph explains, several dominant races succeeded one
another in Atlantis. Although tradition enlightens us about the general
characteristics of these races and the periods during which they exercised
their supremacy over the Atlantean continent, we are left completely ignorant
as to how one group was related to the others, especially seeing that they
were all quite different. This involves a great mystery to which only Nature,
directed by Divine Design, seems to hold the key.
On the other hand, everything leads us to suppose that the major races
of the present day originated with the Atlantean races. Seen from this angle,
modern-day humans would have their historical origins in Atlantis. We
are aware that such a viewpoint may leave most contemporary historians
perplexed. Yet it rests upon traditional foundations that cannot be overlooked.
What do you think?
Summary of This Monograph
After carefully reading this monograph, read the following summary. It contains
the major principles on which you are to reflect and meditate in the coming days.
If any of the points are difficult to understand, refer to the explanations given in this
monograph. Moreover, we advise you to read this summary again immediately before
your next sanctum period.
Contrary to the claims of some contemporary historians, what they call
“the Atlantis Myth” is not recent and in no way constitutes something
concocted by modern-day mystics. Indeed, the Egyptians, Chaldeans,
Persians, Indians, Greeks, Romans, Gauls, Toltecs, Aztecs, and generally
speaking, all peoples of the past, have made reference to it.
Sacred texts of most religions refer directly or indirectly to Atlantis.
For example, in the case of the Bible, the fundamental text of Judaism and
Christianity, it seems obvious that the Flood corresponds in fact to the
sinking of Atlantis, likened in certain narratives to the “Lost Paradise,”
or the “Cradle of Humanity.”
According to documents in AMORC’s archives, Atlantis already existed
one million years before the Common Era. In that long-ago age it consisted
of a vast continent, since it included part of America and spread all the
way to Ireland.
Since the history of Atlantis covers hundreds of thousands of years, it
set the stage for a number of dominant races.
It was during the reign of the Toltec kings that Atlantis attained its
highest level of civilization, which Hesiod calls the “Golden Age” in
his works.
Atlantis was shaken by four cataclysms. The first took place about
800,000 BCE, the second about 200,000 BCE, the third about 80,000
BCE, and the fourth about 9564 BCE. The last one caused the definitive
disappearance of this continent.
Several centuries prior to the final submergence of Atlantis, a new race
came forth. Tradition relates that these people retained all the knowledge
that had made Atlantis great, and their descendants provided other
civilizations with the foundations for their own history, culture, and
Concurrence (continued)
Thus, slowly but surely, ancient Atlantis emerged from the
depths of the ocean. We can imagine seeing the veils of many
millennia being removed one after another and a vanished
civilization taking form before our very eyes, in lines growing
ever more distinct and in colors becoming ever more sharp.
—EDOUARD SCHURÉ (1841–1929)
Consecrated to truth
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