13-4 New Democracy

New Democracy
Chapter 13
I. Election of 1836
A. King Andrew was to old to run for another term in
office, so he offered his Vice President Martin Van Buren
B. The Whigs suffered from disorganization
C. They offered the “favorite son” from each section of
the country, hoping to there would be no majority win
D. Whigs wanted the vote to move to the House where
they could win
E. It did not work; Martin Van Buren defeated William
Henry Harrison (OH), Hugh Lawson White (TN), Daniel
Webster(MA), and Willie Person Mangum (NC)
Van Buren
II. Big Woes
A.Van Buren was the first president born in the US
B. he lacked the support of many Democrats and did not
benefit from Jackson’s popularity
C. A rebellion in Canada was threatening war, and he
inherited a depression caused by the loss of the Bank of
the US
D. The Panic of 1837-caused by “wildcat” bank loans,
over-speculation, the Bank War and the Specie Circular
(loans must be paid in gold/silver, that no one had)
E. outside factors included: wheat crops failed due to the
Hessian fly and two large banks in England failed
F. Hundreds of US banks failed, including Jackson’s pet
banks (created with money Jackson took out of the Bank
of the US)
G. Whigs proposed expansion of bank credit, higher
tariffs, subsidies for internal improvements
H.Van Buren rejected these ideas and proposed the
“Divorce Bill” and an independent treasury
1. Divorce Bill separated bank from the government
(storing money in the vaults of larger cities)
2. the Independent Treasury was passed in 1840,
repealed in 1846, and later merged with the Federal
III. Texas
A. Americans wanted Texas, but when Mexico declared
independence from Spain, Stephen Austin made an
agreement with the Mexican government
B. He would bring 300 families in to settle, most of
whom came from the South & Southwest
C. Mexico agreed, but they must become Mexican
citizens, become Catholic and not allow slavery
D. these rules were ignored by settlers
IV. Lone Star Rebellion
A. Texans like Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie, led by Sam
Houston, resented the authoritarian government
B. 1830, Mexico freed its slave population an prohibited
any new slaves enter Texas
C. 1833, Stephen Austin went to Mexico City to clear up
any differences and was put in jail for 8 months
D. 1835, Santa Anna raised an army to suppress the
Texans, the following year Texas declared independence
E. After slaughters at the Alamo & Goliad, Houston
gained much support and led his army for 37 days, east
F. In San Jacinto, he took advantage of the siesta hour,
wiping them out and capturing Santa Anna
Santa Anna
G. Santa Anna signed a treaty that he later negated on
the grounds the treaty was extorted under duress
H. Texas did get help from the US to win their war, but
Jackson was hesitant to recognize their independence
I. Once he secured Van Buren as his successor, he
recognized Texas one day before he left office
J. Many Texans wanted to join the US, but the slavery
issue blocked their entrance
K. Northern Abolitionists claimed annexing Texas would
be considered “slavocracy”
L. They would not stand for increasing American slavery
V. Election of 1840
A. Whigs chose William Henry Harrison (issueless &
enemyless) with running mate John Tyler
B. Harrison was popular due to Tippecanoe and the
Battle of the Thames
C. A Democratic editor helped Harrison’s cause by
calling him a poor old farmer with hard cider
D. With slogans like “Tippecanoe & Tyler Too” the Whigs
seized on the “poor man’s president” image
E. The popular vote was close, but Harrison (234)
defeated Van Buren (60) in the electoral vote
F.Van Buren’s loss was a protest against the hard times
during his presidency
VI. New Democracy
A. New Democracy was based on universal white man’s
B. Politicians had to bend to appeal and appease to the
C. Those who were too aristocratic were scorned
D. Jacksonian democracy believed that whatever
governing was to be done should be done by the people
E.Vermont became the 1st state to allow all white men
to vote in elections
F. New Democrats argued, if they messed up, they
messed up together and they were not victims of
aristocratic domination