Español III

Español III
First Semester Final
A. José and Rosana are at the airport preparing to leave on a trip. Listen to the
dialog and then mark T for cierto (true) or F for falso (false). (5 questions)
B. Laura and Lucas are talking about their vacation. Listen to their conversation
carefully and answer the questions that follow. (5 questions)
C. Listen to Martín and Clara's conversation as they watch Los Pumas play against
Los Cóndores for the championship. Then, read the following statements and
decide if they are T (true) or F (false). (5 questions)
Vocabulario y gramática
D. Anita is writing to her mother in Miami. Complete her letter with the correct form
of the preterite tense of the verb in parentheses. (10 questions)
E. Choose the letter of the answer that best completes each item. (68 questions)
F. Manuel's teacher instructed him to write an essay about Costa Rica's national
parks. Read his composition and then decide if the statements are T (true) or F
(false). (5 questions)
G. Manuel's teacher instructed him to write an essay about Costa Rica's national
parks. Read his composition and then decide if the statements are T (true) or F
(false). (5 questions)
H. Read the passage about shopping for a party. Choose the letter of the answer
that best completes each statement. (3 questions)
Read the following story about Sara’s daily routine. Choose the letter of the
answer that best completes each statement. (3 questions)
Choose 1