that indicated atotj*
»» . , ,
"‘ Kegardini Mr. ttocUtum, i t » iiMjdy »b*
WPd td«ay b « » M 8 ^
t i » AmwicaK t>«t)eitM r. fiUaidc?. Mr. BucJ»oa« R<r aiocft r«pf«»ntf tb t AsMckwi f t -
the onl; f i*pf«#iiit«tiT* o f tiho Afewhkn
of ttainteraata f f lh a WhoJi Atawiaair
y i t a ,v w y i i a |j e t w ^ ^
M itaObM liit'ivfM k, .
a A. s o K o a c s ,
HBOiagIrt«,Nlw Torit eky.
b«g^b»tiuf to S i t k irtufigbned.”
*TPrdrd a* to ibe raaiomi w bytia peo­
ciutf reiMD W ^ d w tQ prerenttlMi ei^nn(m
ofal»y«j* ■H o w C itttbpP tw defttdo tliat?
o f^ Ia ftip o r
dictatea tbam to tfieir m*ke?t. H e W an exocbfrteoificpf, ildiote itaiiCtidns m tegarding
th e law^ to dauaa'' tiaeiniriieni jaiade to be en*
fakMi. S » m ^
^ p M to be>*%
mittfd into tbe XjBiOtt aaaataTe SUt% and
i s A i M i l 'Ataleto t a ; i l tatfeqr
f lf %
t i n t t s .
oynptafe f * j m Of T « coOTwy.
a * . R U S g i9 T ^ Igditor * Fropiclirtbr.
V jiA T .A V tA s
$ATUEI> a !'^ m o r n i n g * a u g u s t 1
AljoUVAZ. PR *M nB XtfDlAK.
ipr ttttaefcrenee*wlthelectioav.whetheroJthe Gene­
ral or Stale Governinent, tnr officers of the rormer,
(JloxiitA Ju ly ? !.
ahouhUwdeeWta eeaMeof rMnOvtat heeeu^tlM>eoesiltotiOBalriMiedy, bjrtN eleeU»e #ri”rt|)le.toeomA*BOThe |c«w«team#r Indian from Hiverpool, a t thins,im taay besmolbered by (tacnoriMUi |taroii|<
l p a s t» o’clock on Wedneaday morning 16th 0fthe 6en#raIGo»eHU»*Bt.-!rTaeit»eJsirr«ases. .
in*t, amved this morning.
In t i t Hbuae of Commons Iiord John Bum
All mane h k anxiously looked for motion of
inquiry demanding to. be informed what bourn#
the British government proposed to adopt in
referenlA to theauggeitlon of the Cofigf#i# of
-Paris iBspecting the affeira o f Italy.
Lofd PalnkMtofi replied that i t wMjiot #xpedieni to makb known tha intention, .of th i
toxacbA laif'?. Oertaiulyiiot. TbeBepnb- govemlhent,
ilm to WtoiticB
Jdr, jDTsraeli and others spoke On the *nb« Iam TbettMnE^TOOBt; could do notWag jech whbn the motion was negatived, The
to warda patenting -the Mtni^ten^of ^ a n a u igoVetoment o f HoodaitahM p i t p ^ d A me- as a alate Sute! bejond tfee will of Oongreas, moriai toithe Europtan powers, invUinf them,
Tbetcfbre:-tbeiieople needoot el^fc him, for to gualaritee theright of transittroni the A t.
the Ifttoii a ta t# abovA A f t t ^ r e any g o ^ lantiofo tbePaci6A TheDuke of Cambridge
. oraaWToas,-' - '
reapiai^Ootbe ground 6^^
- in
- chief
- - of- the
has been appointed' commander
1 ^. FrABOnt idiouM be preferred to Mr* Fid^ army, and Lord Palmeritpn decorated with the
wore?. I do not think there k a aana inaa in yactat g ^ tm ' ■
A N D E B W j . D O N E L S fM S i
the land^ knowing the two ukn equally well, / ; .] T .
Of TsSKSeeax.
who would pfetend to, <dairo that C ot FreNothing can exceed the quiet of the polity
in o n tk aiwell qualified fer PrimdWt of the cal world this moment in Paris, ta d the Jottr- FILIA C O B II A i m D Q im L S O N O tH B
Uidted Statof ae Mft Fill«ior& Adiaittiog nek .only leflMt the general' dulnesi Gfen’I
M B B T IN C l.
the qualifioatiQOs of the two gentlemen to be PellesMer wta-expected to arrive at MarseillA
eqaal in m othe^ r^poctA the experience of between the 15th and 2^
A banquet
There will b# A meeting of thk Glnb on;
Mr,FiiIinore in public. life, and is Preeideufr wiltbejgiven him.
this (Saturday]! Evening at 8 o’clock, a t ELof the Hnited States, would, with all, conBiderThe Journal B n Pay* says that in political
ate meiv determine the quteUon in h k favor. saloon# iij^Kmdon, there, is a talk of the abdi­ LIC O TTH A LL.
Gen, A. CONKLIN, of Baffalo, will be aro driven into imallcorDere. add consider their
Look a t it pmcttoelly. W ould you, lir, en^ cation p f® n g Otho m favor of Prince Adal
trust th e naTigatioa of one of your “tali ships” bert of Bavaria, who in that case would go present and address the meeting.'
cause not only dAperate, but hopeless. I t k
or o f e 'etei^ets to a p ilo b of coffluiUnder, through fill the religious fprmaUtiA necessary
All are rApecifully invited to attend.
however, beh'eved th a t the article k from the
embodying, ea he might, all the requisites to r forthemcbomplishmeot o f such an event.
of an aaiiitant Editor of the ,dduocafe, as
either, excepting experience, iurprefecence to
Letters from ‘Athens also speak of the tuTRA CY P A R B E E , Fresident.
Oue:who,:if you pleMe, m ig u C ^ k a o n i« ^ ttor, bjit ihey add that the QuAn of Greece is
i t is thpngbt to be too profound and logital
■qamt«»,in theory o r natural qualification^ hut- strongly qpposedtohe'rhusbaud’sdesigu. W e
H.-T. Caotk Secretary.
a decument to eminate from the Editor him­
•weUAxperieneed, and who had conducted your give thAe reports with sll reserve.
The news that wo are daily receiving from self. W e were not aware before of hnviug
ahip Or stearaw* through the petik of the sea ;■
1.;( ■
ioaafetyt B y « l7 ^ y hnoi^iaWch you would
A hew drlsk Ba Oeenrred in Spftin, and Es- every part of the country, is not Only the most such an illustrious lineage. But it must be ao
choose. Tfaeo what man, who^ Jotes hiS eoun- parterp has tendered h k tesignation. ItW A gratifying, but puts it aimA t beyond question because Gov. Clark’s Loan Commissioner of
try and regatda h e r interest* will now entrust reported th at the difficulty with Mexico wm
the Advocate says so, which is as true as that
her ship of idatA freight^ with the dearest A ttledl and that: the flAt, wouldsoon return to that Fn!,i.MOR® and Doxxtsow, the American
candidatA will be elected by a triamphnnt ho gOA armed with a corAatoy^fe revolver.
intemaU of twenty-five; luiUion* o t freemen, Havanaand on board of which; alt the world liaa a
majority. All Over the entire country the Whether be ha* # lineage at all or npt, We do
coikigoipent, tossed as i t w on thesurging bil-^ The Sardinian: government demands a m d - OldLineior National Whig* are moving in not know-. R ut this we do know. He h u a
lows of sectional hatA whilst the very gemuf I t o f auullion to erect lortifications
the matter. They are holding Conventions very honorable and lespectable father who
o f hbertyk'acreamingftom thelook-out^bre^
snpport* Fillmor# and Donelson, and is one of
kert ih ead f tO^tlw^ d
mahageinefit; Of
A d p g h ter has beta borne to the Enipress and appointing delegatA to m tat in Natlbnal
au Jnexperifpced |wlnwmaiiorUi»kiired Conf o f Austria.
Cbnventibn a t Baltimore, to nominate candid- the YIa PrAjdenta of the Fillmore amUDonmandec? Y ea would not do-so regarding your
atA for President and Vico President, and a ekon club, of thk Town. But that k nothing,
privet# inieiests. PatriQtwm says you should
Trade JWM very acUvft at St, Peteriburgb yet we have not seen one of thAe meetings fer it is a notoriouB and undeniable-fact that
not do so regarding yoUf country’s intefestS.
and Riga,
that have not passed Reflolutions declaring in every good and valuable cow is liable to pro­
Fr4y, what haAJohn 0 , Fwmont done for
The Railway concAns were still in obeysnee.
favor of MnlABD FitxJtoRK, The Old Lino duce a mean and worthless calf.
“material j^ogrearf’ on ‘iepreaentative of the
g ain which we Href beyondhk mere adyenT h k Solen of the Advocate, it will be seen
Breadstnfih ^nerally were firm, and in some Nationall Whigs throughout the country, it k
turwi in exploring the Bocky Mountains?ca#A fl'ghtly higer, wheat had advanced 2d well known, are powerful in numbers, many of for party purposes, cannot even let the dead
Atfd ire there not Scores o f engineers in out peir buphfiU Flour, was firmand.better grades
rest, but to Arve his party, drags before th e
army and o a t of ih whq could ind wourdCQn. improved! a trifle. B a t interior unchanged, whom are no doubt, members of the Amerfd u c ta h exploring expedition as sncceasfally
Cora firmly, Apecmlly white which was esn party as-well, and when acting With and public Mr. FiJIropre’s dAeased daughter; and
ash ef H e was seat by the government H e scarce and selling at 30t ’6da32a yellow mixed supporting the same Candidates, u we bare notcontent with maligning and villifying the
was famished by the government with every- 29s6da3(k
every reAon to believe they will, what party, father, falsifiA, m he well knows, the record of
thing to facilitate the enterprm H e com­
or combination o f parties, a u withstand their the education of that Atimable and much
A rriyad of the A rabia.
manded th e expeditions, reported their pro.
beloved' yonng lady, whom every one, who
power and infinence?
gresa and rAults. H o clambered over high
When the honAt. intelligent, patriotic and know bA, when living, to be among tbe noblAt
moantainsr .car?ing;cro*ses iu the rocks^ and
The stoamship A rabia arrived here thk P . conservative men of the country take into con­ of her AX. 0 ! shame, where's thy blnsb!
etriiggled through deep passes devoutly repea­
ting his aesru an ea dQubtieas; h a t K it Car- M., wiih Liverpool dates to 19th inst.
sideration the merita qualifications and ante- To what ignominy will not the prAs descend
son orBill\VhlianiS Were hk guides, and told
Adents of the three candidates before the peo- when platad in such hands?
him where to go* W hat line of national po­
Breadstuffs were generally a shade higher.
So far A wear* personally concerned we
licy has he saggAted iDdicative of intnatiye The Broker’s Circular reports an advance of P ® PrAident, it is impomihle for tliem long
wisdom and foresight as a statAman?—for no­ fid per barrel on flour, with a fair bAiness.
to hesitate., 'Ihe qualification and antetadents should have btan content to have published
thing is predicable of hfs experience as such—
The followiag are the quotations of Rich* of Mr. F iixmore, all know are undoubted; the Advocates articlA with due credit witbont
Surely it can not b e h k open diplomatic poli­ nrdsoD,; Spence & Co. Western Canal flour
cy, for the wisdom of that becomA questiona­ irregular as to quality. Baltimore SSsaSfis.— and still mor^ it k well known that hk views any remarks, for it bears upon it* feta its own
ble) when the opinions of Washington and Philadelphia 3^a3.fis3d. OhioSfisfidaoTa— are broad, National, and strictly coDArvative, comment.
Hamilton and such statesmen are consulted,— Red wheat 9S 9dal0s 9d; white lOsfidalls fid. while Mr. Buchanan’s is rather inclined to be
F illm ore a t the South.
Wherein has h e demonstrated his fitness to White corn 32s; yellow 30s.
sectionai, and from* bis viewa a expressed at
govern men? Surely not in Ms insubordina­
the Ostend Conference, he is rather inclined to
A correspondent of the Memphis Eagle,
tion to govenimenthimselfr, for the sentence of
Matters with regard to American affairs are filibustering. BAidA he stands upon a plat­ writing from North Alabama, rays:
a court martiat dismissed him'in disgrace from progreking favorably.
the array for iDSahordination, And his bener“The cause of Fillmore & Donelson is war­
In Farliaitaut several items of interest trans­ form that fnlly endorsA the Pierce administra­
olenCe ta d hnAaoity a governor are quA- pired;
tion, and to a grCateror less^extent Is pledged ming up in this Action of the State. The
tionable^since to save hk baggage, he left a
ranks are swelling by continued accessions, and
Thejcommittee of the House of Lords have to carry out an alike course of policy.
large number of men who were under fak recommended aUexecations hencefortb,to take
As regards Mr. Fremont, hk antecedents the ‘cry is still they come.’ Never was a nom­
charged to perish, amidst,the dtap snows in the
ination more erithnsiMtically received-^nevera
e w itP
are few, and what hk policy would be if elec­
wildernAa W hereiahas he shown hiraseif to
prospect more brilliant Under the magical
ted. of wihich there is no probability, k entire­ eloquence of Senator Clemens—th* proud de
be a man of gieat executive talent? No- with the usages of capital punishment.
wlwtoi»yQadthafc which thoutaUdsp men of
Government had sent out troops to prevent ly unknown. He is the candidate of the ultra fender of American principlA, and the terror
his age have shown in their respective employ­ an apprehended Cafire rebellion at the.Cape of anti-slaveiy party, and a very fitting one for of the Democracy—you may count upon the
m en t and ptofemiona Wherein has he dis­ Good Hope,
them, and shows ciMriy how much houAty of redemption ot our patriotic State from tbe
tinguished himSelf in his military career, (ex­
withering blight of foreign anti-Americtakm.”
cepting in. insnbotdinabpU?) In noriiirtg which mine, near Coediffi A hundred and ten men purpose they have in view. H e wa* twentyThe Fraoklin (I«.y Banner has struck the
has not been equalled and in many instances werelaUed,
one day* in the United StatA Senate from “Democratic” flag, and run up to its m «lexpelled by ^largem umher of- lieutenauts in
California, during which time he cast three
head tbe patriotic uamA of Fillmore and Don­
our army;. The hAOkra of Sergeant Jasper
Spain ha# again; been convulsed with in8^^ TotA upon the quAtiou, wherein thsip views
atTortM oaltrie, Wid hve on the lips of his rection. The revolt grew out of the opppsielson.
counttymen, when th e xnAt signal act Of CoL iion coropelliug Esparterp and hk colleaguA were directly involved, and eveiy time bk vote
The Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel assures
Ftemontshkjl hate bebnfQrgotten. l a short, to rAign, and the formation of the new minis­ was diametrically opposite to their views, a*
readers that “everything tends to the con­
what orwheto in aJl hk life: or character is thOre, try, wi,th Gen*CBonnell at its head.
the Jour nal of the ^ n a te will show. After
that Fillmore will carry Georgia by a
anything to be found which caa be pledgedby
In Madrid the National Guards and Citi­ the adjonrament of the long SAsion of Conone honesbi candid American heart to another zens fehternked.
BWAping majority.”
g r ^ be Went to California,-to obtain, areas-ati earnA t fhai Got Fremohfeis the man for
A corrApondent of the Athens, Ga., Chron­
Genierallnfante, and Pacheta, a bull fighter,
PrAident of the United States, eeipeeially in headed th e reVolatiOni|tSj and formearly thirty election for six years, and never made his apicle,
writing from North Alabama, m js :
th t pitatat em er^nej? Nothing beyond that hours kept up a bloody fight with the’ troops, pearance a t all in the Senate during the short
is gaining strength in Alabama.
which ffiigbt be pledge o f thaosands of men b•' u ■
fire* eventually
t wfire
and the gov- session, although if there ever was a time that Many who thought a t fir*t they would vote
o f h k a ^ in the land. And I do not believe ernment^ remained triumphanC a t eveiy point
California wanted her Seoatom a t their pp?t for Raphanan will now go fer FiUmore. Mr.
thM the 'oOUBtiy,i^itM
be o f great excepfSaragossaL
than another, it was then. She had just Fillmore will continne. to gaip frOm this—
men* hasyety Wded such acrOp of PrtsiaentSi
A t last account
accounts thO lAurrection bad been
NbWi B M fk ^g M a Fremoutk Ankricaa- crushe L
coma into the Union, and there were local Our cry ii “Up Sam, and i t ’am 1” I ’hA 0onstitutional and Union menWiU ridiy to'hk supkn^; he has p p t yet given even the shadow of
The National Guards have been disbanded, niattera in great number* that reqnired the at­
an Indication that he hA any feeling iil com­ and the country declared in a state of siege.
tention of her reprAentatives. B ut Mp. Fre­
mon irith, # enibrace# a, «ngle principle Of
A llth e leading Hppoeition jouriisk of tbe
A* jsboq "as the news of the insurrection
wdtiNtaf Of
'Aum rii^ perly. H e dare reached P a r k Orders were issued for the des­ mont’s renslection, to him, wa* more important South speak in the in A t encouraging manner
not dulA C>dfih#efinkafy, h k answer to gen- patch jof an army of observation to the Span­ than the local InterAts of bk State. After
of Mr. Fillmore and hk. prApecta in that sec­
tieitah who,;phn#t httonding the Oonvention ish frOfitier,
spending the entire winter 'there for that pur­ tion of the Union. T h e ' Richmond W hig is
in N eir York, in JanA interrogated him on
pose, he received ju s t 7 votes out of 142,
t h e s a b ^ h so fet^k given, Ignored the party
Some disturbances have occurred in Copen- which shows clearly bow Califoraians appreci­ confident that he will early Yirginia; the Wil­
as suchf sfl^ he would not Teature an expreA hagett!
mington Republican holds a similar tone in re.
sitaifettOfable to any soglc one of its dogmal.
ate bis public service. He also struts. In bor­ lation to Delaware; the Louisville Journal is
H e was then iu the cu sf^y of the republican ‘ ThO feUpwing diplomatic .appointments are rowed plaroes—he is called the Rocky Moun­
equally sanguine concerning Kentucky; the
p taty r, and whatever h k Antimeats may have tumored as certain;; M. Eicbelbff to Paris,
tain palh-finder—^it k true he has crossed ihe Angnsta Chronicle k sure that he will prevail
b A® in that regard, his keepers had Aaled h k
Cheep|owitchi to London, and BOwenoST to Rocky Monutaius several times, and erected
in Georgia; and the New Orleans Bulietin
' '
Thfi Grand Duke Michael wM betrothed to
employs the m A t encouraging lahgnige in tewhikt Attending that GbHveaUon,at the talipi- the youngest skter of the Kegenfeof Badeui
say Crootka, now living iu New York, passed lation to Louisiana. The Intelligence from
’tqtlon p i h k frimdAAnd o a t of tender regard
over the l»me ground with Aven men when Mksourh Florida and North C lro iin lk also
' I
forthe Ooloneikstanding before the republican
Fremont was but an infant.
party, pablkhed a card in th e
of the most satisfeotory kind.
K it Carson and Williams hk guides had
in eShet, th a t Col Fremont had h o t (it having banded Soldiers of the Greek legion back to
Ureeci but the Greek government refuses to been there before him; and had he been gov- A n O riginal ERndoo o r K now N othing.
receivfi them, and calls upon the Brilfeh fer as­
Aned by their judgment and advice, be never
■' < ’ ,
W* have neterr doubted that Gov. Clarkk
committed himself to the Aihe
party— sistance, '■
would have lost thirteen of bis men from atarBerideit Col. Frenlont k the leader of the
Loan Commimioner, who prAidA over the Le
vatioD.. B ut to spend so many words about
coming ,Ptemdentiid doateit, of a petty that,
Gazette, was a full blooded Hindoo or
embodka in it* featugsaud membem m.ofp ap- ta d iron from Sebtatoppl.
Fremont is useless for from the temper of the
Know Nothing. If any proof were
I prjsses th a t support him, from Greeley down
tagbOjaw to tbe American party than Any .0^
wanting to estaiblkh lb#' fact, an abundance
Hong Kong papers of May 22d. report that
er. ;The |mriyWa# organmed for the exprek
puipoA Of bmakmg down and otushing Out th# insurrection hta broken out again at Ho* to the most iAigiiificant little pigmy, it k evi­ can be found in the 1A t issue of that paper.—
the- graft Ansaricah party* I f k fer fhafcob- nan, and th at the insurgents fiad taken pos#- dent they have no hope of saccess, and there­ Although the influence of the moon-at times
eision of m A t of the cities,.
fore like the little ichijitt, growl and snarl a t
m ayprodnAtamw efifectnpon hirii, still he k
everything in tbejr way. Since a Couple of
perfectly hwmlAi« jHe k exceedingly rabid
tJavmy to the contrfry nolwithstanding, FuA , CuAtu to x $2fi,00po0,—The Philadelphia
thcA, who knew not what elsoto My, have at­
thef fegai^ug Mf. F rtm o n k -it is clearly and Tim A lstatA tbat Mr. ..Samuel W.Cbambeni,
upon the utteri hopelewneA of the sufcces* of
tempted to characteriA ns a lineal dAcendant
bis candidate for PrAldertt, and tolls many of
of a Catholic Bishop of Ireland, we shall go
of sforiAj that he nor no one
Ihavqnd doftb|tbitit.%a|58uU!Q*l #chem# year estate. The Atato i# vsioed at, oveh farther and claim in Jiovembcp next, that we
believe.. However, after Mk
twenty million dollars. I t consists: o f twenty
o f the. wireworkers o f the republica
are a Bishop absolute and appointed to cele­
d er Cover of the amok* and; lioise about Sum­ aci'es b f land in on# of the:bAt part# of that
P itaxoRa’s election M xt November, hk rea­
ner uatraf## ta d Ktaiita wroiiga to foist up- city, I t was granted, to hk greatigreat-grandr brate high mss* over them and their
will again return, and if he become not *
father by William Pena in 1699j .Tho deed party.
man,) fie w|H a t Ia s I be a wia p one.
WM in poosAsion o f an ancAtot atChAteif
FaiifONT R<ronuTii).---Tbe York (Pa.)
!n th e liM ri^Mesttat A ineriitas taongh to wheii tharto w n was taken by lb# Britiib, and Eagle, publishes a letter from (?. H . Breesler
The Elkton, JPa., Democrat givA an ac­
Carried to the State archkv#g for tafety, and
iiiiMota. d ^
of the diAoveiy of an extraordinary
J < ^ H IfetaMtafc do#i pot t o p « ^
Mr, G^mberi_ k 4
A n ta ltta |M l!^ ‘ Gi#d forifeid Ahat ihsbopld proofculed the matter fer ymirs with unwearyi Fremont dAlaring hi* porpose to lopport gang of tfiievkt having their head-quartow
«tar, b#* xtatoSiiitid by iand# * man» ^ta.any ing energy, and k in possAmon of all nece«a^ FillmoiW) The slaughter‘of McLean, Fre- A ar tlie Gap, in LancAter county, P a., with
mat) who, wIK talfev himMif to bv the catidid- ry deemponts. The deed wai from Wllliaffi mqnt'a Romanism, and Slavery Record are tt a
a p n ts and acoompfi'cA in otherGwto# About
adeorono secUta b it b k eountiy m agalpst Penn, an J k * i *ptovi«ott wHch, la Connection
twenty of thfm have already bf#a taken into
HieiWbkr* Th«'fsetaAm #ritan.p#rtym«
other# h# fills back upon FlllihPire. ,
tioiiiL p « ty * r..I|w |k |# em tM n o f
custody. Thay include w dehtiit, a lawyer, a
CoanlerWt iT a on ih#Nfe«lkfi 0 a Ranl^ preacher, and a quakeP. Tlndr optratfeA
I^ v e M id ttta itita e .to b e . nforiiog agwwd lU
m in rirculatioif. The vig, k | femaH a abtaf have embraced hoiA-atealing, barn burning,
jadU w 'taiihe.
o tV ^a rfe itd m
miBtajy Of­ cattle driving, connterfeltmgtimbbe^ and mur­
% fi»b»y#'?'.
. ■,
, i ficer on tfie right end, ThO'CountoriWt i a i der, two dtovera and a ^ 1 a haviogRAa
whWwi l i -aito-hrifeit-^ ikp li tipb -t^ y m k tt'k r
nobody h m m fel m Vffi
- wurderid by them.
koorw, doubted th a t ColFjwmonfc ww-a Oatb| .poorlmiiatita'af'.'i U -gtaiiia^tae-'' '»
Qdeea: Habelh^ of Spein, h a esooferrld, on
.Huifidto tapporl
PiMidMt^ «w*--'th«'boat Oliq nor an? we awar# that any one here doubtf ^ A -Nxw G o tio u it^ d a K 'nr*ia>-TheH w ilyproiiBtatfve q f ^A b tarieab p eo fta^aad tb f it oovr* fek'there are mony wre nom who ere jdOnt hta TerneiwI^m
JoA Ctaehfe Uaptaitt Gtaeral o f Cab%
m fM r Rhtauoa .aaid
fiiita..i#|-ttii.tabj«et. vvlita intarrogated.,' Ww -aoeiiitatod- "i*»~78^|Npaeyi;,.^#r PA,.|ar-Ii#- tj^R ttoofrM im tnk eC H avtaa M F iitao n t
o f Gabfc
T b itd iti# o llle *ITMi# lM idis^
C o U frta ita t k * Itoman Catholic, and iecrei
#m k«y of the P « p t of Bem#. I t k troe f t
have bo erideoe# o f riuS feetr b a t tbe stnipie
aaatrilOa 4^ U wfll b# taB ato l, on th#
of.ttaeaitor,to*»tkt5r*h«imb|ic, B b t a t a
so been dkedvered that M r-Fium otf|Lta mSdel, o n o m itb io g T iff nearly akin to that, in
hkreligioai belief, and also that bk daughler
wa* #d»A4)d a t a Catholic hkUwllpOr R ut
the mAfc remarkable diicoTeiy of all is one
wbicK h aijtk t hwn tammnm'«kted to Oh I t
k ho l#ii a feet than that th# editor o f the
T k iA kbimeeir a Jeeait in dieguke. H e k a
line*! descendant of EfV. Patrick G’Hurley of
County Tipperary, iTeUnd, well known in
theee parta w Father Q’H uriey, aB khop of
the Romish Ohutch. H e was charged by the
jA u its.w ith a Acret mission at Milwaukta,
Wisconsin, which he performed to the AtisfactioD of bk employers, yhe nature o f which can
be ascertained by any one cnriotis in the mattor, on th f *PPlic«tfeo to Mr. Cramer of the
Milwaukta Wtcuntfiu
In carrying out his instructions he i* now at
the head of a Know Nothing newspaper, urg­
ing the election Of Millard Fillmore, which i f
he succeeds in efiecting, will place him In a po­
sition to transfer th# government of the United
Statoe directly, into the hands of the Pope,
i h k diabolical plot, w u perfected by Mr.
Fillmore himself and wm the cause of his re­
cent lOng- stay a t the head quarters o f the
Catholic Oharch. The country Is in danger.
The above j* the answer to Artain plain
qUAtioDS put to the
in o u tl« t wMks
issue. Each ar# the weapons and the argnments of the Black EepublicaA. No better
proof is wanting to Atablisb the fact that they
’ T hat CoL Fremont k now or WAw Romeo
CatIMto op to a ahort tim# ptoHoMi to lii*
noAtoatijMl by the Riack Bcpubllcainh w# have
not now t a r never had the least donbt. I t
t t a ^ r i hot little whether he ii or not, for
there is nor the iew t d a n ^ r of fakevtalrtmlg
caiied to fill the 'Presidential chair. To be a
Roman Catholic ia a matter hetwAO him and
his con#cieoC«» andWhhffi no Pne bA a right
to take i f y exCeptioa , And i t k the rigbt Of
etiyonetovoisfor him becau A h e is a Roman
Qlthplic if they choPA, and fer otherl; to vot#
agwAthim^fer th f tame.rceaon... ThefoHpw
ing items which we find in the New York JEtxjU’ASy gPA fer enough to establish the feet to
any reaiohaMf mind until disproved. I f they
are not true, let the GpI PPme out over h k
own signature tad disprove them. He is the
only man that can t
' ' M
j S f H e (Fremput) receivea. hk education »
ObarlAton, under the late Bishop England,
of the Roman Catholic C hirt^
(Testified to, by the Editor of the Savanna
Republican, anfi other rApectable autboritiA)
. ^d.
Ak*He Ands h k child, or adopted child, to be
educated in the Roman Catholic College
of Georgetown, D. 0,
.(AttAted by the Editor of the Philadelphia
Daily News—and we believe never denied
even by Fremont’s friends)
jia rH e k married by Fntbar Yan Homeigh,
a Roman Catholic Priests
(Admitted, A a fact beyond controversy or
dispute-^as basing his Romanism on a soiemn
sacrament pf the Romish Church.)
. 4th.
jzaT'He goes to a Momn Cgthglic Qhmh. in
WAbipgton, crossA himself with so-called
^ holy water a t the door, and mhkA the sign
of the cross, when he goes iqto hia pew.
(The testimony of Alderman Fulmer—to be
affirmed on oath, if Fremont denfes.)
^ H e declarw, at a dinner table, at Brawn’a
Hotel in Washington, hk fu ll!belief in the
Rom tn Catholic doctrinA of Transubstantiation.
. |
(Substantiated by the same authority. Affi­
davit ready, when called for by Fremont)
.jaW'He declarA to CoL E -— * of MiMOuri,
li0nterey, who
late Collector of the port of' M|
slept with him eight months, mlder the same
blanket, that if any one doubted he was a
Roman Catholic, he was willin|g to prove it.
(Substamiated by the Editor of the Troy
Whig, ^^jfidayit ready, if called for by Fre­
JS ^H e is, or WM, not only a Rpman Catho­
lic himself, but made Lieut Beale, late Su­
perintendent of Indian Afiairs; to turn om»
(Substantiated by the same authority as the
above. ^ Affidavit ready, if called for by F re­
y a rH e erects a Cross, in imitation-of the ear­
lier Jesuit Roman Catholic adventurers, on
tbe Rocky Mountains.
(P kemost H imself! Sec hk Narrative of
the Rocky Mountain Exploring Expedition.
Cong, documents 166, page 71.)
He discourages the reading of a Protest­
ant book—and wm, so much of a Roman
Cathotk among his friends, that surprise is
expressed that his religion should be a moo­
ted point at all. ,
(The Editor of the Day Book Is the vouch­
er, with propfe doubtlA^ if called for.)
Col. Frem ont’* Marriage.
Ith a s b re n stated that Col. Fremont w a
married by a Roman Catholic PriAt, bAause
of his inability to obtmn a-licens^ und that ail
the ProtAtant Ministers refused to perform
the ceremony without i t Wejgive the fol­
lowing extract from the WAhington Organ,
appended to which is the ArfifiAte of the
Circuit Court of the District pf Columbia,
which is undeniable evidence,^ tjhat all such
statements are unfounded in troth and fact:
We say, then, that the a8se^t|ion’th a t“ali•
ceOA WA utterly unattainable” , by Gol. Fre­
mont, WA a direct, unmitigated, hnadulterated
lie. W e say more-*we say, tha|t oa the I9th
day of October, 1841, John C- Fremont did
obtain from the Clerk’s office in ithis city a licenA of marriage, and that the bame of Rev.
Mr. Yan Horseigh was inserted ip that liAnsel
W e say, that it w a optional with Col. Fre
moot himself what miukter# name shonld bo
inserted in the licenre, and thatl a living wit­
ness, of the very faighAt credibility was prAent when OoL Fremont himAlf’directe^d what
minister’s iiaroe should be jnrerted in the li­
cense! Vie here append a certificate of the
Glerk of thc Gourl^ showing th a fa license was
iAued. Here k a true copy of Ijbe rertifiAte:
“District of Oolumbis, lYaihihgtou County,
“I, John A , Smith, Clerk of the Gircuit
Court of the District of Columbia, for tbe
county of WAhington, do hereby certify, that
on the l9th o f October, 1841, a licertA issned
to unite in holy matrimony John Charles Fre­
mont and Jewie Ann Benton, A k manifest of
“In testimony whereof I have hereunto sub­
scribed my nafee and affixed th eA alo faaid
Coort this 2lst day o f July, 1856.
[s*AL.j “JO H N iL S M n H , Clerk.”
S teamboat A cpideht. - - ^ rerious accident
occurred on boafd the steamer Empire State,
on Saturday night, on her trip from Fall River
to New York-. When off Point Judith her
Bteam pipea or fluA exploded* killing A ten
and woiihding fifteen o f her pasaengei# and
crew. A t the time of the accident most of
the passengers were about rearing forthe night,
and the noise of the explosion and conseqlient
escape of steam caused the greatAt alarm and
excitement among those on board. As soon
08 possible the steamer put back to Fall River,
whore everything pAsifile w a done to allevi­
ate tho sufferings o f the Wounded. The unin­
jured passengers were traMferred to the steam
er State o f Maine, and reached New York
lA t evening.
“R emXhbkb Me t m ’b ur to thE R o ta”—
Among the itejis of news from' f"nlifornia k
on# giving the particular* of the arrest of Dan
Aldrich, a notorious gambler and thief. Ho
k now in the hands of the Yigilanc# Commit­
tee, A. letter w#s found on him from Hon.
H .T . Herbert, regretting that h# could not
procure for him tW ippointment o f U .S ta tA
Marshal, A be had already committed hiraseif
tor Mr. McDqffi#i He concludA h k letter
to Dan.hy requAfing to Wkindly remember­
ed to “the boyaf
To aacertrin the length of lhcd#y anffmght
any, tim# of tW year, double the time p f th#
aun’arkiu|,.whichgiT#arth#l#ngth of the nighf
taJdoable the tiraeof AtUng, whkh|dTAthe
kngth of the day... T hk k a fittle method,of
“doing tbejM pg^jw gcK feif o f our reader#
Ik fe been aware of.
. . A n 'to'SataM!' ^tad' tathttitaatto.. _jfiltari#ta,
meetibg i«aa beUI a ti|to ^ ^ I^
Itoom tote
]y erected oppdiito tbe .ilitoricta Hoto!i on
Wedneaday erening. Th# r o o m hA lately
been tetofmtofjly erectid, ta d fii!i i B p p ( ^
to b# auffickatly *large to^iccopimodeti »ny
meeting, but aneb wA not the firet on Wed­
nesday evening. I t k AtitUated that there
t # l # « l # p t i n toiTOpm ta d itoand the door#
OTerfive thousand, and that if there had been
room enough to have got within hearing of
H o a EsHtros Bxooxs; orator of th* evening
the number w:ould have reached eight thouaand. I t wA undoubtedly in unnsually large
meeting for a city th# size of Buffalo, andpnly
a Club mAting *t th*L I t k ipereverbut a
fair index of how the cuiwBt i* setting thrO’out the length and breadth of the whole coun­
try. Mr. Brooka'wa* introduced to the audi­
ence by the President of the meeting, when
there arose a perfect atOrtn of entbusiAtic and
protracted applause. After th# applause aubsided, Mr. Rrooks addressed the meeting for
over two hours in a’ speech, which k noticed by
the Commercial, “A one of the m<»t able,
sound and convincing political speeches^ it h A
ever been their good fortune to bear.
Weioopy the folIowifigartfekfromlheikB
epee Democrat W a believe thk is tlk Amt
Propper that Aid “b« would a soonba, «r
sell a ^kgro A he would a Jackaii.’’ We ir»
infernied by Gen. Tisdale that this k h|g krt
cOttfriMttw for Bennett, Gteeley. Weed, Kin^
berlyi lTyrrell, Fremont A Co. W# adrii* ^1
trta#l|ng ‘’alriekera’’ to krep cleair of tfaeA®.
erican unlesa they have an order from the L;
rector# of the “MuIe,]H?A”
» ic h amuaed tha other day oq
learning that’ our friend T k d ija qf theJLtner
lean H oM Jn toji
w m jfflff
ceitoto coAequeetod
A large and most enthusiastic meeting of
AmericaA was held in tbe Theatre at Niaga­
ra Falls on Monday evening. The bniidlng
will seat five hundred person:^ .and in a few
moments after opening the doors every part of
it WA crowded to its utmost cepaetty, and
nearly if not quite a many more collected
outside who could not gain admisrioo. ; After
organizing the meeting and a song‘ from tbe
Glee Club, Mr. B kooks w u introduced to tbe
aadience, and greeted with rounds of applause
and a shower o f boqueta from the ladles.
Mr. Brooks took tbe stand and addrewid
the meeting for nearly if not quite two hours,
in one of the best argumentative and hiitorical speeches that,we have heard for many a
day. During hk speech* he w a frequently
interrupted by applause, and at eveiy mention
of Mr, Fillmore In th# course of hk remwks,
the applause w a loud and long.
B W #w '
X^W ClflMk;
office in the Cout
sera whom he could bleed deteriBined that th#
Gcneril ahonld m epite o f tomselL Wg,
to the deception practiced by the Repobfictn
party,^be run ih ilf of about $15 attteAnu^
R ai
' 1
N E^
S:4< A.Mr- MsU
3:25 RochMter
it'? e:A ^lt0A N A N D J
1:55 *. M.. Ex|
7:30 A. a*, g n
1 GBBA 7
TraiM Leave
*;1S A-JC- 0--0
7 :3# X . X..SIC
11:45 A. Jt. Li|
3:45 F. M. Ac
6:0S.P. Jt. Kiel
8:1S F, M. Em
11:45 v.'it.. Li
Wanted b
ber, a good,
from Post 0
The American State ExtauliTe 0oundl of
Ohio 1 are resolved to bold a grand niass mee­
ting of the friends of Mr. Fillmore a t ColnmbM 01 WednAday, the -llth of September
n ex t Among the resolutions passed by thi^
Executive Committee is ons'iecommending
them im bersof the A.merican P arty to aroid|
all fiision of eveiy description, and snpport
their nomination, regta|l£ai of tabcesi orde^
:e a t
The steal
leans on Sat
cisco to the
Affiurs 01
^ Col Wall
to# 12th. )
the natives
jLipong th«
Gen. Chillet
ong W alker
There wa
in San Frac
WA in sessii
•Judge T
been Urreste
Of the Com
Gov. Jol
«nd agricul
'The cone
ton, excited
iln Orego
<Col. Wrigt
ported. G
ta e Indian!
.All the 1
imen jn Sai
^Yigilance I
Mr. Durl
aarrested on
, Major V
'On account
'troops wer
mpon by tt
ppany wAi
rparty wer«
.-eide some •
the retired.
There v
llatA tdatt
• tain leagn
ud, and *E
Hof the rai
Gen. W
coming .St
The wl
Walker r
AMEiacAics!: FBXEMtall--‘RememMr' thatl
there ire three candidate^ fer the Prerideni
c f in t le field. B # ii to mindiitoe thk
tant fa :t, that one of tHenak a Democratic Pol­
itician another, a Repubiicao Adveotum; and
theutlier aa AMEBiCitoRTAXitaiAil. ' < j
Wild Ch.
to# way
else will ’
k no liumbng.
Still they Come.
A m erican M eeting a t N iagara F alls-
I t k quite fteih In theinindi of most ofa«p
reader -- --------.s.ii,-- l . . .
induced to cohtribate their meium to “anS^^
K anata and flock t# the Abolition atandito.
W a tMnk if the EeptibliceA off«mdaceni«nt*
Genesee O ounty Naiioniri O em ooratlo
to the! e strolling vagabonda to linger around
us, the least they can do k to |» y their board,
b ilk instead of Sqatadering their money to
Th# Cpnvenlion tob Aud dele^top to the erect‘mule p ^ . ”
Hard Shell State Convention at. Syracuse on
D lsaitro as,
the 30th ult., met a t the American on Wednes­
W e are Informed by one of our prominent
day of last week, parsaant to-tbe call pablished iu tbe Times. ^ I f the iwO Organizations merch into that a leading ‘#hrie|ker'’ of thii
coalesce, this was probably the last meeting of Tillage told him tba^ “ if be did pot support
the N ational o r old line Democrats of Gene­ Fremcnt he should withdrew his patronage! ^
^bCTeA A
fliMwA the merchtoit will aar-!
from liimi’ W
see in a separate body.
' ^ Dr. Sheldok presided, and Leander Mix ?ive tiik terrible calamity.
and Owen Riyan were'secretariCs Nine towns
£ hilarialphiaW holA ala H o a s i .
were represented. Remarks were made by
W # invite attention to tbe advfirtisement b
J a G. Shepard, (who submitted a AriA of
another column, of & nnmber of Whnw
resolutions,) Col. Follett, Wm. H. Rumrey,
ing 1Of
Mr. Lampson and others. The resolutfons Houses in FhiladeIpbiA Slnoe the opening
th e F l nira, Williamsport and Cafewissa Eajl- ^
endorred “Buck A Breck” and strongly recom­
road, ibrmlng a direct communication between |
mended the union of the two Democratic orWestern New Yoik, and Philadelphia, .th* :
ganizations on an electoral and state ticket.
The delegates from the two districts then feciiitiss for transporting goods are such that ■
the prerebanta of that city believe they can ■
\fent into separate meetings. Dr. S. prAifiing,
furnisl goods on better terms than they can }
with Mr. Angus L. Tompkins as Secretary in
the 2d district; and Gol, Fettibone with Mr, be obtained in New York. Go and see, w d !
Mix as Secretary, presiding in the 1st district give iie m a feirtrial.
Choice was then unanimously made of the D a y ii’ O hem ical W ta h is g Prepuatiou.
following gentlemen as delegatA and alternates
Ihe} Agent for ihe sale of thki prepantioa '
from Genesee county;
hA bem iqtbis neighborhood for some time
1st District—Delegate, William G. Bryan, pAt,a|nd anpplied almost every family rritli
alternate, B. J . Pettibone.
it. All who have used it speal| of it in the
2d District—^Driegate, M. P . Lampson, al­ higbA i terms, and a ag reat Avlng in labor in
ternate, Wm. H, Ramsey.
WAhing. T’ry it and Atisfy yourselves thstit
The Urica Daily Gazette, an old influential
Democratic Journal, hA passed into tbe hands
of N D. J eweu, taken down the Buchanan
ticket, and put up the names of Fillmore and
Donelson. A well considered introductory
promises well for the future conduct of the
Gazette, and we hail the change A an aApicious one for tbe American cause. N o doubt
there are in the State thousands of Demo­
crats who feel inclined to, and will eventually,
abandon Buchanan and array ihemselvA un­
der the American flag.
The JSTational Standard, published at Sa­
lem, N. J , hA also hoisted the flag of the Un­
ion candidates, Fillmore and Donelson. Tbe
changes that are going on daily everywhere in
favor of the American, candidates, k nearly if
not quite equal to Harrison times of 1840.
The State Gazelle^ a Fremont paper at
Taunton, N. J , hA been changed to a Fill­
more paper, and will be in chmge of 6 . W.
Tolies, Esq.
T beN . 0 . Delta, hitherto a Democrat pa­
per of inflaence, repudiates Buchanan and hoists
the Fillmore flag.
V '
jsgt-We a gratified to learn that F beder- ]
ICK M F ollett, son of Hon. F. F ollett, of i
this vi lage, who remgned his commission k st |
fell A a 2d L itaL U . S. Infantij, has been |
appoitted 2d LieuL in the Fourth ^ g im e n t I
U. S. ^ tilie iy .
LAiiiES IOe Cbbim P aety.—'The LadiM of|
the Pipbylerian Church gave an Ice Cream I
party a t Ellicott Hall on Thursday evening
which' w a largely attended. Receipts about
$50 which are to be appropriated to md in
furnisning the. Church,
F ibe in S taffobd.—^Two dwelling hpma \
in Stafford Centre were dratroyed by fire last i
Saturday morning, one owned by EmanuBl ;
Tuckej-, the other by Thomas Passmore, caoM i
of thejfire unknown, and but asmallamoant of j
,^ + K beleb, opposite the American, bae '
receirjd Frank LA lia Ballon, Ledger, Flag,
and th a other Weeklies: for this week.
Also all the Magazines for A ugnsi
Fillmora and Oonelaon Club in la* Roy.
Our friends in Le Boy have stwted a good
Fillmore and Donelson Club. 'We also learn
that they proniis# to give a good ataount of
themselvea at the fell election. Let'all the
other towns follow the example and agioriona
triumph will be the result
Hardshell and Softshell Conventions
Which met a t Syracuse, on Tureday, have shook
hands and made op. Somebody is again to
be cheated, but o f which wing of the two
parties time only can determine.' They have
made the following nofeinatiou:
Governor— Amasa J . Parker of Albany.
Lt. Gov.—Judge Yariderbilt of Kings.
Canal Commiteioner—John S. Bussell of
S t Lawrence.
■State Prison Inspector—Mr. Brennan o f
New York.
Clerk of Court of A ppeals^M r. Dnnn. ,
Presidential. Electors a t large^A ddkon:
Gardner and David L. Seymour.
iroject k on foot to Atablkh a eominm
a railioad between London ta d Calcutta dijr#ct, kfthp.dt. aciy totetrtipri^^
.h# dis^
Straits of Dover and th#; Bo#phor|»T--th|i
tance ;o be accomplished in about a w e ^
A revolutionary patriot, nam«d' Denyae J
D eny4 died a t Flatbash, L. 1 . .onS unda/
lAt, a ; tito patnarchM eg# of nincty-ok jm u f
He to ik part in tb# b e ttk a e f
T rent >n, Princeton, &c., andduring tbe vrat'#f
1812. when he WA Marion^ a t F o rt Gtotai^
h# rec sired a captain’s commisaionf .
js W-The; N ew
mint ]iropoee# toatto# iteW
ty-eig it parts copper and tirriVc ptafe r a ^
T hk will make 4 (^0 o f a datk reddish colorI t k to weigh
:i # t e '^ - i » p i f to f
prctoit taut, which
A ] iriVate fetter feom 4
Floric a, a lineal deecendant o f Patrick Hfeily, sp Mi^ to entoutegi^teiw ^^
felt tl ere in Mr. Fillmore’# election. Bie-rtlc e n ts ^ h * 4 h a ite iA ^ te d - :i^ .g c tirilffW
configepce- '
‘ 'i
Thi; Lowell N e ta »y« toeTrein^tat0o»p<|ny ha I stopped 200 I0ero8, in conieqaeoce f
PiEECit’a Heir Apfamkht.—Mr. Pierce the w tat of water, and that «nfeii_.'4Jke-.i|i
claime Buchanan m i successor of hk djspen- the ri rer fedMeplloe, HI titeteilfer^^
portiejn of their woria during toe c#bub|:
Yill carry out the pltai he
hA concocted; for in a speech delivered a t m o n tu . •;
WishingtonA few weeks since, the Predfieni
A !honlhly mail will bef#4ftta he-awijle
atB cito n fer
“I congratulate'you that ytar choice hA guit .b y ablp Caee4. T«»’p ^ 4 | e W » ^
faUen on a man who itend* on th# idmkal only! ivootati T orfettert‘tWOplatfom toot/occupy, and thahhe WiHtake papeikand otadtofeiteqttoA
the state with theitandard .leweteAmvee an
inch!” ■ •
The CoroiMrkJuiy in th# ciM of the late
Itoiktad 4«:^Fte nA cF hS addpktoii#ii?v^
en # verdict Atriburioi 't^^
to toe
ehtaoel o f ib# Ohio river to P itte b a q ^ on >«xeata#it teetoi and CMaariDg, to l 0#iqtoay
? * ; *I C. lto/yhtoiite:tet aBtBin^
u i; ;C i
A chil
WA on b
Th# 8
^m C o
■ Mr.WAhtoi
J a a e tis
peopfevMTta a
.a lta j^ i
• wife a
■Jose, i
th k con
‘c o o n ^
of toe S
A t the ■
J T a riii
jd j^ h
S t. ]
taika 1
%oat t
m -3 ^
^ Pta