And Now...the News - Westward Expansion in US History

Published on AASL Learning4Life Lesson Plan Database
And Now...the News - Westward Expansion in
U.S. History
Created by: Brian Witzke
Title/Role: Teacher
Organization/School Name: Cooper High School
Location: Minnesota
Grade Level: 10
Type of Lesson: Lesson in a unit
Type of Schedule: Combination
Collaboration Continuum: Intensive
Content Area:
Social studies
Content Topic: Westward Expansion
Standards for the 21st-Century Learner
Skills Indicator(s):
1.1.9 Collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding.
3.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge and understanding
in ways that others can view, use, and assess.
Dispositions Indicator(s):
2.2.4 Demonstrate personal productivity by completing products to express learning.
3.2.3 Demonstrate teamwork by working productively with others.
Responsibilities Indicator(s):
1.3.2 Seek divergent perspectives during information gathering and assessment.
3.3.5 Contribute to the exchange of ideas within and beyond the learning community.
Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s):
1.4.4 Seek appropriate help when it is needed.
3.4.2 Assess the quality and effectiveness of the learning product.
4.4.4 Interpret new information based on cultural and social context.
Scenario: The school librarian works with a 10th grade U.S. History teacher to create lessons for a
Westward Expansion unit. The school librarian collaborates with the classroom teacher to teach students
how to research a key topic from Westward Expansion and then use the research to create a fictitious
newscast about the event. Topics will include the California Gold Rush, Texas Independence, the MexicanAmerican War, the Oregon Trail, the Mormons, the Trail of Tears and others. This particular lesson will be
the last of a three part series of lessons designed to teach students how to record and edit video footage
into a historical newscast or documentary. Students collected information on their topic in part I, created
storyboards and a script in part II, and are now ready to learn how to record footage, then download and
edit it using video editing software.
Overview: The students will be able to explain the significance of one topic from Westward Expansion by
creating an informative, engaging video about their assigned topic. This lesson provides the student with a
chance to learn how to effectively create an informative video as well as how to use video cameras and
editing software. It also teaches students how to work collaboratively in a group.
Final Product: Students will create a video of a newscast or documentary to teach the class about a
specific topic from westward expansion and why it is important.
Library Lesson: Students will learn how to use technology to create a video that communicates
information in a new and creative way. Students should be able to master the tools of video editing
software, so they can apply their skills to other projects and future endeavors.
Estimated Lesson Time: 120 minutes
Product: Students will create a 5-7 minute video of a newscast or documentary to teach the class about
a specific topic from westward expansion and why it is important. The video will be assessed by the
school librarian and classroom teacher using a teacher-designed rubric.
Process: Students will work in groups of four for all phases of the project. The school librarian and
classroom teacher engage with students while they film and edit their footage.
Student self-questioning: Did I work well with my group members and contribute to the finished
product? Did I learn how to effectively use video editing software? Did my group fully communicate key
information in our video?
Instructional Plan
Resources students will use:
Still image (i.e.paintings, drawings, plans, and maps)
Moving Image (i.e. animations, movies, tv program, video)
Sound (i.e. music playback file, audio compact disc, recorded speech or sounds)
Resources instructor will use:
Direct instruction: Students will be issued cameras and will be instructed in how to use the cameras
by the school librarian. The school librarian will use some sample footage to teach students how to
access the features of the video editing program. The school librarian will teach all of the functions of the
camera, including recording and reviewing. During the second half of the lesson, students will be taught
the features of the video editing software. This will include cutting and splicing, transitions, how to add
text, titles and credits, as well as other key features of the program.
Modeling and guided practice: Before the students begin filming and editing, they will take a "group
quiz" to identify the important parts of the camera and features of the video editing software. The quiz
will be turned into the school librarian, who will check it and then let students continue of they are ready.
Independent practice: The students will spend about 5-10 minutes recording footage in their groups to
practice and gauge their proficiency with the cameras. They will then upload some of the footage to a
computer to practice editing before beginning to record their project. This practice will enable them to
produce a more polished final product.
Sharing and reflecting: Students will share their completed videos with the class and reflect on what
went well and what they struggled with during the process of creating their newscast/documentary.
Have you taught this lesson before: Yes
This lesson plan is subject to copyright by the American Library Association and may be used for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or
educational advancement granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. Address usage requests to the ALA Office of
Rights and Permissions.
Due Date:______________
“The News Report”
Channel Seven (Robbinsdale Local News) is creating some investigative news reports for an upcoming special
“Our past: What makes us who we are today? An in-depth look at Westward Expansion in the 1800’s”
Channel Seven is looking for writers, newscasters, interviewers, and specialists. The network will divide
applicants (classmates) into groups of four people, who will work on a news story and create a documentary
newscast. Applicants can petition the producer (teacher) on who he/she wants to work with, but must explain
and prove why it will be a successful group. The network will be expecting the following from each group:
A. Each person in the group must have a set of completed notes on the assigned topic (Cornell Notes
from online reference or database resources or books). Each person needs notes from a minimum of two
B. A five to seven minute news story/documentary script on a topic provided by the network featuring
information on and include:
1. The who, what, where, and why of the assigned topic:
a. Key events
b. Important people
c. Dates and places
d. Explanation of the importance
2. Each group member should have at least eight lines in the script.
3. Your script should be creative, professional, and appropriate.
4. The video should be creative, well-organized and successfully communicate information.
C. ONE completed script detailed what will be spoken in the video along with the actions.
D. ONE completed storyboard of how your documentary/newscast will be arranged and completed by
the group. There should be between 8-12 panels.
1. A storyboard is telling what your group will be doing in each scene by drawing pictures and
captions describing what will happen (think of it like a comic strip)
D. All members need to participate and work together. Team work is KEY!
E. Watch, listen, and analyze what it takes to be a good newscaster and video producer.
F. Before filming can take place, all members must be PREPARED, have a COMPLETED script, have
PRACTICED their script, and FOLLOW their story board; in addition, each group will need to pass a
QUIZ on using the video equipment and editing program before beginning to film.
Robbinsdale Local News is a respected and reputable station which demands commitment and professionalism
from all of its employees. Do your best and make our school and the network proud!
1. Group has finished research on the assigned topic and each member has Cornell notes
from at least two sources.
2. Script is completed and follows assigned format/requirements.
3. Storyboard is complete and includes 8-12 panels.
4. Group has successfully completed the equipment quiz.
5. Recording of footage is complete.
6. Video editing is complete and includes all required material.
7. Completed video has been turned in to the teacher.
Story Board
Page Number:_____
Story Board
Page Number:_____
Names: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Per. ______
Video Recording & Editing Quiz
As a group, answer the following questions:
1. Describe how the camera or device records footage. ____________________________________________
2. How can the camera or device be checked to see if the footage was recorded properly? ________________
3. How can the camera or device be mounted on a tripod? _________________________________________
4. Describe the steps for uploading video footage into the computer program. __________________________
5. How do you cut out footage you don’t need for your video? _______________________________________
6. How can text be added to your video? _______________________________________________________
7. How can new audio and music be added to your video? _________________________________________
8. How can beginning and ending titles be created? ______________________________________________
9. How is the video finalized and how can it be transferred to another medium (internet post, DVD-R, etc.)?
Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding
Students should be able to:
use humanities terminology in context
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts through developed descriptions,
explanations and examples.
Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the
descriptors below.
The student:
• makes a limited attempt to use some relevant terminology
• demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of content
and concepts with simple descriptions and/or examples.
The student:
• uses terminology that is accurate and/or appropriate
• demonstrates knowledge and understanding of content and
concepts through adequate descriptions, explanations or
The student:
• uses a range of terminology accurately and appropriately
• demonstrates good knowledge and understanding of content
and concepts through accurate descriptions, explanations and
The student:
• uses a wide range of terminology accurately and
• demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of
content and concepts through developed and accurate
descriptions, explanations and examples.
Project does not successfully meet any of the
standards listed below
Video includes 2-3 topic concepts, people and
Some accurate vocabulary/terminology is used in
the video
Student can use some of the video creation tools
Video includes 4-5 topic concepts, people and
Mostly accurate vocabulary/terminology is used in
the video
Student can use most of the video creation tools
Video includes 6-7 topic concepts, people and
Accurate vocabulary/terminology is used in the
Student can use all of the video creation tools
Video includes 8 or more topic concepts, people
and events
A wide range of accurate vocabulary/terminology
is used in the video
Student has correctly mastered the use of all the
video creation tools
Criterion D: Communicating
Students should be able to:
communicate information and ideas using an appropriate style for the audience and purpose
structure information and ideas in a way that is appropriate to the specified format
document sources of information using a recognized convention.
Criterion D: Communicating
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the
descriptors below.
• Project does not successfully meet any of the standards
listed below
The student:
• communicates information and ideas by attempting in a
limited way to use a style that is appropriate to the audience
and purpose
• makes a limited attempt to structure information and ideas in
a way that is appropriate to the specified format
• makes a limited attempt to document sources of information.
• Project attempts to communicate ideas effectively using
The student:
• communicates information and ideas by using a style that is
sometimes appropriate to the audience and purpose
• structures information and ideas in a way that is sometimes
appropriate to the specified format
• sometimes documents sources of information using a
recognized convention.
The student:
• communicates information and ideas by using a style that is
often appropriate to the audience and purpose
• structures information and ideas in a way that is often
appropriate to the specified format
• often documents sources of information using a recognized
The student:
• communicates information and ideas effectively by using a
style that is consistently appropriate to the audience and
• structures information and ideas in a way that is consistently
appropriate to the specified format
• consistently documents sources of information using a
recognized convention.
• Presentation shows limited use of text, audio and visual
• Video is poorly designed and is disorganized
• Incomplete bibliography is included
• Project sometimes communicates ideas effectively using
• Presentation adequately uses some text, audio and visual
• Video has a basic design and is somewhat organized
• Mostly complete bibliography is included
• Project often communicates ideas effectively
• Presentation effectively uses text, audio and visual
• Video is well-designed and organized effectively
• Complete bibliography is included
• Project consistently communicates ideas effectively
• Presentation uses a wide range of text, audio and visual
• Video is attractively designed and flawlessly organized
• Complete & accurate bibliography in MLA format is
Line (what the character is going to say, including the actions,
feelings, and emotions of the character)
Line (what the character is going to say, including the actions,
feelings, and emotions of the character)