Words of Hope - Caritas of Austin

9 t h A n n ua l C a r i t a s
Words of Hope
Dinner With Dr. Jeff Salz & Alepho Deng
S e p t e m b e r 29, 2016 | H y a t t R e g e n c y A u s t i n
F eaturing H arvey P enick A ward P resentation
S usan & G ary F armer
5 : 0 0 p m | R e g i s t r at i o n O p e n s
5 : 3 0 p m | VIP R e c e p t i o n & B o o k S i g n i n g
( s e l e c t s p o n s o r s o n ly )
6:30pm | Program & Dinner Begins
7: 0 0 p m | H a rv e y P e n i c k A wa r d P r e s e n t a t i o n
8:00 p m | P r e s e n t at i o n
Dr. Jeff Salz & Alepho Deng
S u g g e s t e d A t t i r e : B u s i n e s s C a s ua l
H o n o r a ry E v e n t C h a i r s
Amber Carden & Jim McBride
Event Committee
H a r r i e t t C h o f f e l , S h e r r i e F r ac h t m a n , W a l e s k a L avo r a t o ,
N i q u e M a yo , & K a m m y W e s t
Questions? Contact Kevin Shaw at [email protected] or 512.646.1268
9 t h A n n ua l C a r i t a s
Words of Hope
Featured Speakers
Dr. Jeff Salz & Alepho Deng
In 1987, when Alephonsion Deng was seven years old, his village in Southern Sudan was
attacked by his own government troops. To avoid capture he ran into the night with many other
young boys. Without food, water, shoes or parents, he crossed 1,000 miles of lion and crocodile
infested territory. 100,000 little boys began the arduous trek. Less than 16,000 survived. Nine
years later, in 2001, the U.S. Government welcomed Alephonsion Deng as one of the Lost
Boys of Sudan. His memoir, “They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky” was a Los Angeles Times
Mr. Deng will be joined by Dr. Jeff Salz as this year’s featured speakers. Dr. Salz has led over
one hundred wilderness, mountaineering and anthropological research expeditions around
the world. Their joint story of contrasting cultures and how their life journeys collide to form
the bonds of friendship is an entertaining and heartening vision of humanity.
About Words
Words of Hope is Caritas of Austin’s largest fundraising event featuring an author or prominent
individual whose story reflects the mission and work of the organization. Former Words of Hope
speakers include Leigh Anne Tuohy, inspiration for The Blind Side novel and film, Marcus Luttrell,
U.S. Navy SEAL and author of Lone Survivor, and Bobby Bones, prominent radio personality. All
proceeds from this event support Caritas’ work and mission.
of Austin
Caritas of Austin supports people on their journey out of crisis
toward self-sufficiency through housing, food, education, and
employment services.
Forced to flee their home country due to war and persecution,
international refugees are at a crossroads in life. Caritas of
Austin’s Refugee Resettlement services during refugees’ first
months in Austin provide the comprehensive support needed
to acculturate and achieve self-sufficiency.
Photo by Evergreen Studios
25 t h A n n i v e r s a r y
Harvey Pencik Award
S u sa n & G a ry F a r m e r
Each year, the Harvey Penick Award for Excellence in the Game
of Life is presented to a prominent leader whose life emulates
that of the first recipient, golf legend, Harvey Penick. Previous
honorees include Lady Bird Johnson, Edith and Darrell Royal,
Ben Crenshaw, Susan and Michael Dell, Kirk Watson, Sally and
Mack Brown, and Teresa and Joe Long. This year marks the 25th
anniversary of the award.
The 2016 Harvey Penick Award will be awarded to longtime
Austinites and leaders in our community, Susan and Gary Farmer.
The Farmers are involved in a variety of civic and charitable
endeavors including: Greater Austin Economic Development
Corporation, Helping Hand Home for Children, The Real Estate
Council of Austin, The Rise School of Austin, Seton Development
Board, Tarrytown Methodist Church, The University of Texas
Chancellor’s Council, The University of Texas Development
Board, Westlake High School, and Caritas of Austin.
www . ca r i t a s o fau s t i n . o r g
2016 Sponsors
l e ad s p o n s o r s
u n d e rw r i t e r s
J udith
D r . R ichard B erkowitz * · S herrie
D r . B ob F rachtman * · W a l e s k a
J o h n L avo r a t o
advo ca t e s
Harriett and Kenneth Choffel · Joan and Steve Clark · Friends of Susan and Gary Farmer
Norwood Tower Management · Susan and Lane Prickett · Kammy and Troy West
pa r t n e r s
Barshop & Oles Company · Margie and John Brindley · Capitol Anesthesiology Association · Central Health · Centro Development, Reenie and Kent Collins
Theresa and Erik Dithmer · Emily and Bob Feiner · Peggy and Andrew Greenawalt · Hahn Public Communications · Jane and Dan Matheson
Moreland Properties · Prosperity Bank & Fritz Byrne Head Fitzpatrick PLLC · Seton Healthcare Family · Texas Gas Service
The University of Texas at Austin & The University of Texas System · Whole Foods Market
special thanks
KEYE TV · Texas Monthly · Twin Liquors · iHeartMedia
B ecome
W ords
H ope S ponsor
*Denotes split sponsorship
9 t h A n n ua l C a r i t a s
Words of Hope
S e p t e m b e r 2 9 , 2 016 | H y a t t R e g e n c y A u s t i n
r e p ly b y
S e p t e m b e r 16 , 2 016
Sponsorships and Tickets can be secured by filling out the form below and sending
it to Kevin Shaw at [email protected].
Sponsorship & Tickets
$ 5 , 0 0 0 A dvo ca t e S p o n s o r
Preferred seating & dinner for 10
4 VIP Reception tickets
Name/logo on all event promotion & materials
$3 , 5 0 0 P a r t n e r S p o n s o r
Preferred seating & dinner for 10
2 VIP Reception tickets
Name on all event promotion & materials
$ 2 , 500 T a b l e
Seating & dinner for 10
A dd r e s s
$ 5 , 0 0 0 A d vo ca t e S p o n s o r
$3,500 Partner Sponsor
$2,500 Table
$200 Ticket
# O f T ickets (Up to 4 guests seated together)
cannot attend but would like to make a donation of
Payment Method
T i c k e t s $200
e ac h
Seating & dinner for 1 person
can be purchased online at
www .C aritas O f A ustin . org
Check Enclosed
Card Type
Credit Card
M a s t e r ca r d
As it appears on card
Card Number
E x p . D at e
S i g n at u r e
CVC C o d e