What`s Inside - Hope Lutheran Church

September 2016 • Vol. 16 Issue 9
To encourage
encourage all
all people
people to
to know
know the
the love
love of
of Christ
What’s Inside
2 Pastors Page
Adult Growth Choices for Fall
Preaching Schedule
3 Our Church
Your Gifts Matter
Rally Week Schedule
4 Bits and Pieces
Men’s Ministry
Join Hope Lutheran
Choir Invites
5 Caring Ministries
6-7 Calendar
8 Children’s Ministry
10 Women’s Ministry
Stephen Ministry
GriefShare/DivorceCare Begin
Rest n Rejuv
Visitation Training
“Launch Your Faith”
Sundaes on Sunday
Baptism Orientation
Do Your Kids Like to Sing?
Hope Preschool Begins
Student Ministry
Affirmation of Baptism
Welcome Stefanie Jordheim
Margaret Feinberg Comes to Hope
Hope-Full Single Moms Group
EaND Women’s Retreat
New Members
Back Page
HopeFest is September 11!
Pastors Page
Adult Growth Courses Offered this Fall
Preaching Schedule
September 2016
Aug 31/Sept 4
NC Pastor-in-Training Luke –“Trust”
SC Pastor Sarah – “Prayer”
Sept 7/11
NC Pastor Chuck – “Lost Sheep”
SC Pastor Kevan – “Wedding Feast”
Ch Pastor Sarah – “New Wine/
Old Wineskins”
Sept 14/18
NC Pastor Paul – “Good Samaritan”
SC Pastor Chuck – “Lost Sheep”
Chapel Pastor Kevan – “Wedding Feast”
Sept 21/25
NC Pastor Mike – “Workers in the Vineyard”
SC Pastor Paul – “Good Samaritan”
Ch Pastor Chuck – “Lost Sheep”
Sept 28/Oct 2
NC Pastor Chuck – “Sheep and Goats”
SC Pastor Mike – “Workers in the Vineyard”
Ch Pastor Paul – “Good Samaritan”
NC = North Campus Sanctuary
SC = South Campus Sanctuary
Ch = South Campus Chapel
Office Hours
Church Phone
NC Fax
SC Fax
Words of Hope
Monthly Newsletter
Volume 16 Issue 9
Articles due on
the 9th of the
month prior to
publication to
Romans. Be strong in God’s word and be strong in life.
Join us as we dive deep into the book of Romans. In
this life changing book, the Apostle Paul wrestles with
what righteousness, living in view of God’s mercy and
grace, looks like for our lives. This ancient wisdom is
incredibly relevant for us today. This eight-week class
begins Sunday, October 2, 11:00am at the South
Campus and will be offered at the North Campus
winter 2017. Register online at fargohope.org/adults.
The Nurtured Heart Approach® to Parenting is a class
for anyone who would like deep, rich relationships
that grow out of love and respect for others. Using the
tools and techniques taught in this class, you will see
transformation in your life and the life of your child.
Class begins Sunday, October 9, 11:00am at North
Campus. Register online at fargohope.org/adults.
Additional Resources for Individuals or Small Groups
The pastors recommend, “Imagine
Life God’s Way” by John Ortberg
as a resource for the “Parables”
sermon series for individuals or
Small Groups to use.
This six-session small group study
centers around the Parables of the
Bible. Jesus, the wisest man who
ever lived, had much to say about
God, the human heart, the future,
life, anger, love, and everything
that mattered. Digging into the
treasure trove of the wisdom and
truth hidden in his parables will
stretch minds, feed souls, pierce
hearts, and shape his followers
into true disciples.
A list of additional recommended
resources can be found at
fargohope.org/adults, on the
Information boards or in the
Church Office.
Hope Lutheran Pastors and Staff
North Campus
Kay Jastram
South Campus
Ann Seczko
Charles A Olmstead
Senior Pastor
Adult Growth
Men’s Ministr
Judy Siegle
Kevan F Smith
Paul E Nynas
Executive Pastor
September 2016
Worship Arts
John Bedore
Andria Messelt
Heidi Ivesdal
Sara Lichtblau
Anna Mitchell
Kim Klatt, Coordinator
Justin Morken
Michael J Toomey
Mitch Lee
What is God Up To in Our Church?
Your Gifts Matter as We Join With God in
His Work in This World
Just as you rely upon receiving income on a regular basis, Hope
Lutheran Church relies on your regular contributions. Hope Lutheran
appreciates the efforts of our congregation members to make consistent
donations throughout the year.
Now that summer is drawing to an end and we begin our fall routines,
we remind you to think about catching-up your contributions to your
church. To assist you, the church provides a convenient electronic
giving option for setting up regular contributions, go to fargohope.org/
giving. Additional ways to give are by check, cash, bill pay through your
financial institution and stock transfers.
Feel free to contact our Business Administrator, Judy Aafedt (701-2356629, x220) with any questions.
Rally Week Schedule at Hope Lutheran
Rally Wednesday Events
Rally Sunday Events
North Campus
_5:00-5:45pm Wednesday Night Supper
_5:45-6:45pm Bells of Hope Rehearsal
_6:00-7:00pm Wednesday Worship
_7:00-8:30pm “Scouting the Divine” Women’s Study
_7:15-8:15pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
_7:45-9:00pm WNL (High School Ministry)
South Campus
_5:00-5:45pm Wednesday Night Supper
_6:00-7:00pm Wednesday Worship
_7:00-8:00pm Praise Choir Rehearsal
_7:45-9:00pm WNL (High School Ministry)
North Campus
_8:30-9:30am Traditional Worship
_9:00-11:00am Coffee and Donuts
_9:45-10:45am Contemporary Worship
_11:00am-NoonContemporary Worship
South Campus
_8:15-9:15am Chapel Worship
_9:00-11:00am Coffee and Donuts
_9:30-10:30am Chapel Worship
_9:30-10:30am Sanctuary Worship
_11:00am-NoonSanctuary Worship
_11:00am-NoonBaptism Orientation
Other Staff
Barb Van Dame
Stephen Ministry
Kim Youngquist
­Student Ministry
Paul Norell
Carley Evenson
Stefanie Jordheim
Kate Fluge
Sarah A Seibold
Nicole Weisz
Angela Bartsh
Luke Brodeur
J­ udy Aafedt, Business Administrator
Becky Barrus, Accounting
Jana Davis, Office Staff
Trisha Johnson, Office Staff
Cara Olmstead, Office Staff
Ashley Livdahl, Office Staff
Bill Haaland, Building Engineer
Dave Peterson, SC Facility Coor., Chef
Bob Schwandt, NC Librarian
JoEllen Carlson, Editor
Bits & Pieces
Men of Hope Unleashing the Power!
When life gets busy it’s hard to keep up with
everything. When we make time for God’s Word,
it has a way of putting all of our activities into
perspective. We’re convinced that God speaks to
us when we read his Word, so it’s important to help
each other connect with the Bible.
You-Version Bible
What is stopping you from reading God’s Word? You-Version Bible, which
can be accessed anywhere and anytime makes it easy to stay connected to
God’s Word. No excuses men! Check it out at youversion.com.
Bible Study Fellowship - BSF
Mondays | 6:55pm | Calvary United Methodist
You might even consider cracking the Bible with other men on Monday
nights at Bible Study Fellowship - BSF. Join us Monday, September
12 at 6:55pm, Calvary United Methodist, 4575 45th St S where we
will begin the study of the book of John. Together we will read this
amazing, heart changing book chapter by chapter, verse by verse.
Man Talk with Breakfast
September 8 | 6:30-8:00am | South Campus
Mark your calendar for our new season of Man Talk with Breakfast.
What is Man Talk? Every second Thursday of the month at South
Campus you can start the day with breakfast at 6:30am, enjoy a talk
from a guest speaker and meet other Men of Hope. Best of all, be to
work by 8:00am! Come early if you like and we’ll put you to work in
the kitchen!
Volunteer at HopeFest
September 11 | 4:00-7:30pm | South Campus
Pastor Chuck has challenged us to volunteer at HopeFest on September
11 at South Campus. If you are reading this and haven’t already raised
your hand, do me a favor and give me a call. The Men of Hope will be
serving up some awesome pulled pork sandwiches and lending a hand
wherever needed. We could use your help!
You Play a Role! Stay Connected
We are getting cranked up for fall and winter activities and yes, you do
play a role! Join the movement to unleash the power and together we
will answer God’s call.
Sign up to receive the Men of Hope e-updates at fargohope.org/men.
For more information regarding Men’s Ministry, contact Gary Opp Volunteer Director of Men’s Ministry — [email protected] or 701235-6629.
Monthly Prayer Ministry Opportunities
September 20 | 7:00-8:00am | South Campus
September 20 | 6:30-7:30pm | North Campus
The Monthly Prayer time is an opportunity to lift up the concerns in
our lives and the life of our church. Remembering each other in prayer
is one of the great privileges in ministry. Joins us on the 3rd Tuesday of
each month.
New Time for New Member Class!
“You are a member of God’s very own family and you belong in God’s
household with every other Christian.” - Ephesians 2:19
You are invited to be part of Hope Lutheran’s mission and
ministry by becoming a member during one of our New Member
Orientations listed below:
• September 18: South Campus, 11:00am-Noon
• October 16: North Campus, 11:00am-Noon
To register, please call the Church Office, 701-235-6629 or go to
Join a Choir!
Sanctuary Choir | North Campus
Rehearsal on Wednesdays - 7:15-8:15pm
Directed by Vicki Melchior, [email protected]
Praise Choir | South Campus
Rehearsal on Wednesdays - 7:00-8:00pm
Directed by Sara Lichtblau, [email protected]
Cheaper than Therapy!
Singing builds confidence, reduces stress and anxiety, and raises
endorphins. No kidding! So come out for a rehearsal and see what a
great time we have!
Martin Luther: “Next after theology I give to music the highest place and
the greatest honor.”
Great Plains Food Pantry
Volunteer Dates
Volunteer at the Great Plains Food Bank! Volunteers help accomplish
vital tasks such as sorting, packing boxes, repackaging bulk items or
other tasks. Wear closed toe shoes and clothing that can get dirty. Bring
only water to drink. Enter through the shipping & receiving door on
the east side of the building located at 1720 3rd Ave N, Fargo.
• Thursday, September 22 | 1:00-3:00pm and 6:00-7:30pm
• Thursday, October 27 | 1:00-3:00pm and 6:00-7:30pm
• Thursday, November 10 | 1:00-3:00pm and 6:00-7:30pm
Sign up for a shift at fargohope.org/missions or call the Church Office,
September 2016
What is God Up To in Our Caring Ministry?
These three words can express so much heartache. A Stephen
Minister can be a caring listener to those experiencing financial
problems. A Stephen Minister won’t give advice or make
judgments – he or she will be there to care.
Have you lost a loved one? Are you separated or recently
divorced? A Stephen Minister can be with you to listen and
support you while your heart heals.
The words from the doctor hit you like a bucket of ice water.
This can’t be! A Stephen Minister can help you process the
news and support you through the progression of your own or
your loved one’s illness.
If you would like to know more about the caring support of Stephen Ministry, please contact us:
• Call a Kim Y. or a pastor—701-235-6629
• Check—Care Ministry on the Connect Card in the bulletin
• Email—[email protected]
• Visit fargohope.org/hopecare
You don’t have to go through the troubles of life without extra support.
10th Annual Rest n Rejuv
There is no greater love than to lay down
one’s life for one’s friends.
John 15:13
First Responder Friends:
Who Will You Call?
~for mothers of children with special needs~
Saturday, Oct. 29, 9:00am-1:00pm
Come for a day of pampering: Brunch,
break-out sessions, coffee, door prizes and
DivorceCare at South Campus
Mondays | 6:30-8:30pm | September
26 - January 2
DivoreCare is a weekly support group and
seminar conducted by people who understand
what you are experiencing. A friendly, caring
group of people who will walk alongside you
through one of life’s most difficult experiences.
Cost: $15 for book. Contact hopecare@
fargohope.org for help or more information.
Singer, songwriter,
Choosing Love!
~for young adults, parents and caregivers~
Friday, Oct. 28, 6:00-7:00pm
Pizza, Pop, Program
No cost for either event!
Sign up for both events by contacting Karen
at [email protected] or
• North Campus, Mondays, 5:30pm
• South Campus, Mondays, 6:00pm
For help call the FM Area Hotline, 701-2357335. The FM Area website, fmmeetinglist.
org has more information about meeting
places and times.
Mondays | 1:00pm | South Campus
Al-Anon begins each session with a large
group presentation and then breaks up into
small groups. Childcare is available.
TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly)
Thursdays | 8:30am | North Campus
TOPS doesn’t pay celebrities to endorse
them, and they don’t promise quick fixes or
promote unrealistic images of the “perfect”
body. Instead, they focus on health.
Grief Fellowship
You are invited to Applebee’s (19th Ave
N, Fargo) 5:30pm, the first Tuesday of
each month. We have a short devotion and
prayer. Contact Nancy, 701-361-2833, for
more information.
Mondays | 6:30-8:30pm | South Campus
Contact: [email protected].
Mondays | 6:30-8:30pm | North Campus
Contact: [email protected].
Featured Speaker at
both events:
Taunya Todd
Regular Events
Visitation Training Class
GriefShare at North Campus
Mondays | 6:30-8:00pm | September
26 - January 2
GriefShare is a special seminar and support
group for people grieving the loss of someone
close. This group is sponsored by people who
understand what you are experiencing and
want to offer you comfort and encouragement
during this difficult time. Cost: $15 for
materials. Contact [email protected]
for help or more information.
We encourage and invite all who are wanting to
share the love of Christ by caring for others to
Visitation training class: Tuesday, September
27, 6:30-7:30pm, South Campus. Contact
[email protected] for more information.
September 2016
North Campus
8:30am TOPS
5:15pm Aerobics
South Campus
6:00pm Special Needs Support Group
12:00pm “The Real Heaven” Women’s Study
South Campus
4:00pm Weber/Fridgen Wedding
North Campus
6:00pm Lavecchia/Buresh Wedding
North Campus
8:30am Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)
9:00am Coffee and Donuts
9:45am Contemporary Worship (Sanctuary)
11:00am Contemporary Worship (Sanctuary)
South Campus
8:15am Traditional Worship (Chapel)
9:00am Coffee and Donuts
9:30am Contemporary Worship (Sanctuary)
11:00am Contemporary Worship (Sanctuary)
Office is closed - Labor Day
North Campus
5:30pm AA
South Campus
1:00pm Al-Anon
6:00pm AA
North Campus
6:00pm Aerobics
7:30pm Read ‘n Relate Book Club
South Campus
9:30am Quilting
6:30pm “Wonderstruck” Women’s Study
1:00pm Golf Girls (see pg 11 for location)
North Campus
5:00pm Wednesday Night Supper
5:45pm Bells of Hope Rehearsal
6:00pm Hopekids
6:00pm Wednesday Worship
7:00pm “Scouting the Divine” Women’s Study
7:15pm Confirmation
7:15pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
7:45pm WNL
South Campus
5:00pm Wednesday Night Supper
6:00pm Hopekids
6:00pm Wednesday Worship
7:00pm Praise Choir Rehearsal
7:15pm Confirmation
7:45pm WNL
North Campus
8:30am TOPS
5:15pm Aerobics
South Campus
6:30am Man Talk with Breakfast
12:00pm “The Real Heaven” Women’s Study
North Campus
8:30am Traditional Worship
9:00am Coffee and Donuts
9:45am Contemporary Worship
9:45am Hopekids
11:00am Contemporary Worship
11:00am Hopekids
South Campus
8:15am Chapel Worship
9:00am Coffee and Donuts
9:30am Chapel Worship
9:30am Sanctuary Worship
9:30am Hopekids
11:00am Sanctuary Worship
11:00am Hopekids
11:00am Baptism Orientation
4:00pm HopeFest
North Campus
9:00am Quilting
5:30pm AA Group
7:00pm NeedleWorks
South Campus
9:00am Women’s BSF Leaders Meeting
11:15am Read ‘n Relate, Too
1:00pm Al-Anon
6:00pm AA Group
6:00pm Worship Team Fall Gathering
North Campus
6:00pm Aerobics
6:00pm ABDC Daycare
South Campus
9:30am Quilting
6:30pm “Wonderstruck” Women’s Study
1:00am Golf Girls (see pg 11 for location)
September 2016
North Campus
5:00pm Wednesday Night Supper
5:20pm Hosanna Kids Choir Rehearsal
5:45pm Bells of Hope Rehearsal
6:00pm Hopekids
6:00pm Wednesday Worship
7:15pm Confirmation
7:15pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
7:45pm WNL
South Campus
9:00am Women’s BSF Class
5:00pm Wednesday Night Supper
5:20pm King’s Kids Choir Rehearsal
6:00pm Hopekids
6:00pm Wednesday Worship
7:00pm Praise Choir Rehearsal
7:15pm Confirmation
7:45pm WNL
North Campus
8:30am TOPS
4:30pm Onword Together
5:15pm Aerobics
South Campus
9:00am KAMS Fall Tea
12:00pm “The Real Heaven” Women’s Study
South Campus
4:00pm Kirkeby/Bright Wedding
North Campus
6:00pm Berend/Ragan Wedding
South Campus
9:00am MOPS
4:00pm Waloch/Hermanson Wedding
North Campus
8:30am Traditional Worship
9:00am Coffee and Donuts
9:00am Sunday Morning Breakfast
9:45am Contemporary Worship
9:45am Hopekids
11:00am Contemporary Worship
11:00am Hopekids
5:30pm Sundaes on Sunday
September 2016
South Campus
8:15am Chapel Worship
9:00am Coffee and Donuts
9:00am Sunday Morning Breakfast
9:30am Chapel Worship
9:30am Sanctuary Worship
9:30am Hopekids
11:00am New Member Orientation
11:00am Sanctuary Worship
11:00am Hopekids
5:30pm Sundaes on Sunday
North Campus
9:00am Quilting
5:30pm AA Group
South Campus
9:00am Women’s BSF Leaders Meeting
1:00pm Al-Anon
6:00pm AA Group
7:00pm Hope-Full Single Moms
North Campus
5:30pm Church Council
6:00pm Aerobics
6:30pm Monthly Prayer Meeting
South Campus
9:30am Quilting
“Wonderstruck” Women’s Study
1:00pm Golf Girls (see pg 11 for location)
North Campus
1:00pm “Entrusted: A Study of 2 Timothy” Women’s Study
5:00pm Wednesday Night Supper
5:20pm Hosanna Kids Choir Rehearsal
5:45pm Bells of Hope Rehearsal
6:00pm Hopekids
6:00pm Wednesday Worship
7:15pm Confirmation
7:15pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
7:45pm WNL
South Campus
9:00am Women’s BSF Class
5:00pm Wednesday Night Supper
5:20pm King’s Kids Choir Rehearsal
6:00pm Hopekids
6:00pm Wednesday Worship
7:00pm Praise Choir Rehearsal
7:15pm Confirmation
7:45pm WNL
North Campus
8:30am TOPS
5:15pm Aerobics
South Campus
9:00am KAMS
12:00pm “The Real Heaven” Women’s Study
South Campus
4:00pm Schuchard/Hoverson Wedding
North Campus
5:30pm AA Group
6:30pm GriefShare
South Campus
9:00am Women’s BSF Leaders Meeting
1:00pm Al-Anon
6:00pm AA Group
6:30pm DivorceCare
7:00pm NeedleWorks-Dairy Queen on 13th Ave S
North Campus
8:00am Affirmation of Baptism Rehearsal Breakfast
South Campus
9:00am Affirmation of Baptism Rehearsal Breakfast
4:00pm Hoglin/Betts Wedding
North Campus
8:30am Traditional Worship
9:00am Coffee and Donuts
9:00am Sunday Morning Breakfast
9:45am Contemporary Worship
9:45am Hopekids
11:00am Contemporary Worship
11:00am Hopekids
1:30pm Affirmation of Baptism
3:00pm Affirmation of Baptism
South Campus
8:15am Chapel Worship
9:00am Coffee and Donuts
9:00am Sunday Morning Breakfast
9:30am Chapel Worship
9:30am Sanctuary Worship
9:30am Hopekids
11:00am Sanctuary Worship
11:00am Hopekids
1:30pm Affirmation of Baptism
3:00pm Affirmation of Baptism
North Campus
6:00pm Aerobics
South Campus
9:30am Quilting
6:30pm HopeCare Visitation Training
6:30pm “Wonderstruck” Women’s Study
1:00pm Golf Girls (see pg 11 for location)
North Campus
1:00pm “Entrusted: A Study of 2 Timothy” Women’s Study
5:00pm Wednesday Night Supper
5:20pm Hosanna Kids Choir Rehearsal
5:45pm Bells of Hope Rehearsal
6:00pm Hopekids
6:00pm Wednesday Worship
7:15pm Confirmation
7:15pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
7:45pm WNL
South Campus
9:00am Women’s BSF Class
5:00pm Wednesday Night Supper
5:20pm King’s Kids Choir Rehearsal
6:00pm Hopekids
6:00pm Wednesday Worship
7:00pm Praise Choir Rehearsal
7:15pm Confirmation
7:45pm WNL
North Campus
8:30am TOPS
5:15pm Aerobics
South Campus
9:00am KAMS
12:00pm “The Real Heaven” Women’s Study
South Campus
4:00pm Anderson/Bahr Wedding
What is God up to in Children’s Ministry?
Launching Into a New Year!
We are so excited to blast off with this year’s Hopekids theme, “Launch Your Faith”! We begin
regular Hopekids programming on Wednesday, September 7 and Sunday, September 11. If you
have not yet registered your kid(s), please do so at fargohope.org/children. Questions? Contact
[email protected] or (701) 235-6629.
Sundaes on Sunday – 2nd Grade Bible Event
Sunday, September 18 | 5:30-7:00pm | North and South Campuses
All 2nd Grade children and their parents are invited to join us to present brand new Bibles to our
kids and begin their journey of diving into God’s Word. A meal will be served with ice cream
sundaes to follow. A $10 charge per family will be collected at the doors, no RSVP needed.
Luke Brodeur – Pastor in Training
(701) 235-6629, x327 or [email protected]
Nicole Weisz – Director of Children’s Ministry
(701) 235-6629, x312 or [email protected]
Angela Bartsh – Children’s Ministry Administrator
(701) 235-6629, x331 or [email protected]
South Campus - Wednesday
Ashley Creech – Pre-K
[email protected]
Jill Holten – Kindergarten & 1st Grade
[email protected]
Amy King – 2nd & 3rd Grade
[email protected]
Christi Teigen – 4th & 5th Grade
[email protected]
North Campus – Wednesday
Jackie Berndt – Pre-K
[email protected]
Nicole Rude – Kindergarten-2nd Grade
[email protected]
Leslie Brunette – 3rd-5th Grade
[email protected]
South Campus – Sunday
Hilary Brodeur – Pre-K
[email protected]
Kathy Lormis – Kindergarten & 1st Grade
[email protected]
Melissa Bishoff – 2nd & 3rd Grade
[email protected]
Tara Whetzel – 4th & 5th Grade
[email protected]
Do your Kids Like to Sing?
Hope Lutheran has two children’s choirs
which sing during the year in worship. They
are designed for kids in grades 1-5.
North Campus
Hosanna Kids practices on
Wednesdays at 5:20-5:50pm
beginning September 14.
Welcome back, Vicki Melchior, as
director. For more information,
contact Vicki, 701-429-8825 or jvmelchior@
South Campus
King’s Kids practices on
Wednesdays at 5:20-5:50pm
beginning September 14.
Welcome Shelly Gompf, new
director of the children’s choir
at South Campus. For more information,
contact Shelly, 701-566-1665 or strategic.
[email protected].
This is a wonderful opportunity for the kids
to have some fun with music as they share
their voices with the congregation during
worship. Children are welcome to join at any
North Campus – Sunday
Katie Van Dame – Pre-K
[email protected]
Ben Sullivan – 3rd-5th Grade
[email protected]
Joanne Kovash – 3rd-5th Grade
[email protected]
September 2016
To register, contact the Church Office at 701235-6629. Baptisms may be scheduled after
you attend Baptism Orientation. For more
information visit fargohope.org/baptism.
Hope Preschool - A Great
Place for Your Child
Hope Preschool is a Christian Preschool
for children ages 3 (and toilet trained) —
We provide preschool education within a
structure that supports and enriches each child’s
unique spiritual, social, emotional, physical and
cognitive development. It is licensed by the
State of North Dakota. Each session is taught
by a team of highly qualified teachers.
Note: We have a few openings on Tuesday/
Thursday mornings.
Questions? Contact Nicki at 701-235-6629,
x237 or [email protected].
What is God Up To in Student Ministry?
2016-17 Confirmation Registration
Confirmation Classes | Begin Sept. 7 | 7:15-8:00pm | Both Campuses
All 6th-9th grade students must register each year that they are in
Confirmation. It’s not too late to register now! Register at fargohope.
org/middleschool. Questions? Contact Kate, [email protected] or
701-235-6629, x277.
Affirmation of Baptism Weekend
10 th Grade students and parents
Mark your calendars for the Affirmation of Baptism weekend!
• Saturday, September 24—Affirmation of Baptism Breakfast,
Rehearsal & Photos (8:00-11:00am, North Campus & 9:00amNoon, South Campus)
• Sunday September 25—Affirmation of Baptism Services (1:30pm
& 3:00pm – North & South Campus)
Questions? Contact, [email protected] or 701-235-6629.
Castaway Time Machine Fall Castaway Retreat | October 7-9
An unforgettable retreat for 6th through 8th graders to explore and
discuss choices and boundaries in their lives with the help of some
time traveling superheroes!
• Registration Deadline: September 28
• Cost: $115
Questions? Reach the Student Ministry team at students@fargohope.
org or 701-235-6629.
HSM Wednesday Night Live Starts Sept. 7
September 7 | 7:45-9:00pm | Both Campuses
Beginning September 7, High School Ministry will be kicking off its
weekly large group gathering called Wednesday Night Live. WNL is a
worship experience designed especially for High School Students. We’ll
see you at Hope Lutheran in the Youth Room (North Campus) and the
Discovery Center (South Campus) every week at 7:45pm!
Volunteer for Castaway Work Crew
October 7-9 | Castaway Camp | For Students in grades 10-12
Work Crew is a team of service minded high school students who
make our Fall Castaway retreat for middle school students possible.
Work Crew will take place on October 7-9, but sign up today as this
team often has a waiting list! Sign up at fargohope.org/highschool.
HSM Volunteers Needed
Is God nudging you to serve with our High School Ministry? One of
the most inspiring things about serving in HSM is having the privilege
of walking with students who begin to take ownership of their faith for
the first time. We can still use volunteers to serve as a small group leader
or as a snack provider! Contact Paul Norell for more information, 701235-6629, x247 or [email protected].
HSM Parent Updates Available
Welcome Stefanie Jordheim
Joining the Student Ministry Staff Team
this fall is Stefanie Jordheim! Stef is the
new Director of Confirmation and Middle
School Ministry at the South Campus.
Stefanie grew up all over the US since her
dad was in the Air Force, but began making
Fargo-Moorhead her home when she
attended college at Moorhead State. Stefanie
and her husband Dean have two boys. She
Stefanie Jorheim
and her family have been active members
at Hope Lutheran the last four years. She has had leadership roles
in MOPS, Alpha, Hopekids and Bible studies. Stefanie previously
worked as a paramedic in Fargo-Moorhead, General Manager of
A&W/Long John Silvers and most recently for Thrivent Financial as
an office professional.
When asked, “What are you most looking forward to as the Director of
Confirmation Ministry here at Hope Lutheran?” Stefanie responded,
“I am so excited and honored to be able to work at Hope Lutheran! I am
pumped to watch these young men and women grow up and grow into
their faith. I feel really privileged to get the chance to help facilitate that
growth and just step back and watch God go to work in all of our lives
through this ministry.”
Please help your Student Ministry staff welcome its newest team
member, Stefanie, to its ranks! Contact her: [email protected]
and 701-235-6629, x323.
Would you like to receive bi-monthly texts with updates on what is
happening at Hope Lutheran for your high school student? Beginning
September 1, we will begin sending these calendar updates via our
texting service. To begin receiving these texts, please text your name to
Raise Money by working at the Pastor Chili
Cook Off!
Saving money for Castaway, Mission Trips, or Retreats can be
as simple as serving a bowl of chili! The Pastor Chili Cook Off is
returning another year to determine which pastor can make the best
chili, all while raising money for student ministry trips! This year’s Chili
Feed will take place in the South Campus Discovery Center at Noon
on October 30. Sign up at fargohope.org/middleschool or fargohope.org/
highschool beginning September 14!
Minneapolis Mission Day Coming
Save the date for our Minneapolis Mission Day on Saturday,
November 19. We will once again be serving at Feed My Starving
Children. Families are encouraged to serve together!
What’s God up to in Women’s Ministry?
Prayer And Meditation
I Wanted A Car,
Not A Bible!
A young man was getting
college. For many months he
had admired a beautiful sports
car in a dealers’ showroom and
knowing his father could afford it,
told him that’s all he wanted.
Finally, on the morning of his
graduation, his father called him
into his private study, told him
how proud he was to have such a
fine son, and how much he loved
him. He handed him a beautifully
wrapped gift box. Curious, but
somewhat disappointed, the
young man opened the box and
found a lovely, leather-bound
Bible, with his name embossed in
Angrily, he raised his voice to his
father and said, “With all your
money you give me a Bible?” He
stormed out of the house, leaving
the Bible behind. Many years
passed and before he could make
arrangements to see his father,
he received a telegram telling
him his father had passed away,
and he needed to come home
immediately and take care of
When he arrived at his father’s
house, sadness and regret filled his
heart. He began to search through
his father’ s important documents
and saw the Bible, just as he had
left it years ago. With tears, he
opened the Bible and began to
turn the pages.
His father had carefully
underlined a verse, Matthew
7:11, “And if ye, being evil, know
how to give good gifts to your
children, how much more shall
your Heavenly Father which is
in Heaven, give to those who ask
As he read those words, a car key
dropped from the back of the
Bible. It had a tag with the dealers
name, the same dealer who had the
sports car he had desired. On the
tag was the date of his graduation,
and the words... PAID IN FULL.
How many times do we miss
God’s blessings because they are
not packaged as we expected?
A Fall Faith-Filler with
New Ministry!
Margaret Feinberg
October 7, 7:00 - 9:00pm | October 8, 9:00 - 11:30am
South Campus
Margaret Feinberg was recently named one of the 50 women
most shaping the church and culture by Christianity Today and
one of the “30 Voices” who will help lead the church in the next
decade. Her Bible studies have sold nearly a million copies and
have received extensive national media coverage from CNN,
Washington Post, and USA Today.
Tickets: September 1-25: $25 — after September 25: $35
Available in the Church Office, Melbergs Christian Book & Gift,
Moorhead and Family Christian Book Store, West Acres.
Childcare provided if registered by September 25.
Get to know Margaret!
Wonderstruck | by Margaret Feinberg | host Terri Abbott
Tuesdays, beginning September 6 | 6:30-8:00pm | South Campus
MOMSnext is Coming!
Tuesday, October 4 | 7:00-9:00pm | South Campus
Were you a part of MOPS and/or a mom who needs support and
fun with other moms on the journey? Come to MOMSnext! Free
childcare is provided if registered by Sept. 20. Interested? Contact
Stef, 701-235-6629, x323 or [email protected].
2016 Eastern ND
Synodical Convention
“Refugees &
September 17
United Lutheran,
Cavalier, ND
To register: contact
Mary Ann H., 701-261-2283.
Moms In Prayer
Impacts children and schools world wide
for Christ by gathering mothers to pray.
The college and career group
meets Tuesdays, 1:15-2:15pm,
Knollbrook Covanent Church.
Any elementary, middle school, or
high school mom can participate
in a group Tuesdays, 2:15-3:15pm,
also at Knollbrook. For more
information, contact Ruth at 701237-4980.
Questions about Women’s Ministry?
Check out our website, fargohope.org/women or contact Judy Siegle,
[email protected] or 701-235-6629. Sign up for email updates at
fargohope.org/about and click on Women Connected in Hope.
All Single Moms are welcome!
Whether you are a Single Mom
through divorce, widow, single,
adoption or foster care! Take time
to rest with God, rejuvenate, share
challenges and solutions with
women experiencing the same
issues as you!
Meets every other Monday
beginning September 19, 7:008:00pm, South Campus
Childcare available with preregistration. For more information
and to register children, contact
Lori - [email protected]
Calling all MOM’s
Sept. 15 | 9:00-11:00am |
South Campus
Kids And MomS (KAMS) meets
on Thursdays, 9:00am for a new
season of KAMS! Come see what
KAMS has to offer you and your
child(ren). Childcare provided.
Questions? Contact Amanda
[email protected].
Get Connected
Through MOPS!
Sept. 17 | 9:00-11:00am |
South Campus
(MOPS!) is designed to nurture
EVERY mother with children
infancy through kindergarten.
Our first meeting of the year will
be on Saturday, September 17,
South Campus, 9:00-11:00am.
Childcare is available. We cover
a variety of topics throughout the
year and invite special speakers to
share with us. This is a great way
to meet new friends!
For more information, please
contact Amanda Nieman at
[email protected] or 701371-9072.
NEW! Hope Lutheran Women’s Ministry Facebook page. Like and share!
September 2016
Milestones & Regular Events
Milestones for July 11 through August 10
Magnus James Bamard, son of Leah & Michael
Wachna Jr.
Quinn Marlys, daughter of Logan & Chelsea
Tristan Everett Andrew, son of Norman & Heidi
Claire Christine, daughter of Kent & Nicole
Henry Leonard Shockman, son of Gabriel
Shockman & Alyssa Ruffie
Ella Mae, daughter of Kyle & Kellie Anderson
Harley Robert, son of Adam & Ann Hauff
Henry William, son of Jacob & Kari Smith
Emma Rose Golliet, daughter of Keenen Golliet
& Taylor Pearce
Sloane Elle, daughter of Mark & Jennifer
Jaxson Ralph Wastweet, son of Dustin Ramstorf
& Kelsey Wastweet
Grady Jon, son of Travis & Corinda VanDyke
Isaac John, son of Jerome & Sonia Nistler
Sylis Ralph, son of Daniel & Tiffany Ellenson
Meredith Aubrielle Alyn Anderson, daughter of
John M. Anderson & Natasha Petry
Declan Ray, son of Dylan & Rachelle Slotten
Eliana Michelle, daughter of Kyle & Michelle
Maxwell David, son of Justin & Angela Escher
Lilly Joy, daughter of Jeremiah & Erica Johnson
Oliver Lee, son of Thayne & Sarah
Lisa Gingrey & Ethan Kyllo 7/15/2016
Karla Peterson & Rod Ames 7/15/2016
Jalen Getting & Cassie Swift 7/16/2016
Etta Youe & Vee Taylay 7/16/2016
Hannah Diederick & Tony Herder 7/23/2016
Rachel Black & Connor Johnson 7/30/2016
Hillary Bungarden & Tom Zupan 8/6/2016
Lucas Demarais & Elise Brunelle 8/6/2016
New Members Received July 17
Welcome to the family of Hope.
SUNDAY - 9:30/11:00
Sept 4
Sept 11
Sept 18
Sept 25 Team 2 – Opp/Keim
Team 3 – Devier/Hendrickson
Team 4 – Hansen/Hesse
Team 5 – Kroke/Straabe
SUNDAY 8:15/9:30
Sept 4
Sept 11
Sept 18
Sept 25
Team 1 – Sigurdson
Team 2 – Harris
Team 3 – Hansen
Team 4 – Langerud
Roland and Bridget Atwood
Tyler Church
Michael Dulitz
Kyla Enderle
Kaden Armstrong and Emma Leichtenberg
Corey and Laura Kroetsch
Lisa LaVoi
Tom and Kathy Lormis
Gavin and Kristen Pollert
David Rassel
Lowell Regstad
Laura Roach
Rachelle Slotten
Sam and Tammy Wilke
Carsen and Ethan
Kjersten Ydstie
Sept 7 Team 1 – Steidl
Sept 14 Team 2 – Sauvageau
Sept 21 Team 3 – Reinholz
Sept 228 Team 4 – Becher
Tuesdays, 6:00pm and Thursdays, 5:15pm
North Campus
Book Clubs
September: “The Boys in the Boat “ by Daniel
James Brown
Read ‘n Relate meets 1st Tuesday (Sept. 6), North
Campus (Linda, 701-866-6190)
Read ‘n Relate, Too meets 2nd Monday (Sept.
12), South Campus (Karen, ksilbernagel@
cableone.net or 701-280-0318)
October selection is “The Aviator’s Wife” by
Melanie Benjamin
Girls Golf
HLCW Circles
Team 4 - Anderson
Team 5 – (Open)
Team 6 – Roos
Team 7– Rindy
Girls Golf, women with a passion for golfing,
will meet 1:00pm Tuesdays at a variety of
golf courses. Get updates: email Nicki at
[email protected].
Michelle Ellenson 7/11/2016
Bud Schwarz 7/13/2016
Ellen Ness 8///2016
Shannon Farha 8/3/2016
Sharon McLean 8/4/2016
Usher Schedule for September
Sept 3/6
Sept 11/14
Sept 18/21
Sept 25/28
Regular Events
Dorcas Circle—3rd Monday, 7:00pm, hosted by
Lydia Circle—2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm, hosted by
Mary-Martha Circle— 1st Thursday, 1:30pm,
North Campus
Naomi Circle—3rd Tuesday, 9:30am, hosted by
Ruth Circle—3rd Tuesday 6:30pm, South
Sarah Circle—2nd Tuesday, 9:30am, South
2nd and 4th Monday, 7:00-9:00pm (Dates are
changed due to Labor Day)
Sept 12—North Campus
Sept 26—Dairy Queen on 13th Ave S
Join us in fellowship while you knit or
crochet for others. Questions? Nicki A,
701-235-6629, x237
North Campus: 2nd & 3rd Mondays 9:00am2:00pm
South Campus: 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 9:30am-Noon
North & South Campus
8:00am-5:00pm - Monday - Friday
Have a Meal With Us!
Wednesday Night Supper
5:00-5:45pm | North and South Campus | $5 per person |
$20 maximun per family | Begins September 7
Sunday Morning Breakfast
What’s your legacy?
9:00-11:00am | North and South Campus | $5 per person |
$20 maximun per family | Begins September 18
Please consider us in creating yours.
For more information visit fargohope.org/foundation
Worship Services
North Campus
2900 Broadway N
Wednesday Worship
6:00pm - Contemporary
Sunday Worship Sanctuary
8:30am - Traditional 9:45 & 11:00am - Contemporary
Words of Hope
Hope Lutheran Church
2900 Broadway N
Fargo, ND 58102
Address Service Requested
South Campus
3636 25th St S
Wednesday Worship
6:00pm - Contemporary
Sunday Worship Chapel
8:15 & 9:30am - Traditional
Sunday Worship Sanctuary
9:30 & 11:00am - Contemporary
Contact us • 701.235.6629 • fargohope.org
North Campus: 2900 Broadway N South Campus: 3636 25th St S
Fargo, ND 58102-1422 Fargo, ND 58104-6861
Non-profit Org.
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