adverbial clauses – mệnh đề trạng ngữ

1. She's not only beautiful……………….intelligent.
a. but also
b. but
c. however
d. yet
3. You can come here either on Monday……….. on Friday.
a. or
b. nor
c. both
d. and
5. They said both he ……..I were to come.
a. and
b. but
c. or
d. so
6. The weather in Dalat is neither too hot in summer …………too cold in winter.
a. or
b. nor
c. or else
d. otherwise
17. Graphite is a soft, slippery solid that is a good conductor of……….. heat and electricity.
a. not just
b. and
c. both
d. moreover
18. The lecture was ……….interesting and instructive.
a. as
b. either
c. neither
d. both
19. Both Mary and Allen……….. Jean are going on the tour.
a. as well
b. as well as
c. nor
d. but
20. He likes travel, and …….does she.
a. too
b. such
c. so
d. but
11. Flying is not only faster,………… safer than traveling by car.
a. also
b. but
c. and
d. but also
19. We need either a nail………….. a screw to hang this picture.
a. and
b. or
c. both
d. but
1. We should be firm……… patient in this case.
a. and
b. or
c. in stead of
d. rather
4. We didn't go to Paris. We went to Rome ………..
a. also
b. but also
c. instead
d. instead of
5. No one…………. Kathy knows very much about it.
a. and
b. as
c. but
d. however
Mệnh đề trạng ngữ trong tiếng anh gồm có:
a. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian-Adverbial clause of time
Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian thường bắt đầu bằng: Before, after, as soon as (ngay sau
khi), while (trong khi), when, as (khi), until (mãi cho đến khi), till (mãi cho đến khi), once (khi mà, mỗi
khi), by the time (ngay khi)…
- Once (một khi): Once you understand this exercise, you will find no difficulty in doing it.
- When: When it rains, I will go to school by bus.
- While: I learned a lot of French while I was in Paris.
- By the time (vào lúc): By the time I finished, I had met John. - hotline:
- Before: She had learned English before she came to England.
- After: He came after night had fallen.
- Since (từ khi): I have not been well since I came back home.
- As (khi): I saw her as she was leaving home.
- Till/until (cho tới khi): I’ll stay here till/until you get back.
- As soon as (ngay sau khi): As soon as John had heard the news, he wrote to me.
- Just as (vừa khi): Just as she entered the room, I heard a terrible explosion.
- Whenever: I’ll discuss it with you whenever you like.
- No sooner …than ( vừa mới …thì): No sooner had he arrived than he wanted to leave.
b. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chốn - Adverbial clause of place
- Where: When I met him, I asked where he was born.
- Wherever: Sit wherever you like.
c. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ mục đích-Adverbial clause of purpose
Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ mục đích thường được bắt đầu bằng: so that; in order that (để mà); lest (kẻo mà); for
fear that (e rằng, sợ rằng)
- So that (để): She dresses a red suit so that everyone will pay attention to her.
- In order that (để mà): Some people eat so that they may live. Others seem to live in order that they may
- In case (phòng khi): We had better take an umbrella in case it should rain.
- lest/ for fear that (kẻo, e sợ rằng): We left the house early lest/for fear that we would miss the first train
d. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ kết quả-Adverbial clause of result
Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ kết quả được bắt đầu bằng so (vì vậy), so... that, such....... that (quá ... đến nỗi)
- So + tính từ/trạng từ + that (thế nào đó đến nỗi mà): The coffee is so hot that I can not drink it.
- Such (a/ an) + danh từ + that: It was such a hot day that I took off my Jacket.
- So (vì vậy, cho nên): The shops were closed, so I didn’t get any milk.
- Therefore, consequently, as a result, as a consequence, with the result that + S + V: I was late;
Consequently, I missed my train.
e. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ nguyên nhân-Adverbial clause of cause
- Because (Because of = owing to = due to + N/ Noun Phrase): He sold the car because it was too small./
Because of the heavy rain, we could not arrive on time.
- As: As he was tired, he sat down.
- Since: Since we have no money, we can’t buy it.
- Seeing that/ Now that: Seeing that you won’t help me, I must do the job myself.
- For: They won’t go to the movies, for it is raining cats and dogs.
- Due to/ because of the fact that: He was late yesterday due to the fact that the traffic was heavy.
* Since/ as -> vì lý do chung chung. Còn Because/ for -> vì lý do cá nhân.
f. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ quan hệ tương phản/ nhượng bộ -Adverbial clause of contrast/concession)
- Though/ although/ even though ( mặc dù): Though he looks ill, he is really very strong. - hotline:
- No matter: có ý nghĩa tương tự như: (al)though, được theo sau bởi how, what, where, who.
- No matter how (dù thế nào đi nữa) = however: No matter how long it may take, I will do all my exercises.
- No matter who (dù bất cứ ai) = whoever: Whoever you are, I still believe in you = No matter who you
are, I still believe in you.
- No matter where (dù ở bất cứ đâu) = wherever: Wherever you live, remember that I always miss you.
- No matter what (dù có điều gì đi chăng nữa)= whatever: Whatever happens, smile and pass it.
- Whereas = while (ngược lại, trong khi): Some peple like meat with much fat in it whereas others hate it.
* Despite = in spite of + N/ NP = mặc dù: They had a wonderful holiday despite the bad weather.
g. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thể cách-Adverbial clause of manner
- As (như): They fight as heroes do.
- As if/ as though (cứ như thể là, như thể):You looked as if you had seen a ghost.
h. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ điều kiện-Adverbial clause of condition (tình trạng)
- If(nếu): If it rains, we shall stay at home.
- Unless (trừ khi): I will fail in French unless I work harder.
- As/ so long as (miễn là, nếu): As long as you agree, I will accept.
i. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ so sánh-Adverbial clause comparison: so/ as…as, adj + er than, more +
- so…as (bằng, như): This exercise is not so easy as you think.
1. He borrowed money…….. he could finish his education.
a. that
b. so that
c. such as
d. too
2. It's raining, ……….I can't go to the beach.
a. so
b. or
c. but
d. and
3 ………..his poor English, he managed to communicate his problem very clearly.
a. Although
b. Even though
c. Though
d. In spite of
4. The flight was canceled……….. the weather conditions were bad.
a. because of
b. due to the fact that
c. thanks d. that
5 …………… Marge, three couples are invited.
a. Addition
b. Besides
c. Next
d. Moreover
6 ………….. pipelines are expensive to build, they are relatively cheap to operate and
a. Because
b. That
c. Although
d. Despite
7. They are ugly and expensive,………… people buy them.
a. Already
b. Yet
c. Thus
d. Hence
I. Adverb Phrase of Reason: Because of
Ex: - I can’t go to school yesterday because I am sick. - hotline:
 I can’t go to school because of my sickness.
- Nam missed the bus because he got up late.
 Because of getting up late, Nam missed the bus.
*Because of + Noun/ Noun Phrase (reason)
II. Adverb Phrase of Concession: Inspite of/ Despite
Ex: - The woman tries to climb the mountain even though she is old.
 The woman tries to climb the mountain inspite of her old age.
- Although Nga is tired, she still begins her work on time.
 Despite being tired, Nga still begins her work on time.
*Inspite of/ Despite + Noun/ Noun Phrase (concession)
Choose one sentence that best rewrites the sentence given:
1. I have tried hard but I can’t earn enough money.
A. Although I have tried hard, but I can’t earn enough money.
B. Although I have tried hard, I can’t earn enough money.
C. In spite of I have tried hard, I can’t earn enough money.
D. Despite I have tried hard, but I can’t earn enough money.
2. Although she felt jealous, she tried to hide her feelings.
A.Despite feeling jealous, she tried to hide her feelings.
B.Despite her jealousy, she tried to hide her feelings.
C.She tried to hide her feelings in spite of she felt jealous.
D.A & B are correct.
3. Although he took a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.
A. Bill arrived late for the concert because he takes a taxi.
B. Bill arrived late for the concert because of the taxi.
C. In spite of taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.
D. Although Bill took a taxi, he can’t come to the concert in time.
4. In spite of his suffering from a bad cold, William went to school.
A. Although he suffers from a bad cold, William went to school.
B. Although he suffered from a bad cold, William went to school.
C. William went to school although he is suffering from a bad cold.
D. William went to school; he suffered from a bad cold although.
5. Despite the fact that it was snowing, I felt warm.
A. In spite of snowing, I felt warm.
B. In spite of feeling warm, it was snowing.
C. Although it was snowing, I felt warm.
D. Although I felt warm, it was snowing.
6. Though he tried hard, he didn’t succeed.
A. Despite he tried hard, he didn’t succeed.
B. In spite of he tried hard, he didn’t succeed.
C. In spite of trying hard, he didn’t succeed.
D. Even though he tried hard, but he didn’t succeed.
7. My parents wanted me to go to university but I didn’t fancy it.
A. My parents wanted to go to university but I didn’t fancy it.
B. I didn’t fancy going to university as my parents did.
C. I didn’t fancy going to university although my parents wanted me to go. - hotline:
D. I hardly fancied going to university but for my parents’ wish.
8. I agree he’s a good worker but I still don’t think he should get the job.
A. He can’t get the job though he was a good worker.
B. Despite the fact that he’s a good worker, I don’t think he should get the job.
C. He is such a good worker that he can get the job.
D. He is too bad to get the job.
9. He was very tired but he kept on working.
A. Despite he was very tired, he kept on working. B. In spite of he was very tired, he kept on working.
C. Though his tiredness, he kept on working.
D. Although he was very tired, he kept on working.
10. The trip was boring but we enjoyed it a lot.
A. We enjoyed boring trips.
B. We are bored with the trip.
C. We liked the trip very much even though it was boring.
D. The trip bored us.
11. Although Tom took a taxi, he was still late for the party.
A.In spite of Tom took a taxi, he was still late for the party.
B.Tom was still late for the party in spite of taking a taxi.
C.Despite took a taxi, Tom was still late for the party.
D.B & C are correct.
12. Although he is rich, he feels unhappy.
A. He feels unhappy because of his richness.
B. He feels unhappy, so he is rich.
C. Despite his richness, he feels unhappy.
D. He feels unhappy because he is rich.
13. My grandfather is very old, but he can walk to the station.
A. Although my grandfather is very old, he can walk to the station.
B. My grandfather can walk to the station despite the fact that he is very old.
C. Despite his old age, my grandfather can walk to the station.
D. All are correct.
14. In spite of his old age, Mr. Brown jogs seven miles every morning.
A. Although of Mr. Brown old, he jogs seven miles every morning.
B. Although Mr. Brown old, he jogs seven miles every morning.
C. Although Mr. Brown is old, he jogs seven miles every morning.
D. Although Mr. Brown is not old, he jogs seven miles every morning.
15. Although he has a good job, he isn’t happy in his job.
A. In spite of having a good job, he isn’t happy in his job.
B. Despite the fact having a good job, he isn’t happy in his job.
C. He isn’t happy in his job because he doesn’t have a good job.
D. He isn’t happy in his job in spite of he doesn’t have a good job.
* Cụm từ chỉ kết quả thường có "TOO" (quá) hoặc "ENOUGH" (đủ)
a. TOO: ( quá ....không thể)
S +be (look, seem, become, get...) + too + adj (+ for O) + to + Verb-inf.
S + V(ordinary ) + too + adv ( + for + O) + to + V-inf. - hotline:
+ He is too short to play basketball.
+ Tom ran too slowly to become the winner of the race.
+ This book is too dull for you to read.
Note: "TOO" thường được dùng trong câu mang nghĩa phủ định (tiêu cực).
b. ENOUGH: (đủ , có thể)
S + be + adj + enough ( + for + O) + to + Verb-inf.
S + V (ordinary) + adv + enough (+ for + O) + to +Verb-inf.
+ Mary isn't old enough to drive a car.
+ She speaks Spanish well enough to be an interpreter.
+ It's cold enough to wear a heavy jacket.
2. CLAUSES OF RESULT: Adverbial clauses of result (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ kết quả)
* Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ kết quả là mệnh đề phụ chỉ kết quả do hành động của mệnh đề chính gây ra.
* Cấu trúc cảu câu có mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ kết quả như sau:
S + be + so + adj + that + S + V.
S + V (ordinary) + so + adv + that + S +V.
S + be + so + adj + a/an +noun + that + S +V.
+ It was so dark that I couldn't see anything.
+ The student had behaved so badly that he was dismissed from the class.
* Note: Nếu "V" trong mệnh đề chính là các 'V" chỉ tri giác như: " look, appear, seem, feel, taste,
smell, sound" ta dùng công thức như đối với "V" to be + so + adj...
+ The little girl looks so unhappy that we all feel sorry for her.
+ The soup tastes so good that everyone will ask for more.
* Nếu trước "SO" có "MANY", "MUCH", "FEW", "LITTLE" thì ta dùng cấu trúc:
S + V + so + many/few + plural countable Noun + that + S +V.
+ The Smiths has so many children that they formed their own basketball team.
+ I had so few job offers that it wasn't difficult to select one.
+ There are so many people in the room that I feel tired.
S + V + so + much/ little + uncountable Noun + that + S +V.
+ He has invested so much money in the project that he can abandon it now.
+ The glass received so little water that it turned brown in the heat.
2. SUCH...THAT ( quá ... đến nỗi)
S + V + such+ a (an) + adj + Noun + that + S +V.
+ It was such a hot day that we decided to stay at home.
+ She had such exceptional abilities that everyone is jealous of her.
+ There are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want to.
+ It is such an intelligent boy that we all admire him.
+ This is such difficult home work that I will never finish it.
I. Combine the sentences by using so…that or such….that:
1) The room is so tidy that it took us one hour to clean it.
=> It is ....
2) The man is so fool that no one took any notice of him. - hotline:
=> He is ....
3) The film is so long that they can't broadcast it on one night.
=> It is .....
4) The books are so interesting that we have read them many times.
=> They are.....
5) The news was so bad that she burst into tears on hearing it.
=> It was....
6) The food was so hot that it turned my tongue.
=> It was.....
7) There is so much rain that we can't go out.
=> There is such....
8) The boy is so fat that every calls him Stuffy.
=> He is ....
9) The milk is so excellent that all the children want some more.
=> It is ....
10) The weather was so warm that they had a walk in the garden.
=> It was....
II. Rewrite the sentences TOO.....TO...
1) The weather is so bad that we can’t go out.
=> The weather is too……..
2) The film was so boring that we couldn’t go on seeing it.
=> The film was too…..
3) He was so old that he couldn’t run fast.
=> ) He was too…..
4) He spoke so fast that we couldn’t understand him.
=> He spoke too…..
5) The fair was so noisy that we couldn’t hear each other.
=> The fair was too….
6) You speak so fast that I can’t catch up with your words.
=> You speak too……
7) It is so early that we can’t go out.
=> It is too…..
8) The water is so hot that I can’t drink it.
=> The water is too……
9) The restaurant is so expensive that we can’t eat in that restaurant.
=> The restaurant is too………
10) He studied so badly that he couldn’t pass the exam.
=> He studied too…….
I. Phrases of purpose (Cụm từ chỉ mục đích)
1. Nếu muốn diễn tả mục đích khẳng định, ta dùng một cụm từ bắt đầu bằng “to”, “in order to”, “so as
Cấu trúc:
S + V + to-infinitive
S + V + in order to + V (bare- infinitive) Để mà
S + V + so as to + V (bare- infinitive)
a/ I try to study to pass my next exam. - hotline:
(I try to study in order to pass my next exam.)
b/ He does morning exercises regularly so as to improve his health.
2. Nếu muốn diễn tả mục đích phủ định, ta dùng một cụm từ bắt đầu bằng “so as not” hoặc “in order
not to”
a/ She got up early so as not to miss the bus.
b/ He studies hard so as not to fail in the exam.
II. Clauses of purpose (Mệnh đề chỉ mục đích)
Mệnh đề chỉ mục đích thường được bắt đầu bằng: “so that”, “in order that”.
Cấu trúc:
S+ V + so that/ in order that + S + will/ would + V (bareinfinitive)
can/ could
may/ might
a/ I try all my best to study English in order that I can I can find a better job.
b/ I try to study so that I can pass the exam.
c/ He hurried so that he wouldn’t miss the train.
Lưu ý: nếu chủ ngữ của mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề chỉ mục đích khác nhau, ta không được dùng
phrases of purpose.
II. Combine the ideas, using a clause of purpose
1.Rachel wanted to watch the news. She turned on the TV.2.
2.I’ll post the card today. I want it to get there on Daniel’s birthday.3.
3.Please turn down the radio. I want to be able to get to sleep.4.
4.She locked the door. She didn’t want to be disturbed.5.
5.I gave her my address. I wanted her to contact me.6.
6.I’m going to cash a check. I want to make sure that I have enough money to goshopping.7.
7.The man spoke very slowly. He wanted me to understand what he said.8.
8.I whispered. I didn’t want anybody else to hear our conversation.9.
9.I’ll give you a map. I want you to find the way all right.10.
10.I turned off the TV. I wanted my roommate to study in peace and quiet. - hotline: