Sowerby - Synnot - State Records of South Australia

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Special List
Correspondence files ('CSO' files) Colonial, later Chief Secretary's Office
– correspondence sent
GRG 24/6
Correspondence files ('CSO' files) Colonial, later Chief Secretary's Office
– correspondence received
These are the major correspondence series of the Colonial,
subsequently (from 1857) the Chief Secretary's Office
The work of the Colonial Secretary's Office touched upon
nearly every aspect of colonial South Australian life, being
the primary channel of communication between the general
public and the Government.
Series date range
1837 – 1984
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Records dated prior to 1970 are unrestricted. Permission to
access records dated post 1970 must be sought from the
Chief Executive, Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Correspondence - “Sowerby” to “Synnot”
Subjects include inquests, land ownership and development,
public works, Aborigines, exploration, legal matters, social
welfare, mining, transport, flora and fauna, agriculture,
education, religious matters, immigration, health, licensed
premises, leases, insolvencies, defence, police, gaols and
This list has been made text-searchable using Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
technology. Please browse the list if you are unable to locate information using the Ctrl F
‘find’ function.
If you have concerns about the accuracy of the information within this list, please let State
Records of South Australia staff know.
2 December 2015
GRG 24/4 (1837-1856) AND
GRG 24/6 (1842-1856).
Index to Correspondence of the Colonial
Secretary's Office, including some newspaper
References Beginning with an 'A'
For example: A (1849) 1159, 1458
These are letters to the Colonial Secretary (GRG 24/6)
The part of the reference in brackets is the year ie. (1849)
The last part of the reference are the letter numbers ie. 1159, 1458
On microfilm in Drawers ..~::.\.\ .. in the Microfilm area
References beginning with any other letter of the alphabet
For example: Q (1849) 445, 476
These are letters from the Colonial Secretary (GRG 24/4)
The part of the reference in brackets is the year ie. (1849)
The last part of the reference is the page numbers ie. 445, 476
On microfilm in Drawer Q. ~- ~Q. in the Microfilm Area
'W Fin' references refer to GRG 24/20 in Drawer . . .
. . in the Microfilm
'S.A. Aug. 28, 1849. 2C, 3C' type references refer to the early newspapers
held by the State Library of SA
Inquest on his death
A (1852) 2072
SOWERBY, John Alex
Seeks employment
A (1851) 477
s (1851) 111
Appointed messenger at the C.S.O.
T (1852) 853
SOWERBY, John Alexander
Complains of the nuisance caused by refuse from Clark's brewery in Gilles Street.
A (1851) 2075
Seeks permission to live in the old "Station House on North Terrace"
A (1853) 537
u (1853) 176
Seeks an increase in his pay
A (1853) 775, 3276, 3333
A (1854) 166
u (1853) 259, 940
v (1854) 66
SOWTER, William
Seeks remission of his fine under the Licensed Victuallers' Act
A (1854) 1170
A (1855) 2475
v (1854) 389
W Finance (1855) ...
SPARKS, George
Objections to a new road near Echunga
A (1851) 245
Narrow escape from drowning
A (1851) 309
Proposed appointment as keeper at the Cape Willoughby Lighthouse
A (1851) 378
s (1851) 91
Appointment in the Police Force
A (1850) 197
Seeks refund of travelling expenses as Police Constable
A (1851) 1690
s (1851) 339
Acts as agent for T. Hamilton in the alleged sale of a horse to the Police Force
A (1852) 2505
T (1852) 834
SPAIN, Mrs. John
Applies for pay due to her late husband, a police constable
A (1853) 407
u (1853) 140
SPAIN, Patrick
Constable on the Trafalgar
A (1847) 757
N (1847) 316
Recommended as wardsman at the Adelaide Hospital.
A (1852) 529
T (1852) 186, 187
Resigns as wardsman at the Adelaide Hospital.
A (1852) 1224
T (1852) 409
SPANHAKE, John Hermann Frederick
Appointment in the Police Force
A (1846) 1190
Resigns from the Police Force
A (1849) 17
SPARGO, Elizabeth (infant)
Inquest on her death
A (1853) 3336
SPARGO, William
Constable on the Princess Royal
N (1847) 155
A (1847) 337
SPARKE, Charles
Delay in paying balance of purchase money for land.
A (1844) 1186
H (1844) 250
SPARKS, Edward
The railway culvert at Goolwa, and the flooding of his land
A (1855) 2604, 2924
w (1855) 630, 733
W Finance (1855) 151
SPARKS, George
Charged with larceny
A (1844) 1201
Contractor for additions at Government House
A (1846) 1447
M (1846) 161
Contractor for offices at Government House
K (1846) 371
Tender for work at the Lunatic Asylum rejected
N (i847) 228
Contractor for the erection of the Slaughter House
0 (1847) 9, 95
SPARROW, Francis
To be admitted to the Hospital
L (1846) 179
Released from prison
D (1840) 267
Loss of his run in the hundred of Munno Para
A (1850) 608, 689
R (1850) 197
Nominated for the first Munno Para West District Council
A (1853) 2507
Elected chairman of the Munno Para West Dist. Council
A (1855) 3636
Desertion of the crew
A (1845) 985, 1013
Petition for the return of money found on her husband when arrested.
A (1848) 456, 538, 571, 1973
P (1848) 160, 182, 197 twice, 650
Correspondence about his conviction for highway robbery
A (1848) 413, 436 outsize, 454, 53811z, 589
p (1848) 157, 158, 182, 196
Transported to Hobart
A (1848) 612, 616, 617
P (1848) 196 twice, 199
His trial for highway robbery
S.A. March 21, 1848, 2C
Alleged re-appearance after escaping from Tasmania
S.A. Jan. 2, 1849, 2D
S.A. Jan. 12, 1849, 2E
Suggested appointment in the suburbs of Adelaide
A (1849) 802, p.7
Search for men in country districts who are willing to enrol.
A (1852) 901, 902, 932
T (1852) 26 ....
Their oath
A (1852) 1151
T (1852) 379, 448
Men in Mount Gambier district too busy, through lack of labour to enrol
A (1852) 1184
Thirty sworn in to bring police strength to 100 during the parliamentary elections
A (1855) 3255
William Kerville, Parklands Ranger, to be sworn in as a special constable
A (1856) 859
x (1856) ...
Heavy expense involved in summoning a jury chosen from various parts of the
A (1844) 909, 1147
H (1844) 155
Objections to the serving of summonses by the police
A (1844) 1202
H (1844) 23 ..
Northern settlers ask to be relieved from jury duty
A (1844) 1407
H (1844) 3 ..
Mode of compiling lists of qualified persons
H (1844) 204
Judge Cooper's wish to be relieved from duties
A (1852) (3268 missing)
T (1852) 975
Discussed at a public meeting
Reg. March 7, 1840, 4A
Reg. March 14, 1840, 3C
Reg. March 28, 1840, 4D, SC
Reg. April 4, 1840, 6C
Ad. Chron. April 7, 1840, 4A
Reg.April 18, 1840,SB
Correspondence about the issue of land grants for each individual section
A (1842) 12....79
E (1842) 496
Correspondence about a proposed survey to the west of the Hutt River (Blyth
A (1846) 703, 706, 734, 759, 772, 799, 806, 887, 1032
A (1847) 555, 950, 964Y2 outsize, 1002Y2, 1074
A (1846) 350, 353, 363, 366, 374, 376, 393
M (1846) 20
N (1847) 220
0 (1847) 6, 18, 32, 59, 153
A (1848) 1274, 1341, 1356, 1418, 1470, 1566
p (1848) 414, 42 .. , 436, 453, 467, 501, 506, 528
Q (1849) 641
Correspondence about proposed special surveys in the Keyneton district
A (1846) 1176, 1187
L (1846) 384, 403
M (1846) 81, 87
Application by Dr. F. von Sommer for a survey between the River Rhine and the
White Hill, County Sturt
A (1846) 1503
M (1846) 197
Inquiry by G.M. Waterhouse about the possibility of obtaining a special survey
A (1848) 1317
p (1848) 421
Memorials asking for resumption of the system
A (1848) 1423
p (1848) 456
S.A. Sept. 19, 1848, 2C
Reg. Sept. 20, 1848, 2E
Surveyor General's report on proposed resumption of the system
A (1848) 1536
Opposition to resumption of the system in the South Eastern district
A (1848) 1949
p (1848) 628
Memorial objecting to the principle
Reg. Dec. 27, 1848, 3C
Memorial from residents of Mount Barker district against resumption of the system
A (1849) 78
Q (1849) 34
Proposed survey in the Blyth district (Emu Flats)
S.A. Aug. 3, 1849, 2A
Objections to the sale of surveys of 20,000 acres
A (1850) 1382
See also Victoria Survey Association
See also the following Surveys:
Upper Wakefield
An gas
Currency Creek
Green Hill
Lyndoch Valley
Mount Remarkable
Reedy Creek
Rocky Creek
Port Victoria
South Gawler
"Princess Royal"
Seeks appointment as a notary public and gives biographical particulars.
A (1843) 1336
G (1843) 391
Agent for J. Walker in a stock assessment appeal.
A (1844) 1520
H (1844) 364
Death notice
S.A. May 29, 1846, 2B
SPENCE, Helen Mrs
Claim for salary due to her late husband as Town Clerk
A (1847) 750
N (1847) 314
SPENCER, Resigns from the Police Force
A (1847) 535
SPENCER, Harriet
Sentenced for theft
A (1844) 75
Not guilty of forgery
A (1851) 2801 Yz
Inquest (at Macclesfield) into his murder. Detective to investigate
A (1855) 3146
w (1855) 738
Complaints by the Harpley's passengers
A (1848) 1398
p (1848) 440, ...
Correspondence as Surgeon Superintendent of the Harpley
A (1848) 1456
p (1848) 464
A good harbour discovered north of Port Pirie
S.A. Aug. 21, 1846, 3E
Governor Robe's visit
S.A. Nov. 17, 1846, 6A
S.A. Dec. 8, 1846, SA
Reg. Dec. 9, 1846, 2E
Surveyed by A.L. Elder and J. Grainger for harbours.
A (1852) 1700¥2
T (1852) 574
Chart prepared by T.Lipson to be engraved in copper by J. Payne
A (1853) 1211, 1503, 2566, 2879
A (1854) 1688
u (1853) 374, 468, 831
Attends a meeting of master builders
A (1854) 284
Tenders for the completion of the Port Willunga Jetty
A (1854) 3028
SPICER, Edward
Sells his run at Port Lincoln
A (1853) 101, 383, 468, 1105, 1111
u (1853) 48, 341
Seeks appointment as a sheep inspector
A (1853) 3285
u (1853) 945
SPICER, William
On the first Upper Wakefield District Council
A (1854) 1692
SPILLER, Charles
See Churchill, William
Appointed clerk and reader in the Government Printing Office
A (1852) 3607
u (1852) 11
Applies to be put on an equality with other Government workers regarding
A (1854) 3144
SPINKS, William
Inquest on his death
A (1852) 3136
See also Distillation
SPLATT, William
Convicted of forgery
A (1846) 1189
A (1846) 1312
M (1846) 131
Signatory to a memorial praying a court of full jurisdiction for Port Lincoln
A (1852) 15
Misconduct on the Ramillies
A (1849) 807
Q (1849) 244
S.A. April 27, 1849, 2B
S.A. May 4, 1849, 2B
Times April 30, 1849, 3E
Times May 7, 1849, 3G
See also
Fox hunting
Pigeon shooting
Horse racing
Quail shooting
To be a polling place, Electoral District of West Adelaide
A (1855) 3944
w (1855) 905
SPRIGG, Charles
Asks permission to remove timber from Crown Lands
A (1847) 160
N (1847) 108
Seeks appointment as a census collector
A (1850) 2149
A (1855) 121
Seeks employment as a census collector
A (1855) 223
SPRING, Patrick
His sentence remitted
A (1854) 3110
v (1854) 932
Description of improvements (Sect. 259)
Reg. Feb. 29, 1840, lD
Allotments offered for sale
Times Oct. 16, 1848, 3B
Reg. Dec. 6, 1848, lC
S.A. Oct. 16, 1849, 2C
Description of Section 259
Reg. Jan. 16, 1841, lD
Passenger to South Australia in the David Malcolm
A (1848) 379
On Barossa East District Council
A (1855) 2006
w (1855) 473
Subdivision of Section
S.A. July 28, 1848 lE
S.A. Sept. 29, 1848, 3E
S.A. Oct. 3, 1848, 3D
Times Oct 9, 1848, 3C
Inquest on his death
A (1855) 232
SPROULE, Capt. Alexander
Misconduct as master of a ship conveying prisoners to Van Diemen's Land
A (1843) 666
G (1843) 189
His brig, the Emma, seized for smuggling
A (1843) 815 (outsize) 818, 824, 825, 862, 887, 913, 932, 1094, 1225
G (1843) 241, 253, 254, 255, 342, 345
A (1844) 69
G (1844) 487
A (1845) 440
A (1846) 625, 991, 1015, 1044
L (1846) 319
M (1846) 10 twice, 22, 27
0 (1847) 177
Inquest on his death
A (1853) 1539
His ship wrecked near Streaky Bay
A (1845) 818, 819, 824
Resigned from the Mounted Police Force
A (1848) 92
SQUARE, William
Appointed bailiff to the Local Court at Gawler
A (1850) 1195
Holograph letter as bailiff to the Local Court, Gawler
A (1851) 46
Seeks appointment as an electoral collector
A (1851) 662
s (1851) 135
Fees due to him as bailiff of the Local Court, Gawler
A (1851) 1063, 2082
His sureties
A (1851) 3385
Resigns as bailiff of Gawler Local Court
A (1852) 647
See also Adelaide - Squares
Midway between Encounter Bay and Willunga
A (1855) 1459
An inn at Thebarton
A (1853) 2734
To receive rations
A (1843) 675
G (1843) 184
His school at Houghton
A (1848) 989
p (1848) 317
Lays foundation stone of a church at Bethel
Reg. Dec. 22, 1849, 2E
Appointed postmaster at Houghton
A (1853) 3191
u (1853) 907
Seeks authority to solemnise maniages
A (1855) 1032, 1174
W (1855) 273 (twice)
Applies for appointment as deputy registrar general for the district of Highercomb
A (1855) 1558
w (1855) 397
Authorised to grant licences to marry within Counties of Sturt and Hindmarsh in
addition to County of Adelaide
A (1855) 3409
A passenger to South Australia on the Princess Royal
A (1848) 859
SQUIRE, William
Appointment to the Police Force
A (1848) 1522
SQUIRES, William
Temporary bailiff of the Port Adelaide Court House
A (1852) 2908
STACEY, Charles
Burial of his daughter
A (1849) 997
Her burial
A (1849) 997
Appointed constable in the Police Force
A (1847) 1389
Resigned from the Mounted Police Force
A (1848) 163
STAG, immigrant ship
Miscellaneous references
A (1850) 1270
STAGG, Isaac
Convicted of assault
A (1849) 1908, p.5
Convicted of assault
A (1849) 1908 p.5
STAGG, Joseph
For the murder of John Gofton, see Gofton, John
STAG INN, Adelaide
A useful beacon to persons crossing the Park Lands at night
A (1850) 1179
Pays a deposit in London for purchase of land in South Australia
A (1850) 1258
STAINES CASTLE immigrant ship
See Slaines Castle
STAKEMANN, Herman Conrad
Miscellaneous letters as a shipping agent
A (1844) 1031, 1038, 1102
H (1844) 196V2, 293
On a suggested fund for invalid German immigrants
A (1844) 1102
Correspondence about a sum of £50 deposited by him on behalf of the owners of
the Hanseat
A (1845) 29, 39, 60, 72, 134, 145
G (1845) 701, 712, 733
On the need for encouraging foreign vessels for the shipment of South Australian
A (1845) 1506
L (1845) 85
Suggests the reduction of port charges on whaling ships
A (1845) 495
G (1845) 852
STAKEMANN, Herman Conrad
Appointed Consul for Bremen
A (1845) 1169
A (1847) 130
K (1845) 74
N (1847) 91
His connection with the lunatic, E. Harzen
A (1846) 220, 303
L (1846) 170, 202
Supports Frederica Schroder's petition
A (1846) 916
Seeks relief for Mrs. C.A. Jureck
A (1846) 937
L (1846) 404, 405
Seeks hospital treatment for J.H. Warck
A (1846) 1201 Yi
M (1846) 89 (twice)
Consul for Hamburg
0 (1847) 262
Seeks remission of hospital dues for D. Niemann
A (1848) 177
p (1848) 58
Correspondence about a lunatic names Jcanssen
A (1848) 299, 1615
P (1848) 102 twice
Correspondence as agent for the Leontine
A (1848) 1212
p (1848) 383
A (1849) 1405
Appointed Prussian consul
A (1849) 2296
Q (1849) 637
Reg. Dec. 12, 1849, 3E
Seeks appointment as German interpreter at the Law Courts
A (1851) 2030
s (1851) 393
Storekeepers in Currie Street
A (1854) 1784
v (1854) 587
STAMP, John S.
Appointed guard, Yatala Labor Prison
A (1855) 4189
X Finance (1856) 2
STAMP, John S.
Resigned as guard at Yatala Labor Prison
A (1856) 1220
X Finance (1856) 145
STAMP, John Sundius
Appointment in the Police Force
A (1849) 599
Seeks redress against the closing of a thoroughfare to Mount Lofty by H. Knuckey
A (1852) 2099
STANDARD immigrant ship
Miscellaneous papers
A (1852) 1512, 1770, 1800Y2, 1832, 1886
A (1853) 2635
A (1854) 3724
STANGER, William
Appointed postmaster at Gumeracha
A (1850) 2775
R (1850) 681
Appointed post master at Gumeracha
A (1852) 1823
T (1852) 594
Wife of S. Staniford
A (1854) 588
v (1854) 227
STANIFORD, Summerland
Licensee of the Grey Hound Inn, Morphett Street
A (1854) 588
v (1854) 227
STANLEY, county
Inadequate police protection. Resident magistrate needed
A (1846) 435
STANLEY district - Name Lists
List of electors
A (1853) 1682
A whaler at Encounter Bay
A (1843) 480
See also
Stanley & Brooks, builders
A constable on the Susannah
A (1849) 982
Application for stone for the Baptist Chapel, Lefevre Terrace
A (1849) 712
Q (1849) 2 ..
Fortnightly service with Pt Adelaide to be maintained by the Midge
S.A. June 30, 1848, 3C
STANSBURY, district
Capture of Van Diemen's Land bushrangers
S.A. Aug. 22, 1848, 2C
Murder of Thomas Armstrong
A (1849) 1362, 1907Y2 pp. 12-13
A (1850) 762 outsize
Murder of Thomas Armstrong
Reg. July 14, 1849, 3E
Reg. July 28, 1849, 2D
Murder of Malappa
A (1849) 1883Y2 (p.5), 1907llz pp. 9-10, 1908, p.4
Times Sept. 3, 1849, 3G, 4D
Times Sept. 10, 1849, 3B
Times Sept. 24, 1849, 4A
S.A. Sept. 4, 1849, 2E, 2F
S.A. Sept. 11, 1849, 3A
S.A. Sept. 18, 1849, 2D
Reg. Sept. 1, 1849, 3C
Convicted of an assault
A (1850) 762 outsize
STAPLES, Charles
Transported to Sydney
D (1840) 312
Comments on his petition for remission of sentence
A (1843) 483
G (1843) 101
Seeks appointment as a census collector
A (1850) 2560
R (1850) 649, 650
Correspondence about his remuneration as a census collector
A (1850) 2913
A (1851) 863
s (1851) 174, 185
Pleads that Kanalda should not suffer the death sentence for murdering Watte
A (1853) 1247
u (1853) 405
Successful manufacture in Adelaide
Times Nov. 27, 1848, 2B, 3F
Times Jan. 22, 1849, 2C
Proposed appointment as postmaster at Mount Barker
A (1847) 1197
0 (1847) 113
Seeks appointment as pound keeper at Mount Barker
A (1847) 1434
0 (1847) 221
STAR QUEEN immigrant ship
Miscellaneous correspondence
A (1855) 2
STARS, Peter
Part purchaser of section 1635, County of Adelaide
A (1846) 44
Opposition by Baptists
A (1846) 944 (outsize)
M (1846) 1
List of grants
A (1848) 1779
Roman Catholics oppose state aid
S.A. July 4, 1848, 3A, 3E
Statements showing aid so far received. With opinions of ministers on the principle
A (1851) 439, 440, 442, 443, 444, 450, 451, 464, 465, 482
A (1851) 483, 487, 490, 494, 513, 524Yi, 524 %
Need for renewing legislative authority for grants
A (1851) 327Yi
Ministers' stipends no longer subsidised
A (1851) 2341
s (1851) 589
Grants for ministers' stipends continued for three months after the expiration of the
Act. Bishop Short's attempt to obtain a further extension.
A (1851) 3039
A (1852) 543, 547
s (1851) 620
T (1852) 181, 191
List of ecclesiastical grants
A (1851) 3787~
Erection of church buildings as "improvements" on land leased from Govt. not
A (1855) 4167
For reports on various denominational grants, see
Church of England
Established Church of Scotland
Roman Catholicism
Arrangements for the funeral of Rev. C.B. Howard
G (1843) 251
List of articles procurable from H.M. Stationery Office
A (1852) 1369
T (1852) 429
List of articles required for the Private Secretary's office
W Finance (1855) 96
See also Prices - Stationery
Proposed definition of the boundaries of runs by triangulation
A (1850) 2905
A (1851) 187, 258, 284, 640
s (1851) 23, 4 ..
Definition of boundaries in the North and the South East
S (1851) 80 twice
See also Pastoral leases
Unauthorised publication of transactions
S.A. Dec. 17, 1841, 3A, 3B
S.A. Dec. 21, 1841, 3C
S.A. Dec. 24, 1841, 2E
Papers on various aspects of South Australia
Reg. Dec. 4, 1841, 3B
Reg. Dec. 11, 1841, 3E
Reg. Dec. 18, 1841, 3E
Reg. Dec. 25, 1841, 3A
S.A. Jan. 4, 1842, 3B and 3C
S.A. Jan. 7, 1842, 4B
S.A. Jan. 11, 1842, 3E and 40
Minutes etc.
S.A. Dec. 14, 1841, 3C
Reg. Dec. 18, 1841, 2C, 20, 3C
S.A. Dec. 21, 1841, 30
Reg. Dec. 25, 1841, 2F
Miscellaneous statistics
A (1847) 417
Chamber of Commerce recommends compilation of annual agricultrual returns by
the Government
A (1856) 2363
See also
Vital Statistics
Correspondence about pound
A (1849) 1436, 1504, 1928
Q (1849) 409
A (1851) 37 ..
Postal arrangements
See also
Post Office, Staughton
Licensed to distil brandy on section 812
A (1851) 603
A (1854) 3247
Appointed postmaster at Clare
A (1853) 2288
u (1853) 671
Discussion in the Legislative Council
S.A. Nov. 19, 1847, 2E
S.A. Nov. 23, 1847, 3A
Reg. Nov. 10, 1847, 20, 2E
Discussion in the Legislative Council ·
Reg.Nov. 17, 1847, 2E
Reg. Nov. 20, 1847, 3A
Reg.Nov.24, 1847, 2B,2C
Reg. Dec. 1, 1847, 2B
Miscellaneous references
Times Oct. 30, 1848, 2E
S.A. Jan. 9, 1849, 2D
Times June 4, 1849, 3F
Sailing ships substituted for steamships for conveyance of the Australian mails
A (1855) 3157
w (1855) 740
Resumption of communication (deleting Pt. Adelaide); views of the Adel. Chamber
of Commerce
A (1855) 3753
w (1855) 872
See also
Postal communication with Europe
Peninsula and Oriental Steam Navigation Company
Taylor and Berry's invention of a rotary engine
A (1850) 1979
Memorial requesting establishment of steamship communication between Pt.
Lincoln and Adelaide
A (1855) 2670 (outsize)
w (1855) 641
Victorian regulations respecting lights to be established and signals to be made,
published in S.A. Government Gazette
A (1855) 3004
New code of steamship signals for use at Pilot, Pt. Adelaide and Adelaide signal
A (1855) 3965
See also
White Swan
see also
Steam communication with Europe
Mail steamers
Peninsula and Oriental Steam Navigation Company
South Australian General Steam Navigation Company
Ships voyages
Murray River Steamers
See Tugs
STEBONHEATH immigrant ship
Miscellaneous references
A (1849) 593, 884, 886, 888, 904, 975, 1000
Q (1849) 28 ..
STEDDY, William
Robbery charge abandoned
A (1843) 413
Seeks appointment as deputy registrar for Clare district
A (1855) 1388
w (1855) 333
STEDMAN, Warneford S.
Recommended a spostmaster for Gawler town
A (1852) 549
T (1852) 165 (twice)
His application for gratuity refused
v (1854) 73
Recommended as clerk at Gawler Local Court
A (1852) 890
T (1852) 289
Reprimanded and warned for neglect of duty
A (1853) 957
U (1853) 301 (twice)
Removed from his position as postmaster at Gawler
A (1853) 1736
u (1853) 536
Protests against his sudden removal from office as postmaster at Gawler
A (1853) 1865, 1922
u (1853) 580
Resigns as clerk of the Local Court, Gawler
A (1853) 2342
STEEL, Frances
Her school at Hindmarsh
A (1848) 773
A refractory prisoner
D (1840) 326
Applies for employment as a census collector
A (1855) 310
STEEL, Mary Mrs....
Her school in Waymouth Street
A (1850) 2277
STEEL, William George
Statistics of his school in Pirie Street
A (1848) 606
His school in Waymouth Street
Times July 2, 1849, lE
Reg. July 4, 1849, 2B
STEELE, Samuel
Schoolmaster on the Duke of Wellington
A (1849) 2059Vi
Proposed appointment as ranger for the hundred of Kuitpo
A (1849) 2089, 2121
Seeks remission of his sentence
A (1852) 2020, 2371
T (1852) 668, 754
Discovers copper near Echunga
A (1853) 2259, 3029
u (1853) 788, 899
Claims to have discovered quicksilver at Echunga
A (1853) 3262
STEIN, Engelhard
Complains of injury and victimisation by Richard Lewis, his family and servants
A (1850) 2627
Friction with other settlers on Kangaroo Island
A (1851) 391, 1738, 2560, 2595
s (1851) 90 .... 76
Seeks remission of penalty under the Stock Assessment Act
A (1846) 102
L (1846) 140
STEIN, James
Asks for police protection for country near Broughton and Rocky Rivers
A (1846) 770
L (1846) 367
Appointed a Justice of the Peace
A (1846) 1359
Application for Occupation licence in the county of Stanley
A (1847) 1529 p.3
Resigns as a justice of the peace
A (1853) 2883
u (1853) 839
STEINBOCH, Charles August
His whereabouts. Reported dead, but not registered.
A (1852) 281
T (1852) 58, 84
Remission of sentence
A (1851) 401
s (1851) 73, 89
Appointed postmaster at Tanunda
A (1850) 2615
R (1850) 636
As editor of the Deutsche Zeitung fuer Sued Australien seeks grant for publishing
Gazette notices in German type
A (1850) 2719
R (1850) 654
Serious illness and eight deaths during voyage
A (1854) 3269
v (1854) 994
STENT, Edmund
His school at Walkerville
A (1849) 1881
"STEPHEN" aborigine
Employed by Fred. Jones (overlander). Murdered in NSW near SA border
A (1855) 2742 - 2990
W (1855) 647 (twice)
STEPHEN, George Milner
Appointment as Advocate General
c (1838) 54 - 57
Appointed to a board for performing the duties of the Assistant Commissioner
D (1838) 3
His resignation from the Government service accepted with regret
D (1839) 165
Inadequacy of salary as Acting Governor
D (1840) 307
Sells to the Government a building used as the Hospital Dispensary
D (1840) 341
(1841) 369
Applies for vine and fig cuttings from New South Wales
A (1846) 957
L (1846) 345
Appointed a notary public
A (1846) 1090
M (1846) 44
Offers services as counsel for native prisoners
A (1846) 1117
A (1851) 727
M (1846) 6..
s (1851) 154
Correspondence about a supposed discovery of coal
A (1846) 1128
M (1846) 58
Correspondence as counsel for Joseph Budd
A (1846) 1196
M (1846) 117, 154
His claims to the position of Advocate General
A (1846) 1276V2
M (1846) 121
Payment of his salary as acting Governor in 1838
L (1846) 285, .. 7
Copies of documents vindicating his conduct
Reg. Jan. 31, 1846, 2D and 2E
S.A. Feb. 3, 1846, 3B
S.A. Feb. 6, 1846, 3C
History of his dispute with the South Australian Register
S.A. Feb. 3, 1846, 3B
S.A. Feb. 6, 1846, 3D
Rumored appointment as Advocate General
Reg. Feb. 7, 1846, 2C
S.A. April 28, 1846, 3A
S.A. May 15, 1846, 3B
Reg. May 23, 1846, 2B
STEPHEN, George Milner
Admitted as a Supreme Court practitioner
Reg. May 9, 1846, 3B
S.A. May 26, 1846, 3C
S.A. June 2, 1846, lB
Agent for various absentee landowners
S.A. May 15, 1846, 2B
Solicitor for T.L. Symers
A (1847) 322
N (1847) 164
Correspondence about the body of James Miller
A (1847) 550
Seeks permission to inspect certain documents in the Survey Office
A (1847) 707
N (1847) 296, 297
Forwards memorial for repairs to the South Road
A (1847) 1046
0 (1847) 62
Governor Robe attends a musical party given by Mrs. Stephen
Reg. Jan. 13, 1847, 3B
His success in tracing an absconder
Reg. July 22, 1848, 2E
Advertisement as a land agent
Reg. Nov. 22, 1848, 2B
Alleged libellous attack by George Stevenson
Reg. Nov. 22, 1848, 3A, 3B, 4A
Farewell address by clergy and inhabitants of Heligoland
Reg.Nov. 22, 1848, 3B
Use of Government dray for conveying his steam engine to Cox's Creek
A (1849) 63, 70, 202
Q (1849) 15, 16, 30, 81
Proposed alteration of road near Cox's Creek
A (1849) 246
Q (1849) 123
Correspondence as solicitor for Capt. Symers
A (1849) 349, 465, 1224
Q (1849) 137, 150, 364
Seeks appointment as Second Judge
A (1849) 614
Q (1849) 194
Correspondence, as solicitor for Capt. Bernie, about section near Noarlunga
A(1849) 1065, 1568
Q (1849) 393, 474
Murder of his shepherd, T. Armstrong, near Oyster Bay
A (1849) 1362, 1907112 pp 12-13
A (1850) 762 outsize
Reg. July 14, 1849, 3E
Reg. July 28, 1849, 2D
STEPHEN, George Milner
Asks the Governor to receive a deputation of Yorke Peninsula settlers
A (1849) 163
Q (1849) 471
Recommends remission of John White's sentence
A (1849) 1786
His connection with the Forest Iron and Sawing Company
Reg.April 11, 1849, 3D
Gives a musical party
Reg. June 16, 1849, 2C
Libel action against George Stevenson over the Forest Iron and Sawing Company
S.A. July 31, 1849 2E
Reg.Aug. 4, 1849, 4D
S.A. Oct. 9, 1849, 2D
S.A. Oct 12, 1849, 4B, 4E
Times Oct. 11, 1849, 3B
His defence of J. Yates, convicted of murder
A (1850) 1938
R (1850) 495, 498
Seeks appointment as Acting Crown Solicitor
A (1851) 1676
s (1851) 328
Seeks appointment as counsel for aborigines to be tried in the Supreme Court
A (1851) 1950
s (1851) 416
Offers information about mineral lands on condition that he receives appointment
as Inspector of Gold Licenses
A (1851) 3779112
s (1851) 78 ..
Correspondence about supposed discovery of gold fields
A (1851) 3834, 3843, 3913
s (1851) 80
T (1852) 1
His application for land being refused, seeks reconsideration
A (1852) 63
T (1852) 15
Offers various suggestions for the discovery of gold
A (1852) 115
T (1852) 27
For the killing of Malappa on his station at Oyster Bay, see Malappa
See also
Forest Iron and Sawing Company
STEPHENS, Caroline
Her death on board the William Money
A (1849) 154, 170
Charge against Geo. Stevenson
B64, 66, 67, 69, (1837)
Complains of a disorderly cigar divan
B 65 (1837)
Member of Committee for naming streets of Adelaide
B 74 (1837)
Omitted from the commission of the peace
B (1837) 321
Member of Aborigines Committee
D (1838) 25
Asked to serve as a justice of the peace
D (1840) 229
Declines a seat on the Adelaide Town Council
Ad. Exam. Oct. 26, 1842, lC, 3B
Reports smuggling at Marino
A (1844) 190
Declines to give information to a census collector
G (1844) 590
Correspondence about the construction of a bridge over the Sturt south of Morphett
A (1845) 276, 928, 1534, 1577
G (1845) 802
L (1845) 65 .. (twice) 83, 84, 85
A (1846) 346, 364
L (1846) 236 (twice)
Appointed a Justice of the Peace
A (1846) 1299
Declines to act as a member of the Central Board of Main Roads
A (1849) 1624
Q (1849) 45 ..
Appointed a non-elective member of the Legislative Council
u (1853) 524, 527
His suggestions for transporting gold from the Victorian fields to Adelaide
A (1854) 1048, 1092, 1297, 1514
v (1854) 347, 4 .. , 435, 490, 504
To give evidence as Govt. witness in case of Assignees of Borrow & Goodiar v.
A (1855) 4068
STEPHENS, Elizabeth
Passenger to South Australia by the Forfarshire
A (1848) 1213
Enquires as to the rightful ownership of land at Redruth
A 1851) 1932
STEPHENS, Henry William
Drowned in the River Torrens
A (1844) 501
Seeks permission to occupy a wooden shed at Port Adelaide
A (1854) 509
v (1854) 219
Lecture on comets
S.A. March 10, 1843, 3C
Reg. March 18, 1843, 3B
Reg. May 3, 1843, 2B
Applies for copies of the Government Gazette
A (1844) 632
H (1844) 44
Proposal to sell Acts of Council
A (1844) 734
H (1844) 89
Application for statistics for his almanack
A (1845) 1513
L (1845) 80
Buys the South Australian Register
S.A. May 16, 1845, 3D
Reg. June 21, 1845, 2E
Reg. June 25, 1845, 2F
Takes legal action for late delivery of mail
A (1846) 1033
Rates for printing Acts of Council
L (1846) 408
Law suit with Flett & Linklater
Reg. June 3, 1846, 3A
Reg. June 6, 1846, 2B
S.A. June 16, 1846, 2C
Reg. June 20, 1846, 3A
His many commercial activities
Reg. Dec. 9, 1846, 2A
Contractor for printing the Government Gazette
0 (1847) 263
Long invitation to the poor of Britain to emigrate to South Australia
Reg. June 30, 1847, lD
S.A. Aug. 6, 1847, 2E
Correspondence about his agency for the sale of I. Pitman's works
S.A. Aug. 6, 1847, 2D
Reg. Aug. 7, 1847, 2E
Reg. Aug. 11, 1847, 3A
S.A. July 21, 1848, 3E
Advertisement for a partner as a newspaper proprietor
Reg. Dec. 4, 1847, 2B
Correspondence about the delivery of Government Gazettes printed by him
A (1848) 37
p (1848) 14..
Bond as contractor for printing Government Gazette
A (1848) 66
Price for printing statistical returns
A (1848) 201
p (1848) 101
His appeal for immigrants widely circulated in the United Kingdom
Reg. Sept. 2, 1848, 2B
Seeks testimonial as Government Printer
A (1849) 749
Q (1849) 222
Termination of his contract for printing the Government Gazette
Q (1849) 42
Alleged coarseness in a lecture on sanitation
S.A. Feb. 2, 1849, 2E, 2F
Lecture on sanitary reform
Reg. Feb. 3, 1849, 3A, 3B
Reg. Feb. 10, 1849, 2E
S.A. Feb. 16, 1849, 2B
Reg. Feb. 17, 1849, 2E
Times Feb. 19, 1849, 2F
His pamphlet on sanitary reform published. Also a lecture on comets
Reg. March 14, 1849, 2B
Dispute with the representative of Chambers's Edinburgh Journal
S.A. Aug. 24, 1849, 3B
Complains of vindictive attitude of the Collector of Customs towards the Register
A (1850) 392, 482
R (1850) 137
For the seizure of his printery etc. for debt in 1849 see South Australian register,
For the libel actions defended by him in 1847 1 see South Australian Register,
Her misfortunes
A (1851) 3648
Inquest on her death
A (1850) 1392
Passenger by the British Sovereign
A (1847) 870
Schoolmaster on the British Sovereign
A (1847) 889~
N (1847) 349
Constable on the Santipore
A (1848) 1612
On a private letter from the Colonial Secretary to the Advocate General
B 49 (1837)
Warrant issued against him
(1837) B 317
Charges laid against William West
B2 (1837)
Complains of conduct of the Buffalo marines
B 42, 43 (1837)
Disturbances at Kingscote
B 43 (1837)
His death
Ad. Chron. Jan. 21, 1840, 3A
Correspondence about transfer by his widow of title to certain Adelaide acres
A (1849) 20 .. , 2150
Q (1849) 595
See also
South Australian Company
Hospital assistant on the Cressy
A (1847) 1036
S.A. Aug 10, 1849, 3C
This paper followed the Adelaide Miscellany, which see also
See also Adelaide Miscellany, newspaper
Loss of a £10 note
A (1849) 92, 194
Q (1849) 33, 62
STEPNEY suburb of Adelaide
Reg. Jan. 6, 1849, 3D
S.A. Jan. 9, 1849, 2E
Subdivisional sale
Times Nov. 15, 1849, lG
STERLING, Henry David
Convicted of embezzlement
A (1851) 3693
STEVENS, Charles
A whaler at Encounter Bay
A (1843) 480
Partnership with S.L. Phillips and J.W. De Horne dissolved
S.A. Jan. 15, 1847, 2A
Deposition on the death of a coolie at Clare
A (1847) 1079
Released from gaol
A (1847) 1444
See also
South Australian Shipping Company
STEVENS, Kerenhappuck
She and her infant son accidentally killed
A (1854) 13
STEVENS, Rebecca
A passenger to South Australia on the William Money
A (1849) 15
STEVENS, Stephen
Passenger to South Australia on the Cressy
A (1847) 1018
Constable on the Cressy
A (1847) 1036
STEVENS, William
One of the leaders in the Burra Mines Strike
A (1848) 1432
p (1848) 455
Appointment in the Police Force
A (1850) 714
Correspondence about aboriginal section 859, near Noarlunga
A (1849) 633
Arrears of rent as lessee of section 859
A (1851) 1356
Arrears of rent, section 859
A (1852) 136
T (1852) 234, 235 (twice)
STEVENS, William Henry
Dies in prison
A (1855) 1489, 1751
~South Australian Shipping Company
To enquire into conditions on Kangaroo Island
B 3, 4, (1837)
Reason for his holding so many offices
B 44 (1837)
Fee as Commissioner to Kangaroo Island
B 58, 60 (1837)
Charge brought by Edward Stephens
B 64, 66, 67, 69 (1837)
Tender accepted for lease of Botanic Gardens
A (1842) 154, 220
E (1842) 649, 650 (twice) 656, 702
F (1842) 21
G (1843) 21
Demands delivery of papers etc. addressed to the Register Newspaper
A 1842/No. 609, 623
Suggested enlargement of the Botanic Gardens
A 1842/No. 711
F (1842) 95
Catalogue of plants in his garden at North Adelaide
Reg. April 23, 1842, 3B
Opinion on Parkhurst boys
A 1843/No. 151
Arrears of rent on Botanic Gardens
A(1843) 596, 865, 883, 916
G (1843) 26 .... 77
Seeks transfer of lease of Botanic Gardens to G. McEwin
A (1843) 916
G (1843) 27 ..
Surrender of lease of Botanic Gardens
A (1843) 958, 977, 1037, 1055
G (1843) ...
Damage done by floods to his property at North Adelaide
A (1844) 405
G (1844) 627
Fruit from his gardens at North Adelaide on sale
Reg. Jan. 17, 1844, lC
Description of his garden at North Adelaide
S.A. Nov. 22, 1844, 2E
Seeks to obtain vine and fig cuttings from New South Wales
A (1845) 1021
A partner in the firm of Robert Thomas & Co.
A (1846) 1170
Alleged defalcations as attorney for Lewis Gilles
Reg. Jan. 20, 1847, 20
Libel action against the South Australian Register
Reg. March 24, 1847, 2A, 2C
Reg. March 27, 1847, 2B
S.A. June 4, 1847, 2C
Reg. June 2, 1847, 2C
Reg. June 5, 1847, 2A, 2B
Reg. June 9, 1847, 3B
Alleged dishonesty as agent for the lessee of the Glen Osmond lead mines
S.A. April 23, 1847, 3F (twice)
S.A. April 27, 1847, 3C, 3F
S.A. April 30, 1847, 30
Reg. April 28, 1847, 2A
S.A. May 4, 1847, 3E
Perjury charge dismissed
S.A. Jan. 11, 1848, 2F
Correspondence as secretary of the Royal Mining Company
Reg. Oct. 11, 1848, 4B
Reg. Oct. 14, 1848, 3E
Correspondence about a libellous statement about him in the South Australian
Reg.Nov. 22, 1848, 2E, 3A
Assaulted by Sir R.R. Torrens
S.A. March 13, 1849, 2C
Reg. March 14, 1849, 3B
Reg. March 21, 1849, 4C
Times March 19, 1849, 2C, 4B
Times July 9, 1849, 3B
Criticised for attempting to extricate R.R. Torrens from a criminal action for
assaulting Stevenson
Times June 4, 1849, 4C
S.A. June 12, 1849, 2A
S.A. June 15, 1849, 2C, 4A
Reg. June 13, 1849, 2C
Reg. June 16, 1849, 2B
Reg. June 20, 1849, 2C, 2E
Times June 18, 1849, 2G, 30, 3E
Times June 25, 1849, 3E
Reg. June 23, 1849, 3C
Reg. July 4, 1849, 2A
Reg. July 7, 1849, 20
Sues the South Australian for libel
S.A. June 29, 1849, 2E
S.A. Oct. 9, 1849, 4A
S.A. Oct. 12, 1849, 2F
Sued for libel by G. M. Stephen about the Forest Iron and Sawing Company
S.A. July 31, 1849, 2E
Reg. Aug. 4, 1849, 4D
S.A. Oct. 9, 1849, 2D
S.A. Oct. 12, 1849, 4B, 4E
Times Oct. 11, 1849, 3B
Sued for libel by R.R. Torrens
S.A. Oct. 16, 1849, 4F
Reg. Oct. 17, 1849 Supp. 2C
Times Oct. 18, 1849, 3B
Appointed a justice of the peace
T (1852) 1001 (twice)
Convicted of stealing cattle
A (1854) 587
v (1854) 228
Forwards a petition requesting the erection of a temporary bridge pending the
completion of the City Bridge
A (1855) 941
W Finance (1855) 22
w (1855) 254
His views on having felons on juries for prison inquests
A (1855) 1489, 1751
For the criminal charge against Torrens for assaulting Stevenson
See also Torrens, Sir Robert Richard
See also
Thomas, Robert & Co.
Appointed letter carrier at the GPO
A (1852) 2352
T (1852) 749
Resigns as letter carrier at the GPO
A (1853) 713
u (1853) 230
See Douglas, James
STEWARD, William
Drowned in the River Light whilst crossing in the mail cart. Inquest.
A (1852) 1992
STEWART, Alexander
Application for an occupation licence in the county of Robe
A (1847) 508, p.17
Seeks appointment as Emigration Agent
R (1850) 457
Applies for a block of land near the Burra for public house
A (1847) 170
N (1847) 143
On the murder of John Gofton
A (1852) 801
T (1852) 268
Postmaster at Penwortham
A (1851) 1219
s (1851) 227
His part in the killing of a native near Lake Newland
A (1848) 1415, 1692, p.4
p (1848) 458
Evidence on the murder of John Hamp
A (1849) 2118 p. 1, 8
Convicted of theft
A (1850) 2787
STEWART, James horse thief
See Wattie, John
STEWART, James Inspector of Police
See Stuart
STEWART, Johanna
Matron on the Cheapside
A (1849) 1888
Correspondence about payment of hospital fees
A (1849) 1214
Q (1849) 352 twice
His sentence mitigated
T (1852) 696
Applies for an auctioneer's licence
A (1854) 57
Attends a meeting of master builders
A (1854) 284
Supplier of peas to Convict Dept.
A (1855) 2577
W Finance (1855) 143
Adjustments to his a/c for supplies to Gaol.
A (1855) 2688
w (1855) 632
Unable to honor Gaol contract for rice. Bread to be substituted therefor.
A (1855) 2759
w (1855) 699
Refuses to supply goods to Yatala Prison
A (1855) 1946
STEWART, John timber merchant
Appt. Dep. Returning Officer (Noarlunga Dist.) to take poll in Adelaide
A (1855) 3068
Accepts office of Dep. Returning Officer, Noarlunga District
A (1855) 3108
Appointed to the Police Force
A (1847) 1032
STEWART, Sarah Mrs
Gives birth to a child on board the Trafalgar
A (1847) 779
Attempted suicide, while in gaol
A 1842/No. 818
F (1842) 169
Petition for mitigation of sentence refused (Petition missing)
A 1842/No. 911
F (1842) 2 ..
Transported to Van Diemen's Land
A 1842/No. 933
F (1842) 23 ..
STEWART, William
Convicted of house-breaking
A (1850) 762 outsize
Transported to Hobart
A (1850) 844, 862
R (1850) 222
See also Stueart
STICK, Joseph (aged 4 years)
Inquest on his death
A (1853) 2632
Recommends L.J. Lyne for employment
A (1849) 1529
An original trustee of the German and British Hospital.
returned to England
A (1855) 3091
w (1855) 888
Unable to act, having
STILLING, Joseph & Co.
Peel St. fire (5.2.55). Compensation claim
A (1855) 2590
Wreck of Nashwauk. Expenses incurred by the Govt.
A (1855) 3046, 3544, 3775, 3837, 4101
w (1855) 842, 864, 882, 927
Application for an occupation licence in the County of Sturt
A (1847) 329, p.16
Applications for occupation licences near Lake Alexandrina and at Mount Stirling
A (1847) 731, pp. 2, 5
His interest in the Macclesfield and Green Hills Special Surveys
A (1855) 3122, 4154
x (1856) 55
Opinion on Parkhurst boys
A 1843/No. 319
Asks for a more direct road from Craters to Strathalbyn
A (1845) 933
K (1845) 15, ..
Appointment as a justice of the peace
A (1846) 1119
Application for an occupation licence in the county of Sturt
A (1847) 329, p.16
Asks for boundary pegs of section 2685 to be replaced
A (1847) 387
N (1847) 172
Recommends Hugh Smith as honorary postmaster at Strathalbyn
A (1847) 698
N (1847) 296
Applications for occupation licences near Lake Alexandrina and at Mount Stirling
A (1847) 731, pp. 2, 5
Application for an occupation licence at Mount Benson
A (1847) 972, p. 4
Reports the dangerous condition of the bridge at Langhorne's Creek
A (1848) 1302
p (1848) 427
Applies for Government aid towards Hugh Smith's school at Strathalbyn
A (1849) 568
Q (1849) 198
Surety for R. Tregilgas
Q (1849) 355
Petitions against the creation of a hundred near Langhorne's Creek
A (1851) 1054, 1478
s (1851) 292
Enquiry about passage money paid by him for Mr. and Mrs. Knight
A (1851) 3024
s (1851) 608
Requests permission for his brother to select imigrants whilst in England
A (1852) 1297
T (1852) 423
Hands over official papers left by J. Hamilton, late Chief Inspector of Sheep
A (1855) 3556
w (1855) 808
Minutes and correspondence about certain land orders held by him
A (1855) 4154
x (1856) 55
A (1856) 32
See also Minchin Wells
STOCK See Live stock
STOCK, Samuel
Correspondence arising from the closing of the Colonial Labor Office
A (1852) 413, 477
T (1852) 65, ...
~ Yatala Labor Prison
Postponement of land sale
Times Feb. 5, 1849, 3D
Reg. Feb. 7, 1849, 2D
STOCKS, George
Discharged from the Lalla Rookh
D (1840) 318
STOCKS Samuel Junior
Rebate of duty on underproof spirits
A (1843) 1016
G (1843) 309
Asks if the Ville de Bordeaux is to be sold
A (1844) 892
H (1844) 147
STOCKS Samuel Junior
Seeks return of a horse seized by the police in a smuggling case
A (1845) 446, 491, 558
G (1845) 862
Assists S.E. Boord in his attempt to evade payment of a fine imposed for
A (1845) 613, 6.. , 882
G (1845) 882
STOCKS, Samuel
His views on postal communication with Europe
A (1855) 1651, 2289
w (1855) 404, 587
STOCKS, Samuel Snr.
For correspondence about the affairs of the Colonial Labour Office, see Colonial
Labour Office
Correspondence about complaints made by some of the Susannah's passengers.
A (1849) 1018
Suggestions for temporary accommodation and employment for newly arrived
A (1849) 1025
Q (1849) 302
Accused of impertinence and presumption by C.P. Brewer
A (1849) 1403Yz
Recommends appointment of certain mariners for the coast survey
A (1849) 1704
His wife knocked down by a dog
A (1849) 2063
Q (1849) 587
His proposal for a wooden railway between Adelaide and the Port
S.A. Nov. 16, 1849, 2A, 2E
Reg. Nov. 17, 1849, 4D
Reg. Nov. 28, 1849, Supp. lD
His model railway line
Times Dec. 6, 1849, 3B
His views on education and religious instruction in the country, and on pastoral
A (1850) 1041, 1102
R (1850) 273
His views on the importation of Irish immigrants
A (1851) 1956
STOCKS, Samuel Junior
Negotiations for the purchase of the Burra Special Survey
A (1845) 685, 689, 692, 946, 955, 961, 1011, 1012
K (1845) 21, 22, 24 (twice)
G (1845) 903, ... 907
A (1846) 76, 89
Negotiations for the purchase of the Burra Special Survey
L (1846) 135
About to visit England
Reg.Dec. 9, 1846,2E
Withdraws from partnership in the Adelaide Smelting Company
Times March 5, 1849, 3D
Land grant (copy) Sec. 1, Burra Creek (10,000 acres) in favour of W. Allen and S.
Stocks, Jr.
A (1855) 1938 (outsize)
STOCKS, Samuel
His occupation licence cancelled
A (1845) 684
G (1845) 901
Suggests that a reward be offered for the discovery of coal
A (1850) 1770
R (1850) 469
Recommends that the River Torrens be straightened and made navigable between
Adelaide and the Reed Beds
A (1851) 3304
Invited to fill a vacancy on the Destitute Board
A (1852) 1541
T (1852) 468
Recommends a fortnightly escort from the Goldfields
A (1852) 1362
T (1852) 482
Recommends an increased force for gold escorts
A (1852) 2993
T (1852) 905
Recommends M. Moorhouse as Immigration Agent
A (1853) 94
His interest in Y atala Labor Prison
A (1854) 3365
v (1854) 1027
Plan for borrowing money for South Australia
A (1854) 3793
Surety for R. Tregilgas
Q (1849) 355
Resigns appointment in the Colonial Secretary's Office
A (1851) 633
STOKES, Francis William
Appointed clerk in the Post Office
A (1850) 1895
A constable on the Indian
A (1849) 1506
STOKES, John Smith
Protests against his imprisonment
A (1848) 1993
p (1848) 646
Convicted of larceny
A (1849) 708 outsize
Seeks remission of sentence
A (1851) 548, 552
s (1851) 114
Convicted of theft
A (1851) 617
A (1851) 1381, 1419
s (1851) 263
Seeks employment
A (1851) 3399
s (1851) 736
STOKES, Stanley
Irregularity in preparation of accounts as Returning Officer for the Adelaide
D (1841) 375, 379
STOLLE, Joanna Elizabeth
Inquest on her death
A (1854) 2745
Seeks Government assistance to verify his belief that he has discovered coal.
Locality not stated.
A (1855) 1949
w (1855) 458
STONE, Charles
His whereabouts
A (1854) 2430, 3086
v (1854)
STONE, Cornelius
Released from gaol.
F (1842) 14
STONE, George
Appointed as postmaster at the Meadows
A (1850) 1648
R (1850) 430, 481
Appointed a constable in the district of Kondoparinga
A (1854) 2519
STONE, James
Elected a
A (1852)
Sworn in
A (1855)
commissioner of roads for hundred of Kondoparinga
as a district constable in Kondoparinga
Convicted of theft
A (1851) 2801¥2
Seeks remission of his sentence
A (1852) 2236, 2308
A (1853) 183-0, 2838
T (1852) 737, 954
u (1853) 569, 873
Granted remission of his sentence
A (1854) 768, 1070
v (1854) 293, 365
STONE, William
Murdered near Lake Bonney
A (1849) 1655, 1883¥2 (p.4) 1891
Permission granted for removing stone from a beach on Yorke Peninsula
A (1854) 1879
v (1854) 633
See also
Building stone
Road metal
Prices - ~
Minister of the Baptist Church, Lefevre Terrace
A (1851) 106
Seeks authority to solemnize marriages
A (1851) 106
s (1851) 34
Authorised to solemnize marriages
A (1853) 800
u (1853) 26
Murder of John Hamp
A (1848) 1127, 1152, 1156 (p.4) 1692 (p.8)
p (1848) 369
A (1849) 1317, 1893, 1900, 1908 p.7, 1944, 197 .. , 2070, 2118
S.A. July 21, 1848, 3A
R Cock's quarry
A (1850) 1379
At the summit of the Willunga range
A (1852) 1775
See Public Stores
STOREY, Joseph
To be transported
E (1841) 83
A passenger to South Australia by the Bussorah Merchant
A (1848) 1749
New type constructed
Reg. Dec. 26, 1849, 3C
STOW, Randolph Isham
Applies for appointment as a notary public
A (1853) 252
u (1853) 98
STOW, ~ Thomas Quinton
Member of Aborigines Committee
D (1838) 25
Reply to his application for glebe
D (1841) 368
Opinion on Parkhurst boys
A 1843/No. 206
Long letter descriptive of South Australia
Reg. May 24, 1843, 2D
Controversy with the Rev. D. J. Draper about state aid for religion
Reg. Oct. 27, 1847, 3D
Reg.Nov. 3, 1847, 2D
STOW, Rev. Thomas Quinton
Resigns from the Board of Education
A (1850) 549
R (1850) 167
Testimonial on his retirement
Obs. May 2, 1857, 3H of supp.
Certifies to the character of Owen Caroll, a prisoner
A (1852) 686
T (1852) 227
Authorised to solemnize marriages
A (1853) 314
u (1853) 26
Pays off his loan from the Savings Bank
A (1853) 1915¥2
STRANGWAYS, Edward Giles
See Strangways, Giles Edward
Lessee of an aboriginal reserve
A (1842) 702
K (1842) 128
E (1842) 760
F (1842) 92
A (1843) 55, 336
G (1843) 21
A (1844) 63 ..
A (1846) 1159
Arrears of rent on aboriginal reserve
A (1843) 596, 865
A (1846) 1339
Application for occupation licence in the county of Light
A (1846) 1482 outsize
A (1847) 1529 p.l
Seeks appointment as a census collector
A (1850) 2360
Applies for appointment as surveyor for the proposed railway between Adelaide
and Port Elliot
A (1854) 887
v (1854) 312
Rents (for a short period) old police station, Encounter Bay
A (1855) 615
W Finance (1855) 6
Correspondence about grant for Adelaide acre 657
A (1850) 1314, 1534
R (1850) 338, 339, 367, 396
Correspondence about his land at Port Elliot
A (1853) 156, 250, 419
A (1854) 441, 498, 531, 878, 949, 1016, 1049, 1068, 1177, 1188, 1213, 1256,
1493, 1508, 1712, 2223
u (1853) 45, 155
v (1854) 189, 34 ... .45, 412, 670
STRANGWAYS, Thomas Bewes
Appointed justice of peace
B2 (2 letters) (1837)
To inquire into conditions on Kangaroo Island
B3, 4 (1837)
Fee as Commissioner to Kangaroo Island
B 58, 60 (1837)
Member of Committee for naming streets of Adelaide
B74 (1837)
Succeeds Robert Gouger as Colonial Secretary
B144 (1837)
Opinion on Parkhurst boys
A 1843/No. 273
Complains of damage done by stock trespassing on his property at Inman Valley
A (1844) 253
G (1844) 572
Complains of the overstocking of common land at Inman Valley
A (1846) 651
Proposed use of a preliminary land order in payment for land at Goolwa
A (1849) 2 ..
Q (1849) 78
Seeks appointment as Police Magistrate at Port Adelaide
A (1849) 1286
Q (1849) 369
His interests at the North Arm of the Port River
A (1849) 1803
Seeks a new grant for Adelaide town acre 64 7 for his brother
A (1850) 877
R (1850) 315, 339
Correspondence about the road from North Arm of the Port River to Alberton
A (1854) 1287, 2141
v (1854) 432, 681
Proposes an embankment instead of a viaduct on the road leading to the North
A (1854) 1428
For the Company formed to lease his land near the North Ann see North Arm
Wharf, Warehouse, and Building Company
See also Strangways' Road to the North Arm
Name given to the False Ann of the Port River
A (1849) 1807
To be marked out
A (1847) 705
N (1847) 296
Tenders invited for construction
S.A. Oct. 8, 1847, 2C
Construction begun
Reg. Dec. 18, 1847, 2D
S.A. Sept. 26, 1848, 2B
Failure of Strangways' first scheme. He proposes a wooden railway on an
A (1850) 738
R (1850) 203
Petitions for a more direct line of road from Crafers
A (1845) 933
K (1845) 15
Chapel built. School house to be erected
S.A. July 4, 1845, 3C
Smith's School
S.A. Sept. 22, 1846, SB
J. Wood drowned
S.A. July 27, 1847, 3C
W. Freeman's weekly spring cart service
S.A. Sept. 28, 1847, 2E, 3E
R. Jones' weekly conveyance between Strathalbyn and Adelaide
S.A. Sept. 29, 1848, 3B
Hugh Smith's school
A (1849) 568, 933
Q (1849) 198
William Noye's school
A (1849) 2218
Gollan's flour mill burned
S.A. May 1, 1849, 2C
Times May 7, 1849, 3D
Times June 4, 1849, 3D
Postal arrangements
Post office established
A (1844) 67
G (1844) 488
G (1845) 811
Postal arrangements
Miscellaneous references
A (1844) 599, 620
A (1845) 637, 1331
A (1846) 412, 618, 678
A (1847) 698
H (1844) 32
L (1845) 20
L (1846) 325
N (1847) 296
A (1849) 1186Yz
Q (1849) 348
Reg. Jan. 24, 1844, 2C
S.A. Oct. 6, 1846, 3C
Petition for provision of a local court and police station. Short description of the
A (1855) 3026
w (1855) 726
To be an electoral polling place
A (1855) 2895
W (1855) 682 (twice)
See also
St. Andrew's Church
Police Station
Local Court
Church of England (no saint name yet)
Reg. Nov. 28, 1840, 4A
Pound needed
A (1843) 771 Yz
Signatures to a petition
A (1843) 1009
Petition against a Bill for the leasing or sale by auction of Crown lands (15
A (1843) 1497
G (1843) 450
Its growing prosperity
S.A. Feb. 10, 1843, 3B
Agricultural and pastoral operations
S.A. June 23, 1843, 3C
Objections by Dr. J. Rankine to the survey of land on his run
A (1845) 610
G (1845) 91..
Discovery of copper
S.A. March 13, 1846, 3C
S.A. May 26, 1848, 2F
Mineralogical report
A (1848) 1521
Sale of mineral sections
Reg. May 6, 1848, 3C
Ploughing matches
S.A. Aug. 18, 1848, 3A
S.A. Sept. 8, 1848, 2C
S.A. Oct. 13, 1848, 3D
S.A. Sept. 4, 1849, lD, 2E
S.A. Sept. 14, 1849, 2D
Petition signed by 34 fam1ers against the dray tax
A (1850) 875
R (1850) 231
Petition against a proposed alteration of the boundaries of the hundred of
A (1851) 2358
Steps for the eradication of thistles beyond the immediate boundaries of
Strathalbyn District Council
A (1855) 3724, 3909, 4092
w (1855) 865
W Finance (1855) 227, 240
Name lists
Petitions from settlers
A (1853) 2954
A (1854) 625, 898, 2626
A (1855) 2616, 2800, 2895
See also
Aborigines - Strathalbyn district
Roads - Currency Creek to Strathalbyn
Proposed creation
A (1849) 1707
Ratepayers urge its proclamation and nominate councillors
A (1853) 2954
A (1854) 303
v (1854) 61
Request that its proclamation be temporarily withheld
A (1854) 419, 625, 682, 692
v (1854) 161, 415, 416
Bremer and Alexandrina protest against inclusion
A (1854) 690, 691
v (1854) 415, 417
Miscellaneous early correspondence
A (1854) 1558
Petition urging division of district into two wards
A (1855) 227
w (1855) 184
Finds work for Irish women immigrants
A (1855) 2499
w (1855) 571
Female Irish immigrants: Local labour requirements
A (1855) 2793
Steps for the eradication of thistles beyond Council's immediate boundaries
A (1855) 3724, 3909, 4092
w (1855) 865
W Finance (1855) 227, 240
Miscellaneous references
Times March 12, 1849, 3C
S.A. March 13, 1849, lA
S.A. May 25, 1849, 3B
S.A. Sept. 25, 1849, 2F
Reg. Nov. 28, 1849, 4E
Miscellaneous references
Times June 4, 1849, 4B
Times Aug. 6, 1849, 2D
Prospectus, with a report by Captain Pascoe
S.A. March 23, 1849, lB
Times March 26, 1849, lC
STREAKY BAY, district
Alleged killing of a native (Pityarri)
A (1845) 504, 538
Whale fishing
Reg. July 23, 1845, 2D
See also
Aborigines - Streaky Bay district
See also Adelaide streets
Appointed clerk in the Emigration Office
A (1855) 6
w (1855) 3
STRIKE, Edward
Tenders for supply of veterinary instruments
A (1842) 70
E (1842) 541
Recommended for appointment to the Police Force
A (1845) 1311
L (1845) 12
Resigns from the Mounted Police Force
A (1848) 483
p (1848) 166
Constable on the Duke of Bedford
A (1848) 1905
Applies for the position of Inspector of Cattle Brands
A (1852) 75
T (1852) 73
See also Burra Mine Strike, 1848
STRINGER, Edward customs official
See Stringer George
Application for permanent employment
A 1842/Nos. 545, 579, 598
A 1842/Nos. 607, 608
F (1842) 54
His dismissal from the Customs Department
E (1842) 869
To be reinstated in his position as Weigher in the Customs Department
F (1842) 34
Seeks appointment as Superintendent of the Government Printing Office
A (1848) 93
p (1848) 37
Report, as printing overseer of the South Australian, on the security of good
S.A. March 6, 1849, 3B
Reg. March 7, 1849, 2B
STRONG, Frederick George
Appointed a letter carrier at the GPO
A (1852) 2618
Dies suddenly
A (1854) 2652, 2665
STRONG, John Tredgold
Seeks employment
.. (1849) 1174
Q (1849) 396
STRONG, Leonard
Seeks a Government appointment
A (1855) 176
w (1855) 61
Applies for an appointment as inspector of police
A (1854) 384
A (1855) 176, 506, 750
v (1854) 209
w (1855) 203
Appointed Inspector of Mounted Police
W Finance (1855) 11
Names among police whose services are being dispensed with
A (1856) 612
x (1856) 91
Seeks employment
A (1850) 1866
.. (1850) 475
STRONGMAN, Rev. John Martin
Seeks authority to solemnize marriages as Congregational Minister at Kensington
A (1849) 6..
Q (1849) 195 twice
Expected to arrive from England
Reg. Dec. 20, 1848, 2E
His arrival in South Australia
Reg. Feb. 21, 1849, 3A
Reg. Feb. 28, 1849, 2E
S.A. March 2, 1849, 2D
Induction at Congregational Church, Kensington
Reg. Sept. 15, 1849, 2A
Times Oct. 8, 1849, 3E
Reg. Oct. 17, 1849, 3B
Appointed clerk in the Labour Office
A (1852) 867
T (1852) 282, ...
Seeks remission of fine for smuggling
A (1850) 507, 863
R (1850) 162, 163, 239
STRUVE, August
Inquest on his death
A (1851) 3439
See also Stueart
Implicated in the shooting of natives in the Streaky Bay district after the murder of
Jas. Baird
A (1850) 2660
R (1850) 647, 648
Debt owing by him for posts used for the Government stockyard
E (1841) 71
STUART, Charles W.
Fencing work at the cemetery
D (1839) 179
STUART, Charles William
His salary increased
D (1839) 120
Law suit with H. Beaumont
A (1844) 261
G (1844) 573
Evidence at the trial of J. Muffin
A (1846) 1467
Seeks appointment as Emigration Agent
A (1850) 1776
Seeks appointment as Inspector of Metropolitan Police
A (1850) 1910, 1947, 1982
R (1850) 52.. twice
Seeks transfer from inspectorship of foot police to the mounted division
A (1851) 3927
s (1851) 8 ..
Appointed superintendent of mounted police
T (1852) 3
Testifies to the character of Edward Strike
A (1852) 75
Appointed a Justice of the Peace
T (1852) 265 ...
Appointed a police commissioner and police magistrate
T (1852) 357
Requests increase in his salary
A (1852) 1912
T (1852) 616
To be reinstated
T (1852) 819
STUART, Charles William
His quarrel with A. Tolmer
A (1852) 2050, 2065, 2420, 2449, 2457, 2468, 2496, 2499, 2502, 2639, 2728, 2776
A (1853) 2319, 2346, 2348, 2365, 2403, 2423, 2430, 2434, 2481, 2482, 2489, 2492
T (1852) 670, 757, 758, 776 (twice) 785, 845
u (1853) 672, 683, 714, 737
Commands the Gold Escort for the first time since his re-instatement
A (1852) 3109
Censured by the Governor for countermanding an order of A. Tolmer
A (1853) 1217
u (1853) 373
Requests payment of his gratuity and seeks another Government appointment
A (1853) 3235, 3371, 3398
u (1853) 941
v (1854) 13, 21, ..
To vacate his quarters in the Orphan Depot
A (1853) 1169
u (1853) 357
Applies for the position of Governor of the Adelaide Gaol
A (1854) 1305
v (1854) 414
Leaving Adelaide. Seeks a testimonial
A (1854) 806, 903
v (1854) 292, .. 3
His distressing circumstances
A (1854) 583
v (1854) 219
Disclaims association with an article m the Free Press entitled "Shuffling
A (1853) 3047
u (1853) 880
A Board to investigate the state of the Police Force
A (1853) 2561, 2577, 2636, 2639 (outsize gr.2) 2656Yz, 2693, 2695, 2706, 2780,
2877, 2913, 3033, 3137Yz 3361, 3461, 3462
u (1853) 737, 740, 757, 759, 769, 800, 83 .. , 838, 877
v (1854) 7
Makes further charges against A. Tolmer
A (1854) 169, 186Yz, 271, 289, 291, 389, 444, 445, 521, 590, 685, 1339
V0854) 76, 10~ 17~ 21~ 211, 218, 456
His salary and clothing allowance as Inspector of Police
E (1841) 140
Appointed inspector of distilleries
E (1842) 833, 834
Objections to his prosecuting offenders under the Distillation Act
A (1843) 86 .. 943
G (1843) 271, 295
Charges of misconduct
A (1843) 1343
Dismissed from office as Inspector of Police
A (1843) 1356
G (1843) 394 (twice)
Defends his conduct as Inspector of Police
A (1843) 1479
G (1843) 444
Query about his salary and lodging allowance in 1840
H (1844) 79
A (1844) 789
Seeks appointment as sheriff's officer
A (1846) 294
L (1846) 216
Seeks appointment in the Police Force
A (1849) 1202
Q (1849) 347
A (1850) ...
R (1850) 177
To perform the duties of both inspectors in the Police Force pro tern.
A (1852) 125
Applies for position of Inspector of Metropolitan Police.
A (1852) 132
T (1852) 25
STUART, Janet Mrs.,.
Her two children no longer to receive relief
H (1844) 330
STUART, John McDouall
Succeeds J. Poole as Captain Sturt's assistant during his Central Australian
A (1846) 39
L (1846) 154, 164
Seeks appointment as Town Surveyor
A (1846) 1228
M (1846) 102
Seeks Government employment
A (1847) 216
N (1847) 110
Deposition as a witness in an affray with natives in Port Lincoln district
A (1853) 1268
u (1853) 402
STUART, John McDouall
His tender (£50) accepted for information (with plan) about features in L. Torrens
area not shown on the official maps.
A (1855) 2304
W Finance (1855) 131
See Bush Fires Act
STUBBS, Elizabeth Mrs.
Murdered by natives near Port Lincoln
A 1842/No. 151
S.A. April 12, 1842, 2E
S.A. April 15, 1842, 2F
S.A. Nov. 22, 1842, 2C
STUBBS, Thomas
Trustee of St. George's Church, Gawler
A (1847) 1568
Seeks appointment as a census collector
A (1850) 2144, 2558
Correspondence about a bridge over the Dry Creek
A (1847) 951, 960
0 (1847) 10, 12
Advertisement as an architect
S.A. Sept. 1, 1848, 3D
Tender for supply of bread accepted
D (1838) 33
Claim for bread supplied to the Hospital
E (1841) 149, 185
G (1844) 683
A (1845) 9 ..
K (1845) 6 (twice) 12
Tender accepted for supplies for the Police Department
E (1842) 630
Applies for a mineral lease of 10 acres 5 miles N.E. of Bremer Inn. Section 1.
A (1852) 11
T (1852) 50, 394, 662
His land grant said to have been eaten by a dog
A (1852) 911
T (1852) 322
Rent unpaid. Loses right of mineral lease, Section 5.
A (1852) 2417
T (1852) 794
Applies for his forfeited mineral lease, Section 5
A (1852) 2658
T (1852) 822
Omits to pay the balance on land selected by him and P.D. Prankerd
A (1853) 2811
u (1853) 832
STUCKEY, William
Applies for a mineral lease n011h of Port Lincoln
A (1852) 990, 1044, 1988
T (1852) 341 (twice) 358, 554, 657
STUCKEY, William
Applies for a mineral lease in the county of Flinders
A (1852) 1071
T (1852) 358
Seek mineral lease of Section 900 in Flinders on the western coast of Spencer's
A (1853) 284
u (1853) 133
Claim the right to nominate immigrants
A (1854) 1592
Released from gaol.
A (1847) 1267
0 (1847) 134
Highland immigrant, per Switzerland
A (1855) 3077
STUMP, Daniel
Discharged from the Augustus
A (1845) 235
G (1845) 764
Transported to Sydney
E (1841) 257
STURT, Captain Charles
About to examine the Murray mouth
c (1838) 107, 120, 121
Cordial letter of welcome from the Acting Governor
c (1838) 121
Offered a position of Surveyor General
D (1838) 5
Salary as Surveyor General
D (1839) 80
Lecture on geology and geography of Australia
Reg. May 30, 1840, 4B
Abolition of the office of Assustant Commissioner upon his appointment as
Registrar General
E (1841) 190
Appointed Registrar General
E (1841) 229, 230, 239
Leave granted to go to the River Murray
E (1841) 275
Opinion on the Parkhurst boys
A 1843/No. 149
Forwards engraved maps of the new Port
A 1843/No. 150
F (1843) 3 ..
Involved in G.S. Kingston 1s claim for commission as architect for the building of
the Hospital
A (1843) 1480
G (1843) 411
A (1844) 66, ... , 125, 167, 193, 215, 240, 263, 321
G (1844) 464, 466, 484, 492
G (1844) 530 (twice) 531, 547
Misunderstanding by R. Gouger about Sturt 1s willingness to act as Gouger1s surety
A (1844) 377, 390
G (1844) 616, 617
Outstanding claim for chart and official seals purchased by him
G (1844) 486
Secretary for the Colonies declines to increase his salary
G (1844) 6..
Assumes the office of Treasurer as well as Registrar General
A (1846) 187
L (1846) 150 (twice) 151
Applies for leave of absence for eighteen months to go to Europe
A (1847) 469
N (1847) 207
Appreciation of his conduct as leader of the Central Australian Expedition.
His offer to command another expedition.
N (1847) 217
Sale of his furniture, livestock etc. prior to his departure to England.
S.A. April 16, 1847, 2A
Reg. April 17, 1847, lC
STURT, Capt_ Charles
Farewell breakfast
S.A. April 23, 1847, 2C, 3E
S.A. April 30, 1847, 3D
S.A. May 4, 1847, 3C
S.A. May 11, 1847, 3B
Reg. May 1, 1847, 2B, 2D
Testimonial from the colonists
S.A. May 4, 1847, 2C
S.A. May 7, 1847, 2B
S.A. May 11, 1847, 2D
Reg. May 1, 1847, lB (twice)
Reg. May 8, 1847, 2E
Reg. May 19, 1847, lC
His home at the Grange sold (But see Research Note 161)
S.A. Oct. 24, 1848, 3D
S.A. Oct. 31, 1848, 2D
Times Oct. 30, 1848, 2F
Extension of leave of absence sought
Times Nov. 27, 1848, 4B
Appointed Colonial Secretary
Q (1849) 452, 453, 454
Observations on the character and rights of the aborigines
A (1851) 2482
His views on the proposed exploration of the Lake Torrens district
A (1851) 2482
To be granted an annuity for life
A (1851) 3787
Resigns office as Colonial Secretary
A (1851) 3918
s (1851) 814, 818
Expresses his thanks for the pension granted him on his retirement
A (1851) 3940
Authority to draw his annuity monthly
A (1852) 474
T (1852) 98, 102
Surety for R.R. Torrens
A (1852) 599
His mineral collection no longer in South Australia
A (1852) 2949
His portrait, subscribed by "several colonists" to hang in the Legislative Council
A (1853) 888
u (1853) 265
See also Sturt's Expedition, 1844 - 1846
STURT, Charlotte Mrs.,.
Wishes to draw £250 on Capt. Sturt's account during his absence in the interior.
A (1845) 916, ...
K (1845) 8, 10
STURT, Evelyn Pitfield Shirley
Only a selection of the many letters written by Sturt as a magistrate have been
entered here.
To report on an affray with natives at Glencoe Station
H (1844) 191, (twice)
Correspondence about the murder of William Brown
A (1845) 994
Gives two huts on his run near Mount Gambier for a police station
A (1846) 130
Surety for Charles Sturt as Treasurer
A (1846) 187
L (1846) 184 (twice)
Correspondence about an affray with natives in the South Eastern district
A (1846) 681, 695, 716
L (1846) 364
Correspondence about disorders in the Mount Gambier district
A (1846) 1095, 1096, 1115
M (1846) 58, ..
Uncertain of his authority as a Justice of the peace owing to doubtful position of
the boundary
A (1846) 10 .... 1115, 1209, 1426
M (1846) 56, 58, 82, 88
To have a police hut built at Mount Gambier
A (1846) 1099, 1316Yz
N (1847) 78, 156
M (1846) 65, ...
Report on the murder of a native by T. Donelly
A (1846) 1238
Reports sheep stealing by natives on his station
A (1847) 444, 585
N (1847) 187
Application for occupation licence in the County of Grey
A (1847) 731, p.6
Report on depredations by natives in the South East.
A (1848) 102
p (1848) 46
STURT, Evelyn Pitfield Shirley
Recommends Dr. E. Wehl for appointment as medical officer at Rivoli Bay.
A (1849) 2244
Q (1849) 627
STURT, Evelyn Pitfield Shirley
Correspondence about a horse lent by him to the Police Department
A (1851) 102..
A (1853) 959, ..968
u (1853) 361, 626
Friction with J. Cannan about the ownership of land and buildings at Rivoli Bay
A (1851) 3280
s (1851) 71..
STURT, James, horse thief See Wattie, John
Seeks admission into the Hospital
A (1844) 885, 888
H (1844) 147
STURT, county
Protest against proclamation of hundreds
A (1847) 1335
Section 1 to be offered for sale plus value of G. Melrose's improvements (£500)
A (1855) 3723
W Finance (1855) 219
STURT, district
Memorial about the opening of a road through sections 118, 142 and 143
A (1850) 1659
Name lists
A (1855) 3297, 3399
See also Roads - Glenelg to Tapley's Hill
STURT, ~ .card
Construction of bridge south of Morphettvillc
A (1845) 276, 928, 1534, 1577
G (1845) 802
L (1845) 65, .. (twice) 83, 84, 85
A (1846) 1, 22, 346, 348, 364
L (1846) 120, 236 (twice)
Petition for the repair of the bridge on the Holdfast Bay Road
A (1845) 463, 498
G (1845) 853 (twice)
Reconstruction of bridge near Tapley's Hill
N (1847) 61
A (1847) 100
STURT, river
Bridge on the road from Glenelg to Adelaide in a hopeless state of disrepair
A (1849) 3 ..
Q (1849) 126
Correspondence about delays in constructing bridge on the road from Glenelg to
A (1849) 1301
A grant sought for a bridge, location not stated
A (1853) 1041, 1416
u (1853) 324
Width of river at site of proposed bridge at Darlington, section 77, hundred of
A (1853) 1659
STURT, 1illYn - Postal arrangements
Miscellaneous references
Times Dec. 18, 1848, 4B
STURT, town on the River Murray
Village to be laid out.
Reg. Feb. 26, 1842, lC
Registration of its rules
A (1851) 923, 1181
See Cape Willoughby Lighthouse
STURT'S EXPEDITION 1844 - 1846 card
Miscellaneous references
A (1844) 658, 666, 679, 713, 720, 728, 753, 793, 796, 797, 809, 834, 835, 850,
851112, 852, 855, 897, 899, 901112, 902, 927, 938, 1020, 1048, 1049, 1085, 1289
H (1844) 45, 49 (twice) 51, 56, 71, 77, 78, 82, 84, 89, 93, 94, 97, 98, 108, 115,
122, 127, 129 (twice) 134, 136 (twice) 137, 140 (thrice) 149, 166, 169, 172, 208,
210, 227, 239, 265, 266, 269, 270, 277
A (1845) 287, 683, 686, 1019, 1039, 1040, 1153, 1211, 1549, 1563
G (1845) 904
K (1845) 71
L (1845) 93, 105
A (1846) 37, 160, 619, 836
L (1846) 168 (3 times) 169 (twice)
M (1846) 159
Progress report by Capt. Sturt
A (1845) 1037, 1041
Capt. Sturt's journal and chart to be copied
A (1845) 1052112
STURT'S EXPEDITION 1844 - 1846 card
Report by Captain Sturt on the result of the Expedition
A (1846) 38
List of party
A (1844) 901 Yz
L (1846) 133 (Partial)
Captain Sturt's remuneration as leader
G (1845) 949
L (1845) 24
A (1846) 82
L (1846) 133, 134
Sturt's modest estimate of the work accomplished
L (1846) 153
For Piesse's expedition with stores for Sturt's party, see Piesse Louis
Samuel Gill's school
Reg. May 13, 1843, 2B
STURT VALE district
Heavy crops
S.A. Jan. 9, 1849, 2F
STYLES, George
Acts gratuitously as postmaster at Unley
A (1852) 1538
T (1852) 498
Nominee for the first Mitcham District Council
A (1853) 582
SUBRITZKY, Johan Ludolph
Proposed naturalization
A (1847) 215
Recommended for appointment in the Police Force
A (1848) 4
Resigns from the Police Force
A (1848) 767
SUCCESS immigrant ship
Miscellaneous references
A (1847) 1550
A (1848) 108, 117
P (1848) 42, 59 twice
SUCCESS immigrant ship
Stranded near entrance to the Port River
A (1848) 472, 481
p (1848) 164
Editor proposes to re-print items from the Government Gazette
A (1850) 980
R (1850) 257
Absorbed by the Adelaide Deutsche Zeitung
A (1851) 2057
To be published again. To receive Government grant.
A (1851) 2840, 2945
s (1851) 5 ..
Yearly grant of £52 for regular publication of notices affecting German community
A (1853) 2462
R (1850) 357
u (1853) 78 ..
Seeks assisted passage to Port Phillip
A (1848) 1653
Suggestion that post mortem fees be paid out of deceased's estates
A (1853) 255
u (1853) 123
Assists in the survey of Troubridge Shoal
A (1851) 3184
s (1851) 662
A passenger to South Australia by the Westminster
A (1848) 1017
Appointed clerk and collector to the Yatala District Council
A (1854) 2401
Petition for relief
A (1843) 545Yz
Payment of his pension
A (1843) 952
Injured while working for the Government
G (1843) 121
Returns from Sturt's Expedition
A (1845) 1059
K (1845) 44 (twice) 54
A passenger to South Australia by the Westminster
A (1848) 1017
Evidence on the death of Mrs. Rayner on the William Money
A (1849) 14
Loses his receipt for 108 ozs. of gold.
A (1852) 2922
T (1852) 894
Appointed to the Police Force
A (1849) 651
Applies for an appointment on the Goolwa Railway
A (1854) 2100
v (1854) 717
Becomes insane
A (1853) 2537
Completes his sentence at the Adelaide Gaol
A (1854) 154
SULTANA immigrant ship
Miscellaneous references
A (1850) 1293, 1594, 1711, 1748,
A (1852) 2921
A (1851) 2231, 2406, 2419
A (1854) 450, 630~
Measles prevalent, resulting in four deaths
A (1852) 2960
SUMMERFIELD, Rebecca Mrs_,_
~ Somerville
See Somerville
SUMMERS, Nathaniel
Correspondence as Secretary of the South Australian Library and Mechanics
A (1849) 1523
A (1850) 1288
Applies for the position of secretary of the Central Board of Education
A (1854) 165
Seeks employment as a census collector
A (1855) 451
Applies for the vacancy in the Audit Office
A (1852) 2168
Recommended for the position of clerk in the GPO
A (1852) 2383
Appointed clerk in the GPO. The first man to face the Board of Examiners.
A (1852) 2421
T (1852)
Good report from Postmaster General
A (1853) 2255
SUMMERS, William
Petition for remission of sentence
A (1845) 290
A (1845) 329
G (1845) 776, 790
SUMNER, Henrietta
A poor lunatic dies in the Adelaide Gaol
A (1854) 2250
See Sabbath
A (1847) 417
See also South Australian Church of England Sunday School Institute
See Civil Service - Pensions
A.J. Murray appointed
A (1852) 1472
T (1852) 456, 467
Correspondence about the road at Cox's Creek built by prison labour.
A (1852) 1781, 1861, 1998, 2002, 2052, 2134, 2212, 2239, 2268, 2279, 2345,
2360, 2361, 2374, 2440, 2471
Correspondence about the road at Cox's Creek built by prison labour
T (1852) 507, 516, 535 (twice) 536, 562 (twice) 588, 612, 641, 651, 669, 6.. , 719,
720 (twice) 731 (twice) 732, 733, 748 (twice) 749, 750, 763 (3 times) 754
F. Waller appointed
A (1853) 1469
u (1853) 477
Regulations, orders and instructions
A (1853) 1629, 2663
u (1853) 763
Wanted for embezzlement
A (1853) 3013, 3194, 3306
A (1854) 251
U (1853) 847 (twice) 851, 866, 935
v (1854) 120, 13 ..
C. S. Hare appointed
A (1853) 3411
u (1853) 943
Employment of a prisoner as a clerk to cease
A (1854) 1276, 1351
A (1856) 493
x (185 ..) 73, 80
Purchase of law books
B (1837) 72
Need for a crier
A (1842) 819
Lists of persons tried at criminal sessions, showing pleas, verdicts and sentences
A (1843) 856
A (1844) 75., A.?8, 1201, 1433
A (1845) 276Yz, 679, 1102, 1458
A (1846) 268, 768Yz, 1189
A (1847) 727, 1190¥2, 1511 Yz
A 1848) 413, 1496, 1894
A (1849) 708 outsize, 1310, 1908
A (1850) 762 outsize, 1126, 1962, 2787
A (1851) 617, 1560, 2801 Yz, 3693
A (1852) 1471, 2396, 34-25
A (1853) 574, 1203, 2170
A (1854) 315, 732, 2333, 2517, 3722 (outsize Gr.3)
A (1855) 687 (outsize Gr. 3) 1720, 2807 (outsize) 4043 (outsize)
Re-arrangement of dates for holding sessions
A (1843) 1226
Witnesses' expenses
G (1843) 46 (twice), 211
Charles Mann appointed Master
A (1844) 378
G (1844) 608, 619, 638
Correspondence about R.G. Bowen's contract
N (1847) 282
A (1848) 120llz, 268
p (1848) 70, 93
0 (1847) 80, ...
A (1849) 936
A (1850) 1129, 2292, 2509
R (1850) 295, 561, 645, 655
Rules amended by the Judge
A (1850) 213
R (1850) 81
Duties of Master and Clerk of the Court
A (1850) 556
Statistical report on criminal sessions
A (1851) 1511
A (1852) 592, 1437, 2331, 3408
A (1853) 548, 1191, 2092, 3352
A (1854) 612, 1521, 2606
Judges undertake duties in inferior courts to relieve burden of work.
A (1852) 104
G.J. Crawford appointed Acting Master
T (1852) 43
Judges make general rules and orders
A (1854) 71, 639
v (1854) 241
Insecure custody of many important deeds and documents
A (1855) w (1855) 195
Number of commitments from country districts
A (1855) 2272
Adelaide Gaol prisoners for trial marched to the Court handcuffed
A (1855) 3880
See also
Letters of administration
Criminal trials
Legal costumes
Judge Cooper seeks a bill for amendment and consolidation of Acts.
A (1852) 3108, 3168
A (1853) 1401, 2284, 3182
A (1854) 1726, 3321
T (1852) 927, 949
u (1853) 44 ..
v (1854) 985
Proposed use of Iron Store, North Adelaide
B (1837) 307
Existing building to be abandoned soon
E (1841) 28
Rental of Sir Charles Cooper's house in Whitmore Square
A (1842) 56, 263
E (1842) 475, 603, 659, 666, 68 ..
Alterations to offices
A (1842) 559
Rental of Sir Charles Cooper's house in Whitmore Square
A (1843) 696
A (1846) 1291Yz
G (1843) 196, 204, 206
Proposed use of theatre in Gilles Arcade
A 1843/No. 339, 373, 413, 441, 452, 570Yz
G(1843) 33, 3~ 106
Proposed use of theatre etc.
A (1843) 609, 613, 636, 679
G (1843) 163, 173, 174
Conversion of the Queen's Theatre
G (1843) 246, 252, 363, 386, 387
Conversion of the Queen's Theatre into a court house
A(1843) 811, 830, 838, 839, 918, 1053, 1064, 1081, 1083, 1264, 128~ 1299, 1453
S.A. Aug. 4, 1843, 2D
S.A. Sept. 12, 1843, 2D
The Judge's objection to the opening of a tap room in the passage leading to the
A (1843) 1053, 1083
G (1843) 330
Dispute over the date of completion
A (1844) 91
G (1844) 494, 500
Alterations required by the Judge
A (1844) 466
G (1844) 675 (twice)
Front entrance still unfinished
A (1844) 670
Proprietor offers to exchange the property for land
A (1845) 896
K (1845) 6
Proposed sale or lease to the Government of premises at Gilles Arcade
A (1845) 1330, 1393, 1410, 1486
L (1845) 40, .. , 47, 69, 73 (twice)
Allocation of rooms at Gilles Arcade between the various courts
L (1845) 95
Proposed extension of lease of old Queen's Theatre
A (1846) 809, 919, 938, 1006
L (1846) 39 .. , 401
M (1846) 6, 14
A (1848) 399, 550
p (1848) 130, 188, 255
A (1850) 679, 691, 737
R (1850) 186, 19 .. , .. 93
Its dirty state
A (1848) 121, 140, 180, 874, 897, 915, 936, 937
P (1848) 64 twice, 65, 278, 279 twice, 288
E. Solomon claims compensation for dilapidated state of building recently used as
Court House
A (1850) 1467, 1715, 1864
R (1850) 443, 480
Allocation of money for furnishing the various rooms
R (1850) 580
Proposed re-arrangement of rooms
A (1850) 894
R (1850) 234
Its appointments inadequate and unsatisfactory
A (1850) 2206
R (1850) 601
Alterations to interior at the wish of Judge Crawford
A (1851) 563, 1487
S (1851) 11.. twice
Chairs and hat rails to be provided for the "gentlemen of the bar"
A (1852) 1957Yz
T (1852) 640
Proposal that the office keeper and his family should be given living
accommodation in the building
A (1852) 2090
T (1852) 688
Additions and alterations to buildings required
A (1852) 2069, 2090
A (1853) 805
u (1853) 263
Additions and alterations. Requisition for 1853
A (1852) 3081
T (1852) 949
Additional rooms to be built
A (1853) 884
u (1853) 274
Chandalier installed
A (1854) 759
v (1854) 535
Lumber room (at the Court House) to be appropriated for a postage stamp press
A (1855) 2985
To be established
A (1851) 1487, 2200, 3681
s (1851) 347, 436, 766
Provision to be made for it on the estimates
A (1853) 3081
A (1854) 3159
£300 to be spent on books
A (1855) 1201
W (1855) 304 (twice)
See also
Civil Service Sureties
Salary increased for unusual merit
D (1839) 150, 182
Searcher, landing waiter and gauger in the Customs Department
E (1842) 561
Possible loss of office as landing waiter
A 1843/No. 89, 103, 177, 194, 214, 222, 261
F(1843) 333, 375, 381, 40~ 406
G (1843) 2
Proposed re-arrangement of duties in the Customs Department
A (1843) 1262, 1277, 1305
G (1843) 66, 36 .. , 367
Reported to be an imbecile
A (1844) 544, 589
H (1844) 18, 28, 29, 32
Colonial Surgeon's report on his health
A (1844) 1161
To be employed at the Colonial Stores
A (1844) 1319, 1351
H (1844) 287 (twice) 310, 312 (twice)
Applies for continued employment in the Government
A (1846) 811
L (1846) 3 .. , 379
Seeks reinstatement in the Customs Department
A (1846) 992, 1041, 1161Y2, 1259
M (1846) 8, 76, 134
0 (1847) 112
A (1849) 839 outsize
His early career
A (1846) 1041
Seeks re-appointment in the Government service
A (1847) 742
N (1847) 308
p (1848) 447
Seeks increase of salary as tidewaiter
A (1848) 337
p (1848) 121
Dissatisfied with his position as glut landing waiter.
A (1848) 1384
Seeks permanent employment
A (1849) 111
Q (1849) 255
Report on his health and efficiency
A (1849) 859
Q (1849) 248
Appointment as tide waiter
A (1849) 917
Q (1849) 271
Insists that his health does not preclude his employment by the Government
A (1849) 9 ..
Fails to accept position of weigher at the Customs Department
A (1849) 1077
SURGE, immigrant ship
A (1852) 1657
Miscellaneous papers
A (1852) 1512, 1653
SURGEONS See Medical practitioners
Successful operation for cataract performed by J. Robertson
S.A. Oct. 10, 1848, 2F
Times Dec. 18, 1848, 2F
Description of an operation for aneurism of the principal artery of the thigh.
Times Oct. 29, 1849, 3C
Times Nov. 8, 1849, 3D
See also Dentistry
Debt to the Government for land
A (1843) 565
Arrears of purchase money for section 1005, near Glen Osmond
A (1844) 785
Settlers complain of inability of the surveys to keep pace with the demand
Reg. April 4, 1840, 7B
Settlers urge the propriety of charging the cost of surveys to the land fund.
Reg. April 4, 1840, 7B
Reg. April 18, 1840, SB
Temporary cessation of surveys
E (1841) 196
Annual reports
A (1844) 172, 198
A (1846) 121
A (1847) 402llz
A (1848) 66
Statistics of work accomplished, 1843-44
A (1844) 962
Objections to proposed payment of deposits by intending purchasers before
commencement of surveys
G (1845) 873
Reduction of cost
L (1846) 151
Arrangements for the administration of the department during Capt. Frome's
A (1848) 1343
Proposed alterations and reductions in the service
A (1849) 176, 369
Q (1849) 73, 104
A five percent deposit to accompany applications for surveys (to prevent
applications for areas in excess of actual requirements)
A (1850) 1084
T (1852) 623
Proposed definition of the boundaries of runs by triangulation
A (1850) 2905
A (1851) 187, 258, 284, 640, 205 ..
s (1851) 23, 47
Definition of runs in the North and the South East
A (1851) 2059, 2625
S (1851) 80 twice, 399
H.C.Rawnsley's report on the survey of country north of Mount Remarkable
A (1851) 3436
E. Bellairs completes the South Eastern District
A (1852) 948
Inconvenience caused by the use of its horses by other departments
A (1852) 1576
T (1852) 530
Stockyard needed in survey paddock
A (1852) 2051
T (1852) 670
A reward offered for the apprehension of miscreants removing boundary pegs
A (1852) 3250
A (1854) 3041
T (1852) 970
v (1854) 961
Party to proceed to Pt. Lincoln
w (1855) 115
A (1855) 563
W Finance (1855) 1
Party to proceed to South Eastern districts to survey 84,280 acres
A (1855) 612
W Finance (1855) 4
Increasing demand, particularly in the north
A (1853) 1022
u (1853) 327
Extraordinary demand for land
A (1853) 1289, 1290, 1329
u (1853) 399
To be pursued as rapidly as possible
A (1854) 1468
A (1855) 253
v (1854) 417, ..4
A.H. Freeling refutes the allegation that the Province has been wrongly surveyed.
A (1854) 1915Yz
v (1854) 694
One hundred and twenty five square miles north of Robe to be surveyed
A (1854) 2211
Miscreants seen moving and defacing survey pegs are prosecuted
A (1855) 150
w (1855) 53
Port Lincoln residents complain about the slowness of the survey of land in which
they are interested
A (1855) 164
w (1855)
Request that a section of land on the Gratli's Flat be surveyed
A (1855) 449, 612, 1500
W (1855) 266 (twice)
See also
Crown Lands Survey Dept.
Sappers and Mienrs
Survey Department
Special Surveys
See also Prices - Survev Chains
Scale of staff rations, allowances, etc.
E (1842) 302, 303
A (1848) 332¥2
p (1848) 130, 131
Various staff changes
E (1842) 436, 444
Duties of the Deputy Surveyor General
A (1849) 1400
Q (1849) 401
Staff: Suggested substitution of money allowance for rations
Q (1849) 184
Staff travelling allowance
A (1851) 210
s (1851) 57, 58
Its staff strength
T (1852) 125
Contractors refuse to supply the regulation rations to staff at the agreed price of 2/6
per man per week
A (1852) 132.. , 1415
T (1852) 421, 508
Estimate of salaries and allowances for 1853
A (1852) 2389
Pressure of work. More assistants needed.
A (1853) 1289
u (1853) Allowance for labourers' rations to remain at five shillings per week.
A (1853) 2651, 3050
u (1853) 788
Increase in pay for sappers
A (1853) 2992
Scale of pay for laborers
A (1853) 3050
u (1853) 887
New form of pay sheet for laborers, including ration allowance
A (1854) 731
v (1854) 300
Staff members; their positions and salaries
A (1854) 2593
v (1854) 808
Request for an increase in staff travelling allowances
A (1854) 2749
v (1854) 873
Increased staff needed for the proposal to make main and district roads
A (1855) 47
w (1855) 51
Authority for purchase of a steel standard chain
A (1855) 1465
W Finance (1855) 62
Suplementary grant of £100 for hire of bullocks
A (1855) 1653
W Finance (1855) 69
Increased number of survey parties in the field
A (1855) 1862
W Finance (1855) 91
Two "bush pots" obtained for survey officers in the field
A (1855) 1907
W Finance (1855) 92
Lithography press purchased. Arrangements for services of an engraver and a
A (1855) 3052, 3125
W Finance (1855) 172
Steps taken for the preservation of original Survey Office plans
A (1855) 1430, 1894
w (1855) 417
W Finance (1855) 98
Lithography Press: No litho pressman available at Govt. Printing Office
A (1855) 3133
Trough for polishing litho stones (Surv. Dept. litho. press) to be obtained.
A (1855) 3309
W Finance (1855) 183
Lithographed chart of Port Robe (Guichen Bay) issued from Surv. Dept. litho press
A (1855) 3347
Purchase of 24 brass plumbs authorised
A (1855) 3533
W Finance (1855) 215 - 216
A lithographer to be engaged to prepare and print a plan of the electoral districts
A (1855) 3600
W Finance (1855) 212 - 213
A large lithographic stone found to be broken when unpacked
A (1855) 3601
w (1855) 831
Two old survey bullocks to be sold and replaced by two young working bullocks
A (1855) 3662
W Finance (1855) 216 - 217
Estimates 1856. Proposed alterations.
A (1855) 3681, 3766
W Finance (1855) 217A
Travelling allowances
A (1854) 483
A (1855) 1768, 3919, 4049
v (1854) 168
W Finance (1855) 86, 244, 254
See also
Surveyor General
See also
Survey Chains
Governor declines to appoint G.S. Kingston
D (1838) 5
Position offered to Captain Sturt
D (1838) 5
To undertake the duties of Civil Engineer and Government Architect
E (1841) 15, 36, 67
Asks to be partially relieved of his duties as superintendant of public works
A (1848) 657
p (1848) 277
General report and returns for 1851
A (1852) 721
A (1854) 2365 (outsize gr.3)
Report on applications for land and on surveys in operation during January and
A (1852) 748
A.H. Freeling accused of favouritism by G.S. Kingston
A (1853) 2576
Estimates for 1854, 1855
A (1853) 2911
A (1854) 538, 1703
To supply quarterly returns of works
v (1854) 1036
Governor MacDonnell suggests that the Surveyor General wields too much power
A (1855) 1915
To certify proofs of land sales proclamations struck off for Governor's signature
w (1855) 619
To act as valuer of improvements on Crown Lands
A (1855) 3087
w (1855) 762
Views on the construction of mam roads by either the Govt. or the District
A (1855) 3198
Cheque books to be printed. Specimen cheque.
A (1855) 3823
See also
Survey Dept.
SUSANNAH, immigrant ship
Miscellaneous references
A (1849) 593, 937, 938, 982, 1015, 1018, 1059
To be an electoral polling place
A (1855) 2905
w (1855) 685
SUTCH, Frederick
Sentence remitted
u (1853) 817
A lunatic
A (1850) 1135
R (1850) 299
Report on the commerce of South Australia
Reg. Dec. 4, 1841, 3B
Member of a board for considering applications for relief
E (1841) 183, 184
His instructions as a member of the Board for considering applications for public
E (1841) 197
Thanked at the conclusion of his work on the Board for considering applications of
F (1842) 249
Opinion on Parkhurst boys
A 1843/No. 248
Thanked for his services on the Emigration Board
G (1844) 458.
His fear that assisted immigration is about to be stopped.
p (1848) 602
On the attitude of the Agricultural Society towards the dray tax.
A (1850) 1193
R (1850) 311
On the first Brighton District Council
A (1853) 2405
Appointed a special constable
A (1852) 3550
T (1852) 1071
D (1839) 76
Applies for the position of clerk in the GPO
A (1853) 2146, 2277
u (1853) 636
Attempted escape from gaol
A (1849) 703
Transported for horse stealing
A (1849) 708 outsize, 710
Application for appointment in the Mounted Police Force declined
A (1845) 1077
K (1845) 48
SU1TER, Carl Johann Nicolaus
Buys section 3351 in the hundred of Macclesfield
A (1854) 390
v (1854) 176
SUTTON, Dismissed from the Police Force
A (1848) 63
At Port Lincoln
A 1842/No. 359
Neglect of duty as a police officer
A (1843) 1080
To accompany the native constable Utulta to Adelaide
A (1843) 1281, 1294
Resigns from the Police Force
A (1845) 1422
L (1845) 51
Granted a publican's licence at Port Lincoln
A (1846) 408
A (1847) 430
A (1851) 1018
Seeks to rent Coffins Bay as an oyster ground
A (1849) 1699
Signatory to a memorial praying a court of full jurisdiction for Port Lincoln
A (1852) 15
SWAN, William
Appointment as wardsman at the Hospital
A (1851) 3890
SWAN, William
Resigns as pound keeper at Woodside
A (1852) - T (1852) 219 (twice)
SWAN, George
Refund of deposit paid for his brother's passage
A (1855) 1210
W Finance (1855) 45 (twice)
Appointed Poll Clerk, Electoral Dist. of Yatala
A (1855) 3035
On the first Walkerville District Council
A (1855) 1888
Appointed wardsman at the Adelaide Hospital
T (1852) 64, 84
Resigns as wardsman at the Adelaide Hospital
T (1852) 321
See Consuls
SWEENEY, Michael
Seeks appointment in the Police Force
A (1846) 1011
M (1846) 22
Appointed to the Police Force
A (1849) 651
Appointed turnkey at the Gaol
A (1850) 2640
A (1851) 4
R (1850) 645
S (1851) 4 twice
Evidence on an attempted escape by prisoners at the Gaol
A (1851) 2296
Appointed head turnkey at the Adelaide Gaol
A (1854) 1337
Resigns as head turnkey at the Adelaide Gaol
A (1855) 4
SWEET, Jabez Henry
Neglects to pay publican's licence while in possession of Clarendon Hotel
A (1852) 2367
T (1852) 771
SWEET, William
Inquest on his death
A (1855) 1119
Proposed appointment to a board of survey
E (1841) 285 (twice) 288
See Sweetenham
SWIFT, Escape from gaol
D (1839) 127
Seeks employment
A (1849) 1355
His school at Kensington
A (1849) 1911
See also
SWINDEN, Charles
Letter concerning refund of a deposit paid on behalf of D. Wood towards cost of
passage of a family to S.A.
A (1855) 4179
SWINDON, Frances
Inquest on her death
A (1852) 3411
Acquitted of a charge of larceny
A (1847) 351
SWITZERLAND immigrant ship
Miscellaneous papers
A (1855) 3034
Request from 19 Highland immigrants for land, payable in instalments
A (1855) 3077
w (1855) 723
Gratuity given to H. Wright for acting as baker as well as cook
A (1855) 3191
W Finance (1855) 175
Illegal erection of a bank on the road between sections 445 and 523 at the Reed
A (1850) 345
R (1850) 82
See Royal Mint Sydney
SYKES, James
Drowned near Streaky Bay
A (1845) 818
SYMERS, Thomas Lyall
For christian names see A (1845) 1248
Correspondence about the Ville de Bordeaux
A (1842) 170%
A (1845) 428, 996, 1221, 1248
A (1846) 512
A (1847) 322
N (1847) 164
E (1842) 623
G (1845) 829, 948
K (1845) 92, 93
His insolvency
A (1845) 1248
K (1845) 92
Presses his claim to the Ville de Bordeaux
A (1849) 349, 1224
Q (1849) 137, 150, 364
Seeks redress for sheep, etc. seized from the Ville de Bordeaux
A (1849) 465
Legal proceedings against the Collector of Customs
A (1849) 988, 1190
Named as acquaintance of Bridget O'Brien, de facto wife of James Ferguson
A (1856) 628~
SYMES, James
Appointed postmaster at Hindmarsh
A (1850) 1933
R (1850) 495
SYMES, John David
Seeks appointment as a notary public
A (1849) 1996
Q (1849) 577
SYMES, John David
Admitted to the bar
Reg. Oct. 31, 1849, 3C
Appointed notary public
Reg. Nov. 17, 1849, 3B
Times Nov. 22, 1849, 3E
Appointment as clerk to the Stipendiary Magistrate at Port Adelaide
A (1850) 70
R (1850) 50 thrice, 51
Seeks increase of salary as Stipendiary Magistrate's clerk at Port Adelaide
A (1850) 1052
R (1850) 271
Explains delay in completing the books of the Local Court, Port Adelaide
A (1851) 42 ..
Seeks assistance as clerk of the Adelaide Local Court
A (1851) 741
Correspondence as an electoral officer
A (1851) 938, 988
His sureties
A (1851) 3557
His character and ability eulogised. Re-appointment as Clerk of the Local Court,
Port Adelaide
A (1851) 3333
s (1851) 710
"Put off" as a clerk at Port Adelaide Local Court
A (1852) 486
T (1852) 98 (twice)
Seeks appointment as Acting Crown Solicitor
A (1851) 1656
s (1851) 328
Reinstated as clerk of Port Adelaide Local Court
A (1852) 584
T (1852) 159
Applies for the position of electoral clerk for Port Adelaide and part of Flinders
A (1852) 705, 1064, 1065
Seeks increase in pay
A (1852) 1389, 1597, 1728
T (1852) 438
Sends an account for arrears of salary
A (1852) 2107
Censured for neglect of duty
A (1853) 1133
u (1853) 500
Appointed Assistant Commissioner of Crown Lands at Port Lincoln
u (1853) 349
Governor withdraws the offered appointment of Assistant Commissioner of Crown
Lands at Port Lincoln
A (1853) 1212, 1258
u (1853) 361, 390
SYMES, John David
Steps leading to his dismissal
A (1853) 1987, 2029, 2148, 2300
u (1853) 598, 598V2, 622, 630
His offer refused to act temporarily as Stipendiary Magistrate at Port Adelaide
A (1853) 2836
u (1853) 818
Applies for refund of half the assessment of a run bought by him
A (1852) 427
T (1852) 190
SYMES, John Turner
Shoots a native
A (1849) 658, 1271
Times April 9, 1849, 30
SYMONDS, Francis
Chairman of Para Wirra District Council
A (1855) 767
On the first Para Wirra District Council
A (1854) 1117
SYMONDS, Richard Gilbert
Letter about Newhaven
Reg. July 25, 1849, 40
Advertisement as surveyor and land agent
S.A. Nov. 6, 1849, 30
Elected as a Commissioner for the Hundred of Port Adelaide
A (1852) 7
Applies for any appointment under Government
A (1852) 157
T (1852) 45
Forwards a petition about the proposed North Arn1 Road
A (1853) 753 (outsize) 986
u (1853) 296
Correspondence about his land at North Arn1
A (1854) 1314, 3210
v (1854) 445
Transmits land owners' memorial urging completion of road to the North Arn1
A (1855) 3689
SYMONS, Francis
Passenger by the Belle Alliance
A (1847) 760
Appointed to the Police Force
A (1847) 841
Resigns from the Police Force
A (1848) 996
SYMONS, Rev. John Christian
Minister of the Wesleyan Church at Kapunda
A (1849) 1423
Q (1849) 4 ..
Minister of the Wesleyan Church, Walkerville
A (1851) 799
SYMONS, Joseph
Hospital assistant on the Cressv
A (1847) 1036
SYMONS, William
Constable on the Abberton
A (1846) 1521
M (1846) 207
Subscriptions towards its erection
Reg. Oct. 4, 1848, 3C
About to be erected
S.A. July 10, 1849, 2C
Reg. July 18, 1849, 3A
In course of erection
Times Oct. 4, 1849, 3F
SYNNOT, Marcus
Proposes a plan for increasing wharfage space at Port Adelaide
A (1849) 986
Q (1849) 287
Proposes construction of a wet dock at Port Adelaide
A (1849) 1523Yz
Offers suggestions for introduction of small capitalists
R (1850) 218