
How Am I Feeling?
In this Remarkable Idea, students will explore feelings, expand
their vocabulary, and understand that it is OK to have feelings.
Remarkable Ideas
Over the course of
almost 30-years, we
have discovered amazing
ways people use AbleNet
products to improve
the quality of life for
individuals with disabilities.
Remarkable Ideas take
these amazing discoveries
and provide activities that
incorporate alternative
methods of access to
ensure each student can
participate, learn important
educational and life skills,
and have fun.
This activity addresses:
• Emotions
• Self-advocacy
• Cause and effect
• Alternative methods of access
What you need:
• iTalk2
• Camera
Take a look at our latest
Remarkable Idea or visit
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Remarkable Ideas.
• Printer
• All-Turn-It Spinner
• Step-by-Step GamePlay
• Note Cards
• QuickTalker7, iPad with Sounding Board App, or QuickTalker Freestyle
• White board | 800-322-0956
1. Create feelings boards for communication devices.
2. Write emotions and synonyms for emotions on note cards.
3. Take pictures or find pictures for faces with emotions. These can be found using an internet search or
taking your own pictures of yourself and other staff members.
4. List of emotions to use: happy, sad, mad, excited, nervous, fear, disgust.
5. Record all synonyms to the Step-by-Step GamePlay and set it to level 2 (random elimination.)
6. Write the 7 emotions on an All-Turn-It Spinner overlay.
7. Record “True” and “False” to the iTalk2
What to do:
Emotion Synonym Match
Post the note cards on the white board.
Show students each of the emotion faces and have them place them with the correct emotion on the note
Have students take turns pressing the Step-by-Step GamePlay to give a synonym for one of the emotions
on the board and ask students to match it to the correct emotion. Students can use the QuickTalker7,
iPad with Sounding Board App, or QuickTalker Freestyle to place the synonym.
Emotion Charades
Students take turns spinning the All-Turn-It Spinner and acting out the emotion it stops on. Be sure only
the student acting can see the All-Turn-It Spinner.
Students can use the QuickTalker7, iPad with Sounding Board App, or QuickTalker Freestyle to identify the
How would you feel if you were…
Ask students to identify the emotion they might feel if they were in a particular situation.
Examples: Starting a new school.
Called a bad name.
Given a toy that you really wanted.
Celebrating your birthday.
Told you can’t do something that you really want to do.
Blamed for something you didn’t do.
Going on a vacation. | 800-322-0956
What to do (cont):
Emotions Quiz
True or False
Examples: It is OK to be angry sometimes.
You should tell people how you are feeling.
You should let your emotions take control.
You should always know why you are feeling a certain way.
Emotion Synonyms:
Happy: cheerful, joyful, merry, delighted
Sad: heartbroken, somber, sorrowful, melancholy
Mad: angry, furious, irate, sullen
Excited: ecstatic, thrilled, eager, enthusiastic
Nervous: worried, uneasy, timid, shy
Fear: horror, dread, panic, terror
Disgust: distaste, revulsion, loathing, dislike
Additional Suggestions:
There are far more emotions than are on the list, feel free to add or replace items on the list.
Alternatives would be to use the emotion faces on craft sticks for students to hold up as answers.
Have different colored sticky notes available for students to place on their desk when they want to show
how they are feeling, but don’t want to talk about it. (i.e. a red sticky note would show they are feeling
mad, a blue would show they are sad, etc.)
The movie Inside Out would make a nice companion movie to any lesson about emotions. | 800-322-0956