What do you know? Growing Unrest in New Spain

NAME ________________________________________ DATE _____________ CLASS ______
Mexico Becomes Independent
Lesson 2: Challenges to Spanish Rule
Why does conflict develop? What are the characteristics of a leader?
Terms to Know
exclude to block someone from being able to use or take part in something
liberation freedom
republic a government in which the people elect representatives to make governmental decisions
displace to remove or drive out
What do you know?
Use what you learn in the lesson to complete the cause-and-effect chart below.
Father Hidalgo issues a grito.
Gutiérrez de Lara asks the United States for help.
Republican Army defeats the Spanish at San Antonio.
James Long leads rebels into Texas.
Long meets the Spanish at Goliad.
Growing Unrest in New Spain
Marking the
1. Underline the reason
why colonists were
upset with the Spanish
government in 1804.
Reading Essentials and Study Guide
Guiding Question Why did Mexico want independence from Spain?
In the early 1800s, life was difficult for many colonists of New
Spain. Colonists were excluded from the best jobs, which went
to government administrators. In 1804 the Spanish king seized
money and property from colonial churches. This hurt the economy.
Many colonists lost their jobs because the churches had no
money left to pay them. More and more colonists began to
resent Spanish rule.
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Republican Army meets the Spanish at the Medina River.
NAME ________________________________________ DATE _____________ CLASS ______
Mexico Becomes Independent
Lesson 2: Challenges to Spanish Rule, continued
On September 16, 1810, a priest in Dolores issued a grito, or call,
for a rebellion against the Spanish. This priest, Father Miguel Hidalgo
y Costilla, cared deeply about the people of his village. He wanted
better opportunities for these people and for all Mexicans. His call
for an uprising was a cause of key events that followed.
The beginning of the
Mexican War of
The capture and
execution of Father
Cause and Effect
2. What were the effects
of Father Hidalgo’s call
for rebellion?
However, the movement for independence did not end. Father
Hidalgo had many followers who continued to work for liberation,
or freedom, from Spanish rule. José Bernardo Gutiérrez de Lara
(goo•TYEH•rehs day LAH•rah) was one of these followers.
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Gutiérrez de Lara traveled to Washington, D.C., in 1811 to ask
the United States for help. He told American leaders of his plans to
free Texas from Spanish rule and asked them for men, money, and
supplies. He was told he would find all three in Louisiana. So he
left Washington and set sail for New Orleans.
When he arrived in New Orleans, Gutiérrez de Lara began
recruiting soldiers. Soon he had convinced an American officer to
join him. Lieutenant Augustus Magee, a West Point graduate,
resigned from the U.S. Army and joined Gutiérrez de Lara’s Texas
expedition. Magee was made military commander of what was
now called the Gutiérrez–Magee Expedition. Gutiérrez was the
overall commander.
By August 1812 the Gutiérrez-Magee Expedition had gained
many followers and was now called the Republican Army of the
North. Its soldiers included Tejanos, Native Americans, and
American filibusters. The Republican Army crossed the Sabine
River into Texas and easily captured Nacogdoches. Then the army
marched to Goliad, gathering new volunteers along the way.
The Republican Army captured Goliad in early November.
However, a large Spanish force arrived and held the rebel army
under siege for three months. When Magee died suddenly,
American Samuel Kemper took command. The Spanish forces
suffered heavy losses and retreated to San Antonio. Kemper’s
forces chased the Spanish and defeated them. Spanish officials
at San Antonio surrendered the city to the Republicans. Then
the victorious leaders issued a declaration of independence for
Texas. Soon, however, problems arose within the ranks of the
Republican leaders.
3. What does liberation
4. What was the goal of
the Gutiérrez-Magee
Marking the
5. Highlight the sentences
that describe the result
of the fight at San
Reading Essentials and Study Guide 97
NAME ________________________________________ DATE _____________ CLASS ______
Mexico Becomes Independent
Lesson 2: Challenges to Spanish Rule, continued
Progress Check
6. What led to conflict
within the Republican
Army after its victory at
San Antonio?
Conflict Between American and Mexican Leaders
wanted an elected government, as in the United
States; wanted Texas to be independent or to join
the United States
wanted a government with appointed officials,
like New Spain’s; wanted Texas to remain part of
In August 1813 the Republican Army fought the Spanish near the
Medina River, south of San Antonio. Commanded by General
Joaquín de Arredondo (hwah•KEEN day ah•ray•DOHN•doh), the
Spanish won a complete victory. Most of the rebels were killed in
battle or after surrendering.
Marking the
7. Circle the text that
explains why Galveston
Island was important
for the rebels.
8. What is a republic?
9. What was the real goal
of the French pirates
on Galveston Island?
Pirates, Settlers, and Revolutionaries
Guiding Question What was the role of Texas in the fight for
independence from Spain?
Even after the rebels’ defeat at Medina, the rebellion continued.
The rebels who had gone to Galveston Island made plans to keep
fighting the Spanish. Galveston Island was an ideal base for
attacking the Spanish fleet in the Gulf of Mexico. In 1816 rebel
leaders declared that the port of Galveston was now part of the
Mexican republic.
The rebels asked French pirate Louis Michel Aury (OH•ree) to
patrol the Gulf. Because he captured Spanish ships, the rebels
named Aury the commander of Galveston. The next year he helped
revolutionary leader Francisco Mina move his forces into Mexico.
Aury returned to Galveston Island only to find it held by another
pirate, Jean Lafitte (la•FEET). Aury sailed on to Florida.
Lafitte had sided with the United States against Great Britain in
the War of 1812. When that conflict ended, the pirate moved his base
to Galveston Island and claimed to support Mexican independence.
Like Aury, Lafitte was more interested in taking the valuable cargo
that Spanish ships were carrying. At times, Lafitte’s pirates attacked
American ships until the U.S. Navy stopped them.
98 Reading Essentials and Study Guide
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The Spanish also tracked down and killed colonists in San Antonio
who had helped the Republican Army. In fear, colonists deserted
the towns of Goliad and Nacogdoches. A few Republican soldiers
escaped capture. Some went back to the United States. Others
went to Galveston Island. The Spanish crackdown was so brutal
that Texas remained Spanish for another seven years.
NAME ________________________________________ DATE _____________ CLASS ______
Mexico Becomes Independent
Lesson 2: Challenges to Spanish Rule, continued
Meanwhile, French colonists tried to start a colony on the Trinity
River near present-day Liberty. Their leader, Charles François
Lallemand (frahn•SWAH lahl•leh•MAHN), had been a general in the
French Revolution. Lallemand’s group built two forts. The Spanish
governor was alarmed and sent troops to displace the French.
Fearing a Spanish attack, the French left.
The last of the filibusters was James Long of Natchez, Mississippi.
Long and many others in Louisiana and Mississippi were angry
because the United States had given up its claims to Texas. In 1819
Long led 300 rebels into Texas and easily captured Nacogdoches.
The group declared Texas an independent republic, and they
elected James Long president.
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Long then went to Galveston Island to ask Jean Lafitte for help.
Lafitte refused, saying Long’s small band of rebels had no chance
against the Spanish. Meanwhile, the Spanish attacked Long’s
forces in East Texas. Many were killed, including Long’s brother,
David. However, Long would not give up. He gathered more
recruits and made a new plan to invade Texas by sea. His forces
landed at Point Bolivar on Galveston Bay. Then in the fall of 1821,
they moved inland to capture Goliad. The Spanish surrounded and
captured Long’s forces. Long was taken to Mexico City and was
killed there.
10. Who was James Long?
Progress Check
11. Whom did the
revolutionaries choose
as the commander of
Check for Understanding
1. Persuasive Was Gutiérrez de Lara helpful to the cause of Mexican independence? Why or
why not?
2. Expository Why do you think the Texans asked for help from French pirates?
Reading Essentials and Study Guide 99