Unit Calendar for ​To Kill a Mockingbird

Unit Calendar for T
​ o Kill a Mockingbird
“’First of all… if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks.
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view—‘ ‘Sir?’ ‘—until
you climb into his skin and walk around in it’” (Lee 33).
~Atticus Finch, To Kill a Mockingbird
More than 40 years ago, author Harper Lee wrote and published T
​ o Kill ​ a Mockingbird, a novel that
grew out of her own childhood in Alabama and the political, social, and economic climate of America
in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1960s. A classic coming-of-age
​ novel, T
​ KAM tells the story of a small
Southern town facing an event that brings to the surface questions of loyalty, morality, conscience,
prejudice, and justice. This novel poses difficult moral dilemmas and depicts some of the more
unpleasant aspects of our life, history, and society, all topics that we will explore together in class.
Harper Lee received the Pulitzer Prize for the novel in 1961,​ and today T
​ KAM is read by people of all
ages in all parts of the world.
Essential Questions:
1. What is true courage according to Harper Lee? Which characters best exemplify this type of
courage and why?
2. What does it mean to grow up? Does a child need to experience a loss of innocence in order
to make the transition from childhood to adulthood?
3. How does injustice play out in this novel? What is Harper Lee criticizing about her society and
certain individuals through her examples of injustice in the novel?
4. What is justice? What commentary does Harper Lee make about justice in her novel?
Major Themes:​ ​Courage, Prejudice, Coming of Age, Justice/Injustice, Social Hierarchy, Empathy,
Unit Assessments:
Various reading verbal quizzes
Close reading and annotation of several nonfiction speeches
Daily close reading practice and questions in w
​ ww.activelylearn.com
Inference- practice and assessments
Writing thematic message claims- practice and assessments
Socratic seminars and discussions
An essay asking you to synthesize the ideas from Lee’s text and the nonfiction texts studied in
the unit
Reading and Assignment Schedule:
Date Assigned
Reading and/or Assignment
Date Due
Tuesday, 10/18
- Complete the activity on MLK’s “I Have a Dream” in
Block Day, 10/20 or 21
Block Day, 10/20 or 21
- Complete the ​www.activelylearn.com​ activity for your assigned speech.
Monday, 10/24
Monday, 10/24
-Complete the Emmett Till Anticipation guide
-Continue prepping for your historical article presentations
Tuesday, 10/25
Tuesday, 10/25
- Finish the close reading and prepping of your assigned speech. Turn this
in to ​www.turnitin.com
-Prepare for your historical speech group presentation.
Block Day, 10/26 or 27
Block Day, 10/26 or 27
-Finish your “Notes for Historical Speeches about Race and Society” and
complete the reflection page. Turn this in to ​www.turnitin.com
-Bring TKAM to class tomorrow
Friday, 10/28
Friday, 10/28
-Read chapter 1 in TKAM in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and answer the
Monday, 10/31
Monday, 10/31
-Read chapters 2-3 in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and answer the question(s).
Tuesday, 11/1
Tuesday, 11/1
-Read chapters 4-5 in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and answer the question(s).
Block Day, 11/2 or 3
-Read chapters 6 and 7 in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and answer the
Friday, 11/4
-Read chapters 8-9 in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and answer the question(s).
Monday, 11/7
Monday, 11/7
-Read chapters 10-11…end of Part I in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and answer
the question(s).
Tuesday, 11/8
Tuesday, 11/8
-Read chapters 12-13 in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and answer the
Block Day, 11/3 or 4
Block Day, 11/9 or 10
-Read chapters 14-15 in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and answer the
Block Day, 11/9 or 10
Monday, 11/14
-Read chapters 16-17 in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and answer the
Monday, 11/14
Tuesday, 11/15
-Read chapters 18-19 in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and answer the
Tuesday, 11/15
Block Day, 11/16 or 17
Date Assigned
Block Day, 11/16 or 17
Friday, 11/18
Monday, 11/21
Tuesday, 11/22
Monday, 11/28
Tuesday, 11/28
Block Day, 11/30 or 12/1
Friday, 12/2
Monday, 12/5
Tuesday, 12/6
Block Day, 12/7 or 8
Friday, 12/9
Reading and/or Assignment
-Read chapters 20-21 in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and answer the
-Add to your character list
-Read chapters 22-23 in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and answer the
-Add to your character list
-Read chapters 24 and 25 in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and answer the
-Add to your character list
-Do the Subtext and Hitler activity (on chp. 26)
-Read chapters 28-29 in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and answer the
-Add to your character list
-Finish the novel—chapters 30 and 31 in ​www.activelylearn.com​ and
answer the question(s).
-Add to your character list
-Review TKAM essay topics and complete the essay brainstorming handout
-Finish your essay outline
-Finish your rough draft and be ready for peer editing on the block day.
-Finish and revise your essay
-Turn in your final draft to ​www.turnitin.com
-Prepare for tomorrow’s reading exam
-Work on your Socratic Seminar prep
-Bring all of your materials to class on Monday and Tuesday for in-class
prep days. Prepare for the language final exam.
*Socratic Seminar is on the day of the final exam.
*Bring all of your prep and materials to class on the day of the final.
Wednesday, 12/16: Socratic Seminar—Language Final
Period 2: 8:10-9:45
On the day of the final
Period 7: 12:20-1:55
-​Bring your prep and all of your materials for the final exam
Date Due
Friday, 11/18
Monday, 11/21
Tuesday, 11/22
Monday, 11/28
Tuesday, 11/29
Block Day, 11/30 or 12/1
Friday, 12/2
Monday, 12/5
Tuesday, 12/6
Block Day, 12/7 or 8
Friday, 12/9
See Below