Name Adjectives and Adverbs in Context

Warm Up: Let’s Go!
Tiptoe quietly around a desk or table.
Adjectives and Adverbs in Context
Read the story. Write an adjective or adverb from the word bank to
complete each sentence.
Matt’s class went on a field trip. Mrs. Perez, the teacher, said, “We are going
to the art museum. In the museum, we must be
and listen to the
tour guide. If everyone follows the rules, you can get a treat at the end!”
Matt’s class was
quiet. They looked at the art. They
to the tour guide. After the field trip, Mrs. Perez
brought out a box of treats. She called the children up one by one to choose
treats from the box. Some children chose
candy. Some
children chose toys. It was Matt’s turn last. There was only one treat left.
It was a
balloon. It was not what Matt wanted. He was
. He thanked Mrs. Perez and took the balloon.
Matt asked the man at the museum shop to blow up his balloon. The man used
a machine to
blow it up. Matt and the man were both surprised.
The balloon was much bigger than a normal balloon. It was
And it was square! They had never seen a square balloon before. Matt let the man
tie on a string. He
took it outside where his classmates were
“Wow!” said Landon. “That’s cool!”
“How did they make a square balloon?” asked Ella.
Matt liked his
treat after all. He was
his square balloon.
2 - ELA (Language) Using Adjectives and Adverbs
Walksheets by Walkabouts
© 2015 ActivEd, Inc.
Warm Up: Get Active!
Flap your arms and pretend
to fly quickly.
Using Adjectives and Adverbs
Read each sentence. Fill in each blank with an adjective or an adverb. Choose
one sentence to illustrate. Circle the sentence. Draw a picture in the box.
Molly ran
than Sammy in the
dog barked
Stefan is
There was a
for three hours.
boxes each held
rainbow after the
birds flew
2 - ELA (Language) Using Adjectives and Adverbs
argument over choosing a show.
in line for the
when she thinks her dinner is
Colin and Grayson had a
Callie was
at the mail carrier.
after biking
Malia eats
cousin Hayley likes to make
game at the party.
across the sky.
Walksheets by Walkabouts
© 2015 ActivEd, Inc.
Warm Up: Let’s Move!
Pretend to play the
drums loudly.
Identifying Adjectives and Adverbs
Read each sentence. Look at each word in bold. If it is an adjective, circle it.
If it is an adverb, underline it.
John was aware that the salmon swam upstream.
The haunted house was a favorite ride at the fair.
Ella sprinted expertly through the challenging race.
Tristan stretched lazily after his afternoon nap.
Bella ate before she wiped her mouth with the checkered napkin.
The last person in line won the big prize.
Fabian played loudly and enthusiastically on his new drums.
Mr. Parker happily popped cheddar popcorn for his class.
The cats hungrily ate the chopped fish.
My Aunt Clara stopped suddenly and said, “I forgot my reading glasses.”
2 - ELA (Language) Using Adjectives and Adverbs
Walksheets by Walkabouts
© 2015 ActivEd, Inc.
Warm Up: Get Moving!
Pretend to dance slowly
and gracefully.
Relating Adjectives and Adverbs
Read each word. Change adjectives into adverbs and adverbs into adjectives.
Write the new word on the line. Use one word from each pair in a sentence.
, angrily
, finally
2 - ELA (Language) Using Adjectives and Adverbs
, seriously
Walksheets by Walkabouts
© 2015 ActivEd, Inc.
2 - ELA (Language) Using Adjectives and Adverbs
Adjectives and Adverbs in Context
Warm Up: Students should tiptoe quietly around a desk or table.
Answers will vary. Accept reasonable answers.
Probable answer order: quiet, very, closely, chocolate, yellow, disappointed, quickly, huge,
carefully, special, proud
Using Adjectives and Adverbs
Warm Up: Students should flap their arms and pretend to fly quickly.
Answers will vary.
Identifying Adjectives and Adverbs
Warm Up: Students should pretend to play the drums loudly.
The following adjectives should be circled: aware, haunted, favorite, challenging, afternoon,
checkered, last, big, new, cheddar, chopped, reading.
The following adverbs should be underlined: upstream, expertly, lazily, before, loudly,
enthusiastically, happily, hungrily, suddenly.
Relating Adjectives and Adverbs
Warm Up: Students should pretend to dance slowly and gracefully.
happily, angry, lately, final, gracefully, serious
Sentences will vary.
2 - ELA (Language) Using Adjectives and Adverbs
Walksheets by Walkabouts
© 2015 ActivEd, Inc.