Western Region News Western Region News

Western Region News
FALL 2009
Spring 2015
Program Report:
Fashion Prints in the Age of Louis XIV:
Interpreting the Art of Elegance
By Leigh Wishner
With all the buzz about contemporary fashion now-
the Art of Elegance
event proved that an academic topic can appeal to
Fashion Prints in
the Age of Louis XIV event was organized as a halfJean Dieu de Saint-Jean
Recueil des modes de la cour de France, 'Homme de Qualité sur le
Hand-colored engraving on paper
Purchased with funds provided by The Eli and Edythe L. Broad
Western Region News
President’s Message
Western Region Board
Brenna Barks
Leigh Wishner
turnout for the program:
Art of Elegance Illustrated.
10% discount
sign-up at a program.
Spring 2015
Fashion Prints in the Age of Louis XIV-Cont’d From Page 1
Receuil des modes de la cour de France
of what fashion prints are and how they were used
cession that they represent a progression of ideas
Henri Bonnart
Recueil des modes de la cour de France, 'Dame en Robbe',
made it very clear how the elite wearers of such
Hand-colored engraving on paper
Purchased with funds provided by The Eli and Edythe L. Broad
Western Region News
Fashion Prints in the Age of Louis XIV-Cont’d From Page 3
stone performing to Lully minuets in full costume
which had been inspired by one of the elegant colorplates in the Receuil
Henri Bonnart
step-by-step on a dressform in front of the audiUsing images
of period garments on which he and his team mod-
Hand-colored engraving on paper
Purchased with funds provided by The Eli and Edythe L. Broad
trained overskirt trimmed with gold fringe--Barr deunderstanding of movement and behaviour were to
gracefully glide through the choreographed dance
ing the program’s intermission--all of the books
signed copies are being treasured by their purchas-
Spring 2015
From the Archives
Jack Hanford Award Report
about to commence their senior year and graduate
summer internship with an accredited museum or
proper handling skills and how to maintain record
garments were located and rehoused within the
Fashion and the Doll,
posium’ on costume for work and travel was
impressive number of these kinds of events were
management serves the curatorial mission and
Western Region News
Regional Symposium Report: From the Street to the Catwalk
Revealing Queer
From the Street
curator-led tour of
though the
the designers featured in
Liza Rietz (Portland, OR), a self-taught designer, creates
Adam Arnold (Portland, OR) collaborates with clients to create
Spring 2015
Regional Events
FIDM Museum Fashion Voyage: London
Leigh Wishner (
Italian Style: Fashion Since 1945
at the Portland Art Museum
Saturday, April 25, 2015
lowing the docent-led tour of Italian Style
will bid farewell to our adventurous week with a
was assembled by renowned fashion designer and
and now serves as a research archive and digital
resource center for fashion and interior designers
the event page:
historical research on the centrality of dress in
San Francisco & Los Angeles
Saturday, August 8, 2015
of fashion and the dynamics of re-fashioning and re-
suggested topics can be found at
Western Region News
Regional Exhibitions
religious and economic rivalry
High Style reveals the
metal cones, glass beads.
commerce in
as well as a means of economic and cultural survival
Floral Journey
Spring 2015
Regional Exhibitions
Big Eyes
Jersey Boys
metal trimmings were de rigueur for those aligned
sculptural garments will be presented in dialogue
undercut the spectacle of Gagawaka to suggest
Western Region News
Regional Exhibitions
Italian Style: Fashion Since 1945
a burgeoning industry facilitated by the landmark
which had an enormous impact on fashion as stars
Indigenous Beauty:
Italian Style
used art to represent and preserve their ways of
brilliantly adapted their talents and used the new
Spring 2015
2014 Annual Business Meeting Minutes
Costume Society of America - Western Region
October 11, 2014
upcoming programs via
Western Region News
President’s Letter-Cont’d from page 2
of Dress.
event on the
Annual Business Meeting Minutes-Cont’d from page 11