Global History 2 Mr. Stein Appeasement HO#WWII3 Munich

Global History 2
Mr. Stein
Munich Conference
In 1919 with a stroke of the pen millions of ethnic Germans were forced beyond the borders of
Germany and into the new state of Czechoslovakia. Three million of the displaced Germans lived
just over the border in the mostly German territory called the Sudetneland. Following his
successful reacquisition of the Rhineland and the Anschluss (union) with Austria, Adolph Hitler
turned his attention toward the Germans living in Czechoslovakia and he demanded the return of
the Sudetenland (and its 3 million Germans) to Germany.
In 1938 there was a conference held in Munich Germany between Hitler, Benito Mussolini and
the leaders of Britain and France to decide the future of the Sudetenland and of all of
Czechoslovakia. The leaders of Britain and France were faced with a difficult decision. On the
one hand Czechoslovakia was a new democracy and a good friend however would the British and
French citizens be willing to go to war to protect the rights of Czechoslovakia? If Britain and
France did go to war to protect the Czechs could the combined forces of Britain, France and
Czechoslovakia defeat Germany? Does Hitler have a valid argument for acquiring
Czechoslovakia and will he stop once he has the Sudetenland or will he want more? Imagine that
you are a delegate at the Munich Conference. Based upon the document below and on the back
of this sheet, how would you resolve the 1938 Czechoslovak crisis?
Document #1 Ethnic Map of the disputed territory (The Sudetenland)
(The shaded areas of the map represent areas with a German majority)
Question: In which part of Czechoslovakia do the Sudeten Germans live?____________
#2 Census Data for Czechoslovakia from 1921 and the German population of Germany’s neighbors
German Population
6.7 million
Sudeten Germans 3.1 million
Czechoslovakia 3,100,000
2.0 million
0.7 million
0.5 million
0.3 million
0.1 million.
Question 1: Which of the following best describes the percentage of Germans living in
Czechoslovakia in 1921?
A) 44% German
B) 23% German
C) 77% German
D) 55% German
Question 2: Is Czechoslovakia the only nation with a sizeable German population?
Document #3 A letter from German foreign minister Ribbentrop to the British Prime Minister
requesting the Sudetenland.
Dear Minister Chamberlain:
… As you know the people of the Sudetenland had only known German rule since the days of the
Holy Roman Empire. It was the Treaty of Versailles that took these people beyond the
comfortable touch of the rule of their own. Versailles was meant to punish the warmongering
Germany of Bismark and the Kaisers a Germany that no longer exists. How does it help keep the
peace of Europe to keep these Germans outside the borders of Germany while the rest of Eastern
Europe enjoys self-determination? It is time for us to right he wrong of 1919 and return the
Sudeten Germans to their rightful nation….
1) What is the wrong of 1919 that the author refers to:____________________________
2) What two reasons does the author give for returning the Sudetenland to Germany? __________
Document #4 Defense spending and military aircraft production In Britain, France and Germany.
Defense Spending
Military Aircraft Production:
Year Ger.
France Britain
Year Ger.
France Britain
1936 2,332 995
1936 5112 890
1937 3,298 890
1937 5,603 743
1938 7,415 919
1938 5,235 1,382 2,827
(All numbers in millions of dollars)
Question: In 1938 which nation was best prepared for war? Why?_________________________
How would you resolve the 1938 Czechoslovak Crisis?