Ch. 10 Section 1 Outline Notes

Chapter 10 Section 1 – The Politics of the 1920s
(p. 362-367)
The Harding
(p. 362-364)
 Election of 1920 – Warren G. Harding promised “a return to normalcy”
1.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
The Ohio Gang = his poker playing friends
a.) _________________________________________________________________________________
Sold government jobs, pardons and supplies
Harding said his enemies didn’t cause him trouble, but his friends did
2.) ________________________________________________________________________________________
a.) _________________________________________________________________________________
b.) Allowed _________________________________________________________________________
Teapot Dome, WY and Elk Hills, CA
c.) _________________________________________________________________________________
Wall Street Journal broke the story
Senate investigated the scandal throughout the 1920s
d.) _________________________________________________________________________________
Fall was the first cabinet officer to go to prison
 Charles R. Forbes was appointed head of the Veterans Bureau
Sold scarce medical supplies from veterans’ hospitals and kept the money
Cost the taxpayers $250 million
 June 1923 = Harding toured the West and had a heart attack en route from Alaska to California
3.) Aug. 2, 1923 = ___________________________________________________________________________
Coolidge Takes Over
(p. 364)
1.) 1923 = ___________________________________________________________________________________
 Silent Cal = The joke was “Coolidge could be silent in five languages”
 Attorney General Harry Daugherty
Appointed by President Warren G. Harding
A German agent bribed him to get a company and valuable chemical patents seized by the US
during the WW I as enemy property
Daugherty refused to turn over files and bank records during the investigation
Refused to testify under oath claiming immunity because he said he had confidential dealings with
the President
New President Calvin Coolidge demanded his resignation
2.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
 His philosophy of government: “Prosperity rest on business leadership and that part of the president’s job is to
make sure that the government interfered with business and industry as little as possible.”
 Coolidge avoided crises and adopted policies to keep the nation prosperous
3.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
 ““Keep Cool with Coolidge”
 Won more than ½ of the popular vote and 382 electoral votes
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Chapter 10 Section 1 – The Politics of the 1920s
(p. 362-367)
Economic Policies to
Encourage Prosperity
(p. 365)
1.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
 1921 = Bureau of the Budget = to prepare a unified federal budget
 General Accounting Office = to track spending
2.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
 cut spending from $6.4 billion to less than $3 billion in 7 years
3.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
a.) ___________________________________ economics = __________________________________
b.) _________________________________________________________________________________
c.) _________________________________________________________________________________
Average taxpayers = 4% to 0.5%
Wealthy taxpayers = 73% to 25%
 See graphs in “Coolidge and Prosperity” on p. 364-365
4.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
 encouraged businesses to form trade associations that would voluntarily share information with the federal
 Believed it would reduce costs and promote economic efficiency
US Foreign Policies
(p. 366-367)
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce = asked them to find new markets for companies
Bureau of Aviation = set up to regulate and promote the growth of the airline industry
Federal Radio Commission = set up to help to regulate radio frequencies and the power of transmitters
1.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
 Isolationism = to stay out of foreign affairs and wars
 USA refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles
 USA didn’t join the League of Nations
 USA didn’t join the World Court in 1921
 USA used economic policies and arms control treaties to keep peace
Economic Policies)
 Before WW I, the US was in debt
 After WW I, Allies owed the US more than $10 billion
 USA became the dominate economic power in the world
2.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
 Allies had a hard time paying war debts
 US tariffs made it hard to sell their exports in the USA
 Germany had a hard time paying war reparations to the allies
 US wanted European economies to be stable so they could buy US exports and repay their debts
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Chapter 10 Section 1 – The Politics of the 1920s
(p. 362-367)
3.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
Charles G. Dawes = an American diplomat
US, France, Britain and Germany
a.) US banks would _________________________________________________________________ to
b.) _______________________________________________________ would ____________________
________________________________________________________________________ from Germany
c.) Britain and France __________________________________________________________________
 Major world powers were in an arms race
4.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
a.) US invited ________________________________________________________________________
Britain, France, Italy, China, Japan, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Portugal
Secretary of State – Charles Evans Hughes
o Proposed a 10 year moratorium on building new warships
o Made a list of warships to be destroyed (including some US ships)
5.) _______________________________________________________________________________ – see p. 366
a.) _________________________________________________________________________________
b.) ________________________________________________________ on building _______________
c.) US and Britain agreed to _____________________________________________________________
Didn’t limit land forces
Japan was upset because they were required to maintain a smaller navy than Britain or the US
6.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
US Secretary of State = Frank Kellogg
French Foreign Minister = Aristide Briand
a.) _________________________________________________________________________________
b.) _________________________________________________________________________________
 Was not legally binding
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