¿What is an Inclusive City?

Inclusive City
The Relevance of Migration for the
New Urban Agenda
César Mantilla
Municipality of Quito-Ecuador
Praga, March, 2016
¿What is an Inclusive City?
We understand as an inclusive city to an
urban and/or rural “space” where differences
as individuals are recognized and where
people (under a social contract) actively
participate in each of the economic, socioenvironmental,
dynamics, as a daily exercise of rights…. “the
right to the City”.
Social Inclusive
An instrument that contributes
to building a cohesive society
that recognizes the difference
and ensures equity.
1. A complex, permanent and
ongoing work;
2. A work of all: women and
men (governance), and
3. Leading
Inclusive Society:
Cohesive society where
the collective interest
prevails, the rights of
those who integrate it, but
above all, respect for
diversity and difference of
generating citizens of first
or a second class.
Quito and its inclusive
actions…. a living
Inclusive Points: These are places
where citizens are informed about their
rights and what to do if they suffer
experiences of exclusion, violence
and/or discrimination; refer them to
other Departments of the Municipality,
or to another government institutions,
or to specialized NGOs. Also, these
places are for meeting, socialization
and cultural reflection; collectively, and
promoting solidarity for all civil society.
Quito and its inclusive
actions…. a living
The Inclusive Brand:
• It promotes public places (in
particular) to not exclude to women or
to men by any condition.
• The brand identifies the place as
• Recognizes the full exercise of rights
as an opportunity for all inhabitants,
as access to "the right to the city".
Human Mobility, migration and development:
Quito, inclusive city, acknowledges that migrations
(voluntary and involuntary) each day expand more in urban
centers; becoming a priority the construction of local social
policies (glolocal .... act locally-think globally) which have to
be reflected in the planning and execution of actions in
favor of human mobility.
To this adds an important reality: the contribution of
migrants into the development of cities; as it is also evident
that in times of economic crisis, the most affected are
Some of many actions of Quito around the Human
1) Ordinance (Municipality Law) 271 updated in a participatory
way as a legal mechanism to ensure the viability of the
2) New management model of the "House" of Human Mobility;
3) Spaces of participation, dialogue and coordination of social
policies, through the District Forum of Human Mobility and the
District Forum of Anti Trafficking;
4) “House” of Protection for adolescent girls who have been
trafficked for sexual exploitation; and
5) Adolescents (in condition of human mobility) have access to
scholarships, through the Department of Scholarships ABC of
the Municipality of Quito.
II World Mayors Forum: Human Mobility,
Migration and Development
(Quito-Ecuador, November 12-13, 2015):
• Sixty local government authorities with international
organizations and civil society.
• Objective: Discuss the design of joint strategies for the
promotion of global economic development, in a context
of diversity, human mobility and sustainable fight against
xenophobia (urgent action).
• Cities and big cities in particular, are destination and
transit of migrants; these cities have "enriched"
historically with domestic and international flows of
Thematic discussion:
1. Local
mobility, migration and
2. Protection, recognition of
rights and access to
services for people in
3. Employment and decent
4. Contribution
diaspora of development;
5. Subscription of the Local
Agenda on migration and
What the Event represented:
1. Promote dialogue between countries that have thought more on
issues of human mobility, coupled with countries having internal
2. It stressed the importance of the leading role of cities, in
addressing governance practices and issues related to
migration and harnessing its potential for development;
3. Engaging local governments to work on human mobility, since,
at the local level is where the global and/or national policy
4. Recognition of the contribution of migration to development;
5. Affirming the potential of migration and not just as a social
problem; and
6. Debating about the crossroads of migration from Latin America;
that is to say, South-North migration (historical); and also the
new north-south migrations.
The Local Agenda of Quito
about Migration and
Action Areas:
1) Making cities inclusive;
2) Ensuring cities are safe;
3) Fostering cities that are resilient
and sustainable;
4) Guaranteeing access to health for
5) Guaranteeing access to quality
education for all; and
6) Promoting human development and
economic prosperity;
The Local Agenda of Quito
about Migration and
Action Areas:
7) Working towards planned and wellmanaged implementation of immigrant
8) Promoting global citizenship and the
assessment and recognition of cultural
9) Promoting the rule of law, equal access to
justice, accountability and transparency;
10) Delivering effective protection to the
forcibly displaced including refugees; and
11) Building evidence-based information
(data, research) on the impact of migration.
Our commitment to 2030:
1. Mitigate the effects of social exclusion;
2. Gradually promote access to comprehensive services (refer
them to other Departments of the Municipality, or to another
government institutions, or to specialized NGOs);
3. Generate conditions of coexistence and social cohesion;
4. Promote universal access to public services;
5. Institutionalize and mainstream the inclusion approach; and
6. Encourage these actions are met in all social dimensions:
economic, political and cultural.
Quito.... Inclusive City, works every day for a
cohesive society, for a living place without
exclusion, without violence or discrimination on
any condition....
Quito and we all whom make the Municipality of
the Metropolitan District, we recognize the
importance of social inclusion in sustainable and
fair development of cities... we will continue to
work towards resilience-human mobility in this
Quito, Inclusive City, Little Face of God.... Light
for America!,
Municipality of Quito Metropolitan
César Mantilla, Secretary of Social Inclusion
[email protected]
Jorge Washington E4-54 and Amazonas Ave., 3rd. floor
Quito-Ecuador-South America
Phone number: +593 2 395-2300, extension: 12269