Unit 2 Study Guide

Unit 2 Study Guide
Revolutions Around the World
Glorious Revolution
Identify the following individuals:
Oliver Cromwell
John Locke
Define the following terms:
natural rights
What political principles were introduced by the following revolutions: Glorious Revolution, American Revolution, &
French Revolution?
American Revolution
Define the following terms:
federal system
What were the four main reasons the Americans won their revolution?
What Enlightenment thinkers inspired or influenced the following documents – Declaration of Independence, U.S.
Constitution, Bill of Rights?
What are the three main concepts of the American government? Identify and explain each.
French Revolution
Define the following terms: estates
Committee of Public Safety
Reign of Terror
Why were the 1st & 2nd Estate considered the privileged estates? Give at least two examples.
What were the two main forces for change that allowed the French Revolution to occur? Identify and explain.
Review the events leading up to the revolution, including: Meeting of the Estates-General Meeting, Tennis Court Oath,
and the Storming of the Bastille.
When is Bastille Day? (Month, Day & Year)
What was the revolutionary slogan during the French Revolution? Identify the slogan and explain its meaning.
What two documents inspired the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen?
How did the French revolutionary army help to create modern nationalism?
Napoleon Bonaparte
Define the following terms:
coup d’etat
Napoleonic Code
What was the significance of the Battle of Trafalgar?
What were some of the changes Napoleon did in France during his reign? Identify at least two and explain.
What was the Continental System? What were its main goals?
What was the last major battle of Napoleon?
Congress of Vienna
Define the following terms:
Klemens von Metternich
What four countries made up the Great Powers?
What were the goals of the European leaders at the Congress of Vienna?
What was the principle of intervention?
Italian & German Unification
Identify the following individuals:
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Otto von Bismark
Define the following terms:
How did the Crimean War destroy the Concert of Europe?
Latin American Revolutions
Define the following terms:
Simon Bolivar
Jose de San Martin
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Describe the divisions of Spanish American society. What are the distinctions between the divisions?
(peninsulares, creoles, mulattos, mestizos)
Define the following terms:
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Otto von Bismark
What were the three schools of political thought? Who/what group of people made up each school?
How does nationalism form? Describe the bonds that create a nation-state.
What are the three types of nationalist movements? Identify and give an example of each.