Wampum good project magazine

Volume 1
First edition
: Introduction
The Wampum project is an intercultural project regarding the First Nations
People : the Iroquois.
The objective of the lesson is to have students develop the PEI learners
profile ''open mindedness''.
Given a strong theortical base by having the students read two texts, one on
the historical aspect of the Wampum and secondly an Iroquois legend of the
Wampum, students came to understand that the Wampum is a Peace treaty
Indeed, the Wampum project is to have students understand what a Native
peace treaty belt is and to create one.
The texts and wampum associated to each groups belt gives an account of
with whom each group of student would like to create peace with, meaning
either a person or object.
Special thanks to Mr Marcel Charest
(picture on the right ) from the Fondation
PDM to have funded the archéological
activity related to the Wampum.
The Editor
Daniel Épinat
PEI-2 English teacher
Group 21
Group 21
Name of Wampum:The Heart
Design: A heart design
Description: For the wampum, we
to do a reproduction of the heart.
The reason
why we chose that symbol is
simple, it is
because to have a peaceful world ,
we have
to love each other and the symbol
of love
is the heart. The second reason is
because it is
a symbol that seems really
appeasing when you see it.
Cathy, Laurence, Maude, Delphine
Wampum name: Friendly
Design: At the left: a smiley, at
the middle: a peace symbol, at
the right: an other smiley
They two smileys are checking
the peace symbol. They are
alike. The smileys are yellow,
theirs eyes are grennes, and
theirs mouths are red. The peace
symbol represent the peace
between this two good friends.
We can say the peace symbol
represent the wampum, because
it make the peace around it.
"Marianne Goulet, Pascale
Demers, Frédérique Labelle
Group 21 Wampums
Name of Wampum : Peace with music
Design : A piano
Music is to be able to have peace with
ourselves. Music helps us relax and
find harmony inside us. We listen to
music everyday and it helps us have a
good time even if we are alone or with
good friends. We can also express
ourselves by singing the songs. We
chosed a piano for our design because it
has a calm side and a other side a little
bit more rock. It suits to all styles.
Maude Massé-Pfister, Kaylee Smart,
Eloane Francoeur, Erika Pichette and
Dorothée Michaud.
Name of Wampum:
Harmony with nature
Design: A river
We choose this design
because the river
represents the nature. In
the past the Iroquois were
in harmony with the nature.
It's also a place to relax. If
you want to make harmony
with the world you have to
respect the nature like they
were doing.
Team: David, Félix, Victor,
Peace symbols and White flag
Design: There are 2 peace symbols
on each side of the white flag that
represents Peace.
Description: the background of
the wampum is sky blue, the peace
symbols are yellow and the flag is
white. I decided to make this peace
symbol because it's the thing that
represents the most Peace. I
decided to make a flag because it's
another major thing that represents
Joa? ?e Lapointe-Bouchard/
Maggie Hamel/ Samuel Racine/
Lysane Gagnon/ Edward
Wampum name: Everybody is
Design: Many people hanging hands
with each other
Description: We choose this design
for our wampum because we think
that it symboilizes peace all over the
world and we think that it's important
to be in peace with the other people.
The color of our wampum is :yellow,
blue and purple. We choose these
colors because they are joyfull color.
Louis-Charles Paquette/Charles
Dalpé/Antoine Belisle Christopher
The Love Wampum
We chose the sign of heart
because that's an international
symbol to represent love. We
want that the persons who will
receive the wampum understand
that we love them and want
peace with them. A heart is the
best symbol to say to a person
that you love him or her. It
represents clearly the peace for
the whole world.
Audrey Chamberland/
Stéphanie Scarpone/ Siham El.
Wampum : The Dream Boat
I choose to put boats on my
wampums because the dream of
my father is to travel around the
world on a boat. For him, it
represents peace because it's his
dream. There are three blue, white
and orange boats. The back of this
wampum is dark blue because I
wanted to represents the ocean.
Lauriane Deshaies and Audrey
The Sun Wampum
My wampum represents two
things, first of all it represents
a circle that shows that we
are all equal and secondly my
wampum represents the sun in
the night that illuminates the
dark. It took me one period
and a half to do my wampum
and glue it, it was a great
project but a bit long.
William Lavallée
Wampum name : Eye of the storm
Design : Eyes
Description : I chose this symbol (an
eye) to make peace with my friend.
Why I chose it and what it represents
: I chose it because for me that
person is very important. The eye
represents the eye of a storm, a
moment when all the rampage stops
and everything becomes calm and
peaceful. It is a very important
symbol to me because it represents a
time when we will stop fighting and
make peace by arranging our
Bogdan Topa
Group 22
The colorful boat Wampum
The different boats represents the
peace and the harmony with the sea.
It represents that we will stop to
destroy the sea creatures. The hull of
the boat is the same color then the
flag of the next boat. This means that
we remember our pasted actions and
we try to do better each time. The
first boat is yellow, the second is
pink, the third is white, the fourth
purple, the fifth is green and the last
is orange. The sky is always of a
clear blue because it represents our
promising future. There are six boats
for the six continents
Alex Gan-Ganowicz/Vincent
Liguori/Philippe Léger/Julien Witty
The Open Arm Wampum
The design looks like someone who
opens his arms to you and the
vertical lines represents posts that are
enough strong to surmount a lot of
trials and bad moments. The person
gives you love and peace and the
posts give you support and makes
you feel more secure. The colors
also have a significance. The
background is yellow because it's the
joyful color in the box and it looks
like the sun. The arms of the persons
are turquoises because its the color of
the water and it represents serenity.
The head of the person his a kind of
white. The white is the color of
peace. We chose this color for the
head because we want to show that
the peace is in the head of every one.
It's a way to think. Finally the posts
are blue. We don't really have a
reason of choosing that color , but we
think it fits.
Mathieu Fournier
Élizabeth-anne Gallant
Wampum name : Rainbow wampum
Design: a rainbow
Description :
I chose to represent a rainbow on my wampum because
it's colorful and we find that it's a good symbol for this
magnificent wampum and that it expresses very well
peace. Rainbow comes from natue, wich is really
important to natives people. When I see a rainbow, it
makes me happy so that means that rainbows brings
Nadia Bouzghaya
: Audrey-AnneHéroux
Wampum name: Peace in the
Design: A Cross
My wampum represents peace
in the family. The middle
represents my religion. The
sides represent the anger and
peace in my family. I chose it
cause i feel that in my home
things havent been going so
Drake Winters
Wampum name:Heart wampum
Design: Heart
My wampum design is a heart. to symbolize the love and
to make peace with the people who loves harmony.
I chose to do a heart. 'Cause it represents love. Like in a
familly and with friends. It represents peace,
It is important for them that everyone loves each others,
and lives in harmony.
Andréé-Anne kelley
Name of Wampum: Making Peace with Red Hair People
Design: Spirals
We think that we have to make peace with red hair people
for a lot of reason. The first reason is that a lot of people
laugh at them and we think its pretty mean. Second, we
already laugh at a red hair person, and we are not proud of it.
We think they are nice person, and normal person, and they
should be accepted by the other but today they are still
denigrated and not respected. The only difference is there
hair color. In our wampum, we put orange spiral to represent
them originally and we put light and beautiful color to
represent happiness, harmony and peace. Red hair people
should be respected just like everyone and not rejected from
the society. So we want to make peace with all them because
we understand what they are living and we want to stop the
Olivier berger /Dominic Da Costa
Adam Houle
Wampum name: "Stop war".
Design: letter ''X''
It sends the message to the entire world
to stop war, conflicts and injustices. Its designis an X which
represents the forbiddness of violence. People should learn
and receive the message of peace carried by
my wampum. I just hope the community will understand the
objective fixed in the design of my peace belt.
/*Émile Grimard-Mongrain
Constance Benoit
Wampum name : Nature lovers
Design : There are fishes that are kissing and heart.
Description :
It represents fishes that are kissing because we
wanted to show to people that the love of the nature
is important and that we have to take care of it.
Nature always take care of us so we have to do the
same thing for it. That's what we wanted to represent
on our wampum.
Charlenne Ratelle / Fatoumata Diallo
Florence Proulx / Daphné Bouchard
My vision of War
My wampum represent a snake that
eat his tail. This wampum is named
''infinity wampum'' because he
represent my vision of war: Violence
just bring more violence because
everybody just want to hit the
ennemy another time before losing. It
also represent the fact that war just
make loser, like the snake that is just
hurting himself by eating his tail and
that not realize that if he stop he can
stop the pain. Also, it show that war
make injurys that are definitive, like
the tail of the snake that will be hurt
Vincent Liguori / Julien Wittty
Our wampum is called The Heart
Wampum and our peace symbol for
this treaty is a heart. There is a
background color for each heart to
equally separate the design. This
symbol represents the peace and love
that we share with our family and
close ones. The two background
colors that we chose to match with
the purple hearts are blue and green.
We chose these colors because they
are not dark so they are joyful.
Lisa Rehel, Stéphanie Hébert,
Pascale Masson-Trottier,Virginie
Groupe 22.
We created a second Wampum named
Sunrise. We call it like that because it
shows a sunrise between mountains.
The blue sky, the green mountains and
the yellow suns represents nature.
Nature is something important for every
living creatures in the world, but
humans destroyed it. We wanted to
make peace with the nature because to
many humans do not care about it, but
we do. By delivering this message, we
hope to change persons mentality and
make the nature take a bigger place in
our hearts.
By Andrée-Ann Kelly and Constance
The Marine Life.
We decided to do a wampum to make
peace with the ocean. The name of our
wampum is the marine life. We chose to
do some fish in the water so it can
represented the marine life. We know
that there is a lot of pollution in the
water and we think that the fish suffer a
lot of the bad actions from the humans.
We chose beautiful colors to represent
our marine life wampum. We chose
blue, purple, pink and turquoise. We
think that the fish deserve to have a
good life and a beautiful environment.
Lisa Rehel, Stéphanie Hébert, Virginie
Dionne, Pascale Masson-Trottier
Groupe 22.
My Peace Symbol
wampum's name :The Wampum
of Injustice in the World.
We decideed to put homes on the
wampum because some countries
don't have big and beautiful
houses. Some of countries have a
lot of houses made of old
materials. In Canada, we have
great houses with water and
electricity for most of the
population. We think that it is
unfair for the poor countries
because the rich countries have the
greatest houses than the poor
Marie-Pier Villeneuve & Samuelle
Wampum Name: Yin and Yang
Design: Stairs
We chose it because it is the Yin and
the Yang, whichf is really close to
representing peace. It can also
represent spiritual and inner peace. A
good message it can send is that in
every good thing comes evil, and that
in every evil in a bit of good.The
little symbols represent nothing in
particular, but they can be interpreted
as''stairs'', setting the symbol on a
high spot, of importance.
Sebastien Khouzam / Damien
Catherine Guimond /Walid Alam
Wampum name: Peace in the
Design:Peace symbol
Our design is a rainbow and in this
one there is a heart. It wants to
make peace with our family. It
wants to make us understand that
in a family it's better to be in
harmony. The rainbow reprsents
the person in your family and the
heart represents peace.
Isabelle Tremblay /Mylaine
Terriault-Puvillard /
We have created this wampum
beads with different colors. Our
Wampum represents a sort of
rainbow, it is the joy of life and
beauty of the world. The rainbow
can represent peace in the world
by example. Peace made with
nature or with animals. Here is the
definition of our wampum.
Thank you
Chloe Robineau
Genevieve Ratte
The Peace Wampum
Our desing is the peace
symbole. It symbolizes the
traditional peace in the world. It
wants us to understand that
peace is better than war. There
are three symbols because we
wanted to represent three
different types of peace. The
peace in country, in the world
and with nature.
The End.
Isabelle Tremblay
Mylaine Terriault-puvilland
Genevieve Ratte
Chloé Robineau-Dufour
Sunset Wampum
Lisa Rehel, Stéphanie
Hébert, Pascale MassonTrottier,Virginie Dionne
Groupe 22.
Smile for a Better World Wampum
Florence Proulx /Charlenne Ratelle /
Fatoumata Diallo/ Daphné Bouchard
Group 23
Colours and design:
Our wampum is made by beads of blue, yellow,
and dark orange colour. These colour are flashy
and is easy
to see. Our design is two stars at the end on each
side of the
wampum. There is a tree in the middle of the
The tree on our wampum represent the love of
nature by the
natives of America. The stars on each side of the
represents the 2 nations: the natives and the
The stars are equal on each side of the wampum
aloso represent
the equality between the 2 nations.
The peace treaty:
We created our wampum to make peace with the
nature and the Europeans. The nature was
exploited by the Europeans as they cut the trees
to make the houses and personal uses. The
natives, in love with the natures, made war to the
Europeans to defend their environment and their
town. As they finished the war, the natives
created a wampum to make peace with the
Europeans. To us, we would give this wampum
to represent and tell the Europeans how much
the natives love nature. We think this wampum
would stop war between the 2 nations and stop
exploiting as much the nature.
Louis-Philippe Desjardins / Samuel Lachance
Hamza Azzouzi / Anthony Sfeir
Wampum name : The musical notes
Symbol-design : music notes
Description : Our wampum represents the
peace with the music. When we play
music, the feelings that we feel inside is
sympathy, joy and we want to have peace
in the world. Sure, it depends the style of
music, but most of the time, we feel that
emotion of joy. We chose that kind of
wampum because we find that music is
important in the life of a lot of people and
it brings peace in our minds and hearts.
Marie-Eve Rollin / Guinan MoreauPaquette
Wampum name : Lovely wampum
Design : A heart with decorations around
Description : In our wampum, there will
be blue and turquoise beads with a pink
heart in the middle of them. On the
lines around the heart, there will be one
blue bead, one turquoise bead, one blue,
one turquoise, etc.
Why do we chose that and what does it
represents :
We chose to make peace with love. We
made that choice because we want to
make peace with all the bad things that
happens when we are in a couple with
someone. We are going to give this
wampum to people that have love
problems so they make peace in their
Lilian Mihaltchev
Kim LeBel
Jessica Auger-Blouin
Colours and design:
Our wampum is made by beads of blue,
yellow, green and dark orange colour.
These colour are flashy and is easy to see.
Our design is two stars at the end on each
side of the wampum. There is a tree in the
middle of the wampum.
The tree on our wampum represent
the love to nature by the natives of
America. The stars on each side of the
wampum representing the 2 nations: the
natives and the Europeans.
The stars are equal on each side of the
wampum to represent the equality between
the 2 nations.
The peace treaty:
We created our wampum for making peace
with the nature and the Europeans. The
nature was exploited by the Europeans as
they cut the trees to make the houses and
personal uses. The natives, in love with the
natures, made war to the Europeans to
defend their environment and their town.
As they finished the war, the natives
created a wampum to make peace with the
Europeans. To us, we would give this
wampum to represent and tell the
Europeans how much the natives love
nature. We think this wampum would stop
war between the 2 nations and stop
exploiting as much the nature.
Louis-Philippe Desjardins / Samuel
Hamza Azzouzi / Anthony Sfeir
Wampum name: Highway to
Desing: orange arrows
The name of our wampum is
highway to peace. We decided to
desing our belt with arrows. it
means that it's a way to stop war
faster. the arrows are orange
beacause it's a bright color and it
represent joy and respect. the
background is white because it's
the color of the peace. when we
give this wampum to an other
person, it's a sign of friendship joy
and respect.
Emma Brochu, Laurence Moreau
and Roxanne Gagnée-Morin
The name of our wampum is
Green Peace because it's
symbolize the nature. The
design of our wampum Green
Peace is trees created with green
and brown beads ans the
background is blue to symbolize
the water. We chose this design
because Aboriginal people have
to respect the nature. Europeans
destroyed the nature and this
wampum will protect the nature
from humans. The trees on the
wampum are symbolizing a
nature in good health.
Antonio Gabriel Blanco / Derek
Le Lann
Wampum name: Give flower
Design: flower
Description: There is a lot of flowers of
differents colours. There is pinks
flowers, reds flowers, blues flowers and
,finaly, purples flowers. We also see, on
my wampum, the greens stems of the
plants. The background is white so that
the colours comes out.
WAMPUM NAME: Highway to
DESIGN: Someone who gives his
represents a man giving to the
other his heart. The man who
receives the heart is happy to
receive it. That's why we put a
smiley in the bubble. The
background will represent the
forest because the iroquois lived in
the forest. The two guise
represents two nations who wants
to make peace with each other.
Did by: Mr. Genois
Mr. Chaput
My Wampum is decorated with pinks
flowers, blues flowers, purples flowers
and reds flowers. When you give my
wampum to a person it is symbolize that
you give flowers. You can use it to say
to the person that you love her, for the
mother's day or by exemple for a sport
competition. I chose this wampum
because I find important to say,
sometime, that you appreciate someone,
to let this person know. It can be use to
make peace with someone or with a
groups of people. You can also find him
an other personal symbolize.
Michelle Marien / Simona Peshovska
Our wampum: The
Animal's Spirit
We named our wampum
Animal's spirit because our
wampum represents a fish wich
also represent all animals and
the spirit is because we think
that plants and animals have
spirits and we need to protect
them. Our design mean that we
need to love nature and
animals because without them
we wouldn't live. There's two
pink hearts with a blue fish on a
purple background. We added
two green rectangles to
represent the human's spirit to
the nature ( this is why it's
green) and the animals. We
think that it is important to keep
the nature because the Earth
always gave us what we
needed so we need to take
care of it, to show it respect. A
lot of animals are in danger and
we need to protect them for the
future generations. We wanted
to show very well what we
wanted to say so we put a dark
background so everybody can
see the hearts and the fish with
the rectangles.
By : Adèle Dumont-Bergeron
Alex Goyette
Mélissa Michaud
Ophélie Dolbec
Wampum name: warrior of
symbol design: boat, peace
symbol, letter X, war axe, fire
Description: the boat means
that the french warrior come,
the peace symbol means that
they come in peace, the letter X
means that there NO, the war
axe means that there will be no
war and finally the fire means
no violence and all this symbol
means that the french want to
come in friends and made
contacts with the first nation
and they will be respect and
there will be no war until time
that the English come and
made trouble.
Colour: the colour of the
boat is pink and the water
is blue, the symbol of
peace is green and the X
letter is purple. The last
two symbol are the war axe
with a brown colour for the
wooden handle and finally
the fire with his normal
colour red/orange.
Made by : Mathews
Lefebvre, David chiasson,
Marc-Antoine Girard and
Philippe Tisseur
Laurence Mongeon /
Laurence Grimard /
Sabrina Domingue
Simona Peshovska
Michele Marien
Alexe thibault
Group 24
Group 24 Wampums
Wampum name: Peace with
Design: Fish
The wampum has a lot of
colors, the pattern is original. It
represents nature because the
Natives of America are in peace
with nature. They believe that
things of the world are tied to
the others and in each animal,
people or plants there is a spirit
that lives inside. Also the
natives believe that if they do
something bad, the spirits will
punish them.
Judith Marquis Alexandra and
Jasmine Hélie /Émilie Ouellette
Gr: 24
In our Wampum, we put a design of a
chain. The chain represents that the
community helps each other. We
choose this design because a chain as
circles that are all connected
together, so it proves that everyone
can help his community. We put a lot
of different colors to represent the act
of no-racism to the persons that are
Ariane Fournier-Payant / Laurence
Careau / jessica Demers / Élizabeth
Gareau Rebecca Drapeau
Design: A flying blue bird
Description: It's called the liberty
Wampum because a bird is flyng
in liberty no one telling it what to
do and it has no bad-friends. It is
just friendly with everyone so its
like a dove it represents peace so
i just made it because this
wampum symbolize a peace
message and this bird too
because they are free and have
liberty to do what they want.
Sébastien Laferrière
Danick Lambert
Wampum name: The Wampum of
the of the positivity.
Design: The symbol that I put on
the belt is a plus sign.
Description: In the middle of the
Wampum, there is a white plus
sign. The white represents peace
so it is a great idea of color
because what we are suppose to do
is a Wampum about this subject
(peace). On the belt, the plus sign
is in the center and on both side of
it, there's blue and purple beads.
Main idea: I choose that sign
because it represents the positivity.
Reason: The positivity is like the
peace and the happiness. So, if you
are positive you will act with
peace. Also, the plus sign is white
and the white represents peace.
Alex Vaillantcourt / Ludovic StDenis / Nicolas Desrosiers
/Sébastien Duquette
Name: Happy beads
Design: Colourful garden
Description : Our wampum
represents a colourful garden because
it was coloured. We take our
inspiration by the multiple colours of
the nature. Also, we take our
inspiration by the harmony on the
nature because we depends of the
nature. We need it and the nature
need us to survive. We represent the
nature with all it's colours , without
the pollution done by bad person.
Olivier Vachon / Jani-Pier Leblanc
/Vincent Royer / Gabrielle Thibault
Wampum name: Life And
Design: Waving X's
Description: The colours of
our Wampum are red and white.
Why ? Because the red
represents death and due to all
the lives that were lost during
conflict. The white represents
the lives that were saved and
that survived and that brought
peace as a result of this conflict.
That's why this Wampum is
called ''Life and Death''. The
Wampum's design is composed
of consecutive X's. We chose
that design purely for esthetic
Emmanuel Marchessault , Ted
Kong , Mickaël Laurin and
Jean-Maxime Noiseux)
Our wampum name is The Colorful
Design doesn't really represent
something, but there are lines in it.
Our Wampum's colors are : Soft Purple,
Soft Blue, Soft Green and Soft Orange.
We decided to put this design because
we wanted our wampum to be beautiful
and it represent peace by the message
we give it.
Marilou Gareau, Emica Ahouman
and Alicia Thibodeau
Wampum name: The Flying
Peace Wampum
Design: Butterflies
I chose a butterfly to represent
peace because butterflies are calm
animals that can't hurt anyone. On
our wampum, we'll have three
butterflies to make it more nice.
Also, butterflies will be in purple
on a blue background. The
wampum's name is ''Flying Peace''.
Samuel Deslauriers / Janick
Nicolas Perron / Félix Bédard
Wampum name: Union Peace
Design: People from different
colours/nations holding hands.
Description: It has a lot of flashy
colours. This Wampum represents
peace between all the world, even if
they are not from the same place.
This Wampum is used to make peace
with people who do have not the
same skin colour. If you give it to
someone, he can't decline it, because
if he doesn't want this Wampum, that
signifies that he doesn't want to
make peace with you. It can insult
the person who as offered it to you.
The white beads represent white
people, the yellow beads represent
Asian people, the pink beads
represent First nations people, the
blue beads represent persons who are
of a different ethnic group than us
and the purple beads represent black
people. In conclusion, this Wampum
is a sign that we want to eliminate
racism in all the world!
Marc-Olivier Gilbert,
Ariane Girard,
Jonathan Sauriol And
Anne-Marie Bernard.
Create your Own Wampum
Student's name: Mr Daniel Épinat
Peace Symbol: The Rainbow Wampum
My Wampum belt symbol represents peace with
the group of nature lovers I meet in October in
the Laurentians. We explore the Laurentian
nature before winter and the Wampum brings us
at peace with nature. After the walk we gather
around a fire at night and share our experiences.
Student's name
Peace Symbol: