Computer Capers March 2004

Computer Capers
March 2004
Telephone Timeline
Seussentennial Celebration
Alexander Graham Bell sent the first
telephone message on March 10th, 1876.
A whole lot has happened to our way of
communicating since then. Using a
drawing program create a timeline of the
history and development of the telephone.
Do online or book research and place
important events and developments that
you discover along your timeline. At the
end of your timeline make a prediction as
to where you think telephone technology
may go in the future.
Extension: Write about why the telephone
is important to you. What would life be
like without the
telephone? If you
could invent any
type of phone,
what would it be
Celebrate 100 years of Dr. Seuss
in March by creating a “SeussLet’s give 3
like” poem in the shape of his
cheers for
cat’s famous hat.. In a word
Dr. Seuss,
processor, begin by writing a
on the loose
rhyming poem honoring Dr. Seuss these past
and his silly rhymes. After each
100 years.
phrase or line hit return so
that is creates a new line on Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
the page. Also center your
poem in the middle of the page. After your silly Seuss poem
is written, dress up the text to make it look like a Dr. Seuss
Hat. Change every other line of your poem to red letters,
work with the font size and style and at the bottom of your
poem, write “Happy 100th Birthday Dr. Seuss” , making the
font large so that it creates the brim of the hat. You could
even use Word Art for the brim to create a curved look..
Finally, print out your poem and cut out around the top of
the poem so that it looks like the top striped half of the hat
and the bottom part so that it looks like the brim of the hat.
Paste it on a piece of black construction paper and cut
around the edge to make a Seuss- Shaped final product.
Happy 100 years to Dr. Seuss!
Check out the official Seussentennial Website:
Indiana Social Studies
Standard 6.1.16 Develop and compare timelines that
identify major people, events and developments in the
history of individual civilizations and/or countries that
comprise Europe and America.
Indiana Language Arts Standard 2.5.4 Write rhymes and simple
Final Four Finishes
How close are the NCAA Men’s or Women’s Basketball Games? What is the difference
in point totals between the 2 teams? Use a spreadsheet to find out. At the start of the
games set up your spreadsheet so that you can record the score for each of the teams. In
column A write who is playing in the game, column B the score of the first team and
column C, the score of the 2nd team. Now use a formula or mental math to calculate the difference and
place that in column D. When all of the games are complete and your data is entered, use the spreadsheet to make some conclusions. What is the average point difference in all of the games? (create a formula to average all of the
differences). Now make a new table of information that compiles
the above information: create a graph that displays how many
2 OSU vs. Illinois 8 6 8 7
games have a 1 point difference, 2 point difference and so on.
3 Duke vs. Miss. 9 2 7 9
From that graph can you conclude if more games are
4 IU vs. Purdue
88 84
won in a close range or if one team was clearly better
5 USC vs. ND
73 75
than the other? Is it what you initially predicted?
Keep track of the scores at:
Average pt. differencce
Indiana Mathematics Standard 4.6.2 Interpret data graphs to answer questions about a situation.