CHAPTER 10 The Oceans
What is the world ocean?
Lesson Review
How are the oceans explored?
Lesson Review
Measuring Ocean Properties
Enrichment Activity for Lessons 10-1 and 10-2
What are some properties of the ocean?
Lesson Review
What are ocean currents?
Lesson Review
What are ocean waves?
Lesson Review
What are the tides?
Lesson Review
What are ocean sediments?
Lesson Review
What are some ocean landforms?
Lesson Review
What are coral reefs?
Lesson Review
Ocean Organisms
Enrichment Activity for Lessons 10-8 and 10-9
BIG IDEA Integrating Life Science: Where is life found in the ocean?
Lesson Review
Chapter 10 Key Term Review
Chapter 10 Test
Chapter 10 Answer Key
Concepts and Challenges in Earth Science, Teacher’s Resources CD-ROM
(c) by Pearson Education, Inc./Globe Fearon/Pearson Learning Group. All rights reserved.
The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 1
10-1 What is the world ocean?
Lesson Review
Write true if the statement is true. If the statement is false, change the underlined
term to make the statement true.
____________________ 1. The study of Earth’s oceans is called geography.
____________________ 2. Water covers about 25 percent of Earth’s surface.
____________________ 3. The Atlantic Ocean contains more than half of the world’s ocean water.
____________________ 4. Scientists who study the oceans are oceanographers.
____________________ 5. A small area of an ocean that is partly surrounded by land is a sea.
Skill Challenge
Skills: reading maps, inferring
Use the map to complete the following. Write your answers in the spaces provided.
1. Name the three main oceans. _______________
2. Name two other bodies of water that geographers
often call oceans. __________________________
3. Name two continents that surround each of the
Atlantic Ocean _____________________________________________________________________________
Pacific Ocean ______________________________________________________________________________
Indian Ocean ______________________________________________________________________________
4. Why do you think some oceanographers would want to study the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
separately from the other oceans? ____________________________________________________________
5. a. Do the oceans have boundaries or do they run into one another? _______________________________
b. Given the idea of a world ocean, how many oceans does Earth have? __________________________
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 2
10-2 How are the oceans explored?
Lesson Review
Complete each statement. Write your answers in the spaces provided.
1. Scientists can take samples of rock from the ocean floor by ____________________________________ .
2. A system that maps the ocean floor by bouncing sound waves off it is called ____________________ .
3. Sound waves travel through water at a speed of _____________________________________________ .
4. A sound wave is sent out by a _____________________________________________________________ .
5. A returning sound wave is picked up by a __________________________________________________ .
6. Sonar can be used to calculate the _______________________________________________ of the ocean.
7. Sonar uses the travel time of ___________________________________________ to map the ocean floor.
8. Underwater research vessels used to study the oceans are called _______________________________ .
9. An underwater research vessel that remains attached to the ship is a ___________________________ .
10. An underwater research vessel that is not attached to anything is a ____________________________ .
Skill Challenge
Skills: calculating, analyzing, making generalizations
Complete the table below. The first column gives the amount of time it takes for a
sound wave to make a complete round-trip using sonar. For each time shown, give
the depth of the ocean floor in meters. Then, answer the questions that follow.
Length of Time (s)
Depth of Ocean Floor (m)
5. How long was the travel time for the greatest depth? _________________________________________ .
6. What was the depth for the shortest travel time? _____________________________________________ .
7. Based on these results, what can you say about the relationship between the travel time of the
sound waves and the depth of the ocean?____________________________________________________ .
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 3
Measuring Ocean Properties
Enrichment Activity for Lessons 10-1 and 10-2
Skills: identifying, inferring, researching
PART A Using reference materials, identify each tool used to measure properties
of the ocean or to explore the ocean. Choose from these tools: bathyscaph, scuba
gear, sonar, and submersible.
PART B On a separate sheet of paper, explain what each tool is used for.
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 4
10-3 What are some properties of the ocean?
Lesson Review
PART A Decide whether each event listed causes the salinity of ocean water to
increase or decrease. Complete the table by writing the term increases or
decreases in the column on the right.
1. River water pours into the ocean.
2. Water evaporates from the ocean.
3. Heavy rain falls on the ocean.
4. A glacier melts in the ocean.
PART B Match each term in Column B with its description in Column A. Write
the correct letter in the space provided.
Column B
Column A
_________ 1. contains dissolved salts and minerals
a. potable
_________ 2. coldest layer of the ocean
b. thermocline
_________ 3. most common salt in the ocean
_________ 4. layer of ocean in which temperatures drop sharply
d. deep layer
_________ 5. warmest ocean layer
e. desalination
_________ 6. fit to drink
_________ 7. removing salt from ocean water
g. sodium chloride
surface layer
salt water
Skill Challenge
Skills: interpreting, sequencing, inferring
Use the diagram of the ocean layers to answer the questions that follow.
1. What is the depth of the coldest ocean layer?
2. What is the depth of the warmest ocean layer?
3. a. What is the name of the layer that is from 400 m to 800 m deep?
b. What is the relationship between depth and temperature in this
layer? _____________________________________________________
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 5
10-4 What are ocean currents?
Lesson Review
Write true if the statement is true. If the statement is false, change the underlined
term to make the statement true.
____________________ 1. Most surface currents are caused by winds.
____________________ 2. Winds near the equator blow mainly from east to north.
____________________ 3. In the Southern Hemisphere, winds blow from the southwest.
____________________ 4. Surface currents move counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.
____________________ 5. Surface currents move clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
____________________ 6. Currents flowing from areas near the equator are cold.
____________________ 7. Currents coming from areas near the poles are warm.
____________________ 8. Ocean currents that move up and down are called surface currents.
Skill Challenge
Skills: map reading, inferring
Use the map to complete the following.
1. Is the Gulf Stream a warm
current or a cold current?
How do you know?
2. How do you think the Gulf
Stream affects the weather
in England? Explain your
answer. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. If you tossed a bottle into the Pacific Ocean from the west coast of North America, which two
currents would carry it toward Japan? ________________________________________________________
4. How does the Benquela current affect the climate of western Africa? Explain your answer.
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 6
10-5 What are ocean waves?
Lesson Review
Match each term in Column B with its description in Column A. Write the correct
letter in the space provided.
Column B
Column A
_________ 1. distance between two crests
a. wave
_________ 2. causes waves to form
b. crest
_________ 3. moves forward in a wave
_________ 4. highest point in a wave
d. wave height
_________ 5. slows down a wave
e. wind
_________ 6. lowest point of a wave
_________ 7. forms when a crest falls over
g. energy
_________ 8. up-and-down movement of water
h. white cap
_________ 9. distance between the crest and the trough
shallow waters near shore
Skill Challenge
Skills: identifying, calculating, measuring
Use the diagram to complete the following.
1. Label the crest and trough of the wave.
2. Label the wavelength of the wave.
3. If 1 cm represents 1 m, what is the wavelength of this wave? __________________________________
4. If 1 cm represents 1 m, what is the wave height of this wave? __________________________________
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 7
10-6 What are the tides?
Lesson Review
PART A Match each term in Column B with its description in Column A. Write
the correct letter in the space provided.
Column B
Column A
_________ 1. force that causes tides
a. tide
_________ 2. incoming, or rising, tide
b. low tide
_________ 3. outgoing, or falling, tide
_________ 4. regular change in the level of Earth’s oceans
d. ebb tide
_________ 5. period of low water level
e. flood tide
_________ 6. period of high water level
high tide
PART B Complete the following.
1. About how often do the tides change? _____________________________________________________
2. a. How many low tides occur each day? _______ b. How many high tides occur each day? _______
3. How does the change in tides relate to the rotation of Earth? __________________________________
4. a. How many times each day does a flood tide occur? _______ b. An ebb tide? _______
Skill Challenge
Skills: analyzing, calculating, applying concepts, predicting
Use the tide table to answer the questions.
1. At what time on July 10 will the first low tide occur?
12:15 A.M.
6:00 A.M.
12:45 A.M.
6:30 A.M
July 10
July 11
2. Shellfishers usually fish during lower tide. At what
times on July 10 will shellfishing be best?
3. What is the difference in time between one low tide and the next? ______________________________
4. Fishing usually is best during times of high water level. When will fishing probably be best on July
10 and July 11? _________________________________________________________________________
5. What time will the second low tide occur on July 11? _________________________________________
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 8
10-7 What are ocean sediments?
Lesson Review
Complete each statement with one of the terms below.
1. Materials that fall and collect on the ocean floor are called ocean _______________________________ .
2. Rocks of all sizes are carried to the ocean by ________________________________________________ .
3. Rocks along the ocean shore are eroded by _________________________ and _____________________ .
4. Mineral lumps called ____________________________________________________________________
are made up mostly of compounds of manganese, nickel, and iron.
5. Two minerals that are found on the ocean floor are _____________________ and _________________ .
6. An ocean sediment made up of volcanic dust and the remains of ocean organisms is ______________ .
7. Underwater landslides form ______________________________________________ on the ocean floor.
Skill Challenge
Skills: locating, hypothesizing
Use the diagram below to answer the questions.
1. At which point are the sediment
particles largest? ______________
2. At which point are the sediment
particles smallest? ____________
3. Why would you be more likely
to find gravel than sand at
Point C? _____________________
4. Name one kind of rock particle that is likely to be found at Point A. Explain your choice. __________
Concepts and Challenges in Earth Science, Teacher’s Resources CD-ROM
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 9
What are some ocean landforms?
Lesson Review
Match each term in Column B with its description in Column A. Write the correct
letter in the space provided.
Column B
Column A
_________ 1. flat part of the ocean floor
a. seamount
_________ 2. deepest part of the Pacific Ocean
b. continental slope
_________ 3. underwater mountain ranges
_________ 4. flat-topped, underwater seamount
d. continental
_________ 5. divides a continent from the ocean floor
_________ 6. part of a continent that slopes gently away from the shoreline
_________ 7. volcanic mountain on the ocean floor
_________ 8. part of a continent between the continental shelf and the ocean
_________ 9. deep canyon on the ocean floor
Marianas Trench
e. continental shelf
g. mid-ocean ridges
h. plain
Skill Challenge
Skills: modeling, identifying
Draw a model of the ocean floor that shows each of the following: continental
shelf, guyot, seamount, continental slope, trench, and plains. If necessary, use
the diagram in your text as a model. Label each of the features on your diagram.
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 10
10-9 What are coral reefs?
Lesson Review
Complete each statement with one of the terms from the box below.
barrier reefs
calcium carbonate
ringing reefs
coral reef
1. Corals take _______________________________ out of the ocean water to make their hard skeletons.
2. A coral’s skeleton is made up of ___________________________________________________________ .
3. An ______________________________________________ is a ring-shaped coral reef around a lagoon.
4. Large colonies of living coral and the skeletons of dead coral make up a ________________________ .
5. Two kinds of coral reefs are _____________________ and _____________________________________ .
6. A ________________________________________________________ is located in the center of an atoll.
Skill Challenge
Skills: identifying, classifying
For each of the following, write fringing reefs, barrier reefs, or atolls. Some items
have more than one answer.
_____________________ 1. Coral colonies border the shoreline closely.
_____________________ 2. Coral colonies are separated from the shoreline by a lagoon.
_____________________ 3. These reefs are ring-shaped.
_____________________ 4. These reefs form around a sunken volcanic island.
_____________________ 5. These reefs are found along the Florida coast.
_____________________ 6. Most are located in the Pacific Ocean.
_____________________ 7. Ships may enter lagoons through channels in these.
_____________________ 8. These reefs have lagoons in their centers.
_____________________ 9. The coast of Australia has the world’s largest of these.
_____________________ 10. Only the reef itself remains above water.
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 11
Ocean Organisms
Enrichment Activity for Lessons 10-8 and 10-9
Skills: researching, classifying
Use reference materials to find the information for each ocean organism. Check the
ocean zone in which the organism lives. Classify each organism by placing a check
mark in the correct space. Then, describe one unique feature for each organism.
1. Blue whale
a. Approximate size: ___________________
b. Ocean zone:
________ intertidal
________ neritic
________ open ocean
c. Classification:
________ plankton
________ nekton
________ benthos
d. Unique feature: ______________________________________________________________________
2. Hermit crab
a. Approximate size: ___________________
b. Ocean zone:
________ intertidal
________ neritic
________ open ocean
c. Classification:
________ plankton
________ nekton
________ benthos
d. Unique feature: ______________________________________________________________________
3. Lantern fish
a. Approximate size: ___________________
b. Ocean zone:
________ intertidal
________ neritic
________ open ocean
c. Classification:
________ plankton
________ nekton
________ benthos
d. Unique feature: ______________________________________________________________________
4. Sea horse
a. Approximate size: ___________________
b. Ocean zone:
________ intertidal
________ neritic
________ open ocean
c. Classification:
________ plankton
________ nekton
________ benthos
d. Unique feature: ______________________________________________________________________
5. Portuguese man-of-war a. Approximate size: ___________________
b. Ocean zone:
________ intertidal
________ neritic
________ open ocean
c. Classification:
________ plankton
________ nekton
________ benthos
d. Unique feature: ______________________________________________________________________
6. Barnacle
a. Approximate size: ___________________
b. Ocean zone:
________ intertidal
________ neritic
________ open ocean
c. Classification:
________ plankton
________ nekton
________ benthos
d. Unique feature: ______________________________________________________________________
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 12
Integrating Life Science
Chapter 10 Where is life found in the ocean?
Lesson Review
Refer to the article, call outs, and pictures on pages 246 and 247 of your text to
answer the following questions.
1. In which ocean zone would you find the glasslike shells of diatoms? ___________________________
2. What adaptation does a laternfish possess that helps the animal live in the benthic zone? __________
3. What adaptation does a sea star possess that helps the animal live in the benthic zone? ____________
4. What adaptation does a mackerel possess that helps the animal live in the pelagic zone? __________
Skill Challenge
Skills: inferring, analyzing
Complete the following.
1. Why are whales generally found in the pelagic zone? ________________________________________
Identify five organisms adapted to life in the pelagic zone. ___________________________________
3. Identify five organisms adapted to life in the benthic zone. ____________________________________
Science Log Writing Activity
Complete the Science Log on a separate sheet of paper. To complete the Big Idea Online, go to Follow the online instructions.
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 13
Chapter 10 Key Term Review
In the spaces provided, write the Key Term that best fits each description.
Unscramble the letters in brackets [ ___ ] to spell a topic that is discussed in this
chapter. Write the topic in the spaces provided at the bottom of the page. Then,
explain the topic in one or two sentences.
1. Ring-shaped coral reef ___ ___ [ ___ ] ___ ___
2. Stream of water that moves up and down in ocean depths
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
[ ___ ] ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
3. Mineral lump found on the ocean floor ___ [ ___ ] ___ ___ ___ ___
4. Coral reef that grows in shallow water ___ ___ ___ ___ [ ___ ] ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
5. Bending of Earth’s winds and oceans currents by Earth’s rotation
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ [ ___ ] ___ ___
6. Stream of water flowing in the ocean ___ ___ [ ___ ] ___ ___ ___ ___
7. Coral reef that forms around a sunken volcanic island
___ [ ___ ] ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ __
8. Ocean layer in which water temperature drops sharply
___ [ ___ ] ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
9. Ocean sediment that contains the remains of ocean organisms ___ ___ ___ ___
10. Large body of salt water ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ [ ___ ] ___ ___
11. Body of water between a reef and the mainland ___ [ ___ ] ___ ___ ___ ___
12. Amount of dissolved salts in ocean water ___ ___ ___ ___ [ ___ ] ___ ___ ___
13. Part of a continent between the continental shelf and the ocean floor
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ [ ___ ] ___
14. Small animals found in warm, shallow ocean waters ___ ___ [ ___ ] ___ ___
Topic: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Explanation: ______________________________________________________________________________
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 14
Chapter 10 Test
Interpreting Diagrams Use the diagram to answer the questions that follow.
1. What is the name of the
ocean shown at A?
2. What is the name of the
ocean shown at B?
3. Which ocean is shown at
C? _____________________
4. What are scientists who
study the oceans called?
5. Which of the three main
oceans is largest? ___________________________________________________________________________
6. Which of the three main oceans is smallest? ___________________________________________________
7. Which of the three main oceans is deepest? ____________________________________________________
8. About how much of Earth’s surface is covered by water? ________________________________________
Multiple Choice Write the letter of the term or phrase that best completes
each statement.
__________ 1. Another name for a sound navigation and ranging system is
a. sonar. b. a submersible. c. Alvin. d. a bathyscaph.
__________ 2. Sound waves travel through water at a speed of
a. 10 m/s. b. 100 m/s. c. 150/s. d. 1,500 m/s.
__________ 3. The deepest parts of the ocean floor are
a. mid-ocean ridges. b. plains. c. trenches.
__________ 4. A bathyscaph is a
a. diving vessel connected to a ship.
c. transmitter.
d. guyots.
b. diving vessel not connected to a ship.
d. deep-sea drilling vessel.
__________ 5. The most common salt in ocean water is
a. calcium chloride. b. thermal chloride.
c. sodium chloride.
d. hydrogen peroxide.
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 15
Chapter 10 Test (continued)
__________ 6. The amount of dissolved salts in ocean water is its
a. thermocline. b. salinity. c. density. d. evaporation.
__________ 7. The layer of the ocean in which temperatures drop sharply is the
a. thermocline. b. deep layer. c. surface layer. d. bathysphere.
__________ 8. Ooze and dissolved shells make up the ocean’s
a. sediments. b. surface layer. c. thermocline.
__________ 9. Tides are mainly caused by
a. pressure. b. density. c. gravity.
__________ 10. An incoming, or rising, tide is
a. an ebb tide. b. a low tide.
d. landforms.
d. currents.
c. a high tide.
d. a flood tide.
__________ 11. An up-and-down movement of water in ocean depths is a
a. tide. b. surface current. c. density current. d. wave.
__________ 12. Currents that bring cold water into warmer regions begin near the
a. poles. b. equator. c. ocean surface. d. ocean bottom.
__________ 13. The clockwise curving of winds in the Northern Hemisphere is caused by
a. Earth’s revolution around the Sun.
b. atmospheric pressure.
c. the Coriolis effect.
d. ocean waves.
__________ 14. An up-and-down movement of water at the ocean’s surface is a
a. tide. b. surface current. c. density current. d. wave.
__________ 15. The wavelength is the distance between
a. a wave’s crest and trough.
b. a wave’s beginning and end.
c. one crest and the next.
d. a wave’s breaker and white cap.
__________ 16. A tide that occurs during a full Moon or a new Moon is
a. a flood tide. b. an ebb tide. c. a spring tide. d. a neap tide.
__________ 17. The length of time between one high tide and the next is about
a. 12 hours and 30 minutes.
b. 6 hours and 30 minutes.
c. 12 hours and 15 minutes.
d. 6 hours and 15 minutes.
__________ 18. Mineral lumps called nodules are made up mostly of manganese, iron, and
a. lead. b. nickel. c. copper. d. ooze.
__________ 19. An atoll is a kind of
a. coral reef. b. river.
c. ocean sediment.
d. submersible.
__________ 20. The continental shelf and continental slope are features of the
a. low tide. b. ocean floor. c. thermocline. d. bathysphere
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 16
Chapter 10 Test (continued)
Written Response Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
21. INFER: Countries in what areas of the world would be most likely to build desalination plants?
Explain your answer. ________________________________________________________________________
22. ANALYZE: Why does a cork in the open ocean move up and down, but not forward, on the waves,
while a cork near the shore is washed up on the beach by the waves? _____________________________
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 17
Answer Key
10-1 What is the world ocean?
Lesson Review
1. oceanography 2. 75 percent 3. Pacific 4. true
5. true
Skill Challenge
1. Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean
2. Arctic Ocean, Antarctic Ocean 3. Accept any
three of the following for each ocean: Atlantic
Ocean—North America, Europe, South America,
Africa, Antarctica; Pacific Ocean—Africa, South
America, North America, Asia, Australia; Indian
Ocean—Africa, Asia. 4. These oceans are different
because they are colder. 5. a. They run into one
another. b. one
10-2 How are the oceans explored?
Lesson Review
1. deep-sea drilling 2. sonar 3. 1,500 m/sec
4. transmitter 5. receiver 6. depth 7. sound waves
8. submersibles 9. bathysphere 10. bathyscaph
Skill Challenge
1. 1,500 m 2. 4,500 m 3. 6,750 m 4. 7,500 m
5. 10 seconds 6. 1,500 m 7. The longer it takes the
sound waves to travel, the deeper is the ocean.
What are some properties of
oceans? (continued)
1. f 2. d 3. g 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. e
Skill Challenge
1. 900 or more m 2. from 0 to 400 m
3. a. thermocline b. Temperature drops sharply
with depth.
10-4 What are ocean currents?
Lesson Review
1. true 2. west 3. southeast 4. clockwise
5. counterclockwise 6. warm 7. cold 8. density
Skill Challenge
1. The Gulf Stream is a warm current because it
begins near the equator. 2. The Gulf Stream is a
warm current, so it brings warm weather to
England. 3. California and Kuroshio currents
4. The Benguela current is a cold current, so it cools
the western coast of Africa.
10-5 What are ocean waves?
Lesson Review
1. f 2. e 3. g 4. b 5. i 6. c 7. h 8. a 9. d
Skill Challenge
1.–2. Check students’ drawings. 3. 5 m 4. 3 m
10-2 How are the oceans explored?
Enrichment Activity: Measuring Ocean
10-6 What are the tides?
Lesson Review
1. submersible 2. sonar 3. scuba diver or gear
4. bathyscaphe
1. f 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. c
1. submersible—explore ocean depths and floor
2. sonar—measure ocean depths; develop ocean
floor profiles 3. scuba gear—enables people to
breathe underwater so they can explore the ocean
4. bathyscaphe—deep-diving minisub
What are some properties of
Lesson Review
1. decreases 2. increases 3. decreases 4. decreases
1. every 6 hours and 15 minutes 2. a. 2 b. 2
3. Each quarter rotation of Earth causes a major
change in the tides. 4. a. 2 b. 2
Skill Challenge
1. 6:00 A.M. 2. shortly before and after 6:00 A.M. and
shortly before and after 6:30 P.M. 3. 12 1/2 hours
4. shortly before and after 12:15 A.M. and shortly
before and after 12:45 A.M. 5. 7:00 P.M.
10-7 What are ocean sediments?
Lesson Review
1. sediments 2. rivers 3. wind, waves 4. nodules
5. Accept any two of the following: manganese,
nickel, iron, copper, lead, zinc, and silver. 6. ooze
7. canyons
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 18
Answer Key
10-7 What are ocean sediments?
The Big Idea (continued)
Skill Challenge
1. Point C 2. Point A 3. Sand contains smaller
particles than gravel and would be carried farther
from the shoreline. 4. Possible answer: Dust or clay;
The particles in these substances are smaller than
gravel and sand.
Skill Challenge
1. Whales have lungs and must take in air at the
water’s surface. 2. Accept any five of the following:
whales, dolphins, mackerel, plankton, seals, and
squid. 3. Accept any five of the following:
lanternfish, angler fish, sea stars, mussels, barnacles,
crabs, and some seaweeds.
10-8 What are some ocean landforms?
Lesson Review
1. h 2. c 3. g 4. f 5. d 6. e 7. a 8. b 9. i
Skill Challenge
Check students’ diagrams.
Key Term Review
1. atoll 2. density current 3. nodule 4. fringing
reef 5. Coriolis effect 6. current 7. barrier reef
8. thermocline 9. ooze 10. world ocean 11. lagoon
12. salinity 13. continental slope 14. coral
10-9 What are coral reefs?
Topic: oceanographer
Lesson Review
1. calcium 2. calcium carbonate 3. atoll 4. coral
reef 5. fringing reefs, barrier reefs 6. lagoon
Skill Challenge
1. fringing reefs 2. barrier reefs, atolls 3. atolls
4. barrier reefs, atolls 5. fringing reefs 6. atolls
7. atolls 8. atolls 9. barrier reefs 10. atolls
Explanation: An oceanographer is a person who
studies Earth’s oceans. An oceanographer might
specialize in the study of the oceans’ depths, coral
reefs, or the geography of the ocean floor.
10-9 What are coral reefs?
Enrichment Activity: Ocean Organisms
1. a. 30 m b. open ocean c. nekton d. largest
animal on Earth 2. a. 30 cm b. intertidal
c. benthos d. lives in shells discarded by other
organisms 3. a. 10 cm b. open ocean c. nekton
d. has organs on body that give off light 4. a. 13 cm
b. neritic c. nekton d. Males take care of babies.
5. a. 25 cm b. neritic c. plankton d. Colony of
single animals floats from an air bladder.
6. a. 1.2 cm b. intertidal c. nekton d. Colonies of
barnacles on a ship’s hull can cause drag that
reduces the ship’s speed.
The Big Idea
Lesson Review
1. benthic zone 2. Special organs located on the
body of a laternfish give off light. This adaptation
helps the fish navigate the dark waters of the benthic
zone. 3. Sea stars have tiny tube feet on their arms
that help the animals move along the ocean floor.
4. The streamlined body of a mackerel helps the
animal move through the waters of the pelagic zone.
Chapter Test
Interpreting Diagrams
1. Pacific Ocean 2. Atlantic Ocean 3. Indian Ocean
4. oceanographers 5. Pacific Ocean 6. Indian
Ocean 7. Pacific Ocean 8. about 75 percent
Multiple Choice
1. a 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. a 9. c 10. d
11. c 12. a 13. c 14. d 15. c 16. c 17. a 18. b
19. a 20. b
Written Response
21. Countries in dry areas of the world that are
located near oceans would be most likely to build
desalination plants because they would likely have
shortages of fresh water and abundant ocean water.
22. In the open ocean, energy in waves does not
move forward, only up and down, so the cork in the
water also moves only up and down. Near the
shore, the wave’s energy changes form and begins to
move forward, carrying the water and the cork with
it onto the beach.
Concepts and Challenges in Earth Science, Teacher’s Resources CD-ROM
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The Oceans: CHAPTER 10, page 19