(15-3) A Liters B Milliliters C Grams D Ki

Topic 15
Mark the best answer.
1. Which unit would be best to
measure the mass of an elephant?
4. Which of the following best
describes the mass of a piano?
A Liters
A 25 kilograms
B Milliliters
B 250 kilograms
C Grams
C 25 grams
D Kilograms
D 250 grams
2. A large container at the Voth dairy
farm holds 100 liters of milk. At
sunrise on Monday it contained
46 liters of milk. How many more
liters of milk are needed to fill the
container? (15-5)
5. Which of the following would you
measure in milliliters? (15-1)
A Capacity of a kitchen sink
B Capacity of a swimming pool
C Capacity of a water pitcher
D Capacity of a juice box
100 liters
46 L
6. Match the object to the unit of
capacity that best measures it.
A 44 liters
B 54 liters
C 64 liters
Gas tank
D 65 liters
3. Which shows the total capacity
represented in this picture? (15-2)
1 liter
1 liter
500 mL
500 mL
7. Which shows the total mass
represented in this picture? (15-4)
1 Kg
1 Kg
A 1 liter 200 milliliters
100 g
10 g
10 g
10 g
10 g
A 2 kilograms 140 grams
B 1 liter 300 milliliters
B 2 kilograms 210 grams
C 1 liter 500 milliliters
C 2 kilograms 500 grams
D 2 liters
D 3 kilograms
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8. Which is a metric unit that would
be best to measure the capacity of
a bottle of eye drops. (15-1)
12. A refrigerator weighs about
150 _____________. (15-3)
A Milliliter
B Liter
13. A bucket holds about 3 _________.
C Kilogram
D Gram
9. Name a metric unit that would be
best to measure the capacity of a
bathtub. (15-1)
14. Jill has 2 liters of water and wants
to fill a household container with it.
Name a container Jill can fill. (15-2)
For 10 through 13, write the word
Liter, Milliliter, Gram, or Kilogram to
determine the best estimate.
10. The capacity of Martha’s small
wading pool is about
400 ______________. (15-1)
15. David takes 2 liters of sports drink
to hockey practice. If he drinks
700 milliliters while at practice, how
much sports drink does he have
left? (15-2)
11. A bowling ball weighs about
7 ____________. (15-3)
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16. Riaz has two apples. Together they
have a mass of 140 grams. One
apple has a mass of 75 grams.
What is the mass of the other
apple? (15-4)
17. Jill has a small tub she uses to play
with her toy boats. She puts in
12 liters of water. The tub has a
capacity of 30 liters. How many
more liters should she put in to fill
the tub? Draw a picture to solve.
18. Which container holds more, a
2,000 mL carton or a 2 L bottle?
Explain. (15-1)
19. Mr. Jones wants to know the mass
of his pencil. Should he use a pan
balance or a measuring cup to
measure? (15-3)
20. Is the capacity of a jar of baby food
more than a liter or less than a
liter? (15-1)
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