נשא - Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham

Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham
‫ ז“ל‬,‫ע“ש ר‘ יונה אברהם בן ר‘ שמואל‬
HoRav Chaim Malinowitz, Sh’lita, Rav
Rabbi Joel Padowitz, President
‫ התשע״ה · אבות פרק ב׳‬,‫י״ב סיון‬
The Saffers have made a nedava in honor of
Saba Hornestay's 83rd birthday (Bar Mitzvah + 70).
May he continue to be well with the ability to keep up
his many tefilos for all of klal yisrael for years to come.
Mazel Tov to Shlomo and Shoshana
Weis upon the birth of a grandson (last
Erev Shabbos), born to Zevi and
Yocheved Weis of Migdal Ha'emek.
.‫שיזכו אביו ואמו לגדלו לתורה לחופה ולמעשים טובים‬
Mazel Tov to Shlomo and Shoshana
Weis on the aufruf of their son
Chaim Mordechai (this Shabbos) and
his upcoming marriage to Ahuva Wolf.
.‫שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל‬
Shlomo and Shoshana Weis express their simcha and
gratitude to HaShem upon the recent healthy births of their
granddaughter Eden, born to Dovi and Hannah Weis, and
their grandson, born to Zevi and Yocheved Weis.
.‫שיזכו אבותם ואמותיהם לגדלם לתורה לחופה ולמעשים טובים‬
Shabbos Schedule ‫לוח שבת‬
Erev Shabbos
‫ערב שבת‬
“‫מנחה ”מוקדמת‬
“‫הדלקת נרות ”מוקדמת‬
‫הדלקת נרות‬
One should be mekabel Shabbos
before Sh’kia
‫יש לקבל שבת לפני שקיעה‬
“Late” Ma’ariv
Shabbos Day
Shacharis - Vasikin
Hanetz HaChama
B’rachos and Korbanos
Pesukei D’Zimrah
Youth Minyan
Latest Shema – G’ra
Tefillas Mincha Gedola
Avos u’Banim
Tefillas Mincha Ketana
Next Shabbos
Early Mincha
“Early” Candle Lighting
Candle Lighting
‫ערבית מאוחרת‬
‫יום השבת‬
‫שחרית כותיקין‬
‫הנץ החמה‬
‫ברכות וקרבנות‬
‫פסוקי דזמרה‬
‫מנין בחורים‬
‫סוף זמן ק“ש לגר“א‬
‫תפילת מנחה גדולה‬
‫אבות ובנים‬
‫תפילת מנחה קטנה‬
‫שבת הבאה‬
“‫מנחה ”מוקדמת‬
“‫הדלקת נרות ”מוקדמת‬
‫הדלקת נרות‬
Shabbos Shiurim
These z'manim are correct for ‫פרשת נשא‬
“Early” Mincha
“Early” Candle Lighting
Candle Lighting
 The Rav’s ‫ נ״ך‬shiur. Sefer Zecharya Perek 6 7:25am.
 English Shabbos shiur for women: 4:45pm at the home of
Debbie Sassen, Nachal Refaim 21/4. Speaker: Rebbetzin
Blimi Botwinik.
 Rebbetzin Malinowitz’s Shiur in ‫ הלכות שבת‬after the
women’s shiur.
BTYA welcomes mechutanim Naftali and Etti Wolf and
family from Yerushalayim; Mordechai's siblings and their
families; and all the other guests who are joining in the
The kehilla is invited to a Kiddush in honor of the
choson after davening in Ulam Shabsai.
Mazel Tov to Ariel and Helena Topf on
the upcoming chassana of their
daughter Eva to Shmuel Arye Cohen,
son of Rabbi and Mrs. Yossi Cohen from
Bnei Brak. The Kehilla is invited to
celebrate this Simcha this coming Sunday at the Kibbutz
Tzora Simchah Hall. See invitation at the Shul's door.
BTYA welcomes the following relatives and friends who
have come from near and far to join in the Simcha:
Grandmothers: Lili Topf from RBS; Tany Banarer from
Dallas. Great aunt Augusta Kreimer and uncle Amir Topf
from Peru. Cousin Michael Topf from Holland. Uncle
Salomon Banarer and Mrs. Shoshana Lender from
Dallas. Aunt Esther Stein and cousin Shalom Stein from
Long Island. Mrs. Miriam Bendel and Mr. Roman
Bodnarchuk from Toronto and Rabbi Leon Kogan from
Antwerp, Belgium.
Avos uBanim
AUB begins at 5:00 (1 hour before tmk). It is sponsored
by Dr. Barry & Tziona Zeffren, for the hatzlacha of their
grandchildren, the Feiner kids, in
everything they do!
If you would like to sponsor Avos
uBanim as a zechus for or in
memory of a loved one, please
contact: Mutti Frankel:
[email protected] or 050-613-6340
Yehuda Nyssen: 050-412-0515.
 The Rav’s ‫ אגדות הש״ס‬,‫ עין יעקב‬shiur. 4:15pm
 The Rav’s Pirkei Avos shiur in sefer Ru'ach Chaim.
6:25pm until 30 minutes before shekiah.
 ‫דף יומי‬:
‫ ליל שבת‬9:20pm in the ‫בית מדרש‬, R’ Ari Stern
‫ שבת‬4:00pm in the ‫בית מדרש‬, R’ Zabrowsky
For Grades 7-12
Starting at 8:45 Every Shabbos Morning
To sponsor a Kiddush (360₪), contact Asher
Gherman, Naftali Rischall or Rabbi Tully Bryks. To
Daven for the Amud, contact Meir Bisk or Tzvi
Greenberg. To sign up for Laining, contact Tzvi
Greenberg. To give a 2-5 minute Dvar Torah during
Kiddush, contact Didi Frankel. For all other
questions, contact Rabbi Bryks at
[email protected]
On the behalf of the entire BTYA community, we thank
the following for their contributions for this amazing
Shavuos, in no particular order:
 All the Magidei shiur: Rav Malinowitz, R’ Mordechai
Tehillim Locations and Times
Bernstein, R’ Shmuel Katz, R’ Joel Padowitz, R’
Binyamin Jacobson, R’ Aryeh Sonnenberg, R’
Yehonason Gefen, & Rabbi Pia;
The Weis family for sponsoring the elegant flower
Beryl Thomas, Avi Factor, and Eli Gherman for
arranging the flowers so beautifully;
The Rebbitzen for the delicious cheesecake;
Shlomo Weis for Neilas hachag;
The Weis family and the Rav and Rebbitzen for AUB
All the learners in the Beis Midrash night and day;
Tully Bryks for the youth event;
Tzvi Gherman and Greenberg families for youth
The Gabbaim for keeping it all running smoothly;
The Rav and Rebbitzen for their special words of
Torah and Chizuk;
Rebbitzen Landau for leading Tehilim;
Mrs. Noll for arranging the ladies’ event;
Rebbitzen Malinowitz and Rebbitzen Ginsburg for
their words at the ladies’ event;
Mrs. Noll, Mrs. Loring and Mrs. Shuli Gherman for
conceiving of and developing the ladies’ event;
All the women who took time to come and make the
Shavous ladies’ event special;
Mrs. Padowitz for making the ladies’ event fliers;
Mrs. Bisk for providing a beautiful venue for the ladies
Mrs. Kedar for the girls' learning and ice cream party;
The anonymous sponsors of the food of the all-night
Zevi Weissmandl and Yossi Leff for setting up the
food all night;
Ayton Lefkowitz for the shiurim fliers;
The avos ubanim crew;
And David Kallus for once again putting it all together.
HoRav Chaim Malinowitz, Sh’lita, Rav
054-914-6311 or [email protected]
Rabbi Joel Padowitz, President
052-789-0033 or [email protected]
8:15 & 10:15
Subscribe to BTYA Lists
Main list: [email protected]
Members-only: [email protected]
Neshei List: [email protected]
Vasikin List: [email protected]
For Yeshaya Shalom ben Malka Gittel and all the
cholim in our community.
 Sunday: Landau, Nachal Maor 12/2 9:00am
 Sunday: BTYA (upstairs) - 1:00pm
 Sunday: Reuben, Nachal Revivim 7/6 8:15pm
 Monday: Lewitan, Nachal Refaim 21/2 8:30am
 Monday Loring, Nachal Noam 6/2 10:00am
 Tuesday: Gherman, Nachal Tamar 6 - 10:20am
 Wednesday: BTYA (upstairs) 1:00pm
 Wednesday: Schulman, Nachal Tamar 8 - 8:30pm
 Friday Night: Bornstein, Nachal Luz 7/3 - at Shekiah
 Shabbos Day: Baum, Nachal Alexander 11/2 -; 6:00pm
 Shabbos Day: Swinkin, Nachal Ayalon 9/3 -; 6:00pm
 Shabbos Day: Bodenheim Nachal Noam 2/1 - 6:00pm
Shul Setup
Erev Beha’aloshcha: Shmuel Bisk, Matt Bornstein, Tully
Vasikin Minyon News
The BTYA Vasikin Minyon now begins about 5:25 each
morning—the earliest it will get all year (this, as they say,
separates the men from the boys!). This week’s Shabbos
Kiddush is sponsored by Yossi Leff. If you have a special
event coming up, please consider sponsoring a
Kiddush—complete with a famous Weismandl Cholent—
for only 125₪. Contact Lev Seltzer [email protected].
Hall Reservations: 02-996-0008
BTYA office hours: Su-Th: 8:20a-12:45p.
077-228-5175 [email protected]
Send US tax-deductible donations to American
Friends of Bais Tefilla, c/o Sonnenberg, 180 W End
Ave #12A, NY, NY 10023.
Newsletter Design: Lev Seltzer
Newsletter Contact: Send your lifecycle events,
news, etc. to [email protected]. If we don’t know
about your event, we can’t publish it!
‫תפלת מנחה‬
‫ה׳‬-‫קטנה א׳‬
‫תפלת מנחה‬
‫ה׳‬-‫גדולה א׳‬
8:00 ,6:55
8:00 ,6:50
8:00 ,6:55
8:00 ,6:55
8:00 ,6:50
8:00 ,6:55
Vasikin Room
‫זמנים לימי חול‬
‫עד שבת פרשת‬