Copyright © 2012 Clyde Trepanier 1 October 18, 1962 Yaum: Good

Caveat: These communications are informative teaching instructions for those who seek to increase their understanding of themselves and
the magnitude of the future lying before us all. These lectures are not of a religious nature but rather deal with the science of human potential
and evolution. This document is a direct transcription from the original recording. Although it has been checked for obvious errors,
it has not been finally edited.
Copyright © 2012 Clyde Trepanier
October 18, 1962
Yaum: Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yaum.
I have felt a vibration of oneness here so I have come
to you and will spend a few moments with you at this
time. Perhaps I will not have the opportunity again.
My friends, it has been my very great pleasure and my
privilege to have been able to become friends with you
and I have appreciated your cooperation in listening to
my very humble opinions and putting up with my poor
English, but I feel we have become very good friends.
Now, beloved ones, perhaps I shall not be able to
speak to you in this manner for some time. The
instrument through which I speak and his mate are to
go forth to a new experience and a new phase in their
lives. I’m sure you folk here feel great joy in parting
rather than sadness for you know this is necessary in
their development.
Many of you are going to see—due to your knowledge
and your foresight or information that your search for
truth has brought you—you are going to recognize in
the events that are taking place, the fulfillment of the
prophecies. Great changes are taking place on planet
Earth but only those with eyes to see and ears to hear
are recognizing these changes. Each circle of events
as they come about, brings the greater changes nearer
and nearer. As you look back, for only a very few
years, you see where the events have started to take
place which will bring geographical changes and the
changes which are to come about will be more severe.
It was stated at the beginning of this year of 1962 that it
would be a very eventful year. Has it not been so, my
friends? And you may see before the end of the year
even greater events take place.
Now, my friends, as you view these things, realize that
this is only a cleansing that has begun to take place
before planet Earth can be permanently established in
a new Age. It must be cleansed, you see. Those who
have a sincere desire to serve, to become a part of the
new Age, are going to be set apart from these things.
They are not going to be affected by them, providing
they follow a sincere inner guidance which must be
sought for. This true inner guidance is not found unless
you seek for it, unless you acquire it. Man must have a
sincere dedication, forsaking all other things, as it was
Copyright © 2012 Clyde Trepanier
stated in your religious works, “There shall be no other
Gods before Me.” You see, my friends, there is nothing
in this whole universe that is as important as one’s own
soul development.
The I AM in me and in you is the most important thing
in all creation, for when I have reached a complete
realization of this I have reached a great height in
understanding. We must seek first these things,
searching our inner most souls and there we will find
the guidance that will lead us down the path for our
greatest development, our greatest safety and our
greatest joy. And, my friends, wherever this takes us—
be it over sea or mountains or through outer space—
that will be where we will receive our greatest good, the
good that will bring to us true happiness, true love and
understanding. Do you see what I mean, my friends?
Joy is only found within one’s own soul and joy is only
found by doing that which our innermost soul or higher
consciousness or higher self or whatever you wish to
call it, demands of us.
There is much unhappiness among your people of
Earth because they do not follow the dictates of their
inner soul or consciousness. When man truly follows
this he radiates love, joy. He brings joy to those with
whom he comes in contact. He is loved by all because
he gives love to all. It is really quite simple, you see.
I have been rambling on. I get carried away at times
and I give a lecture. No offense meant. If you have
something to say, you may ask. Your hour is late and I
must not keep you.
Questioner: I have been attempting very hard to know
that I am that I am. Am I succeeding?
Yaum: This is a realization that sometimes, when one
is faced with a great deal of outer influences and
obligations, as you call them, it is quite difficult to get
the mind quieted and to go deep within and come into a
realization of these things. The word I AM has a great
and far reaching meaning. I AM for I am all things. I am
what you call God but this is the true I AM. This is not
what people see. This is not the I which is faced every
day by your civilization and its demands. This is not the
true I AM.
The thing is that man of Earth, in so many cases, has a
distorted idea of what is necessary and he becomes
October 18, 1962
rather controlled, under pressures that he feels are
necessary and are required by his environment, rather
than controlling it. It becomes difficult to withdraw and
bring about the realization of his true I AM. When man
becomes truly conscious of his oneness with creation,
this takes precedence over all other things, and as this
becomes more and more a part of his consciousness, it
becomes easier and easier to have a true realization of
this. There are many stages of all of these realizations
for, you see, as in most, things, there are certain
degrees and as your realization becomes deeper and
deeper you advance to higher degrees of this
Do not be discouraged, it takes time to reach a full
realization, a great, great realization. There are times
when I have reached certain degrees far, far beyond
my realization, where I can see the vast greatness
which lies ahead.
I must vacate this instrument. It has been most
gratifying to be with you. If I have been of some slight
service, I assure you I am grateful, for life can only be
realized in its abundance through the service that we
can render.
Beloved friends, as I leave you now, I give to you my
very, very, deepest blessings and I ask that those who
are in charge, who have greater responsibility, greater
wisdom, greater understanding, will invoke their
blessings to you also, and I know that this is done.
May the Peace and joy that you shall receive through
your service, may each of you be greatly blessed by it.
May your joy be great and your Peace rewarding.
Goodnight to you, my friends, goodnight. Copyright © 2012 Clyde Trepanier