Concilium Lateranense IV - Institut d`Histoire du Droit

Concilium Lateranense IV: Commemorating the Octocentenary
of the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215
Draft Programme
Monday, 23 November 2015 (Valle Giulia)
Danish Academy (Accademia di Danimarca)
Session 1: Plenary lectures
Welcome by the Assistant Director of the Danish Academy, Anna Wegener.
Chair: tbc
Plenary Lecture 1: Danica Summerlin, University College London
Innocent III, the 1179 and 1215 Lateran Councils and “new law”
Plenary Lecture 2: Christoph Egger, Instititut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, University of
Who was Innocent III? Lothar of Segni, Innocent III and the Fourth Lateran Council
Coffee Break sponsored by the Danish Academy in Rome (10.45-11.30am)
Session 2: Visitors and petitioners in Papal Rome at the Time of the Fourth Lateran
Organiser: Iben Fonnesberg-Schmidt, Aalborg University
Chair: Danica Summerlin, University College London.
Paper 1: William Kynan-Wilson, Aalborg University
English Impressions of Papal Rome at the time of the Fourth Lateran Council: the Works of Gerald of
Wales and Gervase of Tilbury
Paper 2: Iben Fonnesberg-Schmidt, Aalborg University
Papal Gift-giving in the Early Thirteenth Century
Paper 3: Emil Lauge Christensen, Aalborg University
The Papal Reception of Legates and Petitioners at the time of the Fourth Lateran Council: Rituals and
Paper 4: Marek Tamm, Tallinn University
From Riga to Rome: Livonian embassies in the Papal Court (1204 and 1215)
Lunch (1.30-2.30pm)
Session 3: From Lateran I to Lateran IV: Framing a Reform Agenda
Chair: Atria Larson, Saint Louis University
1 Paper 1: Georg Gresser, PTH Sankt Augustin
Vom Lateranense I zum Lateranense IV: Kontinuitäten und Veränderungen in der
The British School at Rome (Accademia Britannica)
Session 4: Plenary lectures
Welcome by the Assistant Director of the British School
Chair: tbc
Plenary Lecture 3: Ian Haynes, University of Newcastle
Excavations under the Lateran Basilica
Istituto Austriaco Storico di Roma
Session 5: Plenary lectures and Reception
Welcome and Chair by the Director of the IASR, Dr Andreas Gottsmann
Plenary Lecture 4: Andrea Sommerlechner, Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung,
University of Vienna
L’edizione dei registri di Innocenzo III – i volumi 13-16
Tuesday, 24 November 2015 (The American University of Rome)
Session 6: Plenary lectures (Auriana Auditorium)
Welcome by the President of The American University of Rome, Richard Hodges
Chair: tbc
Plenary Lecture 5: Jessalynn Bird, Dominican College
Selling Reform: Synodal Sermons and the Fourth Lateran Council
Plenary Lecture 6: Neslihan Şenocak, Columbia University
Scholars, Friars, and the Pastoral Transformation in Medieval Christianity
Coffee Break (10.45-11.30am)
11.30am-1.30pm: Parallel Sessions
Session 7: The reception of the Lateran Decrees in canon law (Barnabite Theatre)
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Atria Larson, Saint Louis University
Canonical Commentary on Lateran IV c. 21 Omnis utriusque
Paper 2: Peter Clarke, University of Southampton
Enforcing religious conformity in late medieval England: Lateran IV canon 21 and the church courts
2 Paper 3: Felicity Hill, University of East Anglia,
The pastoral influence of the Fourth Lateran Council on the practice of excommunication in England
Session 8: Lateran IV and the Greek Churches (Scalabrinian Fathers, Via Dandolo 58)
Chair: Damian Smith, Saint Louis University
Paper 1: Steven Schoenig, S.J., Saint Louis University
The Popes and the Patriarchs: the fifth constitution of Lateran IV
Paper 2: Pablo Argárate, University of Graz
Le concile de Latran IV et les églises orientales
Paper 3: Thomas Izbicki, Rutgers University
Lateran IV and the Greeks
Session 9: Lateran IV and the Cure of Souls and Bodies (Auriana Auditorium)
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Antonina Sahaydachny, Independent Scholar
Cura animarum: Innocent III’s Program of Ecclesiastical Reform at Lateran IV and the Duty of
Pastoral Care for a Universal Church
Paper 2: Jan Dohnalik, University Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski (UKSW), Warsaw
Il significato della costituzione 21 del Concilio Lateranense IV per la dottrina canonica circa la
confessione sacramentale
Paper 3: Renata Salvarani, Università Europea di Roma
Prassi penitenziali e penitenzia sacramentale nella pastorale del IV Concilio Lateranense
Lunch (1.30-2.30pm)
2.30-4.30pm: Parallel Sessions
Session 10: Crusades and crusading indulgences after 1215 (Barnabite Theatre)
Chair: Jan Vandeburie, Warburg Institute
Paper 1: Richard Allington, Saint Louis University
Crusading Piety and the development of crusading devotions at the Fourth Lateran Council
Paper 2: Ane Bysted, Aarhus University
The Crusade Indulgence: remission of sins or of penances
Paper 3: Nicole Hamonic, University of South Dakota
Indulgences and the military orders in England
Session 11: Unity and diversity within Christendom after 1215 (Scalabrinian Fathers,
Via Dandolo 58)
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Camille Rouxpetel, École française de Rome
Ecclesia, unitas et varietas dans les constitutiones 5, 9 et 14 du concile de Latran IV
Paper 2: Nicolas Coureas, Cyprus Research Centre
The application of the ninth ruling of Lateran IV regarding the co-existence of different rites in the
same diocese in Lusignan and Venetian Cyprus, 1215-1270
3 Paper 3: Evgeniya Shelina, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and CCHS-Madrid
Hierarchies among equals in late medieval Christendom
Session 12: Lateran IV and Confession (Auriana Auditorium)
Chair: Peter Clarke, University of Southampton
Paper 1: Michael Leahy, Birkbeck College
Self-representation of late-medieval medical authors and Canon Twenty-two’s hierarchy
Paper 2: Kerstin Hitzbleck, Universität Bern
Confession and Conscience
Paper 3: Gwendolyn Sheldon, Concordia University, Austin, Texas
The Fourth Lateran Council and the need to give definition to the priesthood
Coffee Break (4.30-5.00pm)
5-7pm: Parallel Sessions
Session 13: Characterising the Crusade (Barnabite Theatre)
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Gary Dickson, University of Edinburgh
Christianitas and the Fourth Lateran Council
Paper 2: Flavio Sanza, Swansea University
Il concilio e la Crociata, problemi e prospettive
Paper 3: Alexander Marx, Universität Wien
The Crusading theology of John of Abbeville. Between eschatology, emotions and biblical exegesis
Session 14: Innocent III, Lateran IV, and Empire (Scalabrinian Fathers, Via Dandolo
Chair: Christoph Egger, Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, University of Vienna
Paper 1: Thomas Renna, Saginaw Valley State University
Papal Approval of Frederick II at the Fourth Lateran Council
Paper 2: Anna Gerstein, Russian Academy of Science
The Pope’s choice between two rulers: the importance of the resolution of the Fourth Lateran Council
of the Lateran in the light of the relationship between regnum and sacerdotium
Paper 3: Claudia Lydorf, Universität des Saarlandes/ eufom University Luxembourg
Die Beschlüsse des Laterankonzils von 1215 im Spiegel der Narratio de testamento et morte Ottonis IV
und des Testaments Kaiser Ottos IV. von 1218
Session 15: The practice of pastoral care after 1215 (Auriana Auditorium)
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Cyrille Dounot, Université d’Auvergne
L’héritage du 4e concile de Latran chez les canonistes de l’époque moderne
Paper 2: Paolo Astorri, KU Leuven
L’eredità del IV Concilio Lateranense (1215) all’origine della teologica pratica protestante
Paper 3: tbc
4 Wednesday, 25 November 2015 (American Academy at Rome)
Session 16: Problems in relations between Christians and non-Christians (Aureliana
Welcome by the Director of the American Academy at Rome, Kim Bowes
Chair: Miri Rubin, Queen Mary, University of London
Paper 1: Valerie Ramseyer, Wellesley College
Jewish-Christian relations before 1215
Paper 2: Natalie Kertes Weaver, Ursuline College
The Status of Otherness at the Fourth Lateran Council
Paper 3: Sean Murphy, Western Washington University
‘You shall not wear a garment woven together of linen and wool’: the origin and impact of Lateran
IV’s canon 70
Coffee Break (10.45-11.30am)
Session 17: The Effect of the Decrees: Christian-Jewish relations following Lateran IV
(Aureliana Auditorium)
Organisers: Marie-Thérèse Champagne, University of Western Florida Pensacola, and Irven Resnick,
University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
Chair: Anna Sapir Abulafia, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford
Paper 1: Harvey J. Hames, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
The Mission that has gone Missing: Conversion and the Fourth Lateran Council
Paper 2: Irven M. Resnick
Canon 68, the Jews’ Badge, and Christian-Jewish Likeness
Paper 3: Paola Tartakoff, Rutgers University
Circumcision, Ritual Murder, and Conversion in the Wake of Lateran IV
Lunch (1.30-2.30pm)
Session 18: The History behind Decrees 67-71: Christian-Jewish Relations before and
during Innocent III’s Pontificate (Aureliana Auditorium)
Organisers: Marie-Thérèse Champagne, University of Western Florida Pensacola, and Irven Resnick,
University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
Chair: Marie-Thérèse Champagne
Paper 1: Anna Sapir Abulafia, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford
The Fourth Lateran Council through the Lens of Jewish service
Paper 2: Alex Novikoff, Fordham University
5 Pedagogy, Performance, and Anti-Judaism around Lateran IV
Paper 3: Rebecca Rist, University of Reading
Papal-Jewish Relations and the Anti-Jewish Legislation of Lateran IV
Paper 4: Deanna Klepper, Boston University
Lateran IV on Christian-Jewish Relations: A Fourteenth-Century Bavarian Response in the Wake of
Plague and Violence
Coffee Break (5.00-5.30pm)
Session 19: The Muslim-Christian Interface and its Relationship to the Lateran IV
Decrees (Aureliana Auditorium)
Organisers: Marie-Thérèse Champagne, University of Western Florida Pensacola, and Irven Resnick,
University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
Chair: Irven Resnick
Paper 1: Ana Echevarria, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid
The Marks of the Other: the Impact of Lateran IV in the Regulations about Muslims in the Iberian
Paper 2: Linda G. Jones, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
The Impact of the Fourth Lateran Council’s Decrees concerning Muslims and Jews: Their Uneven
Application in the Christian Kingdoms of Iberia
Paper 3: Giulio Cipollone, Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Nel Lateranense IV, ‘neanche una parola’ su migliaia di captivi cristiani e musulmani frutto di
crociate e gihad
Paper 4: Yvonne Friedman, Bar Ilan University
The Crusade/Peacemaking Dichotomy: A Nuanced Approach
Reception (restricted to conference participants), American Academy at Rome
Hosted by the University of Kent
Thursday, 26 November 2015 (Università Gregoriana)
Session 20: Plenary Lectures (Aula Magna)
Welcome by the Decano della Facoltà di Storia e Beni Culturali della Chiesa, Nuno da Silva
Gonçalves S.J.
Chair: tbc
Plenary Lecture 7: Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, University of Lausanne
Innocenzo III, la ritualità e il primato di Pietro
Plenary Lecture 8: Anne Duggan, King’s College London
The Ghost of Alexander III
6 Coffee Break (10.45-11.30am)
11.30am-1.30pm: Parallel Sessions
Session 21: Monasticism and Canons 12 and 65 (Room CQ12)
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Umberto Longo, Università ‘La Sapienza’ (Roma I)
Monastic Reform and Rome in the XI-XII centuries
Paper 2: Hans-Joachim Schmidt , University of Fribourg
Reform of the monastic orders: conditions, legislation, consequences
Paper 3: Phillip Adamo, Augsburg College, Minnesota
Cum miles apud religiosos elegit sepulturam: Lateran IV’s Canon 65 and Deathbed Entry to Monastic
Session 22: The Conciliar and Canonical Background to Lateran IV (Lucchese 210)
Chair: Danica Summerlin, University College London
Paper 1: Sethina Watson, University of York
Framing a Reform Agenda: Robert de Courçon, Paris and the Council of Reims
Paper 2: Anthony Perron, Loyola Marymount
The Fourth Lateran Council and the “Spatial Revolution” in Canon Law
Paper 3: Piotr Alexandrowicz, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań – Faculty of Law and
Plerique (c. 56) of the Fourth Lateran Council and its reception towards the development of the
principle pacta sunt servanda
Session 23: Dominican and Franciscans Responses to Lateran IV (Lucchese 012)
Organiser: Lezlie Knox, Marquette University
Chair: Philip Koski, Saint Louis University
Paper 1: Cristina Andenna, Technische Universität Dresden/Forschungsstelle für Vergleichende
Ordensgeschichte [FOVOG]
Veri coadiutores episcopi. I mendicanti come strumenti delle linee della pastorale dettate dal
Lateranense IV
Paper 2: Joan Barclay Lloyd, Latrobe University
Help or hindrance?: Three decrees of the Fourth Lateran Council and their impact on St Dominic and
the foundation of the Order of Preachers
Paper 3: Lezlie Knox, Marquette University
Creating Mendicant Identity between Reform and Innovation
Lunch (1.30-2.30pm)
Session 24: plenary lectures (Aula Magna)
Chair: tbc
Plenary Lecture 9: Giles Constable, Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton
7 The Fourth Lateran Council and religious orders
Plenary Lecture 10: Chiara Frugoni, l'Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Il concilio Laterano IV e l’approvazione della Regola nel ciclo francescano dealla Chiesa superior di
4.30-6.30pm: Parallel sessions
Session 25: Vernacular Literature and Lateran IV (Aula Magna)
Chair: Maureen Bolton, University of Notre Dame
Paper 1: Claire Waters, University of California Davis
Lay learners and French Gospels in Robert of Gretham’s Évangiles des domnées (c. 1240)
Paper 2: Andrew Reeves, Middle Georgia State University
‘The Nourishment of God’s Word’: Inter caetera (canon 10) in England
Paper 3: Wendy Larson, Roanoke College
Confessing something new: Canon 21 of the Lateran Council and English Literature
Session 26: The Cistercian Order, the Papacy, Councils and Regions (Room CQ 12)
Organiser: Janet Burton, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (Lampeter)
Chair: Philip Koski, Saint Louis University
Paper 1: Emilia Jamroziak, University of Leeds
Cistercians and the church council from Lateran IV to Basel
Paper 2: Karen Stöber, University of Lleida
Cistercians, the papacy, and church councils in Catalonia after Lateran IV
Paper 3: Janet Burton, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (Lampeter)
Cistercians in Wales and the papacy, post Lateran IV
Session 27: Canon 71 and the Muslim-Christian trade ban (Lucchese 210)
Chair: Thomas Izbicki, Rutgers University
Paper 1: Matthew Parker, Saint Louis University
Lotario and the Fisc: Lateran IV as Culmination of Innocent III's Financial Preoccupation
Paper 2: Thomas K. Heebøll-Holm, University of Southern Denmark
Crusades, Piracy and Canon Law at the Fourth Lateran Council
Paper 3: James Todesca, Armstrong State University
Mediterranean Trade in the Wake of Lateran IV
Session 28: Lateran IV, Canon 13 and the Franciscan Order (Lucchese 012)
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Felice Accrocca, Pontificia Università Gregoriana
La Regola francescana: una ferita inferta al Lateranense IV
Paper 2: Amanda Power, University of Oxford
From Institution to Inspiration: the world of Lateran IV and the beginnings of the Franciscan Order
Paper 3: Christopher Cullen, Fordham University
Bonaventure’s Natural Theology and Lateran IV: God as Being Itself
8 Friday 27 November 2015 (John Cabot University)
Session 30: Plenary lectures (Aula Magna)
Welcome by the President of John Cabot University, Franco Pavoncello
Chair: tbc
Plenary Lecture 12: Marcia Colish, Yale University
Credimus et confitemur cum Petro: Joachim of Fiore, Stephen Langton, and Trinitarian Theology at
Lateran IV
Plenary Lecture 13: Serena Romano, University of Lausanne
Coffee Break sponsored by John Cabot University (10.45-11.30am)
11.30am-1.45pm: Parallel Sessions
Session 31: ‘The Devil is in the detail’: on the intellectual history of Lateran IV (Aula
Organiser: Clare Monagle, Monash University
Chair: Marcia Colish, Yale University
Paper 1: Tomas Zahora, Monash University
Knowledge of fear and fear of knowledge: Lateran IV and the book of nature
Paper 2: Clare Monagle, Monash University
Peter Lombard, Heresy and Lateran IV
Paper 3: Juanita Ruys, University of Sydney
‘The Devil and Other Demons’: Lateran IV, the Infernal Hierarchy, and Heresy
Session 32: Vernacular Literature in the Wake of Lateran IV: Anglo-Norman Texts
(Tiber Building T.G. 3)
Organiser: Maureen Boulton, University of Notre Dame
Chair: D'A. J. D. Boulton, University of Notre Dame
Paper 1: Daron Burrows, University of Oxford
The French Prose Apocalypse Commentary: Lay Religious Instruction Post-Lateran IV
Paper 2: Anna Siebach Larsen, University of Notre Dame
The Chasteau d'amour in the Tateshal Miscellany (Princeton University, Taylor MS 1)
Paper 3: Maureen Boulton, University of Notre Dame
Guillaume le Clerc de Normandie, Le Besant Dieu and Innocent III
Session 33: The Fourth Lateran Council and the Albigensian Crusade, I (Tiber T.G. 4)
Organiser: Damian Smith, Saint Louis University
9 Chair: Damian Smith
Paper 1: Martín Alvira Cabrer, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
La Cruzada contra los Albigenses y el IV Concilio de Letrán
Paper 2: Pilar Jiménez Sanchez, Directrice, CIRCAED
L’ ‘hérésie’ des Albigeois au temps du concile IV de Latran. Etat de la question sur sa supposée
Paper 3: Marjolaine Raguin, Université Paul-Valéry – Montpellier III
Le concile de Latran dans la Chanson de la Croisade albigeoise, une acmé
Paper 4: Philip Koski, Saint Louis University
Arnau Amalric, the Cistercians, and the Fourth Lateran Council
Session 34: Roman Law and Canon 41 (Guarini GK 11)
Chair: Peter Clarke, University of Southampton
Paper 1: Harry Dondorp, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Bona fides presumpta: (c. 41 praescriptio)
Paper 2: Andrea Massironi, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Prescrizione e buona fede: la costituzione Quoniam omne (c. 41) nell’interpretazione della
canonistica medievale
Paper 3: Lukasz Korporowicz, University of Łodz
The Roman Law Story behind Decrees 39–41 of IV Lateran Council (1215)
Session 35: The 1215 Council’s influence on Art and Architecture (Guarini GK 12)
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Filip Malesevic, University of Basel
The Altar, the Bread, and the Wine: the contribution of the Fourth Lateran Council to Roman art of
the duecento
Paper 2: Jeffrey Miller, University of Cambridge
The Architectural Foundations of Lateran Reform at Southwell Minster
Paper 3: Erik Walters, John Cabot University
Ratio quaerens intellectum: unlocking the seal of Solomon in the chapel of Saint Sylvester
Lunch (1.45-2.45pm)
Session 36: plenary lectures (Aula Magna)
Chair: Lila Yawn, John Cabot University
Plenary Lecture 14: Dale Kinney, Bryn Mawr College
Innocentius fecit corpus, et Innocentius immittet animam: The Consecration of Santa Maria in
Trastevere in 1215
Plenary Lecture 15: Dorothy Glass, University of Buffalo
The art and architecture of Cardinal Guala Bicchieri, Cardinal and Legate under Innocent III
5-7pm (Parallel sessions)
10 Session 37: Theological Controversy and Canon 2 (Aula Magna)
Chair: Christoph Egger, Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, University of Vienna
Paper 1: Paola Marone, Università ‘La Sapienza’ (Roma I)
L’Analogia Entis e il Canone 2 del IV Concilio Lateranense
Paper 2: Riccardo Saccenti, Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII
Obiecit Ioachim abbas magistro: the Fourth Lateran Council, the critics of Joachim of Fiore to Peter
Lombard and the masters of Paris
Paper 3: Rosario Lo Bello, Pontificia Facoltà Teologica di Palermo
Almarico di Bène and his condemnation by Canon II of the Fourth Lateran Council
Session 38: Lay Piety and Vernacular Literature in the Wake of Lateran IV: Italy,
France and England (Tiber Building T.G. 3)
Organiser and Chair: Maureen Boulton, University of Notre Dame
Paper 1: Mary Dzon, University of Tennessee
Lay Piety and the Splendor of Christ in Two Apocryphal Narratives in a Late Thirteenth-Century Latin
Paper 2: Carol Sweetenham, University of Warwick
Papal discussions in a chanson de geste: the Lateran Council and the Canso de la Crozada
Paper 3: George Younge, University of York
Lateran IV and the Reconfiguration of English Literary Culture
Session 39: An agenda for Hispania? The question of the Primacy of Spain and the
appeal for a Crusade in the 13th century Iberian context (Tiber T.G. 4)
Organiser: Maria João Branco, FCSH – Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Chair: Damian Smith, Saint Louis University
Paper 1: Santiago Dominguez, Universidad de Léon
El arzobispado de Compostela y los obispados de Noroeste de Hispania desde el año 1215:
Participación en el IV Concilio de Letrán y aplicación de sus disposiciones a lo largo del siglo XIII
Paper 2: Maria João Branco
Ritualistic conflict and the rise of a Church body: the archbishop of Braga, the bishops of Portugal,
and the question of the primacy of Spain. From Lateran IV to 13th century Portugal
Paper 3: Hermínia Vilar, Universidade de Évora, and Hermenegildo Fernandes, FL-Universidade de
Crusade, jihad and royal legitimation in the aftermath of the Consilium Lateranensis: comparative
approaches to the kingdom of Portugal and the Almohad Empire
Session 40: Crusades and Council (Guarini GK 11)
Organiser: Jessalynn Bird, Dominican College
Chair: Jessalyn Bird
Paper 1: Thomas Madden, Saint Louis University
Forging Election Law: The Latin Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Fourth Lateran Council
Paper 2: Thomas Smith, Ludwig-Maximilians Universiät, München
The Evolution and implementation of Ad liberandam
Paper 3: Jan Vandeburie, Warburg Institute
11 “Dominus papa volens scire” – Echoes of the Fourth Lateran Council’s Crusade and Mission Agenda
in Thirteenth-Century Manuscripts
Session 41: Art History (Guarini GK 12)
Chair: Lila Yawn, John Cabot University
Paper 1: Alison Perchuk, California State University Channel Islands
Time Certain, Time Eternal: Altar Consecrations and Apsidal Imagery during the Early Lateran
Paper 2: Maria del Rocio Sanchez –Ameijieiras, University of Santiago de Compostela
Form and Reform: on some aesthetic consequences of the Fourth Lateran Council
Paper 3: Claire Donovan, University of Exeter
Session 42: Reform and Renewal in the north: the Fourth Lateran Council and its
impact (Guarini GK 13)
Organiser: Anna Minara Ciardi, Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University, Sweden
Chair: Kirsi Salonen, University of Turku
Paper 1: Sara E. Ellis Nilsson, Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Responding to Reform: the creation and modification of Scandinavian cults of saints
Paper 2: Anna Minara Ciardi
Institutional Reform and Renewal? Cathedral Chapters in Scandinavia and legal matters in context of
the Fourth Lateran Council
Paper 3: Bertil Nilsson, Department of Literature, History of Ideas and Religion, University of
Gothenburg, Sweden
Episcopal Disobedience in the North: on visitation and procuration in the province of Uppsala after
Saturday 28 November
Sessions will be held concurrently at Notre Dame and in John Cabot University
Notre Dame Campus
Session 43: Plenary lectures (Walsh Auditorium)
Welcome by the Inaugural Academic Director of the Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway, Theodore J.
Cachey Jr.
Chair: tbc
Plenary Lecture 16: Tommaso di Carpegna Falconieri, Università degli Studi di Urbino
Il Concilio Lateranense IV e il Clero di Roma
Plenary Lecture 17: Pascal Montaubin, Université d’Amiens
Les évêques français au treizième siècle
12 Coffee break sponsored by Notre Dame University (10.45-11.30)
11.30-13.30: Parallel Sessions
Session 44: Bishops and the effects of Lateran IV (Walsh Aula 1)
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Bruno Lemesle, , Université de Bourgogne
Le gouvernement des évêques et la correction des excès
Paper 2: Paul Oberholzer, Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Ripercussioni del Concilio Lateranensi IV sulla Chiesa rurali nei territori dell’Abbazia imperiale di
San Gallo
Paper 3: Pier Aimone, Pont. Università Urbaniana-Vatican
Le disposizioni del concilio Lateranense IV: la parrocchia obbligatoria
Session 45: Communicating the Council (Walsh Aula 2)
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Thomas Wetzstein, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
The Pope’s Council and the unification of Latin Christendom: Lateran IV and the history of
Paper 2: Jeffrey Wayno, Columbia University
The canons of the Fourth Lateran Council: a unified legal program?
Paper 3: Mona Kirsch, Department of History, University of Heidelberg
Zum Nachhall eines mittelalterlichen Großereignisses – Die Tradierung und lokale Rezeption des IV.
Lateranum in der Chronistik des Spätmittelalters
Session 46: Sermons and sermon literature (Meeting Room)
Chair: Christoph Egger, Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, University of Vienna
Paper 1: Georg Strack, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München
Neues zu den Predigten Innozenz III. auf dem IV Laterankonzil
Paper 2: Mia Münster-Swendsen, Roskilde Universitet,
“I have been constituted over the household”: The Revival of a Theological and Political Terminology
of Oeconomia and the Distribution of Power During the Pontificate of Innocent III
Paper 3: Barbara Bombi, University of Kent
Viri probi et idonei: canon law and preachers after the Fourth Lateran Council
Session 47: The effect of Lateran IV on procedural law (Classroom 410)
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Vito Piergiovanni, Università degli Studi di Genova
Eresia e lesa maestà nella normativa di Innocenzo III e nel Concilio Lateranense del 1215
Paper 2: Rachel Guillas, Université Panthéon Assas Paris II
L’intention dans la procédure inquisitoire (Le bouleversement de la prise en compte de l’élément
moral consacré par le concile de Latran IV)
Paper 3: Giovanni Chiodi, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
13 La costruzione dell’ordo della procedura inquisitoria nella canonistica medievale
Lunch (1.30-2.30pm)
2.30-4.30: Parallel Sessions
Session 48: Lateran IV and marriage (Walsh Aula 1)
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Alejandro Morin, Universidad de Buenos Aires – Conicet
La constitución Non debet del IV Concilio Laterano y el abondono del sistema de afinidad derivada
Paper 2: Constance Rousseau, Providence College
Harbingers of the Future: Marriage cases during the pontificate of Innocent III and Lateran IV
Paper 3: Frederik Pedersen, University of Aberdeen
Confession as a motivator in medieval marriage cases
Paper 4: Karol Polejowski, Ateneum – University in Gdańsk
Fourth Lateran Council and the problem of marriage in the Christian world (canons 50 - 52)
Session 49: Arms, Violence, and War: Military Themes at the Fourth Lateran Council
(Walsh Aula 2)
Organiser: John D. Hosler, Morgan State University
Chair: Jan Vandeburie, Warburg Institute
Paper 1: John France, University of Swansea
Military Organization and the Regulation of Armies at the Fourth Lateran Council
Paper 2: Kelly DeVries, Loyola University Maryland
The Military Context of Lateran IV
Paper 3: Lawrence G. Duggan, University of Delaware
Lateran IV and Arms-bearing by the Clergy
Session 50: The conciliar decrees and the Romano-canonical legal tradition (Meeting
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Emmanuel Falzone, Université catholique de Louvain
Quoniam contra falsam: L’oralité du jugement à l’épreuve dans la culture juridique romanocanonique
Paper 2: Alexander Marey, National Research University – Higher School of Economics (Moscow)
Brachium saeculare (Conc. Lat. IV. 9): la concepción de la poder real de Inocencio III y su recepción
en la tradición jurídica castellana de s. XIII
Paper 3: Fiona Somerset, University of Connecticut
Conduits of Reform: Canon Law verses after Lateran IV
Session 51: Election and episcopal power after the council (Walsh Aula 2)
Chair: Pascal Montaubin, Université d’Amiens
Paper 1: Rainer Murauer, Österreichisches Historisches Institut, Rom
14 The election by compromise in the medieval church: an appropriate method to select the best
Paper 2: Fabrice Delivré, Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne
Tali discordie sive cavillationi modo preclusa est ianua. Théories et pratiques de l’élection au miroir
de Quia propter
Paper 3: Benoît Alix, Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II
Le législation de Latran IV relative aux missions épiscopales: l’évêque judex corporum et animarum
John Cabot University
Coffee Break (9.45-10.30)
10.30-12.30: Parallel sessions
Session 52: Profundizando en el Lateranense IV a partir de Antonio García y García
(Tiber TG 4)
Organiser: Nicolas Álvarez de las Asturias, Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso
Chair: Damian Smith, Saint Louis University
Paper 1: Nicolas Álvarez des las Asturias
El comentario de Vicente Hispano a la constitución 4 del IV Concilio de Letrán: elementos doctrinales
para la valoración de la praxis oriental
Paper 2: Joaquin Sedano Rueda, Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona)
La Summa de poenitentia de san Raimundo de Peñafort: la evolución de la confesión como
instrumento de la cura de almas hasta el 4 Concilio de Letrán
Paper 3: Santiago del Cura Elena, Facultad de Teología del Norte de España (Burgos)
Session 53: Non-monastic religious life and Lateran IV (Tiber TG 3)
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Ed Mazza, Azusa Pacific University
Dumb dogs and Domini Canes: Bishops, Friars, and the Twelfth-century Pastoral Vacuum
Paper 2: Luciana Cuppo, CIELS – Padova
Cum qui recipit prophetam: Textual transmission and dissemination
Paper 3: Lydia Walker, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Inclusion and Exclusion: Women and the Transformation of Penitential Processions
Session 54: Lateran IV, Canon 62 and relics, I (Guarini Aula Magna)
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Christine Oakland, University of Kent
The legacy of canon 62 in the diocese of Sens in northern France
Paper 2: Emily Guerry, University of Kent
The acquisition and display of relics after Lateran IV: the case of the mortgage of the Crown of Thorns
Paper 3: Luca Creti, Università La Sapienza di Roma
Ideologia e realtà: il ruolo delle botteghe cosmatesche nell’architettura di Roma e del Patrimonio di
San Pietro durante il pontificato di Innocenzo III
15 Session 55: The Fourth Lateran Council and the Baltic Crusades (Guarini GK13)
Organiser: Andris Sne, Faculty of History and Philosophy of the University of Latvia
Chair: Marek Tamm, Tallinn University
Paper 1: Andris Sne, Faculty of History and Philosophy of the University of Latvia
Bishop Albert and Papal Curia: ideology and politics in Early Livonian Crusades
Paper 2: Alan V. Murray, University of Leeds
Adding to the Multitude of Fish: Innocent III, Bishop Albert of Riga and the Conversion of the
Indigenous peoples of Livonia
Paper 3: Torben Kjersgaard Nielsen, Department of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University,
Virgin Mary for the sake of Livonia: Nature and Image of the Virgin Mary in the Chronicle of Henry
Lunch (12.30-1.30pm)
1.30-3.45pm: Parallel sessions
Session 56: Light-heartedness at the council and in its canons (Guarini GK 11)
Chair: Brenda Bolton, University of London
Paper 1: Pete Jones, University of Toronto
Humour at the Fourth Lateran Council
Paper 2: Marie-Clotilde Lault, Faculté de Droit, Dijon
Clerici Iusores: la réception du cap. 16 du IVe concile de Latran par les docteurs médiévaux
Paper 3: David Rollo, University of Southern California
The Fourth Lateran Council and its unforeseen literary consequences
Paper 4: Sabina Flanagan, University of Adelaide
‘The Devil’s in the Detail’: Another look at the Constitutions of Lateran IV
Session 57: Centre and periphery after 1215, I (Guarini GK 12)
Chair: Barbara Bombi, University of Kent, Canterbury
Paper 1: Przemysław Nowak, The Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History of the Polish Academy of
The Polish Church in the time of the Fourth Lateran Council
Paper 2: Heidi Anett Beistad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Distant in body, present in spirit – papal presence in the ecclesiastical periphery, the case of Iceland
and the Fourth Lateran Council
Paper 3: Francesco D’Angelo, Università di Roma La Sapienza
Il Quarto Concilio Lateranense e la riforma della chiesa in Norvegia
Session 58: Council, crusade and Castille after 1215 (Guarini GK 13)
Chair: Damian Smith, Saint Louis University
Paper 1: Miguel Gomez, University of Dayton
A victim of his own success: Innocent III and the Spanish Crusade at IV Lateran
Paper 2: Cristina Catalina, Instituto de Historica – CSIC
16 Another look at the repercussions of the IV Lateran Council in the kingdom of Castile
Paper 3: Kyle Lincoln, Saint Louis University
Riots, Reluctance and Reformers: the Church in the Kingdom of Castile in the Wake of IV Lateran
Session 59: Lateran IV, Canon 62 and relics, II (Guarini Aula Magna)
Chair: Emily Guerry, University of Kent, Canterbury
Paper 1: David Perry, Dominican University
The Fourth Lateran Council and the Relics of the Fourth Crusade
Paper 2: Anne Lester, University of Colorado, Boulder
Relics, Reform and Religious Truth: translating the pastoral reform from Rome to the northern
European parish
Paper 3: tbc
Session 60: Lateran IV and in South Eastern Europe and beyond (Tiber TG 3)
Chair: Lila Yawn, John Cabot University
Paper 1: Jadranka Neralić, Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb
Dalmatian episcopacy in the first half of the 13th century: political, cultural and pastoral aspects
Paper 2: Radoslav Buźančić, Ministry of Culture, Republic of Split
Art and architecture in Trogir and Split in the first half of the thirteenth century
Paper 3: Elizabeth Redgate, University of Newcastle
Armenians and Lateran IV (Canon 9)
Coffee Break (3.30-4.15pm)
4.15-6.15pm: Parallel Sessions
Session 61: Centre and ‘periphery’ after 1215, II (Tiber TG 3)
Chair: Jadranka Naralić, Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb
Paper 1: Robert Antonin, Department of History, University of Ostrava
Bishop Andrew of Prague and the Church in Bohemia after the Fourth Council of the Lateran
Paper 2: Paolo Rosso, Dept. of Philosophy and science of Education, University of Torino
La ricezione delle disposizioni del IV concilio Lateranense in materia di formazione del clero nei
capitoli cattedrali dell’Italia nord-occidentale
Paper 3: Igor Razum, Central European University
The reformed clergy in thirteenth-century Hungary and Croatia: Lateran ideas and local realities
Session 62: The Fourth Lateran Council and the Albigensian Crusade, II (Tiber TG 4)
Organiser: Damian Smith, Saint Louis University
Chair: Martin Alvira Cabrer, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Paper 1: Marco Meschini, Università della Svizzera italiana a Lugano
“Governare il mondo con bon dreit” Innocenzo III, il IV concilio lateranense e i destini politici – e
familiari – delle casate di Saint-Gilles e Montfort
17 Paper 2: Claudine Pailhès, Directrice des Archives départmentales de l’Ariège
Le comte de Foix et le Concile du Latran
Paper 3: Damian J Smith
The Reconciliation of Guillem Ramon de Montcada
Session 63: Lontani da Roma: il concilio laterano IV e la cristianitá (Tiber GK 13)
Organiser: Francesco Terlizzi, independent scholar
Chair: Francesco Renzi, University of Leiden
Paper 1: Francesco Terlizzi
Ai confini del mondo: il Concilio Laterano IV e l’Inghilterra
Paper 2: Enrico Dumas, Università degli studi di Bologna
Contra statuta lateranensis concilii Tra normativa universale e realtà locale: ricenzioni del IV Concilio
Lateranense nella penisola iberica
Paper 3: Nicola Naccari, Università degli studi di Bologna
Il concilio Lateranense IV e l’oriente greco: un concilio di unione? Alcune considerazioni storicocanoniche ed ecclesiologiche
Session 64: The Eucharist in text and image after 1215 (Guarini GK 11)
Chair: Christoph Egger, Instititut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, University of Vienna
Paper 1: Mercedes Pérez-Vidal, Università di Padova
Devoción, liturgia y poder. La Transubstanción, la devoción eucarística y sus consecuencias
arquitectónicas en los monasterios de dominicas de la Península Ibérica
Paper 2: Olivier Hanne, Aix-Marseille University
La préparation des décisions de Latran IV sur l’eucharistie
Paper 3: Mercedes López-Mayán, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Sui passi di Innocenzo III: riforma liturgica e produzione manoscritta nell’ambito della Curia romana
Session 65: Lateran IV and missionary politics in the thirteenth century (Guarini Aula
Chair: tbc
Paper 1: Christian Krötzl, Tampere University, School of social sciences and humanities, Department
of history
Lateran IV, the Cistercians and Missionary politics changing
Paper 2: Dženan Dautović, University of Sarajevo
The impact of the Fourth Lateran Council on the relations between the papacy and Bosnia in the XIII
Paper 3: Carsten Jensen, Department of Church History, Faculty of Theology, University of
Rome makes the laws, while Riga irrigates the Nations: Concilium Lateranense IV and the mission in
Livonia and Estonia in the first half of the thirteenth century
Break (6.15-6.30pm)
18 6.30-7.30: Closing Plenary Lecture
Session 66 (John Cabot University, Aula Magna)
Chair: Peter Clarke, University of Southampton
Brenda Bolton, University of London,
Coming to Rome in 1215?: the importance of being absent
Closing reception: 8pm