Complete Your My ISACA Profile by Connecting With LinkedIn

Volume 24, 20 November 2013
Complete Your My ISACA Profile by Connecting With LinkedIn
Using Risk to Take the High Road
VP Nominations Remain Open
Take Part in the Member Get a Member Program
New Advanced Persistent Threats Book and Other Resources
• Guidance for Implementing Updated COSO Internal Control
• Book Review: There Is a New Sheriff in Town
Complete Your My ISACA Profile by Connecting
With LinkedIn
Busy schedules make it difficult to allocate time to complete your My ISACA online profile
when all you really want to do is respond to a Knowledge Center topic discussion. To help
you start participating in the Knowledge Center as soon as possible, you can now import
select fields of your LinkedIn profile to your My ISACA profile.
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Using Risk to Take the High Road
It disappoints me to continue to see the practice of “name calling” among some of my
colleagues. I recently attended a security conference where attendees and presenters alike
referred to management as “stupid.”
Read More
VP Nominations Remain Open
Nominations for the office of international vice president on the ISACA® Board of Directors for
the 2014-15 term are still open (the deadline for international president nominations has passed).
Read More
Take Part in the Member Get a Member Program
Recruiting your colleagues to ISACA via the Member Get a Member campaign is simple and
can pay off for you. Every time you recruit a new member, you strengthen ISACA. A vital and
growing membership means greater recognition of the profession and an expanded global
web for enhanced networking and knowledge sharing.
Read More
New Advanced Persistent Threats Book and Other
Resources Available
The following recently released resources are available on the ISACA ® web site: Advanced
Persistent Threats: How to Manage the Risk to Your Business, IS Audit and Assurance
Guidelines Exposure Drafts, and IS Audit and Assurance Standards.
Read More
Guidance for Implementing Updated COSO Internal
Control Framework
The new framework issued in May 2013 by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the
Treadway Commission (COSO), Internal Control Framework, is an important development. It
facilitates efforts by organizations to develop cost-effective systems of internal control to
achieve important business objectives and to sustain and improve performance.
Read More
Book Review: There Is a New Sheriff in Town
Reviewed by Maria Patricia Prandini, CISA, CRISC
Much of the protection offered years ago to families settling in the Old West of the US came
from law enforcement agents known as sheriffs. Many of them were heroic, fearless figures
who were in high demand in most new towns and mining camps to impose order and protect
law-abiding citizens and their belongings. More than 100 years later, protection is still an
issue, as noted in this compilation of the insights of a group of information security experts,
titled There Is a New Sheriff in Town.
Read More
Complete Your My ISACA Profile by Connecting
With LinkedIn
Busy schedules make it difficult to allocate time to complete your My ISACA online profile
when all you really want to do is respond to a Knowledge Center topic discussion. To help you
start participating in the Knowledge Center as soon as possible, you can now import select
fields of your LinkedIn profile to your My ISACA profile. The more information you include in
your profile, the greater the likelihood you will connect with ISACA members who share your
interests. Like LinkedIn, the ISACA Knowledge Center online community is for professional
networking, however, each ISACA topic also contains resources related to the topic and
includes discussions by ISACA members, research publications, ISACA Journal articles and
third-party links.
Complete your profile and start interacting with other ISACA members in the Knowledge
Center topic discussions that match your interests. Log in and click on the My ISACA tab at
the top of the home page, then click on myProfile. The blue box on the right side of the web
page contains links from which you can edit your profile and privacy settings. From here, you
can also view your profile as it will appear to others.
Importing information from LinkedIn is available as an option in the Edit My Profile page. Look
for the Sign in With LinkedIn button on the left side of the page and follow the online
Join a Knowledge Center topic and connect with other like-minded professionals.
Using Risk to Take the High Road
It disappoints me to continue to see the practice of “name calling” among some of my
colleagues. I recently attended a security conference where attendees and presenters alike
referred to management as “stupid.” Management is not “stupid,” rather, information security
professionals must learn how to better understand the needs of management and
communicate risk accordingly.
Information security must consider the various situational factors that would lead management
to not invest in security. For example, understand that the purpose of a business is to make
money. Businesses exist to offer products and services for profit, which is in itself a risky
proposition. Management needs to weigh and evaluate risk from various sources and then
apply good judgment to appropriately manage the company. Occasionally, this means that
security be deprioritized in favor of some other pursuit such as a new product launch, market
pressure or changing customer preference. It does not mean that management does not care
about security; rather, it means management has limited resources to achieve all of the
enterprise’s goals.
To ensure that management is spending an appropriate amount of resources on information
security, focus on risk communication. Anyone can point out current-state gaps against a
standard and demand investment to close them. If security were that easy, we would all be out
of a job. A mature risk function focuses on taking a prioritized, risk-based list of things to
management for treatment. Differentiate yourself and bring value to your organization by
focusing on the hard job of prioritizing top risk scenarios and leaving the rest for later; and let’s
all agree to stop the name-calling.
Jack Freund, Ph.D., CISA, CISM, CRISC, CIPP, CISSP, PMP, manages a team of IT risk
analysts for TIAA-CREF and chairs the CRISC Test Enhancement Subcommittee.
VP Nominations Remain Open
Nominations for the office of international vice president on the ISACA® Board of Directors for
the 2014-15 term are still open (the deadline for international president nominations has
passed). Information about serving on the board, the attributes for office and the nomination
form itself are available on the Board Nominations page of the ISACA web site.
Members may submit nominations for themselves or for others (or both). All nominations will
be acknowledged and all candidates will be required to complete a candidate profile form that
confirms the candidate’s willingness to serve if selected and provides the Nominating
Committee information about the candidate. Self-nominating candidates will also be asked to
submit a letter of recommendation from an ISACA member outlining how the candidate
demonstrates the attributes for office. Information on candidates will be gathered in other ways
as well, including review of public web sites (e.g., Google, Facebook, LinkedIn) and, possibly,
Nominations for vice president close on 7 January 2014. This is the date by which all materials
must be received at ISACA International Headquarters (i.e., completed candidate profile form
and letter of recommendation, if required). Be sure to submit your nomination form early so
you allow the time necessary to provide the committee all the information required. Questions?
Contact [email protected].
Take Part in the Member Get a Member Program
Recruiting your colleagues to ISACA via the Member Get a Member campaign is simple and
can pay off for you. Do you know someone interested in the Certified Information Systems
Auditor® (CISA®), Certified Information Security Manager® (CISM®), Certified in the
Governance of Enterprise IT® (CGEIT®) or Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control™
(CRISC™) certification? Have you reached out to your coworkers or members in other
professional associations? To begin recruiting your colleagues, send them a personalized
email. Share the benefits of ISACA® membership by inviting your colleagues to connect with
ISACA on Facebook and Twitter. Example emails, other recruiting tips and program rules
are available on the Member Get a Member Overview page of the ISACA web site.
Every time you recruit a new member, you strengthen ISACA. A vital and growing membership
means greater recognition of the profession and an expanded global web for enhanced
networking and knowledge sharing.
The more colleagues you recruit, the better your rewards. If you recruit one professional
member, you will be automatically entered into a monthly drawing to win a mini tablet device
from the world’s leading manufacturer. Recruit 5-9 new members to receive a handheld digital
music and entertainment device that puts streaming video, games, messaging and more at
your fingertips. To earn a full-size tablet device, recruit at least 10 new members before 31
December 2013. Your recruited members must be paid in full by 31 December 2013 to apply to
the Member Get a Member campaign.
New Advanced Persistent Threats Book and Other
Resources Available
The following recently released resources are available on the ISACA® web site:
• Advanced Persistent Threats: How to Manage the Risk to Your Business—
Advanced persistent threats (APTs) are significantly different from traditional threats and
require different tools to manage them. Advanced Persistent Threats: How to Manage the
Risk to Your Business is designed primarily for security managers, IT managers, IT
auditors and students. It provides helpful advice on how to assess the risk of an APT to the
organization and recommends practical measures that can be taken to prevent, detect and
respond to such an attack. In addition, Advanced Persistent Threats: How to Manage the
Risk to Your Business highlights key differences between controls needed to counter the
risk of an APT attack and those commonly used to mitigate everyday information security
IS Audit and Assurance Guidelines Exposure Drafts—Updated to support ISACA’s
newly issued IS Audit and Assurance Standards, these exposure drafts are posted for
online feedback through December 2013. After public exposure feedback is incorporated,
the new guidelines are scheduled to be issued in the third quarter of 2014 to replace those
currently in force.
IS Audit and Assurance Standards—Effective 1 November 2013, these updated
standards were released earlier this year. The previous standards have been withdrawn.
Information on current research projects is posted on the Current Projects page of the
ISACA web site.
Guidance for Implementing Updated COSO Internal
Control Framework
The new framework issued in May 2013 by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the
Treadway Commission (COSO), Internal Control Framework, is an important development. It
facilitates efforts by organizations to develop cost-effective systems of internal control to
achieve important business objectives and to sustain and improve performance. The new
framework also supports organizations as they adapt to the increasing complexity and pace of
a changing business environment, manage risk to acceptable levels and improve the reliability
of information for decision making.
Companies using the 1992 framework for US Sarbanes-Oxley compliance and other purposes
• Familiarize themselves with the new framework and companion materials
• Determine their transition plan
• Communicate to the appropriate stakeholders the release of the new framework and its
implications to the organization
The updated COSO Internal Control Framework includes numerous important changes,
• The new framework explicitly states 17 principles representing fundamental concepts
associated with the 5 components of internal control. COSO decided to make these
principles explicit to increase management’s understanding as to what constitutes effective
internal control. These principles remain broad, as they are intended to apply to for-profit
companies (including publicly traded and privately held companies), not-for-profit entities,
government bodies and other organizations.
• The new framework clarifies the role of objective-setting in internal control and moves the
primary discussion of the concept from the chapter on risk assessment to the second
chapter to emphasize the point that objective-setting is not part of internal control.
The new framework reflects the increased relevance of technology. This is important
because the number of organizations that use or rely on technology, and the extent of that
use, have grown substantially over the past 20 years. More sophisticated technology can
impact how all components of internal control are implemented.
The new framework incorporates an enhanced discussion of governance concepts. These
concepts relate primarily to the board of directors and subcommittees of the board,
including audit committees, compensation committees and governance committees. The
key message is that board oversight is vital to effective internal control.
The new framework expands the reporting category of objectives. The financial reporting
objective category is expanded to consider external reporting beyond financial reporting
and internal reporting (both financial and nonfinancial). Thus, there are four types of
reporting: internal financial, internal nonfinancial, external financial and external
The new framework enhances consideration of antifraud expectations. The 2013 version
contains considerably more discussion of fraud and considers the potential causes of fraud
as a separate principle of internal control.
The Updated COSO Internal Control Framework: Frequently Asked Questions, 2nd
Edition will help you get started.
Editor’s Note: © 2013 Protiviti Inc. All rights reserved. This guide was excerpted with
permission from Protiviti’s KnowledgeLeader, a subscription-based web site that provides audit
programs, checklists, tools, resources and best practices to help internal auditors and risk
management professionals save time, manage risk and add value. ISACA members receive a
discount on an annual subscription to the service.
Book Review: There Is a New Sheriff in Town
Reviewed by Maria Patricia Prandini, CISA, CRISC
Much of the protection offered years ago to families settling in the Old West of the US came
from law enforcement agents known as sheriffs. Many of them were heroic, fearless figures
who were in high demand in most new towns and mining camps to impose order and protect
law-abiding citizens and their belongings. More than 100 years later, protection is still an issue,
as noted in this compilation of the insights of a group of information security experts, titled
There Is a New Sheriff in Town, under the premise that information security leaders are
the new stewards of the digital world, fulfilling a similar task as those sheriffs in the Old West.
The book compiles the contributions of leading professionals who work in different industries in
the US, hold high-ranking positions in large companies and have strong experience in the field
of information security. The book indicates that information security professionals today need
to develop strong leadership and communication skills as well as an understanding of the
growing influence that information security has on the success of an organization. These
experts provide insight and guidance on the new role of security professionals and leaders
whose activities have evolved from just implementing the latest technologies to adding value to
the organization.
Topics as diverse as security governance, skills, value and culture, managing risk, and the
protection of intellectual property are presented, and insights into how leaders are being
viewed as a balance between art and science are discussed. The integration of security into
the business and the future of information security invites readers to increase their
competencies for the protection of the organization’s assets.
Reading There Is a New Sheriff in Town is similar to having the opportunity to meet with each
expert to learn from their experience and knowledge and to obtain guidance on how to tame
the complexities of technology. It gives the reader a chance to see where the field of
information security is going and provides a look beyond the day-to-day operations to the
future of the information security professional.
Maria Patricia Prandini, CISA, CRISC, has a long career as a public official in different
positions related to information technology at the Argentine Government. Prandini was
involved in the development of the National PKI and the foundation of ARCERT, the first
governmental computer security incident response team (CSIRT) in Argentina. She is the
immediate past president of the ISACA Buenos Aires Chapter.
©2013 ISACA. All rights reserved.