DRESS IN THE Pavilion for Match Days
Gentlemen shall wear lounge suits or tailored jacket and trousers, shirt, tie or cravat and shoes with socks. Gentlemen will not be
admitted to the Pavilion, including the Pavilion Concourse, unless, on entrance, their dress conforms to this Regulation. Religious,
traditional or national dress, or service uniform, is permitted.
The following items of clothing are unacceptable:
• A
ny form of sports shoe such as trainers or plimsolls
(manufactured for playing sport)
• Pullovers or Cardigans (unless worn under a tailored jacket)
• Sandals and shoes worn without socks; and flip-flop shoes
• T-shirts or singlets
• Jeans of all types and fabrics (e.g. denim, corduroy, moleskin, cotton)
• Torn, ripped or unclean clothing
• Denim clothing
• Shorts
• Combat- or cargo-style trousers
• Tracksuits
• Zip-up jackets or anoraks (without a tailored jacket)
• Garments in military camouflage colours
Ladies should wear dresses; or skirts or trousers (which may be cropped below the knee) or culottes, with blouses or smart tops, and shoes,
boots or sandals. Dresses, blouses and smart tops may be sleeveless. Religious, traditional or national dress, or service uniform, is permitted.
The following items of clothing are unacceptable:
• A
ny form of sports shoe such as trainers or plimsolls
(manufactured for playing sport)
• T
-shirts (manufactured for playing sport or bearing advertising logos
or offensive language)
• Beach-style flip-flop shoes
• Shorts
• Jeans of all types and fabrics (e.g. denim, corduroy, moleskin, cotton)
• Tracksuits
• Denim clothing
• Garments in military camouflage colours
• Leggings or jodhpur-style trousers (unless worn under a dress or skirt)
• Bikini tops or tops/dresses showing bare midriff
• Torn, ripped or unclean clothing
• Strapless tops or dresses (unless worn under a cardigan or jacket)
Bare feet, bare torsos and anyone wearing dilapidated or offensive garments of any kind will not be permitted under any circumstances.
Notwithstanding the dress standards outlined above, M.C.C. reserves the right to refuse entry to any person
considered unsuitably attired.
acceptable Dress
The above are all compliant with the Dress Regulations,
including the lady on the far right, wearing a dress over leggings.
Unacceptable Dress
Bare midriff,
Polo shirt
Blouse over
No tailored
jacket, no tie
(any colour)
DRESS IN THE Pavilion for Non-Match Days ( including
off - season )
The Pavilion Dress Regulations are relaxed, and Members and their guests may dress less formally. The minimum standard of dress is
“smart casual” for both sexes. Jackets and ties are not required, but gentlemen must wear collared shirts (even when a collared sweater
or jacket is worn on top) at all times.
The following items of clothing are unacceptable:
• S
hirts which do not have a collar, including crew-neck shirts
(polo-neck shirts are acceptable)
• A
ny form of sports shoe such as trainers or plimsolls
(manufactured for playing sport)
• Sandals and shoes worn without socks and flip-flop shoes
• Torn, ripped or unclean clothing
• Jeans of all types and fabrics (e.g. denim, corduroy, moleskin, cotton)
• Shorts
• Denim clothing
• Tracksuits
• Combat- or cargo-style trousers
• Garments in military camouflage colours
• T-shirts or singlets
The following items of clothing are unacceptable:
• A
ny form of sports shoe such as trainers or plimsolls
(manufactured for playing sport)
• Shorts
• Beach-style flip-flop shoes
• Tracksuits
• Jeans of all types and fabrics (e.g. denim, corduroy, moleskin, cotton)
• Garments in military camouflage colours
• Denim clothing
• Bikini tops or tops/dresses showing bare midriff
• Torn, ripped or unclean clothing
Bare feet, bare torsos and anyone wearing dilapidated or offensive garments of any kind will not be permitted under any circumstances.
Notwithstanding the dress standards outlined above, M.C.C. reserves the right to refuse entry to any person
considered unsuitably attired.
acceptable Dress
Unacceptable Dress
No collared
shirt, jeans
(any colour)
Members and their guests are expected to maintain an acceptable standard of dress while in the Members’ Friends’ Enclosures.
To avoid any embarrassment at the entrance to the enclosures, Members must ensure that their attire, and that of their guests, is
appropriate for the area.
The minimum standard of dress to enter the Members’ Friends’ Enclosures is “smart casual” for both sexes. Jackets are not required,
but gentlemen must wear collared shirts (even when a collared sweater or jacket is worn on top) at all times in the stands. Shorts and
trousers must be tailored, although denim is acceptable.
The following items of clothing are unacceptable:
• S
hirts which do not have a collar, including crew-neck shirts
(polo-neck shirts are acceptable)
• F
ootball, running, athletic, cycling, tennis or other shorts worn
for playing sport
• T-shirts or singlets
• Tracksuits
• Torn, ripped or unclean clothing
• Garments in military camouflage colours
The following items of clothing are unacceptable:
• F
ootball, running, athletic, cycling, tennis or other
shorts worn for playing sport
• Garments in military camouflage colours
• Torn, ripped or unclean clothing
• Bikini tops or tops/dresses showing bare midriff
• Tracksuits
Bare feet, bare torsos and anyone wearing dilapidated or offensive garments of any kind will not be permitted under any circumstances.
Notwithstanding the dress standards outlined above, M.C.C. reserves the right to refuse entry to any person
considered unsuitably attired.
acceptable Dress
Unacceptable Dress
bare feet
(not tailored)