The California Junior Classical League
September 1, 2015
Dear CJCL Sponsor:
On behalf of the entire CJCL Executive Board, I would like to invite you and your students to join us for
another year of JCL activities! We thank you in advance for the many extra hours of dedication and hard
work you will give to JCL this year.
The California delegation had a terrific time this summer at the NJCL Convention at Trinity University
in San Antonio, Texas July 27th – August 1st. California sent a delegation of 42 student delegates, 8
sponsors, 4 SCL’ers and 1 chaperone. You and your students can review the day-by-day pictorial
highlights and convention contest results at
Mark your 2015-2016 calendar with the following important dates and be sure to check our website throughout the school year for additional details regarding each of the events.
October 31
November 21
December 1
February 6
March 18-19
Ludi Octobres
State Convention
Stanford University
University High School
Mail to Lisa Masoni, CJCL State Treasurer
St. Ignatius/Sage Hill
Woodbridge High School, Irvine
I hope you and your students will participate in Ludi Octobres on Saturday, October 31st or S.C.R.A.M.
on November 21st. These events provide an excellent opportunity to get your students excited about
joining JCL. These one-day events are held each year in the fall to acquaint students with each other, to
get a preview of some of the events that occur at our state convention, and to build enthusiasm for JCL.
Typically 800 students participate in S.C.R.A.M. and 400 in Ludi Octobres.
The CJCL State Convention, which consists of numerous academic, artistic and athletic events, will be
held on March 18-19, 2016 at Woodbridge High School in Irvine. Approximately 1,500 students from
45 schools throughout the state are expected to participate. The convention theme for 2015-2016
(same as that for the national convention) is: "ubi concordia, ibi Victoria.” (Where there is unity, there
is victory.) Roman Proverb
Please note that to be a chapter in good standing the sponsor of the chapter must belong to ACL and all
students must belong to both CJCL and NJCL. The ACL dues for sponsors is $55.00. Although the
deadline for submitting dues is not until December 1,st. a number of sponsors have found it helpful to
collect money the first week of school while the students are paying for numerous other activities.
Please encourage your students to join JCL as soon as possible. Once again this year, sponsors who are
members in good standing will be able to take advantage of a $10 discount on the National Latin Exam.
You will receive additional information about this in a separate mailing from the NJCL office.
We now have over 100 schools in California that are receiving our mailings. We had 63 JCL chapters
for the 2014-2015 school year with a total of 2836 members. Please help us by encouraging any school
in your area that is not presently a member to join JCL.
Martha Altieri
CJCL State Chair