Where We live - Atrium Amsterdam Atrium Amsterdam

W h er e
w e
l i v e
This book provides an insight into the highly anticipated
renovation and expansion of the renowned and historic
Atrium with a personal reflection from the influential
business people involved in this significant moment
in Dutch real estate history.
The philosophy, vision, architecture and cutting
edge technology establish the iconic Atrium as
one of the prime business locations in Amsterdam
for multinationals to plant their roots. This unique
and distinguished building is being modernised to
offer hospitality in the ultimate working and living
environment with the highest standards of design,
refinement and sustainability. World class facilities,
optimal accessibility and infrastructure undoubtedly
make the Atrium the premier office location in
the Netherlands.
• Office meters 56,000 LFA
• Floor to ceiling: 2.9 meters
• Floors up to 4,500 sq.m.
• Installations (Thermal Heat Storage,
climate ceilings)
• Sustainability (up to BREEAM Excellent)
• High end quality amenities
• Parking garage for 525 cars
In short
It was and will remain a
building that exudes allure
P rofessor D r . E d N o z eman | A msterdam S c hool of R eal E state and U ni v ersit y of G roningen
Happy years
it was
our heyday!
spent at the
P r o f e s s o r D r . Ed N o z e m a n | A m s t e r d a m S c h o o l o f R e a l E s t a t e a nd U n i v e r s i t y o f G r o n i ng e n
The Atrium has an expansive and colorful history
good cause. Nozeman remembers: “Desks were pushed
that dates back over 40 years, recalls Professor
together, so everyone could see what their colleagues
Dr. Ed Nozeman, a professor at the Amsterdam School
were doing. It was an open plan floor of approximately
of Real Estate and at the University of Groningen.
forty by forty meters with office cabinets to shield
He has amazing memories of how the Atrium’s story
the sounds.” It was very clear by the mid-1980s that
began, as his former employer was the developer
this office building was out of date in comparison
and one of the earliest occupants of this impressive
to the new WTC that had been built nearby.
and noble building.
A new office design was desperately needed and
The Atrium was originally the headquarters of
architects Ellerman Lucas van Vugt came up with the
the NMB (Nederlandsche Middenstandsbank).
idea to create an atrium. This new design brought light
This gray, concrete, unremarkable office building,
into the once dull building, turning the huge floors into
completed in 1976, stood almost alone in an empty
attractive transparent rooms around a spacious glass-
Zuidas with nothing but a sandy embankment.
covered plaza, and creating the imposing glass main
No railway, no overpass, just a road that ran to the
entrance hall as a meeting space offering a passage
outskirts of Amsterdam. The Zuidas had not been
to the elevated part. A new exterior emerged,
born yet.
Nozeman recollects: “The stone facades which are
still there today were actually created by professional
When NMB and the Postbank merged to become the
Italian terrazzo workers. That craftsmanship turned
NMB-Postbank Group they moved to a new head office
out to be exceptional in the Netherlands at that time.”
in Amsterdam South East. One question remained;
Meticulous planning and effort was put into the Atrium
what should be done with the now vacant building –
and it was considered to have a chic look with a copious
all it needs is some tender loving care. In the 1970s,
amount of quality which was an important factor in why
the idea was that all of the NMB-Postbank Group’s
renowned companies decided to settle there.
employees were equal and worked for the same
P rofessor D r . E d N o z eman | A msterdam S c hool of R eal E state and U ni v ersit y of G roningen
The Atrium re-opened in 1990, Nozeman remembers
During its second life cycle, from 1991 to 2011,
clearly as his employer MBO (one of the predecessors
the Atrium was sold and bought several times to
of ING Real Estate) moved to the Zuidas and loved the
and by various foreign investors. Nozeman recalls:
new environment and surroundings. “It was a world
“The Atrium attracted small and medium-sized
of difference from the gloomy area of Diemen-Zuid.”
international companies with great reputations
He reminisces: “We were only there for four years,
in the financial, recruiting, advisory and legal
but those years were great. It was a pleasure to go
professional sectors.” During this period, the office
to work. For myself and my colleagues they were very
featured a luxurious restaurant, a gym, convenient
happy years – our heyday.” In 1999, when ABN AMRO
parking and offered a great location – close to the
finally moved from Amsterdam Center to the Zuidas
highway, the ever-expanding railway station and
‘The ball started rolling and it worked as an accelerator,
most importantly Schiphol International Airport.
a catalyst for the rest of the development at the Zuidas’.
Their arrival eventually led to the Zuidas that we know
today – the main business district of Amsterdam.
This new style of
the Atrium will be
the perfect image
to associate with if
you want to radiate
a contemporar y st yle
With the renovation of the existing Atrium building
Today’s modern Atrium, still offering the functionality
nearly completed and the expansion of an underground
of the past, exudes allure. This naturally attracts a
car park and the development of two new towers
number of new promising tenants. Nozeman believes
on the North and South sides about to commence,
that it is the perfect office space ‘for companies that
Atrium’s third life cycle has begun.
want to emanate modernity’. “This new style of the
Atrium will be the perfect image to associate with
if you want to radiate a contemporary style.”
The nu
one bu
in the number one area in the countr y
E r i k M o r e s c o | V i c t o r y Ad v i s o r s a nd J a s o n B l a c k m o r e | G & S V a s t g o e d
Sitting across from Erik Moresco (Founding Partner of
It has the largest floor plates in any building at the
Victory Advisors) and Jason Blackmore (General Manager
Zuidas. In fact, 4500 square meters on just one floor.
at G&S Vastgoed) it becomes clear that the Atrium is their
Victory Advisors saw the potential in this unique
flagship building. The passion and dedication that has
building but knew that this would be a challenging
been put into this project is inspiring. This is not just
renovation project.
about any building. This is going to be the number one
building in Amsterdam. It is about developing an immense
Victory Advisor then brought in G&S Vastgoed to work
complex with a new philosophy that is galvanizing a new
on the renovation of the existing building and the
way of thinking in the real estate world.
construction of two new towers – which are estimated
to be completed in August 2017. Blackmore explains
It all goes back to 2012 during the financial crisis when
they created a contemporary cutting edge building
Atrium was in a relatively poor state. Moresco explains
using all the latest techniques and using new state-of-
how Victory Advisors stepped in and bought Atrium
the-art installations. “We used chilled ceilings which
and set about to ‘make the building the best it can
are the best the market has to offer, and heating and
be – a greater version of itself’. “They just don’t make
cooling air conditioning systems. We are adding thermal
buildings like this anymore.”
storage to contribute to the high level of sustainability
and targeting on a BREEAM Excellent certificate.”
Back then the building was spartan and unwelcoming.
He adds: “From the start of the process, the cooperation
However, even in this state the Atrium was still a well-
with the municipality has been really fundamental.
known, well-loved historic building.
Frankly the project wouldn’t be where it is today
without their expertise and competence.”
V i c t o r y A d v i s o r s a n d G & S V a s t g o e d
E ri k M ores c o | Vi c tor y A d v isors and J ason B la c k more | G & S Vastgoed
are proud to see their vision of Atrium f lourishing
m e e t,
w o r k,
E ri k M ores c o | Vi c tor y A d v isors and J ason B la c k more | G & S Vastgoed
The Atrium, which seemed almost deserted at one point, has now been transformed into a vibrant and
interactive living space. The original building has been upgraded to the highest quality and is now a
beautiful open space with plenty of natural light that hosts a welcoming reception with earthy colour decor.
It also will have two restaurants, a state-of-the-art gym, conference centers and meeting spaces throughout.
The Atrium will be the ultimate place for people to meet, work and relax. It even includes a thoughtfully
designed outside garden space as a living area for the tenants to use and a bar for drinks after work.
Consequently, the Atrium has all the services that any business would need, plus it has all the sustainable
features that will not only save tenants costs, but will maintain this timeless building for years to come.
This has been the philosophy from the beginning as Blackmore succinctly sums up: “This is a building built
on owners’ specifications and not economics and thus has the true intrinsic value for the user.”
“It is extremely important to keep tenants happy,
Moresco: “I usually don’t get involved in our renovation
not only with the final result but also during the
projects on a day-to-day basis – we own over forty
renovation process. That is why, for instance,
buildings. “But in this case, I spend two days per week
we used a whole new piling technique”,
at our office in the Atrium because it’s that special
Blackmore adds. “Instead of power-piling we used
to me.” So what makes the Atrium so special?
a technique that screwed the piles in the ground,
The Atrium is an iconic, timeless building with unique
resulting in significant reductions in noise. In fact,
qualities. Plus it is situated in the heart of the Zuidas
it was so quiet that tenants didn’t even know it
business district. With a seven minute direct connection
was already finished until we told them.”
to Schiphol Airport, the Atrium’s location is perfect
for international travel for any business person
as Amsterdam is one of the most accessible cities
in Europe.
Not one single tenant has left since
Victory Advisors acquired the building.
With the dedication of Victory Advisors and
In fact, all the tenants have stayed and
G&S Vastgoed, the Atrium will be Amsterdam’s
in most cases doubled their space with
premier and most unique building.
a ten year firm lease. Regus has almost
doubled in size to 3500 square meters.
Optiver has signed a brand new 10-year
lease and has increased from 8000 to
10,000 square meters. The Fortune 500
company. Celanese originally had
1400 square meters and within a year
now expanded to 3000 square meters.
Other new clients are looking at the
option to move into the new tower with
long-term plans.” Plus it is not just the
tenants that have stayed, but every
member of staff too. Everyone can see
the vision coming to life.
The newly designed Atrium will
stand the te
R o b e r t o M e y e r | MVSA a r c h i t e c t s
R oberto M e y er | M V S A ar c hite c ts
MVSA Architects posseses
the urban architectural vision
to re-establish the Atrium
as the hear t of the Zuidas
Roberto Meyer, together with project architect
Originally there were three atriums, hence the name,
Jeroen Schilder and his team from internationally
and soon there will be a total of five. When constructing
renowned MVSA architects, were partly responsible
such a building it is essential to make the design flexible.
for the upgrade of the existing Atrium building and
This means that features of the building can relatively
completed the design for the New Atrium, located in
easily be adapted in the future. Much of the character
the lively business district Zuidas in Amsterdam.
of the existing building remains part of the design.
The facades are being preserved to ensure a consistent
Conceptually and from the outset, Meyer had a vision:
mix between the ‘old’ and the ‘new’.
“Ensuring the Atrium becomes a consistent entity
and that the new and existing elements are in sync.
A sustainable approach is very much prominent
They need to reinforce each other and merge into one
in the architectural design. The facades and overhangs
single large complex. It’s all about understanding how
block the direct sunlight, which means there is less need
everything is connected.” The inventive design creates
to cool the building. Meyer considers sustainability to
a transparent building which forms beautiful work spaces,
be a responsibility of an architect nowadays: “The design
has amazing views and brings life into the building.
is ultimately about making the complex as sustainable as
possible. For the MVSA team, sustainability is an integral
In the existing Atrium building, Meyer describes:
part of the urban architecture vision.” Their work is
“The first floor now has a backbone when you walk
energy-efficient and has a minimal ecological footprint.
in and the design works logistically.” It is extremely
important for the numerous businesses and facilities
that the design works for large groups of people.
of time
Meyer explains how the design will create a new urban
boulevard: “An outdoor space including a green area
where tenants, visitors and passersby can relax and
enjoy the surroundings.” The design is not just about aesthetics: “We also look at the function of the building and
social aspects, its interaction with the surroundings by
creating voids in the new towers.”
The new Atrium will be 58,200 square meters in total
including 35,000 square meters of the existing building,
an expansion of 21,000 square meters of new office
space and 2,200 square meters of commercial area.
This large-scale project had to overcome the technical
challenges that were inevitable – such as combining
the old and the new constructions and designing
the underground car park adjoining the boulevard.
With Victory Advisors’ and G&S Vastgoed’s high-level
ambition, MVSA is able to reach heights that normally
would not have been possible with a complex project
like this.
The Atrium is an office complex of exceptional quality
in an incredibly beautiful location at the Zuidas with
amazing views over the city and the airport;
equipped with all modern conveniences and amenities
including an à la carte bistro, self-service restaurant,
sun terrace, coffee bar, concierge, meeting center, gym,
24hrs security, on-site building manager, taxi drop-off
and separate expedition entrance. With the new
architectural design, the Atrium, now in its third life
cycle, will stand the test of time.
R oberto M e y er | M V S A ar c hite c ts
It is important for a user
to enjoy the surroundings
and feel comfor table
J o h a n B r u y n s e r a e d e | C o n i x r db m a r c h i t e c t s
J ohan B ru y nseraede | Conix rdbm ar c hite c ts
A hospitable and
radiates throughout the Atrium
Interior designer Johan Bruynseraede, who works with
The comfortable sofas, cushions and floor rugs
CONIX RDBM Architects, has been entrusted with the
are all uniquely different in style, design, color and
challenge of combining the old with the new and
size, but they all complement each other and come
creating a warm and homely atmosphere throughout
together as a whole. A simple continuous theme runs
the prestigious Atrium building. How was this welcoming
throughout the interior and furnishings with an element
atmosphere created?
of uniqueness. The goal was to actualize a demure
and modest ambience with a feeling of hospitality
As you enter the Atrium, there is an immediate feeling
and a sense of coming home. This has been
of space and light from the outside and this is balanced
spectacularly achieved. Bruynseraede reveals,
with the neutral tones of brown, beige and cream of
“with minimal intervention we tried to bring out
the furniture and decor.
the greatest possible homely atmosphere. We have
changed the decor to a warm color scheme using
raw materials including copper in the existing
columns and replacing the marble with wood.”
It is impor tant to keep
a consistent theme throughout
the entire building, but for ever y
par t to have it ’s own identit y
J ohan B ru y nseraede | Conix rdbm ar c hite c ts
The Atrium has the look and feel of a high-end 5 star
luxury hotel lobby and lounge area, but it is still very
much an office workplace. There is a large amount of
space to relax for a coffee with a colleague, or to hold
an informal business meeting in one of the private
booths. Another option is to have a formal business
lunch in the exquisitely designed restaurant. The choice
is yours. To the left of the entrance there is a grand
elegant staircase leading to the new reception area.
The dark granite stairs match the dark granite floors
and this – combined with the wood effect on the
walls – reflects the grandeur of the building. This style
encapsulates the signature stamp of CONIX RDBM
Architects’ work, as Bruynseraede explains, “we try
to create a dynamic environment with lots of contrasts
that can be exciting and surprising, but one that has
to remain minimalistic and aesthetically pleasing and
From the beginning, our philosophy was to make a
connection between the inside and outside, to ensure
the flow of warmth could radiate from the inside into
the newly designed garden. Even though Bruynseraede
is an old-school designer at heart who prefers to work
with a pencil, he is very enthusiastic about combining
new technology with warmer materials. There are some
interesting new developments inside the building
that create high-definition and high-tech active
communication signage.
CONIX RDBM Architects not only have a great working
relationship with G&S Vastgoed and Victory Advisors,
but they also work with the renowned tenants Regus
to design their new business center and lounge.
It is important to keep a consistent theme throughout
the entire building, and yet for every part to have its
own identity.
With the existing Atrium building completed
to everyone’s satisfaction, the next challenge is to
incorporate the interior design into the new towers.
Bruynseraede thrives on a challenge and has so far
succeeded in creating an atmosphere that lives
up to the Atrium’s iconic reputation.
Optiver, a global high-tech trading company, is currently
Optiver entered the building in 2008. Over the years
one of the biggest tenants in the Atrium and has been
there was not much pride for the building and it quickly
a resident throughout the renovation. Rashid Shah,
became outdated, especially its rooftop and heating.
Global Relationship Manager across four continents,
As Optiver is a self-sufficient entity and does not have
has 16 years of experience with the company and was
clients, they were not overly concerned with the state
key in the negotiations that led to Optiver signing a new
of the building at the time. Shah explains: “We have
10-year lease at the end of 2015.
our own infrastructure, ICT, technical installations,
fiber installations that connect us to over 40 exchanges
The story began in 2006, Shah describes, when the
and platforms, our own systems, security, architecture,
Atrium was chosen as the new headquarters for Optiver.
catering, even our own back up diesel power generator.
After two years of renovating their new office space,
Basically, we are completely independent in this
they moved from the congested central station area
of Amsterdam to the new spacious and corporate area
of Zuidas.
Location was key. Shah proclaims their top criteria
for choosing the Atrium: “We had a preference
to be located very close to a main train station,
in this case Amsterdam South, which allows us
to promote accessibility via public transport
and bike. Being so near to Schiphol International
Airport is vital, because it allows us to access
relations, potential employees and travel – fast.”
The building is star ting to
take shape and I personally
think they have done a
valuable job so far
R ashid S hah | opti v er
due to the location,
h is to r y, a rc h i te c t u r e
and infrastructure
Rashid Shah | optiver
R ashid S hah | opti v er
When Victory Advisors acquired the Atrium, there were
long negotiations between the two parties until they
reached middle ground. Optiver were considering
alternative locations however they had a change
of heart. Last year they chose to sign a new 10-year
agreement with Victory Advisors, that runs until 2027,
and to even increase their lease to 35% of the existing
building. So what led Optiver to stay?
Ultimately, cooperation won the day. Shah explains:
“We came to a good decision, in the interest of both
parties. For us, it is vital that our core business is
not interrupted by any construction work going on
inside and outside the building.” At the same time,
Victory Advisors wanted to keep their biggest tenant
and Optiver had plans to revamp and renovate their
whole office this year. This mutual willingness brought
them closer together: “We can incorporate their plans
into ours, and our plans into theirs.”
Being a tenant during a huge renovation with major
construction plans would presumably be problematic.
Especially for one of the biggest trading floors in
Europe, where any discontinuity could affect their
core business directly. Victory Advisors and Optiver
now have a strong relationship based on mutual
respect: “Construction work has been going according
to plan and we have great lines of communication
with the project manager. If there is any disturbance
during our trading hours, we just make a call and it
is dealt with.” Shah remembers when the renovation
project started: “We were really skeptical at the
beginning, but now the building is starting to take
shape and I personally think they have done a valuable
job so far.”
“ We are looking
forward to seeing
the completed
p r o j e c t i n 2 0 17. ”
H ein v an der M eer | C M S
The Atrium is
w h e n i t co m e s to q u a l i t y, l o c a t i o n ,
accessibilit y and facilities
H e i n v a n d e r M e e r | CMS
At the end of 2014, international law firm CMS
three office buildings in Amsterdam with location,
announced they had chosen the Atrium as their new
accessibility, facilities and finances being central to
headquarters. They will merge a considerable part
their decision. He recalls: “The Atrium was the outright
of their Utrecht office with the Amsterdam office.
winner. It is the number one office location in the
They have signed a lease to rent the top floors
Netherlands, it meets all our needs and it is the best
of the South Tower which will be ready in Q1 2017.
investment.” This new location – at the Zuidas,
near the court house on Parnassusweg and other
What swayed this prestigious law firm to decide on the
reputable law firms – was a significant factor for
Atrium? Hein van der Meer, Attorney at Law specializing
CMS’s decision. With the growth of our international
in real estate transactions at CMS explained their criteria.
client base and collaborations with other companies
Van der Meer, who was a stakeholder in the negotiation,
in Europe, being only minutes away from Schiphol
explains how they narrowed their search to the top
International Airport is ideal.
A multi-functional of fice
complex with f lexibilit y and
ser vice to fulfill all modern
requirements is paramount
to our firm
A multi-functional office complex with flexibility and
service to fulfill all modern requirements is paramount
to our firm.
Location is not the only reason they chose the Atrium.
It was the historic building itself too. Van der Meer
reveals that it is incredible to see that a building
dating back to the 1970s was not simply demolished,
but the investor and developer saw the value to
beautifully renovate it. He admires how Roberto Meyer
has architecturally combined old and the new and
how the existing building will cleverly link the two
new towers into one complex with an underground
car park with direct access to the towers and thus
“has a level of quality that appeals to us all.”
“A multi-functional office complex with flexibility and
service to fulfill all modern requirements is paramount
to our firm”, states Van der Meer. “The amenities mean
that everything we need is in-house.” Even though CMS
will have the luxury of six floors with its own boardroom
and meeting rooms on the top floor with amazing views
of the city, they will also have the option of utilizing the
conference center and meeting rooms in the Atrium.
In 2017, the South Tower will be completed and its
new tenant CMS will join many other distinguished
companies in residing in Amsterdam’s premier office
location – the Atrium.
H ein v an der M eer | C M S
This new
will put Amsterdam on the map
K l a a s d e B o e r | Z U I D AS , M U N ICI P ALITY OF AMSTER D AM
Klaas de B oer | Z U I D A S , M U N I C I P A L I T Y O F A M S T E R D A M
There is such an
international vibe
in the Zuidas
– the most international par t of Amsterdam
The unique municipal organization that is responsible
In the last 25 years, the Zuidas was uniquely developed
for the Zuidas is the only organization in the municipality
with an international allure. De Boer describes: “There are
of Amsterdam that dedicates itself completely to one
around 700 businesses in the Zuidas of which 60% have
project. This organization is involved in the development
an international background. People love the open
of the Zuidas and ensures that a lively part of the city
culture when it comes to doing business. Working in the
is created. Klaas de Boer, who was previously director
WTC myself, I work with nearly 40 nationalities. There is
of the department of city planning and has been director
such an international vibe in the Zuidas – the most
in charge of this Zuidas department for the last seven
international part of Amsterdam.” He not only wants
years has a wealth of knowledge and experience in this
to encourage new business in this area, but he also
area. He is also the man who knows exactly why the
wants to create vivacity outside the realm of work
Atrium is situated in the hottest location in Amsterdam.
in the evenings and weekend. A 24/7 metropolis for
people to both work and live with arts, sports, cafes,
restaurants and green getaways, all in easy reach.
Atrium will become one of the most accessible
a n d s o u g h t - a f t e r l o c a t i o n s i n t h e Z u i d a s
Klaas de B oer | Z U I D A S , M U N I C I P A L I T Y O F A M S T E R D A M
The Atrium is a unique
and historic building and
it is impor tant to preser ve
these types of buildings
in the Zuidas
In fact everything will become even more accessible
Without a doubt, the Atrium will become one of the
in the future with the new Zuidasdok project, which will
most accessible and sought after locations in the Zuidas.
kick off in 2017 and will take ten years to be constructed.
De Boer proudly demonstrates how the Atrium is situated
The plan is to develop and build a new infrastructure
in a unique location of the Zuidas. “You can go by car,
for the Zuidas. By 2028, the A10 motorway – which is
by train, by subway, by tram, by bicycle. Accessibility is
now three lanes each way – will double in capacity.
truly one of the most important aspects of the Zuidas.”
An underground tunnel will re-route traffic underground
in the centre of the Zuidas, which will lessen the traffic in
As for the Atrium building itself, De Boer is impressed
the center. A new Zuidas train, tram and bus station will
with the expansion ideas of the two new towers and
all be built. As De Boer points out: “There are currently
the underground car park. The vision is being realized
70,000 to 80,000 passengers boarding each day in the
and the last time he entered the Atrium he was amazed.
Zuidas and this will increase to 220,000 per day in the
“The ground floor is special. It is an amazing building
future. This increase is due to the fact that the new
and I think they are doing a really great job.”
North-South line will feature a terminal station at the
The sustainability of the building is important to the
Zuidas.” This new infrastructure will put Amsterdam on
municipality. They have hard requirements for buildings
the map. With Schiphol International Airport already
that need a ‘BREEAM Excellent level’, which is exactly
in place, the Zuidas will soon have one of the best
what the Atrium will achieve with the new expansion.
infrastructures in Europe. De Boer reflects that
The Atrium project from the very beginning has
Erik Moresco from Victory Advisors gave him the
benefited from the close collaboration of the Zuidas
advice of how it worked in the Docklands in London
organization with Victory Advisors and G&S Vastgoed.
and this can be emulated in the Zuidas.
De Boer notes: “We are still in discussion over the
Atrium to ensure that all the beautiful things happen;
This new infrastructure will make the Atrium one of the
including facing south at the exit of the station,
best located buildings in the Zuidas. Currently when you
the underground car park and the desire to add
stand outside the Atrium you can see the original car
a new external restaurant to join the complex.”
park, which will be demolished in the future to create
the underground tunnel. On top of the tunnel will
The Atrium is a unique and historic building and
be a beautiful, tranquil and appealing outside space
it is important to preserve these types of buildings
full of terraces along a boulevard. There will also be
in the Zuidas. De Boer: “The Atrium is a beautiful
a construction of an additional passageway for
grand building and you can visually see the quality.
pedestrians, ‘Britten Passage’. This passageway will
With the new infrastructure, the Atrium is situated
be located right outside the Atrium.
in a great location.”
to invest in the Net
M a r c o H e k m a n | c b r e n e t h e r l a nd s
M ar c o H e k man | c bre netherlands
Marco Hekman, CEO at CBRE Netherlands has over
27 years’ experience leading one of the largest real
estate agencies in the Netherlands. As Chairman at
the international organization EMEA Capital Markets
for the last three years, he has vast experience in real
estate market trends and developments and is a
renowned expert in real estate investments.
prime of fice
One of the recent developments is a considerable
interest from foreign investors in the Netherlands.
One of the reasons, according to Hekman, is the
current economic climate. After years of financial
crisis, the country is becoming as strong and stable
as it once was. He explains: “The country has a favorable
tax climate and is politically stable. The legal system is
reliable and transparent.” In particular, Asian companies
have been buying investments and housing companies
in the Netherlands. Especially the dynamic and
prosperous region of the Zuidas in Amsterdam is
becoming one of the most sought-after locations.
So what makes this area so special?
Ever since ABN AMRO moved their headquarters
from the center of Amsterdam to the Zuidas in 1999,
companies have been quick to follow in their footsteps.
During the following years, the Zuidas has developed
into a popular area. “The Zuidas does not turn into a
ghost town at 6 PM”, Hekman explains. “The area is
vibrant 24/7 and will become even more so, with all
the residential developments that will be completed
in the next 6 to 18 months. Tenants can satisfactorily
work and live here, which ultimately promotes rental
growth. In terms of rent and business services,
nothing compares to the Zuidas.” It may come as no
surprise that this vibrantly growing area of Amsterdam
is being viewed as the ‘place to watch’ by investment
advisors and is often compared to the Frankfurt CBD.
The numbers demonstrate the popularity of the Zuidas.
Hekman illustrates exactly how attractive the Zuidas
is compared to the rest of the country and abroad.
“4% of the offices in Zuidas are vacant. In comparison,
the national average is 17%. The total office space at
the Zuidas amounts to approximately 800,000 square
meters. The top rent is about €360 per square meter,
which is low in comparison with other cities in Europe.
For example, the Paris rent level is €800 and London
€1,700, both with yields of 3.5%. The yield in Amsterdam
is 4.5%, approximately the same as Frankfurt on a rent
level of €475.”
The great location of the area is a large pro for
international businesses. Not only is the area closely
connected to the cultural and touristic center of
Amsterdam; Schiphol International Airport is also only
minutes away. For companies this is the number one
reason to settle at the Zuidas. The excellent accessibility
contributes to the new urban vision of the Zuidas as
the prime office location in the Netherlands.
Not only the location and rent prices make the Zuidas
attractive for investors. The region is rapidly changing
into a vibrant business area. While the Zuidas already
has a lot to offer, much more interesting developments
are expected in the near future. Therefore, Hekman
believes that the interest of investors in the Zuidas is
not a temporary thing. He expects growth to continue
in the next few decades and considers ‘it as an
exceptional time to invest in the region’.
M ar c o H e k man | c bre netherlands
The great location of the area is a large pro for international businesses.
square meters
of of fice space
Fa c t s h e e t
L etta b le floor
56,000 sqm
area office total
L etta b le floor area
35,000 sqm
office e x i s tin g
L etta b le floor area
21,000 sqm
office e x pan s ion
L etta b le floor area
2,200 sqm
co m m ercial
A rc h itect
I nterior arc h itect
Contrast Interior Designers
N u m b er of par k in g s
525 (ratio marketed, 1:120)
( par k in g g ara g e )
S u s taina b ilit y
BREEAM Excellent (new) and Very Good (existing).
Dedicated thermal storage
A rea
Centre of the Amsterdam Zuidas, In front of
public transport hub, 1 trainstop from Schiphol
O ffice feat u re s
Highest grade office standard: metal climate ceilings;
motion detected lighting; raised floors in expansion;
2.90m ceiling heights; up to 4,500 sqm floor plates;
many connective elements through voids
A m enitie s
à la carte bistro, self-service restaurant, sunny terras,
coffee bar, concierge, meeting centre, gym,
24hrs security, on site building manager,
taxi drop off, separate expedition entrance
E x i s tin g b u il d in g
Q2 2016, including meeting centre
renovation co m pletion
Deliver y So u t h - T o w er
Q2 2017
Deliver y N ort h - T o w er
Q3 2017
A nc h or tenant s
CMS, Optiver, Regus, JLL, Celanese,
Cushman & Wakefield
L et s pace per Q 4 2 0 1 5
50% of total development
R ental rate s
€ 350-360 per sqm per annum
P ar k in g rate s
€ 3,500-4,000 per space per annum
We would like
to welcome you
W h er e
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l i v e