Blenheim Valley Football Club

Blenheim Valley Football Club
Hello Dear Football Folk
Welcome to the Blenheim Valley Football Club and the 2015 Marlborough football season.
We hope you have a great season playing or watching some brilliant games (in between a few
ordinary ones of course )
The season starts for the junior teams on the 18th of April and normally finishes on the last
weekend of August. Representative teams start at 10th Grade and go till the end of the
October holidays. In the school holidays there are no junior games in the middle weekend.
If you have any questions, concerns, marvellous feedback etc then you are welcome to
contact one of the committee members below. Please keep these contacts for reference in
the future. Incidentally, these people help the BV Club tick and we are fortunate for the
generous sharing of their time (nobody seems to have much time these days folks, but they
make time for us) so CHEERS!!!
2015 Committee
Equipment Officer: Paul McClean ph 577 9994 or 0272 186 558 or [email protected]
Secretary, Registrations and Goalnet: Stuart Prattley 027 4765511 [email protected]
President & Registrations: Tina Connor ph 577 9994 or email: [email protected]
Coordinator of 4 to 8 year old players: Lindsay McCallum [email protected] and
Emily McCallum [email protected]
Treasurer: Heather Gardiner: ph 578 4743 or 021 150 5885 or [email protected]
Goal Net Administrator and Web site coordinator: Kate Campbell Ph: 579 6070 or e-mail:
[email protected]
Women’s Coordinator: Sonja Zydenbos
[email protected] or 027 689 6894
Coaches: There are many wonderful volunteers here, thank you. We still require a few
more. If you know of someone who is interested (relation, friend, neighbour, college
student...) please encourage them and let Tina know. There are enthusiastic players out there
waiting for some guidance!
Strip: We will provide strip for all teams which includes shirt and shorts. We struggle to
find the smallest sizes (for 4 to 6 year olds) so the child will probably need to wear their
own shorts. You provide your own socks; royal blue with a gold top and shin pads need to be
worn for all games. Please look after the strip and make sure it is worn for Saturday
football games only. Cheers.
If you still need to collect your gear, please make arrangements with Paul (see committee
Reminder for parents/caregivers: If your child plays the first game please help put the
nets out and if your team plays the last game please help put them away as this is our
responsibility. Also, helping put balls and gear away after training and games is very helpful
as we want to look after all our gear. Thanks.
Fees for 2015:
Mini First Kicks / First Kicks $40,
Fun Football 7th- 8th grade - $55.00
10th & C Grade - $70.00
A & B Grade - $75.00
Grade - $65.00
There is a $5.00 discount for the second child in the family and $10 for each subsequent
The fees are due by May 2 and as always, we appreciate your prompt payment.
Internet banking: BNZ 02 0600 0183840 00 Please state players name and team name.
Alternatively you may post a cheque to P O Box 24 or give it to your manager for them
to pass on to us.
Installment payments can be arranged with Heather Gardiner (see committee contacts.) If
we don’t receive the payment then a no play policy will be implemented.
Football Draw: This will be in the newspaper and also on the Marlborough Football website: The website will also have tables for C Grade and up, closure
of grounds, cancellations of Saturday games, upcoming courses and other information.
Website: Kate updates our Blenheim Valley website which is and is keen for help if anyone is willing. She would also
appreciate photos and articles about any of your teams, so please keep her updated (see
committee contacts.)
Blenheim Valley Meetings
We require that an adult from each team attend our committee meetings. This does not
have to be the coach, manager or the same person each time, and can be by rotation of
parents but please have someone nominated each time. It will help the committee ensure
your requests and questions are answered and that information is received by each team.
The next meeting is Tuesday 28 April 7.30pm at the Royal Hotel.
Sponsorship: Thank you to Paul O’Donnell from Leslie + O’Donnell Chartered Accountants
who will be sponsoring the coaches wind proof jackets again this year and also subsidising all
coaches and managers attending the coaching courses which is on 11th April for the Junior
course and 12th April for the Youth course. Our club relies on sponsorship and grants and we
are grateful for all who are willing to help with this.
Well, think that’s all for now folks. Snippets of info will be sent via the coaches and
managers to keep you all updated. Don’t hesitate to contact one of us if need be. If you are
interested in helping out more, please get in touch, we are a very inclusive bunch.
Remember dear supporters: stay positive, be encouraging and keep warm.
Remember dear players: stay positive, be encouraging and kick some butt 
Cheers, enjoy the season
Tina Connor and the Blenheim Valley Committee