VEnUS: Vega Electric Upper Stage Davide A. Nicolini Vega Operational Launch System Project Manager Figure 7-4: EPM+, stowed into LV fairing, dimensions Extension of Vega capabilities using an EP module • VEnUS is a 12kW Solar Electric Propulsion tug, an additional orbital transfer kit installed on the launch vehicle payload interface, to enable new mission types (MEO, GEO, interplanetary) enlarging the Vega market base and developing new services as debris or failed satellites removal. • VEnUS extends VEGA mission capability to orbits beyond LEO: ! Medium Earth Orbits ! Geosynchronous Earth Orbit ! Highly Elliptic Earth Orbits ! Lagrange Points Halo Orbits Extension of Vega capabilities using an EP module • ESA is running phase A with Compagnia Generale per lo Spazio (OHB-CGS) on the autonomous orbit raising module based mostly on off-the-shelf hardware and powered by electric thrusters. • A clear business case exists for European interplanetary missions like Proba-3 or MEO class satellite constellation replenishment missions (as Galileo or O3b) bringing them within reach even using the current Vega launcher design. High-powered SEP Opens Vega to new class of Enables missions Applications currently outMultiple of reach Satellite)Servicing) Payload)Delivery)) Deep)Space)Human) Explora5on) Commercial)Space) Applica5ons) ISS) U5liza5on) Solar)Electric) Propulsion)) OGA) Missions) Orbital)Debris) Removal) Space)Science) Missions) 3 Picture taken from NASA website Missions within reach Orbit Orbital elements Application Vega release orbit VENUS Dry mass Prop. mass P/L mass Mission time MEO h = 8062km i = 0 deg ; e = 0 O3b h = 300 km i = 5.2 deg ; e = 0 681 kg 421 kg 1467 kg 7.6 mo MEO h = 23222 km i = 56 deg; e = 0 GALILEO h = 300 km i = 5.2 deg ; e = 0 681 kg 535 kg 1048 kg 7.7 mo GEO h = 35786 km i = 0 deg; e = 0 Telecom, Data, Services h = 860 km i = 5.2 deg ; e = 0 681 kg 551 kg 944 kg 8.7 mo Sun-Earth L1 d = 1.491.110 km Scientific h = 300 km i = 5.2 deg ; e = 0 786 kg 919 kg 834 kg 19.4 mo Earth-Moon L1 d = 326.370 km Scientific, Communications, Infrastructure h = 300 km i = 5.2 deg ; e = 0 * Additional tanks 847 kg 907 kg 18 mo NEA d = 2.047.990 km Scientific h = 300 km i = 5.2 deg ; e = 0 * Additional tanks 935 kg 819 kg 19.8 mo Active debris removal/towing h = 23222 km i = 50 deg; e = 0 GALILEO FOC 01 & 02 re-orbit h = 300 km i = 50 deg ; e = 0 490 kg N/A 18 mo * Additional tanks 786 kg 786 kg 981 kg ** docking system SEP - Enabling propulsion technology SEP can enable high delta-V missions ( V > 2.0 km/s) 100% 3000 53,7 78,0 90% 2500 80% 1049,4 906,8 2000 Mass$[kg] 60% 50% 1616,0 78,0 Available4Satellite4mass LV4P/L4Adapter Mass$[kg] 70% 534,4 Module4dry4mass4w/4margin 525,0 78,0 78,0 1500 485,0 78,0 847,0 Propellant 40% 1274,9 1000 78,0 547,0 1455,0 1215,0 30% 500 20% 681,2 10% 595,3 0% Electric4Propulsion4Module Chemical44Propulsion4Module SEP vs. CPS performance comparison: generic 4.0 km/s DV orbit raising mission, launched by VEGA-C Available;Satellite;mass LV;P/L;Adapter 786,2 Propellant 718,1 230,0 0 Electric Propulsion Module;+;(HET) Electric Propulsion Module;+;(GIT) 210,0 LISAFPathfinder LISAFPathfinder VEGA;C VEGA SEP vs. CPS performance comparison: LISA Pathfinder mission (S/E L1 Lagrange Point) Module;dry;mass;w/;margin Payload volume allocation Vega VEnUS SEP Module LAUNCH SYSTEM / SPACECRAFT INTERFACES CONTROL FILE LISA Pathfinder VG-DCI-1/50700-AE 3.6.2 CHAPTER 3 Page : 15 Issue : 1 Rev. : 2 SPACECRAFT INSIDE USABLE VOLUME (FAIRING DYNAMIC ENVELOPE) Subject to RfW-01 Vega LPF CPS Module Deployed and stowed configuration Solar Array Technology Developme Module design summary • • • Solar Propulsion Sub-system: – Four COPV 133 l gas tanks – Two gimballed HET, 5 kW class (Hot redundancy) – Two Xe Resistojet triads (for attitude control, no reaction wheel included) – One PPU per thruster – High pressure inlet Xe Flow Controller (piezo proportional valve based) Power generation – Flexible Solar Panels (US single source), enabling technology to allow panels stowage – 17.5m2, Ø 5m, ~30 kg per wing – 12.5 kW BoL, ~30% power degradation at EoL – “Blow-down” power management logic aimed to minimize SA over-dimensioning, when accounting for the space radiation driven solar cell degradation: PPU input varies from 5kW BoL to 3kW EoL, with decreasing thrust and constant Isp Complete set of S/S for full autonomous nominal operations – ACS sensing, OBDH, PCDU, TMTC, TCS, SADM, Sat Release Mech Components layout Proba-3 case • Among currently planned ESA missions, PROBA3 fits the definition of VENUS class of missions: ! Small scientific spacecraft " 540 kg launch mass ! High Elliptic Earth Orbit " a=36943 km, hp=600 km, ha=60530 km, e=0.811114, i=59°, w=188° ! Target launch date is compatible with VENUS development schedule (2019) Development compatible with Vega-C qualification flight Phase Milestone Duration Start End - 03/2014 03/2014 Preliminary feasibility study 9 mo 03/2014 12/2014 PRR 3mo 02/2015 05/2015 SRR 3mo 05/2015 07/2015 PDR 7 mo 07/2015 02/2016 SDR 10 mo 04/2016 01/2017 CDR 10 mo 01/2017 10/2017 GQR 10 mo 10/2017 07/2018 2 mo 07/2018 09/2018 3 mo 05/2019 08/2019 KO Phase A Phase B Phase C Phase D Phase E1 Launch Campaign (VEGA-C maiden flight) FQR • ESA currently plans to continue in the 2015/2016 period the VEnUS design up to completion of phase B Summary and way forward • Overall the technologies required have now reached the required TRL and offer opportunities for Vega to take position on new space services and missions • Flexibility is a key feature: designed so its building blocks can be used as SEP tug, SEP spacecraft platform or SEP propulsion module • Initial design driven by a Galileo-type mission (most dimensioning) being a clear business case, but its performance can meet farer orbits as GEO using the module as S/C bus or as interplanetary mission (e.g. transfer to Lagrange point orbits of scientific S/C like Proba-3) • The EP module shall be designed with a low-cost approach, by making use of existing COTS H/W as much as possible, in order to reduce recurrent costs reducing the impact on the Vega launch service price ! CBE cost and target: 10% of launch service cost ! Competitive to Soyuz launched from Kourou
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