17 Example of Search Strategy in PubMed (1) Complementary Food

#17 Example of Search Strategy in PubMed
(1) Complementary Food
(((("infant nutritional physiological phenomena"[MeSH Terms] OR ("infant"[All Fields] AND
"nutritional"[All Fields] AND "physiological"[All Fields] AND "phenomena"[All Fields]) OR "infant
nutritional physiological phenomena"[All Fields] OR ("complementary"[All Fields] AND "feeding"[All
Fields]) OR "complementary feeding"[All Fields]) OR (complementary[All Fields] AND ("food"[MeSH
Terms] OR "food"[All Fields])) OR (supplementary[All Fields] AND ("food"[MeSH Terms] OR "food"[All
Fields])) OR (("weaning"[MeSH Terms] OR "weaning"[All Fields]) AND ("food"[MeSH Terms] OR
"food"[All Fields])))))) OR ((("introduction to solid foods" OR "introduction to solids"))))
Hits: 68,958
(2) Protein (Amount and Type)
(("Dietary Proteins"[Mesh] OR ("proteins"[MeSH Terms] OR "proteins"[All Fields] OR "protein"[All
Fields])))) OR ((((((("dietary milk intake" OR "dietary milk products" OR "dietary milk proteins"))) OR
(("vegetable protein" OR "vegetable protein diet" OR "vegetable protein diets" OR "vegetable protein
foods" OR "vegetable protein intake" OR "vegetable protein intakes" OR "vegetable protein products"
OR "vegetable protein rich diet" OR "vegetable proteins"))) OR (("animal protein" OR "animal protein
based" OR "animal protein based diet" OR "animal protein based diets" OR "animal protein diet" OR
"animal protein diets" OR "animal protein foods" OR "animal protein intake" OR "animal protein
intakes" OR "animal protein products"))) AND (("plant protein" OR "plant protein based" OR "plant
protein based diet" OR "plant protein based diets" OR "plant protein intake" OR "plant protein
intakes"))) OR ((((((("Milk Proteins"[Mesh]) OR "Vegetable Proteins"[Mesh]) OR "Plant
Hits: 6,121,391
(3) Carbohydrate (Amount and Type)
((((((("dietary fiber" OR "dietary fiber consumption" OR "dietary fiber containing foods" OR "dietary fiber
content" OR "dietary fiber intake" OR "dietary fiber intakes" OR "dietary fiber sources"))) OR (("fruit
juice" OR "fruit juice/drink" OR "fruit juice/drinks" OR "fruit juice beverages" OR "fruit juice blends" OR
"fruit juice concentrate" OR "fruit juice concentrates" OR "fruit juice consumption" OR "fruit juice drink"
OR "fruit juice drinks" OR "fruit juice intake" OR "fruit juice intakes" OR "fruit juice milk beverage" OR
"fruit juice mixtures" OR "fruit juice powder" OR "fruit juice powders" OR "fruit juice products"))) OR
(("vegetable juice" OR "vegetable juice/powder" OR "vegetable juice concentrate" OR "vegetable juice
concentrates" OR "vegetable juice consumption" OR "vegetable juice powder" OR "vegetable juice
powder concentrate" OR "vegetable juices"))) OR (("dietary sucrose" OR "dietary sucrose/administration
and dosage" OR "dietary sucrose/adverse effects" OR "dietary sucrose intake" OR "dietary sugar" OR
"dietary sugar intake" OR "dietary sugar products" OR "dietary sugars glucose" OR "dietary sugars
intake"))) OR (("added sugar" OR "added sugar beverage intakes" OR "added sugar beverages" OR
"added sugar consumption" OR "added sugar containing" OR "added sugar containing food" OR "added
sugar intake" OR "added sugar intakes" OR "added sugar recommendations" OR "added sugars" OR
"added sugars intake" OR "added sugars intakes"))) OR (((((("Dietary Fiber"[Mesh]) OR "Fruit and
Vegetable Juices"[Mesh]) OR "Dietary Sucrose"[Mesh]) OR "Nutritive Sweeteners"[Mesh])) OR
(((("carbohydrates"[MeSH Terms] OR "carbohydrates"[All Fields] OR "carbohydrate"[All Fields]) OR
("dietary carbohydrates"[MeSH Terms])))))
Hits: 1,425,717
(4) Fat (Amount and Type)
((((((((((("saturated fat" OR "saturated fat acids" OR "saturated fat calories" OR "saturated fat
cholesterol" OR "saturated fat consumption" OR "saturated fat content" OR "saturated fat diet" OR
"saturated fat dietary" OR "saturated fat diets" OR "saturated fat energy" OR "saturated fat foods" OR
"saturated fat ingestion" OR "saturated fat intake" OR "saturated fat intakes" OR "saturated fat meal"
OR "saturated fat meals" OR "saturated fat rich" OR "saturated fat rich diet" OR "saturated fat rich
diets" OR "saturated fat rich foods" OR "saturated fat rich meal" OR "saturated fat source" OR
"saturated fat sources"))) OR (("unsaturated fat" OR "unsaturated fat consumption" OR "unsaturated fat
containing diet" OR "unsaturated fat diet" OR "unsaturated fat diets" OR "unsaturated fat source" OR
"unsaturated fat sources" OR "unsaturated fats" OR "unsaturated fatty" OR "unsaturated fatty acid")))
OR (("trans fat" OR "trans fat content" OR "trans fat diet" OR "trans fat food"))) OR (("hydrogenated oil"
OR "hydrogenated oil diet" OR "hydrogenated oil diets" OR "hydrogenated oils"))) OR (("omega 3" OR
"omega 3 essential" OR "omega 3 essential fatty" OR "omega 3 essential fatty acid"))) OR "dha") OR
"epa") OR (("docosahexaenoic acid" OR "docosahexaenoic acid/eicosapentaenoic" OR "docosahexaenoic
acid/eicosapentaenoic acid" OR "docosahexaenoic acid ingestion" OR "docosahexaenoic acid intake" OR
"docosahexaenoic acid intakes"))) OR (("eicosapentaenoic acid" OR "eicosapentaenoic acid intake"))) OR
((((((("Fats, Unsaturated"[Mesh] OR "Dietary Fats, Unsaturated"[Mesh]) OR "Fatty Acids"[Mesh]) OR
"Trans Fatty Acids"[Mesh]) OR ( "Fatty Acids, Omega-3"[Mesh] OR "Eicosapentaenoic Acid"[Mesh] )) OR
"Docosahexaenoic Acids"[Mesh])) OR (("dietary fats"[MeSH Terms] OR dietary fat[Text Word] OR fat[All
Hits: 635,973
(5) Antinutrients
((((((((((((((((((((((((("Amylases"[Mesh]) OR "Lipase"[Mesh]) OR "Phytic Acid"[Mesh]) OR ( "Oxalic
Acid"[Mesh] OR "Oxalates"[Mesh] )) OR "Glucosinolates"[Mesh]) OR "Flavonoids"[Mesh]) OR "Trypsin
Inhibitors"[Mesh]) OR "Lectins"[Mesh]) OR "Tannins"[Mesh]) OR "Butylated Hydroxyanisole"[Mesh])
AND "Non-Nutritive Sweeteners"[Mesh]) OR "Sodium Benzoate"[Mesh])) OR (("food color" OR "food
color additives" OR "food colouring" OR "food colouring agent" OR "food colouring agents" OR "food
colourings and preservatives"))) OR (("sodium nitrate" OR "sodium nitrate/potassium nitrate"))) OR
"antinutrient") OR "anti nutrients")) OR (("preservatives" OR "preservatives/additives"))) OR (("food
color red" OR "food colorant" OR "food colorant brilliant blue" OR "food colorant solutions" OR "food
colorants" OR "food coloration" OR "food coloring" OR "food coloring additive" OR "food coloring agent"
OR "food coloring agents" OR "food coloring dye" OR "food coloring substance" OR "food colorings" OR
"food colors" OR "food colour" OR "food colour brown" OR "food colour red 2g" OR "food colourant" OR
"food colourants" OR "food colouring" OR "food colouring agent" OR "food colouring agents" OR "food
colourings and preservatives")))) OR "butylated hydroxyanisole"))) OR (("nonnutritive sweetener" OR
"nonnutritive sweeteners")))) OR (("non nutritive sweetener" OR "non nutritive sweeteners"))
Combined Searches:
(#1 and #2) OR (#1 and #3) OR (#1 and #4) OR (#1 and #5)
Filters: Human, English, Birth – 23 months, 2000 – 2016