Behind the Scenes - Praise Broadcasting Network

APRIL 2017
Behind the Scenes
How do I get Christians
interested in prophecy being
fulfilled around the world before
our own eyes? Why is this
important? It gives us a Prophetic
Clock as to where we are in this
earth’s history, it strengthens our
faith in God’s word, and it is a
GREAT way to introduce Jesus
to non-believers. BUT, how do I
get the believers to get excited...
to even care? What has happened?
I’m looking for ways to put a fire under Christians. Their
pastors have put them to sleep. We are sons and daughters of
God, Princes & Princesses of the Highest Government in the
Entire Universe. Does anyone believe that? Does anyone care?
Well, I may lose a lot of friends by pressing the subject, but
carefully & wisely, I’m going to proceed.
With Pat & Claudia Rutherford
Live from the Carolinas
Volume 6, Number 4
April 2017
How many empires that have died, have risen to dominant power once again? Egypt?
Assyria? Babylon? Medo Persia? Greece? Rome? None of them. Some may still be
nation states, but they are not the dominant powers that ruled vast parts of the world.
The ONLY other one is the 7th World Power: Turkey - The Ottoman Empire (Islam).
Islam & the Ottoman Empire, after being defeated soundly during the First World
War, is once again the talk of the world, both good and bad. Turkey voted just shy of
absolute power for Erdogan, the President of Turkey. In Erdogan’s spokesman, Yeni
Safak’s own words, ““A new Turkey reality will stand out with the political identity of our
past.” This will give the rise of the beast that was mortally wounded in Revelation 13,
and right here in our own time.
Publisher.................... Pat Rutherford
Editor.............................Don Retzlaff
Contributor.....................Linda Boyce
Published monthly by:
Praise Broadcasting Network
P.O. Box 2468
Asheboro, NC 27204
Entire contents copyright © 2017
Praise Broadcasting Network
EMAIL: [email protected]
Praise Broadcasting
Roku - Music Channel PBN
“The Palestinian terrorist accused of killing a British
student last week will be paid £800 (about $1,000) per
month by the Palestinian government. To put this in
perspective: an average Palestinian worker earns about
$450 per month, which means that in reward for one day
of terror, Hannah Bladon’s murderer will receive more
than double a typical full time Palestinian salary, every
month for the rest of his life…or at least until the world
finally puts a stop to this practice.
The Palestinian Authority government, in defiance of
international pressure, is actually increasing its budget
for salaries to terrorists: in 2016 it was up to $180 Million.
That budget is funded in part by the UK which provides
£25 million (about $32 Million) per year in foreign aid. In
other words, UK taxpayers are actually paying a salary
to the terrorist who murdered one of their own citizens.”
Saudi Arabia was elected via secret ballot in the UN Economic and
Social Council to the 45-member UN Commission on the Status of
Women last week. Twelve other countries were also elected by the
council in Geneva to serve for a four-year term, ending in 2022: Algeria,
Comoros, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Iraq,
Japan, South Korea, Turkmenistan, Ecuador, Haiti and Nicaragua.
“It’s absurd,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, which
publicized the story on Sunday. “Electing Saudi Arabia to protect
women’s rights is like making an arsonist into the town fire chief,” Neuer
added. “Saudi discrimination against women is gross and systematic in
law and in practice. Every Saudi woman must have a male guardian
who makes all critical decisions on her behalf, controlling a woman’s life
from her birth until death. Saudi Arabia bans women from driving cars,”
he continued. “Why did the UN choose the world’s leading promoter of
gender inequality to sit on its gender equality commission?”
South Africa On Its Knees:
Photos Of The South Africans
Gathered In Bloemfontein For
Massive Prayer Meeting
Lazy Day
Granny K’s Recipes from Heaven
1 lb. Lean ground beef and/or
Italian Sausage
1 Cup Onion (diced)
24 oz. Jar of (your favorite)
Spaghetti Sauce
15 oz. Ricotta Cheese (low fat)
8 oz. Mozzarella Cheese (shredded)
1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese
Eggs (beaten)
1/4 cup Parsley (chopped)
1 cup Water
12 Pieces Lasagna (oven-ready)
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray a 9” x 13” x 2” pan with Non-stick
spray. Cook meat and onion in a large skillet over medium-high heat, stirring
frequently, until meat is browned and onion is tender. (I used 1/2 lb of lean
ground beef and 1/2 lb of Italian mild and/or sweet sausage). The Italian
sausage gives it a true authentic taste, and you could also use 1 lb of mild
Italian sausage (no ground beef). Drain and return to skillet, along with
the Pasta Sauce. Use the cup of water to rinse all the sauce in with the
remaining sauce & add to skillet. Cook over medium heat to a simmer. Let
simmer for 5 minutes.
In a medium bowl, combine Ricotta Cheese, 1/2 C of Mozzarella Cheese, the
1/4 C of Parmesan Cheese, the eggs and parsley. Blend well and set aside.
Spread 2/3 Cup of the meat sauce on the bottom of your greased pan. Place
noodles on top of meat sauce. Spread 1/3 Cup of Ricotta mixture on top of
noodles. Repeat two more times, beginning with the meat sauce and ending
with the meat sauce on top. Sprinkle remaining Mozzarella and Parmesan
cheese over all.
Cover tightly with foil that has been sprayed with non-stick spray. Bake for
45 minutes. Remove foil and bake for an additional 10 minutes. Allow to
stand for 10-15 minutes before cutting to serve.
Faith like potatoes as ‘millions’ of South Africans gather in Bloemfontein for massive prayer meeting
hosted by Angus Buchan.
In what is being called the biggest recorded prayer gathering in Africa, apparently over 1.7 million South
Africans took to their knees this weekend in Bloemfontein to pray for our country.
Concerned citizens of all races, colours, cultures and religious denominations gathered at the free
event near Bloemfontein.
NOTE: This was the first time I have seen, and used, the no-boil Lasagna
noodles. Because of the no-boil noodles, this is the reason for adding the
1 Cup of water to the jar of sauce & shaking, to get all sauce out and mix
with Spaghetti sauce in pan. By putting the foil TIGHT around the pan, it
steams the noodles.
Wow, it seems like a lot of work, but honestly, not having to “cook the noodles”
or “make your own Spaghetti marinara,” MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE!
“The day of prayer is intended for all South Africans of all genders, races and denominations
who are concerned about the malice, hatred, violence, murder and corruption in the country,”
says Buchan.
Recipes from Granny K’s recipe box.
Granny K is Linda Boyce’s grandmother.
“We are tired of people taking the law into their own hands. We are going to call upon
The Lord to bring justice‚ peace and hope to our beloved South Africa‚” Buchan said in a
statement on his website.
The seed for the gathering was planted when a WhatsApp video did the rounds with a desperate outcry
for Buchan or any other spiritual leader in South Africa to intervene and arrange such an event. When
Buchan replied by posting a video on social media, he received 1.8 million responses within hours.
Buchanan is well known for his television sermons and the popular move‚ Faith like Potatoes‚ based
on his book by the same title.
The official number of attendees has not been published as yet but many photos from the day have
been released already.
Linda and
Memory Verse
“O Israel, trust in the Lord! He is their help and their shield.”
Psalm 115:9
Claudia’s Carolina Creations
is a proud sponsor of
Praise Broadcasting Network.
Check out Claudia’s inspirational
designs at her website: