Balancing Authority Frequency Response Obligations (FROs) and Minimum Frequency Bias Settings NCR Number BA Name 2014 Maximum Monthly Peak Demand (MW) BA Acronym 2014 2014 BA Net BA Net Generation + Energy for Load BA Net Energy for (MWh) Load (MWh) 2014 BA Net Generation (MWh) % Ratio 2016 Operating Minimum BA Year BA FROs Frequency Bias [MW/0.1 Hz] Settings Non‐FERC Form 714 data = ERCOT Interconnection Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. NCR04056 Québec Interconnection Hydro‐Québec TransEnergie 66,456 338,842,819 340,033,352 678,876,171 66,456 338,842,819 340,033,352 678,876,171 ERCO NCR07112 HQT NCR00063 NCR00023 NCR00024 NCR00032 NCR00037 NCR00040 NCR00052 NCR00068 NCR00073 NCR00074 NCR00826 NCR01003 NCR01029 NCR07124 NCR07160 NCR07155 NCR07178 NCR07184 NCR00857 NCR00879 NCR01169 NCR01177 NCR01219 NCR01298 NCR11399 FPC FMPP FPL GVL HST JEA NSB SEC TAL TEC MISO MHEB SPC ISNE NYIS MAR NSPI IESO OVEC PJM YAD AECI DUK CPLE EEI NCR01223 LGEE NCR10203 NCR00915 NCR01312 NCR00070 NCR01320 NCR01151 NCR01144 NCR01143 AEC SCEG SC SEPA SOCO TVA SPA SWPP Page 1 ‐381.00 ‐381.00 N/A ‐179.00 ‐179.00 N/A 0 100% 100% 585,806 3,106,225,398 3,142,667,030 6,248,892,428 10,540 38,633,990 51,185,656 89,819,646 3,412 15,621,289 16,680,860 32,302,149 22,870 117,340,769 115,593,466 232,934,235 429 1,745,333 1,975,667 3,721,000 101 14,635 522,565 537,200 2,823 12,090,226 12,657,925 24,748,151 91 244 409,180 409,424 286 11,196,957 1,242,683 12,439,640 574 2,806,764 2,750,917 5,557,681 4,054 20,838,166 19,318,675 40,156,841 114,124 630,252,038 668,486,931 1,298,738,969 4,781 35,746,275 26,808,189 62,554,464 3,485 22,727,761 23,379,675 46,107,436 24,443 106,480,000 127,178,000 233,658,000 29,782 140,689,192 160,024,764 300,713,956 3,021 16,134,377 16,131,180 32,265,557 2,118 10,693,958 11,037,228 21,731,186 25,980 153,898,643 139,116,411 293,015,054 175 11,410,009 459,366 11,869,375 141,678 792,805,588 797,461,180 1,590,266,768 10 784,545 17,561 802,106 4,753 21,073,327 20,458,985 41,532,312 22,260 102,657,303 101,942,920 204,600,223 15,024 67,114,822 67,077,546 134,192,368 ‐ 7,168,136 100,727 7,268,863 100% 1.44% 0.52% 3.73% 0.06% 0.01% 0.40% 0.01% 0.20% 0.09% 0.64% 20.78% 1.00% 0.74% 3.74% 4.81% 0.52% 0.35% 4.69% 0.19% 25.45% 0.01% 0.66% 3.27% 2.15% 0.12% ‐1015.00 ‐14.59 ‐5.25 ‐37.84 ‐0.60 ‐0.09 ‐4.02 ‐0.07 ‐2.02 ‐0.90 ‐6.52 ‐210.95 ‐10.16 ‐7.49 ‐37.95 ‐48.84 ‐5.24 ‐3.53 ‐47.59 ‐1.93 ‐258.31 ‐0.13 ‐6.75 ‐33.23 ‐21.80 ‐1.18 ‐5,272.25 ‐75.78 ‐27.25 ‐196.53 ‐3.14 ‐0.45 ‐20.88 ‐0.35 ‐10.50 ‐4.69 ‐33.88 ‐1,095.76 ‐52.78 ‐38.90 ‐197.14 ‐253.72 ‐27.22 ‐18.33 ‐247.22 ‐10.01 ‐1,341.72 ‐0.68 ‐35.04 ‐172.62 ‐113.22 ‐6.13 7,371 39,357,910 37,149,175 76,507,085 1.22% ‐12.43 ‐64.55 0.18% 0.79% 0.78% 0.03% 7.79% 5.19% 0.10% 8.36% ‐1.81 ‐8.03 ‐7.94 ‐0.29 ‐79.05 ‐52.65 ‐0.99 ‐84.84 ‐9.40 ‐41.70 ‐41.27 ‐1.51 ‐410.61 ‐273.47 ‐5.13 ‐440.67 39,240 ‐ 39,240 Eastern Interconnection Duke Energy Florida, Inc. (Progress Energy (Florida Power Corp.)) Florida Municipal Power Pool Florida Power & Light Co. Gainesville Regional Utilities Homestead, City of JEA New Smyrna Beach, Utilities Commission of Seminole Electric Cooperative Tallahassee, City of Tampa Electric Company Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. Manitoba Hydro Saskatchewan Power Corporation ISO‐NE New York Independent System Operator New Brunswick Power Corporation Nova Scotia Power Inc. Ontario IESO Ohio Valley Electric Corporation PJM Interconnection, LLC Alcoa Power Generating, Inc. ‐ Yadkin Division Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. Duke Energy Carolinas Duke Energy Progress, Inc. (Progress Energy (Carolina Power & Light Company)) Electric Energy, Inc. LG&E and KU Services Company as agent for Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company PowerSouth Energy Cooperative (Alabama Electric Cooperative Inc.) South Carolina Electric & Gas Company South Carolina Public Service Authority Southeastern Power Administration Southern Company Services, Inc. ‐ Trans Tennessee Valley Authority Southwestern Power Administration Southwest Power Pool 100% 100% ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,400 4,847 5,673 ‐ ‐ 46,966 33,352 ‐ 227 47,346 0 5,244,367 25,553,893 21,506,712 1,791,145 246,056,762 159,513,410 4,834,195 262,442,657 0 5,892,841 23,867,766 27,403,280 ‐ 240,615,908 164,616,907 1,247,655 259,855,241 11,137,208 49,421,659 48,909,992 1,791,145 486,672,670 324,130,317 6,081,850 522,297,898 12/4/2015 Balancing Authority Frequency Response Obligations (FROs) and Minimum Frequency Bias Settings NCR Number BA Name BA Acronym 2014 Maximum Monthly Peak Demand (MW) 2014 BA Net Generation (MWh) 2014 2014 BA Net BA Net Generation + Energy for Load BA Net Energy for (MWh) Load (MWh) % Ratio 2016 Operating Minimum BA Year BA FROs Frequency Bias [MW/0.1 Hz] Settings Non‐FERC Form 714 data = Western Interconnection Arizona Public Service Company Arlington Valley, LLC ‐ AVBA (Duke Energy Control Area Services LLC) Avista Corporation Balancing Authority of Northern California (Sacramento Municipal Utility District & City of Redding Electric Utility) Bonneville Power Administration California Independent System Operator City of Tacoma, Department of Public Utilities, Light Division El Paso Electric Company Gila River Power, LLC Gridforce Energy Management, LLC (CSTO) Griffith Energy, LLC Idaho Power Company Imperial Irrigation District Los Angeles Department of Water and Power NaturEner Power Watch, LLC (Glacier Wind Balancing Authority) NaturEner Wind Watch, LLC Nevada Power Company New Harquahala Generating Company LLC ‐ HGBA NorthWestern Corporation (NorthWestern Energy) PacifiCorp_East PacifiCorp_West Portland General Electric Company Public Service Company of Colorado Public Service Company of New Mexico Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County Washington PUD No. 1 of Douglas County Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District Seattle City Light Tucson Electric Power Turlock Irrigation District Western Area Power Administration ‐ Desert Southwest Region Western Area Power Administration ‐ Rocky Mountain Region Western Area Power Administration ‐ Upper Great Plains Region Alberta Electric System Operator British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Comision Federal de Electricidad NCR05016 NCR03049 NCR05020 AZPS DEAA AVA 166,257 859,774,646 873,709,347 1,733,483,993 7,188 29,602,422 30,929,306 60,531,728 ‐ 1,130,725 ‐ 1,130,725 2,380 10,883,733 12,784,347 23,668,080 NCR11118 BANC 4,415 11,436,836 17,205,882 28,642,718 NCR05032 NCR05048 NCR05097 NCR05140 NCR05169 NCR11393 NCR03050 NCR05191 NCR05195 NCR05223 NCR10395 NCR11382 NCR05261 NCR02552 NCR05282 NCR05304 NCR05304 NCR05325 NCR05521 NCR05333 NCR05338 NCR05342 NCR05343 NCR05344 NCR05372 NCR05382 NCR05434 NCR05435 NCR05461 NCR05464 NCR05467 N/A N/A N/A 10,643 BPAT 44,703 CISO 1,016 TPWR 1,764 EPE ‐ GRMA ‐ GRID ‐ GRIF 3,550 IPCO 982 IID 6,343 LDWP ‐ GWA ‐ WWA 5,861 NEVP ‐ HGMA 1,748 NWMT 8,725 PACE 3,807 PACW 3,894 PGE 7,248 PSCO 2,585 PNM 728 CHPD 738 GCPD 392 DOPD 4,896 PSEI 6,805 SRP 1,863 SCL 3,190 TEPC 602 TIDC 1,748 WALC 4,070 WACM 147 WAUW AESO ‐ 11,169 BCHA ‐ 10,768 ‐ 2,289 CFE Page 2 112,582,517 167,855,024 3,409,395 3,984,943 4,398,190 3,102,311 2,419,829 15,664,883 6,151,846 21,796,949 532,990 567,996 23,832,843 1,313,145 12,331,089 51,737,147 22,084,350 11,152,804 35,857,297 14,410,020 6,501,004 8,452,958 4,499,298 15,486,696 36,052,273 7,529,746 12,394,412 1,860,200 11,918,685 37,828,928 477,453 78,486,006 57,653,459 12,394,244 54,536,432 231,311,307 4,917,933 8,230,271 ‐ ‐ ‐ 16,985,010 3,699,656 29,696,030 ‐ ‐ 26,753,693 ‐ 10,874,638 49,932,363 20,921,420 20,657,434 40,854,385 14,661,019 3,931,027 5,212,111 1,524,408 24,303,329 29,150,480 9,899,341 15,676,340 2,626,558 9,864,577 24,736,224 811,737 79,976,563 58,843,484 12,202,042 167,118,949 399,166,331 8,327,328 12,215,214 4,398,190 3,102,311 2,419,829 32,649,893 9,851,502 51,492,979 532,990 567,996 50,586,536 1,313,145 23,205,727 101,669,510 43,005,770 31,810,238 76,711,682 29,071,039 10,432,031 13,665,069 6,023,706 39,790,025 65,202,753 17,429,087 28,070,752 4,486,758 21,783,262 62,565,152 1,289,190 158,462,569 116,496,943 24,596,286 100% 3.49% 0.07% 1.37% ‐858.00 ‐29.96 ‐0.56 ‐11.71 ‐1,496.31 ‐52.25 ‐0.98 ‐20.43 1.65% ‐14.18 ‐24.72 9.64% 23.03% 0.48% 0.70% 0.25% 0.18% 0.14% 1.88% 0.57% 2.97% 0.03% 0.03% 2.92% 0.08% 1.34% 5.87% 2.48% 1.84% 4.43% 1.68% 0.60% 0.79% 0.35% 2.30% 3.76% 1.01% 1.62% 0.26% 1.26% 3.61% 0.07% 9.14% 6.72% 1.42% ‐82.72 ‐197.57 ‐4.12 ‐6.05 ‐2.18 ‐1.54 ‐1.20 ‐16.16 ‐4.88 ‐25.49 ‐0.26 ‐0.28 ‐25.04 ‐0.65 ‐11.49 ‐50.32 ‐21.29 ‐15.74 ‐37.97 ‐14.39 ‐5.16 ‐6.76 ‐2.98 ‐19.69 ‐32.27 ‐8.63 ‐13.89 ‐2.22 ‐10.78 ‐30.97 ‐0.64 ‐78.43 ‐57.66 ‐12.17 ‐144.25 ‐344.55 ‐7.19 ‐10.54 ‐3.80 ‐2.68 ‐2.09 ‐28.18 ‐8.50 ‐44.45 ‐0.46 ‐0.49 ‐43.67 ‐1.13 ‐20.03 ‐87.76 ‐37.12 ‐27.46 ‐66.22 ‐25.09 ‐9.00 ‐11.80 ‐5.20 ‐34.35 ‐56.28 ‐15.04 ‐24.23 ‐3.87 ‐18.80 ‐54.01 ‐1.11 ‐136.78 ‐100.56 ‐21.23 12/4/2015
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